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Page 1: Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths & Weaknesses

Of the North & South during the Civil


Page 2: Strengths and Weaknesses


Both the North and South entered the Civil War with certain strengths and weaknesses.

1. Tell whether each strength or weakness applies to the North or South.

2. Explain how it helps and/or hurts that region.

Page 3: Strengths and Weaknesses

Has an Agricultural Economy.1. North or South?

2. How does this help and/or hurt the region?

Page 4: Strengths and Weaknesses

Has a sharp sense of having been wronged.1. North or South?

2. How does this help and/or hurt the region?

Page 5: Strengths and Weaknesses

Controls most of the nation’s money.1. North or South?

2. How does this help and/or hurt the region?

Page 6: Strengths and Weaknesses

Has 70% of the nation’s railroads.1. North or South?

2. How does this help and/or hurt the region?

Page 7: Strengths and Weaknesses

Is led from the beginning by smart, able generals.1. North or South?

2. How does this help and/or hurt the region?

Page 8: Strengths and Weaknesses

Is fighting far from home.

1. North or South?

2. How does this help and/or hurt the region?

Page 9: Strengths and Weaknesses

Has 9x as many factories.1. North or South?

2. How does this help and/or hurt the region?

Page 10: Strengths and Weaknesses

Is fighting to defend and hold home ground.1. North or South?

2. How does this help and/or hurt the region?

Page 11: Strengths and Weaknesses

Controls both the merchant marine and the federal navy.1. North or South?

2. How does this help and/or hurt the region?

Page 12: Strengths and Weaknesses

Has a strong, united home front.1. North or South?

2. How does this help and/or hurt the region?

Page 13: Strengths and Weaknesses

Believes strongly in states’ rights.1. North or South?

2. How does this help and/or hurt the region?

Page 14: Strengths and Weaknesses

Has no national government at first.1. North or South?

2. How does this help and/or hurt the region?

Page 15: Strengths and Weaknesses

Final Evaluation

Based on the answers on the previous slides:

1. Which factor do you think is most important?

2. Which side, North or South, has the advantage in the Civil War? Explain you answer using your answers to the questions above.