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  • 8/9/2019 Study Guide Questions Microbiology


    Unit IV Study Guide QuestionsUnit IV Study Guide Questions


  • 8/9/2019 Study Guide Questions Microbiology


    Study the review questions found in WordStudy the review questions found in Wordfile,file, Review Questions Microbiology (KEY)Review Questions Microbiology (KEY)

  • 8/9/2019 Study Guide Questions Microbiology


    Question 1Question 1

    1.1. DefineDefine

    HealthHealth -- A state of complete physical,A state of complete physical,mental, and social wellmental, and social well--being.being.

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    Question 2Question 2

    2. Define2. Define diseasedisease..

    DiseaseDisease -- A deleterious change in theA deleterious change in thebodys condition in response to anbodys condition in response to anenvironmental factor.environmental factor.

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    Question 3Question 3

    3. What are three disease factors?3. What are three disease factors?

    Dietandnutrition, infectiousagents,Dietandnutrition, infectiousagents,toxic chemicals, physicalfactors,andtoxic chemicals, physicalfactors,andpsychological stressall contribute topsychological stressall contribute to


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    Question 4Question 4

    DefineDefine emergentdiseaseandgive twoemergentdiseaseandgive twoexamples.examples.

    AnAnemergentdiseaseemergentdisease is oneneveris oneneverknownbefore, orhas beenabsentforknownbefore, orhas beenabsentfor

    at least 20 least 20 years. FootandMouthDiseaseFootandMouthDisease


  • 8/9/2019 Study Guide Questions Microbiology


    Question 5Question 5

    Give two examples of ecological diseases.Give two examples of ecological diseases.

    Distemper (Seals)Distemper (Seals)

    Chronic Wasting Disease (DeerandElk)Chronic Wasting Disease (DeerandElk)

    Transmissible SpongiformEncephalopathiesTransmissible SpongiformEncephalopathies

    Black BandDisease (Coral)Black BandDisease (Coral)

  • 8/9/2019 Study Guide Questions Microbiology


    Question 6Question 6

    6. What are some symptoms of the sick6. What are some symptoms of the sickbuilding syndrome?building syndrome?

    Headaches,allergies,andchronicHeadaches,allergies,andchronicfatigue causedby poorly ventilatedfatigue causedby poorly ventilated

    indoorair contaminatedbymolds,indoorair contaminatedbymolds,carbonmonoxide,nitrogenoxides,andcarbonmonoxide,nitrogenoxides,andother toxic chemicals.other toxic chemicals.

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    Question 7Question 7

    7. Define antagonistic reaction (chemical).7. Define antagonistic reaction (chemical).

    Antagonistic ReactionAntagonistic Reaction -- One materialOne materialinterferes with the effects, or stimulatesinterferes with the effects, or stimulatesthe breakdown, of other chemicals.the breakdown, of other chemicals.

    (Aluminum ions remove phosphate ions(Aluminum ions remove phosphate ionsfrom solution)from solution)

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    Question 8Question 8

    8. Define:8. Define: D50.LD50.

    LD50LD50 -- Dose at which 50% of the test population isDose at which 50% of the test population issensitive (dies).sensitive (dies).

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    Question 9Question 9

    9. What is the EPAs definition of9. What is the EPAs definition ofacceptable risk?acceptable risk?

    EPA generallyassumes 1 in1 million isEPA generallyassumes 1 in1 million isacceptable riskforenvironmentalhazards.acceptable riskforenvironmentalhazards.

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    Question 10Question 10

    10. Contrast acute vs. chronic effects.10. Contrast acute vs. chronic effects.

    Acute EffectsAcute Effects -- Caused by a singleCaused by a singleexposure and result in an immediateexposure and result in an immediatehealth problem.

    Chronic EffectsChronic Effects -- LongLong--lasting. Can belasting. Can beresult of single large dose or repeatedresult of single large dose or repeatedsmaller doses.smaller doses.

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    Question 1Question 1

    1. Prokaryotic refers to the lack of a ____1. Prokaryotic refers to the lack of a __________?______?

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    Answer 1Answer 1

    1. Prokaryotic refers to the lack of a1. Prokaryotic refers to the lack of anuclear membrane or nucleusnuclear membrane or nucleus..

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    Question 2Question 2

    2. ______ are infectious agents or2. ______ are infectious agents orparticles, but not true organisms.particles, but not true organisms.

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    Answer 2Answer 2

    2. Viruses are infectious agents or2. Viruses are infectious agents orparticles, but not true organisms.particles, but not true organisms.

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    Question 3Question 3

    3. _____ are used for bacterial locomotion3. _____ are used for bacterial locomotionand ______ are employed for cell to celland ______ are employed for cell to cell


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    Answer 3Answer 3

    3. Flagella are used for bacterial3. Flagella are used for bacteriallocomotion and pili are employed for celllocomotion and pili are employed for cell

    to cell cell attachment.

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    Question 4Question 4

    4. Identify this cell shape.4. Identify this cell shape.

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    Answer 4Answer 4

    4. Identify this cell shape.4. Identify this cell shape.

    Coccus (spherical)Coccus (spherical)

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    Question 5Question 5

    5. Identify this cell shape.5. Identify this cell shape.

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    Answer 5Answer 5

    5. Identify this cell shape.5. Identify this cell shape.

    Bacillus (rod shaped)Bacillus (rod shaped)

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    Question 6Question 6

    6. Identify this cell type.6. Identify this cell type.

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    Answer 6Answer 6

    6. Identify this cell type. spirillum6. Identify this cell type. spirillum

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    Question 7Question 7

    7. Name two major types of7. Name two major types ofarchaebacteria (there are 3 types).archaebacteria (there are 3 types).

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    Answer 7Answer 7

    7. Name two major types of7. Name two major types ofarchaebacteria (there are 3 types).archaebacteria (there are 3 types).

    Extreme thermophiles, methanogens, andExtreme thermophiles, methanogens, andextreme halophiles (any two)extreme halophiles (any two)

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    Question 8Question 8

    8. Describe a typical bacterial8. Describe a typical bacterialchromosome.chromosome.

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    Answer 8Answer 8

    8. Describe a typical bacterial8. Describe a typical bacterialchromosome.chromosome.

    It is composed of a single circular DNAIt is composed of a single circular DNAmolecule.molecule.

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    Question 9Question 9

    9. What are plasmids?9. What are plasmids?

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    Answer 9Answer 9

    9. What are plasmids?9. What are plasmids?

    Plasmids are very small circular bits ofPlasmids are very small circular bits ofDNA which can be transferred from oneDNA which can be transferred from onecell to another via conjugation.cell to another via conjugation.

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    Question 10Question 10

    10. The normal human flora consists of10. The normal human flora consists ofabout _____ species of bacteria.about _____ species of bacteria.

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    Answer 10Answer 10

    10. The normal human flora consists of10. The normal human flora consists ofaboutabout 200200 species of bacteria.species of bacteria.

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    Question 11Question 11

    11.11. E. coliE. colinormally lives in the ______ ofnormally lives in the ______ ofvertebrates and is beneficial/harmful.vertebrates and is beneficial/harmful.

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    Answer 11Answer 11

    11.11. E. coliE. colinormally lives in the intestinesnormally lives in the intestinesof vertebrates and is beneficial/harmful.of vertebrates and is beneficial/harmful.

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    Question 12Question 12

    12.12. Streptococcus pyogenesStreptococcus pyogenesstrains (asstrains (aswell as others) rarely cause ______well as others) rarely cause ______


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    Answer 12Answer 12

    12.12. Streptococcus pyogenesStreptococcus pyogenesstrains (asstrains (aswell as others) rarely cause well as others) rarely cause necrotizingnecrotizing


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    Question 13Question 13

    13.13. E. coliE. coli strain O157:H7,strain O157:H7,a dangerous form, was associated witha dangerous form, was associated with

    ____ __ __ ____ hamburgers as well as____ __ __ ____ hamburgers as well asthe ____ _____ incident in Cobb county,the ____ _____ incident in Cobb county,GA.GA.

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    Answer 13Answer 13

    13.13. E. coliE. coli strain O157:H7,strain O157:H7,a dangerous form, was associated witha dangerous form, was associated with

    Jack in the Box hamburgersJack in the Box hamburgers as well as theas well as theWhite WaterWhite Water incident in Cobb county, GA.incident in Cobb county, GA.

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    Question 14Question 14

    14. Viruses are composed of an outer14. Viruses are composed of an outer______ coat with an interior core of______ coat with an interior core of

    ________ _______.________ _______.

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    Answer 14Answer 14

    14. Viruses are composed of an outer14. Viruses are composed of an outerproteinprotein coat with an interior core ofcoat with an interior core of

    nucleic acid.nucleic acid.

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    Question 15Question 15

    15. HIV is a(n) _______ virus.15. HIV is a(n) _______ virus.

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    Answer 15Answer 15

    15. HIV is a(n)15. HIV is a(n)enveloped (or RNA)enveloped (or RNA)virus.virus.

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    Question 16Question 16

    16. Identify this type of virus.16. Identify this type of virus.

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    Answer 16Answer 16

    16. Identify this type of virus.16. Identify this type of virus. helicalhelical

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    Answer 17Answer 17

    17. Identify this type of virus.17. Identify this type of virus. complexcomplex

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    Question 18Question 18

    18. Name the two modes of viral18. Name the two modes of viralreplication.replication.

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    Answer 18Answer 18

    18. Name the two modes of viral18. Name the two modes of viralreplication.replication. Lytic and lysogenicLytic and lysogenic

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    Question 19Question 19

    19. Of the two modes which one may19. Of the two modes which one mayhave a long latent (resting) period?have a long latent (resting) period?

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    Question 19Question 19

    19. Of the two modes which one may19. Of the two modes which one mayhave a long latent (resting) period?have a long latent (resting) period?

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    Answer 19Answer 19

    19. Of the two modes which one may19. Of the two modes which one mayhave a long latent (resting) period?have a long latent (resting) period?


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    Question 20Question 20

    20. Hepatitis A infects which organ?20. Hepatitis A infects which organ?

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    Answer 20Answer 20

    20. Hepatitis A infects which organ?20. Hepatitis A infects which organ?


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    Question 21Question 21

    21. Which water born virus may attack21. Which water born virus may attackand kill motor neurons (nerves)?and kill motor neurons (nerves)?

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    Answer 21Answer 21

    21. Which water born virus may attack21. Which water born virus may attackand kill motor neurons (nerves)?and kill motor neurons (nerves)?


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    Question 22Question 22

    22. Viroids are naked strands or circles22. Viroids are naked strands or circlesof ______.of ______.

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    Answer 22Answer 22

    22. Viroids are naked strands or circles22. Viroids are naked strands or circlesofofRNARNA..

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    Question 23Question 23

    23. Viroids are known to only infect23. Viroids are known to only infect_______._______.

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    Answer 23Answer 23

    23. Viroids are known to only infect23. Viroids are known to only infectplantsplants..

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    Question 24Question 24

    24. Prions are composed exclusively of24. Prions are composed exclusively of________.________.

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    Answer 24Answer 24

    24. Prions are composed exclusively of24. Prions are composed exclusively ofproteinsproteins..

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    Question 25Question 25

    25. ____ ____ _____ is a disease that is25. ____ ____ _____ is a disease that iscaused by a prion. It is found in farmcaused by a prion. It is found in farm

    animals and there is a human form.animals and there is a human form.

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    Answer 25Answer 25

    25.25. Mad cow diseaseMad cow disease is a disease that isis a disease that iscaused by a prion. It is found in farmcaused by a prion. It is found in farm

    animals and there is a human form.animals and there is a human form.

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    Question 26Question 26

    26. Protistans differ from prokaryotes.26. Protistans differ from prokaryotes.

    State two differences:State two differences:

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    Answer 26Answer 26

    26. Protistans differ from prokaryotes.26. Protistans differ from prokaryotes.

    State two differences:State two differences:

    Protistans have: a membrance boundProtistans have: a membrance boundnucleus; organelles such as mitochondria,nucleus; organelles such as mitochondria,chloroplasts; microtubules; mitosis andchloroplasts; microtubules; mitosis and

    meiosismeiosis Prokaryotes lack these structures.Prokaryotes lack these structures.

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    Question 27Question 27

    27. Animal27. Animal--like protistans are informallylike protistans are informallyknown as:known as:

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    Answer 27Answer 27

    27. Animal27. Animal--like protistans are informallylike protistans are informallyknown as:known as:


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    Question 28Question 28

    28. Which of the following is (are)28. Which of the following is (are)mismatched?mismatched?

    SarcodinaSarcodina amoeboid protozoansamoeboid protozoans

    CiliophoraCiliophora parasitic heterotrophs such asparasitic heterotrophs such as

    sporazoanssporazoans MastigophoraMastigophora animalanimal--like flagellateslike flagellates

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    Answer 28Answer 28

    28. Which of the following is (are)28. Which of the following is (are)mismatched?mismatched?

    SarcodinaSarcodina amoeboid protozoansamoeboid protozoans

    CiliophoraCiliophora parasitic heterotrophs such asparasitic heterotrophs such as

    sporazoanssporazoans MastigophoraMastigophora animalanimal--like flagellateslike flagellates

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    Question 29Question 29

    29. Amoeba move by means of29. Amoeba move by means ofcilia/pseudopods/flagella. (Choose one)cilia/pseudopods/flagella. (Choose one)

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    Answer 29Answer 29

    29. Amoeba move by means of29. Amoeba move by means ofcilia/cilia/pseudopodspseudopods/flagella. (Choose one)/flagella. (Choose one)

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    Question 30Question 30

    30. Shelled30. Shelled AmoebasAmoebas have houseshave housesmade from silica/calcium carbonate/ ormade from silica/calcium carbonate/ or

    some silica and others calcium carbonate.some silica and others calcium carbonate.(choose one)(choose one)

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    Answer 30Answer 30

    30. Shelled30. Shelled AmoebasAmoebas have houseshave housesmade from silica/calcium carbonate/ ormade from silica/calcium carbonate/ or

    somesome silicaand others calcium carbonatesilicaand others calcium carbonate..(choose one)(choose one)

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    Question 31Question 31

    31. True/false. All amoebas are free31. True/false. All amoebas are free--living;living;none are parasitic. (If false, give a counternone are parasitic. (If false, give a counter


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    Answer 31Answer 31

    31. True/false. All amoebas are free31. True/false. All amoebas are free--living;living;none are parasitic. (If false, give a counternone are parasitic. (If false, give a counter


    FalseFalse. Some freshwater types can invade. Some freshwater types can invadethe brain and cause death. Others arethe brain and cause death. Others areinternal parasites.internal parasites.

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    Question 32Question 32

    32. What is name for the phylum which32. What is name for the phylum whichcontains ciliates such ascontains ciliates such as ParameciumParamecium??

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    Answer 32Answer 32

    32. What is name for the phylum which32. What is name for the phylum whichcontains ciliates such ascontains ciliates such as ParameciumParamecium??


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    Question 33Question 33

    33. Ciliates have two types of nuclei.33. Ciliates have two types of nuclei.Name them.Name them.

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    Answer 33Answer 33

    33. Ciliates have two types of nuclei.33. Ciliates have two types of nuclei.Name them.Name them.

    Macronuclei and micronucleiMacronuclei and micronuclei

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    Question 34Question 34

    34. What is the name for the process34. What is the name for the processwhere ciliates exchange micronuclei?where ciliates exchange micronuclei?

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    Answer 34Answer 34

    34. What is the name for the process34. What is the name for the processwhere ciliates exchange micronuclei?where ciliates exchange micronuclei?


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    Question 35Question 35

    35. Ciliates use cilia for both ______ and35. Ciliates use cilia for both ______ and_______._______.

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    Answer 35Answer 35

    35. Ciliates use cilia for both35. Ciliates use cilia for both locomotionlocomotionandand feeding.feeding.

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    Question 36Question 36

    36. Animal36. Animal--like flagellates belong to thelike flagellates belong to thephylum ________.phylum ________.

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    Answer 36Answer 36

    36. Animal36. Animal--like flagellates belong to thelike flagellates belong to thephylumphylum Mastigophora.Mastigophora.

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    Question 37Question 37

    37. Name two flagellates that may cause37. Name two flagellates that may causehealth or environmental or environmental problems.

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    Answer 37Answer 37

    37. Name two flagellates that may cause37. Name two flagellates that may causehealth or environmental or environmental problems.

    Trypanosomes,Trypanosomes, TrichamonasTrichamonas, and /or, and /ordinoflagellates (red tide organisms)dinoflagellates (red tide organisms)

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    Question 38Question 38

    38. All of these organisms are parasitic.38. All of these organisms are parasitic.There are many different species includingThere are many different species including

    the malarial organisms. _____the malarial organisms. _____

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    Answer 38Answer 38

    38. All of these organisms are parasitic.38. All of these organisms are parasitic.There are many different species includingThere are many different species including

    the malarial organisms.the malarial organisms. sporazoanssporazoans

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    Question 39Question 39

    39. Why should pregnant women avoid39. Why should pregnant women avoidcontact with cats?contact with cats?

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    Answer 39Answer 39

    39. Why should pregnant women avoid39. Why should pregnant women avoidcontact with cats?contact with cats? Cats are vectors of theCats are vectors of the

    sporazoan,sporazoan, ToxaplasmaToxaplasma. Infection of. Infection ofpregnant women can cause harm or evenpregnant women can cause harm or evendeath to the fetus.death to the fetus.

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    Question 40Question 40

    40. Why should pregnant women avoid40. Why should pregnant women avoidcontact with cats?contact with cats?

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    Answer 40Answer 40

    40. What is the vector of the malarial40. What is the vector of the malarialorganism?organism? Female mosquitoesFemale mosquitoes

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    Question 41Question 41

    41. To what phylum does41. To what phylum does EuglenaEuglena and itsand itsrelatives belong?relatives belong?

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    Answer 41Answer 41

    41. To what phylum do41. To what phylum do EuglenaEuglena and itsand itsrelatives belong?relatives belong?


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    Question 42Question 42

    42. What type of algae live in glass42. What type of algae live in glasshouses and are important primaryhouses and are important primary


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    Answer 42Answer 42

    42. What type of algae live in glass42. What type of algae live in glasshouses and are important primaryhouses and are important primary



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    Question 43Question 43

    43. What major group (phyla) of algae43. What major group (phyla) of algaemostclosely resemble green plants?mostclosely resemble green plants?

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    Answer 43Answer 43

    43. What major group (phyla) of algae43. What major group (phyla) of algaemostclosely resemble green plants?mostclosely resemble green plants?

    Green algae (Chlorophyta)Green algae (Chlorophyta)