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Stress Management, Secrets from Indian Philosophy

By Ahirjoy Biswas

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Introduction Stress management is the need of the moment.

We try our best to live a happy and peaceful life but somehow that seems to be an utopia.

India having a reach civilization of 5000 years old has a treasure of immortal values in the form of religious or nonreligious literature for ages. Here we will see few simple truths mentioned by ancient as well as contemporary Indian philosophers/writers in their books which if followed in everyday life with commitment will definitely lead to a stress-free and happy life.

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Causes of Stress There may be many reasons of stress, few of them are:- • Unfullfilment of Expectations.• Carrying unnecessary grudges.• Unnecessary fears regarding future.• Life without values – Wasting time over quarrel and

criticism.• Uncontrolled Anger.• Lack of self confidence.• Lack of internal strength to withstand unexpected

tragedies.• Uncontrolled lifestyle, bad habits.

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How to Overcome Stress ?Secrets from Indian Philosophy



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1. Do your Duty, Don’t think of the Outcome One of the major causes of stress/depression is

frustration due to unfullfilment of our expectations. Sometimes we expect too much – Bonus, Promotion and many more which not always becomes true.

This wrong selfish approach towards life must be changed. One should perform his/her duty with great commitment which is entrusted to him/her and must not think for additional benefits only.

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What Bhagavad Geeta Tells

In Geeta, (the sacred mythological book in Hindu Religion) Lord Krishna told to Arjuna:

“ You have control only on your work and not on its outcome”.

This selfless attitude, if followed, can lead you to immense happiness.

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2. Don’t bear Grudges The greatest load we bear all through our

life unnecessarily is grudge for others. Though learnt in our childhood we tend to forget a simple truth of life–

“ forgiveness is a great virtue”. The moment you are forgiving others you

are freeing yourself from unnecessary anxieties and sufferings.

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Words of Swami Vivekananda

Once Swami Vivekananda, one of the greatest saints and philosophers of the 19th Century, said “Don’t hate others because they are also sons and daughters of the Divine just like you”.

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3. Don’t Live life with Unnecessary Fears Most of us tend to live life with many

unnecessary fears which often never become reality. For e.g.

What will happen if I am transferred to XYZ place next month ?

What will happen if I am laid-off someday ? Forget this unnecessary ‘ifs’ and live life with

dignity and happiness with the numerous gifts which are showered on us everyday.

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Extract from ‘Geetanjali’ Rabindranath Tagore

in a poem in his Noble Prize Winning book ‘Geetanjali’(The Songs Offering) prayed for the awakening of the country in a place,

“Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high”.

Rabindranath Tagore with Albert Einstein

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4. Live life in a Meaningful Way Human life is the most precious gift in this world.

Don’t waste it by criticizing people or gossiping. Instead, try to utilize it only in creative ways so that you can have a lasting impression even after you are not there.

Unnecessary criticism and quarrel only invite negative stress and frustration in your life whereas creative attitude towards life brings only peace.

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Quotes of Mahatma One of the greatest

leaders in the history of the mankind, M.K.Gandhi told,

“ Study as if you will live forever,

Live as if you will die tomorrow”.

Can there be any better instruction on leading meaningful life?

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5. Control your Anger How many times in your life you have an angry

argument with your spouse, friend, colleague or boss and later repented for those words?

If you can not control your anger or similar emotions though being a human, you can be sure that you are the person most vulnerable to stress, and be prepared to spend many more sleepless nights !

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Bhagavad Geeta Revisited

In Geeta Lord Krishna told,

“ A person is happy only if he can control his anger and desires in his present life”.

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6. Have Confidence on Yourself Low self confidence is one of the greatest cause

of stress. The history of human race have always shown us how confident people even without any money or background have build empires. On the contrary despite of everything if you don’t believe on your capabilities you are bound to loss and prone to anxiety, tension and low moral. So BELIEVE ON YOUR POTENTIAL and believe in the words “I CAN DO IT”.

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“Have faith in yourself, all power is in you. Be conscious and bring it out”.

“Arise! Awake! And stop not till the goal is reached”.

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7. Overcome Tragedies by your Internal strength Sometimes we all had to face unexpected

tragedies despite our whole-hearted attempt to avoid it – tragedy may come in any form – death of near or dear ones, divorce, accident etc. But we should not allow them to overpower us and become an easy prey for stress.

Talk someone you can rely upon and realize the omnipotent fact of the life : Sorrow can not be everlasting, today or tomorrow your happy days will be back.How soon, that depends on your internal strength.

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Sorrow and happiness move in cycle

- Old Saying in Sanskrit

In Sanskrit there is a saying which means “sorrow and happiness move in cycle”. This is the rule of the world.


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8. Maintain a Balanced Lifestyle Maintaining a balanced lifestyle may range

from having a balance diet to regular meditation.

Following factors may increase the stress and may cause more serious damages:

Cigarette, Caffeine and drugs. You must not go for these despite of all

sorts of provocations and stress.

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Balanced Diet Meditation In Indian mythology

the best possible stress free diet was mentioned as ‘Sattvik’ diet.

Sattvik diet has the following characteristics :

1. Light and pure. 2. Easy to digest. (e.g. fresh fruits,milk)

Meditation and Yoga are the most popular ways to cope with the increasing stress in this busy world.

In all religions - prayer and meditation have been told as the primary way to break free from ordinarily stressed prone life.

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