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Are We Meeting Students’ Research Needs?

A Comparison of ebrary’s 2008 and 2011 Global Student E-book Surveys


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2008• Original survey questionnaire developed by librarians

– Including Cleveland State University• Informal survey created in SurveyMonkey• Survey distributed to ebrary’s email distribution list of librarians• Librarians pushed out survey to students• ~6,500 respondents

– 76 participating countries (~60% international, 40% US) 2011• Survey duplicated and distributed using the same process• Cloned survey for Cleveland State case study• ~6,600 total respondents

– 100 participating countries (~70% US, 30% international)• Full results and additional social media questions and results available at



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E-book Awareness: 2008

• 68% of students stated awareness good to excellent

• 34% did not know if their library had e-books• 58% did not know where to find e-books

How would you expect this to change?

In 2008…


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E-book Awareness: 2011

In the past three years, the awareness level has not changed as much as expected


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E-book Discovery

20081. Librarians 2. Instructors 3. Library

website/blog 4. Library catalog 5. Google/search

engine6. Peers

2011 1. Librarians 2. Instructors 3. Peers4. Google/search

engine 5. Library catalog 6. Library


CSU1. Librarians 2. Instructors 3. Library

website/blog 4. Library catalog 5. Peers 6. Google/search


However, the ways students find information online, including e-books, is changing


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Resources for Research

Students use the following:

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Determining Trustworthiness

20081. Instructor (85%)2. Publisher (70%)3. Librarians (67%)4. Peers (31%)5. Print availability

(27%)6. Google/search

engine (14%)7. Don’t care (6%)

2011 1. Instructor (88%)2. Librarian (77%)3. Publisher (73%)4. Peers (30%)5. Print availability

(25%)6. Google/search

engine (12%)7. Don’t care (3%)

CSU1. Instructor (90%)2. Librarian (80%)3. Publisher (73%)4. Peers (32%)5. Print availability

(23%)6. Google/search

engine (10%)7. Don’t care (3%)

Librarians are having greater influence, and more students care about the source


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Research vs. Trustworthiness

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E-book Features


Collaborative and accessibility features are increasingly important to students

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E-book Features: 2011 Social Media


• 58% likely to use social media to share info with peers, while 59% would use it if recommended by peers

• Importance of specialized apps – students prefer Facebook and Google

Special apps will drive discovery

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E-book Usage: 2008

In 2008, students indicated they spent the average time per week in e-books:

• More than 10 hours: 2%• 5 – 10 hours: 5%• 1 – 5 hours: 16%• Less than 1 hour: 29%• Never: 49%

How has that changed?


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E-book Usage: 2011

Students’ usage of e-books has not increased as expected (per week):


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E-book Usage (Cont)

Students who stated they “never’ use e-books in 2011 indicated the following top 5 reasons:

1. I do not know where to find e-books2. I prefer printed books3. My library does not offer e-books4. E-books are too difficult to read5. E-books not available in my subject area


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E-book Usage (Cont)

When asked what would make e-books more suitable, students indicated the following in 2011:


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E vs. P Books: 2008

In 2008, students indicated how often they would use E over P if available

• Very often: 23%• Often: 28%• Sometimes: 32%• Rarely: 14%• Never: 3%

How has that changed?


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E vs. P Books (Cont)

The majority would still prefer e-books if available


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According to data from this informal survey

• Students’ perceptions and trend have not changed as much as expected in the last three years

• Students are now relying more on their librarians to determine information trustworthiness

• Students are sharing information more now than three years ago (including social media), but are still not trusting it as a resource


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What can we do as vendors, librarians, and publishers to better address student needs?


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