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Strategic Meetings Management Program (SMMP)

Program Implementation

Current SituationInefficiencies

Overlapping and redundant workflows in the meeting and events category

1. Lack of SMM processes in place leads to multiple resources performing the same activities (e.g. calling hotels to check availability and rates, creating meeting budgets and templates, creating registration websites and/or surveys from scratch, etc.)

2. Lack of automation or multiple sources of automation used around the organization (e.g. Access, Excel, Survey Monkey, etc.)

According to research by Aberdeen, organizations can achieve the following through SMMP implementation:

• 55% savings in productivity using dashboards and reports

• 43% savings in productivity for budgeting current and future events

• 32% savings in productivity for travel management and lodging

Current SituationLost Savings Opportunities

Fragmented purchasing leads to:

1. Inability to develop a preferred supplier program with local hotels, hotel chains, Destination Management Companies, transportation companies and other frequently used suppliers.

2. Inability to fully leverage spend with suppliers due to transparency and lack of critical usage and spend data.

3. An inability to manage suppliers effectively due to the large volume of suppliers.

According to “Best Practices in SMM Strategic Sourcing,” a White Paper by Business Travel News (sponsored by Cvent) in 2011, found that “Corporations can achieve an average of 10 to 20% savings when they implement best practices in sourcing, processes and policy compliance.”

Current Situation Limited Visibility Into Meeting Activity

Limited visibility results in:

1. High risk factors associated with meetings, such as:

a. Global Duty of Care;

b. Attendee/traveler safety (not everyone travels to meetings by air);

c. Inadequate insurance coverage necessary for certain meetings; and

d. Unintended contractual risks.

2. Limited ability to manage compliance with corporate purchasing policies or legal processes such as:

a. Signature authority levels; and

b. Meetings contracted without the appropriate approvals

According to research by Aberdeen, “The gain of visibility into the strategic meetings space will reduce cost and improve savings by over 50%.”

Current SituationLimited Visibility Into Meeting Activity (cont’d)

3. Unawareness into:a. Cancelled space credits available for re-use;

b. Other penalty-related funds available for meetings;

c. Meetings that overlap in the same location resulting in lost opportunity to negotiate based on full financial impact; and

d. Cancellation of meetings due to unawareness of real-time Executive unavailability.

A study conducted by _____________ found that 40% of organizations had cancelled __________ meetings in the past year.

Objectives in Implementing an SMMP

1. Efficiency gains impacting:a. Cost savings;

b. Optimization of resources; and

c. Ability to re-allocate some resources (if needed).

2. Increased visibility and the creation of transparency in the meetings/event category:

a. Reduction in regulatory and legal risk to the organization.

3. Achieving significant cost savings and cost avoidance, freeing up overall, organizational meeting spend.

Objectives in Implementing an SMMP cont’d

4. Increased compliance with corporate policies, reducing exposure in such areas as:a. Regulatory requirements;

b. SOX compliance;

c. Non-compliance to brand standards;

d. Protection of confidential information; and

e. Prevention of corporate espionage.

5. Mitigation of risks associated with meetings, such asa. Safety and security;

b. Effective global organizational crisis planning and management; and

c. Insurance protection and meeting/event policies such as alcohol service, inappropriate venues and risky activities (parasailing, race car driving, etc.).

Risks to the Organization

1. Business operations and continuitya. Absence of the ability to create and manage crises associated with

meetings and events

2. Reputation of the organizationa. Unmanaged or mismanaged meetings and events

3. Branding and marketplace consistencya. Company logos and graphics distortion

b. Protection of confidential and proprietary information.

Risks to the Organization cont’d

4. Financiala. Lost savings and unmanaged credits with suppliers.

5. Compliance with legal and regulatory obligationsa. Sox Compliance

b. Sunshine Act (for Life Sciences)

c. Mandatory accurate reporting requirements

d. Obligation of every organization to ensure the safety and security of its travelers and meeting attendees

Risks Associated with Inaction

1. Continued inefficiencies and misallocated or even wasted resources.

2. Lack of necessary financial controls in the meeting/event category.

3. Inability to scale in order to manage increased volume or peak periods of meetings and events.

4. Inability to make decisions related to meetings and events based on sound business intelligence and data due to incomplete or the absence of reporting.

5. Exposure to losses due to unauthorized or inexperienced staff negotiating and/or signing meeting-related contracts.

6. Inability to quickly identify the location of all meeting attendees in the event of a crisis.

Proposed Strategy

1. Deploy state-of-the art meetings management technology

According to a study by Carlson Wagonlit Travel Management (2010), “Through the deployment of a technology solution, organizations are:

a. 70% more likely to hold real-time visibility through an enterprise-wide calendar

b. 76% more likely to hold real-time visibility into overall and individual meetings spend

c. 76% more likely to hold real-time visibility into Strategic Meetings Management data

Meetings management technology users can also expect:

d. A 73% higher rate of cost savings

e. Nearly 40% higher rate of compliance to corporate policies and guidelines related to meetings and events

f. 35% higher frequency of events meeting or exceeding goals and objectives

g. Nearly 30% higher frequency of meetings and events executed within or below budget

Proposed Strategy cont’d

2. Develop a communications plan to introduce SMM throughout the organization to include:

a. Stakeholder meetings

b. Lunch & Learn sessions

c. Email communications

d. Webinars by stakeholder group (occasional users, stakeholders, executives, etc.)

e. Announcements on Company intranet landing page

f. Endorsements from executives and/or internal clients

Proposed Strategy cont’d

3. Centralize hotel sourcing and contracting to subject matter experts

According to a 2013 survey by the Global Business Travel Association, some of the most successful parts of an SMM program include:• Having a policy in place, centralized sourcing/contracting services• A savings average of 11.2% off first quote, even after nine years of SMM

4. Engage stakeholder inputa. Develop a cross functional team and/or advisory council, including impacted

stakeholders and potential champions for input and practical “Next Steps to

a. Increase engagement

b. Optimize buy-in to the organization’s SMMP

Justification and Impacts

1. Cvent’s ROI Calculator shows a:

a. ___ % return on investment in meetings management technology in Year 1;

b. ___% ROI in Year 2; and

c. ___% ROI in Year 3.


Justification and Impacts

2. Meetings and events are a major spend category:

a. It is estimated that 10 – 25% savings can be achieved through the implementation of a robust SMMP aided by state-of-the-art technology; and

b. Meeting spend accounts for 25 to 40% of the organization’s annual travel spend or 1 to 3% of company revenues.


Expected Results

1. Ability to reallocate resources (if applicable and identify resource allocation and potential savings)

2. Cost savings

a. Year 1 = $______;

b. Year 2 = $_____;

c. Year 3 = $_____; and

d. $_____ estimated cost savings over initial three years

3. Automated approval process

a. Aids in ensuring a business objective is tied to meetings;

b. Ensures a budget has been establish and approved; and

c. Reduces the volume of “renegade” meetings activity.

Meetings management technology users experience a nearly 40% higher rate of compliance to corporate policies and guidelines related to meetings and events.

Expected Results cont’d

4. Increased transparency and visibility into meetings taking place and spend elements.

Industry data shows that SMM and meetings management technology users are:

• 70% more likely to hold real-time visibility through an enterprise-wide calendar

• 76% more likely to hold real-time visibility into overall and individual meetings spend

• 76% more likely to hold real-time visibility into Strategic Meetings Management data

Expected Results cont’d

5. Robust reporting capabilitiesKey Indicator Reports and Dashboards (available through Cvent’s technology platform) provide crucial meetings-related data. A few examples are:

i. Total number of meetings held annually;

ii. Average spend per meeting by meeting owner, division, business unit, organization;

iii. Suppliers used and spend per supplier;

iv. Sourcing/contracting savings and value of concessions negotiated;

v. Average lead time impact on cost; and

vi. Location/destination information.

6. ScalabilityMeetings management technology and outsourcing of some meeting support activity;

i. Enables control over demand management and peak periods of volume

SMMP Implementation Rollout Strategy

1. Attain Executive endorsement to strengthen rollout, messaging and ultimate success

2. Develop an implementation timeline with agreed-upon milestones

a. Update executives regularly on progress

3. Implement state-of-the-art meetings technology

4. Execute on communications plan

5. Provide necessary training for Meeting Approvers and impacted stakeholders

Beta test with a smaller group(s) to identify and resolve gaps or issues

SMMP Implementation Rollout Strategy cont’d

6. Automate the approval process

7. Register all meetings through meetings management technology platform:

a. Crucial meetings data can be obtained, shared and analyzed

8. Calendar meetings

a. Provides “at-a-glance” view of meetings taking place across the organization

9. Centralize hotel sourcing/contracting

a. Developed process for requesting sourcing support:

b. Developed process for providing availability reports:

c. Developed process for site and venue selection:

d. Developed process for addendum inclusion to ensure corporate compliance: and

e. Developed process for contracting.

Beta test with a smaller group(s) to identify and resolve gaps or issues