Download - sulabha-text-final-1 26.10 · ‘vyaïjana-sandhi’. (3) ivsg›-siNx> When visarga (:) is joined with any vowel or a consonant it is known as ‘visarga-sandhi’. The following

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80 Easy Sanskrit

When two words come together, the last letter of the first word and the firstletter of the second word are combined together using certain rules. Thecombination of these letters is known as ‘sandhi’.There are three kinds of sandhis:(1) Svr-siNx> When two vowels are combined together it is known as‘svara-sandhi’.

(2) VyÃn-siNx> When two consonants are combined together it is known as‘vyaïjana-sandhi’.

(3) ivsg›-siNx> When visarga (:) is joined with any vowel or a consonant it isknown as ‘visarga-sandhi’.

The following table gives a complete classification of all the letters of theSanskrit alphabet. This table will be useful while learning sandhis especiallyvyaïjana-sandhi.


@ and @e are both guttural and palatal; Aae and AaE are guttural and labial; and vis both dental and labial.

kœ o! g! "! '! h!z! c! D! j! H! |! y!;! q! Q! f! F! [! r!s! t! w! d! x! n! l!

p! )! b! É! m! v!

kQaerVyÃnainHard ConsonantsSvra>


m&ÊVyÃnain Soft Consonants

A Aa# $\ §¤

% ^

^:ma[> Sibilants

ALpàa[a> Unaspirate

mhaàa[a> Aspirate


ANt>Swa> Semivowels

Anunaiska> Nasals

ALpàa[a> Unaspirate

mhaàa[a> Aspirate

VyÃnain Consonants

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Textbook 81

The following table gives the three types of sandhis and their subdivisions.

1. dI"R-siNx>2. gu[-siNx>3. v&i˜-siNx>4. y[!-siNx>5. Ayaid-siNx>6. pUv›êp-siNx>7. prêp-siNx>8. àk«itÉav-siNx>

1. cTv›-siNx>2. jZTv-siNx>3. Anunaisk-siNx>4. AnuSvar-siNx>5. prsv[›-siNx>6. íuTv-siNx>7. òuTv-siNx>8. pUv›sv[R-siNx>9. DTv-siNx>10. 'mufagm-siNx>

Svr-siNx>(Ac! siNx>)

VyÃn-siNx>(hl! siNx>)

ivsg›-siNx>1. %kar>2. laep>3. re)>4. skar>


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82 Easy Sanskrit

12.1.1 dI"RRRR RRRR RR-siNx>Ak> sv[eR dI"R> – Päëini Sütra (6.1.101)

If A, #, %, and \ short or long, are followed by the same vowel – short or long

– they are combined to make the long vowel Aa, $, ^ and §.

Example: mur + Air> = murair>The first word mur ends with the short vowel A; Air> begins with the short

vowel A. When these two short vowels combine they form the long Aa.

2. gu[

1. dI"R

3. v&i˜4. y[! 5. Ayaid

6. pUvRêp

7. prêp

8. àk«itÉavSvr-----siNx>

12.1 Svr-siNx>When two vowels are combined together it is known as SvrsiNx>. It can be

divided into 8 types.

A + A = Aa Aa + A = AaA + Aa = Aa Aa + Aa = Aa(A)

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Textbook 83

Here are a few more examples:

dez + Aqnm! = dezaqnm!ram + Avtar> = ramavtar>dev + Aaly> = devaly>)l + Aahar> = )lahar>iv*a + A_yas> = iv*a_yas>iv*a + Aaly> = iv*aly>puStk + Aaly> = puStkaly>

kiv + $ñr> = kvIñr>mhI + $z> = mhIz>yit + #NÔ> = ytINÔ>riv + #NÔ> = rvINÔ>igir + $ñr> = igrIñr>lúmI + $z> = lúmIz>mhI + #NÔ> = mhINÔ>

Éanu + %dy> = ÉanUdy>isNxu + ^imR> = isNxUimR>tnu + ^XvRm! = tnUXvRm!vxU + %Tsv> = vxUTsv>r"u + %Äm> = r"UÄm>

(B) # + # = $ # + $ = $$ + # = $ $ + $ = $

(C) % + % = ^ % + ^ = ^^ + % = ^ ^ + ^ = ^

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84 Easy Sanskrit

kqu + %iKt> = kqUiKt>

ipt& + \[m! = ipt[m!mat& + \iÏ> = mat¨i˜>mat& + \[m! = mat¨[m!mat& + \iTvj> = mat¨iTvj>

12.1.2 gu[-----siNx>Ade¼‚[> – Päëini Sütra (1.1.2)

If the vowels #, %, \ and ¤ short or long, follow A or Aa, then they are

substituted with @ , Aae, Ar! and Al! respectively.

Example: %p + #NÔ> = %peNÔ>The vowel # in the second word #NÔ> follows A in the first word %p. A single

vowel @ is substituted in the place of both A and #. Thus, we have %p + #NÔ> =%peNÔ>Here are some more examples:

$ñr + #CDa = $ñreCDalta + #v = ltevpU[R + #NÊ> = pU[eRNÊ>


(A) A + # = @ A + $ = @Aa + # = @ Aa + $ = @

\ + \ = § \ + § = §§ + \ = § § + § = §

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Textbook 85

g[ + $z> = g[ez>ram + $ñr> = rameñr>%ma + $z> = %mez>mha + #CDa = mheCDa

pr + %pkar> = praepkar>sUyR + %dy> = sUyaeRdy>dez + %Úit> = dezaeÚit>g¼a + %dkm! = g¼aedkm!iht + %pdez> = ihtaepdez>mha + ^imR> = mhaeimR>cNÔ + %dy> = cNÔaedy>g&h + ^XvRm! = g&haeXvRm!

dev + \i;> = devi;R>äü + \i;> = äüi;R>raja + \i;> = raji;R>mha + \i;> = mhi;R>sPt + \i;> = sPti;R>vsNt + \tu> = vsNttRu>

(B) A + % = Aae A + ^ = Aae Aa + % = Aae Aa + ^ = Aae

(C) A + \ = Ar! A + § = Ar! Aa + \ = Ar! Aa + § = Ar!

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86 Easy Sanskrit

12.1.3 v&i˜-----siNx>v&i˜radEc! – Päëini Sütra (1. 1. 1)

If A or Aa is followed by @ or @e , they are combined to become @e.If A or Aa is followed by Aae or AaE, they are combined to become AaE.

Example: mm + @v = mmEvIn mm + @v note that the vowel @ follows A in mm. The vowel @e is

substituted in the place of A and @ . Thus, we have mm + @v = mmEv.

Some more examples are given below:

@k + @km! = @kEkm!sda + @v = sdEvivñ + @kta = ivñEktamt + @eKym! = mtEKym!dev + @eñyRm! = devEñyRm!xn + @eñyRm! = xnEñyRm!mha + @eñyRm! = mhEñyRm!

idv + Aaeks> = idvaEks>jl + Aae"> = jlaE">

(B) A + Aae = AaE A + AaE = AaE Aa + Aae = AaE Aa + AaE = AaE

A + @ = @e A + @e = @e Aa + @ = @e Aa + @e = @(A)

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Textbook 87

prm + AaEicTym! = prmaEicTym!mha + AaE;ix> = mhaE;ix>mha + AaETsuKym! = mhaETsuKym!

12.1.4 y[!-----siNx>#kae y[ic – Päëini Sütra (3. 1. 77)

#, %, \ and ¤, short or long, when followed by any dissimilar vowel

becomes y! , v! , r! and l! respectively.

(A) # or $ + any dissimilar vowel (other than # or $ ) = y!àit + A]m! = àTy]m!yid + Aip = y*ipàit + @km! = àTyekm!#it + Aaid = #TyaidAit + %Äm> = ATyuÄm>suxI + %paSy> = suXyupaSy>pavRtI + Axuna = pavRTyxuna

(B) % or ^ + any dissimilar vowel (other than % or ^ ) = v!gué + Aadez> = guva›dez>Anu + @;[m! = ANve;[m!Anu + Ay> = ANvy>hetu + AwRm! = heTvwRm!saxu + #dm! = saiXvdm!saxu + Aaednm! = saXvaednm!

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88 Easy Sanskrit

(C) \ or § + any dissimilar vowel (other than \ or § ) = r!ipt& + Aa}a = ipÇa}aipt& + A<z> = ipÇ<z>ipt& + AaEdayRm! = ipÇaEdayRm!mat& + Aa}a = maÇa}amat& + #CDa = maiÇCDamat& + %*anm! = maÇu*anm!

12.1.5 Ayaid-----siNx>@cae=yvayav> – Päëini Sütra (6. 1. 78)

If @ , @e , Aae, and AaE are followed by any dissimilar vowel, they become Ay!Aay! , Av! and Aav! respectively.

Example: ne + Anm! = nynm!The @ in ne is changed to Ay! and hence ne + Anm! = nynm!Here are a few more examples:

mageR + Aagta> = magRyagta>iïyE + %*t> = iïyayu*t>nE + Ak> = nayk>hre + @ = hrye

@ + any dissimilar vowel = Ay!@e + any dissimilar vowel = Aay!(A)

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Textbook 89

Aae + any dissimilar vowel = Av! AaE + any dissimilar vowel = Aav!

paE + Ak> = pavk>Éae + Anm! = Évnm!iv:[ae + @ = iv:[venaE + #k> = naivk>ivÉae + #h = ivÉivh

12.1.6 pUvRêp-----siNx>@'> pdaNtadit – Päëini Sütra (6. 1. 109)

If @ or Aae at the end of a word is followed by A, the A disappears and the sign

’=’ (avagraha) is placed instead. This sandhi being an exception to Ayaid-siNx(refer 12.1.5), the @ or Aae is not changed into Ay! or Av! .

Example: hre + AÇ = hre=ÇIn hre + AÇ, A follows the vowel @ and hence A is changed to avagraha. The

avagraha indicates that the A is silent.

A few more examples:

lte + Av = lte=vANte + Aip = ANtee=ipgaepalae + Ahm! = gaepalae=hm!sae + Aym! = sae=ym!


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90 Easy Sanskrit

12.1.7 prêp-siNx>@i' prêpm! – Päëini Sütra (6. 1. 94)

If A is followed by @ or Aae, they combine to form the latter, that is @ or Aae.Example: à + @jte = àejteIn à + @jte the vowel @ is substituted in the place of A and @ and it becomes

àejte.%p + Aae;it = %pae;itzu + Aaedn> = zu aedn>

12.1.8 àk«itÉav-----siNx>$Ëded!iÖvcn< àg&ým! – Päëini Sütra (1. 1. 11)

When any vowel follows a dual noun ending with $, ^ or @ , there is no

sandhi of the words, that is, they retain their original form. Therefore this

sandhi is called ‘prakåtibhäva-sandhi’.

Example: hrI + AagtaE = hrI AagtaEThe word hrI is the prathamä-vibhakti-dvivacana of the word hir. So there is

no sandhi and the form remains as hrI AagtaE.Here are a few more examples:

xenU + AagCDt> = xenU AagCDt>lte + AisÂtam! = lte AisÂtam!AmU + AñaE = AmU AñaE

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Textbook 91

12.2.1 cTvR-----siNx>oir c – Päëini Sütra (8. 4. 55)

The consonants except nasals and semi-vowels when followed by hard

consonants substitute the first letter of their group of consonants

(k! c! q! t! p! ).Example: ivpd! + kal> = ivpTkal>The d! of ivpd! is followed by k which is a hard consonant. So d is substituted

by t! , which is the first letter of its group.

12.2 VyÃn-----siNx>When two consonants are joined together it is known as vyaïjana-sandhi.

This is of ten types.


2. jZTv

3. Anunaisk

4. AnuSvar

5. prsv[R 6. íuTv

7. òuTv

8. pUvRsv[R

9. DTv

10. 'mufagmVyÃn-----siNx>

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92 Easy Sanskrit

Here are a few more examples:

ivraf! + pué;> = ivraq!pué;>sd! + kar> = sTkar>suùd! + ³Ifit = suùT³Ifitidg! + pal> = idKpal>]ux! + ippasa = ]uiTppasa

12.2.2. jZTv-----siNx>Hla< jzae=Nte – Päëini Sütra (8.2.39)

The consonants, except nasals, at the end of a word when followed by a vowel

or a soft consonant, take the third letter of their group.

Example: vakœ + danm! = vaGdanm!The consonant kœ is followed by the soft consonant d. The kœ is therefore

changed into the third letter of its group g! .

Here are a few more examples:

idkœ + gj> = idGgj>Ac! + ANt> = AjNt>jgt! + $z> = jgdIz>àakœ + @v = àagevpirìaq! + vdit = pirìaf!vditAp! + "q> = AB"q>idkœ + AMbr> = idgMbr>

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Textbook 93

12.2.3 Anunaisk-----siNx>yrae=nunaiske=nunaiskae va – Päëini Sütra (8. 4. 45)

When a word ends in a consonant other than h! and is followed by a nasal, the

final consonant of the first word is optionally substituted by the nasal of its


Example: @td! + murair> = @tNmurair>/ @td!murair>The word @td! ends with the consonant d! and is followed by the nasal m! . So

the consonant d! takes up the nasal of its class, which is n! , and thus we get

@tNmurair>.A few more examples:

;q! + masa> = ;{masa> / ;q!masa>jgt! + naw> = jgÚaw>/ jgt!naw>àakœ + muom! = àa'!muom! / àakœmuom!sd! + mit> = sNmit> / sd!mit>

But when the end consonant of a word is followed by the suffixes my and maÇ,

the change into nasal is compulsory.


ict! + mym! = icNmym!tt! + maÇm! = tNmaÇm!

12.2.4. AnuSvar-----siNx>(A) mae=nuSvar> – Päëini Sütra (8. 3. 23)

If m! is followed by any consonant then m! is replaced by anusvära.

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94 Easy Sanskrit

Examples :

hirm! + vNde = hir < vNdekayRm! + k…é = kay<› k…éxmRm! + cr = xm›< crsTym! + vd = sTy< vdsÅvrm! + yait = sÅvr< yaitramm! + Éjaim = ram< Éjaim

(B) níapdaNtSy Hil – Päëini Sütra ( 8. 3. 24 )

m! and n! occurring within the middle of the word, when followed by a

consonant except a nasal or a semi vowel or hœ, is changed into anusvära.

Example: yzan! + is = yza<isIn yzan! + is, n! is changed into anusvära as it followed by the sibilant s! .

A few more examples:

pyan! + is = pya<isnm! + Syit = n<Syitsm! + sar> = s<sar>

12.2.5 prsv[R-----siNx>(A) AnuSvarSy yiy prsv[R> – Päëini Sütra (8. 4. 58)

The m! or n! occurring within a word is changed into anusvära, and when

followed by any consonant except z! , ;! , s! , or hœ , is changed into a nasal of

the following consonant.

Example: A< + ikt> = Ai»t>

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Textbook 95

In this example A< is followed by the consonant k . So anusvära is changed

into the nasal of its group which is '! Thus A< + ikt> = Ai»t>Here are a few more examples:

m< + idrm! = miNdrm!k…< + iQt> = k…i{Qt>za< + t> = zaNt>gu< + i)t> = guiM)t>

(B) va pdaNtSy – Päëini Sütra (8. 4. 59 )

But the nasal at the end of a word is optionally changed into anusvära in accor-

dance with the above rule.


Tv< + kraei; = Tv'!kraei; / Tv< kraei; t&[< + crit = t&[Ârit / t&[< crit ¢am< + gCDit = ¢am'!gCDit / ¢am< gCDit

(C) taeilR – Päëini Sütra (8. 4. 60)

If a consonant of the t group is followed by l! , the consonant of the t group

changes into l! .Examples:

tt! + lIn> = tLlIn>%d! + leo> = %Lleo>jgt! + lúmI> = jgLlúmI>ivlst! + l»a = ivlsLl»a

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96 Easy Sanskrit

12.2.6 íuTv-siNx>Stae> íuna íu> – Päëini Sütra (8. 4. 40)

(A) If s! is followed by z! or the consonants of c group, the s! is changed into z! .Examples:

rams! + zete = ramZzetmns! + cÂlm! = mníÂlm!rams! + icnaeit = ramiínaeitizzus! + zete = izzuZzete

(B) If the consonant of the t group is followed by z! or the consonant of the cgroup, the consonant of the t group is changed into its corresponding c group



st! + ict! = si½t!mht! + c³m! = mh½³m!b&ht! + DÇm! = b&hCDÇm!

12.2.7 òuTv-----siNx>òuna òu> – Päëini Sütra (8. 4. 41)

(A) If s! is followed by ;! or the consonant of the q group, the s! is changed into ;!.Examples:

rams! + ;ó> = ram:;ó>xnus! + q»ar> = xnuò»ar>bals! + ;ó> = bal:;ó>

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Textbook 97

(B) If the consonants of the t group is followed by the consonants of the qgroup, the consonant of the t group is changed into its corresponding

consonant of the q group.


mhd! + ifi{fm> = mhif!fi{fm>tt! + qIka = t”Ikab&ht! + qIka = b&h”Ikaci³n! + FaEkse = ci³{FaEkseb&ht! + q»zala = b&h”»zala%t! + q»nm! = %”»nm!%t! + Jvl> = %JJvl>mhan! + jy> = mhaÁjy>ANyt! + c = ANy½

12.2.8 pUvRsv[R-----siNx>Hyae hae=NytrSyam! – Päëini Sütra (8. 4. 62)

If h! comes after any of the first four letters of a group, the h! is optionally

changed to the fourth letter of that group. The end consonant of the first word

changes into the third letter of its group.

Example: vakœ + hir> = vaGhir>/vaG"ir>vakœ ends with the consonant kœ which is changed into g! which is the third

letter of its group. h! is optionally changed into "! .A few more examples:

ptt! + ihmm! = ptd!ihmm! /pti˜mm!tt! + iht> = td!iht>/ti˜t>

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98 Easy Sanskrit

Ap! + hr[m! = ABhr[m!/ABÉr[m!idkœ + hStI = idGhStI/idG"StIsèaq! + ihtkr> = sèaif!htkr>/èaif!Ftkr>

12.2.9 DTv-----siNx>zZDae=iq – Päëini Sütra (8. 4. 63)

If z! is followed by a vowel, semi-vowel or h and is preceded by a word

ending in any of the first four letters of a group, z! is changed into D!optionally. The t! of the first word changes into c! .Examples:

tt! + izv> = tiCzv> / tiCDv>tt! + zIl> = tCzIl> / tCDIl>jgt! + zr[m! = jgCzr[m! / jgCDr[m!%t! + iz:q> = %iCz:q> / %iCD:q>st! + zaSÇm! = sCzaSÇm! / sCDaSÇm!

12.2.10 'mufagm-siNx>'mae ÿSvadic 'mui{nTym! – Päëini Sütra (8. 3. 32)

If a word ends in '! , [! or n! , is preceded by a short vowel and is followed by

any vowel, then '! , [! or n! is doubled.


àTy'! + AaTma = àTy'!'aTmaxavn! + Añ> = xavÚñ>hsn! + AiÄ = hsÚiÄ

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Textbook 99

12.3.1 %kar>If a visarga (>) is preceded by A and is followed by a soft consonant or A then

the visarga is changed into % (A + % = Aae ) ( A = =).The soft consonants do not change. The A is treated as silent and is

represented by avagraha (=) ( A = =)

Example: izv> + ACyR> = izvae=CyR>In the word izv> the visarga is preceded by the vowel A and is followed by Ain ACyR>. Thus the visarga in izv> changes to %. Again A and % combine to

become Aae and thus we get izvae=CyR>.A few more examples:

ram> + Aip = ramae=ipk> + Aym! = kae=ym!

sug[! + $z> = sug{[Iz>gCDn! + AiSt = gCDÚiStSmrn! + %vac = SmrNnuvac

12.3 ivsgR-----siNx>When visarga (:) is combined with any vowel or consonant it is known as

‘visarga sandhi’. There are 4 types in this sandhi.

2. laep> 3. re)>

ivsgR-----siNx>1. %kar> 4. skar>

Page 21: sulabha-text-final-1 26.10 · ‘vyaïjana-sandhi’. (3) ivsg›-siNx> When visarga (:) is joined with any vowel or a consonant it is known as ‘visarga-sandhi’. The following

100 Easy Sanskrit

Ax> + git = Axae gitmn> + blm! = mnae blm!

12.3.2 laep>(A) If visarga is preceded by Aa and is followed by any vowel or a soft

consonant, the visarga is dropped.


Aña> + AmI = Aña AmIpuÇa> + jata> = puÇa jata>Aña> + xaviNt = Aña xaviNtjna> + gCDiNt = jna gCDiNttara> + %idta> = tara %idta>hta> + gja> = hta gja>

(B) If a visarga is preceded by A and is followed by any vowel other than the

short A, the visarga is dropped.


k…t> + Aagta> = k…t Aagta>nr> + #v = nr #vcNÔ> + %deit = cNÔ %deitdev> + \i;> = dev \i;>k«:[> + @it = k«:[ @itk> + @;> = k @;>

(C) If any consonant or vowel except short A follows s> or @;>, the visarga is



Page 22: sulabha-text-final-1 26.10 · ‘vyaïjana-sandhi’. (3) ivsg›-siNx> When visarga (:) is joined with any vowel or a consonant it is known as ‘visarga-sandhi’. The following

Textbook 101

s> + AagCDit = s AagCDits> + zMÉuu> = s zMÉuu>@;> + iv:[u> = @; iv:[u>

(D) The words Éae>, Égae> and A"ae> lose their visarga if any vowel or soft

consonant follows it.


Éae> + ACyut = Éae ACyutA"ae> + yaih = A"ae yaihÉgae> + nmSte = Égae nmSte

12.3.3 re)>(A) If visarga is preceded by any vowel except A or Aa and is followed by any

vowel or a soft consonant then, visarga is changed into r! .


hir> + Aym! = hirrym!git> + #ym! = gitirym!riv> + %deit = rivédeitmuin> + Éjit = muinÉRjitkve> + bui˜> = kvebu›i˜>gurae> + g&hm! = guraeg&Rhm!

(B) Having changed visarga into r! ( > = r! ), if the first letter of the following

word is again r! , the r! of the first word disappears and the short vowels Aa, $or % before r! of the first word is then changed to Aa, $ or ^ respectively.

hirr! (hir>) + rMy> = hrI rMy>

Page 23: sulabha-text-final-1 26.10 · ‘vyaïjana-sandhi’. (3) ivsg›-siNx> When visarga (:) is joined with any vowel or a consonant it is known as ‘visarga-sandhi’. The following

102 Easy Sanskrit

The visarga in hir> is changed into r! and then when it combines with r! of the

following word rMy>, the r! in the hirr! (hir>) is dropped and the vowel is

lengthened. Thus hirr! (hir>) becomes hrI.A few more Examples:

inr! + rs> = nIrs> zMÉur! + rajte = zMÉU rajte æatur! + raednm! = æatU raednm! iptr! + r] = ipta r]

12.3.4. skar>(A) When visarga is followed by t! or w! then the visarga is changed intos! .Examples:

mn> + tap> = mnStap>ram> + it:Qit = ramiSt:Qitiv:[u> + Çata = iv:[uSÇata

If visarga is followed by c! or D! then the visarga becomes z! .


gaE> + crit = gaEíritk> + ict! = kiít!m&g> + crit = m&gírit

If visarga is followed by q! or Q! then the visarga is changed to ;!.Examples:

ram> + qIkte = ram:qIkte

Page 24: sulabha-text-final-1 26.10 · ‘vyaïjana-sandhi’. (3) ivsg›-siNx> When visarga (:) is joined with any vowel or a consonant it is known as ‘visarga-sandhi’. The following

Textbook 103

xnu> + q»ar> = xnu:q»ar>(B) If z! , ;! or s! follows a visarga then the visarga is changed into z! , ;! or s!optionally.


hir> + zete = hirZzete/hir> zetesuPt> + izzu> = suPtiZzzu>/suPt> izzu>kiv> + ïu[aeit = kivZïu[aeit/kiv> ïu[aeitmÄ> + ;q!pd> = mÄ:;q!pd>/mÄ> ;q!pd>pdawaR> + sPt = pdawaRSsPt/pdawaR> sPtk…mar> + sIdit = k…marSsIdit/k…mar> sIdit