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Sabbath: A Holy Day or Holiday?Heb 4:1-10

Bible>a book of promises: And within its pages...there’s all but one promise that Jesus has yet to fulfill: “I will come again...”-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------God said to Adam & Eve>if you disobey, you would die!2 Corinthians 1:20, “For all the promises of God in him [are] yea”

God promises: Never leave us nor forsake us // You’ll have tribulations: Supply your needs not your greed / Raise up a Saviour Abraham would have a son through Sarah

>Jesus would go, prepare a place, and [come back]>His followers would have eternal life---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vs.2 says, “suggests>by-gone generations: Passive & Active listeners. Ezekiel 20:12 Moreover also I gave them my Sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them that they might know that I [am] the LORD that sanctify them--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A SIGN OF RECOGNIZATION: INDIAN MANExodus 20:11, “For [in] six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them [is], and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.”The Sabbath Rest is not a Holiday. The Sabbath Rest is God’s Holy day! ! Whatever God allows, you bow to his submission: that’s humility.! However he directs your steps, you follow in obedience. That relieves your anxieties.! Whenever he speaks, you listen in silence. That’s his instructions.

God’s plan is incredible Job 42: reliable /God’s way is best ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vs.3 of Heb. 4: “For we who have believed do enter that rest.” ! If you believe: you’ll honour him on the 7th Day // His Holy Day ! If you don’t believe: you’ll see it as any other day // observe it as a holiday

? If God is a Spirit…and he saw it fit to take a rest, why would you want to outwork the bunny rabbit?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Gen. Chapters 1& 2, God created:

First Light /Second firmament/Third Earth, Seas, Grass, Fruits/


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Fourth/seasons, moon, stars, sun/Fifth fish, birds/Sixth cattle, insects, beast/Man>Eve] Seventh: rested from all his work/blessed/sanctified

! Some Christians>worship=7th day. ? What’s the difference? John 4:23[Spirit & truth]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Canada Day is July 1st: Canadians commemorate it! God’s Sabbath Rest>7th Day: Christians should worship him on it!

Canada Day is a nationwide Holiday: The Govt. nationalized it. The Sabbath Day>God’s Holy Day: The creator authorized it. Canada Day is a holiday: Canadians celebrate it however they desire.

But every 7th Day is God’s Holy Day: God asks: observe & honour...desire. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If Canada’s Day would be changed to another day, the Govt would inform its citizens about it.

Likewise, if the 7th Day would be changed to another Day, God would have informed [heaven’s host, our first Parents, Patriarchs, prophets & Apostles]

Canadians on July 1st take a Physical Rest. But Christians on 7th Day take a Spiritual Rest. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! Some People say...It doesn’t matter! That depends on whom you worship!

Did it matter when Lot’s wife…? Did it matter when Jonah took…? Did it matter when Adam & Eve...? Did it matter for Uz who tried to prevent the Ark from tipping over? Lucifer sinned? Cain? Wife?

Acts 5:29, “We ought to obey God rather than men.” Vs.6, 7 says, “Seeing therefore it remains that some must enter therein; some failed because of unbelief: Again, he designates a certain day, saying in David, Today, after so long a time. “Do not harden your hearts.” Why David?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Acts 13:22... David worship God on his Holy Day [7th Day]. Isaiah 58:13> [On my Holy Day]

! God says, “The 7 th day is his Holy Day not a Holiday! ”! JESUS CAME FROM DAVID’S DESCENDENTS

Vs.8, 9 says, “For if Joshua had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day. There remains therefore a rest to the people of God.” Job’s asking in 38:4, “Where were you when God laid the foundations of the earth?” >>>>If you choose not to worship as he commands, vs.6 refers you to James 2:10 [break one, you break all.]


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? Do you know anything Eugene H. Peterson? Author: more than 20 books Professor and Founder of Spiritual Theology in B.C. Founder of Christ Our King Presbyterian Church in Maryland, 29

years as Pastor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Read Heb 4: vs.7, 8 [Message Bible says,] God keeps renewing the promise and setting the date as today, just as he did in David’s psalm…Today, please listen, don’t turn a deaf ear…and so this is still a live promise. It wasn’t cancelled at the time of Joshua; otherwise, God wouldn’t keep renewing the appointment for “Today.” Vs. 5 [Message Bible], “Exasperated, I vowed, they’ll never get where they’re going, never be able to sit down and rest. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The fact is this: Not everyone will worship on a holiday>Satan will be angry at some people or a group of people...who are these people?Rev 12:17[keep commands and have the faith of Jesus]>Rev 22:14----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->Sanctuary>Ark of the Covenant>Law is the foundation-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------? Is the 7th Day God’s Holy Day or a holiday? >Keep=Federal Law>Taxes>Keep=Provencial Law>Surete du Quebec>Keep=Municipal By-Laws>Parking days