Download - Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and ... - Clariden– IBM Analytics Study, 2015 • Recognized by HR Magazine as the 7th Most

Page 1: Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and ... - Clariden– IBM Analytics Study, 2015 • Recognized by HR Magazine as the 7th Most

Knowledge for the world business leaders C L A R I D E N February 2016


8 Separately Bookable Sessions In 4 Cities

Program A: HR Analytics, Metrics and Measurement for Strategic Decision Making

15 - 16 February 2016, Brisbane Marriott Hotel18 - 19 February 2016, Shangri-La Hotel Sydney22 - 23 February 2016, InterContinental Melbourne The Rialto25 - 26 February 2016, Pan Pacifi c Perth

Program B: Eff ective HR Reporting and Analysis for Communication to Senior Management and Board Members

17 February 2016, Brisbane Marriott Hotel22 February 2016, Shangri-La Hotel Sydney24 February 2016, InterContinental Melbourne The Rialto29 February 2016, Pan Pacifi c Perth

These two sessions are designed to provide participants with best practices and top strategies on translating HR analytics and metrics into insights and intelligence for HR professionals and senior management. Participants are strongly encouraged to att end both sessions to maximize their learning and bring these actionable plans back to their workplace.

Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and

Communication WeekTranslating Analytics into Insights, Intelligence and Actions

Top performing organizations were twice as likely to use analytics to guide future strategies, and twice as likely to use insights to guide day-to-day operations.

– IBM Analytics Study, 2015“ “

Page 2: Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and ... - Clariden– IBM Analytics Study, 2015 • Recognized by HR Magazine as the 7th Most

• Recognized by HR Magazine as the 7th Most Infl uential UK HR thinker (2013) and by HR Examiner as the #1 top global online infl uencer in talent management (2010) and a top 100 global infl uencer in HR

• Author of highly popular “Strategic Human Capital Management: Creating Value Through People” and contributor, alongside Dave Ulrich to “The Executive Guide to Integrated Talent Management”

• Formerly a HR Director for Ernst & Young in UK, he speaks at major HR conferences around the world and trains around 500 HR practitioners in workshops every year

• Winner of the Asia-Pacifi c Human Resource Development Award, the Australia Award by thedAustralian Institute of Training and Development, and the Fellowship & Life Contribution Award bythe Australian Human Resources Institute

• Author of highly popular “Organisation and Manpower Planning”, “Some Aspects of Personnel rManagement” and joint-editor of “Personnel Management in Australian Industry and Commerce”r

• Expert HR Trainer, Consultant and Keynote Speaker for numerous organizations, including rand not limited to Society for Human Resource Management, Australian Management International,Australian Institute of Management, Certifi ed Practising Accountants Australia

• Certifi ed HR Professional by the Australian Human Resources Institute and the Human Resources Management Association in Canada

• Expert workshop leader and facilitator with Murdoch University, the Australian Human Resources yyInstitute, the Canadian Human Resources Association, Certifi ed General Accountants of Canada and the University of British Columbia

• Expert Consultant and Trainer for numerous organizations, including and not limited to Citic Pacifi c Mining, Wesfarmers, Rio Tinto, Mantra Group, Bank of Queensland, John Deere, City of Busselton, IKEA, Western Australian Department of Education Services

Jon Ingham

Les Pickett

Audrey Ciccone

Faculty Director Credentials

For Sydney, Melbourne and Perth Sessions

For Brisbane Session

Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and

Communication WeekTranslating Analytics into Insights, Intelligence and Actions

Faculty Director for HR Analytics, Metrics and Measurement for Strategic Decision Making

Faculty Directors for Eff ective HR Reporting and Analysis for Communication to Senior Management and Board Members

Page 3: Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and ... - Clariden– IBM Analytics Study, 2015 • Recognized by HR Magazine as the 7th Most

3Contact Admissions Offi ce at +61 3 9909 7310 | [email protected] |

2016 Clariden Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and Communication Week

HR Analytics, Metrics and Measurement for Strategic Decision MakingHeld Across 4 Major Cities in Australia including Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth

Jon Ingham

International HR Director, Jon is frequently invited to chair and speak at leading HR conferences around the world and trains around 500 HR practitioners in executive workshops every year. He is also recognized by HR Magazine as the 7th Most Infl uential UK HR thinker (2013) and by HR Examiner as the #1 top global online infl uencer in talent management (2010) and a top 100 global infl uencer in HR where it is suggested that it is “not outrageous to imagine him as the next Ulrich”.

As the author of Strategic Human Capital Management (2006) and a contributor alongside Dave Ulrich, Ed Lawler, Peter Cappelli and others to the ASTD’s recent book, The Executive Guide to Integrated Talent Management (2011), Jonalso writes one of Europe’s leading HR blogs, Strategic HCM and frequently conducts research and reports for the Economist Intelligence Unit, XpertHR, SAP, Knowledge Infusion and Learning Light. He is also a professor at Cotrugli Business School.

Prior to his current and previous consultancy role, Jon was the HR Director for Ernst & Young - in the UK and thenbased in Moscow covering Eastern Europe. Leveraging on his vast experience, he frequently consults for his extensive clientele including Aviva, AXA, QBE, HSBC, Lloyds, VTB, National Bank of Abu Dhabi, Boots, Mr Price Group South Africa, Big Lott ery Fund, West Midlands Police, UK local authorities, OSI Food Solutions, Barilla, AP Moller Maersk, RasGas and Coca Cola Indonesia.

Jon is currently an executive consultant at Strategic Dynamic Consultancy Services where he actively consults globally across industries in the area of HR measurement, strategic HR, talent management, employee engagement, building HR capability and HR technology including social media.

• Recognized by HR Magazine as the 7th Most Infl uential UK HR thinker (2013) and by HR Examiner as the #1 top global online infl uencer in talent management (2010) and a top 100 global infl uencer in HR

• Author of highly popular “Strategic Human Capital Management: Creating Value Through People” and contributor, alongside Dave Ulrich to “The Executive Guide to Integrated Talent Management”

• Formerly a HR Director for Ernst & Young in UK, he speaks at major HR conferences around the world andgtrains around 500 HR practitioners in workshops every year

Jon is the author of highlypopular “Strategic Human Capital Management:Creating Value ThroughPeople”

Jon is a contributor, alongside Dave Ulrich, Ed Lawler, Peter Cappelli and others to “The ExecutiveGuide to Integrated Talent Management”

Hear from participants who enjoyed Jon’s training“Very informative. Useful models. Structured. Provided great tools/insight.” - HR Systems Manager, London Business School

“Very much enjoyed both days training. Engaging - good balance between information and discussion.” - HR BP, Morrison’s

“I really like Jon’s Style - that’s why I came back.” - Business Manager, Standard Life Investments

Page 4: Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and ... - Clariden– IBM Analytics Study, 2015 • Recognized by HR Magazine as the 7th Most

This comprehensive 2-day program is designed for HR leaders to stay ahead of competition and win the talent war with talent analytics. Led by top 100 global infl uencer in HR - Jon Ingham, you will discover how to rollout eff ective HR analytics initiatives that maximizes human capital insights for strategic HR decision making.

This interactive session will show you how to utilize HR descriptive analytics to assess and improve key talent challenges such as improving employee productivity and employee engagement. Coupled with HR predictive analytics, you will also learn how to minimize your organization’s human capital risk by accurately anticipating potential employee turnover and critical leadership needs for succession planning.

In addition, learn from best practice HR metrics and measurement techniques and successfully identify the right set of metrics and measurement to drive organizational growth. You will also fi nd out how to utilize HR analytics to obtain insights from your HR measurements and eff ectively translate them into human capital intelligence, unveiling what aff ects employee engagement, what causes turnover and what drives employee performance.

Through case studies, exercises and intense group discussions, Jon will challenge and stretch your thoughts constructively throughout the program. He will guide you to maximize your return on human capital and share his expertise on data-driven decision making with HR intelligence.


4Contact Admissions Offi ce at +61 3 9909 7310 | [email protected] |


Dates &Location:

HR Analytics, Metrics and Measurement for Strategic Decision Making

15 - 16 February 2016, Brisbane Marriott Hotel18 - 19 February 2016, Shangri-La Hotel Sydney22 - 23 February 2016, InterContinental Melbourne The Rialto25 - 26 February 2016, Pan Pacifi c Perth

Early Bird 1 (Register & pay by 21 December 2015):Early Bird 2 (Register & pay by 18 January 2016): Regular Tuition Fee:

Group discount of 10% for 2nd participant from the same organization. For limited time only by 18 January 2016 register 3 participants and the 4th participant will receive a complimentary seat (One discount scheme applies).

AU$1,995 AU$2,195AU$2,295


2016 Clariden Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and Communication Week

HR Analytics, Metrics and Measurement for Strategic Decision MakingHeld Across 4 Major Cities in Australia including Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth

Page 5: Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and ... - Clariden– IBM Analytics Study, 2015 • Recognized by HR Magazine as the 7th Most

5Contact Admissions Offi ce at +61 3 9909 7310 | [email protected] |


One in fi ve C-Suite executives think that HR strategies do not take into account hard data related to their organization and staff (Economist Intelligence Unit). In order to excel in today’s complex business environment, HR leaders are challenged more than ever to make sound business decisions that are well-justifi ed and can be measured in a tangible way. Therefore, this program is designed for HR professionals to gain a solid grasp in HR analytics, metrics andmeasurement to eff ectively quantify the business impact of HR strategies and ultimately win the talent war.

Led by top 100 global infl uencer in HR - Jon Ingham, you will discover how HR can contribute to achieving businessobjectives with data-driven decision making. Find out how to identify the key talent measurement priorities that align with your business objectives, learn powerful people analytics approaches for your talent analytics and measurement. Build an agile organization by eff ectively utilizing predictive, descriptive and causal analytics toanticipate your employees’ next move and counter turbulent times with ease.

Find out how to evaluate the business impact of your HR initiatives, minimize performance gaps and ensure continuous improvement by building a robust HR scorecard based on your business strategy map. Jon will also share with you on how to utilize new technologies and big data to maximize your data potential and advance yourHR analytical capabilities. Learn critical statistical tools including regression analysis and stochastic modeling that will aid in developing HR analytics usage maturity in your organization.

Leave the program with a concrete action plan to leverage on the data which you have built and adopt HR analytics, metrics and measurement methods that will prove HR’s contribution and aid in making quantifi able business decisions.

This executive education program is launched together with the Eff ective HR Reporting and Analysis forCommunication to Senior Management and Board Members program as the next steps in improving strategic decision making and enhancing your organizational eff ectiveness and growth.


This program is designed for, but not limited to, mid to senior level HR executives who are responsible for sourcing and providing HR data to support organizational strategy and development. HR professionals looking to utilize evidence-based HR practices like HR analytics, metrics and measurement will fi nd this program especially benefi cial.

• Align your HR analytics, metrics and measurement practices with business strategies and goals• Implement HR initiatives that maximize insights from people data analysis and empower business decisions• Learn how to design robust HR scorecards and strategy maps for HR’s performance measurement• Successfully improve the maturity of HR analytics use in your organization • Develop a more agile organization with predictive analytics and scenario planning• Utilize root cause and causal analytics to understand the performance gaps in your organization• Learn best practice HR metrics for workforce productivity, capability, satisfaction and capacity


2016 Clariden Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and Communication Week

HR Analytics, Metrics and Measurement for Strategic Decision MakingHeld Across 4 Major Cities in Australia including Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth

Page 6: Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and ... - Clariden– IBM Analytics Study, 2015 • Recognized by HR Magazine as the 7th Most

6Contact Admissions Offi ce at +61 3 9909 7310 | [email protected] |


DAY ONEIntroductions and participants’ objectives

Moving towards Evidence-Based HR• The role of measurement in improving HR decision making• Dealing with diffi culties in measuring HR intangibles and in closing the disconnect between what is

easy to measure and what metrics would be useful and important• Reviewing ROI, Return on Expectations and other approaches for measuring HR’s impact• Why alignment with business and HR strategy is key in strategic HR management and measurement• Combining data, research and other inputs, e.g. intuition, in evidence-based HR• A review of key insights from academic research and approaches for reducing the knowing doing gap • Involving stakeholders in identifying measures e.g. understanding what the CEO expects from HR

Linking Measures to Important Objectives about People• A review of diff erent HR scorecard models and why these are best developed based upon a strategy

map (as in business scorecards)• Clarifying objectives and identifying lead and lag measures and metrics for HR’s activities and outcomes• Ensuring measures are chosen to improve HR’s effi ciency, eff ectiveness and contribution• Using the measures and metrics to improve planning and monitor execution• The need to prioritize measures for quality vs just time and cost• Example HR scorecard measures for workforce productivity, capability, satisfaction, capacity etc• Case study on sett ing measures to support objectives• Collecting new data to support identifi ed measures

Practice Session• Checking objectives and developing appropriate and useful measures for one participant’s organization

Opportunities and Requirements in Using Analytics• The strategic opportunity for using HR analytics• Supporting the chosen measures by asking smart questions and conducting appropriate analysis• Comparing variables using graphs and other approaches to identify new insight• Modeling an organization’s people management activities and the supply chain of talent, including

systems approaches• Adding insight from diff erent types of benchmarking• Statistical tools and techniques HR needs to understand• Using techniques like root cause analysis and demographic segmentation to understand performance gaps• Understanding and taking account of correlation, predictive relationships and true causation• The importance of segmentation vs dealing with averages• New tools and technologies for advancing HR’s analytical capabilities

Conclusions and Action Planning

2016 Clariden Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and Communication Week

HR Analytics, Metrics and Measurement for Strategic Decision MakingHeld Across 4 Major Cities in Australia including Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth

Page 7: Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and ... - Clariden– IBM Analytics Study, 2015 • Recognized by HR Magazine as the 7th Most

7Contact Admissions Offi ce at +61 3 9909 7310 | [email protected] |

DAY TWOLearning Review

Descriptive and Predictive Analytics• Diff erent types of causal analytics, with examples, and reviewing when each type may be appropriate• Role of strategy mapping and the use of technology in providing future oriented insight• Case studies and key questions that analytics can answer • Linking HR and business data to understand impact• Linking analytics and scenario planning

Other Types of Analytics• Reviewing more specialist use of analytics• The emergence of big data and what this means for the ability to rely on correlation vs causation• Bit data tools / technologies and opportunities/ case studies for HR’s use of this new area of analytics

Discussion• Opportunities and challenges for using analytics to add intelligence for case study and participants organizations• Identifying and developing the maturity of HR analytics use in an organization• Building a strategic process for high impact investigation• Dealing with ad-hoc management requests by prioritizing these against business needs as well as reducing these

needs by communicating the strategic approach• Improving data quality including working with Finance to HR measures and analytics into data on fi nancials, cus-

tomers and other areas of the business plus external suppliers and other data sources• Improving HR technology including by partnering with IT to build the right infrastructure required to capture data

and built analysis• Dealing with other issues including confi dentiality and privacy of employee data • Responding to common challenges about using analytics - considering pros and cons of HR analytics which may be

important in assembling a business case

Improving Decision Making based on HR Analytics and other Inputs• Potential fl aws in rational decision making and improving this through systems thinking, complexity theory and

the wisdom of crowds• Problems and solutions for assessing capability and performance (eg candidate selection, performance management

calibration, talent identifi cation etc)• Removing and mitigating the impact of generic cognitive and people oriented biases including a summary of fi nd-

ings from research and neuroscience• Using, developing, calibrating and understanding when to use judgement and intuition• Structuring roles and responsibilities including group decision making• The importance of diversity and its implications• Eff ective management of meetings• Measuring and rewarding good decisions• Developing HR’s role in managing decision making

Conclusions and Action Planning

2016 Clariden Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and Communication Week

HR Analytics, Metrics and Measurement for Strategic Decision MakingHeld Across 4 Major Cities in Australia including Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth

Page 8: Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and ... - Clariden– IBM Analytics Study, 2015 • Recognized by HR Magazine as the 7th Most

“One of Australia’s leading authorities on organisation and manpower planning” - Productivity Council of Australia

“One of the outstanding global leaders in human resource development” - International Federation of Training and DevelopmentOrganizations

“An internationally recognized leader in human resource management” - Australian Human Resources Institute

“One of the most experienced human resource practitioners in the Asia Pacifi c region and a recognised world leader in human capital capability” - Asia Pacifi c Centre for Continuing and Professional Development

“A recognised global leader in corporate strategy and human capital eff ectiveness” - Asia HR Congress

8Contact Admissions Offi ce at +61 3 9909 7310 | [email protected] |

2016 Clariden Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and Communication Week

Eff ective HR Reporting and Analysis for Communication to Senior Management and Board MembersProgram B: For Sydney, Melbourne and Perth Sessions

Les Pickett

capital capability development. He has won multiple awards for outstanding contribution to HR management and development in the Asia-Pacifi c Region, namely the Asia-Pacifi c Human Resource Development Award, the Australia Award by the Australian Institute of Training and Development, and the Fellowship & Life Contribution Award by the Australian Human Resources Institute.

As the author of the highly popular “Organisation and Manpower Planning”, “Some Aspects of Personnel Management” and joint-editor of “Personnel Management in Australian Industry and Commerce”, Les is widely recognized as an expert on HR, frequently conducting executive workshops and professional development programmes for numerous organizations, including and not limited to, the Society for Human Resource Management, Australian Management International, Australian Institute of Management and Certifi ed Practising Accountants Australia.

His former roles include Chairman of the Executive Board of the International Federation of Training and Development Organisations, Member of the Board of Directors of the World Federation of Personnel Management Organisations, National President of Australian Institute of Training and Development.

In addition to corporate roles, Les has extensive consulting and business advisory experience specializing in the development of HR to improve business outcomes, with clients including Australian Human Resources Institute, Australian Institute of Management, Australian Taxation Offi ce, Telecom Australia, BMW Australia, PricewaterhouseCoopers, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Texas Instruments, New South Wales Dairy Corporation, Victorian Auditor General’s Department, RMIT University (International), Victoria University and many more.

Les is currently the Chief Executive of Pacifi c Rim Consulting Group, Partner Australasia and South East Asia for U.S. based McBassi & Company and a member of the Australian Government Consultative Committ ee on Knowledge Capital, where he actively consults globally across industries in the areas of HR Development and Management, HR planning and advisory, corporate strategy and human capital eff ectiveness.

• Winner of the Asia-Pacifi c Human Resource Development Award, the Australia Award by the Australian dInstitute of Training and Development, and the Fellowship & Life Contribution Award by the Australian Human Resources Institute

• Author of highly popular “Organisation and Manpower Planning”, “Some Aspects of Personnel rManagement” and joint-editor of “Personnel Management in Australian Industry and Commerce”r

• Expert HR Trainer, Consultant and Keynote Speaker for numerous organizations, including rand not limited to Society for Human Resource Management, Australian Management International, Australian Institute of Management, Certifi ed Practising Accountants Australia

What clients say about Les Pickett

Page 9: Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and ... - Clariden– IBM Analytics Study, 2015 • Recognized by HR Magazine as the 7th Most

9Contact Admissions Offi ce at +61 3 9909 7310 | [email protected] |

Audrey Ciccone

Audrey Ciccone has over 20 years of experience as a human resources professional in both Australia and Canada, working across multiple business sectors including manufacturing, healthcare, technology, life sciences, security and logistics. She holds professional certifi cations with the Australian Human Resources Institute and the Human Resources Management Association in Canada, in addition to her formal education in HR and Psychology.

She is an engaging and thought-provoking speaker who has previously developed and facilitated public workshops and presentations with Murdoch University, the Certifi ed General Accountants of Canada, the University of British Columbia, the Australian Human Resources Institute and the Canadian HR association.

Organizations benefi ting from Audrey’s training skills include Citic Pacifi c Mining, Wesfarmers, Rio Tinto, Mantra Group, Bank of Queensland, John Deere, City of Busselton, IKEA, Western Australian Department of Education Services and many others.

Audrey’s passion lies in designing innovative HR strategies and programs that optimise workforce productivity and eff ectiveness in order to drive improved bott om line results. Skilled in data analysis and interpretation, Audrey began using data early in her career and brings this experience into her presentations where she synthesizes the world of metrics and workforce planning into practical, achievable steps companies can use to impact improvement.

• Certifi ed HR Professional by the Australian Human Resources Institute and the Human Resources Management Association in Canada

• Expert workshop leader and facilitator with Murdoch University, the Australian Human Resources yyInstitute, the Canadian Human Resources Association, Certifi ed General Accountants of Canada and the University of British Columbia

• Expert Consultant and Trainer for numerous organizations, including and not limited to Citic Pacifi c Mining, Wesfarmers, Rio Tinto, Mantra Group, Bank of Queensland, John Deere, City of Busselton, IKEA, Western Australian Department of Education Services

2016 Clariden Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and Communication Week

Eff ective HR Reporting and Analysis for Communication to Senior Management and Board MembersProgram B: For Brisbane Session

What clients say about Audrey Ciccone“This training has provided a platform for me to improve and expand my HR reporting for my business.”

– HR Analytics Offi cer, Bank of Queensland

“Audrey is really good at keeping the session relevant and willing to talk through diff erent scenarios” – HR Offi cer, Boystown

“Audrey is an engaging and informative facilitator. Her style was easy to follow and her use of examples was excellent.” – Coordinator, Learning & Development, Lott ery West

“Great to hear so many personal stories. Love when you can hear practical applications of theory.” – Training & Development Coordinator Building, Management and Works WA

Page 10: Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and ... - Clariden– IBM Analytics Study, 2015 • Recognized by HR Magazine as the 7th Most

This interactive 1-day program is designed for top HR leaders and HR professionals to master reporting and communication to senior management and board members. You will discover how to establish a solid reporting structure and eff ectively communicate crucial HR insights and initiatives to senior management and board members.

This intense session will show you how to report and communicate your HR data and strategies in a meaningful way that enables you to gain stakeholder buy-in and improve organizational eff ectiveness. Coupled with HR data visualization techniques, you will also learn how to demonstrate the impact of your HR strategies on business outcomes.

In addition, learn best communication practices and successfully bridge the communication gap between HR and senior management. You will also fi nd out how to develop your presentation skills to address your organization’s KPIs and business objectives, helping you align HR and business strategy.

Through case studies and hands-on exercises, our top faculty directors will challenge you to think in novel and eff ective ways throughout the program. They will guide you to design solid reporting and communication structures and implement best practices that will aid you in gaining stakeholder support for your current and future HR strategies.


10Contact Admissions Offi ce at +61 3 9909 7310 | [email protected] |


Dates &Location:

Eff ective HR Reporting and Analysis for Communication to Senior Management and Board Members

17 February 2016, Brisbane Marriott Hotel22 February 2016, Shangri-La Hotel Sydney24 February 2016, InterContinental Melbourne The Rialto29 February 2016, Pan Pacifi c Perth

Early Bird 1 (Register & pay by 21 December 2015):Early Bird 2 (Register & pay by 18 January 2016): Regular Tuition Fee:

Group discount of 10% for 2nd participant from the same organization. For limited time only by 18 January 2016 register 3 participants and the 4th participant will receive a complimentary seat (One discount scheme applies).



2016 Clariden Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and Communication Week

Eff ective HR Reporting and Analysis for Communication to Senior Management and Board MembersHeld Across 4 Major Cities in Australia including Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth

Page 11: Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and ... - Clariden– IBM Analytics Study, 2015 • Recognized by HR Magazine as the 7th Most

• Develop an analytics infrastructure that supports HR reporting and communication• Establish a solid and dynamic HR reporting framework• Develop cross-functional models that demonstrate the impact of HR strategies on business outcomes• Obtain stakeholders’ buy-in with workforce data storytelling and visualization• Bridge the communication gap between HR and senior management• Establish common ground and build rapport with senior executives• Craft a clear and convincing business case that addresses goals and KPIs• Present your HR fi ndings and strategies with clarity and confi dence

11Contact Admissions Offi ce at +61 3 9909 7310 | [email protected] |


According to a recent report by the Australia Human Resources Institute, 65% of HR professionals have diffi culties communicating HR information with colleagues and senior management in the workplace. With today’s rapidly changing workforce and organizational operations, HR professionals increasingly face pressures to communicate information and insights eff ectively to senior management and board members.

Answering to the need to report and deliver HR information with increased clarity and conciseness to maximize impact, this program is designed for HR professionals to master HR reporting and communication to senior management and board members.

You will learn how to develop an analytics infrastructure that supports your reporting and communication strategy, enabling you to gain executive buy-in from the start. Establish a solid and dynamic reporting framework thateliminates clutt ered information and focuses on key reporting and fi nancials. Develop cross-functional models thatdemonstrate the impact of HR strategies on business outcomes. In addition, discover how to obtain stakeholders’ buy-in with powerful workforce analytics through innovative storytelling and data visualization.

Our faculty directors will also share with you best reporting and communication practices that allow you to bridgethe communication gap between HR and senior management. Learn to establish common ground and build rapportwith senior executives through aligning HR and business strategy. Craft a clear and convincing business casethat addresses your organization’s goals and KPIs, and present your HR fi ndings and strategies with clarity and confi dence.

Leave the program with concrete knowledge and skills to design, implement and evaluate reporting andcommunication strategies that allow you to gain support and buy-in from senior management and board members.

This executive education program is held in conjunction with the HR Analytics, Metrics and Measurement for Strategic Decision Making program and is the next step in eff ectively communicating crucial HR insights anddeveloping HR strategies that will enhance your organizational eff ectiveness and growth.


This program is designed for, but not limited to, mid to senior level HR executives who are responsible for reporting and communicating HR data to support organizational strategy and development. HR professionals looking to utilize evidence-based HR practices like HR analytics, metrics and measurement to communicate their insights to senior management and board members will fi nd this program especially benefi cial.


2016 Clariden Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and Communication Week

Eff ective HR Reporting and Analysis for Communication to Senior Management and Board MembersHeld Across 4 Major Cities in Australia including Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth

Page 12: Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and ... - Clariden– IBM Analytics Study, 2015 • Recognized by HR Magazine as the 7th Most

12Contact Admissions Offi ce at +61 3 9909 7310 | [email protected] |


Sett ing the Stage for Success• Developing an analytics infrastructure that supports HR reporting and communication• Utilizing your HR dashboard• Interpreting and leveraging your HR data and analysis• Understanding your organizational reporting and communication processes• Designing a solid and coherent reporting structure that gains traction with key stakeholders

Reporting Metrics and Measurements that Matt er• Identifying your reporting objectives• Incorporating visualization techniques to increase audience readability• Linking the reporting process to key fi nancials• Integrating recording and reporting into business outcomes• Eliminating non-useful information that clutt ers HR reports to senior management and board members• Identifying and reporting on the signifi cant HR metrics that create competitive advantage

Communicating for Success: Gett ing Their Att ention and Buy-In• Identifying gaps in HR communication• Identifying barriers to mutual understanding and eff ective communication• Utilizing data visualization and storytelling• Craft ing your message for an executive audience• Developing your presentation to address KPIs and business objectives• Establishing common ground and build rapport• Communicating with clarity and confi dence

Evaluating the Success of Your Reporting and Communication Strategies• Reviewing HR metrics and their suitability for inclusion in reports to senior management• Involving senior management in establishing guidelines for evaluating and reporting progress and

achievement of objectives• Building and evaluating long-term ongoing support for HR initiatives and projects

2016 Clariden Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and Communication Week

Eff ective HR Reporting and Analysis for Communication to Senior Management and Board MembersHeld Across 4 Major Cities in Australia including Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth

Page 13: Successful HR Analytics, Reporting and ... - Clariden– IBM Analytics Study, 2015 • Recognized by HR Magazine as the 7th Most


Knowledge for the world business leaders C L A R I D E NSUCCESSFUL HR ANALYTICS, REPORTING AND

COMMUNICATION WEEKFebruary 2016| Australia

Booking Contact (Approving Manager) Mr/Mrs/Ms:_____________________Job Title:_________________________ Department:_____________________Telephone:_______________________ Fax:____________________________Email:____________________________________________________________Organization:_____________________________________________________Address:___________________________________________________________________________________________________Postal Code:____________

I would like to receive more information on hotel accommodation using Clariden Global coporate rate.

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BY CHEQUE / BANK DRAFT :Made payable to CLARIDEN GLOBAL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED and mail to: 3 International Business Park, #04-29, Nordic European Centre, Singapore 609927.BY TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFER TO:Bank Name: Standard Chartered BankBank Code: 7144Bank Branch Code: 001Bank Address: 6 Batt ery Road, #01-01 Singapore 049909Bank Account No: 0107775042Bank Account name: CLARIDEN GLOBAL INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDSWIFT Code: SCBLSG22Please note that all bank charges are to be borne by participants. Please ensure Cla-riden Global International Limited receives the full invoiced amount.Note: Please include invoice number on all payment types and yourcompany’s name in your payment instructions for our reference.

CREDIT CARD:To make payment by credit card, please call our client services hotline at+61 3 9909 7310.

Combination of diff erent participants from the same company is allowed. For 2 registrations from the same company and billing source, the 2nd participant enjoys a 10% discount.For registrations before 18 January 2016 and for 3 or more participants, the 4th participant will receive a complimentary seat


Email: [email protected]

Fax: +61 3 9909 7788

Call: +61 3 9909 7310


HOW TO REGISTER AND PAYAn invoice and registration confi rmation will be sent within 7 days, please contact us if you have not heard from us within 7 days. Payment can be made by credit card, by bank transfer or by cheque made payable to “Clariden Global International Limited”. ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED IN ADVANCE OF THE EVENT.

ACCOMMODATIONAccommodation is not included in the program fee but you will be entitled to use our corporate rate for your accommodation. Information will be sent along with your registration confi rmation.

CANCELLATIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONSOnce we have received your booking, the place(s) are confi rmed. No refunds will be made for any cancellations, however, program credits of equivalent value only applicable for Clariden Global events will be provided. Credits can only beredeemed for 1 program and is valid for only one (1) year from date of issue.

Substitution with a qualifi ed candidate is allowed by providing at least 5 working days of advance notice to Clariden Global. One time substitution is allowed with no charges. Subsequent substitutions will be charged 10% admin fee.


PLEASE NOTE: Clariden Global International Limited reserves the right tochange the content and timing of the programme, the speakers and the date and venue due to reasons beyond their control. If in the unlikely event that the course is cancelled, Clariden Global International Limited will refund the full amount and disclaim any further liability.

ENQUIRIES: If you have any queries about registration or payment please do not hesitate to contact our client services department on +61 3 9909 7310.

PRIVATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: Any information provided by you in relation to this event is being collected by Clariden Global International Limited and will be held in the strictest confi dence. It will be added to our database for the primary purpose of providing you with information about future events and services.

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1st Participant Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms):_____________________________________Job Title:___________________ Department:_____________________________Telephone:___________________________ Fax:___________________________Email:_____________________________________ Date of Birth:______________

2nd Participant Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms):_____________________________________Job Title:___________________ Department:_____________________________Telephone:___________________________ Fax:___________________________Email:_____________________________________ Date of Birth:______________

3rd Participant Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms):_____________________________________Job Title:___________________ Department:_____________________________Telephone:___________________________ Fax:___________________________Email:_____________________________________ Date of Birth:______________

4th Participant Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms):_____________________________________Job Title:___________________ Department:_____________________________Telephone:___________________________ Fax:___________________________Email:_____________________________________ Date of Birth:______________


Program A: HR Analytics, Metrics and Measurement

for Strategic Decision Making







Program B: Eff ective HR Reporting and Analysis for Communication to Senior Management and Board


1st Early Bird Fee Per

Participant (If payments

& registrations are received by

21 Dec 2015)

2nd Early Bird Fee Per

Participant (If payments

& registrations are received by

18 Jan 2016)

Regular FeePer Participant


Seminar(s): PROGRAM A PROGRAM BPerth PerthBrisbane Brisbane□ □□ □

□ □□ □Melbourne MelbourneSydney Sydney

Seminar(s): PROGRAM A PROGRAM BPerth PerthBrisbane Brisbane□ □□ □

□ □□ □Melbourne MelbourneSydney Sydney

Seminar(s): PROGRAM A PROGRAM BPerth PerthBrisbane Brisbane□ □□ □

□ □□ □Melbourne MelbourneSydney Sydney

Seminar(s): PROGRAM A PROGRAM BPerth PerthBrisbane Brisbane□ □□ □

□ □□ □Melbourne MelbourneSydney Sydney