Download - Sunday School 10:00am Sunday Worship Sundays 11:15am Bible Study Wednesdays 12:00pm & 7:00pm 4700 W. Court Street 708.235.0995 Office Hours: Tues, Wed,

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Slide 2 Sunday School 10:00am Sunday Worship Sundays 11:15am Bible Study Wednesdays 12:00pm & 7:00pm 4700 W. Court Street 708.235.0995 Office Hours: Tues, Wed, Thurs - 1pm 8pm February 19, 2012 Rev. Dr. James E. Hunt Pastor and Founder Mission and Vision Statement The MISSION of New Hope Christian Community Church is to glorify God in the teaching, preaching and healing of the church and the community through the ministry of His Holy Word. We will accomplish our mission in the love and grace of Jesus Christ and under the direction of the Holy Spirit through prayer, worship, discipleship stewardship, evangelism and servant hood. The VISION of New Hope Christian Community Church is to make the church relevant in the community. 8 B LACK M EN AND W OMEN IN THE B IBLE P ART 3 OF 4 Queen of Sheeba, Zipporah, Ebed-melech, Ethiopian Eunuch, Hagar, Pharaoh Tirharkah, Asenath, Simon of Cyrene Church teens have better quality of life In the United States, a major study of Christian youths showed a better quality of life among teenagers who regularly attended church than among teens who didn't. A Search study interviewed 47,000 teenagers. It found that those involved in church life were less likely to be sexually active than non-churchgoers were. They were also less likely to take part in drug use and binge drinking. They were more likely to stay in school and to refuse a ride with a drunken driver. This is all positive for building a better society. One reason given for the difference was that religious institutions teach values and create a foundation on which young people can make positive life decisions. Nonchurch-attenders don't receive that healthy reinforcement. Hagar Abram, later known as Abraham by God, was married to his first wife, Sarai, later known as Sarah, for many years. However, she could bare him no child for her womb was closed for many years. A black woman, named Hagar, was chosen as a surrogate and was impregnated with the seed of Father Abraham, the father of the chosen people, the Jewish people. Unfortunately, Hagar despised her mistress when she realized she was with child, so Sarai dealt harshly with her. Hagar later tried to run away, but the angel of the Lord convinced her to return to Abraham's camp and to be patient with her mistress. Abraham was eighty-six years old when his child was born to Hagar. Yes, Hagar bore for Abraham and Sarah, a male child, named by Abraham, Ishmael. Ethiopian Eunuch Philip encounters an Ethiopian eunuch and his retinue. He is at once exotic, powerful and pious. Greeks and Romans were particularly fascinated with dark- skinned Africans. Although Ethiopian was used generally for anyone with these physical characteristics, here it refers to an inhabitant of the ancient kingdom of Meroe, which covered what is now northern Sudan south of Aswan to Khartoum. This man is powerful, the chief treasurer of a kingdom wealthy from its iron smelting, gold mining and trading position. It was a conduit for goods from the rest of the continent. Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, cared for the duties of state. The king was regarded as a god, "child of the sun," too sacred to engage in administration. Slide 3 Order of Worship Music Ministry Prayer Scripture Reading Announcements & Welcome Music Ministry Ministry of Giving Music Ministry Sermon Please refrain from walking or talking during the Sermon Invitation Benediction Order of Worship Music Ministry Prayer Scripture Reading Announcements & Welcome Music Ministry Ministry of Giving Music Ministry Sermon Please refrain from walking or talking during the Sermon Invitation Benediction WEEKLY SCHEDULE TUESDAY: Praise Dance Ministry 7:00p WEDNESDAY:Prayer Service 11:30a | 6:30p Bible Study 12p | 7:00p THURSDAY:Praise Ministry 7:00p Music Ministry 7:30p MONTHLY SCHEDULE 3rd THURSDAY: Youth Music Ministry | 7:00p 1st SAURDAY: Council | 10:00a - Ministers | 11:00a 3rd SATURDAY: D.I.V.A.S. | Time TBD P LEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALS : Leroy Williamson, Bonita Wilkins, Dave Clough, Jaimi Telford-Moore, Becky Gigilo, Joan Johns Maloney, Betsy Crufe, Joe Maloney, Colleen Rock, Sandra Mayfield, David & Barbara Guy, Archie & Heather, James Banks, Deon Alexander, Nikki Isleb, Jane Hudak, Leon Alexander, Earl Moore, Merline Fitch family Scripture Reading Matthew 5:3-12) (L)Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (C)Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. (L)Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. (C)Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. (L)Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. (C)Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. (L)Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. (C)Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (L)Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. AllRejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. Do you need Pastoral Care or have a prayer request? See Sis. Marcias Hunt. Requests can also be emailed to [email protected] [email protected] Announcements | February 19, 2012 EVERY 3 RD SUNDAY Lunch and a Movie directly after Sunday worship! See Sis Harris for more info! Thank you to everyone that participated in PADS by way of donation or serving! Is coming in AprilStay tune for details..