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Determination: Do You Have It?Hebrews 3:1-19

Paul, Moses, and Jesus have many things in common: Nevertheless, they all had this one thing: Mission: it has taken exiles out of bondage and unto freedom…vs.1, 2

Jesus>sent to this sinful world Paul’s>was commissioned to the Gentile world Moses>was sent to Pharaoh’s world…

All three men: mission, a message, and a determination Jesus’ mission was to die while Moses’ & Paul’s was to live.

Their determination loomed larger than life itself. Jesus was determined to save this world Paul was determined to shake his world Moses was determined to change his world

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vs.7 Determination has to be wholesome and holy. Otherwise, it’s defiance

>Moses>Jonah>Samson Vs.8 The wilderness experience: 2weeks/over. It took 40 years. Defiant!

Determination is softening/defiance is hardening/ determination is obeying/defiance is rebelling/ determination is receiving while defiance is rejecting/

In vs. 10&11, there are 2 Classes: Vs.10=apathy; vs.11=ignoranceActs 17:30, “In times of ignorance God winked at...but now...repent”

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->Jesus was faithful to his father’s will //Moses was faithful to God’s willPaul was ignorantly faithful to his superiors will. Yet he was sincerely wrong.

Judas was faithful to his will. Ignorance is no excuse for not knowing; apathy gives no excuse for not doing.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Vs.11-12. “So I swore in my wrath, they shall not enter my rest.” “Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in the departing from the living God.” “Defiance:”2 Peter 2: 4-11 says, “If God spared not the angels who sinned...spare you?”

If God cast the angels down to hell, would… deliver you? If God spared not the ancient world but saved Noah would….?


If God turned Sodom & Gomorrah into ashes, making an example out of them to those [that’s you & me] who afterward would live ungodly, would you expect him to exempt you?

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Determination is embracing today’s truth that will become tomorrow’s triumph.

Luke 9:62, “And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”

Jesus said, “Not my will but your will”/Paul said, “I press toward the mark.”

Joshua said, “Choose he this day.” Jacob, “Gen 32:26 I will not let thee go except thou bless me.”

And as a result in vs.25, “the angel touched his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------? Are you so determined to hold on to Truth that you’ll even walk with your hollow thigh out of joint until you find truth?! Snail>smallest/slowest of creepy/crawly-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Determination is reliance upon God. Defiance is reliance on man. Heb 3: 1,5,14 Jesus relied on God/Moses relied on God/Paul relied on God. Lot’s wife relied on material things: that’s how you remember her!Ananias & Sapphira relied on deceit: Church ground to the burial ground. Acts 5:5, 6 The rich man relied on his riches: he lost his life & riches in the end.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Herod relied on his drunken friends: he ordered the execution of [John]

his friend just to appease his conscience. Pilate relied on the crowd in order to remain neutral: what he did was but

neutral.! Message: Innocent blood: bad taste>mouth & blood stains on the hands 1/3 of the angels relied on Lucifer: They were cast out with him.! Turn a man into a monument------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eve relied on her reasoning. Hitler relied on his military and intellectual pedigree: Balaam relied on bribery: A donkey had to alert him to his senses.


Question: How much lower is mankind able to sink...? And why is mankind so proud of his DNA?

Vs.16 says, “For who having rebelled? Was it not all who came out of Egypt led by Moses?” vs.17 says, “Was it not with those who sinned, whose corpse fell in the wilderness?”--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Determination is due to a cause while defiance is due to an effect

Jesus died for mankind because Adam sinned. As a result...Death, disease, violence, and Murder all effects of Adam’s defiance.

? Why would God Almighty in Revelation 21:8 bundle the unbelieving with the: Cowardly/abominable/murderers/sexually immoral/sorcerers/idolaters & liars? Defiant not determined! Defiance always leads to destruction.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Satan: At first had no intentions; look what happen later on. In Deuteronomy 3:6: God destroyed: men/women/and children.

In Joshua 6:21: Man/woman/the young/the old/the ox/sheep/and donkey.In 1Samuel 22:19: Men/women/children/nursing infants/oxen/donkeys/and sheep. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sometimes I ask the Lord, how into your kingdom?

? Have you ever read the Lineage of Jesus in Matt 1:6-17? David>adulterer>man after God’s own heart Ruth>Moabite>Jewish lineage? Manasseh>wicked King Abraham>liar>Father of many nations Jacob>con man>12 tribes of Israel came by means of Jacob Rahab>prostitute>descendants of Jesus Solomon>womanizer>worlds wisest man ever 1st Adam>stubbornly defiant 2nd Adam>steadfastly determined

Luke 3:38>Adam is the Son of God!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

God had absolutely no problems destroying the unbelievers. However, believers are the one’s giving God the most problems. Read vs.16, 17, 18 & 19.