Download - Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Page 1: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages
Page 2: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

• The Governor General of Jamaica has established a Commission of Enquiry (CoE) with 3 Commissioners.

• COE is being managed by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and began in October 2014 in Kingston.

• The severity of the events of May 2010 makes it necessary for the residents of the affected communities to receive psycho-social support.

• The MoJ has received UNDP support through the project “Citizen Security/Social Cohesion in Jamaica - Support to the Commission of Enquiry”.

• The aim is to have a transparent and efficient implementation of the CoE into the events of May 2010, in Western Kingston and Surrounding Communities.

Page 3: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

• Provide complementary and supporting activities which should ensure that the CoE is perceived as credible and transparent


• Efficient and transparent legal aid provided to witnesses, victims and other community members who may participate directly in the proceedings by testifying at the Commission

• A Communications campaign organized and implemented

• Dialogue facilitated among residents of West Kingston and other affected communities to enable their participation and adequate understanding of the proceedings;

• Referrals and other services provided to victims and affected persons in West Kingston and other target communities, addressing psychosocial needs.

Page 4: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

• Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages and information pieces, including video and audio material;

• Design and dissemination of information material for the wider public e.g. brochures, pamphlets, information leaflets, posters and other education and communication (IEC) materials related to the support to the Commission;

• Ensure targeted dissemination of messages and information to particular target groups (West Kingston community, victims and their relatives, judiciary and government institutions, etc.);

• Create strong and coherent institutional image/branding for the physical locations where services under the project can be accessed.

Page 5: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

Priority A- Direct Stakeholders

• West Kingston community /beneficiaries e.g. Tivoli, poor and marginalized mostly, high unemployment, prone to crime and violence

• West Kingston victims and family members associated with May 2010 incident

• Local development partners –Intermediaries to Community e.g. Victim Support Unit, Peace Management Initiative, Dispute Resolution, Legal Aid, Restorative Justice

• Government & Policy makers- e.g. Ministry of Justice(MOJ)- Project implementer

Page 6: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

Priority B- Broader Stakeholders

• Media houses- print & electronic e.g. The Gleaner , TVJ and JIS

• International development partners –Donors involved in similar work e.g. The Canadian international donor, the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD)

• Academia – University of the West Indies /Violence Prevention Unit

• Private sector- Local and multinational businesses supplying community

• Civil society – NGOs, faith-based and community based organisations

Page 7: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

Priority C- Sector Audience

• The Commission itself- Commissioners, Witnesses, Secretariat

• Internal staff /units – Programme department, Human Rights Advisor, UNCG

• All Jamaicans/ The Public- those showing interest

• Jamaicans in the Diaspora.

Page 8: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

Knowledge & Attitudes towards UNDP/MOJ project position on COE

• What do they know about the COE?

• What do they think about COE?

• What are they doing about COE?

• Identify related reports

• Identify related coverage

• Identify major publications on subjects

• Identify those with shared vision

• Identify those in need of motivation or against position of UNDP/MOJ

Page 9: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

Audience existing channels- sources of information

• What media do they use?

Traditional media:

• How important are Radio & TV? Daily coverage now on TV and radio carries audio; check for community radio e.g. Roots FM

• Identify any film, drama or performances dedicated to topic- direct or indirectly

• What about group meetings, neighbours or friend sources?

Page 10: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

New media:

• What about the Internet, Websites and Mobile phones? Radio and TV programmes on COE also linked to Internet and mobile phones

• What about Social Media? Tweets , Facebook comments and YouTube videos are uploaded while COE in progress

• What types of information do they need?

Page 11: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

Project objectives & Audience needs

Communication Objectives and Messages

• What are project objectives?

• Are audience information needs and interests linked to project objectives?

• How will we achieve change in knowledge and attitudes? Inform audiences of value of COEs and link to Human Rights, host media workshops and have exchanges

Page 12: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

Project Objectives & Audience needs

Communication Objectives and Messages

• What new things will they learn? e.g. COE best practices, Human Rights dimension, COE neutral reporting standards, Capacity development for local partners/intermediaries

• What changes in opinion- the right to life for All, the right to legal services, the right to a healthy life (see CRP doc)

• Changes in behaviours- respect for the rule of law, commitment to implement COE recommendations

Page 13: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

SMART objectives

• Specific- Communicate with 6 local partners, 2-3 Ministries, 5 donors, 10 media houses on new things to learn about COE, changes in opinion and behavioursneeded

• Measurable-Do surveys, interviews with target audience

• Appropriate- oral methods where needed and written where applicable

• Realistic- Target Audience Priority A & B only

• Time-bound- Complete implementation of plan in 30-45 days after final Communication plan is signed off

Page 14: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

Basic messages per objective/audience to share:

Rough samples:

• Every Jamaican has a right to life –Come mek wi save a life one by one

• Every Jamaican has a right to basic services and sanitation- Every day wicarry wi bucket go a well

• Every Jamaican must respect the rule of law- Done wid Don man bizness

Page 15: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

Basic messages per objective/audience to share:

Rough samples:

• Commissions of Enquiry promote transparency and accountability-Gimme de whole truth

• The implementation of COE recommendations helps to build trust-Nutten na gwaan fi wi afta all dis

• Healthy communities lead to less crime and violence- No more pow pow fi wi

Page 16: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

Emotional feel good stories

Rough samples

• West Kingston student beating the odds and doing well at University

• Star reggae singer doing well internationally and giving back to the community

• Star footballer doing well and giving back to the community

• Community leader getting good feedback and collaboration from members

Page 17: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

Emotional feel good stories

Rough samples

• Reduction in crime and violence incidents based on citizen involvement

• Family has been rehabilitated after May 2010 incident due to behavior change and community support

• Community infrastructure rebuilt with help from community and external partners

Page 18: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

Other emotional messages

• Catchy slogans to do- COE dehya fi all a wi…All a wi a Commissioner

• Engaging presentations to do

• Imagine living in fear minute by minute for one entire week with friends and family members being killed and maimed, with no access to food and being attacked by law enforcers themselves

• Show how family and friends are re-building the community

Page 19: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

Statistical and Research documents for policy makers

• Outcomes from other COEs- Human Rights Office

• Statistical impact of May 2010 event-ECLAC

• Community profiles – PIOJ/CRP

• University research and publications

• Public Opinion polls

Page 20: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)


• Print materials- Concept notes, fact sheets, brochures, pamphlets, newsletters, evaluation reports, Project briefs

• Audio/visuals- Video clips, music, loud speakers-good for literacy challenged

• Graphics- Design issues map, flyers, posters, banners, roadside ads, billboards-limited lifespan and small info, illustrated report

Page 21: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)


• Face to Face – Meetings, Conferences, Site visits, Speeches

• Mass media – TV, Radio interviews, News stories, Press releases, Opinion pieces- use to raise awareness and increase knowledge

• Community media –radio, drama, games, sports

Page 22: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

New media

• Multimedia –audio, video, images/infographics, animation and text mix

• Mobile –text messages, short videos/audios, e-mails

• Social media – usage guidelines, targeted influencers, micro-blogs, social events, campaigns

• Website- project document, photographs, videos, statements

Page 23: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

• Target excluded community members-women, children, the poor, unemployed, disabled

• Target community leaders-find champions

• Mobilise community human and material resources

• Engage dialogues and linkages-learn from community

Page 24: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

• Target leadership-political, business and social

• Inform and motivate leaders to support the project

• Encourage leaders to allocate resources, engage in discussions on issues

• Target resource mobilization and address social barriers

• Find champions

Page 25: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

• Who does what?

• Who does when?

• What resources and inputs needed?

• Final production of messages, materials and training programmes

• Capacity development for local partners

• Coordination with UN social justice days, UNCT and COE Project Mngr

• Budget costing per channel mix options

Page 26: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

• Week 1- Implementation workplansigned off, Budget management & Analysis activities

• Week 2- Analysis and Participatory Monitoring activities, Training, Material production

• Week 3-5 - Strategy & Production Activities and Participatory Monitoring

• Week 6 -Evaluation activities, Planning, Meeting and events cost

• Budget estimate: US $30,000.00

Page 27: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

Monitoring – from start of communications plan

• How is project doing-periodic checks? Media monitoring, surveys, content analysis

• How are the roles going-who is lagging? Who is ahead and on time?

• What are the inputs, outputs and outcome indicators based on objectives?

• Involve community and intermediaries in assessment

Page 28: Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May ... · Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015) •Work with Media (Print, Radio, TV) on key messages

Submitted by Vilma Gregory-Communications Consultant (May 30, 2015)

At end of communications plan implementation

• Identify behavior changes- state why

• Identify non-behaviour changes- state why

• Use log frame method-input, outputs, outcomes, impact

• Involve community and intermediaries in assessment