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The Watchtower Society has published numerous books and magazines: Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life, My Book of Bible Stories, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, etc.The most popular publications of the Watchtower Society are, however, "The Watchtower" and "Awake!"


La Sociedad de la Torre del Viga ha publicado numerosos libros y revistas: El Conocimiento que Lleva a La Vda Eterna, Aprendamos del Gran Maestro, Qu Ensea Realmente la Bblia?, etc. Las publicaciones ms conocidas de esa sociedad son , sin embargo, La Atalaya y Despertad! (conocidas en ingls como The Watchtower y Awake!).

The founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses was Charles taze Russell. He was born on February 16th, 1852, and died on October 31th (Halloween), 1916. This man believed that the Great Pyramid of Giza had been set (together with the Bible) as a witness of the presence of God. Russell wrote in his book "The Divine Plan of the Ages" that the pyramid measures gave precise data about the weight of the Earth, the distance to the Sun, and the year of Christs Second Coming, which was, 1914. Finally, we have to say that few people know there is a pyramid in Russells tomb:

El fundador de los Testigos de Jehov fue Charles Taze Russell, nacido el 16 de febrero de 1852 y fallecido el 31 de octubre (la noche de brujas) de 1916. Este seor crea que la Gran Pirmide de Gizeh haba sido puesta como testigo de la presencia de Dios junto a la Biblia. Defenda incluso en su libro El Plan Divino de las Edades que las medidas de la pirmide daban datos como el peso de la Tierra, la distancia al Sol, y el ao de la venida de Cristo, que era, 1914, medida obtenida en la longitud de uno de los pasadizos principales. Finalmente, pocos Testigos conocen que la tumba de Russell es una pirmide:

Left: Pyramid at Charles Taze Russells grave (Charles Russell was the Jehovah's Witnesses founder). Right: Pyramid at another false prophets grave, William Branham, who believed that the word of God came from both the pyramid and the scriptures.

Izquierda: La pirmide que adorna la tumba de Charles Taze Russell (fundador de los Testigos de Jehov). Derecha: tumba de otro falso profeta - William Branham - quien crea que la palabra de Dios proceda tanto de la pirmide como de la escritura.

Most of us know that a subliminal message (or a subliminal image) is designed to be able to go below the normal limits of perception.

Although, in general, these messages or images intended to influence the subconscious of people, however, they are also used to enable an exchange of messages that can only be received and understood by people who belong to an specific occult organization.This is the case of the subliminal & satanic images hidden in the Watchtowers publications.

La mayora de nosotros sabemos que tanto los mensajes como las imgenes subliminales se disean para que puedan pasar por debajo de los lmites normales de la percepcin.

Aunque, por lo general, este tipo de mensajes o imgenes tiene el propsito de influir en el subconsciente de las personas, sin embargo, tambin se utiliza para hacer posible un intercambio de mensajes que slo pueden ser interpretados por miembros de sociedades secretas u ocultistas.Este es el caso de las imgenes subliminales ocultas en las publicaciones de los Testigos de Jehov.



The following is one of the best known subliminal images of the Watchtower. This piece of art appears on page 159 of the book "Revelation, Its Grand Climax at Hand":



La siguiente es una de las imgenes subliminales ms conocidas de la Watchtower. Esta aparece en la pgina 159 del libro "Apocalipsis, Se Acerca Su Magnfica Culminacin":

The piece of art depicts John, the beloved disciple, on the island of Patmos, where he was exiled around 96 AD. The giant character is Jesus Christ glorified. Although apparently there is nothing strange in this painting, a careful observation will reveal the presence of an irregularity in the right hand of the character; a human face:

La pieza de arte representa a Juan, el discpulo amado, en la isla de Patmos, a la cual fue desterrado aproximadamente en el ao 96 de nuestra era.El personaje gigante es Jesucristo glorificado.Aunque, aparentemente, no existe nada extrao en esta pintura, una observacin cuidadosa advertir la presencia de una irregularidad en la mano derecha del personaje; el perfil de un extrao rostro:

Why is there a face in the palm of this hand? To answer this question we will reproduce the explanation given by JE Cirlot in his Dictionary of Symbols:

"Another comparable symbolic device is also found commonly in demonic figures: it consists of taking some part of the body that possesses, as it were, a certain autonomy of character or which is directly associated with a definite function, and portraying it as a face. Multiple faces and eyes imply disintegration or psychic decompositiona conception which lies at the root of the demoniacal idea of rending apart" (A dictionary of Symbols, 1962, page 96).


The following picture is on page 13 of "The Watchtower" magazine, issue August 15th, 2007:


La siguiente imagen se encuentra en la pgina 13 de la revista "La Atalaya", edicin 15 de Agosto de 2007:

Can you see the strange head instead of the thumb?

The following picture is on page 23 of "The Watchtower" magazine, issue July 1st, 2010:

El siguiente cuadro se encuentra en la pgina 23 de la revista La Atalaya del 1 de julio de 2010.

Preste atencin al brazo izquierdo del personaje.


Look at the character's left arm:

Can you notice the face on the arm?Nota usted la cara que se forma en el brazo?


The next image is found on page 17 of the book "You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth":

Look at the right hand of Jesus. Do you notice anything strange?

Mira a la derecha de Jess. Nota usted algo extrao?

Place this piece of art in a vertical position and the profile of a face will appear:


The following image appears on page 22 of "The Watchtower" magazine, issue January 1st, 2007:

Can you see the face on the palm?


However, the strangest type of encrypted images, found in Watchtower publications, are the "mirroring images".These images are the most elaborated (and certainly the most evil). In order to identify them you have to take certain pieces of Jehovahs Witnesses art (as they appear in their publications) and placing a mirror at the center or at the edge of these pieces of art, create new images composed of one-half of each piece viewed forward and backward at the same time sort of the visual equivalent of backwards masking in audio. (It sounds complicated, but its really nothing more than the old funhouse mirror technique a trick some of you might remember from Princes video for When Doves Cry applied to a piece of static art.) And as much as I hate to admit it when viewed in this way, the new images formed really do appear to contain composite images that resemble devils heads, tortured faces, skulls and psychedelic shapes suggestive of madness and evil.


Sin embargo, el tipo de imgenes encriptadas ms extrao, encontrado en las publicaciones de la watchtower, lo constituyen las imagines compuestas o reflejadas. Este tipo de imgenes es el ms elaborado (y, sin duda, el ms maligno). Para poder identificar las imgenes reflejadas (mirroring images), la mano de un conocedor debe llevar ciertas piezas de arte de los Testigos de Jehov (tal como aparecen en sus publicaciones) y, colocando un espejo en un punto determinado dentro de cada imagen (a veces debe colocar el espejo en uno de los bordes de la pieza de arte), crear una nueva imagen compuesta de la mitad de cada pieza vista hacia adelante y hacia atrs al mismo tiempo. Y cuando se ve de esta manera, Las nuevas imgenes que se forman de verdad se asemejan a cabezas de demonios y formas psicodlicas sugestivas de locura y maldad.



Look at this piece of art found on page 9 of The Watchtower magazine, issue October 1, 2001:

Place the mirror on the right side of the red square and you will get a demons head.Coloque el espejo en el lado derecho del cuadro y se obtendr la cabeza de un demonio:

THE HORNED GODThe following image was found on page 25 of the The Watchtower magazine, issue September 15th, 2005:

EL DIOS ASTADOLa siguiente imagen corresponde a la pgina 25 de la revista "La Atalaya" (en su versin en ingls "Watchtower") del 15 de setiembre de 2005:

Esta imagen representa al "dios astado; dolo cornudo que era adorado por los brujos en la edad media.

This image represents the "horned god; horned idol that was worshiped by witches in the Middle Ages.


The following image is in chapter 16 of the book "You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth":


La siguiente imagen se encontr en el captulo 16 del libro "":Usted puede vivir para siempre en el Paraso en la Tierra

Place a mirror on the right side of the yellow square and you will get this face of the horned god of the witches (Satan): Coloque un espejo en la parte derecha del cuadro amarillo y obtendr esta cara del dios cornudo de las brujas (Satans):

Compare this horned face with two representations of the "god of the witches" painted by Francisco de Goya:Compare este rostro cornudo con las representaciones del dios de los brujos pintados por Francisco de Goya:

Goat head in the book "Revelation: Its Grand Climax at Hand!"The following mirroring image was found on page 156 of the book "Revelation: Its Grand Climax at Hand!"

La siguiente imagen reflejada (mirroring image) se ha obtenido de la pgina 156 del libro "APOCALIPSIS: Se Acerca su Magnfica Culminacin!"

The original image is this:

La imagen original es sta:

This mirroring image represents the god of witches levitating. Compare this mirroring image with the traditional position adopted by some magicians, fakirs and witches when they levitate:La imagen completa representa al dios de los brujos levitando. Comprese esta imagen con la posicin tradicional que adoptan algunos magos, faquires o brujos al levitar:

The following picture is on page 35 of the book "The knowledge that leads to everlasting life":

La siguiente imagen est en la pgina 35 del libro "El Conocimiento que Lleva a la Vida Eterna":

The book "The Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life" (from which this picture was taken) became, until 2005, the main compendium used by Jehovah's Witnesses to lead Bible studies and was later replaced by the book "What Does the Bible Really Teach?".

El libro "El conocimiento que lleva a vida eterna", de donde se ha extrado esta imagen, se convirti, desde 1995 hasta el ao 2005, en el principal compendio usado por los Testigos de Jehov para dirigir estudios bblicos, siendo posteriormente sustituido por el libro "Qu ensea realmente la Biblia?".

If you put a mirror on the bottom left (where the child is sitting on a stone), you'll get this scary mirroring image which represents the god of the wtches:

Si colocamos un espejo en el borde inferior izquierdo (donde est el nio sentado sobre una piedra) obtendremos esta imagen reflejada que representa al dios de los brujos.

The following image is in Chapter 88 of "The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived":

la siguiente imagen se encuentra en el captulo 88 del libro "El Hombre Ms Grande de Todos los Tiempos.

It represents the Rich Man, a character in the parable named "The Rich Man and Lazarus". The Rich man is in Hades (the Hell). To decode the encrypted image just rotate the picture 90, and then, place a mirror on the edge:

Representa al Hombre Rico, personaje de la parbola "El Rico y Lzaro", en el Hades. Para decodificar la imagen encriptada slo tiene que girar el cuadro 90 y luego colocar un espejo en el borde:

Observe carefully the horned face that is formed in the flames:

Observe con atencin la el rostro cornudo que se forma en las llamas:

Now, look at the entire picture:

Observemos ahora la figura completa:


Firstly, these images have been prepared to be found by "those who have eyes to see.The ordinary reader can hardly find them because they are not experts on Witchcraft, Satanism, demonism, spiritualism, etc.

A clear example of this can be seen in the following image on chapter 86 (page 280), in the book "The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived" (published by Jehovah's Witnesses in 1992):


Primero, estas imgenes han sido preparadas para que sean encontradas por "aquellos que tienen ojos para ver". Es decir, han sido preparadas por conocedores para conocedores. El lector comn difcilmente podr encontrarlas porque no es un conocedor en satanismo, demonismo, espiritismo, etc.

Un ejemplo claro de esto se puede ver en la siguiente ilustracin de la pgina 86 del libro "El Hombre ms Grande de todos los Tiempos" (publicado por los Testigos de Jehov en 1992):

Ordinary people will never notice anything strange about this picture because the satanic images have been integrated into the tree. The figure of a "snake" and a "ram's head" have been integrated into the trunk of this tree.But even if the reader were to find these two integrated images, he still would not know the meaning of them. This is because, as we said, the ordinary reader is not an expert on Witchcraft, Satanism, demonism, spiritualism, and so on. We have to take into account that we are dealing with an encrypted satanic cult.

El comn de la gente jams notar algo extrao en esta ilustracin.Esto porque las imgenes satnicas han sido integradas al rbol, de modo tal que slo pueden ser descubiertas por un conocedor.La figura de una "serpiente" y la "cabeza del carnero" han sido (aunque resulte difcil de creer) integradas al tronco de este rbol.Pero incluso, si el lector llegara a encontrar estas imgenes integradas, aun as no sabra el significado de las mismas. Esto porque, como ya dijimos, el lector ordinario no es un entendido en satanismo, brujera, espiritismo, etc. Debemos tener en cuenta que aqu estamos hablando de un culto satnico encriptado.


This image is on page 16 of the Watchtower magazine issue March 2011:


sta es la pgina 16 de la edicin de marzo de 2011 de la revista La Atalaya:

At the top it reads: "Teachings of the Word of God." Then, below, there is a question: "Who is Jesus Christ?On the right side of the sheet, there is a piece of art that represents the Lord Jesus imparting his teachings, sitting on a rock. There is a tree behind him.

To decode the encrypted image you have to place a mirror on the right edge of the sheet and voila!:

To achieve this mirroring image, the watchtower artist has used the vegetation. The eyes of the demonic face look at the reader directly.This face is actually a stylized image of Bafhometh (horned god who was worshiped by witches in the Middle Age):


The same mirroring image of the "horned god" is on page 210 of the book "Draw Close to Jehovah."


Now, let's see the same piece of art on the cover of "The Watchtower" magazine, issues June 15th, 2003:


This same mirroring image is on page 22 of The Watchtower magazine, issue February 15th, 2005."

Being exposed, the Watchtower changed this piece of art in a recent publication called "Good News from God" (page 23): Al verse descubierta la Sociedad de la Torre del Viga (Watchtower) modific esta figura en una publicacin reciente llamada Buenas noticias de parte de Dios para nosotros (pgina 23):

This modus operandi is not new. The Wachtower has changed, in later editions, several subliminal images discovered in previous magazines and books. A good example of what we have just said is this picture found in the book called You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth, published in 1982, page 244:

Can you see the ram's profile? The image of the ram represents the Egyptian god "Amun. In witchcraft, Amun is one of the manifestations of the Horned God.

The watchtower knows the meaning of the ram perfectly because it appears in another publication called "Insight on the Scriptures," at least twice.

Again, being exposed, the Watchtower changed (in the same way it did with other images) this piece of art in the latest edition of the book You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth: Otra vez, al verse descubierta la Sociedad de los Testigos de Jehov modific (al igual que lo hizo con otras imgenes subliminales) esta figura en la ultima edicin del libro Usted Puede Vivir Para Siempre en el Paraso en la Tierra):



The following piece of art is on page 22 of The Watchtower magazine, issue August 1, 1988:

Place a mirror in the middle of the picture and youll get this skull:


The picture shown below was published in the "Awake!" magazine (in its August 2009 issue, page 23). The same image is on page 39 of the book "Learn From the Great Teacher." The drawing depicts the episode in which Jesus washed his disciples' feet:

Now place a mirror at the center of this piece of art:

Lets see the same piece of art as it appears in the book "Learn From the Great Teacher":

Again, place a mirror at the center of the piece of art:This image depicts a demon known in witchcraft as Belphegor:

Lets see the same piece of art as it appears in The Watchtower magazine, issue November 1st, 2004 (page 7):

LEARN FROM THE GREAT TEACHER, PAGE 91: The following image is on page 91 of the "Learn From the Great Teacher book.

The stag-headed demon is exposed by placing the mirror on the right edge of the blue square:


Stag-headed demon

According to the anthropologist Margaret Murray, the appearance of the "horned god of the witches" could be like a ram, a goat, a stag, a bull or a deer. The costume sometimes worn by the chief or the witches (main sorcerer) when he officiated at th ceremonies or rituals (in medieval times) resembled these animals.

Engravings that show the chief of the witches (wearing a horned mask) presiding a coven in ancient times.


La siguiente imagen aparece en la cubierta de la revista "La Atalaya" del 1 de enero de 1988:

Coloque un espejo en el borde izquierdo de esta pieza de arte y aparecer esta cabeza de demonio:


The following image is found on page 23 of The Watchtower magazine, issue January 15th, 2002:

It depicts Cain, next to an altar, angry with his brother Abel. This altar, however, hides a secret that only can be revealed by a mirror:

This image appears in some other Watchtower publications. It appears in some of them with more details:


The following image is in chapter V of the book "Pay attention to Daniel's Prophecy!"

Now place a mirror in the center of this piece of art.

The new image formed resembles a demon's head:


The presence of demonic images (disguised in the literature of the Watchtower) is part of an encrypted satanic cult".The following image is taken from chapter 4 of the book "What the Bible Really Teach?

Here we are Jesus instructing his apostles who pay much attention to his words. To obtain the mirroring image, please, place a mirror on the right edge of this piece of art:

Look at the evil face with yellow eyes. Note also the eyes on the head of the apostle:


These faces with eyes that look at the reader are what is known (in the highest spheres of European witchcraft and magic) as "Watchers" or "Guardians. They represent a form of devils omnipresence, or omniscience. We will cite as an analog example, the Enochian system of magic (a very dangerous witchcraft system where evil spirits are invoked). In this type of magic, brought to public attention by the doctors and magicians John Dee and Edward Kelly in the 16th century, we find the inclusion of Watchtowers or Guardians (Watchers) like complex evocation designs. The Guardians have their origin in the system of Enochian magic which was revealed to John Dee (who was born on July 13, 1527 and died in 1608) and Edward Kelley. According to Dee's diaries, the two men called an "angel" that Kelley saw in an obsidian mirror; Dee recorded the revelations narrated by Kelley (See the work of Robert Turner, Elizabethan Magic, page 24). The use of the mirror in witchcraft, for the invocation of evil spirits, is well known.


The following picture appears on page 740, Volume 1 of the book "INSIGHT":

It represents a Honeycomb. But if you put a mirror in the middle of the picture you will obtain this scary mirroring image:


The following image is in Chapter 1 of the book "The knowledge that leads to everlasting life." In fact, this is the first piece of art in that book:

Place the mirror on the left edge of the yellow square and youll get a demon with Semitic characteristics:

During the Middle Ages, images depicting demons and the Devil emphasized grotesque, animalistic physical features. These characteristics were also assigned to those believed to be in the employ of Satan and his demons, i.e. Jews. Imagery depicting Jews as monstrous or physically grotesque became more and more commonplace. At present we can see good examples of this kind of demons even in popular movies (e.g. "Watto" from Star Wars):