Download - Stress Part 1



Part One A General Overview

Stress is any factor that affects mental or physical health it can be imagined ( worry about the future ) or real ( financial problems ) . It is not the factor itself that is damaging but the response to it . Some people can handle ( and even thrive ) in it others fall to pieces .There are two types of stress positive stress is necessary for some people as it helps them perform to the best of their abilities e.g. sports people before an event . Negative stress causes us to respond by worrying , panicking or simply losing concentration .Stress has been here since the beginning of human existence and plays an important ( and necessary ) part in our lives . When our ancestors were faced with wild animals they had two choices fight or run away !

Both choices would need a release of energy which was provided by the body's response to stress adrenalin and extra blood sugar .The problem that modern man has is that physically we are still cavemen ! We have remained largely unchanged for 100 000 years and we are still hard-wired to respond to stressful situations in the same way as our ancient ancestors . In modern day life we have very little confrontation with wild animals (maybe the occasional wasp attack) and more from the pressures placed on us through work, deadlines , traffic jams , etc. For cavemen , once the animal was killed or the chase was over , the body would stop producing the chemicals required for fight or flight and balance would be once again restored .

The dichotomy that we have today is that we are unable to act in this manner . For example your boss gives out to you for not doing your work properly you cannot argue ( fight ) back because you want to keep your job and you cannot run away because you need the job to pay the bills . Chemicals are coursing through your body to enable you to fight or run but you can do neither . When stress is not acted upon it results in problems for the body. The adrenaline that was released has not been used up and if this scenario is repeated week after week , month after month , the result is the negative stress mentioned earlier with its associated effects on the body .

Factors that can result in stress

A lifestyle of constant rushing


Frustration when dealing with annoying people

Increasing number of cars on the road

Job insecurity and work related problems

Boredom, anger, confusion, bereavement, worry


Relationship problems


Financial worries

Effects of Stress

These can be broadly categorised into 3 groups ;

Short termStiff, aching shoulders


Lack of or poor quality sleep

Racing heart or palpitations

Trembling, sweating, churning stomach

Catching colds, flu etc. easily

Diarrhoea / constipation

Loss of appetite

Medium term


High blood pressure



Persistent insomnia


Eating, drinking, smoking to excess

Long term




Heart disease

Suppressed immune system

Possible link to auto-immune disorders

How Does Massage Treat Stress and its Effects ?

It boosts the weakened immune system , stimulates the circulation , increases energy levels and induces calm in both mind and body

It releases endorphins , the pain relieving 'happy' hormones

It stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system which slows the body down , encourages deeper breathing , lowers the heart rate and switches digestion back on . It soothes the sensory nerves in the skin which further stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system

It relaxes all the systems of the body which either shut down or speed up when stressed and so helps with related conditions such as insomnia , headaches , constipation , etc.

It stimulates the body's natural ability to repair and renew at a cellular level

It improves the movement of fluids through tense , stiff muscles and in the process removes lactic acid , thus improving the health of the muscle

How to Self Treat Stress

The treatment of stress largely depends on what factor is causing the stress in your life but there are certain basic steps that apply across the board ;Reserve time for leisure each day

Include 2/3 sessions per week for active exercise helps to release the stress and uses up adrenaline

Have a creative rather than competitive hobby painting instead of golf

Have at least one session/week of a therapeutic treatment such as massage

Val O'HalloranMassage Therapist