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Page 2: Student Advisory Magazine 2013

Time Management Student Spotlight Starting Off Right Using the Email Tool in eCollege Getting to Know your Instructor Helpful Hints eTexbooks


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In this fast pace world we live in, we are constantly on the go working on personal and professional responsibilities. Sometimes with everything we have to accomplish, a 24-hour period is just not enough time, which is why it is so important for us to work on our time management skills. We all have struggled with time management issues at some point in our lives — I know from my days in college when I would put off a paper until the day before it was due and would have to stay up all night to finish it. I regretted every time I would do that to myself be-cause I knew my work was not where I wanted it to be. I was capable of writing better quality work,

but I let my lack of time management win that battle. Looking back, there were moments in my academic career and personal goals that I could have used better time management. What I found that works is writing everything down on a calendar so you can visually see what you have to accomplish for the day, week and month. You can set yourself up with your own personal countdown and track when you have to finish assignments, projects or a personal deadline. Also, write a to-do list on a daily basis and see what you can accomplish. When you complete one of your tasks, check it off. When you have seen what you have done, you will be so proud of yourself. If writing down goals is not really your thing, I recommend downloading a time management or checklist app onto your smart phone. There are numerous apps dedicated to keeping you organized; it is just about finding the one that works for you. Having everything on one device can be really appealing for some individuals. Working on time management can be a daily task for some. I know I still am working on my time management skills, but it gets easier because I am becoming more aware of my goals and what I want to accomplish personally, professionally and academically. Just take one day at a time and remind yourself of your goals because once you reach them, you know tackling your time management was worth it.


Written by : Kelley Cicere

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Everest teamed up with Metropolitan Ministries to get donations for Miracle Place.

Those donations included food items as well as general, bedroom, bathroom and

kitchenette items. MiraclePlace will double our ability to help

families, struggling and in need, rebuild their lives.

Proceeds of the car wash went towards Metropolitan Ministries

You can find more pictures on our Facebook page.

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Friday morning was double good news for Tabitha Shackelford when I called. She saw her son, Cameron, age 11 off to his first day of fifth grade. She also received a call that the surgeons have decided against trying to implant more bone into her head. Instead they plan to take fat from her stomach to fill in the shape of her head. Considering she had been through three at-tempts already and suffered a brain infection the last

time, she was ecstatic about the alternative. She said, “I get a new stomach and a round head!” She looked forward to growing hair again. Being a hair stylist for 10 years was not enough, so Tabitha began her educational career with Everest University Online, a division of Everest University, in August 2009. However, a night of drinking and texting while driving would delay that dream. On August 13, 2010, Tabitha ended up in an automobile accident that landed her in the hospital for a month. Her injuries included broken ankles, a smashed pelvis, lower left leg break, three cracked ribs, two spinal fractures, a bladder tear, and a brain injury that required removal of part of her right temporal lobe. Everything excluding her face and arms were injured. She withdrew from school for a year as she began her recovery. Her family kept a page on Facebook (Prayers for Tabitha) to keep everyone posted on her status. When Tabitha returned for the 2011 fall term, she had already learned to walk again after having her ankles and pelvis reconstructed. She had spent the first month of recovery and many ICU visits away from her son. Despite her long road to recovery and many surgeries left ahead of her, she came back determined to complete her degree. She would call me when she was in the hospital to let me know she had her laptop with her. In addition to her recovery and school work, Tabitha spent time in her community sharing her story in hopes of preventing someone else from a horrific accident caused from drinking or texting while driving. “It wasn’t just an accident,” she said. She has become one of the examples used by Jennifer Freedman Smith of the Distraction Advocate Network, a nonprofit organization fighting for legislation against distracted driving.

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As her continuing advisor, I never had to worry about her passing her classes. She started out informing her instructors each term about her medical situation, although in her final term, she did not say anything to them. She planned her classes ahead, which usually meant completing her assignments by Thursday. Sometimes she would use Saturday for quizzes. She would take less pain meds than prescribed, so she could focus on her school work. She enjoyed her class discussions, which forced every student to answer the questions. Both the Library Information Resource Network (LIRN) and Lexus-Nexus were invaluable tools she used as a student. She passed all of her courses with Cs or better, which meant she always met Everest University Onlines’s SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress) requirements. She graduated April 7, 2013, with her associate degree in Paralegal Studies. After graduation, Tabitha worked with Laura Mizzell in Career Services, who assisted in her job search. She especially appreciated the assistance with her cover letter. Due to her accident, Tabitha had a three-year gap in her employment history, which she needed to explain. She recently completed a paid internship with a local attorney who has given Tabitha a letter of recommendation to add to her portfolio. She plans to work with Career Services again to search for her next opportunity. While things are looking good these days, Tabitha has been on a long journey. On the recent three year anniversary of Tabitha’s accident, her surgery count was at 57. She still continues to recover. When I asked her what kept her going, she replied her son Cameron will tell you he is the reason his mommy got better. She viewed it as “I have a child. No matter how crappy I feel or tired, at the end of the day I am responsible for someone else.” Her message for fellow EUO students, “Keep going. The future is only what you make it.”

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It’s that time again! You just passed your courses and now you have an opportuni-ty to learn more new, exciting things! Whichever course you are in, I promise there are things that you can do to make it run smoothly. Here are some tips I use for my own studies. The Syllabus It’s good to print or save a copy of this document to your desktop. It’s also very important that you read the document; it gives you an idea of how much time you will need to give to a particular course. For instance, some courses have light reading; others have not so light reading. If this course syllabus doesn’t have as much heavy reading, you’re more likely to know you can fit it in a smaller time slot. If you have multiple courses, this will be a really good way to see how much time you need to give to each course. Time Management We understand that most of our students have jobs, families and/or other responsibilities so finding time to study is important, but it can be somewhat challenging. The easiest way to make sure you have the time to study is to make sure you take out time to study. The first step is to either write down or think about what you do throughout the week and see where you can realistically set time aside to focus on studying. Doing it on a Saturday when all of the kids are home may not be the best time to study. If you have a planned outing on a certain day, setting up time to study then may not be the best time either. Here are some suggestions: The earlier in the week you study, the better. The sooner you read your chap-

ters, the quicker you can have the information you need to post in the courses. Pick realistic times for you. If Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. is the best time to

study your materials and later on post your work, then do it. Studying is nothing without participation. You have to post in eCollege for you

work to count and for you to progress towards passing the course.


Written by : Danisha Bethune

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Studying It’s all about just doing the work. Some coursework may be easier or more challenging than others, but you can do it! The key is to get an early enough start so you can ask for help if you need it. Instructors are there to help you and offer clarification on assignments. Here are some more quick tips: Read the assigned chapters first, then review the lecture. If you do not

understand something, write it down and email the instructor after you’ve finished studying.

Take a five to 10 minute break between chapters to let your brain process the

information. Once you’ve read the chapters and understood the material, complete your

discussion posts as soon as possible so the information is still fresh in your head. Complete your homework and/or quiz accordingly. Will life happen? Of course! However, setting the strongest foundation possible will help you stay focused in your courses. Happy studying and congratulations on reaching your goals!

Even the greatest was once a beginner. Don't be afraid to take that first step.

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2013 Graduation Ceremony at Ala Carte Pavillion Tampa, Florida.

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Jerri Stickler

Ronda Butler

Juanita McCarthy


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Communicating with your instructor via the email tool in eCollege is a great resource and is very easy to use. Here are some tips for using this tool: 1. Use the email tool to reach out to your instructor for anything that cannot or

should not be discussed in the open forum of the class room area.

2. Email your instructor when you need to reach out for clarification on or

assistance with an assignment, when you need to notify your instructor of a

personal situation that is preventing you from participating fully, questions

regarding a grade, and so on.

3. Always allow the instructor a reasonable amount of time to respond to your

email request, which is usually 24-48 hours. Do not wait until the last day of the

week to email your instructor and expect an immediate response as this will

likely not happen.

4. Check your email in eCollege frequently for the instructor’s response, and

respond back to your instructor in a reasonable amount of time.

5. Make sure that you have access not only to your personal email account but

also to the Everest email account assigned to you so that you are receiving

any and all communication from your instructors, as well as your student

services advisor.

6. If you are not getting a timely response or what you believe is an unsatisfactory

response, try to communicate those concerns to the instructor. After expressing

your concerns to your instructor and you are still concerned about the

response you are receiving, reach out to your student services advisor to let

them know the situation.


Written by : Cathy Dudgell

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I recently had a quick Q & A with Professor Chantuay McCoy, an instructor at Everest University Online, a division of Everest University. She teaches SLS1105 – Strategies for Success and SLS1321 – Career Skills. She was very forthcoming with her answers and I know you will enjoy her responses. What is your education? Eastern Michigan University – Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education with a teaching credential for Earth Science/General Science and English, Literature and Language. Wayne State University – Masters of Education in Educational Leadership and Administration. What industry do you currently work in? How long? Everest University Instructor (2 years on ground campus, and 3 years online) and special projects (1.5 years) Professional Company Organizer (4 years) “What this [professional company organizer] means is that if your small or start-up company is struggling, you can hire me to come in and help organize, develop marketing strategies, budget, plan licensing/taxes and anything else that you might need help with. I have been doing this for about four years now and it really is a lot of fun,” said McCoy. What is your favorite thing about the course(s) you teach? “I like watching the students get involved in the class discussions and really grow a sense of community there. It doesn’t happen in all of my classes but when it does, it’s wonderful. I also like watching students that are nervous about doing online schooling really blossom into their own abilities. But I think my most favorite thing about teaching is when I am able to see my students really appreciate that I am working for them to comprehend and when they have those “a-ha” moments, it makes it all worthwhile,” said McCoy.


Written by : Danisha Bethune

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What do you expect from your students? “I expect their best with no excuses. If their best is a “B” then great, but I would hope that all of my students are working for an “A” in my class, but not just that. I am hoping my students are valuing what is being presented to them so they can use it in my class and future classes, as well as in their future careers,” said McCoy. What do you think your students expect from you? “The biggest thing that my students have told me they want from me is accessibility and feedback. I answer my phone just about any time it rings,” said McCoy. *Instructor responses vary depending on the instructor; the primary method for instructor contact is via email or discussion post in the faculty office section of eCollege. Do you have any hobbies? “I don’t have hobbies right now as my kids keep me pretty busy, but I am an assistant den leader for my son’s Webelos I den (Cub Scouts). When I do have a free minute on the computer, I like to play Mahjong and any form of solitaire that I can. I do also love to leisure read. Recently, we joined a gym and I am now working out and doing exercise classes and getting ready to play racquetball again, so wish me luck,” said McCoy. What is something that is interesting about you that is not listed in the eCollege course (that you don’t mind sharing, of course)? “I think the most fun thing that people don’t know about me is that I started out my educational career at an automotive high school and that we would participate in the fall and spring high school quarter mile drag races. This included the instructors. I raced and beat five other male instructors in a bright pink Geo Tracker and to this day, if I could have been a professional race car driver, I would have,” said McCoy.

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Teamwork assignments can be frustrating, daunting and just overall not fun to deal with. Here are a few tips that can make working on teamwork assignments a bit easier: 1. Be the team leader! It may seem intimidating and like a lot of work, but it shows

initiative and it is a good learning experience that will carry over into your

personal and professional life.

2. Always try to start on the teamwork assignment as early in the week as possible.

This allows for teammates to collaborate on the assignment early and make

adjustments as needed, which avoids everyone scrambling on the last day of

the week to complete the assignment.

3. Make sure to complete your portion of the teamwork assignment regardless of

lack of participation from other team members. You grade is based on your

individual contribution to the assignment and the other team members lack of

participation should not affect your grade.

4. Don’t be afraid to communicate with your team members not only in the team

assignment discussion area, but also via the email tool in eCollege. If you see

that team members have not started to work on their portion of the assignment,

email them to check in and get an update. You can also check to see if they

need any assistance. This shows your ability and willingness to work in a team

setting and that you are doing everything you possibly can to get the

assignment completed. Always make sure to copy your instructor on any

communication with the team so that the instructor sees that you are making an

effort to work with your team members.


Written by : Cathy Dudgell

Page 18: Student Advisory Magazine 2013

We are pleased to announce that some Everest University Online, a division of Everest University classes have converted to the new eTextbook. The eTextbook will provide a lot of flexibility to our students as they fulfill their dream of getting a degree. The eTextbooks will ensure that the students have instant access, the correct edition, full text search, copy/paste and the ability to print just what is needed for the

purposes of studying and preparing for class. Everest University Online sees this as opportunity to better serve our student population in the manner in which they chose to learn in the first place — online. Having access to the textbook at the touch of a button is a great approach to creating a better student environment. We are always striving to improve the educational experience at Everest University Online. The eTextbook allows multiple views to accommodate the needs of our students.

There are many great benefits and advantages to using eTextbooks:

Anytime, Anywhere, Any Device Access – Enjoy instant access on any web-enabled device; no need to carry heavy books around!

Reader Tools – Use search, highlighting, notes, copy, paste, share, bookmark, and multiple page views. Printing is also an option.

Offline Reading – “Check out” the entire eTextbook or just specific chapters for reading offline; all your notes and highlights will synchronize when you check your eTextbook back in. (For offline reading, FireFox 19, Google Chrome 24 or Safari 6 must be used.)

Immediate Access – No waiting for books to be shipped; immediate access available when logging into your course via eCollege.

Single Sign-on Access – No need for multiple usernames and passwords; access your eTextbooks directly through eCollege.

24/7 Year-Round Support from CourseSmart – Available via toll free phone, live chat and email.


Written by : James E Nemeth

Page 19: Student Advisory Magazine 2013

eTextbook FAQs

Does the eTextbook feature have the option to print or bookmark certain pages? Yes, the eTextbook allows a student to print the material. There is also a bookmarking feature.

How long can a student view/access their eTextbook? The current student license is for 36 months (three years).

Will the eTextbook be compatible with my mobile device (iPad, Nook, Kindle, Nexus, etc.)? Yes, there is a CourseSmart app available for most smartphones, iPads, tablets, etc. Android phones are compatible; however, they do not support offline reading.

When will other courses have eTextbooks? Each term new courses will be converted to eTextbooks only after best practices have been formulated..

What additional costs will I incur in my tuition for receiving an eTextbook? There will be no increase, nor de-crease, to a student’s tuition for having a class that utilizes an eTextbook. eTextbooks are not less expensive than regular books so there will be no change in the tuition or the stipend.

Will the student be able to increase the font size if there is an ADA accommodation or the need for a large print book? By using the zoom feature in the eTextbook, the student can increase the size of the font.

What eTextbook tutorials will be available for student/faculty? Will they be available within the online course? Yes. Online tutorials are available by accessing the CourseSmart webpage. There are also two short videos on how to use the eTextbook and Offline Reading. The links to these videos will be provided in the notification emails to the student.

Is there technical support available for students if there are issues with the eTextbook and the available fea-tures? Yes, CourseSmart Help Desk is available24/7 via telephone, email or live chat session.

CourseSmart Support for Students: Call 877-216-7231

Or visit the 24/7 Solutions Support site:

To view a quick video on CourSmart’s eReader, please access:

Page 20: Student Advisory Magazine 2013

THANK YOU for helping us ‘Change Lives!’

HUGE Shout out to the following students!

They provided student referrals, if you would

like to provide one message us directly!

Page 21: Student Advisory Magazine 2013

Anthony Adams

Daysha Adamson

Wesley Allen

Haley Amico

Amber Anderson

Valerie Baxter

Zane a Benne

Tosha Blackburn

James Blocker

Ivory Bobbi

Tamara Briscoe

Alethea Brooks

Erica Brown

Latonya Bryant

Maxine Bryant

Robert Burne

Lashelle Byrd


Lace‐marie Caspino‐factora

Amanda Chandel

Miriah Clark

Laura Collins

Rebakah Collins

Cassandra Co en

Tiki Crowe

Teresa Darden

Crystal Davis

Crystal Davis

Rachelle Dear

Yolanda Degrate

Eugene Foley

Tiffany Fox

Nicole Fredericks

Brooklyn Fuston

Kerrie Gabbard

Michael Garber

Michele Griffin

Elry Grigg

Darlene Haddock

Jeane e Hampton

Telvis Harris

Donna Harrod

Anjelica Hart

Joseph Hawk

Angela Helton

Latonya Hill

Kerry Hodge

Cynthia Hogue

Shannon Howard

Roni Hurst

Mayra Ibarra

Bernice Ingram

Lacelle Jackson

Audrey Johnson

Victor Josey

Tony Kelly

Jessica Kiffmeyer

Angel Kolstedt

Jamie Leake

Noris Leyva

Jennifer Lorenz

Princess Love

Alicia Lynn

Darlene Marshall

Tamra Maxwell

Teresa Mccall

Alexandria Mccraw

Joyce Mccullough

Jennifer Mcglocklin

Tina Meadows

Angeles Miranda

Selena Moore

Notorious Ollie

Tina Parchman

Shawn Parker

Shakharah Parkerson

Tahneisha Plowden

Kenneth Pulley

Contessa Raines

Andromeda Rasoul

Juan Rivera

Teretha Robinson

Adelaide Roca

Robert Rugh

Mary Salla

Tammy Sannicolas

Lucinda Schu s

Jeresica Scolas co

Monique Serralta

Timothy Shuler

Debbie Singletary

Dana Smith

Johnnie Smith

Lonnie Staten

Cindy Stewart

Maria Stuckey

Selena Summerhill

Mildren Taylor

Mary Thomas

Melynda Topping

Samuel Tucker

Julia Wagner

Shirley Watson

Mary White

Kimberly Williams

Bessie Willis

Kariann Wright

Regina Yopp

Page 22: Student Advisory Magazine 2013

Contributions by : Kelley Cicere

Catherine Dudgell

James E Nemeth

Danisha Bethune

Joanna Cassidy

Benson Tong

Bradley Govender

*Special* Thank you to : Tabitha Shackelford

Professor Chantuay McCoy

Igniter Ambassadors Online Chapter

Thank you for Reading !

Stay Tuned !