Download - Suicide

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Journal - Suicide

Susie is really angry with her friends. She has been angry with them for several weeks but she hasn’t told anyone that she is upset. Is this a healthy or unhealthy way to deal with problem? Explain. (2-3 sentences)

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1. No one can stop a suicide. Its inevitable.

2. Those who talk about suicide don’t do it.

3. Once a person decides to commit suicide there is nothing anyone can do to stop them.

4. Confronting a person about suicide will only make them angry and increase the risk of suicide.

Myth or Fact?

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Myth or Fact?

1. No one can stop a suicide. Its inevitable.

Myth: If people in a crisis get the help they need, they will probably never be suicidal again.

2. Those who talk about suicide don’t do it.

Myth: People who talk about suicide may try or even complete an act of self-destruction.

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Myth: Asking someone directly about suicidal intent lowers anxiety, opens up communication and lowers the risk of an impulsive act.

3. Once a person decides to commit suicide there is nothing anyone can do to stop them.

Myth: Suicide is the MOST preventable kind of death. Almost any positive action may save a life.

4. Confronting a person about suicide will only make them angry and increase the risk of suicide.

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Suicide is one the leading causes of death among young people.

Studies indicate that 90% of those who complete suicide show warning signs.

66% of those individuals showed the warning signs to family and friends.

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Some warning signs of suicide-Lack of energy.-Withdrawal from friends and family.-Taking unnecessary risks.-No longer taking interest in favorite activities or personal appearance.-Expressing suicidal thoughts or talking a lot about death.

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What you can DO

With most people, a suicide attempt is a cry for help. If anyone you know talks of suicide:

-Try to react calmly and let the person talk out his/her feelings.-Don’t make comments that challenge the person’s intent.-Offer comfort and support.-Urge the person to get help right away.-Don’t promise to keep a friend’s talk of suicide secret. Tell an adult who can help.

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Knowing when to get Help:

Talking about your thoughts and feelings may be difficult at first. Sometimes all you need to do is let someone know that you need help.

Needing help is nothing to be ashamed of-it is a mistake not to ask for help.

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Seeking Professional Help

How can you tell if a problem is serious enough is discuss with a mental health professional? These are some warning signs:

-Feeling sad and angry for no reason.-Being tired all the time.-Avoiding friends and family.-Feeling hopeless, guilty or ashamed.-Having aches and pains for no reason.-Finding it impossible to concentrate.-Thinking you just can’t fit in anywhere.

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Therapy Methods:

There are two broad types of therapy for metal health problems:-Talk therapy: includes a variety of counseling methods.-Biological therapy: involves using medications to treat mental health problems.

The goal of mental health treatment is to help patients change so that they can handle their problems better.

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Counseling is talk therapy. It can be done in individual sessions or in groups, even families. This is known as family therapy.

Some of the methods used in counseling can focus on helping people think more positively about themselves or changing behaviors.

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Drug Treatments

Some mental health disorders can be treated with drugs.Drug treatment is highly individual. The medications used to treat mental disorders can be prescribed only by a medical doctor.

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Sources of Help

Teens often seek help from the following people for their mental health problems:

-Parent or other adult family member-Clergy member-Teacher or school counselor-Family counselor-School nurse-Social worker-Psychologist-Psychiatrist

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Resources for building a healthy lifestyle:

-parents-relatives-teachers-coaches-school counselors-health care providers (nurse, doctor)-religious leaders-hospitals-SRO-police department-nutritionist-counselor-community center (Inside Cover)

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Create and complete this chart on your piece of paper:

Emotion Physically I… Other emotions I might feel at the same time…

A healthy way for me to express this emotion is…

An unhealthy way for me to express this emotion is….







Conflict with your parents.

Conflict with a friend.

Conflict with a teacher/coach.

Celebrating your birthday.

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Trust TrianglesCreate Trust Triangles for the following emotions:


What I can do to express this emotion in a healthy way…

Person’s Name that I trust to express/talk about this emotion…

Person’s Name that I trust to express/talk about this emotion…


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Tell someone about my worry. Write down my worry.

