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Suicide : the act of intentionally ending one's own life.

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Suicide is thought to kill about a million people a year and

by 2020 this is expected to increase to more than 1.5 million

with 85% of suicides occurring in low- and middle-income


Between 10 and 20 times as many people attempt suicide as

succeed and with 5 to 6 people affected by an individual’s

suicidal behaviour, somewhere in the order of 100 million

people are directly affected by suicidal behaviour each year.

On top of this, and what these numbers cannot tell, is the

enormous suffering of those who wish to end their life and of

those who lose their loved ones and/or caregivers to suicide

or suicidal behaviours.

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Over one million people die by suicide worldwide each year.

The global suicide rate is 16 per 100,000 population.

On average, one person dies by suicide every 40 seconds somewhere in the world.

1.8% of worldwide deaths are suicides. Global suicide rates have increased 60%

in the past 45 years.

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The World Health Organization (WHO) released

a report mapping suicide rates around the world and

found that North Korea and Russia had some of the

highest mortality rates by suicide in 2012 with 9,790 and

31,997 deaths out of their total populations, respectively.

By contrast, northern and southern Africa had amongst

the lowest rates for the cause of death. The WHO

reports that there were 43,361 suicides in the U.S. alone

in that year.

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Data Source: WHO 2011

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suicide ideation: thoughts of engaging in

behavior intended to end one's life

suicide plan: the formulation of a specific

method through which one intends to die

suicide attempt: engagement in potentially self-

injurious behavior in which there is at least

some intent to die.

Nonsuicidal self-injury : self-injury in which a

person has no intent to die (not the focus of this


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MYTH: Suicidal persons are crazy.FACT: Most suicidal persons are not crazy.

MYTH: All suicidal people want to die and there is nothing that can be done about it.FACT: Most suicidal people are undecided about living or dying. They may gamble with death, leaving it to others to rescue them. Frequently they call for help before and after a suicide attempt.

MYTH: People who talk about suicide rarely attempt or commit suicide.FACT: Nearly 80 % of those who attempt or commit suicide give some warning of their intentions. When someone talks about committing suicide, they may be giving a warning that should not be ignored.

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MYTHS: Once a person is suicidal, they are suicidal forever.

FACT: Most suicidal people are that way for only a brief period in their

lives. If they attempter receives the proper assistance and support,

they will probably never be suicidal again. Only about 10% of

attempters later complete the act.

MYTHS: Improvement following a suicidal crisis means the risk is over.

FACTS: Many suicides occur within 90 days after the beginning of

“improvement” when they seem to have the energy to act on morbid

thoughts and feelings. The desire to escape life may be so great that

the idea of suicide represents relief from a hopeless situation.

Therefore, we must be particularly attentive to the suicidal individual.

MYTH: Talking to someone about suicidal feelings will cause them to

commit suicide.

FACTS: Talking to someone about their suicidal feelings usually

makes the person feel relieved that someone finally recognized their

emotional pain and they feel safer talking about it.

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There is no simple answer.

Usually, the emotional upset is so

great that the person “just wants to

stop the pain.” The suicidal person

feels a tremendous sense of

loneliness and isolation. They feel

helpless, hopeless, and worthless.

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All kinds of people: young, old, rich

Poor, male, female, officers, NCO’s,

enlisted, civilians, every race, and

every creed..

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Poor job performance/evaluation

- Being passed over for promotion or advanced schooling

Failed relationships

Death of a loved one

Sickness and illness

Financial problems

Facing UCMJ or other legal charges

Loss of “support systems” or “emotional safety”

The compounding and disorienting effects of drugs and/or alcohol

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Renewal of bonding with family on return from long field training or an isolated tour

Leaving old friends

New military assignments

Loss of self-esteem/status


Being alone with concerns about self and family

Suicide of a friend or family member

Discharge or retirement

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> Sadness that’s greater than usual

> More prolonged

> Helpless hopeless, worthless

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Loss of relationship

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> Has problems with family, relationship, job, Army, finances

> Has made previous suicide attempts

> Has experienced a recent suicide of a friend or relative

> Threatens suicide