Download - studikasusperusahaan pengembang PT. ABC PT ABC, which business is in the real estate development, has signed a loan agreement with a syndicated banks. Collateral for the facilities




studi kasus perusahaan pengembang PT. ABC


PT ABC adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pengembangan

perumahan . PT ABC menerima fasilitas kredit dari sindikasi dua bank

yang kemudian kedua bank tersebut bermasalah dan diambil alih oleh

BPPN . Seluruh lahan yang ada, baik yang dijaminkan maupun yang

tidak dijaminkan, terbawa serta dan berada dibawah pengawasan

BPPN . Perusahaan berhenti beroperasi , dan menjadi bermasalah

karena tidak sanggup lagi membayar hutangnya . Untuk dapat keluar

dari BPPN, perusahaan hares mengikuti program restrukturisasi hutang .

Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk mencari alternatif jalan keluar yang

sating menguntungkan bagi kedua belah pihak .. Beberapa alternatif

restrukturisasi yang mungkin dilakukan kemudian diidentifikasikan,

yaitu Penjadualan Ulang Hutang (Rescheduling), Penerbitan Surat

Hutang Pasar Modal, Debt to Equity swap, dan Debt to Asset swap.

Dalam membahas alternatif tersebut digunakan dasar-dasar teori

Struktur Permodalan, Analisis Leverage, serta Analisis Nisbah

Keuangan . Guna menambah wacana, tinjauan atas fungsi Badan

Penyehatan Perbankan Nasional serta tinjauan dari segi Perpajakan

juga disertakan .

Alternatif terbaik adalah Debt to Asset swap. Hasil pembahasan ini

diharapkan dapat pula dijadikan bahan pemikiran dan alternatif

negosiasi bagi perusahaan pengembang perumahan Iainnya yang

sedang bermasalah dengan krediturnya .


PT ABC, which business is in the real estate development, has signed

a loan agreement with a syndicated banks. Collateral for the facilities

were all inventory the company has, i.e. show houses, shop houses, and

land banks. In 1998 all of syndicated member banks have been taken

over by the Government through IBRA . Problem has arisen because all

of the land banks including the unpledged land banks, are administered

under blanket certificates lodged in the bank. PT ABC cannot release

the free unpledged land before settlement of the main loan, and

therefore it has to go through restructuring process.

This case study explored some alternatives for problem-debt

restructuring especially for real estate developer to be considered in

dealing with IBRA. The alternatives are Restructuring, Issuance of

Capital Market Securities, Debt to Equity swap, and Debt to Asset

swap. A five-year financial projection for each alternative is then

developed and analysed using the theory of capital structure, leverage

analysis, and some common financial ratios analysis. And to enriched

the discussion, some insights on [BRA and incentives on taxation

available for company undergoing a restructuring with official

government bodies, are also provided.

The best alternative is Debt to Asset swap. This favorable solution may

be different from one company to another, depending on assumptions,

situation and condition of the said company. Hopefully this case study

will give some inspiration for real estate developer in dealing with its
