Download - Studio Inglese school of EnglishPresentation

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St udi oI ngl e s e


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Traditional ...

• Human teachers• Comfortable chairs• Student centre• Traditional books• Traditional


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The teacher

• Qualified• Experienced• Mother-tongue

– There to help you

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Modern classrooms

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Student Centre• Reading • Private study• Meeting friends• Pre-lesson gossip• Post-lesson gossip• WI-FI access

StudioInglese members always welcome

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Real books

A l i br ar y of r e f e r ence mat e r i al and l i t e r at ur e f or s t udent s and

t eacher s

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Ol d s chool bl ackboar ds

Tr adi t i onal pr e s ent at i on f or

t r adi t i onal gr ammar

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. . . Di f f e r ent• Touchscreens• Wireless technology• LCD Television• Media Centre• Film based tuition• Multimedia Projector

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Touchs c r e e nt e c hnol ogy

An i nt e r ac t i ve exper i ence des i gned t o advance s peaki ng and under s t andi ng of

l anguages

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Mul t i - medi a pr oj ec t or

Wor ks hops . Pr e s ent at i ons . Tr ai ni ng. Fi l m ni ght .

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St udi oI ngl e s e

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Tr adi t i onal cour s e s

• 1 to 1 tuition

• 2students, 1 teacher

• Small group (3 or 4)

• Group course (5 or 6)

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1 1t o

Bui l di ng a r e l at i ons hi p wi t h s t udent s he l ps us t o t each mor e

e f f e c t i ve l y

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Bus i ne s s s pe c i f i c

We have deve l oped an

i nnovat i ve s e t of cour s e s ,

s pec i al l y de s i gned t o meet

t he demands of

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Spec i al event sEver y mont h St udi oI ngl e s e wi l l hos t one - of f event s ai med at i mpr ovi ng s pec i f i c s ki l l s s uch as ; i nt e r vi ew t echni que , t r ave l l anguage , s oc i al l anguage and mor e .

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Cont act i ng us

• Website-

• Email– [email protected]

Or check out our social and professional network pages on Facebook and LinkedIn

• Phone– 049 74 001 36

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Thanks f or wat chi ng

f rom Sean and Wi l l