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Page 1: Sunni vs. Shia Islam

Sunni vs. ShiaIslamDeconstructing Islam for the Classroom

Page 2: Sunni vs. Shia Islam

1. Tawhīd


(Oneness)Tawhīd (also Tawhid or Tauhid or Tawheed; Arabic توحيد) is the Islamic concept of monotheism. In Arabic, Tawhīd means "unification, ie to unify or to keep something unified as one." In Islam, Tawhīd means to assert the unity of God.

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2. Adl (Justice)


The Shias believe that there is intrinsic good or evil in things, and that God commands them to do the good things and forbade the evil. They believe that God acts according to a purpose or design, and human reason cannot comprehend this design or purpose in its entirety (though man must always strive to understand as much as he can).

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3. Nubuwwah (Prophethood)


"Nubuwwah" means "Prophethood" and denotes that God has appointed Prophets and Messengers to teach mankind God's message.God has appointed perfect and infallible prophets and messengers to teach mankind the religion (that is, a perfect system of how to live in "peace" or "submission to God").

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4. Imāmah (Leadership)


Imamah (Leadership): God has appointed specific leaders to lead and guide mankind — a prophet appoints a custodian of the religion before his demise. Refer to Sahih Al-Bukari, Sahih Muslim (Books of Hadiths (or sayings of the prophet of Islam) of the Sunnis) etc.

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5. Yawm al Qiyyamah


(The Day of Resurrection)Yaum al-Qiyâmah ( يوم literally: "Day of the Resurrection" (Qur'an ;القيامة71.18), also known as "the Hour (Qur'an 31.34, 74.47)", "Day of the Account", (Qur'an 72.130 "Day of the Gathering", "Day of the Reckoning", "Day of Distress", (Qur'an 74.9) and the "Great Announcement") is the Arabic name for the Last Judgement. Belief in Qiyâmah is part of Aqidah and is a fundamental tenet of faith in Islam.

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1. Salat: Prayer 2. Sawm: Fasting 3. Hajj: Pilgrimage 4. Zakat: A poor rate (Charity) 5. Khums: one-fifth tax 6. Jehad: Holy Sacrifice, defense 7. Amar bil Ma’aroof: Enjoining the good. 8. Nahl anil Munkar: Avoiding the bad. 9.  Tawalla: Loving Ahl-lul Bayt (a.s.) 10. Tabarra: Keeping away from the enemies of Ahl-lul Bayt (a.s.)

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1. Salat (Prayer)


Salat, or Prayer is Wajib Obligatory for a Muslim five times a day.  The prayers are obligatory on those who have become "Baligh."  For the purpose of fulfillment religious obligation a boy becomes "baligh" on completion of his fifteenth year, and a girl on completion of her ninth year. During Salat, we present ourselves before Allah, and by this, we prove to Allah that we are His sincere servants.  Therefore, we have to know where, when, and how to offer prayers.  Before we offer prayer, we have to consider the following:

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What Do We Know about Sunni and Shia Islam?


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Images of Sunni and Shia Violence


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Islam-The Big Picture

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)receives the revelation of the Qu’ran in 610

612 Prophet Muhammad (phuh)begins preaching

The Qu’ran holds 114 chapters or “surahs”. It took 21 years for the Qu’ran to be fully revealed. The Qu’ran’s surahs are not ordered chronologically but according to length- longest to shortest.


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Five Pillars of Islam


Shahada- the Declaration of Faith. One becomes a Muslim by saying the following with conviction and belief: “La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadur rasoolu Allah.” “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.”

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1. Salat- Prayer.


Muslims are to pray five times a day in the direction of the Kaabah in Mecca. Prayers are performed at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and night.

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3. Sawm- Fasting.


For the entire month of Ramadan (on the lunar calendar) believers abstain from food, drink and impure thought and deeds during the daylight hours. The month commemorates the first revelation of the Qu’ran and is seen as spiritually purifying. The end of Ramadan is a holiday, Eid al-Fitr Feast of Breaking the Fast.

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2. Zakat-

Alms-giving to benefit the poor and needy, required every year (normally at the end of Ramadam). 2.5% of wealth, volunteer time can count towards this.


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The Pilgramage to Mecca during the month of Dhu al-Hijjah. If able every Muslim is expected to make the Hajj at least once in their lifetime, if unable many sponsor someone to go in their place. It is common for a village to pull together their money to pay the way for one individual to go on behalf of all. The end of Dhu al-Hijjah is another holiday, Eid al-Aida, Feast of the Sacrifice.


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5. Khums (1/5 tax)


Paying one-fifth of the amount of a year's saving (after deducting all legitimate expenses from the earnings of that year) is called Khums.  Sasaats (descendants of the Holy Prophet) have a aright over half of this amount which should be paid to those amongst them who are poor and needy.  The other half belongs to the Imam and should be paid to his Naaebs (Mujtaheds). Khums can be given in seven ways: 1. Booty - everything taken as spoils in war. 2. Mineral - diamond, gold, rock - salt. 3. Treasure - gold, silver, jewelry that came from under earth or where hidden somewhere else. 4.  Precious - taken out of seas, oceans, such as pearls, shells, etc. 5.  Land - Example: Land brought by a non Muslim from a Muslim.  The amount of Khums is 1/5 of the total value. 6. Amalgamation - lawful and unlawful things determined separately. 7. Profit in Business - the net yearly income. "And know that out of all wealth you may acquire, one fifth of it is for Allah, and for the messenger and for his Kinsmen, and the Orphans, the poor and the wayfarer."  Holy Qur’an (8:41)

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6. Jihad (Holy Sacrifice, defense)

Jehad means to strive or fight in the way of God.  Jehad literally means "strive", and as striving can be of various kinds and in different ways, it includes also fighting when it becomes the only alternative to defend the faith and the faithful.Every adult male Muslim, who is not sick and has no other feasible disability is required to fight against those who attack Islam.  Jehad should be exclusively in the way of God and never for any territorial ambition.  The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) himself never started any war unless it was thrust upon him by the enemies.  The Holy Qur’an states: "And fight in the cause of God (against) those who fight you but be not aggressive; for verily God loveth not the aggressors."  Holy Qur’an (2:190)


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7. Amar bil Ma’aroof (Enjoining the good)


Amar bil Ma’aroof means to enjoin what is right, and exhortation to do good.  It is required for every Muslim to be good, to be regular in prayers, fasting, Zak’at, Khums, taking part in Jehad, performing Hajj, being truthful, remaining honest, and to enjoin his other brethren to do the same. "Let there arise out of you, a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong.  They are the ones to attain felicity."  Holy Qur’an (3:104) 8.

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8. Nahl anil Munkar (Avoiding the bad)


Nahl anil Munkar mean forbidding what is wrong, and avoiding the bad (Prevention of evil).  A Muslim has to keep himself away and safe from every evil and wickedness, and should preach to others abstinence from it.  It is wajib on every Muslim to abstain from what is forbidden in Islam such as gambling, drinking wine, telling lies, committing adultery, sodomy, backbiting, robbing, extortion, breaking promises, being disloyal, and doing dishonest things. "Let there arise out of you, a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong.  They are the ones to attain felicity."  Holy Qur’an (3:104) "O’ my sons!  Establish prayer and enjoin the good and forbid the evil, and be patient against what befalls thee; verily this is the task of steadfastness."  Holy Qur’an (31:17)

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9. Tawalla (Loving Ahl-lul Bayt ‘A.S.’)


Tawalla means to love and respect the Ahl-lul Bayt (a.s.) And to be friendly with their friends.  The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) said, "I leave among you, two Weighty Things, one of them is the Book of Allah, and the other is My Itrat (progeny), who are My Ahl-lul Bayt (People of My House ‘A.S.’).  After me, you shall not go astray if you adhere to both as the cistern of Kauthar in the Heavens." "Verily, verily Allah intended but to keep off from you (every kind of) uncleanness, O ye people of the House and purify you with a thorough purification."  Holy Qur’an (33:33) 10. Tabarra (Keeping away from the enemies of Ahl-lul Bayt (a.s.)

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10. Tabarra means to keep away from the enemies of

Ahl-lul Bayt (a.s.)


. "And those who followed shall say: Had there been for us, then we would renounce them as they have renounced us.  Thus will Allah show them their deeds to be intense regret to them, and they shall not come forth from the fire."  Holy Qur’an (2:167)   This source of Information was taken from: 1.  S. Ghaffari.  Foroo-e-Deen.  Published by Ahl-lul Bayt Islamic Foundation.  Uae.

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Definitions PBUH- Stands for

“Peace Be Upon Him” and is commonly said or written after using the Prophet Muhammad’s name by Muslims.

Qu’ran- the Holy book of the Islamic faith, the word means “recitation”. Many believers, as well as Muhammad himself, were illiterate and learned all teachings orally.

Surah- a chapter within the Qu’ran

Islam- means “surrender”

Muslim- means “one who surrenders”

Ummah- the religious community

Ahl al-Kitab- “People of the Book”, refers to Jews and Christians or ‘people of an earlier revelation’


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The Sunni-Shia Split-It’s All About Family-


KhadijaFirst Wife

Prophet Muhammad


Muhammad and Khadija are credited with having several daughters, although the parentage of them is questioned by scholars; they may have been adopted by Muhammadrather than sired by him. Uthman (the 3rd Caliph) was married to one of these daughters, Umm Kulthum bint Muhammad. However, historically these daughters havebeen marginalized, most likely because they did not bear any surviving children or survivetheir father. For the purposes of this presentation, all family relations have been simplified, thus we can state that Fatima was the only surviving daughter of Muhammad.

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The Sunni-Shia Split-It’s All About Family-


Abu TalibMuhammad’s Uncle

Khadija (First Wife)

Prophet Muhammad

Abu BakrFriend and Early Convert


FatimaAliMuhammad’s Cousin

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The Sunni-Shia Split-It’s All About Family-



1st Imam

Hassan2nd Imam

Hussein3rd Imam

Zaynab Umm Al-Kaltum

Ali Zain Al-Abideen4th Imam

All Other ImamsDescend from this


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Muhammad’s Succession

632- Muhammad dies, leaving no confirmed successor*

Disagreement among clans on who will lead the faith- bloodline (Ali) or the one most capable

The Ummah (the Islamic community) elects Muhammad’s father-in-law (through his wife Aisha) Abu Bakr to lead the faith. He becomes the first Caliph - the leader of the Ummah.


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The Rashidun (632-661)The Rule of the Four Righted Guided Caliphs

Name Ruled Died Known For

Abu Bakr1st Caliph


Natural causes, appointed his


Quelled rebellion and united


Umar ibn al-Khattab

2nd Caliph


Stabbed in a Medina mosque by a POW with a personal grudge.

Wars of expansion (power not religion

but religion followed) to the

greater Middle East

Uthman ibn Affan

3rd Caliph


Assassinated by those from the elite of

Medina over the rise of status and power of the Umayyad clan.

Expanded the empire to North Africa and

Central Asia- but with much political cost. Standardized the


Ali ibn Abu Talib4th Caliph/1st



Assassinated by Kharajiites, a group

of dissenters to Ali’s rule

Ruled during the first Fitnah (civil war). His

place in history is denoted more for who

he was rather than what he did.


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First FitnahA 5 Year Civil War that lasted through Ali’s Reign

Angered over Ali’s reluctance to seek revenge in the death of Uthman, Aisha and her kinsman lead a revolt against Ali in the Battle of the Camel, which was lost by the rebels.

Ali’s rule was not supported in Syria (where Uthman had appointed members of the Umayyad clan in power). Mu’awiya, governor of Syria, also wanted revenge for Uthman’s death. The Battle of Siffin (657) ended in arbitration between the two sides, which seriously hurt Ali politically.


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A Community Divided The Shia (followers of Ali) had been supporting Ali as the rightful

head of the Islamic faith since the death of Muhammad. Now as Ali was being persecuted politically, the idea of being unfairly treated was being ingrained in the Shia psyche.

As Ali was not actively seeking retribution for Uthman’s death, the Ummah was growing more and more discontent with the Caliph, garnering more support for challengers to the Caliphate like Mu’awiya.

The Ummah was also horrified by the infighting between those that had once been a part of Muhammad’s inner circle, the community wanted a strong leader, not only for their protection but for the preservation of the faith.

The true split in Islam came with the death of Ali. The Shia, who supported Ali went one way, and the Sunni, who followed Mu’awiya I (who declared himself Caliph and began the Umayyad dynasty) went the other.


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Second Fitnah

Mu’awiya I had managed to reconsolidate the Ummah, although in order to keep the community intact long-term, a new style of government closer to a monarchy than of an Arab Chieftain was needed. Mu’awiya arranged for his son Yezid to succeed him.

Outraged at the choice of succession, Hussein (the son of Ali) and his followers demanded their rights to the Caliphate, which culminates in the Battle of Karbala in 680.


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The Battle of Karbala and its outcomes

Supporters of Hussein ibn Ali against Yazid I, the Umayyad caliph.

Horribly outnumbered: under 100 vs. 4000+

Results- all men were massacred, women and childern in capitivity and made to march to Damascus, including Hussein’s sister Zaynab

The Martyrdom of Hussein is celebrated by Shia, this day is called Ashura.


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Sunni and Shia Today

Population statistics (Sunni 90%, Shia 10%)

Cult of Martyrdom- the 12 Imams

Concept of the Mahdi

Areas of the World where conflict between the two exist. Iraq and Bahrain


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Sunni and Shia Today

Concealing Faith for Self Protection

Temporary Marriages

Frequency of Prayer


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Sunni: Eid al-Adha, Eid al-Fitr

Shia: Eid al-Adha, Eid al-Fitr, Ashura

Ashura- a day of mourning. Men would beat their chests, and cut their bodies with knives. As most religious elite ban the cutting practice it still happens, they encourage the Shia to donate blood instead to commemorate the blood spilled at the battle of Karbala.


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Holy Places

Sunni: Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem

Shia: Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem, Najaf (Site of Ali’s Tomb), Karbala


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Historical/Modern Day Comparisons

With watching daily news reports of violence in the Middle East, it is difficult to put the situation into perspective. So let’s look to history that we may be more comfortable with.

Huguenot wars (1562-1598) in France, St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre

Northern Ireland and the IRA (1969-1998)


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