Download - SunPod Cyclo presentation - English

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The 100% self-sustaining solar charging station for e-bikes



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The technology in short Solar energy is absorbed by

the photovoltaic panels!


The power generated is stored in the shelter!

2 Electric bikes are secured and recharged with 100%

"green” electricity!


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Features & Options • Auto-steady structure • No wiring nor trench digging • Up to 6 e-bikes for the space of a parking lot • Recharge also at night and in bad weather - several days of autonomy • Compatible with several brands of e-bikes

Options: • “2-in1” securing & automatic recharging • RFID badges to unlock the bikes • Online fleet management and booking - mobile app coming in 2015 • Advertising/communication billboards • Built-in WiFi hotspot • Built-in charging sockets for gadgets !!!

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Benefits « Zero hassle » product • A fleet of e-bikes always charged • Infrastructure delivered key-in-hand, installed within just 1 day • Mobile shelter: easy to change location • A single point of contact for the implementation of your fleet of e-bikes • Unlocking system adaptable to existing RFID cards/badges • Option: automatic payment by credit card A very environmental friendly solution • Annual savings of up to 42 tons of CO2* • Enables you to get “green” building certifications

* Compared to a thermic car driving the same amount of kilometers!

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Benefits Visible installation with a good « communication ROI » • A ‘Zero Emission’ mobility service which is very visible • Greatly differentiates your company or municipality

True financial benefits • Advertising revenues of up to 8K€/ and • Renting revenues of up to 16K€/season (for 6 e-bikes) • Enables recharging for free of 15.000 kms/year

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Technical specifications SunPod® Cyclo for 3 e-bikes = 1 module

Illustra(on,  with  ‘automa(c’  charging  system  &  ‘basic’  billboard    

•  Floor area: 3 m2 •  Total weight: 400 kg •  Material: steel structure •  Roof pitch: 10 degrees •  Solar cells: 1 kWc •  All e-bikes are 100% recharged

everyday •  Wide color range •  Adaptable to all brands of e-bikes •  Delivery: 2 to 3 months •  Installation time: 1 day •  Maintenance: 1 visit every 6



•  10 years guarantee for the steel structure

•  2 years guarantee for the electrical equipment (excluding e-bikes)

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Technical specifications SunPod® Cyclo for 6 e-bikes = 2 modules

Illustra(on,  with  ‘automa(c’  charging  system  &  ‘premium’  billboard    

•  Floor area: 6 m2 •  Total weight: 650 kg •  Material: steel structure •  Roof pitch: 10 degrees •  Solar cells: 1 kWc installed •  All e-bikes are 100% recharged

everyday •  Wide color range •  Adaptable to all brands of e-

bikes •  Delivery: 2 to 3 months •  Installation time: 1 day •  Maintenance: 1 visit every 6



•  10 years guarantee for the steel structure

•  2 years guarantee for the electrical equipment (excluding e-bikes)

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SunPod® Cyclo – Return on Investment

ROI is secured through: ü  Rental of the e-bikes ü  Sale of advertising space on the billboards, on the

e-bikes and through the WiFi hotspot ü  The media coverage generated by this investment

and the inauguration event itself – a great “sustainable development” story

ü  The positive impact on your image among all site visitors

ü  Building loyalty among your customers and/or employees


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3 options to lock & recharge System n°1: ‘manual’ The e-bikes are secured manually, with a lock to the station. They are recharged by plugging manually a cable into their battery.

System n°2 ‘automatic’ Those smart charging points enable you to secure & recharge the e-bikes in one gesture, thanks to an electro-magnetic system. Possibility to add a payment system for makign the station fully automated, requiring no human interaction to run the renting activity.

System n°3 ‘open’ A system which is open to any kind of e-bike. Manual locking and recharging, with a system of locker room to plug the e-bike’s charger

System n°2  

System n°1  

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A flexible & scalable solution •  The solution is scalable: you can add new modules for 3 e-bikes according to your

needs à the cost/e-bike decreases = the 2nd module 33% cheaper than the 1st module •  Many options that can be added to add extra services: LED lighting, billboards,

seating, table, WiFi hotspot, etc. •  Possibility to add 2 extra e-bikes to the module for 3 e-bikes* à reducing the cost/e-bike

* depending on the location/latitude

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Option: fleet management plaform An online platform which communicates with each charging point (system n°2) which enables you to manage the e-bike fleet as a whole, or any station, from any location. The stations sends information back to the fleet manager, which controls the fleet from the web interface: The following information are available in real time: •  Number of e-bikes which are connected/out •  Status for each e-bike: (1) available or not, (2) secured or not, (3) charging or not •  Charging level for each e-bike •  Time at which the e-bike left, time since it left the station •  GPS position of each e-bike (NB: option)

Pour  plus  d’informa0on,  nous  contacter:  [email protected]  

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•  The SunPod® Cyclo station is also a digital communication mean: a WiFi hotspot with a customized Landing Page can be integrated

•  The Landing Page can be managed dynamically through a ‘hotspot manager’, a software-as-a-service.

•  Complies to the regulation of Public WiFI hotspots •  The hotspot can be secured with a password, length of the browsing sessions

can be defined •  Reach of the hotspot: approx. 10m, with 20 simultaneous users

Option: integrated WiFi hotspot

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Example of SunPod® Cyclo references

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A full range of solar charging stations to serve electric mobility

SunPod® by Advansolar

A registered trademark

Parking sites Cities & Tourist sites Events & urban furniture

SunPod® XL Large and very large

Parking shades

SunPod® Auto Charging stations for

electric cars

SunPod® Cyclo Autonomous solar

charging station for electric bikes

SunPod® Nomad Mobile solar charging stand for electrical

devices with wifi access

SunPod® Expo Mobile solar charging

stand for electric vehicles

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For more information, visit our website, send us an email to [email protected] or join us on twitter @advansolar