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ABC of innovationYour starting point for innovation. Over the past 10 years we’ve gained valuable experience and insights into the best innovation practices from numerous innovation projects. We experienced that different people give different meaning to different words. This is why we have created this glossary, containing – to our opinion - the most important term for innovation for each letter of the alphabet.

We like to share our knowledge with innovators worldwide and we hope you do too. So if you happen to be in Amsterdam please drop by for a coffee. We love a good conversation about innovation.

Deborah Nas Michiel OudakkerFounding partners SunIdee

The ABC of innovation:Accepted consumer beliefBusiness model generationCo-creationDesign thinkingEnd-user driven innovationFuzzy Front EndGamification

HypeInsightsJoint developmentKano analysisLead userMega trendNet promoter score

Open innovationPortfolio innovation Qualitative and quantitative researchReason to believeStage-gate modelTypes of innovation

UX DesignValue propositionWargameX-generationY-generationZ-generation

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Accepted consumer beliefAn accepted consumer belief defines consumers’ perceptions and beliefs about a product. Examples of accepted consumer beliefs could be: ‘this television is cheap, the image quality must be terrible’ or ‘soap dries my skin’. These beliefs are great input for product innovation. However, changing perceptions and beliefs about a product is a challenge. It can slow down the uptake of new products or prevent them from becoming a success. For example: a type of soap that does not dry your skin directly relates to consumer needs unmet so far. This new product is strategically differentiated from other soaps by uniquely and persuasively claiming to resolve a need from the target group. But will consumers believe its promise?

Did you know that…Dove succeeded in changing this accepted consumer belief by using real women’s testimonials in combination with dermatologists’ endorsements. They already started doing so in the 1960s and the Dove Beauty Bar is still a very successful product.

Good products are as likely to fail as bad products. It is all about letting the consumer believe what the product can do. Betamax, for instance, had a better picture and audio quality than VHS video recorders. But it failed disastrously.

“Just as no one can be forced into belief, so no one can be forced into unbelief.”Sigmund Freud

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Business Model GenerationBusiness Model Generation is a methodology or tool box to create innovative business models.The methodology is described in the book Business Model Generation, which gives insight into different types of business models and offers tools to help you innovate business models yourself.The business model canvas is the central element in the methodology and helps you visualise how you create, deliver and capture value.

Did you know that…The business model canvas is licensed under a creative commons licence, and can be downloaded for free.

The book is co-created by 470 strategy practitioners.

A community is linked to the book: the business model hub. This community reached 10,000 members in October 2012 with members in 137 countries.

“Good design can’t fix broken business models”Jeffrey Veen

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Co-CreationCo-creation is involving your customers or end-users in one or more stages of the innovation process. This can vary from generating ideas during the first stage, to involving them in the final phase of your product or concept development. There are five common ways for co-creation: co-creation workshops, crowdsourcing, open source development, mass customisation and user-generated content. Organizations that co-create become more customer-oriented, have better relationships with their customers and increase the success rate of new products and services.

Did you know that…Bayer is the most successful crowdsourcer in the world. Their creative pool consists of more then 100.000 doctors and medical experts!

Online co-creation is the way to go if you want to involve a large group of people or if you are working on an international project and time and budget is limited. SunIdee has a great online co-creation platform available to boost your innovation project.

“Companies are learning that it’s better to offer customers a place to give direct feedback at their virtual doorstep than to ignore complaints and let them crop up everywhere.”Brain Reich & Dan Solomon

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Design thinkingDesign thinking is a style of problem solving that starts off with clarifying the – often ill-defined – problem that you would like to resolve. Although this is perhaps the most important task in the design process, it can be very hard. Therefore some teams tend to skip it and just dive into the development of a new product. But if you have a clear understanding of the problem and its context in the beginning, it becomes easier to work towards the right answers or solutions. This will save a lot of precious time. Knowing for whom and why you are developing a new product also helps to identify real customer needs and create more successful products that truly add value for your customer.

Did you know that…If Einstein had only one hour to solve a problem he would take 55 minutes to frame the problem before coming up with actual solutions and answers.

The term design thinking was introduced by David Kelley, co-founder of IDEO, and the creator of Apple Computer’s first computer mouse.

“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”Henry Ford

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End-user driven innovationEnd-user driven innovation is putting the end-user at the heart of your innovation process.Although this might start to become a cliche, keeping your customers in mind is crucial for creating a ‘Wow effect’. For every satisfied customer that tells one friend about their product experience, a dissatisfied customer tells six friends.Customer insights and product evaluations help you to understand the needs of your customers and create more customer centric products.

Did you know that…Although you might think you discovered a gap in the market, that does not mean your new discovery fulfils a customer need. Having a clear understanding of the needs and desires of your target group can prevent your next product introduction from becoming a failure.For example: RJR Nabisco Holdings decided to launch a ‘smokeless’ cigarette, which they thought would fill a gap in the market as it was not available yet. It took them a while to figure out that smokers actually like the smoke part of smoking. Needless to say the product was not very successful...

“To charge up customers, put customers in charge.” Eric von Hippel

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Fuzzy Front End The Fuzzy Front End is the unclear and undefined beginning of the innovation process. It is the phase where important strategic decisions are made. The fuzzy front end entails formulating an innovation strategy, ideation, concept creation, business model generation and building a robust business case. And ideally involving future customers in all steps of the process. This phase is characterized by the large amounts of information. It can be hard to find a structure in all this and make the best choices. That is why a lot of companies slow down in this part of the process.

Did you know that…One of the best ways to make your company more innovative and increase the number of innovations you bring to market is to structure the fuzzy front end of your innovation process. Most companies focus on squeezing out development time in order to reduce time to market, since they only start measuring after approving a business case. Very few people realize that it easily took over a year from the initial idea to an approved business case.

Visual tools are a good way to create overview in the Fuzzy Front End, clarify strategy and communicate intermediary results to colleagues who are not a part of the project team.

“There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.” Ansel Adams

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GamificationGamification is the use of game design techniques, game thinking and game mechanics to enhance non-game contexts. A gaming element is added to everyday activities to activate people to use products and services differently or more often because they like it. The competitive element – competing against others or themselves - helps people change their behaviour.

Did you know that…Foursquare makes sharing your location with friends online more fun. Depending on how many times and with whom you checked in you can earn badges with titles such as: adventurer, explorer, superstar and entourage. In addition you can get personal discounts at the places you check in, which stimulates return visits.

Volkswagen initiated to show that something as simple as fun can change people’s behaviour for the better. For example: making the stair of a Swedish metro station look and sound like a piano led to an increase of 66% of people taking the stairs.

“Money was never a big motivation for me,

except as a way to keep score. The

real excitement is playing the game.”

Donald Trump

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HypeA hype is a product or service that seems to be an instant hit, hyped by media attention, and that disappears shortly after, as quickly as it seemed to have appeared. The hyped product gets a lot of attention, making customer expectations of the product rise sky-high. To make your new product successful in the long term you have to live up to your customers’ expectations by having a good value proposition. In addition you should innovate constantly to make your product ‘sticky’ or come up with amazing new products to prevent your customers from turning to the competition once they have lost interest in your product.

Did you know that…A great example of a hype is the game Wordfeud. It was able to grow rapidly because via internet because of the social sharing aspect. Shortly after, the traditional media picked it up and helped Wordfeud to grow even faster. Unfortunately for the people from Wordfeud they were not able to keep the attention of their users. People got bored with it and quickly turned to the next hype in mobile gaming.

Angry Birds is one of the best examples of a product that went from hype to long-term business success. Their success lies in the combination of addictive gameplay, with different levels that open up new features, low price and comical style. Launched in 2009, and over a billion downloads to date, it is the largest mobile app success the world has seen so far.

“You can hype a questionable product for a little while, but

you’ll never build an enduring business.”

Victor Kiam

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InsightsConsumer or customer insights describe the underlying motivation that drives customer behaviour. Insights are a crucial starting point for idea generation and essential in any innovation project, both B2B and B2C.You won’t discover insights from behind your desk; you need to go out there and interact with your customers to really understand what drives them. Combine the insights you acquired with the strengths of your organization or brand, and you will be able to create differentiating added value for the long term.

Did you know that…A very successful example of a product based on a strong insight is the Levi’s Curve ID. Levi’s found that 75% of women fit 10 pairs of jeans on average before they find one that is acceptable. Shopping for jeans is considered a difficult task that women dread. By scanning the bodies of 60.000 women, Levi’s was able to come up with 3 body types: slight, demi and bold curved. With the introduction of jeans for these 3 body types women can now quickly find the perfect fitting jeans and shopping for jeans becomes fun again.

SunIdee organises insights trainings to teach your team how to discover insights, describe them well and how to place insights at the core of your new product.

“One great insight is worth a thousand great ideas.”Phil Dusenberry

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Joint developmentJoint development is a way to combine the strengths of your organization with those of others and bring a product to the market together.Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is essential to developing a strong product portfolio. Collaborating with other organizations to combine strengths might help you to create new products that combine the best from multiple worlds.These days open innovation is one of the most popular ways to execute joint development.

Did you know that… Philips and Douwe Egberts successfully developed the Senseo coffee making system together. Combining the great expertise of Douwe Egberts in coffee and Philips’ knowledge about electronics made them sell more then 15 million units in the first four years after the product launch in 2001. Ten years later, over 33 million Senseo coffee machines have been sold worldwide.

Over 10 million miles were logged with the Nike+iPod Sport Kit – developed by Nike and Apple – in the first ten weeks after introduction. That the equivalent of running around the world over 40 times.

“We are not self-made. We are dependent on one another. Admitting this to ourselves isn’t an embrace of mediocrity and derivativeness, it’s a liberation from our misconceptions.” Kirby Ferguson

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Kano analysisKano analysis is a technique for classifying customer needs and determining appropriate levels of innovation for products and services. Product development always comes with trade-offs. Kano analysis helps you classify product features into three categories:

Basic: without it, people don’t want to buy your product.Performance: customers can compare several products and tend to choose the best specification. For example gas mileage or waiting time.Excitement: the features customers wouldn’t expect, but highly appreciate. They evoke a “wow”-feeling.

This classification helps to get an overview of what is really important to your customer, so you can develop a product that excites your customer.



Did you know that…Expectations of customers change. Features that where once regarded to be exciting are now regarded to be basic features. This shows it is necessary to keep innovating.For example: the Wii game console from Nintendo was the first game console that incorporated the social/family gaming element. With the motion controller everybody could play. This was regarded very exciting especially by parents that wanted to play along with their kids. Now the Xbox Kinect and Playstation Move also have motion control, making it a basic feature.

“If you want to stay in business, satisfy customers. If you want

to excel in business, delight customers.”

Ron Kaufman

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Lead userLead users are customers that experience a need before a commercial solution is available and creatively come up with custom solutions to fulfil this need. Lead users seek a solution for an extreme or demanding version of the problem. For this reason, lead users are a great source of inspiration when researching needs and trends in any innovation project. For both incremental and breakthrough innovation.

Did you know that…Mobile banking was not invented by mobile companies or banks, but by customers in rural Africa. They used airtime cards to transfer money to their family in their home village. A person would call a mobile phone owner in the village with a code for mobile credit. After subtracting a small fee, the mobile phone owner would give cash to the family of the person who was calling.

“Innovation is the whim of an elite before it becomes a need of the public.” Ludwig von Mises

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Mega trendMega trends are the general long-term developments in markets and consumer behaviourMega trends have a big impact on society and remain relevant for a long period of time. They are a great source of inspiration when you define a new strategy, or when you want to innovate your products and services. A mega trend should explain what consumers value now and in the future and how their behaviour will change because of that. Mega trends don’t have to be abstract and difficult to understand: by linking changing consumer behaviour to concrete examples from today’s niche markets, mega trends become concrete and easy to work with.

Did you know that…Mega trends – trends that are relevant for at least 10 years – always come in pairs of opposite trends. Some examples:

Global - LocalMaterialism – ConsciousnessAcceleration – DecelerationIndividual - Collective

SunIdee developed a tool based on mega trends, linking the mega trends to customer desires. For each desire concrete examples are given. You can use these examples as inspiration for your own business.


“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” Lao Tzu

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Net promoter scoreThe net promoter score is a tool to measure the loyalty of your customers. Customers are asked to answer an important question: how likely are you to recommend business X to your family and friends? They rate this between 0 and 10, 0 meaning ‘very unlikely’ and 10 meaning ‘very likely’. Based on their scores, respondents are divided into three categories:

Promoters: score 9-10Passives: score 7-8Detractors: score 0-6

To calculate your NPS, subtract the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters and ignore the passives. This results in a NPS from -100 (everybody is a detractor) to 100 (everybody is a promoter).


Did you know that.. To be able to act on and improve your NPS it is important to also ask for the reasons your respondents give a particular score.

Consumers are more likely to trust a message from a friend than a message from a marketer. 92% trusts word-of-mouth and recommendations more than all other forms of advertising. With the internet, the speed of spreading a message is only limited by how fast your customer can type, so it is important you make sure the story is a positive one!

“People share, read and generally engage more with any type of content when it’s surfaced through friends and people they know and trust.” Malorie Lucich

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Open innovationOpen innovation is about sharing ideas, development and paths to market with other parties. This way of innovation inherently creates innovative business models and can stir up the market significantly. It helps to combine your own knowledge with the ideas of your customers or business partners. No matter the size of your organization, most knowledge will always be outside. By finding a good match, both organizations can leverage from the advantages of working together. It is not necessarily the organizations with the most patens that will become market leaders, but the ones with the smartest business models.

Did you know that… Apple has successfully opened up their iOS platform for developers. This way they did not only enrich their platform with over 900,000 apps via their app store but were also able to generate a revenue of 2,8 billion dollars for iTunes in Q3 of 2012 only. Developers have made over 9,3 billion dollar since the launch of the app store in 2008.

80% of the products Procter & Gamble introduced in 2011 incorporate some element of open innovation via Procter & Gamble’s Connect + Develop program.

“Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain point and no further, but cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for today, begins where competition leaves off.”Franklin D. Roosevelt

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Portfolio innovationPortfolio innovation is putting customer needs at the heart of your portfolio, not product features.Unfortunately most companies still have a product-focused portfolio approach, which leads to a product-focused positioning and communication, and ultimately leads to confused customers. A customer-focused portfolio approach helps you to base all marketing, communication and product development on customer needs, which will lead to a strong positioning and more sales. The first step you need to take towards a customer-focused portfolio is understanding the customer’s decision making process:

WHAT does the customer want to achieve? (His goal / objective)HOW does the customer want to achieve this? (The way / solution to reach his goal)

Did you know that… SunIdee developed a unique method for portfolio innovation in collaboration with Delft University of Technology.

People tend to become paralysed by too many choices. An experiment testing two situations showed the following:

When people could get a discount of 1 dollar and choose between 6 types of jam, 30% used the offer.When people could get at discount of 1 dollar and choose between 24 types of jam, only 3% used the offer.

That is a factor 10 difference!! (source: the paradox of choice)

“How dare you settle for less when the world has made it so easy for you to be remarkable?” Seth Godin

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Qualitative and quantitative researchQualitative and quantitative research helps you to get to know your customer needs and habits. There are many ways to learn about your customers, for example interviews, observations, focus groups or a survey. Picking the right research method depends on the information you are looking for. In most innovation projects qualitative research is used to help you gain a deep understanding, reveal powerful consumer insights, and to fine-tune propositions. Quantitative research is used to identify which insights and propositions resonate best with the target audience.

Did you know that…Market research has its place when carefully conducted, but it should never be taken as an absolute truth. Market researchers tend to search for the universals, but the variables can be just what you are looking for.

The story goes that a famous hamburger restaurant once conducted a research about the spiciness of burgers. They found that many people liked the very spicy burger and many people liked a plain burger. So they introduced a slightly spicy burger hoping they would appeal to both groups. By generalising too much, they ended up with a burger nobody really liked. The research will provide you with insight, but it is still up to you to come up with a solution that appeals to customers!

“If we knew what we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?”Albert Einstein

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Reason to believeReasons to believe provide the proof for consumers that your product will deliver the benefit you promise, either functionally or emotionally. Reasons to believe answer the question “Why should I (the customer) believe you?” They are often facts, measurable specifications, awards your product won or endorsements by professionals (a doctor), public figures (Oprah) or peer groups (via Facebook). Make sure reasons to believe are written in a level of complexity and technicality that fits your target audience and that all reasons to believe support the product’s key benefit, otherwise you will confuse your customers.

Did you know that …Numbers make your reason to believe perceived as being ‘more true’. For example, Lavazza coffee claims to put ‘115 years of experience in every capsule’.People trust in authority. This is why you see so many people in white coats in commercials.Some companies bend the rules a bit by establishing their own non-profit organization that hands out awards. So they can claim to have won the ‘best product award’ in their category.An endorsement by Oprah is so powerful that marketing professionals call it the ‘Oprah effect’. With Oprah retiring, popular bloggers are taking over her role within specific target audiences.

“When you’re innovative, consumers are more trusting, because they think you really

know what you’re doing.”Kevin Lane Keller

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Stage-gate modelThe stage-gate model is a project management technique, which divides the innovation process in consecutive stages. The stage-gate model has been made popular by Robert Cooper, who defined 6 stages and 5 gates. The state-gate works as a funnel; after each phase some ideas can progress and other get killed.

Discovery: generate as many ideas as possible.Scoping: ideas get assessed quickly on technical merits and market prospects.Build business case: ideas are researched further and summarised in a business case (product and project definition, project justification & project plan).Development: Further detailing the design and basic product tests. Production and marketing plans are developed.Testing and validation: elaborate product test are executed and the entire project is validated.Launch: The product is introduced in the market, and evaluated against the business case afterwards.






Did you know that…Some people compare the stage gate model to the evolutionary theory: “survival of the fittest”. Companies on average achieve one product success for every 3000 ideas.

You need to organize multiple ideation sessions each year to (re)fill your innovation funnel.

“The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas.”Dr. Linus Pauling

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Types of InnovationUsually a distinction is made between incremental- and breakthrough innovation.Incremental innovation is creating new variants of existing products or services, while breakthrough innovations are completely new products or services that change the status quo in the market. For outsiders breakthrough innovations may seem like they come out of the blue. But they are most often the result of a continuous search to solve a problem or the by-product of a trial-and-error approach to innovation. The first hurdle to overcome is usually an internal one: convincing colleagues and management that this is the way to go; making them see that this will change the market. Therefore, the organizational culture is key to breakthrough innovation.Did you know that… Google uses a 70/20/10 model to cultivate innovation. Employees should spend:

70% of time on their core job.20% of time on projects in another team.10% of time on a ‘blue sky project’.

Spence Silver at 3M didn’t know what to do with his newly invented glue that was more tacky than adhesive. His colleague Art Fry took advantage of the “permitted bootlegging” policy at 3M to develop the sticky notes after attending a seminar at which Silver promoted his invention. This led to the introduction of Post-it notes that are still great business for 3M.


“There’s a way to do it better – find it.”Thomas Edison

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UX DesignUX Design is short for User Experience Design and focuses on creating holistic user experiences. The term is mostly associated with software design, but can be interpreted more broadly to include all aspects of the experience of a user with a product or service.Because of the holistic approach, UX design is a multi-disciplinary activity, including expertise such as information architecture, interaction design and usability.

Did you know that…Google used to launch very early prototypes in Google Labs so they could test them on a large scale. In July 2011 Google announced to shut down Labs. In Gmail Labs you can still find a testing ground for experimental features that aren’t quite ready for prime time.

“You‘ve got to start with the

customer experience and work back toward the technology

- not the other way around.” Steve Jobs

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Value propositionA clear value proposition that fits the needs of your customers gives them a reason to buy from you and not from someone else. Having an idea is one thing, but turning this idea into a proposition that no customer can resist is quite something else. To define a strong proposition, you should focus on 4 aspects:

Consumer insightOffering (Key benefit & Reasons to believe)Brand fitDifferentiator.

Too often companies jump from idea to development, leading to products and services with different benefits and confused customers. Creating propositions is hard work and requires focus, dedication and the guts to make choices.


Did you know that...The biggest challenge in defining propositions is to keep it simple. Too often people can’t choose or compromise when team members disagree on what is most important for the customer. They end up with propositions that ‘do everything for everybody’. And in the end, do not appeal to anyone. Our advice: stick to the rule of ‘single-mindedness’. Create multiple single-minded propositions and test which ones resonate best with your target group.

SunIdee has developed an easy to use tool, the Proposition Wheel, offering you a structured approach to turn ideas into strong, single-minded propositions that focus on added value. We can train your team to become experts in proposition writing.

“And while the law of competition may be sometimes hard for the individual, it is best for the race, because it ensures the survival of the fittest in every department.”Andrew Carnegie

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WargameBusiness war gaming provides vital insights into market dynamics and possible future scenarios, and is a great way to engage the organization in strategy formulation when the competitive environment is undergoing massive change.By simulating moves and countermoves in a commercial setting, it gives new insight into how different companies can react to change, as well as to each other. These insights are crucial for developing a robust strategy that enables your organization to win in the marketplace.

Did you know that…SunIdee developed a one-day Business Model War Game based on the Business Model Canvas.

‘The Art of War’, an ancient Chinese book on military strategy by Sun Tzu, describes 13 different aspects of warfare and has had a strong influence on military thinking, business tactics and legal strategies across the world.

“Courage is often lack of insight, whereas cowardice in many cases is based on good information.” Peter Ustinov

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X-GenerationThe X-generation is the generation born after the Western baby boom following World War II, between the early 1960s and the early 1980s.The X-generation experienced the introduction of the personal computer, the start of the video game era, cable television and the sound of the dial-up internet access.

Did you know that… The X-Generation is often called the MTV Generation because two years after the network’s debut in 1981 it reached more than a quarter of the daily teen television audience.

The cassette tape was the way for the X-generation to share music and create their own ‘play lists’: the so-called mix tapes.

“A computer on every desk and in every home.” Bill Gates, 1975

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Y-GenerationThe Y-generation comes after the X-generation and are born from the early 1980s to the early 2000s. Armed with BlackBerry’s, smartphones, iPads, laptops and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged-in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They have different values and competencies compared to the X-generation. Nurtured and pampered by parents who did not want to make the mistakes of the previous generation, Generation Y is confident, ambitious and achievement-oriented. They are willing to trade high pay for fewer working hours, flexible schedules and a better work/life balance. They easily travel the world and experience other cultures.

Did you know that.. Other names used for this generation are: the Millennials, Generation We, Global Generation, Generation Next, the Echo Boomers.

The Y-Generation massively started sharing music online, using peer-to-peer downloading software like Napster.

“The use of travelling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are.”Samuel Johnson

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Z-generationThe Z-generation comes after the Y-generation and never lived in a world without the Internet.Growing up in a world of computers and smartphones, this generation switched from CDs to iTunes and books are replaced by tablets and e-readers. They consume as much information as possible trough all the different platforms. This is why they will rapidly outsmart their older generations by being more tech savvy and faster adopting new technologies.

Did you know that… The Z-generation is also known as: Homeland Generation, Net Generation or Digital Natives.

Growing up surrounded by the internet, with e-books and mp3s, physically owning products is less important. This generation listens to and shares music and play lists via flat fee services like Spotify.

“Nowadays, anyone who cannot speak English and is incapable of using the Internet is regarded as backward.”Al-Waleed bin Talal

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Share & inspireWe believe that innovation is a team effort. That is why we believe in creative commons. We would like to thank all people that helped out with this book by sharing their photographs under creative commons. All of these heroes, most of whom we never met, are listed below.

The ABC of innovation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. This means you can share and remix our work any way you like. Have fun!

The ABC of innovation – images usedFront page:ABC of innovation: SunIdeeAccepted consumer belief: Nickstone333Business model generation: SunIdeeCo-creation: liza31337Design thinking: 3ohemeEnd-user driven innovation: Ian SaneFuzzy Front End: CJ IsherwoodGamification: Pierre BedatHype: Criastiano BettaInsights: varintsaiJoint development: 7dosKano analysis: SunIdeeLead user: Ed YourdonMega trend: SunIdeeNet promoter score: SunIdee

Open innovation: SunIdeePortfolio innovation: iStockPhoto purchased by SunIdeeQualitative and quantitative research: McclanahoochieReason to believe: Klearchos KapoutsisStage-gate model: Ffo-sespTypes of innovation: MararieUX Design: JanicskovskyValue proposition: MuffetWargame: RomainguyX-generation: Marshall AstorY-generation: SunIdeeZ-generation: Ernst VikneShare & inspire: SunIdeeSUNIDEE: SunIdeeOur values: SunIdeeBack: SunIdee

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SunIdee is a strategic marketing & innovation agency that drives innovation forward for leading brand world-wide.We are one of the first agencies specialised in customer-centric innovation. Since 2002, we help multidisciplinary teams innovate in a way that is both inspiring and results-driven.

Curious about what we do and how we do it? Please visit for more information.

Did you know that…Over 5000 people from over 100 leading brands participated in our workshops.We have over 50 unique innovation tools in our toolbox.We have offices in Amsterdam, Paris and Hong Kong.We work with independent innovators. We invite you to join our tribe.

For more information, please contact:


We look forward to innovating with you!

SUNIDEE, Prinsengracht 739-7411017 JX Amsterdam

T: +31 (0)20 6244 291E: [email protected]

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Our values


We are curious by nature and have a very broad interest. Regardless of whether we look at airbags, consumer electronics, candy bars or cleaning products: we find everything interesting! We are on a continuous quest to understand what truly motivates people to buy and use certain products and services.


We quickly understand complex situations and can easily process high volumes of information. We understand what is important and what is not, and we translate this information to visual, easy to understand overviews and come up with smart and simple solutions to solve your challenge.


Creativity is an essential ingredient for innovation. We offer a fresh look, make new connections and like to experiment. We believe that creativity is the starting point for growth, for both SunIdee and our clients.


We are passionate about our work. From clients who design classic bicycles to those who develop nanotechnology, we feel a strong bond with those who share our passion for innovation. Passion is what drives us to inspire our clients as well as each other.

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