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  • 8/14/2019 Sulyap MARCH 2008 (Final Website)


    Hyehwadong, Seoul - The HyehwadongFilipino Catholic Community Justice andPeace Committee (HFCC-JPC) held its monthlymeeting and reviewed its plans and strategicsolutions on the current issues confronting OFWsin a twohour session last Feb. 24.

    Volume 1 Issue 5 March 2008

    The Filipino EPS Workers Associations (FEWA)official publication SULYAPINOY launched itsofficial website to improveand widen its services to all OFWs in Korea subju-gating to FEWAs objectives at St. Benedict CatholicChurch, Hyehwadong, Seoul last March 9.

    The Filipino community has witnessed the launchingright after the Holy Mass as Prof. Emely Dicolen-

    Abagat Ph.D, SULYAPINOY Editorial Consultantannounced the websites objectives before thechurchgoers.

    The following are among the objectivesmentioned during the launching: to provide wideand up-to-date information concerning Filipinomigrant workers in South Korea; to serve as abridge of information and a centralized onlineforum for discussions among different Filipinoorganizations in South Korea; to foster unity

    among all Filipino migrant workers and to lever-age the culture and tradition between Filipinosand Koreans; to regularly provide latest updateson Korean and Philippine labor laws; to shareindividuals opinions on current issues and eventshappening here, in the Philippines or in any partof the world that is affecting Filipino migrantworkers life.

    Part of the announcement, SULYAPINOY hasalso extended its invitation to all Filipino migrantworkers and different organizations to visit theforum website and become a member to achievethe said objectives. Fr. Emmanuel Noel Ferrer,SVD who celebrated the Holy Mass praised the

    good intention of the website. Good news, meronng website ang EPS for reliable information, thepriest cited.

    Team Building Seminar: Participants pose all together withProf. Emely Dicolen -Abagat (center) and Mr. Hyung JoongYoo PECC Director (rightmost) at Phil. Korean Cultural House .

    Jongno-gu, Seoul If problems are difficult to

    solve in an organization, its time to do somerebuilding, refocusing and redirecting, said Prof.Emely Dicolen-Abagat Ph.D., as she facilitated the4-Sunday team building seminar last Feb. 10, 17,24 and Mar. 2 sponsored by the Filipino EPSWorkers Association (FEWA).

    ( turn to page 4 )

    Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do The Ministry ofLabor (MOL) through its website announcedthe public about the Korean governments confirma-tion on its 2008 Foreign Workforce Import Planduring the Foreign Workforce Policy Committeemeeting chaired by the head of the Office for Gov-ernment Policy Coordination on Feb. 14.

    ( turn to page 3 )

    Christian Zack Robles, web adminis-

    trator, with the help of Dondave Jabay, SULYAP-INOY managi ng editor and Edward Castro,

    ( turn to page 3 )

    Ama, patawarin mo po sila.Hindi nila nalalaman angkanilang ginawa, said Paul Caragawho portrayed Jesus Christ during thePassion of Christ Re-enactmentperformed by the Hyehwadong Filipino

    Catholic Community (HFCC) volun-teers during the Palm Sunday mass atSt. Benedict Catholic Church,Hyehwadong, Seoul last Mar. 16.

    Caraga together with the HFCCChorale members dramatized, as

    ( turn to page 3 )

    Hyehwadong, Seoul - The Filipino EPS Work-ers association (FEWA) volunteers recently

    reported that wages and re-hiring of EPS workersreceived the most number of queries and com-plaints in the past two months.

    Aquilino Juanites Jr., FEWA board member, an-nounced the summary counseling cases done by

    ( turn to page 3 ) ( turn to page 3 )

    HFCC volunteers join forces and talents during the Lenten drama presentation.

    by Alden C. Balgos

    by Dondave Jabay

    by Amie Sison & Elizer Pearanda

    by Edward Castro by Elizer Pearanda

    by Edward Castro

    132,000 foreign workers will bebrought in this year

    Photo in courtesy of Amie Sison

    Photo in courtesy of Amie Sison


  • 8/14/2019 Sulyap MARCH 2008 (Final Website)


    In a busy country such asSouth Korea, most of usfind it really difficult to spare time forspiritual purposes. Notice howsome Filipino workers, due to hec-tic schedules, could only observethe Holy Week in two days, that is,Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday.Some of us might not even realizethat Lenten Season is over nor theHoly Week is here.

    As Filipino Catholics and Christians,we all know the various traditional

    ways through which we com-memorate the suffering, death andresurrection of our Lord back in ourcountry. But as Filipinos workingoverseas, being so busy with ourjob may not mean we will now losethe meaning of it these days.

    Still, though it is difficult to followthe traditional ways of observance,it is during this time that Christiansshould reflect deeply how much

    God loves us. It is because of Hislove that He gave us His only be-gotten Son (Jn 3:16). And, ifGod gave His Son to die on thecross for our salvation, there is noreason why He would not answerour prayers. As we pray and thinkabout the sacrifice of our Lord onthe cross, we should also be in-spired to follow His as we carry ourown crosses in life as migrantworkers.

    When Jesus carried the cross on


    2 SULYAPINOY MARCH 2008 wwwwwwwwwwww....ssssuuuullllyyyyaaaappppiiiinnnnooooyyyy....oooorrrrgggg


    Editor-in-Chief: Rebenson B. Recaa Managing Editor: Dondave JabayNews Editor: Edward A. Castro Feature Editor: Elizer M. PearandaLiterary Editor: Amie Sison Cartoonist: Alden C. BalgosLayout: blythe Photojournalist/Photo Editor: Jhon Flores

    Circulation Manager: Alwyin A. CasioContributors: Hong Hee-Chang; Angela; Katrina Macasaquit;Sofonias Chabok Paragsa

    Adviser: Ma. Regina P. ArquizaConsultant: Fr. Alvin Parantar, MSP


    Board of Publication Chairman: Rebenson B. RecaaBoard of Publication V-Chairman: Dondave Jabay

    Board of Publication in:

    Outreach, Recreation and Religious Program: Alden C. BalgosBudget and Finance: Sofonias N. ParagsaSULYAPINOY Website Development and Maintenance: Christian Zack RoblesNewsletter Binding/Distribution : Moreno D. EslaTrainings/Workshops : Richard C. Corpuz

    Office Address: 115-9 Songbuk-gu, Songbuk-dong, Seoul Korea Editorial Address: OKAIRTEL VISION ASIA, Vision Bldg. # 85-3, Hyehwa-dong, Jongno-gu,Seoul, Korea (in front of the Hyehwa-dong Catholic Church) Line 4 (Blue) Exit # 1 Tel. No. 02-744-0066


    His way to Calvary, none of the

    people, except the ones who knewHim, understood the pain and suf-fering He was going through. Re-gardless of the humiliation andbrutality, He still continued to walkHis way for us, our salvation.

    As Filipinos working overseas, likeus in South Korea, the Holy Weekis the best time to reflect on thecross that Jesus carried. Likewise,we also have crosses to carry

    such as the dangers and difficul-ties; the loneliness and emptiness

    of being far away from loved ones;

    the discriminations, insults andharsh words we experienced fromour employers and co-employees;and most especially, the abusesand harassments that some suf-fered from ruthless employers.

    Like Jesus, we have heavy crossesthat we should bravely carry alongwith, despite all the odds; we needto continuously walk on our waytowards our goals as we sacrifice

    for the sake of our loved ones.

  • 8/14/2019 Sulyap MARCH 2008 (Final Website)


    where the Korean Catholic martyrs led by KimTaegun persecuted, on Black Saturday and theSalubong sa Pasko ng Pagkabuhay ni Hesus onEaster Sunday.

    wwwwwwwwwwww....ssssuuuullllyyyyaaaappppiiiinnnnooooyyyy....oooorrrrgggg SULYAPINOY MARCH 2008 3


    SULYAPINOY Launches

    SULYAPINOY news editor, said that they havebeen working hard on the forum design and con-tents in the past few months and are proud with theresult.

    We want the website to become the central source

    of news, no matter what time of the day it is, ourteam which composed of selected moderators,advisers, and with the help of SULYAPINOYeditorial staff, will be making sure it is regularlyupdated with the latest goings-on. With easy- to-navigate menus and forum categories, followers willreally be able to get a worthwhile visit, he added.

    Rebenson Reeve Recana, SULYAPINOY editor-in-chief, also said that the idea of having a website forOFWs in Korea has started during the realizationstage of FEWA. Way back March 5, 2006 whenFEWA was formally organized, it was also mydream to have a newsletter and a website which willserve as a voice of all EPS and other Filipino mi-

    grant workers in Korea in response to the grow-ing problems and issues they are faced with. A yearlater, suddenly that dream came true when theSULYAPINOY newsletter was successfully publi-cized on November last year. And now, four monthslater, the SULYAPINOY forum website was officiallylaunched. Thanks to God,he added. has registered over 500 subscribersacross the world making a significant increase in thenumber of its subscribers since it has beenlaunched and is expecting to generate more sub-scribers as it features information on: the Employ-ment Permit System; exploring Korea- places, thelanguage, it's culture and traditions; The Filipino

    Community and other partner organizations in Ko-rea; Photojournalism; classified ads; and otherentertaining attractions like live radio, music videos,free softwares and latest gadgets, and a chat box.

    Recently, the web administrator and moderatorsalso disclosed that the remarkable increase ofmembership was partially brought about by thePacquaio Marquez Boxing Rematch The Unfin-ished Business where subscribers was able topartake with the live chat while the rematch hap-pens.

    Filipino Community SeeksThe meeting brought together the various Filipinoorganizations with a wide crosssection of repre-

    sentatives from KASAMMAKO an allied ofMIGRANTE International, FEWA, Cavite, Batangas,Mindoro, Kandong, Rosarian, and others.

    The committee has designed strategic plans to dealwith all and outright aspects of the migrants life.These include: continuous education and trainingprograms; hospitalization and healthcare assis-tance; and labor policy- related counseling.

    The meeting brought up with current plans whichinclude a formal letter to be submitted to the Philip-pine Embassy requesting the agency to strengthenits efforts in dealing with various dilemmas appar-ently occurring to many OFWs.

    JPC said that the letter shall elaborate an appeal toprovide temporary shelter with free meals and atthe same time implement training and values for-mation programs to empower the distressed OFWswhile staying temporarily at the shelter house.

    Another concrete plan that the member organiza-tions have finalized in that meeting was on settingup a communication network via text messaging ondisseminating facts and information about Filipinosbeing caught by the Immigration Officers. Thisaims to warn the members of the different memberorganizations to take extra care and avoid going to

    places where Immigration Officers stay. This is away of protecting and securing each other.

    JPC, for years, has been consistently condemningdiscrimination and repression manifested by someunscrupulous Korean employers against Filipinomigrant workers.

    Pledging full support to the JPC, a representativestated that he is pleased with the continuous in-volvement and focus on the issues and its concernin revising plans for the betterment of the community.

    Sambayanan Commemorates

    choreographed by Roger Amboy, the Passion ofJesus Christ in line with the Catholic Lenten Season.

    Fr. Francisco Makabenta, SVD in his homily, sharedon how Jesus suffered and died on the Cross. Justlike in mans life, we also carry the cross thru oursacrifices. Upon carrying it, let us not complain forChrist Himself carried the cross out of His uncondi-tional love for each one of us, Fr. Makabenta added.

    Churchgoers lifted and waved their pine tree leaves toshow oneness in commemorating Palm Sunday bywhich Holy Week normally begins.

    Also, HFCC hosted series of traditional holy weekchurch events such as Pabasa sponsored by theHFCC Chorale, the Washing of the Feet of the 12

    Apostles Re-enactment on Maundy Thursday,Pilgrimage to Mirinae and Joldusan, a folk village

    Service - Korea (HRDS) early this year, FEWA Presi-dent Loreto Agustin mentioned that rumors on cancel-lation of rehire program are not true.

    FEWA volunteers are continuously helping EPS work-ers find solutions on the problems which are expectedto increase in the coming months. The organization iscurrently post in Woori Bank, Hyehwadong Branch

    every Sunday to help solve the work-related problemsof the workers sector in Seoul and nearby provinces.

    Wages, Re-Hire Issues

    the volunteers thru personal interview and phonecalls.

    Record shows that in January, out of 66 inquiries:23, inquired and complained wages; 19, re-hiringprocedures; 9, change of workplace; 7, standardlabor policies; 5, insurances and alien card reg-istration; and 3, visa status.

    Wage inquiries and complaints in January areexpected since the new basic salary has been setoff, Juanites said.

    However, FEWA received 64 queries and com-plaints in February: 21, re-hiring procedures; 19,wages; 8, labor standard policies; 4, pregnancycase of workers and alien card registration; and 2,visa status.

    As confirmed by Philippine Overseas Labor Office(POLO), and Human Resources Development

    MOL Announces 2008

    According to the plan, the total number of workers

    to be brought in this year is 132,000, of which

    60,000 are ethnic Koreans living overseas and the

    other 72,000 are general foreigners.

    MOL Foreign Workforce Policy Division Director

    Lee Tae-Hee explained that the plan was made in

    consideration of the demand for workers who willcome to replace those expected to depart due to

    the end of their three-year employment contract

    period and the current state of labor shortages on

    small and medium manufacturing firms.

    The total figure is up by 23,000 compare to last

    year. In 2007, about 109,000 workers were intro-

    duced under the Employment Permit System.

    Among them, 49,600 were general foreigners and

    60,000 were ethnic Koreans.

    The announcement did not include yet the specific

    number of workers to be assigned to each sending

    countries under the Employment Permit System

    (EPS) such as China, Thailand, Philippines, Sri

    Lanka, Vietnam, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Mongolia,

    and other Asian countries.

    The lists of industries in which employers are

    permitted to employ foreign workers are almost the

    same as last year, except that lodging industry is

    added to the list and that tourist hotels will be

    allowed to hire foreigners on a pilot basis. How-

    ever, facility maintenance and management and

    worker dispatch services, a subcategory of em-

    ployment services, are removed from the list of

    industries permitted to employ ethnic Koreans.

    The Ministry of Labor also reported the total foreign

    workers in Korea. As of December last year, there

    were a total of 642,000 foreign workers staying in

    Korea. And according to their status of sojourn,

    they can be divided as follows: 180,000 foreigners

    with an employment visa including those 134,012

    foreign workers holding an E9 visa under the

    Employment Permit System and 34,128 profes-

    sional workforces; 230,000 ethnic Koreans with an

    H-2 visa; 28,000 industrial trainees and foreign

    workers hired for short-term employment; and

    202,000 illegal foreigners.

  • 8/14/2019 Sulyap MARCH 2008 (Final Website)


    all thru His sufferings and death . People shouldremember that the Lenten season isnt abouthypocrisy, what matters the most is the sincerity ofevery individual to do good works to glorify Godgenuinely.

    The beginning of spring calls for a celebration. It isnot just because of the wonderful weather or thenew season per se, it is also the time for people torepent and believe. Rejoice!

    That in all things, God may be glorified.

    days and Fridays are the days when meat shouldbe avoided as part of the sacrifice. And then,eating too much is also something that Catholicsshould avoid. Are these things really the meaningof sacrifice? Is Lent about the things that peoplegive up to show God that believing to the Gospel

    and repentance exist? Or is it about what the LordJesus Christ sacrificed to pay for the sins of theworld?

    People might have different answers on thesegiven questions. Each person has his own way ofproclaiming the salvation Jesus Christ has won for

    It feels so good to see the flowers as theybloom in the spring season. A lot of peoplehave been waiting for this time of year since winteris too cold and a bit gloomy.

    New season.New beginning.New life.

    The beginning of spring isnt only about the seasonchange for a lot of Catholics.The transition period between winter and spring isthe time when the season of Lent usually falls. Themeaning of the word Lent is derived from the OldEnglish Lenten, which means lengthen. This termrefers to the lengthening of the daylight hours thatoccurs in the northern hemisphere as spring ap-proaches. On the other hand, Lent is the time of

    penitence, reflection, and prayer to strengthen therelationship with God and renew ones faith to Him.

    People give up something as a form of sacrificeduring this period. Adobo, pork afritada, sinigangna baboy should be forgotten for 40 days from AshWednesday even until Easter Sunday. Wednes-


    4 SULYAPINOY MARCH 2008 wwwwwwwwwwww....ssssuuuullllyyyyaaaappppiiiinnnnooooyyyy....oooorrrrgggg

    FEWA Holds Team Building

    The seminar aimed to develop proficiency and effi-ciency in achieving desired task and goals bymeans of good leadership, teamwork, cooperationand camaraderie in an organization by using differ-ent activities such as story-telling, role-playing,unfreezing activities and group discussions among


    The first two sessions of the seminar were focusedmainly on leadership and organization, qualities of agood leader, types of leadership, the mission andvision of an organization and team elements.

    On the other hand, the third and fourth sessionshighlighted the importance of each member in anorganization and setting priorities in connection withtime management.

    Also, Human Rights Welfare Organization-FilipinoCommunity (HRWOFC) Vice-President FranklinCaturla and Chairman on Funds and Projects Mo-

    reno Esla from Cheong-ju City participated andappreciated the importance of the seminar in theorganization.

    We hope that our community would conduct aseminar such as this to inspire all members andleaders to actively involve in pursuance of our ob-

    jectives, Caturla suggested.

    Prof. Emely Dicolen-Abagat is currently the Chair-man of the Education Committee of the Archdioce-san Pastoral Center for Filipino Migrants, a Doctorof Philosophy in Development Education, and Spe-cialization in Education, Training and Values Forma-tion are just among her professional background.

    If you sweat about the little stuff then you will fill lifewith little things and you will never have the realquality time you need to spend on the big and im-

    portant one, is just one of the lessons Prof. Abagatshared with the participants.

    Philippine Edu-Culture Center:

    In Unveiling the Philippines...

    The 7,107 beautiful islands of the Philippine archipelago seemed to be unconquerable for manytravelers. Fortunately, the natural wonders and vast culture of the Philippine Islands have been show-cased splendidly in Metro Seoul, South Korea as the Philippine Edu-Culture Center (PECC) started itsprograms in 2006. It aims to function as the hub of cultural exchange between Korea and the Philippines byhaving the two countries understand their culture mutually and narrowing the gap thru providing informationand a variety of educational programs.

    PECC Manager Hye Jin Park, also known asRebecca, welcomes the Filipino community andinforms about the different on-going projects andplans of the center for the Filipino migrants.

    In Valuing Education...PECC recognizes the importance of mutual aware-

    ness and understanding between Korea and thePhilippines in culture which eventually brings mutualappreciation. This will open up brighter opportunitiesfor the Filipinos to teach the English language toKoreans. It invites highly qualified English languageinstructors to supply the needs of the learners when itcomes to the said language.

    Also, the agency provides educational materials suchas books and fliers from some well-known universitiesand learning institutions to promote Philippine educa-tion to young Koreans.

    In Exploring Culture...The cultural heritage and the modern fashion and lifestyle of the Philippines are shown thru photographs and

    films. The conventional art gallery showcases the Philippine artistry as it invites visitors.Independent films and documentaries also satisfy enough ones crave over the countrys faces, places andevents while enjoying ones stay in the receiving area.

    Currently, PECC is continuously enriching itsresource materials with the support from theNational Commission in Culture and Arts (NCCA) ofthe Philippines.

    In the Peoples Center...PECC, as it aimed to be the center of culturalexchange, provides Free Legal Assistance withlawyers from the Seoul Bar Association. Also, itoffers Free Eye Service with its ophthalmologist, Dr.Lee Jun Suk. And it guides those Filipinos who seekto have decent jobs.

    Today, the Philippine Edu-Culture Center is continu-

    ously conducting its outreach programs for the

    Filipino migrants to easily adapt themselves to the Korean culture; be at the forefront in educating the Kore-

    ans thru the vast incomparable Philippine culture and arts.

    Miss Hye Jin Park (left), PECC Manager having one-on-one

    interview with SULYAPINOY Feature Editor and incoming

    Editor-in-Chief Elizer Pearanda

    Miss Faith Ocampo (right), a Filipina student and a part-time

    clerk at PECC gathering initial data f rom OFW complainants

    Give Up Hypocrisyby Maria Regina P. Arquiza

    by Elizer Pearanda

  • 8/14/2019 Sulyap MARCH 2008 (Final Website)


    For Comments, Suggestions,

    Contributions & Advertisements

    Please submit them to the ff. emails below:

    News: [email protected]: [email protected]: [email protected]: [email protected] Staff: [email protected]

    Editor-in-Chief: [email protected]: [email protected]

    We reserve the right to refuse anysubmission we deem does not meetour policies and guidelines.

    SULYAPINOY is still in need of writ-ers. Aspirants may email the ChiefEditor for more details.

    Thank you for your time and interest!


    wwwwwwwwwwww....ssssuuuullllyyyyaaaappppiiiinnnnooooyyyy....oooorrrrgggg SULYAPINOY MARCH 2008 5

    S ince time immemorial, women have al-ways been inferior with men in terms ofhaving equal voice and power. There has al-

    ways been inequality and discrimination whichis a manifestation of societal immaturity.

    Last March 8, the whole world celebrated theInternational Womens Day (IWD) to honor theeconomic, political and social achievements ofwomen. A lot of women already proved theirworth in the society as successful profession-als or individuals capable of doing things thatused to be doubted and questioned by civiliza-tions.

    Mother, sister, grandmother, daughter, nun,

    niece, and so on should be celebrated! Everywoman is indeed important and special in herown way. No matter what role every woman

    plays in the society, she deserves the highestdegree of respect and honor.

    A lot of people might be saying that mothersare like sirang plaka. They love nagging theirkids and saying things over and over again.This isnt an exaggeration, but rather a pureand genuine love that is manifested throughthe use of million words. Kids are indeed an-noyed, but arent those words expressed toremind us that no matter what happens, therewill always be someone who will love us un-

    conditionally? A mother is someone who giveslove and care without any inhibitions and reser-vations. A mothers love is pure and willing tocarry the pain and suffering of her children.

    If mothers are being tagged as sirang plaka,sisters on the other hand can be called askontrabidas. A lot of people feel that somesisters block their plans and goals in life. Thatit is just usual that the so called competitioncan actually be seen between sisters. How-ever, arent we aware that sisters are consid-ered to be our best friends as well? We may

    have a lot of friends from school, work, or vari-ous organizations, but the persons who knowus well are our sisters. A sisters love can beequated with the real essence of friendship.

    Grandmothers may not be kontrabidas in our

    lives but maybe baduy. Grandmothers arenot just 20 years ahead, but almost a halfcentury older than us. With this, interestsand perspectives in life might be totally dif-ferent in so many ways. The fashion senseof our lolas and the idea of being conserva-tive are things that bore the younger genera-tion. But, have we forgotten that the personswho consider us to be babies are our grand-mothers? No matter how old we are, grand-mothers will always consider their grandchil-dren angels. They are like lawyers appealingup to the Supreme Court defending theirgrandchildren even if they committed theheaviest crimes with the punishment of re-clucion perpetua.

    Isnt being a stubborn daughter much morebaduy than a grandmother? As a daughter,appreciation to what parents or grandparents

    do is of great significance. Daughters shouldbe proud and honored with the love that thewomen in their lives are giving them.

    Different faces and different roles thatwomen play are of paramount importance.Every woman is beautiful in her own wayand that exquisiteness deserves genuinelove and respect from everybody.

    Lent A Reflection

    The year was 2007. I was still living inJacksonville, Florida a city of tre-mendous potential given its number oneranking for land area in all of America.

    In addition the weather there is usuallygorgeous, far from arctic temperaturesand where even in December you canstill find sandals and cargo shorts beingworn, while shopping lazily on a Satur-day near the beach or at a posh shop offof Southside Boulevard.

    I remember what I experienced spiritu-ally, the closeness of God in my prayersand my friends who demanded more outof life than a Porsche and a blonde to gowith it. I remember what Pope John PaulII said about the US, criticizing the popeculture as the culture of death. Givenhis spiritual insight and position, and alsopersonally witnessing the foray of orgies,masked as dancing, I knew it was time tocommit and to change fundamentally.The manifestation of our faith, as Catho-lics must be visible. We must be trueexamples in all areas of our life.

    Last year I chose to give up alcohol forLent. My friends were shocked to hearthat during our normal drinking times,Robert wouldnt order a double Crownand Coke, but just water or soda.Wow! was the normal reaction which

    was significant in so many ways.

    First was the personal change that tookplace for me. I was saying to the worldthat I was a Catholic Christian and that Itook my faith seriously.

    Yes its easy to espouse ones commit-

    ment and love for Christ in the safety of aCathedral or Parish, but can it be done atwork or in a public space? Of course! Infact by living the Faith, by practicing absti-nence we become closer to God and real-ize our potential in Him.

    I remember people from serendipitousencounters acknowledging, Hmm. Hesnot drinking. They were challenged andrightly so. The normalcy of the environ-ment was destroyed. Amidst the socializ-ing and schmoozing was a person willingto stick it out, willing to give up somethingof value for something far more precious

    but which requires faith to understand.

    How the world needs more true Christians.Even now, while writing my first article forthis paper I acknowledge my own failures.I remember my CRHP (CRHP = ChristRenews His Parish) brothers back in Flor-ida and how, via the help of the Holy Spirit,were able to share our lifes failures andsuccess regarding spiritual fidelity. I amglad that via my Philippine ancestry thatCatholicism has been a major part of mylife.

    For Lent 2008, I would like to wish every-one the best as they continue to carry theircrosses for Him and for the inner strength,faith, hope, and love that will be requiredto finish. God speed!

    by Maria Regina P. Arquiza

    by Robert Ronelli

  • 8/14/2019 Sulyap MARCH 2008 (Final Website)



    6 SULYAPINOY MARCH 2008 wwwwwwwwwwww....ssssuuuullllyyyyaaaappppiiiinnnnooooyyyy....oooorrrrgggg

    Legal Status and Obligation of Foreign Workers

    - The workers who entered Korea become entitled to be covered by Employment Insurance and the corporate holder of Medical Insurance, and shall carry

    return Cost Insurance/Trust and Casualty Insurance, etc.

    - Some provisions of relevant regulations exceptionally apply to the foreign workers in agriculture, stockbreeding, and fisheries industries.

    Insurances and Trusts details will be published in the next issue. Please keep posted!

    Insurances and Trusts Application

    Simplified by: Dondave Jabay (Source: Ministry of Labor)

    Applications for Business or Workplace

    - Although the foreign worker is prohibited from transferring to other businesses or workplaces in principle, the foreign workers can apply to the competent

    Employment Security Center (ESC) to move to another business or workplace in case normal reemployment relationship cannot be maintained due to

    the following reasons.

    Reasons for Foreign Workers Workplace Transfer Application:

    - Employer wants to terminate the employment contract during its term under justifiable cause or refuses to renew it after its expiration.

    - It is acknowledged that the worker cannot work at the workplace due to suspending or closing business and other causes not attributable to the foreign worker.

    - The foreign worker employment permission is revoked or steps restricting the employment are taken against the workplace at which the worker is working.

    In Case Reason for Workplace Transfer Occurs:

    - Application for Workplace Transfer shall be filed with the competent Employment Security Center (ESC) within 1 month after termination of the labor

    Limitations on Foreign Worker Workplace Transfer:

    - Foreign worker is not allowed to transfer to another workplace more than three times during the employment period. However, an additional transfer is

    allowed if all three transfers have been caused by those cases as:

    1) the worker cannot work at the workplace due to suspending or closing business and other causes not attributable to the foreign worker;

    2) the foreign worker employment permission is revoked or steps restricting the employment are taken against the workplace; and

    3) the foreign worker becomes unable to work due to injury

    - Foreign workers transfer outside the industry is strictly prohibited.

    The foreign worker who transferred to the workplace shall obtain a workplace transfer permission from the Immigration Bureau of MOJ.

    If the workplace transfer permission under provisions of Article 21 of the Immigration Control Act is not issuedwithin 2 months after its application dateor such application is not filed within 1 month after the termination of the labor contract with the employer, the foreign worker shall leave Korea.

    Reasons for revocation of the foreign worker employment permission

    - The employer breaches labor conditions including wages that have been agreed upon before the entrance into Korea

    - It is acknowledged that the labor contract cannot be maintained due to delayed payment of wages by the employer and/or other violations of labor laws.

    - The employment permission was obtained by means of misrepresentation and/or other misconduct.

    Reasons for restricting the foreign worker employment

    - The employer hires foreign workers without obtaining employment permission

    - The foreign worker employment permission is revoked

    - Be punished for the violations of the Employment Permit System Act or Immigration Control Act

    - The employer has domestic workers leave his/her job by employment control for a period of 6 months from the date of issuance of the foreign worker

    employment permission

    - The employer ordered the foreign worker to work at any other businesses or workplaces than identified in the labor contract

    - It is deemed that the foreign worker becomes unable to work at the business or workplace due to injury or other causes, but able to work at another

    business or workplace

    Legal status of foreign workers

    - All foreign workers, for the employment period, are under the same full protection of the labor laws like the Labor Standard Act, Minimum Wage Act, and

    Industrial Safety and Health Act as Korean nationals. However, all household service workers, both foreign workers and Korean nationals, are not

    covered by the said labor laws.

    - Some provisions of relevant regulations exceptionally apply to the foreign workers in agriculture, stockbreeding, and fisheries industries.

    Example: Foreign workers in agriculture, stockbreeding, fisheries industries are not covered by the Provision of Additional Wages (extension and holiday

    work) of the Labor Standard Act.

    In case of household service, the employer and the foreign worker can decide and enforce all the labor conditions including working hours, dismissal,

    day off, holiday within enforcement regulations of the Civil Law Act and according to the principle of freedom of contract.

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    Prayer of a Solitary Man

    by Edward Castro

    Tonight I'll ask the Lord for a strength that I don't quite feel. But then,maybe not quite feeling it lets me know that I'm still on the edge of feel-ing it, and I will be fine. But I still don't quite feel it, and I want to. I want tofeel strong and confident, and not to fake it.

    Tonight I'll ask the Lord to carry me and not to stumble when I see theopen door. Opportunities abound, please let me be able to grasp, NO! tobe able to grab and hold what I need for me.

    Tonight I'll ask the Lord to give me wisdom, that I'll know what I needwhen I see it so that I can accept it as it comes. Sometimes I've beenknown to be blind to what is right in front of my face. Other times I'vebeen so stubborn that I've turned down a beautiful gift. This prayer is tolet me be open to the possibilities and gifts that are out there.

    Tonight I'll ask the Lord that he'll make me learn from my mistakes andtake the lessons away that I am supposed to be learning. Or that I justlearn something without having to make a mistake.

    Tonight I'll ask the Lord for that which is, of course, UNKNOWN. For the future. For the hopes in my life.That yes, indeed, there is love out there that I can share in. That there is someone out there who is craving

    the feel of me in her arms as I am longing for the same. All that lies in what I have yet to experience.

    Tonight I'll ask the Lord for understanding. For a sense of peace and calm in situations that have yet to seepace or calm, that usually revert to anger and resentment. I don't want to be right, I only want to be loved forwho I am. I don't want to have all the answers if it means I can continue to learn along the way. I don't wantto cry when I could be laughing. But I do. All of these things. I am this way, and I need to understand myselfbefore anyone else can. Or I need to accept myself before anyone else can.

    Tonight I'll ask the Lord for rest. To sleep without fear of not waking up in time. To sleep without the con-stant twiddle I replay. To sleep after I wrote everything down. To sleep so I'm not tired when asked ques-tions I may or may not be prepared for tomorrow. To sleep, conceivably to dream, of a hand holding mine,letting me know that I am not alone.

    Tonight I'll ask the Lord for trust. Trust in my experience and capabilities from me and from others. Trustthat I do know what I'm doing. Trust that whatever future I'm building for myself, that it will work out how it's

    supposed to. Maybe not according to my plan, but the plan that works best for me, HIS PLAN. Trust that Iwill be able to catch myself if I do fall. And pick myself up. And go on.

    Being One With The LordBeing One With The LordBeing One With The LordBeing One With The Lordby Amie Sison

    The Lenten Season that we observedThe passion of the Christ that we rememberedFor our salvation he answeredHis crucifixion and resurrection he doesn't bothered.

    I am so ashamed of all of my sinEven I confessed I'm still uncleanOn our world Satan is in betweenI apologize my Lord and I really mean.

    As I observed the holy weekOn fasting I'm always weakThough I tried to be a strong as a brickPraising you like a mountain's peak.

    What can I do to be so meaningfulAt least to acknowledge your dramatic painfulFor our future that you only want to be peacefulI feel uncertain and fearful.

    My Lord, I will stay with youHope to guide me on my life's viewI will keep your words which all trueOn your resurrection I will join with you.

    The LentThe LentThe LentThe Lent(an anecdote of a believer)

    by Amie Sison

    Semana Santa orCuaresma orHoly Week is the most significantreligious practice of our Christian faith. Observing Holy Week hasvarious ways but still we have common reasons to commemoratethe Passion of Christ.

    When I was young, I had no idea what Lenten season is. I remem-bered my father who carried me on his shoulder while I mimicked

    the palm leaves called Palaspas. Not until, when my mothertaught me that Palm Sunday is the start of Jesus journey to Jerusa-lem and the people waved the palm leaves because they acknowl-edge Him as a King. Before, I have no idea about the MaundyThursday and Good Friday when my family woke up on the early

    Friday morning. We walked barefooted toward the miraculous Landayan Church. My mother said that GoodFriday commemorates Jesus Christs death. It is the time of sadness and a time of asking forgiveness. As Iwatched the Senakulo I couldn't understand why those people need to hurt Jesus badly during His time.

    At night, we have lighted candles and watched the procession to remember Christ Death and Resurrection.Most of the images were expressing sadness and sacrifices. The next day, my mother said that Black Sat-urday is the saddest day because we commemorate the death of Jesus. On the Easter Sunday, we had toleave our home for Church at dawn to watch the "Salubong". It is a traditional celebration every EasterSunday dramatizing the encounter between Risen Jesus Christ and mother Mary while the children who actas angels singing around them.

    We have our own traditions as we commemorate the Lenten Season. And we all realized how much JesusChrist suffered for us. On this season, we reflect on our faith as we believe in Him that He saved us. Heinvites us for our spiritual enlightenment. We are the servants who always receive His unconditional love.

    And we can return back our love to Him by forgiving those who have sinned us. Instead of inflicting punish-ment, let us open our hearts and mind, and prayer is the best thing we can do.

    I believe even sinners as Christians want to improve ones spiritual life. For this Lenten Season, I hope thatwe should deepen our faith in Him. Happy Easter!

    Eastern RightEastern RightEastern RightEastern Rightby Katrina Macasaquit

    You rise, O Lord, in a lightening power,

    drawing, pulling our sisters and brothers

    from their lonely graves

    first Eve and Adam, now living, breathing

    from their stone tombs, as you kickthe doors of death with the panels

    of your cross, grasping, with warm

    hands, their hands that lay cold, lifeless

    in the earth

    Locked in darkness

    with fetters and chains, an oblivion

    of dark hidden from loving-kindness,

    locked and sealed from breathing

    and holding, feeling lifes caress,

    and waiting for glorys moment of Pascha,

    moment of exodus, moment of love,

    moment of freedom to live and give,

    log due praise and glory to God above.

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    CONGRATULATIONS TOJesica Leyesa (1st person who gotthe perfect answer) and

    Aiko, HFCC Chairman for Sportsand Recreation Committee (2nd

    person who got the perfect answer)

    Answer to February Issue

    Answer to February Issue

    The most exciting part!!!The first person to answer thepuzzle correctly will receive areward in courtesy of SULYAPI-NOY Editorial Staff. How to re-port your answer? Please call

    010-3982-2160 or email at

    [email protected].

    By: Dave & AlwyinReviewed by: Angela, Korean Teacher of Miriam Center School

    By: Sofonias Chabok Paragsa


    1. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through

    9 appear in each row.

    2. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through

    9 appear in each column.

    3. Fill the grid so that the numbers

    1 through 9 appear in each 3x3


    4. A complete Sudoku puzzle con-

    tains the numbers 1 through 9 in

    every row, column, and 3x3 box.


    1) undocumented alien

    2) large quantity4) mate, life partner7) Korean9) rent, lend, loan11) music12) Korean liquor


    1) the depraved, bully

    3) scholar5) post office6) protection against the cold7) bald headed person8) civil law9) ask, beg10) next week





















    7 8





    9 1 0

    1 01 0

    1 0

    1 1

    1 11 1

    1 1

    1 2

    1 21 2

    1 2

    8 7 4 2 1

    2 6

    9 1 2 7

    6 7

    1 5

    4 1

    4 5 8 9

    5 8

    6 9 7 1 3

    1 5 1 0


    1 0 8

    3 0

    1 5 1 4

    3 9


    6 3


    1 4

    1 7

    1 2

    2 3 (1)

    7 9 8 6

    3 5

    4 (6)

    2 3 1 2 1

    1 2

    4 2

    4 6 (8) 7 (5)





















    7 8





    9 1 0

    1 01 0

    1 0

    1 1

    1 11 1

    1 1

    1 2

    1 21 2

    1 2

    Sa-Yong Geum-JiChul-Ip Geum-Ji

    Seung-Yong Ja-Dong-ChaTong-Haeng-Geum-Ji

    Ji-Na-Ga-Ji Ma-Shi -O

    Ta-Ja Ma-Shi-O

    Geu-Myeon Bul Sa-Yong Geum-Ji Om-Gi-Ji Ma-Shi-O


    Geum-Ji Pyo-JiProhibition Sign


    Gyeong-Go Pyo-JiCaution Sign

    In-Hwa-Seong Mul-Jil-Ju-Ui San-Hwa-Seong Mul-Jil

    Pok-Bal-Mul Dok-Geuk-Mul Go-Ap-Jeon-Gi Bang-Sa-Seong Mul-Jil

    By: Alden C. Balgos

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    Sing with glorious praise to the Lord!Join the Messenger Choir of God



    SIS.JULIANA, MANNY & MAXHung Dok Catholic Church, Cheongju City, South Korea

    For more info. Please call 01094143434


    President - Ana Maria M. AdanteVice- President - Franklin U. CaturlaSecretary - Imelda C. Dahan Asst. Secretary - Riclay T.

    AbadejosTreasurer - Rosario A. Balgua Asst. Treasurer - Melody A.

    TumalaAuditor - Evangeline R. RetutaAsst. Auditors - Myla G. Sanchez, Virgilio G. SantosPublic Information Officers - Emily Cabaog, Jeffrey

    Mendoza, Alerico A. Barrozo, Marino Demaangay,Jovito Gregorio

    Peace Keeping Officers - Roosevelt L. Velayo,Danilo D. Palac, Rolly P. Gerona, Ruben T. Manuel,Mario D. Pusung

    Jochiwon Representative - Arnel S. HebraJeongpyeong Representatives - Oswaldo D.Lipata,

    Ma. Gracelina D. RamosOksan Representatives - Elmer S. Sarad, Melchor C. CalmaOchang Representatives - Richard C. Somngi, Christian Ylen

    COMMITTEESChairman - Funds & Projects - Moreno D. EslaVice- Chairman - Funds & Projects - Antholyn S. HernandezChairwoman - Legal Affairs - Helen N. BalgosChairman - Sports - Christopher J. Guerra Co-Chairman-Sports - Joel PahateChairwoman - Program - Hera JubelagChairwoman - Community Services - Surala D. VegaAdviser- Ahn Geon SooSpiritual Adviser - Rev. Edward Whelan, M.M

    HRWOFC Historical Background

    The organization started when the migrant center here in Cheongju hired aFilipina volunteer to act as a representative and a negotiator for all Filipinos.For more than 3 years, this center have helped many Filipinos. The waythey handled the problems made them successful and became famous invarious places.

    Their unfailing support and love to foreigners enticed the leaders of Filipinosto organize the Filipino community here in Cheongju and to support thecenter who have done a remarkable contribution at the Filipino Community.

    The name of this migrant center is Human Rights Welfare Organization forForeign Workers. For this reason, volunteers organized a community underthe banner of this center. The plan paved the way in the creation of theHUMAN RIGHTS WELFARE ORGANIZATION for FILIPINO COMMUNITY.

    One of the adviser is the deputy president of HRWO. He is a Korean whodedicates himself to help foreigners. Even these days, he still leads thecenter. HRWOFC was organized 2 years ago but it has been known whenthe organization was registered in Phil. Embassy .

    Our vision is to promote Unity and to help all the Filipinos not only theOFWs but even those who are married to Koreans.

    We have organized this community because we have seen that many of ourcountrymen are being abused or maltreated by their employers or hus-bands.. We have encountered different cases and we were grateful that ourefforts have become successful and we were recognized as the leadingcommunity here in Cheongju.

    We have also offered our services to the home for the aged. That was thefirst time that the foreigners had served Korean people. They are now antici-pating that we can continue our efforts and we can extend our effort / ser-vices to the members and even those in Philippines . We had donated somemoney to the Elderly Association, last Christmas. In response, they had sentus a plaque of appreciation.

    Our goal is to continue our efforts to offer free services to all even to theKoreans, to promote unity, friendship and to provide just and fair justice toeveryone, even the Human rights violation.


    is hereby awarded to Human Rights Welfare Organization forFilipino Community (HRWOFC) Cheongju City, South Korea

    In full recognition and grateful acknowledgement for sharing of herinvaluable and unselfish

    support forGabay sa Nakatatanda Association (GANA),Brgy. Bagong Silang,

    Quezon City, Philippines.

    Given this 11th day of January in the year of our Lord 2008.

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    1 - Miguel M. Baltero

    5 - Edilberto R. Ejis

    6 - Joselito C. Apostol

    11 - Larry M. Laririt

    13 - Elizer M. Pearanda

    12 - Edison D. Cabiles Jr.

    14 - Christopher V. Mationg

    15 - Michael B. Paelden

    17 - Earl Barredo

    25 - Eliseo A. Blas

    26 - Alejandro A. Valenzuela

    Jocelyn N. Padagdag

    27 - Rebeck P. Beltran

    Ma. Theresa D. Noma

    29 - Nerissa C. Abiera

    Sherwin E. Ecita

    30 - Eduardo M. Ico Jr.

    Fr. Alvin B. Parantar, MSP

    OFW complainants gathered at the Philippine Edu-Culture Center (PECC) in

    Jonggak, Seoul to avail free legal and labor related consultations

    Photo by Edward Castro

    Editorial Staff showed a strong bonding as they posed together

    during their noraebang session at Hyehwadong, Seoul.

    Auto shot by Amie Sison

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