Download - Sufficiency The {H d 71'imJ Minimal


Sufficiency The Minimal (l~EIJv.J8 l08:: 00U8a)

Sasaporn Suthatkul Department of Performance Communication. Albert Laurence School of Communication Arts, Assumption University

1. Creative work name

Sufficiency The Minimal

(l~tJJrHJ 1a<J~ oouoa)

2. Name of artist or designer

Sasapom Suthatkul

3. Background or significant of the project

According to the theme of this sec­

ond CA Creative work 2016, this year, is

under the word called 'Sufficiency'. From

this word, it could definitely refer to the

person whom the researcher could think

of as the King Rama 9. Additionally, it has

been so many years that we have heard the

word 'sufficiency economic' or 'sufficiency

philosophy' since we were in high school.

On the other hand, this word of the king's

teaching, has been now presented repeat­

ably in various channel of medias after the

date of Thai people griefs on 13th Octo­

ber 2016. However, the word 'Sufficiency'

has been understood in terms of economic

and a philosophy as 'Sufficiency philoso­

phy' or in Thai as 'lJs1:m,J1~m~tiJ'.

Then, the researcher have researched and

found about king 9's speech about

'Sufficiency' on the date of 4 December

1998 at Saladusitdalai , Chittlada palace ;

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CiaJ 1L.ilu 1utimutiuAu5u. CiaJ 71'ir.J <J Lls:u1ru

cnu~am~ t-jOOlr"ir.J<Jl~tJJ r11a:Tsr"i~m~E10

un ua a uli ~m~llJ .. .'

As the researcher is a theatre and

drama practitioner, it makes the researcher

thinks that if live performance could be a

tool to represent an idea about 'sufficien­

cy', what should the researcher start from?

and which style of live performance that

could 'really' represent the idea of suffi­

ciency in a way of living.

This project has been started from

the script of my students from the respon­

sible course of the researcher , CA2015

Introduction to Performance Communi­

cation. The students have created a live

performance for their final project and

at the last class of the course. Then, Me

and those students decided to create a new

script which based on a previous plot that

they have been presented under the name

of 'Misery of Tone' or in Thai as 'rinuTnu

1aa:iJ:Jfflfia'. However, after have been try­

ing to developed the project, the project has

been decided to stopped from the opinion

of the researcher, since the researcher have

found that the researcher would rather not

developed the story which the researcher

not 'really' understand it very well especial­

ly in a way of 'solider' content. This time

of this alter allow the researcher to rethink

about the project and have a deeper analy­

sis in the script of Misery of Tone instead.

Surprisingly, after the researcher had

a time to have an interpretation process

of Misery of Tone the musical script, the

researcher have found enormous points

about this script with also comes up with

the question that ,actually, started this ~

project. 'Does minimalism is equal to suf-1'1.l

ficiency philosophy of the king's teach- 1 = ing?' Minimalism has been a 'trend' among

young Thai generations in their living in-

eluding fashions, perspective of photogra­

phy and the most important and the most

outstanding point is 'the way of their liv­

ings' Points that I have found in this young

thai generation can be bullets as follow-


•The script writer of Misery of Tone

The Musical : Jiraphat Lim-Anubhava The

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l most interesting point for this analysis of F


the script is the way that he created a logo

of Misery of Tone and the way that he se­

lected the songs for this musical.

The logo of Misery of Tone the musical

From this logo, I have seen that the

way that select the style of the logo is no

more than a text and the background.

Selection of music

As I have found the style of the

music in Misery of Tone the musical, al-~ . ~ most the songs that has been used 1s from t 'Greasy Cafe'. I had interview this student

1 about his love in Greasy cafe artist. Addi­= .. 2 tionally, after has been listened to the songs .. ~ of this artist, the word minimalism was the

j first word that the researcher could think rll ,e. of since the researcher have found one re-

1 search about Greasy cafe that Greasy cafe

~ is an idol for young thai minimalist. ~ .~

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The picture of an album cover of Greary cafe

It is interesting that we might not

have noticed about sufficiency philoso­

phy that actually stimulates and a trend

for young Thai generation for these recent

years. These young Thai people have no

idea that they have actually follow the path

of H.M King Rama 9 sufficiency philosophy.

By the way, some young Thai people

might have an idea about sufficient philos­

ophy in a way of 'agricultural'. In my opin­

ion, most of the media communication

in Thailand frequently present this king's

teaching in this way of agricultural living

but there has not many people pointing

out about the idea if 'a way of living'.

After this script interpretation proc­

ess, I had decided to create a live perform­

ance which will represent a point of view

of 'Bangkok citizen' towards the king's

""' • teaching in a way that the researcher can -92-

follow the king's path as the way of living ficiency philosophy. Urging new awareness

in sufficiency philosophy as a minimalist. of the target audience about minimalist.

Consequently, the significant of this 4.4 To teach and train students

project would be the point of my research whom the researcher collaborate with,

question; Minimalism is (actually) similar broaden their understanding working proc-

to the King Rama 9's teaching in sufficien­

cy philosophy.

4. Project Objective

4.1 To find the answer from the re­

search question that does minimalism is

similar to sufficiency philosophy in terms

of the way of living? by using a live per­

formance as a tool of communication to

find an answer and also present the mes­

sage of the story.

4.2 To experiment about the way of

using concept of minimalism to be put

into six elements of theatre by Aristotle.

furthermore, to find an answer that is it

possible to have a minimalist theatre which

has a minimalism in all elements of thea-


ess of live performance and enhance their

knowledges of creating live performance

in a real field of working.

5. Concept

A Short one act play by using a mini­

malism ideas for being as a core tool for

creating this short play. The researcher will

apply this minimalism ideas within the per­

formance by applying this idea into six el­

ements of theatre by Aristotle which are

theme, plot, character, diction, sound or

music and spectacles.

•Theme: ~

The theme of this short play is 'less ·~

~ needs, more happiness, that's enough' I

In other words, researcher would empha- ! = N

4.3 To deconstruction about theatre sise on minimalist idea in terms of the way .­~

of living to emphasise that sufficiency phi- .., perspective of the audiences. Additionally,

does this kind of 'minimalist theatre' will

hit into the target of the audiences(as the

researcher have mentioned in the back-

ground and significant that minimalist is

a 'trend' among young Thai of this gen-

eration in recent years. Attempting to rep-

resenting an idea of minimalist in current

Thai society with also attempt and urge

j losophy is actually the same as minimalism r1.1


1 •Plot: This is the story of young Bangkok ~

idea in western world.

woman named 'Pieangjan' who have just ~ .. got her first job in her desire career who ~

~ has been just coincidentally looking for

happiness for solving her griefs. Coinci-

dentally, she has found that there has one


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audiences to comprehend easier about suf- company called 'no name company' which t' -93-

is owned by Mr. Mal whom no one tings, costumes, make up, lighting designs.

has ever see his face even his employees. First of all the colours of the visual ele­

Pieang decide to buy the package of ments on stage will have just only a neu­

happiness from no name company and her tral colour tones (according to a minimalist

life is changed since here forever with people selection of colours) as the image

the word spelled 'r·JC>'or 'enough' in english.

•Main Characters: Protagonist : Pieangjan

(Pieang) I L~EJ0d"uns (L~EJ0) : A young

Bangkok woman who raised and born in

Bangkok Chidlom district. aged 24 years

who decides to buy happiness package

from no name company. Antagonist : Mr.

Mal (Mal) I F]fU tfoa (1.Jc:Ju) : The own­

er of the company named 'no name

company'. This company has a strong

product which is happiness. Customers

can select the package such as 'Happiness

package level 1' and 'Happiness package

level 10'. No one has ever see his face just

only his voice that could be heard. The









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mainly focus on 'letting go all things that

belong to' .

•Diction : Thai and english language by spo-

ken and also projected on the projected

screen on the stage.

•Music/ Sound: The researcher has decided

to use minimalist music works from Philip

Glass (a minimalist musician) such as

Metamorphosis , Morning passages, Glass


•Spectacles: The researcher divide into set-

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Settings - The setting of this play will be

changeable according to the scene of the

story. However, the main setting of the

story will be have just only a white back­

drop and white stage area. Additionally,

there will be a projector screen on a white

backdrop to projected an image such as a

line application conversation or a

projected image of a TV screen. The refer­

ences image can be seen as follows;

.r " Lighting design- white neon lights with some- '

times a warm lighting colours. ~ = ..

Costumes and make up design - In the plot ;!S ll

of the story, the main character 'Pieang' ~

will be developed since she was not mini- j rll

malist until she is kind of minimalist peo- ,e.

ple. The design will represent the change. 1 The references images as follows; '::!


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6. Process of art or design works • Minimalism in music

6.1 Rework and revise by analyse • Minimalism in theatre

from a previous script (Misery of Tone the


• Minimalist, the way of living

6.5 Writing a script by using the con-

6.2 Having an interpretation process cept of minimal arts into six elements of

of the script as followings;



~ • the script writer .i

6.6 Finalising the script Discuss and

meet all of people in the production

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• logo/ artwork

6.3 From the interpretation analy-

sis, the researcher starts to think about a

research questions with the data that has

been collected.

6.4 The researcher have found that

,actually, minimalism idea is quite similar

to theidea of sufficiency philosophy. Then,

the researcher starts to take a deeper research


• Minimalism : general definitions

• Minimalism in art/ visual art

6. 7 Discuss and meet all of people in

works in the production including holding

an audition

6.8 Acting rehearsal with script by

also developing the work with actors

6.9 Discuss development with pro­

duction team

6.10 Finalise the performance

6.11 Evaluate the creative work with

production team

7. Material and techniques of works

7.1 Using the concept of minimalism arts

which are including visual art, music and



7.2 Using the method of acting theory by Constantin Stanilavski to enhance

knowledges and skills of acting for all of the performers in the production.

8. Picture of art or design works

8.1 logo of the creative work

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• Thai version of the logo

s u F F I C I E N C Y

• English version of the logo

