Download - Stri Pratyayas

  • Laghusiddhntakaumud


    (Text, Translation, and Notes)


    Narsing Rao ([email protected])

    April, 2015

  • ................................................................................................................ 1 1. () ..................................................................................................... 1 2. () .............................................................................................. 1 3. () .................................................................................................... 2 4. () .................................................. 2 5. () ..................................................................................................... 4 6. () ....................................................................................... 4 7. () ...................................................................................... 5 8. () .......................................................................................... 5 9. () ............................................................................................. 6 10. () ...................................................................................................... 6 11. () ............................................................................ 7 12. () .................................................................................... 7 13. () ............................................................................................. 8 14. () ..................................................................................... 8 15. () ............................................................. 9 16. () ...................... 10 17. () ................................................................................... 11 18. () ................................................................ 12 19. () ..................................................................................... 13 20. () ................................................................................. 13 21. () .................................................................................. 14 22. ()......................................................................... 14 23. () ..................................................................................... 14 24. () ................................................................................................. 16 25. () .................................................................................................. 17 26. () ................................................................................... 17 27. () ......................................................................... 18 28. () ................................................................................. 19 29. () ............................................................................................... 19

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    1. ()

    Padaccheda [ , , ] Adhikra () , , ()

    This is an adhikra stra the scope of which extends up to just before ().

    2. ()

    Padaccheda [ , , ] , [ , , ] Adhikra () , () , , ()

    The pratyaya is affixed to obtain the feminine forms ( ) of the words etc. ( ) as well as words ending in ( ).

    The words in the group etc. are listed. The purpose of including them here is to prohibit and that would have been obtained by other rules. For example, in the case of , , , and , the rule (\) would have prescribed However, this rule overrides it giving the forms that are listed. Similarly, in the case of , , , , and , the rule () would have prescribed

    Example of adanta: + =

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    3. ()

    Padaccheda [ , , ] , [] Anuvtti () Adhikra () , () , , ()

    The pratyaya is affixed to obtain the feminine forms of words that end with the tag [= { , , }]

    + = + + = + + = + = [by () gama of for connected to or when followed by or ] (she) who is becoming Similarly (she) who is cooking + + + = (she) who is playing

    However, used as an honorific address (meaning sir) is derived using + = In this case does not apply because there is no , or , thus givining + = (madam).

    Other examples: + = + = + = + [ replaced by using ()] =

    4. ()

    Padaccheda [------ ----- , , ] Anuvtti () Adhikra () , () , () , , ()

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    The pratyaya is affixed to obtain the feminine forms of words that end with the pratyayas listed, provided the word is not upasarjana (subordinate). Note that () is an adhikra stra, the scope of which extends to ().

    = + + [by ()] + =

    In the case of we have + = (Here, is a bahuvrh compound, which means that is upasarjana).

    = + [by ()] + = = + [by ()] + = = + [by ()] + =

    The next three examples use () to derive

    + + = + + = + + =

    = + [by ] + = = + [by ()] + = = + [by ()] + = (salt seller) = + [by ()] + = + + [by ()] = [by ()] + = (she who is) like that + [by ()] + = [by ()] wanton woman ()

    ( ) -----

    The vrttika includes other pratyayas as listed. Using ()

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    + + = related to a woman + + = related to a man = + [by ()] + = = + + [by ()] + = + = + = young woman

    5. ()

    Padaccheda [ , , ] , [] Anuvtti () Adhikra () , () , () , , ()

    The pratyaya is affixed to obtain the feminine forms of words that end with

    We have already seen the form derived as + using (). To obtain the feminine form representing a woman of the Garga gotra, we get + Here the last of is elided by (). The result is + In this situation the following rule applies:

    6. ()

    Padaccheda [ , , ] , [ , , ] Anuvtti , () , (), () Adhikra () , ()

    The which is the upadh ( ) is elided ( ) when it follows a consonant ( ) and followed by ( ). For the application of this rule we have to consider the elision of as asiddha, or apply this rule before eliding the . () + =

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    7. () Padaccheda [ , , ] , [ , , ] , [ , , ] Anuvtti () Adhikra () , () , () , , ()


    The pratyaya is affixed to obtain the feminine forms of words that end with , according to the eastern grammarians ( ) [i.e. therefore optional ( ) ]

    + Here, the is a tag [by ()], the purpose of which is made clear by the next rule:

    8. ()

    Padaccheda [ , , ] , [] Anuvtti () Adhikra () , () , () , , ()

    The pratyaya is affixed to obtain the feminine forms of words that end with a pratyaya that is as well as to word of the group etc.

    Using this rule, + = + + = + [by ()] + = female dancer

    Examples from the group etc. + =

    In the case of (included in ) we have seen the rule () by which there is an gama of for the words and in sarvanmasthna. The following vrttika makes this gama optional in the case of the feminine form: ( ) ,

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    + + = + =

    This group is an ktigaa meaning that it is for illustrative purposes, and other words may also be included.

    9. () Padaccheda [ , , ] , [ , , ] Anuvtti () Adhikra () , () , () , , ()

    Kik : is the stage of age of the body created by time. They are generally regarded as , and

    The pratyaya is affixed to obtain the feminine forms of words ending in ( , using from ) that represent the first state of age ( ).

    + = Why ? + =

    10. () Padaccheda [ , , ] Anuvtti () Adhikra () , () , () , , ()


    The pratyaya is affixed to obtain the feminine forms of dvigu samsas that end in ( ).

    + =

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    However, applies in the case of ( ) and ( army with three forward divisions) because they are included in the ajdi group.

    11. ()

    Padaccheda [ , , ] , [ , , ] , [ , , ] , [ , , ] , [ , , ] Anuvtti () , () Adhikra () , () , () , , ()


    The pratyaya is optionally affixed ( ) to obtain the feminine form of a word denoting a colour ( ) that is not subordinate ( ), ends with an anudtta accent ( ) and has as its upadh ( ); furthemore is replaced by ( ).

    Words such as (variegated, dappled) and (red) are adyudtta by the rule ( ), which makes the last vowel anudtta. Using this rule, + = + = Alternately by Similarly + = + = The word is antodtta by ( ), and therefore the feminine form will be only.

    12. ()

    Padaccheda [] , [ , , ] , [ , , ] Anuvtti () Adhikra () , () , () , , ()


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    The pratyaya is optionally affixed ( ) to obtain the feminine form of a word that ends in ( ) and denotes a quality ( ).

    + = Alternately the same word can be used in the feminine.

    13. ()

    Padaccheda [ , , ] , [] Anuvtti () Adhikra () , () , () , , ()


    The pratyaya is optionally affixed ( ) to obtain feminine forms of the words etc.

    + = Alternately,

    ( )

    The pratyaya is optionally affixed ( ) to obtain feminine forms of kdanta words ending in except those ending in

    + = [ is derived as + (udi pratyaya)]

    ( )

    The pratyaya is optionally affixed ( ) to obtain feminine forms of all words ending in except those ending in in the opinion of some ( ). + = Alternately,

    14. ()

    Padaccheda , , ] , [ , , ] [] Anuvtti () Adhikra () , () , () , , ()

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    The pratyaya is affixed to a word generally used in the masculine when it is used to denote a female associated with the male (such as a wife). = + = Here is a cowherd and is his wife, who need not be a cowherdess. is affixed because of her association with a gopa.

    ( )

    This rule does not apply for words ending in For the derivation of these words see the next rule:

    15. ()

    Padaccheda [ , , ] , [ , , ] , [ , , ] , [ , , ] , [ , , ] , [ , , ] , [ , , ] Adhikra ()

    The that comes before a ( ) in a pratyaya is substituted by ( ) when the pratyaya is followed be () unless the follows a pratyaya ( ). For example, the word is formed using () thus: + = + + = Here is the pratyaya. Because the word ends in the feminine is formed by Therefore we have:

    + = + = [by this rule].

    Similarly, is formed as + = + = Using this rule, + =

    Why does this rule apply only for the before the ( )? + + =

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    Why should it be part of a pratyaya ( )? + + = [Here is part of the root, not of the pratyaya]

    Why should not follow ( )? =

    Here the alaukikavigraha is + Even though the sup is elided there is because of which this rule does not apply.

    The following vrttikas are in the context of ()

    ( )

    The pratyaya is affixed to the word when it used to denote his celestial wife. = + =

    Why only when it refers to a god ( )

    ( )

    The of and is elided when followed by or

    + = () () = human wife of the sun god (Kunt)

    16. ()

    Padaccheda [---------- - , , ] , [ , , ] Anuvtti () , () Adhikra () , () , () , , ()

    The pratyaya is affixed to a words listed to derive the feminine form; in addition there will be an gama of for these words.

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    = + () + = Similarly , , , ,

    ( ) In the case of and the meaning is large. large body of snow or ice, glacier , large forest

    ( ) In the case of the meaning is defective or inferior. spoilt or inferior barley

    ( ) In the case of the meaning is writing. writing/script of the Greeks (foriegners)

    ( ) The gama of is optional in the case of and , wife of maternal uncle . , wife of teacher. ( ) | , female teacher. In this context the following loka is quoted by the Blamanoram:

    ( ) In the case of , the is not changed to = wife of preceptor

    ( ) In the case of and , is optional and these pratyayas dont change the meaning. , a woman manger or a Vaiya woman (from ) . , a Katriya woman

    17. ()

    Padaccheda [ , , ] , [ , , ] Anuvtti () Adhikra () , () , () , , ()

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    The pratyaya is affixed to derive the feminine form of a compound word ending in and preceded by the word denoting the means used to buy the thing. + = purchased using cloth. In some cases, is used as in purchased using wealth

    18. ()

    Padaccheda [ , , ] , [] , [ , , ] , [ , , ] Anuvtti () , () Adhikra () , () , () , , ()

    , , -

    The pratyaya is optionally affixed to derive the feminine form of a compound word ending in the name of a limb ( ) when that word is a subordinate member () and does not have a conjuct consonant as its upadh ( ).

    = [by ] longer than the hair + = Alternately, + =

    = + + = Alternately,

    Why should it not have a conjuct consonant as its upadh ( )? = + + = woman with beautiful ankles

    Why should it not be subordinate ( )? = beautiful crest (This is a tatputua compound, therefore is not upasarjana, i.e. subordinate)

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    19. ()

    Padaccheda [] , [ , , ] Anuvtti (), , , , () Adhikra () , () , () , , ()

    In the context of the previous rule, the pratyaya is not affixed to the words ending in etc. or a word consisting of more than two syllables.

    ( ) = mare with an auspicious sign on the breast.

    This list is illustrative only ( ), i.e. other words may be included. For example, = woman with beautiful hips

    20. ()

    Padaccheda [ , , ] , [ , , ] Anuvtti () , () ,

    , , , () Adhikra () , () , () , , ()

    In the context of the previous rule, the pratyaya is not affixed to words ending with and when the represent a name.

    = one with such a name.

    = + + In this situation the folowing rule applies:

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    21. ()

    Padaccheda [ , , ] , [ , , ] , [ , , ] Anuvtti , , () , , , () Adhikra ()

    [] ,

    The of an uttarapada is changed to even if the condition ( , ) is present in the first member of a compound (prvapada), provided there is no in the prvapada and the compound is a name.

    Using this rule + + =

    Why should the compound be a name ( )? girl with a copper-coloured face

    22. ()

    Padaccheda [ , , ] , [ , , ] , [ , , ]

    Anuvtti () , Adhikra () , () , () , , ()

    [] , , [] , ,

    The pratyaya is affixed to derive the feminine form of a word that denotes a jti (i.e class, defined by: having common appearance or characteristics, caste/birth, family, or belonging to a vedic kh ) when its orginial meaning is not feminine and which does not have as its upadh.

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    The definition of jti is given by the following loka:

    According to this, jti is defined in the following ways:

    1. Things that have similar external appearance () species of animals etc.

    2. A word that is not used in all genders ( ), but if the jti of one is known ( ), the jti of others related to this one is also known. For example, if a person is a brhmaa one can infer that his brother, son, daughter, wife, etc. are also brhmaas

    3. Those people having a common ancestor or belonging to the same vedic kh ( )

    Common appearance: + = river bank Caste/birth: + = woman of the dra caste Belonging to a vedic kh : + = + =

    Why only a jti ( ) Here (one with a shaven head) is a quality, not a jti.

    Why not a word not invariable feminine ( )? (a species of bird) because this word is always used in the feminine.

    Why should it not have as its upadh ( )? ( + )

    ( ) ----

    The pratyaya is affixed to the words listed even though they have as their upadh. female horse female wild cow (some animal).

    Note: Using the rule () we get the forms ( + ) and ( + )

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    In the case of + , is elided by () giving Another form is + =

    ( )

    The of is elided when followed by | + =

    23. ()

    Padaccheda [ , , ] , [ , , ] Anuvtti () , Adhikra () , () , () , , ()

    The pratyaya is affixed to derive the feminine form of a word ending in which denotes a class of men.

    = + [by ()] + = + =

    24. ()

    Padaccheda [ , , ] , [ , , ] Anuvtti () Adhikra () , () , () , , ()

    ( )

    The pratyaya is affixed to derive the feminine form of a word ending in which denotes a class of men. The anuvtti of should also be included here.

    = + = female of the Kuru clan

    Why should it not have as its upadh ( )? a brhma of the adhvaryu kh

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    25. ()

    Padaccheda [ , , ] , [] Anuvtti () Adhikra () , () , () , , ()

    The pratyaya is affixed to derive the feminine form of a (lame).

    + = lame woman

    ( )

    The pratyaya is affixed to derive the feminine form of a (father-in-law) in which case there both the and (final) are elided.

    + = = mother-in-law

    26. ()

    Padaccheda [ , , ] , [ , , ] Anuvtti () Adhikra () , () , () , , ()

    [] ,

    The pratyaya is affixed to derive the feminine form of a compound ending in (thigh) ( ) if the earlier part of the compound expresses comparison with something ( ). = + = - woman whose thighs are like a karabha (thick or upper part of the palm between the wrist and the fingers; some take it to mean the tapering upper part of the trunk of an elephant)

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    () ! ( ) ! (Said by Rma to St on the aerial car on the way back from Lak to Ayodhy) description of view of the forest emerging from the receding ocean while moving inland)

    = + + + + + from the one that is receding rapidly = glancing (backward) like a deer (while running)

    27. ()

    Padaccheda [ , , ] , [] Anuvtti () , () Adhikra () , () , () , , ()

    , [] , : :

    This rule is for cases where the first part of the compound ending with does not express comparison ( ). The pratyaya is also affixed to derive the feminine form of a compound ending in (thigh) when it is preceded by one of : (joined) , (hoof) , (mark) , (beautiful).

    : woman whose thighs are joined woman whose thighs are joined like the hoof of a cow : woman whose thighs have good signs woman whose thighs are beautiful

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    28. ()

    Padaccheda [ , , ] , [ , , ] Adhikra () , () , () , , ()

    , [ ] ,

    The pratyaya is affixed to derive the feminine form of the words etc. as well as those words that end with [Note that we have to also include from () by ].

    + = + = = + + = [ comes from ()]

    ( )

    In the case of and , there is also vddhi (of the first vowel).

    ( , ) + =

    29. ()

    Padaccheda [ , , ] , [ , , ] Adhikra () , () , () ,

    () , , ()

    The pratyaya , also designated as taddhita , is affixed to derive the feminine form of the word | + = (young woman) [elision of by () because will be designated as pada by ()]