Download - Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College Plan 2015... · Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College 1. For fall 1, 2015, eight problem-solving sessions were

Page 1: Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College Plan 2015... · Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College 1. For fall 1, 2015, eight problem-solving sessions were

LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A1a Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Increase the percentages of full-time faculty teaching basic skills courses (including the combined courses MAT117 and MAT119) by 5%, compared to the 2014-2015 academic year.(PPR data point 2 recommendation).Increase the number of HYBRID MAT96 sections from 6 to 10 during the 2015-2016 academic year.(PPR data point 1recommendation)Continue to work with the API program on placing API tutors in MAT096, MAT117 and MAT119 sections during 2015-2016. (PPR data points 4 and 6 recommendations)


The percentages of full-time and part-time faculty teaching basic skills courses will be assessed.The pass rates of hybrid sections will be assessed.The performance of the students who attended API tutoring sessions will be assessed. Student surveys will be conducted as well.


API tutors will be assigned to at least 50 MAT096, MAT117 and MAT119 during the 2015-2016 academic year. Activity

Percentages of full time and part time faculty teaching remedial and accelerated courses (MAT 95-96-97-117-119) were obtained from the office of Institutional Research for Fall 1, 2014 and Fall 1, 2015. In Fall 1, 2014 we offered 119 sections. 31 section (26%) were taught by full time faculty. In Fall 1, 2015 we offered 151 sections. 59 sections (39%) were taught by full time faculty. This represents a significant increase year over year. 9 MAT 096 hybrid sections were offered during the 2015-2016 academic year. API tutors were assigned to over 50 sections of MAT 096-117 and 119. Preliminary assessment results show better outcomes for those students who attended the API sessions.


Submit Date 07/29/2016

Page 2: Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College Plan 2015... · Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College 1. For fall 1, 2015, eight problem-solving sessions were

LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A2a Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Help departmental faculty in preparing grant proposals Objective

1. Number of faculty participating in the workshops2. Number of grant proposals submitted to funding agencies Assessment

In collaboration with the Grants Office, run a workshop to help departmental faculty in identifying funding agencies/projects for proposal submission, and preparing a grant proposal


MEC Faculty Support Board organized a Grants Development Workshop for the MEC Department on February 17, 2016.


Submit Date 07/29/2016

Page 3: Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College Plan 2015... · Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College 1. For fall 1, 2015, eight problem-solving sessions were

LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A2a Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Continue to expand the Maximizing Mathematics Achievement (MaxiMA) project, provided the institution matches funds as required by the funding agency.


Attendance taken at every single event.Surveys given to students at all events.Results of several nation-wide, state-wide and regional mathematics competitions will be reported.


Engage 2-4 minority students in undergraduate research in STEM fields.Provide opportunities for students to network among themselves and interact with faculty through events such as the Pi Day Celebration, Math Society talks, conferences, and other formal and informal activities.


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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

1. For fall 1, 2015, eight problem-solving sessions were organized by the project directors to prepare LaGuardia students to compete in regional and national math contests. And four sessions were organized for the spring, 2016 session. Below are the results for each competition: • NYSMATYC: 4th in the fall of 2015 • AMATYC: in fall 2014, the LaGuardia team placed 4th in the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) Student League math contest in Northeast Region in the fall of 2015 2. The team organized 8 events during this academic year attended by 25 to 70 students including invited speaker talks, panel discussions, movie screening, and the Math Everywhere events. The events included: • Nov.24, 2015, Two-Flavor Neutrino Oscillation Model talk given by Dr. Frank Wang and Steven Ovadia from the Library. • Dec. 1, 2015 Math is Everywhere, Kick-Off Event • April 7, 2016, History of Cryptograph and The Promise of a Quantum Computer given by Dr. Reem Jaafar. • April 14, 2016, Movie Screening: Top Secret Rosies: The Female Computers of WWII • May 5th, 2016, Origami workshop, Student Researcher, Cynthia Sixco, Mentor: Dr. Shenglan Yuan • May 16th, 2016, Creating mathematical art with Maple, A workshop lead by Dr. Lina Wu from BMCC • May 26th, 2016, Third Annual MaxiMA Alumni Panel Discussions. 3. The traditional Pi Day was attended by 108 electronically logged but attendance was estimated to 150 students. After the event over 60% of students reported to be more interested and curious to learn about math related topics. 4. Student Researcher, Cynthia Sixco, Mentored by Dr. Yuan lead an origami workshop on May 5th, 2016. The student researcher also presented twice in college-wide events.


Submit Date 07/29/2016

Page 5: Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College Plan 2015... · Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College 1. For fall 1, 2015, eight problem-solving sessions were

LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A2b Target Adult and Continuing Education Division VP of Adult and Continuing Education Office Department

Number of funded research grants will be maintained at 4 Objective

Review number of funded research grants compared to 2014-15


Interview faculty for current research focus areas, particularly for new faculty. (Fall 2015) Grants Office will conduct targeted research to match funding opportunities to faculty research focus areas and inform faculty of appropriate opportunities Submit proposals for appropriate research based opportunities



Submit Date 11/23/2015

Page 6: Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College Plan 2015... · Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College 1. For fall 1, 2015, eight problem-solving sessions were

LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A2b Target Adult and Continuing Education Division VP of Adult and Continuing Education Office Department

Number of funded research grants will be maintained at 4 Objective

Review number of funded research grants compared to 2014-15


Interview faculty for current research focus areas, particularly for new faculty. (Fall 2015) Grants Office will conduct targeted research to match funding opportunities to faculty research focus areas and inform faculty of appropriate opportunitie Submit proposals for appropriate research based opportunities


As of May 27, 2016, 5 research grants are actively funded. Progress

Submit Date 06/02/2016

Page 7: Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College Plan 2015... · Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College 1. For fall 1, 2015, eight problem-solving sessions were

LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A2c Target Adult and Continuing Education Division VP of Adult and Continuing Education Office Department

Total dollar amount of research grants (3‐year weighted rolling average) will be maintained at 639,228 or higher, a

figure significantly higher than all other CUNY Community and Comprehensive Colleges Objective

Completion of Seminars Issue questionnaire to seminar attendees to obtain feedback as to the quality of the seminars and whether content presented met their needs. Number of proposals submitted maintained compared to FY 2014-15


Conduct 4 grant writing seminars throughout the year (2 in fall, 1 in winter, 1 in spring) especially for new faculty Maintain proposal submission rate of 40 proposals from FY’ 15


To date the FY ’16 weighted rolling average for research awards is $634,562. This amount is down due to a PSC-CUNY award ended during FY 15/16.


Submit Date 06/02/2016

Page 8: Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College Plan 2015... · Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College 1. For fall 1, 2015, eight problem-solving sessions were

LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A2c Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Encourage tenured faculty to maintain an active research agenda Objective

1. Number of award applications from departmental faculty2. Number of papers submitted by the awardees Assessment

Award release time to two tenured faculty based on research proposals submitted to the departmental P&B Committee (each faculty receives 3 hours of RT per year). A competitive proposal must include a commitment from a proposer to submit a research paper to a peer-reviewed publication by the end of the academic year.



Submit Date 12/02/2015

Page 9: Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College Plan 2015... · Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College 1. For fall 1, 2015, eight problem-solving sessions were

LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A3a Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Increase Student’s success in Calculus I & beyond courses Objective

Some points of interest:Pass rate, retention rate, drop-out rateHow does the course affect students’ lives: what happens with students who failed Calculus I several timesStudents performance in capstone courses after taking higher level mathStudents performance after transferring to 4-year college (using CUNY data)Correlation between performance of students in Pre-calculus and CalculusCorrelation between attendance in Boot camp and performance in Calculus 1


Formulate goals for each courseCreate a list of skills that students are expected to acquire after taking the courseDefine criteria and write questions for IR to assess courses.Identify a set of problems that could be used in final exams to assess learning objectives


Data shows out of the 857 students who failed or withdrew from MAT 201 during their first attempt between Fall 2010 and Fall 2014, the following pathways occurred: (a) Major Changes-- 122 students have changed a major, of those 11 students have changed a major twice. (b) Repeated enrollment in MAT 201-- (b.1) 257 Students re-registered to the course to date (30 percent of the students who failed or withdrew from MAT 201). Out of the 257 who re-registered to date, 129 passed the course in a repeating attempt (105 passed in the second attempt, and the remaining took more than two attempts) (b.2) the remaining students failed the course in a repeating attempt, or did not complete the course in a repeating attempt. Data shows students who enrolled in MAT 200 and earned a grade of “C” or above had significantly higher pass rates (72 percent versus 42 percent for students earning “C-“ grades or lower), and significantly higher GPA in the course (2.66 versus 1.09, respectively). The Calculus and Beyond Board did not pursue correlation between attending in Boot camp and performance in Calculus I because Boot camp was discontinued.


Submit Date 07/29/2016

Page 10: Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College Plan 2015... · Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College 1. For fall 1, 2015, eight problem-solving sessions were

LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A3c Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Offer at least 24 sections of MAT119 using the Statway curriculum model in each 12-week session. Objective

1. Faculty will report on Statway workshop experiences.2. Course assessment based on grade distributions and surveys.3. Create common final exam for MAT119 and MAT120.


1. Communicate with the Registrar to assist with any scheduling issues (e.g., correct number of lecture and computer lab hours)2. Run supporting activities for new faculty who will teach this course: two meetings in Fall I, one in Fall II, and three in Spring I as part of the MAT119 CTL seminar.3. Schedule the sections for student registration, and widely advertise this opportunity to students. 4. Using the faculty peer-mentoring scheme for MAT119, support teaching practice of new faculty teaching the course.


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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

In Fall I 2015 there were offered 26 sections of MAT119. - In Spring I 2016 there were offered 22 sections of MAT119. - All sections were schedule in rooms and computer labs as required in collaboration with the Registrar. - All faculty (part time and full time) participated in all supporting professional development activities as part of the MAT119-Statway CTL seminar. In addition, a peer faculty mentor structure was defined to have more experienced faculty to support the teaching practice new to this model. - Flyer with basic information for advisors on MAT119 including eligibility criteria and course equivalency was distributed to advisors. - In collaboration with the Transfer Office, CUNY Pathways status was clarified and now students have transferability of MAT119 as an Elementary Statistics course. - A common final for the Elementary Statistics (MAT119 and MAT120) courses was created in collaboration with the coordinator of MAT120. The exam is collected to use as an instrument for learning outcomes assessment of the MAT119 initiative. Results pending. - Feedback from new faculty teaching MAT119 had been used to refine the course and delivery of the material. - The leading team of the MAT119 initiative had given over 10 presentations at national events: Carnegie National Forum July 2015 (3 presentations), American Association of Two Year Colleges (AMATYC) November 2015 (1 presentation), Achieving the Dream (ATD) February 2016 (2 presentations), Innovative Practices in Developmental Math Conference March 2016 (2 presentations), Conference of Accelerated Developmental Education (CADE) June 2016 (1 presentation), Carnegie National Forum 2016 July 2016 (4 presentations).


Submit Date 07/29/2016

Page 12: Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College Plan 2015... · Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College 1. For fall 1, 2015, eight problem-solving sessions were

LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A3c Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Continue pilot of accelerated MAT117Revise MAT117 and offer it as a permanent course beginning Fall 2016 Objective

1. Report on the number of sections that actually ran.2. Assessment of the model based on grade distributions and surveys.


1. Work with Registrar to offer sufficient sections.2. Inform students of this new model to attract qualified students. 3. See proposal for the permanent course through governance4. Run workshops internally for faculty who will teach this course.


• 9 sections of MAT117 ran during Fall I 2015 and 8 during Spring I 2015. All were schedule in classrooms/computer labs as required. • MAT117 was presented to the departmental and college-wide curriculum committees and to the senate. The course was made permanent starting Fall I 2015. • Relevant information regarding MAT117 was distributed to advisors, including eligibility criteria and course equivalency. • A mini seminar for faculty, full time and adjunct, who were new to MAT117 was offered during Spring I 2016. Participating faculty will be eligible to teach MAT117 in Fall I 2016. • A group of faculty mentors was established to provide guidance and support to faculty new to MAT117 and accelerated developmental education • Surveys addressing the MAT117 experience were administered to students and faculty at the end of Fall I 2015 and Spring I 2016. Progress on developmental acceleration and the MAT117 project was presented at the Innovative Practices in Developmental Math Conference (March 2016) and at the Conference of Accelerated Developmental Education (June 2016)


Submit Date 07/29/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A4d Target Student Affairs Division Transfer Services Department

In collaboration with two senior CUNY colleges, implement the ‘reverse transfer’ awarding Associate Degrees to former students who stopped out before degree completion.


Director of Transfer will identify and document best practices used by Bronx, and Queensboroough Community Colleges who implemented reverse transfer in 2013. Further assessment will occur as the initiatives of the En Route committee are generated.


Director of Transfer serves on CUNY wide “En Route Associate Degree Initiative Task Force”. Task force designed to foster reverse transfer. First meeting is scheduled for Nov. 2015 Director of Transfer to clarify and refine the College’s articulation process. First meeting with Provost and Dean of academic affairs to be held in Nov. 2015 Director of Transfer serves as member of the Queens Summit Team, working toward a streamlined transfer and reverse transfer process among the four Queens-based CUNY campuses.


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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

Articulation Agreements. The Director of Transfer Services continues to work with Academic Affairs to identify all the Colleges Articulation Agreements. Some Agreements are outdates and require revision. The Director of Transfer Services has notified our colleagues in Academic Affairs of which Agreements require modification. Once all Articulation Agreements have been identified, the Director of Transfer Services will compile a list of Agreements online. Identifying one party who will be responsible for the maintenance of Articulation Agreements has not yet been completed. Reverse Transfer The Central Office identified approximately 600 former LaGuardia students who may be eligible to earn an Associate's Degree via Reverse Transfer. This number was then widdled down to 120 students that were evaluated by the college. The registrar's office conducted graduation audits and found that only 21 students were eligible to earn their Associate's Degree. Each of the other students required a number of exemptions, waivers, substitutions, and reevaluation of transfer credits. This would require the college to implement a graduation evaluation plan that involved each academic department, Admissions, and the Registrar's Office. Throughout CUNY this level of organization has not been implemented and each community college has yielded low numbers of students eligible for an Associate’s Degree via Reverse Transfer. In order to realize the Chancellor's vision for Reverse Transfer, a cross divisional plan must be implemented to organize and stream line this process.


Submit Date 06/02/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A5a Target Student Affairs Division Enrollment Management Services Department

Improve student satisfaction with all departments within Enrollment Services


All front line and manager staff trained and evaluation of training 10/22/2015 Respond within 72 hours to 100% of customer service cards who have indicated an unresolved issue. Student Customer Service Cards, Noel-Levitz Survey and Divisional Assessment activities. Successful development and implementation of the alternative system of communication for early acceptance notification to new students


Work in collaboration with The Center for Teaching and Learning to develop customer service training process for Student Financial Services to be implemented for spring 2016. Work with Information Systems to review, track and streamline timeliness of communication protocols to potential and current students. (Request from regarding Admission, Testing, and Financial Aid and Bursar) December 2015. Develop a system of tracking and replying to customer service cards within 72 hours and utilizing full-time staff to supply additional support for student complaints. December 2015. Develop an alternative system to communicate early acceptance for fall 2016 students. While still processing spring 2016 applicants through our Very Important Person (VIP) system.


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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

FYE Working Group was established. The First Year Experience was branded as follows: 1. My New Campus Activities: May – August 2016 · Welcome Webinars · Check Point Sessions · Student and Family Day · Test Prep Workshops My First Day – August 31 – September 1, 2016 (Two half day sessions per day. · Series of half day celebratory programs designed to provide with an opportunity to engage in the LaGuardia community just prior to the start of the semester. My First Semester – September – November 2016 A series of six co-curricular programs · A series of six co-curricular programs designed to be supplementary to the FYE. Each event is designed to support students as they transition through their first semester of college My Next Steps – December 2016 – May 2017 · A series of events to address students’ transition from LaGuardia, either to a 4-year institution or to the workforce.


Submit Date 06/06/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A6a Target Administration Division Facilities Design and Constructions Department

University Goals Improve the quality of life for faculty, staff and students through several projects to upgrade infrastructure of the physical campus.


User surveys


C Building facade renovation: Demolition of the old terra cotta façade is underway. Scheduled to be complete in 2018.


Scheduled progress on C Building façade Progress

Submit Date 11/20/2015

Page 18: Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College Plan 2015... · Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College 1. For fall 1, 2015, eight problem-solving sessions were

LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A6a Target Administration Division Facilities Design and Constructions Department

University Goals Improve the quality of life for faculty, staff and students through several projects to upgrade infrastructure of the physical campus.


User surveys


Build new faculty offices and 2 office suites in the C Building: After conducting a feasibility study, we are in the process of commissioning a design from architects.


Scheduled progress on new faculty offices and office suites in C Bldg.


Submit Date 11/20/2015

Page 19: Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College Plan 2015... · Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College 1. For fall 1, 2015, eight problem-solving sessions were

LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A6a Target Administration Division Facilities Design and Constructions Department

University Goals Improve the quality of life for faculty, staff and students through several projects to upgrade infrastructure of the physical campus.


Commence and complete renovations.


Renovate cafeterias in Shenker Hall and B buildings


Completed feasibility study in Shenker Hall; awaiting funding. The B Building cafeteria renovation is on hold pending change in occupancy.


Submit Date 11/20/2015

Page 20: Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College Plan 2015... · Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College 1. For fall 1, 2015, eight problem-solving sessions were

LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A6a Target Administration Division Facilities Design and Constructions Department

University Goals Improve the quality of life for faculty, staff and students through several projects to upgrade infrastructure of the physical campus.


User surveys


In 2015 we will renovate 10 classrooms.


Renovation of 10 classrooms complete.


Submit Date 11/20/2015

Page 21: Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College Plan 2015... · Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College 1. For fall 1, 2015, eight problem-solving sessions were

LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A6a Target Administration Division Facilities Design and Constructions Department

University Goals Improve the quality of life for faculty, staff and students through several projects to upgrade infrastructure of the physical campus.


User surveys


Replace the E Building cooling tower.


Cooling tower in E Bldg replaced.


Submit Date 11/20/2015

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A6a Target Administration Division Facilities Design and Constructions Department

Upgrade physical campus infrastructure through several projects designed to enhance and improve an environment conducive to academic success, retention and completion.


Completed renovation. Assessment

C Building Façade Renovation Installation of new terra cotta facade panels begins in summer 2016. Lobby renovations underway.


in progress Progress

Submit Date 06/06/2016

Page 23: Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College Plan 2015... · Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College 1. For fall 1, 2015, eight problem-solving sessions were

LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A6a Target Administration Division Facilities Design and Constructions Department

Upgrade physical campus infrastructure through several projects designed to enhance and improve an environment conducive to academic success, retention and completion.


Installation and testing.


Wayfinding Kiosk Project Commission, develop, test, and install stand-alone electronic wayfinding kiosk in the E Building.


In progress Progress

Submit Date 06/06/2016

Page 24: Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College Plan 2015... · Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College 1. For fall 1, 2015, eight problem-solving sessions were

LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A6a Target Administration Division Facilities Design and Constructions Department

Upgrade physical campus infrastructure through several projects designed to enhance and improve an environment conducive to academic success, retention and completion.


Testing functionality of replacement system.


Replace cooling tower in E Building in the fall.


Commencing in Fall 2016 Progress

Submit Date 06/06/2016

Page 25: Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College Plan 2015... · Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College 1. For fall 1, 2015, eight problem-solving sessions were

LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A6a Target Administration Division Campus Facilities and Design Department

Upgrade physical campus infrastructure through several projects designed to enhance and improve an environment conducive to academic success, retention and completion.


Completed renovation.


Student lounge renovation with new furniture in Shenker Hall central link.


TBD Progress

Submit Date 06/06/2016

Page 26: Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College Plan 2015... · Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College 1. For fall 1, 2015, eight problem-solving sessions were

LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A6a Target Administration Division Facilities Design and Constructions Department

Upgrade physical campus infrastructure through several projects designed to enhance and improve an environment conducive to academic success, retention and completion.


Completed lab. Assessment

Construct biology/science lab on 3rd floor in E Building.


TBD Progress

Submit Date 06/06/2016

Page 27: Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College Plan 2015... · Strategic Plan 2015-2016 LaGuardia Community College 1. For fall 1, 2015, eight problem-solving sessions were

LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A6a Target Administration Division Facilities Design and Constructions Department

Upgrade physical campus infrastructure through several projects designed to enhance and improve an environment conducive to academic success, retention and completion. Focus Area: Enhance the use of Digital Technology to support student learning and success.


Completed renovation


Library Expansion Project Architectural finishes, media and technology infrastructure installation.


In progress. Progress

Submit Date 06/06/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A6a Target Administration Division Facilities Design and Constructions Department

Upgrade physical campus infrastructure through several projects designed to enhance and improve an environment conducive to academic success, retention and completion. Focus Area: Strengthen the connection between College Learning experiences and the evolving labor market.


Completed construction.


Goldman Sachs 10KSB training space construction. Activity

In progress Progress

Submit Date 06/06/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A6a Target Administration Division Public Safety Department

Ensure physical safety of campus community and maintain security of confidential data through infrastructure upgrades and policy implementation.


Successful implementation.


Convert analog security cameras to Internet Protocol for select circuit viewing.


TBD Progress

Submit Date 06/06/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A6a Target Administration Division Public Safety Department

Ensure physical safety of campus community and maintain security of confidential data through infrastructure upgrades and policy implementation.


Successful implementation of security systems.


Secure sensitive data in HR, Payroll, and Business Office by installing swipe card entry access. Activity

TBD Progress

Submit Date 06/06/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A6a Target Administration Division Public Safety Department

Ensure physical safety of campus community and maintain security of confidential data through infrastructure upgrades and policy implementation.


Successful implementation, adding other offices/areas in Phase 2.


Add panic buttons in C107, Bursar, HR, Payroll and Purchasing in Phase 1 of pilot. Activity

TBD Progress

Submit Date 06/06/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A6a Target Administration Division Environmental Health and Safety Department

Ensure physical safety of campus community and maintain security of confidential data through infrastructure upgrades and policy implementation.


Successful inventory and federal reporting. Assessment

Develop chemical tracking protocols for procurement, inventory, management, and disposal of chemicals in line with DHS and DEP regulations.


TBD Progress

Submit Date 06/06/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A7a Target Institutional Advancement Division Development Operations Department

Maintain private, individual and institutional fundraising at $3 million or higher. Based on the amount raised in FY14 - $4,729,097, the FY15 target with a 5% increase is $4,965,552.


Fundraising will increase by 5% to an overall $4,965,552 by raising: $1,011,551 from individuals (alumni, board, faculty/staff, retirees and friends) from face-to-face, direct mail, email and planned gifts. $3,954,001 from corporations, foundations and other organizations.


Fundraising will increased by 5% by soliciting new and renewing donors through: Face-to-face solicitations with major donors/prospects throughout the year Direct mail appeals in December and March Planned giving opportunities including educational forums, personal meetings and mailings throughout the year which will result in bequest pledges and charitable gift annuities Email solicitations throughout the year Submission of proposals to foundations and corporations throughout the year



Submit Date 11/30/2015

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A7b Target Adult and Continuing Education Division VP of Adult and Continuing Education Office Department

Grants and contracts 3-year weighted rolling average will be maintained at the high rate of $15 million or better


Completion of Seminars Issue questionnaire to obtain feedback from participants as to the quality of the seminars and whether content presented met their needs. Number of proposals submitted maintained compared to FY ’15


Conduct 4 grant writing seminars throughout the year (2 in fall, 1 in winter, 1 in spring) especially for new faculty Maintain proposal submission rate of 40 proposals from FY’ 15


To date the FY ’16 3 year weighted rolling average in total grants and contracts is $15,530, 103; the total in grants and contracts for FY’16 specifically is $17,894,008.


Submit Date 06/02/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A7c Target Administration Division Business Office Department

University Goals Boost revenue in alternative funding sources.


a) increase b) increase c&d) maintain current levels


a) Food service: develop marketing campaign b) Parking lot revenue:explore night parking options c) Pouring rights royalties: seek new potential placement near bookstore d) Facility rental income: expand opportunities for filming on campus.


Monitoring sales/revenues for increases vs prior years totals. Progress

Submit Date 11/20/2015

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A7c Target Institutional Advancement Division College and Community Relations Department

Facility rental income will increase by 10% from $72,630 to $79,160 by May 2016. Objective

Raise $79,160 in rental income by May 2016. The success of our advertising and marketing campaigns will be measured by attracting and securing at least five (5) new corporate partners.


Create an on-campus tabling package to offer potential partners (November 2015). Advertise our rengal packagaes on the LIC Partnership's on-line "Perks" program (November 2015). Advertise and market the College's facilities by creating a landing page on the Unique Venues website. Unique Venues is a leading venue directory referral service for meeting and event planners nationwide (November 2015).



Submit Date 05/06/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

A8a Target Administration Division Business Office Department

University Goals Maintain 3% allocated budget as reserve through FY15-16.


Provided via feedback through inclusion in the CUNY Annual Report Assessment

Monitor expenitures.


As of October 27, 2015 we are on track to achieve this goal with 2.7% budget as reserve. Progress

Submit Date 11/20/2015

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A8b Target Administration Division Business Office Department

Streamline and improve fiscal processes and services.


Assess services of Accounting, Purchasing, Accounts Payable, and Budget as they relate to tax levy and non-tax levy services using third-party review. Hired consultant to review protocols, review in progress, completed summer 2016.


Assess services of Accounting, Purchasing, Accounts Payable, and Budget as they relate to tax levy and non-tax levy services using third-party review. Hired consultant to review protocols, review in progress, completed summer 2016.


In progress Progress

Submit Date 06/06/2016

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A8b Target Administration Division Business Office Department

Assess budget allocation process through wider engagement of campus community.


Implement recommendations.


Establish Budget Advisory Committee comprised of students, faculty and staff to review discretionary spending processes.


In progress Progress

Submit Date 06/06/2016

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A8b Target Administration Division Business Office Department

Improve collaboration between Purchasing and Accounting, hire more MWBE contractors.


Position filled, increased MWBE contractors. Assessment

Hire Purchasing Agent Level 2


Completed Progress

Submit Date 06/06/2016

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A10a Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Support MEC faculty in advancing toward tenure and promotion Objective

1. Number of faculty participating in the workshops2. Number of reappointments and promotions Assessment

Run a series of workshops on peer observations, SIRs, and preparation of annual evaluation documents. Activity

MEC Faculty Support Board Workshop on College Strategic Plan, Vision, and Career Development --- 16 September 2015, 2:15 – 3:30 p.m., E-218C 2) MEC Faculty Support Board Open Forum Discussion for MEC Department Junior Faculty --- 3 February 2016, 2:30 – 4 p.m., E-218C 3) Workshop on Assessment Strategies Developed in the Provost Learning Space (Presented by Nana Osei Bonsu and Andi Toce), 3/3/2016, E-218C 4) Annual Evaluations, Reappointment, and Promotion Workshop for MEC Department (Presented by Abderrazak Belkharraz), 4/13/2016 5) 5/4/2016 (Upcoming): Workshop on Effective Communication Techniques in the Classroom (Presented by Lawrence Muller)


Submit Date 07/29/2016

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B2a Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Goals for Community Colleges:Prepare students for transfer to baccalaureate programIncrease program options for engineering studentsExplore additional articulations with four year engineering collegesCreation of certificate programs in energy technology


Number of students enrolled in the energy tech programA written report presented to the Engineering Committee outlining options and delineating the steps needed to move forwardCertificate courses and syllabi will be developed and presented to both departmental and college-wide curriculum committees


A new technology program, Energy Tech, in electrical and mechanical technology will begin in Fall 2105The Transfer Exploration Team will identify additional targets for engineering studentsTwo certificate programs in computer aided drafting and circuit trouble- shooting will be developed,with option to transfer to CCNY upon graduation


1. The Energy Tech program (electrical and mechanical technology) started in the Fall 2015. Currently there are 70 students enrolled in the program with 332 students in the pipeline from the Energy Tech high school, our partner high school. 2. Articulation agreement between the Engineering program and SUNY Farmingdale are underway. The process was slowed down by the change in leadership in the Engineering program at Farmingdale but transferrable courses have been identified. 3. Timeline to develop the two certificate programs in computer aided drafting and circuit trouble- shooting was identified. Courses for each certificate program will be identified from the Energy Tech curricula. 4. The development of the syllabi and presentation of the certificate programs through governance was postponed for the Fall 16 and Spring 17.


Submit Date 07/29/2016

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B3a Target Academic Affairs Division VP of Academic Affairs Office Department

Maintain high pass rates in licensure exams through increased support and improvement of preparatory workshops, tutoring, math support, Kaplan and ATI activities, and support for students to take state board exams early after graduation.


Review of exam scores. Assessment


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B3a. Increase (or maintain high) pass rates on professional licensure exams Program 2012 2013 2014 2015 Targets/Comparisons RN Nursing 81% 80% 85% 90% (NYS 80%) LPN Nursing 83% 84% 86% 73% (NYS 78%) Dietetic Tech 63% 33% 55% 50.7% (Benchmark 70%) OTA 83% 84% 71% 95% (Benchmark 80%) PTA 90.0% 96.9% 94.7%


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88.9% (Nat’l 92%) Veterinary Tech N/A N/A 95% 89% (Nat’l 68.9%) Radiologic Tech N/A N/A 92% 94.4% (Nat’l 88.4%) After preparing a progress report and carrying out an action plan which was submitted to the accrediting body, Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in fall 2015, LAGCC’s Dietetic Technician Program was reaccredited. Additionally, the Occupational Therapy program addressed last year’s drop in pass rate with a plan of correction to the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) June 25, 2015 and improved its pass rate by 24 percentage points.

Submit Date 08/12/2016

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C1a Target Academic Affairs Division Advisement and Outreach Services Department

Evaluate the re-designed advising structure to establish an integrated and comprehensive system (year 3). Objective

Create standard operational protocols / business practices with the Business Department faculty and Student Advising staff. Pilot online chat as a weekend advising strategy. Collect data monthly, and provide data analysis to appropriate departmental stakeholders, and the Provost Cabinet. Monthly report of recommenced actions and/or interventions feedback provided to appropriate departmental stakeholders.


A) Implement student “Success Network”. B) Enhance online advising through on-demand/on-line chat among faculty, staff, and students C) Evaluate student feedback collected from SEMS surveys received by students 24 hours after any advising session (faculty, staff, career, or transfer). Recommend action or interventions needed based on student’s feedback.


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Student Success Network (now called C2) was implemented with faculty, students, and staff from the Business Advising Teams. Online Chat was implemented using C2. Faculty reported creater student utilization of the online chat feature than their staff advisor counterparts. Students reported enjoing the opportunity to Live Chat with a member of their advising team. However, the Live Chat feature was not utilized as freqently as anticipated. Feedback from the SEMS survey was mostly positive. Most students reported satisfaction with the service they visited an office for. The most freqent challenge / complaint recieved was about wait times during peak periods (late summer and winter). Students continue to desire just in time information and guidance, accessible via multiple platforms which include in person, online, telephone, chat ect. The C2 initiative promises to offer students this form of communication and guidance.


Submit Date 06/02/2016

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C1a Target Academic Affairs Division Advisement and Outreach Services Department

Scale up the 2015 GradPlan initiative Objective

Grad Plan manager will ensure that 85% of all students enrolled in a moot course are contacted before March 7th, 2016. 65% of students will be out of Spring ’16 moot courses by March 11, 2016


Identify Spring 2016 moot course registration for students across all advising teams. Engage advising teams, along with peers in conducting outreach to students enrolled in moot courses. Provided guidance regarding the elimination of moot courses.


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The GradPlan team was formed and supported with Innovation grant funds from President Mellow. The team has identified

over 3200 students who are deemed "off track" based on registration into moot courses. The GradPlan team has been able to

get 68% of those students out of moot courses and back "on track" toward their degree. The moot course work for Spring

2016 continues through the last day of Add/Drop for Spring Session-II. "On-Track" results will continue to increase through

July. "Off track" students were advised by staff hired through the Innovation Grant. In addition, the Grad Plan team identified and

advised students who were 18-22 credits away from graduation. These 280 students were encouraged to take a summer

course, thus lightening the credit load in their last term. To date, 51 students (20%) of the students have enrolled in

Session-II. Enrollment should increase through the ADD/DROP period of Spring Session-II. The Grad Plan team has identified a number of reasons why students end up in a moot course. While the primary reason is

student error in registration, or student self-advising, 20% of students are intentionally taking moot courses. The intentional

rationales are one of three options: 1) personal interests in a course topic 2) seeking to improve GPA 3) taking course that transfers to a senior college.


Submit Date 06/02/2016

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C1a Target Academic Affairs Division Advisement and Outreach Services Department

Pilot course completion guide using the DegreeWorks Planner Objective

Pilot initiative with one Advising Team. Survey faculty, staff and peer members of the advising team to evaluate utilization and effectiveness of the Course Completion Guide. Collect, from the advising team, a list of challenges and opportunities presented by the presence of a pre-loaded course completion guide.


Upload Course Completion Guide to the DegreeWorks Planner for one advising team. The planner will contain all courses (in sequence) that faculty and staff will need to provide course selection guidance to each student.


The scope of this project was broadened to include 2500 continuing students regardless of advising team. Students in good standing (2.5+ GPA with no basic skills) were pre-advised using the Planner in Degree Works. These students did not receive advising holds and were welcomed to seek advising if they wanted it. However, advising for course planning was not necessary. Students were notified of the initiative. While there was a noticeable change in the Advising Office traffic, it became apparent that students were less familiar with the Degree Audit Planner than we expected. Front line staff and academy peers were needed to give brief tutorials to students who needed assistance accessing their planner. The Director is in the process of creating a video tutorial, that could be shared with students and prevent unnecessary office visits.


Submit Date 06/02/2016

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C1a Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Continue to strengthen MEC advisement model Objective

Surveys will be given to students participating in the event to assess their success. Assessment

Collaborate with Office of Transfer Services to organize transfer events Activity

1. Two transfer workshops (one in the Fall 15 and another in the Spring 16) were organized for Engineering students. Representatives from the Transfer office at City College gave presentations to engineering students about the transfer process, what to expect once they move to City College and the support and resources they could use to have a smooth transition. 2. Students’ feedback was not formally collected.


Submit Date 07/29/2016

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C1b Target Academic Affairs Division Social Science Department

Strengthen Advisement, First Year Experience Objective

CTL will assess students in these classes on the degree to which the seminar achieved its goals. Measures include collecting data to look at students who took the seminar to see if they stayed in college and to find out to what degree and at what pace students accumulated credits towards achieving their degree. Other questions include whether taking this course was a significant factor enabling students to graduate in less time. More qualitative research may include reports from faculty, and evidence from written work by students, including essays and other materials deposited in their e-portfolios about whether the course helped them to clarify their educational and career objectives and increase their desire and enthusiasm to graduate. Brief surveys at the end of each event to assess whether the event was successful in strengthening students’ relationships with faculty in their major, and increasing students’ level of awareness and commitment towards pursuing their educational and career goals. Posting of faculty office hours. A record of students who come to see faculty for the purpose of getting academic advisement.


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September-December Offer 5 sections of LIF 101 Offer 12 sections of CJF 101 Offer 5 sections of SYF 101 The History faculty will recruit more students for the History Option by participating in the Liberal Arts Options Fair, the Liberal Arts Advisement Day and other college-wide advising events, the Social Science Department’s Career Day, and by organizing events that highlight Historical themes such as public lectures, films, conferences, and promote a History Club to attract interested students. New Political Science Option will create an event to inform students about the option. Continue to organize annual events that offer students an understanding of their majors and career paths. These include Social Science career day, two Social Science conferences, and one annual Criminal Justice conference. Faculty advisement of students in their majors or students interested in the fields they teach during office hours. Working with Peer advisors to support students who are majors in Psychology and Criminal Justice. Meetings with CTL by faculty member who is supervising peer advisors. Training of faculty and frontline staff about the resources available through the advisement portal. Work with Student Clubs to support advisement events. Psychology, Criminal Justice, and Political Science student clubs assist in recruiting students to advisement.


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Collaboration with social science advisors working with liberal arts, criminal justice, and psychology majors. Advisors will become resources for students who have questions about their course of study, or need help selecting courses for the year. Work with student clubs to advertise events. Invite advisement staff to the events and introduce them to students. As needed enlist the support of Student Affairs. Peer Mentors attend club meetings that are related to club programs that connect to students needs in the classroom, challenges in courses, and planning for the future.


Submit Date 06/03/2016

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C1b Target Academic Affairs Division Social Science Department

Strengthen Advisement, First Year Experience


CTL will assess students in these classes on the degree to which the seminar achieved its goals. Measures include collecting data to look at students who took the seminar to see if they stayed in college and to find out to what degree and at what pace students accumulated credits towards achieving their degree. Other questions include whether taking this course was a significant factor enabling students to graduate in less time. More qualitative research may include reports from faculty, and evidence from written work by students, including essays and other materials deposited in their e-portfolios about whether the course helped them to clarify their educational and career objectives and increase their desire and enthusiasm to graduate. Brief surveys at the end of each event to assess whether the event was successful in strengthening students’ relationships with faculty in their major, and increasing students’ level of awareness and commitment towards pursuing their educational and career goals. Posting of faculty office hours. A record of students who come to see faculty for the purpose of getting academic advisement. Faculty supervisors reports on activities of peer advisors. Soliciting evaluations from other faculty teaching in the program and students taking courses in the program. Ongoing communication with CTL about the goals of the peer advisement initiative and their utilization of by faculty and students.


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September-December Offer 5 sections of LIF 101 Offer 12 sections of CJF 101 Offer 5 sections of SYF 101 The History faculty will recruit more students for the History Option by participating in the Liberal Arts Options Fair, the Liberal Arts Advisement Day and other college-wide advising events, the Social Science Department’s Career Day, and by organizing events that highlight Historical themes such as public lectures, films, conferences, and promote a History Club to attract interested students. New Political Science Option will create an event to inform students about the option. Continue to organize annual events that offer students an understanding of their majors and career paths. These include Social Science career day, two Social Science conferences, and one annual Criminal Justice conference. Faculty advisement of students in their majors or students interested in the fields they teach during office hours.


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Working with Peer advisors to support students who are majors in Psychology and Criminal Justice. Meetings with CTL by faculty member who is supervising peer advisors. Training of faculty and frontline staff about the resources available through the advisement portal. Work with Student Clubs to support advisement events. Psychology, Criminal Justice, and Political Science student clubs assist in recruiting students to advisement.

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Collaboration with social science advisors working with liberal arts, criminal justice, and psychology majors. Advisors will become resources for students who have questions about their course of study, or need help selecting courses for the year. Work with student clubs to advertise events. Invite advisement staff to the events and introduce them to students. As needed enlist the support of Student Affairs. Peer Mentors attend club meetings that are related to club programs that connect to students needs in the classroom, challenges in courses, and planning for the future.


Submit Date 06/03/2016

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C1b Target Academic Affairs Division Center for Teaching and Learning Department

Support and strengthen implementation of team-based advisement and continued expansion of the First Year Seminar


1. Post-seminar survey feedback to inform program design. 2. Student outcomes (credits accumulated, average GPA, next-semester retention) in Fall 2016 FYS courses 3. Post-seminar survey feedback to inform program design; peer advisors supervisor evaluations Post-seminar survey feedback to inform program design.


1. Foundations of Advisement professional development seminar for faculty and staff—Fall 2015/Spring/Summer 2016 2. New to College professional development seminar for faculty implementing FYS courses—Fall 2015/Spring/Summer 2016 3. Peer Advisor Academy professional development program for peer advisors—Fall 2015/Spring/Summer 2016 4. Front-line staff development programs—Fall 2015/Spring/Summer 2016


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1.A total of 80 faculty and staff participated in a series of 3 half-day seminars focused on advising in 2015/16 2. 74 faculty participated in 2015/16 New to College faculty development seminars focused on the FYS. 27 Student Success Mentors were hired and trained. A total of 264 sections of FYS ran in 2015/16 3. 41 Peer Advisors have been hired and trained. 28 have beem working with Advising teams, and 13 have been working in Student Affairs. 4. A total of 239 front-line staff participated in professional development focused on diversity, opportunity, and innovation


Submit Date 06/13/2016

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C1d Target Adult and Continuing Education Division VP of Adult and Continuing Education Office Department

Increase the number of non-credit students transitioning to credit programs by 5% from 1,399 to 1,468 through targeted recruitment efforts


Sign in sheet for information sessions Student survey at end of information sessions to see what they learned from the session about transitioning to credit programs Review number of students transitioning to credit programs compared to FY ‘14 – FY ‘15


Hold information sessions at the beginning of classes for non-credit students informing them of the process of applying to CUNY and financial supports such as foundation scholarships Information sessions will target: o All ESL students o All HSE students o Vocational training programs o Youth programs o Contract training Distribute a brochure about enrolling in a degree program which will be given out to non-credit students in class Strengthen relationship with Bursar to facilitate ACE student registration and payment Work with Student Affairs to assign a liaison that will facilitate noncredit to credit programs and work with non-credit students on admissions process and financial services Pilot evening admissions testing for non-credit students to assist them in transferring Work with Student Affairs to create a form for ACE students to complete that will go into a database of potential credit students


850 non-credit students transitioned to credit for the Fall 2015 semester and 621 non-credit students transitioned to credit for the Spring 2016 semester for a total of 1,471 transitioning to credit for FY 15/16.


Submit Date 06/02/2016

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C1d Target Student Affairs Division Enrollment Management Services Department

Increase Adult and Continuing Student conversion to matriculated student. Increase communication between departments


Review inquiry list from Adult and Continuing Education. Compare recruitment workshops year to year. Increase and track recruitment workshops and develop targets for lower yielding populations. Include Advisement and Career Services to provide (What if…workshops). 2015/2016 Increase number of prospective students by 3% Successful creation of major (viewbook) student success plans


Working in collaboration with Adult and Continuing Education (ACE) to enhance inquiry recruitment form for current ACE potential credit students. Establish a liaison from Student Financial Services assigned to assist students in completing FASFA applications and other financial aid related steps in the process. 2016 Increase database of prospective students from Adult and Continuing Education, Workforce Development sites and social service agencies for recruitment activities. Work in collaboration with Marketing and Communication to design student success plans from ACE to LaGuardia. 2015/2016


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In progress. This project is not over, we are still build relationships and have asked Marketing and Communication to create more marketing material for promote more recuritment events. We wanted to hire a liaison for both area and moved to hire, but the person we interviewed received another position. Moving forward Enrollment Manangement and Advising Services will be a joined division over the summer, this opportunity will give us a changes to reevaluate systems serviceing students. We are still in conversations with ACE to recommend other tracking opportunities for their students. We meet monthly to make sure we are in constant communication regarding out ACE/Matriculation goals. We are still working together to create and design marketing material. The electronic packets have been created, and we are working on the welcome video. More is in progress.


Submit Date 06/14/2016

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C1e Target Academic Affairs Division Business and Technology Department

Offer at least 25 sections of BTF101 in both Fall I, 2015 and Spring I, 2016. Offer at least 5 sections of BTF101 in Fall II, 2015 and at least 2 sections of BTF101 in Spring II, 2016.


At least 25 sections of BTF101 will run during each 12 week session (AY 2015-2016) with a minimum enrollment of 17 students. At least 5 sections of BTF101 will run during Fall II, 2015 with a minimum enrollment of 17 students. At least 2 sections of BTF101 will run during Spring II, 2016 with a minimum enrollment of 17 students.


On or before 5/1/14, schedule at least 25 sections of BTF 101 for the Fall I, 2015 semester. Professors Francis and Bhika will revise BTF101 curriculum (Spring II, 2015). On or before 5/30/15, Professor Francis will select and train additional faculty to teach BTF101. On or before 12/30/15, schedule at least 25 sections of BTF 101 for the Spring I, 2016 semester and at least 2 sections of BTF 101 for the Spring II, 2016.


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28 sections of BTF 101 ran in the Fall I, 2015 semester. The curriculum was revised as necessary. Three additional facultywere trained to teach BTF101. 24 sections of BTF 101 ran in the Spring I, 2016 semester. 2 sections of BTF 101 are scheduled for the Spring II, 2016 semester.


Submit Date 06/02/2016

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C1e Target Academic Affairs Division Education and Language Acquisition Department

Increase participation in First Year Experience Process


14 faculty total will have completed the New To College Seminar through the CTL. Increase participation in NTC by 7%.


A total of 10 faculty have completed the New to College program. A section of LIF was reserved for ESL students and Education students; however, neither of these sections filled and they had to be opened to other majors. Exploratory conversation happened between CTL and Deaf Studies representatives regarding a First Year seminar for deaf students.


A total of 10 faculty have completed the New to College program. A section of LIF was reserved for ESL students and Education students; however, neither of these sections filled and they had to be opened to other majors. Exploratory conversation happened between CTL and Deaf Studies representatives regarding a First Year seminar for deaf students.


Submit Date 05/26/2016

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C1e Target Academic Affairs Division Education and Language Acquisition Department

Improve the quality of advisement within the Education programs.


Track attendance at all events. Develop, distribute and analyze survey about the usefulness of material offered in workshop. Track attendance at event. Develop, distribute and analyze survey about the usefulness of the advising event. Implement surveys or other measures as directed by the New to College Leadership Team Students deposit Portfolios; Students draft their own educational plan


Prof. Dev. workshops 1. For Education faculty – Nov. 11, 2015 2. For advisors – January or February 2016 For Students: Education Advisement Event for students – Nov. 4, 2015 Teaching two sections of LIF 101 (exclusively for Ed majors) – Spring 2016


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For Students: Education Advisement Event for students – Nov. 4, 2015 Fieldwork Orientation: 2/22/16 Education Program Info Session 4/18/16


Submit Date 05/26/2016

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C1e Target Academic Affairs Division Education and Language Acquisition Department

Increase the number of ELA faculty teaching/LIB200


Faculty will teach LIB 200


Increase faculty teaching LIB 200: 2 faculty will teach LIB 200 in 2015-2016 Increase the number of faculty who have taken WID by at least 4. This will allow them to teach LIB200.


Two full time ELA faculty and six adjunct ELA faculty have participated in WID in 2015-2016 Progress

Submit Date 05/26/2016

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C1e Target Academic Affairs Division Education and Language Acquisition Department

Improve retention and graduation rates for Ed majors


Ed Faculty assess ePortfolios for evidence of program practices that encourages students to stay in the program and persist to graduation and report findings/offer possible plan of action


Students build their ePortfolios, reflecting on their learning practices as to how they connect with the education major, their home life, and integrative learning - End of Fall 1, 2015 - End of Spring 1, 2016



Submit Date 11/30/2015

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C1e Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Continue to strengthen MEC advisement model Objective

Feedback from engineering faculty teaching the First Year Seminar will be collected Assessment

Strengthen the First Year Seminar for engineering students based on first semester experience Activity

1. Engineering faculty teaching the First Year Seminar (FYS) participated in the professional development seminar organized by the CTL. 2. In the Spring 16, faculty participating in the seminar discussed the overall state of the FYS for engineering and computer science faculty; they also created a collaborative ePortfolio where projects, assignments, class presentations, to mention a few, were shared to enhance students learning. 3. Different workshops on Financial Aid, Library research, etc. were organized in the FYS classes.


Submit Date 07/29/2016

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C1f Target Student Affairs Division Enrollment Management Services Department

Develop strategic recruitment plan to increase conversion of allocated students.


New electronic recruitment material completed Provide recruitment plan assessment sheet to Director of Admissions for continuous conversations during one-on-one and team meetings. Submit draft for the recruitment plan to Vice President of Student Affairs. October/2015 Conduct environmental scan of enrollment tends at they relate to majors and labor market. January 2016


The Admissions department will work with Marketing and Communications and Career Service to create new electronic recruitment material and enhance marketing material for Adult and Continuing Education, New and Transfer populations Met with Vice President regarding recruitment initiatives and ideas. August/2015. Requested recruitment plan from admissions department. September/2015 Met with Adult and Continuing Education and Career Services regarding recruitment initiatives and collaborations. October/2015 Met with Admissions Recruitment Team to review target and goals for the recruitment plan. October/2015 Work with Career Services to identify labor markets and career paths based on major. Ongoing Create Career Service marketing material for new students and transfers and Adult and Continuing Education based on major (viewbook).


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Recruitment plan created and updated monthly by the Admissions department. The next step is to move to data driven decision regarding findings for next year recruitment.


Submit Date 06/14/2016

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C1i Target Information Technology Division Information Systems Department

Enable student online participation in the process of engagement with advisors and faculty. Provide an online "success network" enabling advising team collaboration and direct communication with students. Provide off-campus access to existing SEMS related tools.


Pilot for BAT of substantial number of specified features will be available starting March 2016. Project plan schedule document will be reviewed weekly, to closely manage progress.


Develop specification of features to be added to SEMS. Create WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) detailing tasks, durations, resources, and schedule. High level tasks to be part of the WBS: •Implement separate MS SQL database as main collection repository to enable flexible, portable, and standard interface for all software tracked interactions with students. •Add screens and programs to student's MyLaGuardia portal to facilitate "reaching out" for academic or advisement contact. •Implement FacultyStaff Portal in SP13. Migrate all non-public content from college web-site. •Implement Remote Access Network & Security Configurations. •Design student-advisor and student-faculty communications process rules. •Apply business rules to routing programs for connecting students with faculty/staff based on major, advising team, availability, and other factors. •Pilot SEMS enhancements with BAT department/council. •Develop plan to rest of campus to new environment.


.As of June 30th, a prototype of Connect-to-Completion (C2C) was completed providing online to/from communication among students, faculty, and advisers. SEMS Upgraded to Sharepoint 2013. Data Collector (SQL) built and operational gathering data from Student Portal and C2C portal. Currently planning for deployment to Business and Technology (BAT) in Fall 2016, with redesign of Student Portal and launch of Faculty Staff Portal.


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Submit Date 07/27/2016

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C1i Target Academic Affairs Division Advisement and Outreach Services Department

Enhance SEMS (Student Engagement Management System) to integrate the Student Success Network elements


Pilot SEMS enhancements for members of all Business Advising teams (faculty, staff, students, and peers). Substantial number of enhancement ready by March 2016. Project planning schedule will be created with Brad Orcutt, Bret Eynon, Michael Napolitano, and Porter Brannon. Project Schedule will be reviewed weekly to closely monitor and manage implementation progress.


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Continue upgrades to SharePoint sites, which allow the college to track and monitor student engagement on campus. Implement student “Success Network”, enhancing advising team collaboration and direct student encouragement and/or intervention. Collaboration with: Information Systems (Hobsons, MyLaGuardia, SEMS, and the Data Store) Business Technology Dept (Implementation protocols) Bret Eynon (Faculty and staff training) Through weekly status meetings with appropriate stakeholders.


SEMS 2.0 was successfully rolled out to Student Advising Services, Transfer Services, Center for Career & Professional Development, Registrar, Financial Aid, and all Academic departments in May 2016. The system has been tested with over 100 users. There are some glitches which the IT department correct in an ongoing bases. The reporting feature of SEMS 2.0 will be completed and ready to roll-out no later than August 2016. The Student Success Network (Now Called C2) was implemented in March 2016 with faculty, staff and students from the Business Teams. Faculty and staff report that the tool is and extraordinary enhancement and increases connectivity with students. The college is determining how to maintain and expand use of C2 over the summer and into the next academic year.


Submit Date 06/02/2016

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C1i Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Improve services in the Mathematics Tutoring Lab


1. Number of students per subject.2. Number of students served each week per given course.3. Satisfaction surveys to be given to students4. IR will provide data regarding: i) number of visitors per course, ii) identify peak times by day of the week/ time of the day, iii) identify a control group and compare their final grades to those of lab users


1. Provide training to tutors2. Collaborate with API to provide maximum support for students in MAT096, MAT117, and MAT119 and inform them about the Friday events.3. Provide course-based tutoring sessions.4. Continue using SEMS and work with Institutional Research to analyze data every semester


1. Training was offered for tutors during the semester. Eight Training sessions were offered during the academic year for courses such as MAT95-96-119-120-200-201-202. Each training session was around 5 hours on average. 2. API provided tutors for more than 60 sections of MAT 096-117-119. The Mathematics Tutoring Center (MTC) and API collaborated in advertising the schedule of tutoring for both API and the MTC. Students attending the MTC were also encouraged to attend the API Math Friday events offered every Friday during the semester. 3. Course based tutoring was scheduled during the semester and finals week. The schedule was shared with all faculty members and also advertised at the MTC. 4. The SEMS system was used throughout the year. Detailed statistics using SEMS data will be available in the MEC Annual Assessment Board report.


Submit Date 07/29/2016

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C1j Target Information Technology Division Information Systems Department

Provide a college perspective to the university's planned upgrade of DegreeWorks to assure the features of the new version are deployed in a way that supports LaGCC's vision of integrated planner tools across our applications portfolio; furthermore to enable advisors to recommend courses that are available and don't impact the student's financial aid eligibility.


DegreeWorks will be upgraded in a manner that becomes more useful to our advisers and students. Lag time between student registration and faculty grading data load to DegreeWorks will be near real-time and reliable. Data structures will be easily understandable and accessible for local IR&A and operations management to aggregate and analyze. Object modules such as degree progress and planner data will be accessible via web services calls where local programs can embed data in local applications.


Participate in CUNY DegreeWorks migration planning meetings. Review all scoping, planning, and implementation documentation. Identify specific scope or work tasks essential, such as "dynamic bridge" for our objectives and escalate needs appropriately to CUNY councils and executives.


CUNY CIS has not completed negotiations with Ellucian (DegreeWorks Vendor) for the upgrade. There are contractural issues that have stalled the process. Need executive assistance to move this forward.


Submit Date 07/27/2016

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C2a Target Academic Affairs Division Business and Technology Department

Increase the number of online and/or hybrid courses offered by the B&T Department.


85% of student in the hybrid/online course will demonstrate the required skills to: Successfully complete a written project to be developed by the individual instructor, Develop an intermediate ePortfolio, and Participate in an online discussion group.


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September 2015, Mr. Santo Trapani and Ms. Nicole Maguire will work with the department chair to develop 2 hybrid/online seminars (fall and spring). In Fall I, 2015, Faculty members teaching online/hybrid courses will participate in a hybrid/online professional development seminar conducted by Mr. Santo Trapani and Ms. Nicole Maguire. Faculty involved in the seminar will draft a web based lesson for use in the Spring, 2016 semester. All lessons will be reviewed/approved by Mr. Trapani, Ms. Maguire, the appropriate program director, and the department chair. In Spring I, 2016, Faculty members teaching online/hybrid courses will participate in a hybrid/online professional development seminar conducted by Mr. Santo Trapani and Ms. Nicole Maguire. Faculty involved in the seminar will draft a web based lesson for use in the Fall, 2016 semester. All lessons will be reviewed/approved by Mr. Trapani, Ms. Maguire, the appropriate program director, and the department chair.


Mr. Santo Trapani and Ms. Nicole Maguire developed/facilitated 2 hybrid/online seminars (fall/spring). Faculty attending

these seminars developed web based lessons as indicated. Ms. Maguire conducted one-on-one faculty development for

instructors who did not attend group seminars.


Submit Date 06/03/2016

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C2a Target Academic Affairs Division Education and Language Acquisition Department

Increase offerings of hybrid courses that are in the Flexible Core


Approval of guidelines via department Student and instructor surveys of hybrid courses (through mini-grants) Try to offer at least one hybrid section in all areas excluding Basic Skills and ESL. Comparative analysis of attrition, retention and grades in regular and hybrid sections


Develop departmental guidelines for proposing and approving hybrid courses. Increase and diversify hybrid course offerings Add lesson modules to Blackboard for new and seasoned faculty. We are currently collecting material from faculty to create a handbook for our elective/pathways courses


A departmental committee proposed hybrid guidelines. These were voted on in a department meeting and were accepted. Hybrid classes have a structured proposal process now, in ELA, which will increase and diversify offerings. Professional development is being offered for this process.


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Submit Date 05/26/2016

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C2a Target Academic Affairs Division Education and Language Acquisition Department

Increase Digital Literacy in Modern Language


· Students submit assignments written in the digital format Digital platform use as part of activities and homework # of placement tests given.


· Install fonts in the lab and classrooms · Use digital platforms in classes Increase use of the online placement tests for languages


Fonts were installed for Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Japanese, Arabic, Italian, French, Porguegues, and Spanish. 87% of Language classes have a digital component. We have administered 674 Placement exams in Spanish, Chinese, French, Arabic, Bengali, Uzbek, Japanese and other languages.


Submit Date 06/07/2016

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C2a Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Pilot the adaptive learning online platform ALEKS in at least 25 Math BasicSkills sections in Fall I 2015 and Spring I 2016 in order to improve students’ study skills and learning outcomes.


The performance of ALEKS and EDUCO will be compared using the following assessmentcategories:1. Student log-in time2. Student performance in subsequent courses3. Pass rates4. Student and faculty surveys


1. Organize training workshops for both full-time and part-time faculty.2. Supervise and closely monitor the pilot sections.3. Maintain and improve ALEKS master templates for MAT095 and MAT096.Timeline: Fall I 2015 and Spring I 2016 sessions.Present results to the Curriculum Committee during Fall I 2015.


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An updated version of the ALEKS Pilot in MAT95 and MAT96 assessment report was completed in November 2015. It was found that ALEKS has significant advantages over EDUCO in the following five areas: a) Adaptive learning features, as evaluated by the piloting instructors. b) Student performance assessment reports, as evaluated by the piloting instructors. c) ALEKS has a problem database of better quality, as evaluated by the piloting instructors. d) Higher levels of student online engagement demonstrated by longer average log-In times and students’ overall preference for ALEKS. e) Better accessibility and connectivity. As a result, a decision was made to implement ALEKS in all MAT96 sections beginning Fall 2016. In addition, a data request regarding a comparison of the students’ performance in MAT115 in Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 of students who have previously completed MAT96 in ALEKS and EDUCO sections was sent to IR in the end of Spring 1 2016 semester. Performance comparison of ALEKS and EDUCO: • It was found that the average student log-in time in ALEKS was approximately 20% higher than in EDUCO. 55% of the respondents to the student survey preferred overall ALEKS while 20% preferred EDUCO. • No statistically significant differences between passing rates in EDUCO and ALEKS sections were found.


Submit Date 07/29/2016

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C2a Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Pilot the WebAssign learning system in at least 3 sections of Pre-calculus in Spring I 2016. Objective

Assess student engagement using the statistics package and questionnaire provided by WebAssign; statistical data will include number of assignments attempted per student; time spent on personal study plan; average score; etc.



5 sections of MAT 200 using WebAssign were piloted during the 2015-2016 academic year


Submit Date 08/04/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

C2a Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

MyStatLab is an online course platform; a complement to the MAT120 textbook we are currently using. Recent pilots have demonstrated its effectiveness in facilitating student mastery of the skills necessary for conceptual understanding of MAT120 course material.


Instructors’ opinions on the effectiveness of the platform and the support provided support, as well as their suggestions on desired improvements will be solicited.


MyStatLab has been established as a mandatory course component. The course coordinator has created an online master section of the course and made it available to all MAT120 instructors. Those new to using the platform (Fall 2015) are provided with ongoing support from the course coordinator and the Pearson Publishers’ support team. An advanced level workshop for experienced users highlighting new and specialized features of the system will be conducted in October 2015.


New MyStatLab master section was created for Spring 2016. Two MyStatLab workshops for Faculty have been conducted in Spring 2016.


Submit Date 07/29/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

C2a Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Use the Pathways Carnegie Foundation Platform for Statway (MAT119) Objective


1. Offer technical support and training to new faculty teaching the MAT119 course. 2. Via the faculty peer-mentoring scheme for MAT119, support new faculty use of the online platform for Statway.


100% of faculty teaching MAT119 received at least two sessions of training offered by Faculty mentors. CTL provided support to organize workshops and secure computer labs for Fall and Spring training sessions.


Submit Date 07/29/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

C2a Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Systematic use of MyMathLab online learning platform in Pre-calculus courses MAT200. MyMathLab is a digital supplement to the MAT200 textbook currently used in the department. Its use in selected sections of MAT200 has proved its effectiveness in promoting technology-oriented instruction and facilitating student learning outcomes.



1. Disseminate the updates on systematic use of MML in MAT200—according to the revised course proposal2. Offer professional development workshops on MyMathLab for faculty.


- MyMathLab/MyStatLab professional development technical workshop on using online learning system (good for hybrid instruction) that is used in PreCalculus, Statistics, and other courses was offered to faculty on September 9, 2015, in preparation for the Fall I, 2015. Brief satisfaction questionnaires were given to participants. All of them found it useful. In addition, individual meetings with instructors teaching in hybrid mode were held by the course coordinators as was needed. - Two additional MML/MLS workshops were given to MEC faculty in March 2016 in preparation for Spring I, 2016.


Submit Date 07/29/2016

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C2a Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Raise the number (and academic quality) of MEC hybrid course offerings. Objective

1. Continue to distribute pre- and post-surveys to explore, analyze/assess a) the number of students interested in MEC hybrid learning, b) appropriate percentages of MEC hybrid sections to run every semester c) student readiness for and appreciation of hybrid learning, d) best practices in hybrid mode of mathematics instruction, e) appropriate use of technology/e-learning tools used in hybrid instruction, f) student/faculty attitudes regarding hybrid learning/ teaching and technology use, etc.2. Satisfaction surveys at the end of faculty workshops will be distributed to participants.3. Conduct surveys/interviews to see if students and instructors are satisfied with the lesson plans and available resources.4. Recommendations regarding future hybrid offerings will be made based on relevant assessment.


1. Schedule at least 20 hybrid sections of MEC courses in Fall I 2015 and again in Spring I 2016.2. Continue running professional development workshops for faculty teaching (or planning to teach) hybrid courses.3. Take first steps towards systematic and uniform teaching of MEC hybrid courses by : a) preparing weekly lesson plans for selected hybrid course(s) based on existing syllabi (Fall 2015) b) making some course-specific resources available online for selected course(s) running in hybrid mode (Spring 2016)


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21 hybrid/online sections ran in Fall 2015. Number of hybrid sections in Spring 2016 to be determined. 1. Faculty teaching Hybrid session attended hybrid workshops in 2013. 2. First steps towards systematic teaching of MEC Hybrid Courses and improving quality of hybrid offerings were taken in Fall 2015: Hybrid Version of the MAT200 syllabus (based on a regular syllabus) with suggested weekly schedule of lessons with subdivision of face-to-face and online activities was developed by the course coordinator. a. It became available for MAT200 hybrid instructors in Spring I, 2016. Links to some of the online resources useful for hybrid instruction for selected courses were collected and compiled in one file, which is available on MEC website. 3. Online learning platforms/Learning Management Systems for hybrid sections were set up in terms of Master sections available for other instructors to copy. In Spring I, 2016, several professional development sessions on various technologies that improve collaboration in Hybrid classes were offered in collaboration with CTL. - Pre and post surveys were given to students in Fall I 2015 where 165 and 94 students expressed their hybrid experience. - Pre survey was given to students in Spring I 2016 where 140 students shared their perceptions about hybrid courses. From these surveys can be concluded that the situation with students’ awareness regarding Hybrid mode instruction at time of registration is marginally improving. Now about 60% of students were not aware that they were registering for the hybrid course as compared to 70% in the past years. It is also observe a positive trend regarding a better quality of student-student, student-instructor interaction.


Submit Date 07/29/2016

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C2a Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

SPSS is a powerful tool for storing and analyzing the large datasets that are the basis of contextual projects used to introduce MAT120 students to real life applications of statistics.


The workbook lessons will be peer reviewed by experienced statistics faculty. Assessment

MEC faculty are working on a new SPSS workbook/lesson sampler using the latest version of SPSS. The online workbook should be completed by the beginning of the spring semester.


The SPSS manual is still a work in progress. Some of the chapters have been completed. The remaining work is expected to be completed during the upcoming academic year. In the meantime, instructors will make use of SPSS tutorial videos available on MyStatLab (MAT120 online course component).


Submit Date 07/29/2016

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C2a Target Academic Affairs Division Natural Sciences Department

Develop completely online General Chemistry I course Objective

Adoption and use of an appropriate virtual lab simulation program. Adoption of an online tutoring and homework service. Syllabus. Course offering in Fall 2016 schedule of classes. Assessment of online sections with traditional sections by comparing grades of online sections with traditional sections.


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Analysis of virtual lab simulation programs designed for General Chemistry classes. Customize for LaGuardia if necessary (Fall 2015 – Fall 2016) Examination of various online tutoring and homework services that offer General Chemistry questions. (Fall 2015) Develop General Chemistry I online syllabus. (Spring 2016) Online General Chemistry I course offered (Fall 2016)



Submit Date 12/05/2015

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C2a Target Academic Affairs Division Natural Sciences Department

Expansion in number of hybrid courses offered in department (from 4 to 8). Objective

Hybrid syllabi Hybrid sections listed in schedule of classes


Syllabi for hybrid courses developed for the following courses: Topics in Biology, General Biology, Anatomy and Physiology , Topics in Chemistry, General Chemistry, General Physics (Fall 2015 - Fall 2016) Hybrid sections offered (Fall 2016)



Submit Date 12/05/2015

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C2a Target Academic Affairs Division Center for Teaching and Learning Department

C.2.A--Support project-based development of new and revised hybrid/online courses


Student satisfaction surveys; course outcomes (completion and next-semester retention); faculty peer review of course design; successful departmental policy implementation.


CTL will work with four faculty departmental teams to design/redesign hybrid instruction in courses identified for development by faculty in project proposals: English (focus on ENG102), Communication Studies (focus on HUC106), Math (focus on MAT200 and MAT120), and Linguistics (focus on ELL101). Program goals are to increase hybrid course sections while strengthening hybrid/online pedagogy and building sustainable departmental policies to support student success in hybrid/online instruction. (Fall 2015-Spring 2016)


11 faculty in ELA, English, Humanities, and MEC participated in department-based efforts to increase offering of hybrid courses. The course revision process is underway and departmental policies, procedures and resource development have advanced in ELA and English, and Math. 75 faculty participated in the Learning Matters: ePortfolio Supplement seminar as part of their Core Competency mini-grant (see Target 2 above)


Submit Date 06/13/2016

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C2a Target Academic Affairs Division Center for Teaching and Learning Department





Submit Date 06/13/2016

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C2a Target Academic Affairs Division Humanities Department

To increase online course offerings in the Communication Studies, Philosophy and Music Programs.


Amount of sections offered and filled.


The Humanities online committee will deliver a repot at the end of the spring 2016 semester with recommendations and technology platform guidelines. Based on the report we will increase our offerings in the stated programs and perhaps the art and theater programs. The music program will research software, create a budget for computer, keyboard, and software upgrades to the Piano/Theory Lab and is currently collaborating with Buildings for a renovation and update to the Music Wing. With the new hardware and software in place, 2016-17 will focus on implementing the technology into our curriculum, increasing student learning through technology. An increase in hybrid courses targeted for Fall 2017.



Submit Date 06/06/2016

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C2b Target Academic Affairs Division Business and Technology Department

Utilize three Learning Matters Mini-Grants (Business Administration, Accounting, Travel, Tourism & Hospitality Management) to develop and implement a comprehensive plan to gradually build and assess throughout the curriculum students’ skills in the new core competencies and abilities.


Creation and implementation of curriculum map, ePortfolio scaffolding plan, and new assignments for each program.


September 2015: Review and revise, if necessary, the curriculum maps; create a plan for scaffolding ePortfolio throughout the curriculum October and November 2015: Create and revise assignments that build on FYS work, incorporating ePortfolio and developing the core competencies and abilities; conduct small pilot of these assignments in some classes of team members. December 2015: Review and assess assignments and make revisions as deemed necessary. January and February 2016: Expand pilot of assignments with during Fall II session. March 2016 – June 2016: Introduction of finalized curriculum map, ePortfolio scaffolding plan, and new assignments to department faculty; larger implementation of new assignments and professional development opportunities.


Finalized curriculum map, ePortfolio scaffolding plan, and new assignments have been developed and will be implemented in the Fall I, 2016 semester.


Submit Date 06/03/2016

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C2b Target Academic Affairs Division Center for Teaching and Learning Department

C.2.B--Support development of coherent, multi-course program-based student ePortfolios


Completion of program-based ePortfolio assignment sequences; extent of assignment implementation in courses.


In connection with program-based Core Competency mini-seminars (see C3b above), participating faculty in ePortfolio-supplemented mini-grant projects will build sequences of ePortfolio-based assignments across their program curricula (Fall 2015-Spring 2016)


137 faculty participated in mini-grants awarded in programs where faculty engaged in creating and assessing assignments designed to help students build integrative learning, inquiry and problem-solving and global learning competencies and written, oral and digital communication abilities. 75 of these also integrated ePortfolio pedagogies (see Target 3 below) Over 100 faculty participated in assignment “charrettes” focused on assignment design and competency skill-building. 81 faculty participated in seminars (Gender and Diversity, Global Learning, Urban Studies and WID) focused specifically on the new competencies


Submit Date 06/13/2016

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C2c Target Institutional Advancement Division Marketing and Communications Department

Support improvement of student recruitment, retention and graduation rates by developing and implementing comprehensive social media strategy that will increase LaGuardia's social media presence, e.g., increase Facebook likes from 2,400 to 5,000 by May 2016 and establish a new social media account with Instagram. By increasing the number of likes on Facebook and launching Instagram, we can create and post messages that will help us meet and/or exceed our recruitment, enrollment, retention and graduation goals.


Social media plan completed by December 30, 2015. Successful training and advising our Marketing and Communications staff as measured by the number of posts, likes and posts reach. Utilize Facebook to schedule posts in advance and Facebook's Insights to monitor responses. Overall success will be measured by the increase in the number of likes on Facebook (from 2,400 to 5,000). We will monitor data as it comes in on the Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 Semesters to access the impact of social media on these areas and make adjustments as necessary to maximize results.


Development and implementation of Social Media Plan by the end of November 2015. Training and advising our Marketing and Communications staff to maximize social media outreach. Post messages based on identified target audiences. Strategically schedule posts weeks in advance and monitor results for best responses that will help us plan future posts.



Submit Date 11/30/2015

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C2d Target Information Technology Division End-User Support - Helpdesk Department

To provide consistent levels of wireless connectivity throughout the campus for students, faculty, staff, and visitors through: •Increase coverage area through additional Wireless Access Points (WAPs). •Improved wireless device connection speed. •More simultaneous users connected. •Multiple devices connections per user. •Improved signal penetration through building structures. •Improved user experience with mobile devices on campus.


Faculty, students, and staff will be able to have multiple devices connected to campus LAN and internet. Monitoring software will provide real-time status of WAPs and traffic through them demonstrating speed improvements.


Activities •Procure 360 "Aruba" wireless access points. •Replace 220 existing older technology WAPs with new ones. •Run additional cabling and install 140 new locations for WAPs. •Replace 2 existing wireless network controllers and configure to new requirements. •Implement wireless monitoring software on controllers. •Evaluate new usage patterns impact on architecture and configuration. Set new guidelines as appropriate. •Update user documentation on web site and elsewhere for new WiFi procedures. Timeline 6-12 months duration from point of equipment arrival


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Nearly all (2 reserved for emergency spares) of the 80 access points in possession have been installed. So far, 19 areas were identified as “dead spots,” and as a result 13 existing access points were relocated and replaced with new technology access points. Six new areas received new access points to address “dead spots,” as well. The remaining 59 locations received upgraded access point equipment. The next phase is to purchase additional access points to continue upgrades, as needed.


Submit Date 07/28/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

C3b Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Identify key areas in MEC programs where assessment of higher order competencies could take place. Objective

Every major has at least one data collection point for every competency.Course coordinators have established plans of action.


Map the definitions of the competencies to appropriate dimensions in the MEC majors. Identify courses in each major where competencies are best demonstrated.Establish guidelines for assignments in the target courses to generate potential artifacts.


For each MEC major, courses have been identified to generate baseline and follow-up assessment data for each of the core competencies, using each of the communication modes. In many cases, adjustments to the assignments have been made to reflect the newer, streamlined versions of the rubrics developed during the summer. The first college level mathematics courses taken by the majority of LaGuardia students across majors—MAT 119, MAT120, MAT108 and MAT107 (for non-STEM majors) and MAT115 (for STEM majors—have been identified as the courses providing baseline data for the “Inquiry and Problem Solving” competency using either written or digital communication. An assignment for all sections MAT120 was developed and distributed – generating preliminary data in Fall 2014 and follow-up data in Spring 2015. The assignment has since been modified, based on feedback from the readings to assess the rubrics. Most assignments now ask the student to better identify the problem being solved to allow for fair assessment. A preliminary version of the assignment for MAT107 had been developed and piloted in two sections during Fall 2014 and was assigned in all sections in the Spring. All sections of MAT 119 provided data in Spring 2015, based on a variety of assignment choices. This same set will be shared in sections of MAT 108, when it is offered. Follow-up data for the “Inquiry and Problem Solving” competency using digital communication for some majors, including Liberal Arts–Math and Science, was also provided by all sections of MAT200 in the Spring.


Submit Date 07/29/2016

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C3b Target Academic Affairs Division Social Science Department

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Assessment of core competencies in Psychology Criminal Justice-Goal is the same as Psychology


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A team of faculty in Psychology will assess will develop norms for measuring whether different parts of the assessment process are working well for faculty and students, An effort will be made to recruit part time faculty to attend the workshops. Brief surveys will be given to faculty who attend workshops. The efficacy of the assignments will be discussed with faculty in the workshops program. Faculty will be asked to create benchmarks for evaluating the artifacts that have been deposited by students and review whether the assignments are achieving the goal for each competency. Review of student ePortfolios to consider modifications of the Psychology Template. Interview students on their experience of the assignments A team of faculty in Criminal Justice A team of faculty in CJ will develop norms for measuring whether different parts of the assessment process are working well for faculty and students. Brief surveys will be given to faculty who attend workshops.


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Faculty will be asked to share their experience of the assignments that were created last year are working. Students will be interviewed on their experience of the assignments. Faculty will be asked to create benchmarks for evaluating the artifacts that have been deposited by students and review whether the assignments are achieving the goal for each competency.

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The creation of assignments to be used in the assessment project involving as many faculty as possible who teach in the program. Offering workshops for full and part time faculty to discuss the goals of assessing the core competencies, how they relate to students intellectual development. The competencies that will be assessed are inquiry and problem solving paired with the skill of writing, Global learning paired with digital skills, and Integration paired with oral skills. Review of structure of assessment competencies in 3 core courses in the Psychology program: First Year Seminar; Abnormal Psychology, and Social Psychology. Workshops on ePortfolio as tools for assessment after FYS. Monitoring of deposits of artifacts by faculty teaching courses where deposits are required to measure core competencies in the beginning, middle, and end of student’s fulfillment of the requirements for graduation. An effort will be made to recruit part time faculty to attend the workshops. Workshops with full and part time faculty to assess how assignments that were created in 2015 and the spring of 2016 worked in the classroom. Workshops with faculty to explain the purpose of the assignment with regard to assessment of core


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competencies. Recruiting CJ faculty to continue to work on norming and collection of data Interviewing of students on their responses to the assignments


Submit Date 06/03/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

C3b Target Academic Affairs Division Center for Teaching and Learning Department

Support and strengthen implementation and assessment of new Core Competencies and Communication Abilities college-wide.


Number of assessment deposits in the new Competencies by program curriculum map beginning Spring 2016. Fewer artifacts within deposits that are not designated 88/not applicable to a given competency. Feedback from faculty about better assignment alignment with competencies at the benchmark readings.


CTL will continue program-based, mini-grant funded seminars for faculty developing comprehensive, programmatic approach to the Core Competencies/Abilities through assignment development (Fall 2015-Fall 2016) Assignment design workshops aimed at building stronger alignment between assignments and their associated Core Competencies.


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137 faculty participated in mini-grants awarded in programs where faculty engaged in creating and assessing assignments designed to help students build integrative learning, inquiry and problem-solving and global learning competencies and written, oral and digital communication abilities. 75 of these also integrated ePortfolio pedagogies (see Target 3 below) Over 100 faculty participated in assignment “charrettes” focused on assignment design and competency skill-building. 81 faculty participated in seminars (Gender and Diversity, Global Learning, Urban Studies and WID) focused specifically on the new competencies


Submit Date 06/13/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

C3d Target Academic Affairs Division Education and Language Acquisition Department

Implement new CUNY reading exam


Comparative analysis of passing rates for old and new exams will begin in spring 2016 Revision of grading criteria for CSE 099


Participation in CUNY Reading Review Sessions; plan and offer faculty workshops designed to incorporate new exam; curriculum revisions and development; possible pairing of pathways and developmental courses (Spring 2016)


The ACT Compass exam for reading will no longer be used for placement or exit from reading developmental courses. CUNY has decided to begin using the ACCUPLACER test for placement and is now examining whether to use a CUNY-faculty developed reading test or use the ACCUPLACER for exit as well. Exit from CSE 099 will be a combination of course work and a CUNY-mandated exam to be given at the end of the semester. Once new exam is officially announced, the ELA Reading Program will revise grading criteria for CSE 099 and have professional development workshops to address changes


Submit Date 05/26/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

C3d Target Academic Affairs Division Education and Language Acquisition Department

Complete Periodic Program Review process (Writing year) for English as a Second Language and for Spanish-English Translation


Write PPR for Academic Affairs and receive feedback on it.


The ESL and Spanish English Translation programs will actively attend all required meetings of PPR Teams (Fall 2015, Spring 2016) Both programs will create an action plan (Spring 2016)


Both programs created Action Plans. The ESL team also applied for a mini-grant to support Action Plan implementations.


Submit Date 05/26/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

C3e Target Academic Affairs Division Humanities Department

To implement the recommendations coming out of the PPR for MRT, Comm. Studies, Fine Arts and NMT.


Communication Studies. The number of online sections, successful students transferring to colleges with articulation agreements


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In fall 2016 continue revising curriculum for MRT with the goal of creating an in house AAS program for Music Recording Technology. The Fine Arts program as part of their PPR recommendations would like to increase on line course offerings especially HUA 101 Introduction to Art which serves the entire student body as part of the Flexible Core. Also the art program is very much in need of a dedicated room or at least a room while perhaps not solely utilized for our art history courses is equipped with higher resolution projectors to better serve the needs of image projections for art history. Communication Studies based on their PPR recommendations will complete articulation agreements to 4 year institutions including Baruch College, Lehman College CUNY and SUNY New Paltz. The program will also revise the curriculum to implement the 1st year seminar embedded in HUC 101 and will revise as necessary at the end of the 2016-2017 academic year. The program will also begin to restructure the LaGuardia Web Radio Station and has submitted recommendations to Academic Affairs including by laws, licensing requirements, and advisory board recommendations and staffing and equipment needs. The program will also increase their on line offerings. NMT will strengthen their advising capabilities by offering advising events for the first time working with a designated advisor to coordinate events and inform students of the multiple tracks now available which came out of the PPR recommendations. NMT will also hire a new faculty member in fall 2016 also based on the PPR recommendations.



Submit Date 06/06/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

C4a Target Academic Affairs Division Social Science Department

Development of social science research skills Students will learn how quantitative and qualitative research skills are important tools for accessing certain kinds of jobs. Complete development of option in Economics


5 faculty will carefully supervise students and evaluate them throughout assessment of the course. They will receive a final grade to evaluate on their learning of these research skills. Faculty will provide intellectual and social support for students to encourage them to present and provide feedback on their research. Faculty will evaluate the quality of the research. Brief questionnaires given to students attending events Student survey or assignment


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5 faculty in Psychology and History mentor students who have shown an interest in gaining experience doing research. Students in Social Science Courses will gain experience presenting their research to larger groups of students and faculty at Social Science Conferences that are held in spring and fall. These include three conferences a year organized by social science faculty in the Department, Criminal Justice, and Urban Studies. Careers in Social Science- Faculty From each discipline in the Department speak about their own career path including careers spent outside of academia Faculty who teach FYS time in liberal arts Psychology and Criminal Justice will spend time asking students to reflect on careers. They will assess their knowledge of possible careers for majors in these areas. They will also discuss the educational credentials required to enter into certain fields. Faculty will work with students to create graduation plans. Clubs connected to disciplines will invite speakers to discuss links between education and careers once a semester. Evaluations forms of events will be collected. One conference or event will highlight career possibilities in the labor market based on the knowledge and skills gained by studying Economics


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Library- Find occupational materials & other research tools about careers. Student clubs in Psychology, CJ, Economics, and History will bring speakers to highlight career options. Allocation from student government for clubs Representatives from the Transfer Office Work with Economics and Business Clubs


Submit Date 06/03/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

C4b Target Academic Affairs Division Humanities Department

To increase internship and employment opportunities in the Industrial Design Program in collaboration with ACE and NY Designs.


Interns placed and curricular revisions to reflect experential learning. Assessment

The Industrial Design Program will hire a full time Assistant Professor with industry experience and connections to strengthen our external internship and job opportunities working along with the Experiential Learning Manager. The program will also revise their curriculum to include a credit bearing Experiential Learning course. The program will also strengthen their advisory board with outside experts in the industry as well as the small business client base at NY Designs. Industrial Design will also partner with NY Designs to make internship and experiential learning opportunities through increased partnership with NY Designs and their small business client base



Submit Date 06/06/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

C4c Target Adult and Continuing Education Division VP of Adult and Continuing Education Office Department

Implement an employment and internship pipeline for students in ACE and credit programs by engaging 50 small businesses and achieving a 70% job fill rate of job orders received


Data will be recorded on the following assessment measures: number of small business engaged, job fill rate of job orders received, and length of time to fill a job Outcomes: Engage 50 small businesses in the pipeline and achieve a 70% job fill rate of job orders received by end of next year (2016)


Develop a process for filling jobs across the campus Create a system to match students to employer needs. Implement Simplicity (from Student Affairs) and adapt it to track small business employment pipeline Outreach to small business to develop jobs Hold small business employment roundtables from various industries


Over 100 small businesses have been engaged. There is a 72% job fill rate of job orders filled. There is also a 95% job fill rate for EMT and Paramedic.


Submit Date 06/02/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

C4d Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Design a new degree program in cybersecurity Objective

CS faculty review and approvalCollege governance approval Assessment

1. Design curriculum framework (Fall 2015)2. Develop new courses/revise existing courses (Fall 2015)3. Prepare a Program Proposal (Fall 2015)4. Seek approval by MEC Curriculum Committee, College-wide Curriculum Committee, and College Senate (Fall 2015)


All activities planned for this item have been postponed for the 2016-2017 academic year.


Submit Date 07/29/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

C4d Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Revise an articulation agreement with New York City College of Technology Objective


In consultation with NYCCT, identify existing courses to be revised/new courses to be developed (Fall 2015)Revise/create selected courses (Spring 2016)


The team of faculty from MEC and NYCCT is currently working on a formal articulation agreement. It is expected that a preliminary version of the agreement will be available in the beginning of the fall semester.


Submit Date 08/03/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

C4d Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Implement new Mobile App Development track and Game Development track Objective

CS faculty review and approvalCollege governance approval Assessment

Offer courses starting from Fall 2015 Identify target audience and advertise in appropriate media (Fall 15- Spring 16)


We organized two different information sessions to advertise all the tracks from New Media program. We also created a new advisory board for New Media program. We discussed about the ideas regarding advertising the new tracks. The main point of discussion was to make some possible changes to the curriculum so that the entire program can be made more beneficial to the students. We also met with the advisors and discussed about ways to reach out to students to let them know about the New Smartphone app and game development tracks. We also had discussions with NYCT about possible articulations of our tracks offered by the MEC program in New Media program.


Submit Date 07/29/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

C4d Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Investigate the development of Internet of Things (IoT) option within programming and Systems and Computer Technology.


CS faculty review and approval Assessment

Explore the application of 3D scanners and model building for game development. Define our IoT and identify new or existing courses (e.g., MAC-265), the use of Animatronics, robotics, drone, web cams, remote sensors, raspberry PI, etc. Look for connections with City Tech’s Entertainment Technology Department


In progress: Definition of IoT and indentification of new and existing courses like MAC 265 use of Animatronics, robotics, drone, web cams, remote sensors, raspberry PI, etc. The modification of MAC 265 is in progress.


Submit Date 07/29/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

C4d Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Review recommendations of the CS Advisory Board and implement as appropriate Objective

CS faculty review and approvalMEC/College governance approval (if needed) Assessment

Review recommendations of the CS Advisory Board (Fall 2015)Implement selected recommendations (Fall 2015 - Spring 2016)


At their fall meeting, the CS faculty have reviewed the recommendations of the Advisory Board and selected those to be implemented. Some of these recommendations were implemented in Spring 2016. In particular, syllabi of three MAC courses were submitted to the Board for review.


Submit Date 08/03/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

C4d Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Continue assessment of higher order competencies in computer programs Objective

Each section of every target course will deposit student artifacts in DigicationCS faculty approval Assessment

Implement course assignments for assessing the competencies in target courses and generate student artifacts (Fall 2015/Spring 2016)CS core competency team assesses the progress of the effort and recommends appropriate changes (Spring 2016)


The curriculum maps have been revised for all programs. New assignments were developed for the courses indicated on the curriculum maps. The assignments were implemented in Spring 2016 and student artifacts were deposited in Digication.olio system.


Submit Date 08/03/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

C4e Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Raise visibility of Women in STEM fields and increase enrollment/retention of women in STEM Objective

Attendance data, photos, surveys.Number of talks and presentations.Number of panelistsNumber of projects presented at the Annual Women in STEM day


Conduct talks by Women in STEM speakers discussing their work/research in STEM fields.Organize Panel Discussions with women in STEM as panelists sharing their experiences, difficulties, and successes throughout their STEM careers, providing guidance and serving as an inspiration for LaGuardia females and other underrepresented students in STEM.Organize meetings/discussions for diverse teams of students sharing their undergraduate research experiencesOrganize Annual Women in STEM Day – Exhibition of students’learning and research projects.


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1. On 11/5/15 MEC Women in STEM initiative jointly with Math Colloquium Towards STEM conducted an event featuring, among other things, mini-talks by female STEM faculty presenting their research. Two female faculty members were invited to present (one from MEC and another from NS) on topics “The Scientific Method and Reconstruction of Chaotic Attractors from Partial Observations” and “The role of linker histone H1 in blood tumor formation in Drosophila.” 2. On 11/24/2015 MEC Women in STEM initiative supported LaGuardia 5th Annual Psychology Conference by participating in Diversity in STEM: Panel Discussion Session. Presentation titled "Building a culture of social peer-based learning/e-learning... Does it help fighting STEM phobias?" was given. 3. On 12/9/15, the panel discussion “LaGuardia Women in Technology,” Round 1 was organized. 4. On 4/6/16, the panel discussion “LaGuardia Women in Technology/ Entrepreneurship,” Round 2 was organized. 5. On 5/5/16, LaGuardia Women in Tech presented Tech Fair and Project Exhibition where diverse teams of faculty and students presented their course-based and extra-curricular learning and research projects. 6. On 5/12/16, Joint Women in STEM and LaG_UIRP was held, where three presentations on interdisciplinary topics were done by students-researchers and their faculty-mentors. 7. On 5/25/16, ACM jointly with LaGuardia Women in Tech presented “Being a researcher: practical strategies for taming the angst and changing the world.” In general, MEC Women in STEM initiative makes a special emphasis on Women in Technology in 2015-2016 based on data indicating a specific need in this area as investigated by N. Mosina. Assessment done in Fall 2015: Attendance data, photo evidence, and satisfaction surveys were collected by the organizer. Number of talks/presentations = 3 Number of Panel Discussions = 1 (Number of Panelists = 5) Assessment done in Spring 2016: Attendance data, photo evidence, and satisfaction surveys were collected by the organizer. Number of talks/presentations = 4 Number of Panel Discussions = 1 (Number of Panelists = 5, number of attendees = 107) Number of WiT Tech Fairs = 1 (number of attendees = 240)


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Submit Date 07/29/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

C5a Target Academic Affairs Division Education and Language Acquisition Department

Programmatic development in International Studies


Courses are offered in 2016-17 academic year


New curriculum for the option Two new courses are being developed connecting language and global issues Courses will go through governance and Pathways


A new curriculum has been passed for International Studies. Two new courses were proposed. One was rejected by Liberal Arts Chairs, the other was accepted and moved through governance. Due to Chancellor's report contsraints it will be offered in Fall 2017.


Submit Date 05/26/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

C5a Target Academic Affairs Division Education and Language Acquisition Department

Make students aware of the benefits of L2 to make them more marketable


# of attendees Evaluation forms


Host Language Career Fair (Fall 2015)


150 students attended the Language Career Fair 459 students attended the International Mother Language Day celebration.


Submit Date 05/26/2016

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LaGuardia Community College Strategic Plan 2015-2016

C5b Target Academic Affairs Division Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Department

Offer opportunities to develop and assess Global Learning within MEC program offerings Objective

Sample assignments will be tested against the rubric established.IR will provide and analyze the student performance data in hybrid MAT107 and MAT108 sections


At least 3 sections of MAT107 and MAT108 will include quantitative-reasoning/problem-solving material in some global context, (e.g., metrics for free-trade, carbon emissions, global climate change, distribution of wealth)MAT120 course coordinators will integrate low-stakes QR activities (SENCER style) focusing on social and civic issues (in the context of the Engaging Mathematics Project) and environmental issues (from departmental initiatives)


At present, none of the majors have selected either MAT107, MAT108, MAT120 or MAT115 to provide assessment data for the Global Learning competency. Nonetheless, an assignment for MAT107 and MAT108 that provides baseline data for this competency has been developed during the spring of 2015. It will be updated to reflect the adjustments made to the Global Learning rubric over the summer. Assignments from the SENCER project that address civic and global issues have been developed and disseminated broadly. With minor modifications, they can be made available for assessment of Global Learning.


Submit Date 07/29/2016

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