Download - Strategic Development Plan Of XIBER COMMUNE · poet), during Skenderbeu period, his family and especially his wife spent her leisure in Guri I Bardhe Castle with friends of their

Page 1: Strategic Development Plan Of XIBER COMMUNE · poet), during Skenderbeu period, his family and especially his wife spent her leisure in Guri I Bardhe Castle with friends of their

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1. The need andImportance of Preparinga Strategic Plan

2. Commune Profile2.1.Geographical

Position2.2. History overview2.3. Population2.4. Employment2.5. Education2.6. Health CareServices2.7. Local Economy

2.7.a. Natural Resources2.7.b. Agriculture2.7.c. Livestock

2.8. Infrastructureand services

Roads Electricity Drinking water

supply Sewage system Postal Service Telecommunication

2.9. Local governmentorganization

3. Situation Analyses4. Vision and Sector

Strategies5. Project Evaluation and

Priorities6. Implementation of the


Strategic Development Plan of Xiber Commune for 2009-2014 is themost important document in the field of the commune development

and it is essential in preparing the Commune Development Action Plans.This document identifies optimal strategic directions including quantity

and quality, within the framework of the commune development by takingin consideration thesegmented economicspaces. The followingdocuments were alsoused during preparationprocess: IntegrativePlan of the RegionalDevelopment of Dibra,prepared by the UNDP2005, and the nationalstrategy such as,Strategy of RuralDevelopment, Strategyof Tourism Develo-pment and PovertyReduction Strategy inthe Republic of Albania.

Strategic Plan ofXiber Communecontains a list of priordevelopment goalsbased on key characteristics of the commune, its problems, andforecasted future directions, in accordance with the perspective andtempo of national development.

Members of the Strategic Planning Groups have participated indesigning the strategic plan. The Core Group has been comprised ofthe representatives of the institutions of Xiber Commune, therepresentatives of business organizations (private and social sectors),representatives of NGOs and associations (civil society sector) whooperated within their competencies and by taking into consideration themethodological principles for designing the strategic plan.

Drafting of the Strategic Plan was assisted by the expert team ofthe ALPIN (Center for Regional and economic Development) andfunded by Dibra Regional Council. This fund is provided by theNetherlands Embassy for Strengthening the Effective Governance inDibra Region.

After the public hearing, final version of the Strategic Plan has beensubmitted to the Commune Council for adoption and approval

Strategic Plan of the Local Development of Xiber Commune will beimplemented through the Action Plan. This means that annual programs,prepared by the Mayor and approved by the Commune Council, will bedirected and tracked in the level of implementation by Actions of theStrategic Plan, which is opened for new recommendations and additionalmeasures due to the needs and new cases that may come up.


Petrit Hoxha, Mayor of Commune

Photo: Viron Kona

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Xiber Commune is one of 35 locative units of Dibraregion. It belongs to Mat district and it has a

surface of 80km2. It has a hilly-mountainous terrainwith little agricultural land and considerable low andhigh forests. It starts at an altitude of 400-600m up to1000 m.

Xiber-Murrize is the center of commune and it is40 km far from Burrel town. The roads are neitherasphalted nor in good conditions. The commune issituated 40 km far from Tirana and 65 km far fromPeshkopia. It is located along the axis of Arbri Road,an old road that used to connect Dibra with Tirana.

Xiber commune is bounded by Gurra commune,Martanesh commune, Klos municipality, and Zall-Bastar commune, which is part of Tirana District.

The commune is composed of 6 villages with apopulation of 4350 inhabitants that is 923 families.The villages are Xiber-Murrize, Xiber-Hane, Kete,Shkalle, Guri I Bardhe, and Petralbe.

Xiber is characterized by a Mediterranean climate,with hot dry summers and cold wet winters withsnowfalls occasionally.

The minimum temperature drops to - 5oC in winterand maximum temperature reaches 32oC in summer.


Since ancient and medieval times, Xiber used tobe an important commercial, historical, and

political centre. Proofs of this are the archeological excavations

in "Petralba" Castle in "Darsi" Mountain. Old bronzecoins, ceramic crocks and other Illyrian symbols have

been found in those archaeological ruins. The factsabove prove that Xiber has been an important centerduring Illyrian period.

Middle Age period has also been illuminated.According to professor Dhimiter Shuteriqi it isbelieved that Petralba Castle, Guri i Bardhe Castle,and Xiber Castle in Darsi Mountain have been thecenter of Arbri Tribe. According to Barlet (the Albanianpoet), during Skenderbeu period, his family andespecially his wife spent her leisure in Guri I BardheCastle with friends of their family.

Xiber inhabitants are well known for their wisdom,intelligence, hospitality, bravery and a community witha good will for education. This region has generatedoutstanding personalities who have contributed andplayed an important role in politics historicalsearches, and Albanian culture like Pjeter Budi, HafuzIbrahim Dalliu, Abdi Baleta etc.

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Xiber has a population of 4350 inhabitants and itis concentrated in 6 villages of the commune.

Demographic movements, characteristic of the entireDibra region have affected Xiber as well. Thesemovements had a tendency toward metropoliscenters mainly, such as Tirana and Durres.

Demographic data according to the inhabited centersNo VILLAGES No. Of POPULATION No. Of FAMILIES.

1 XIBËR-MURRIZË 1138 2212 XIBËR-HANË 927 181

3 KETE 613 103

4 SHKALLË 584 1475 PETRALBË 413 119

6 GURI I BARDHË 675 152

KOMUNA 4350 923

2.4) EMPL2.4) EMPL2.4) EMPL2.4) EMPL2.4) EMPLOOOOOYMENTYMENTYMENTYMENTYMENT420 families out of 923, are treated with monthly socialassistance with an annual budget of 138 000 000 Lekand 68 people are disabled. The population dealsmainly with farming, animal husbandry, fragrant andmedicinal herbs, and other services for thecommunity. In this commune, there are 6 privatebusinesses operating, mainly shops, and otherservices like small bars and cafés, which are locatedin the center of the commune and in some othervillages as well. A small number of inhabitants areemployed in public sectors such as; Education, HealthService, Commune Administration, Postal Service,and a part of the population benefit pensions.

No Sector

1 Businesses 18- 7 shops- 7 transport vehicles- 2 bars- 1 restaurant- 1 alloy of aluminum work

2 Education 553 Health Service 104 Electrical Corporation 25 Commune Administration 166 Forestry sector 37 Rural maintenance enterprise 18 Postal service 19 Retirements 350

Number ofemployees

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2.5) EDUCA2.5) EDUCA2.5) EDUCA2.5) EDUCA2.5) EDUCATIONTIONTIONTIONTIONIn Xiber commune education is fulfilled by:

primary education secondary education (9- grade school) high education

Despite of the fact that the community is pro-education, the conditions and quality of education arenot satisfying. Xiber has one high school, three 9-year schools, and 7 elementary schools.

Recently, education level leaves much to bedesired. This is due to certain reasons such as;teaching process, teachers are neither qualified normotivated, lack of interest and contribution ineducation from the community’s side, and paucity ofknowledge that doesn’t correspond to the demandsof labour market.

Due to the difficult economical conditions, highschool becomes less frequented, since too manyyouths emigrate.

Statistic Data about schools and staff are given below:


Health Care Center is placed in the center ofcommune and it is supplied with a small number

of beds that make it look like a small hospital. Itprovides a 24 hours service. There is 1 doctor and10 midwife-nurses that serve in this center, positionedin different villages. The center has got oneambulance which is old and not in good conditions.There is also a primaryhealth care in each village.Pharmaceutics and Dental services are missing inthis commune.

Elementary Education 258 29 11 17/1 20/1 154 14Secondary Education 282 20 16 17/1 20/1 164 12High Education 63 6 4 17/1 20/1 38 4Commune 603 55 31 17/1 20/1 356 30

Education No. pupils No.teachers




No. offemalepupils

No. offemale


No Villages Personnel FacilitiesDoctor Nurse

1 Xiber-Murrizë 1 42 Xiber-Hane 1 Health post3 Kete 1 -ii-4 Shkallë 1 -ii-5 Petralbë 1 -ii-6 Guri i Bardhë 2 -ii-

Komuna 1 10

Health care center

picturesque places such as water sources are agood opportunity for developing tourism in thiscommune.

Forests belong mainly to the commune and theyhave a great importance to the community. They arenot too high generally. The commune have 1253.70ha forest and pasture and 913 is oak forest. Theforests provide wood as combustible material, foodfor livestock and medicinal herbs for them to collect.

Xiber is also very rich in water sources. We canpoint out the Gurra e Gurit te Bardhe, Gurra e Dishajt,Gurra e Llapushit, Perroi i Lezedres. Etc, whichimportant for hydropower.

Xibri's fauna is very rich in different kinds of livingbeings, animals and poultry. We can mention the wolf,bear, fox, hare, partridge, wood pigeon etc.


Xiber has a fantastic natural landscape with amiscellaneous nature. It starts at lowlands up to

hills and mountains, clad in diverse forests of oaktrees, chestnut trees, walnut trees etc. Numerous

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Animal husbandry is more developed thanagriculture. We can say that agriculture

serves mainly to animal husbandry as theamount of crops planted is mostly utilizedfor livestock feed. Cattle and perissodactylsare mostly bred in lowland, while smalllivestock such as sheep and goats are bredin highland. Many inhabitants of Xiber haveincreased recently the number of livestock,as well as meat and milk production.Because of this, some stimulation ofinvestments is needed in animal productionprocessing and subvention of farmers toform their own speciality


Despite of being the basis of local economy,agriculture in Xiber commune is undevelopedbecause of small and hilly agricultural land.Agriculture here, as in the entire region, is facing alot of problems. The land divided in small parcels,lack of mechanization, lack of pesticides andfertilizers, problems with irrigation in some parts ofit, and such are some of the obstacles that havehindered agriculture and left it undeveloped.

Villages Cattle Sheep Goat Perissodactyl PoultryXibër-Murrizë 250 300 350 60 1200Xiber - Hane 220 250 320 50 1000Kete 90 260 290 40 800Shkalle 120 210 250 55 900Guri i Bardhe 180 280 210 60 950Petralbe 100 190 220 35 700Commune 970 1490 1640 300 5550


Production Wheat Corn Potato Vegetables Oat Melon Fodder BeansQuantitykv/ha 45 50 350 566 25 355 339 10Surface. Ha 50 25 10 21 10 6 285 5

No. The source type Amount Exploited Unexploited

1 Pasture 340 ha Yes

2 Forest 913 ha Partly

3 Land

4 Stream for hydro power plants 4 2 HC Concession permition

6 Water sources 5 1 factory Request

7 Mineral sources - -

Below are shown the surfaces of all agricultural main productions

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No The Service type Description Present state

1 Roadinfrastructure

Roads are main concern of the commune. Thiscommune has 16 km internal rural roads and 22kmroad that connects the commune with main road. Theroads are either damaged or do not exist at all.

- Bad,- Bad

2 Water supply The lack of provision with drinking water continuesto be a problem for the community here. The mainwater supply project, which could solve the issue ofpotable water hasn't been finalized yet. Some watersupply systems are out of order as they operate witha pumping system, which has a high cost, and thecommune can't afford it.

- Bad

3 Sewage system Totally missing. Septic holes are used. - Too Bad

4 Telecommunication There is no exact system, it is covered by the mobilesystem GSM with two main mobile phone companiesAMC and Vodafone

- Normal

5 Power Supply Power grid and cabins are too depreciated. Thecommune has got 8 power cabins. Yet, there is limitationin supplying with electric power, during night there is nopower at all, during day they are supplied in reducedtime.

- Bad

6 Postal Service There is a post service and one mailman in thecommune that fulfill the needs of population

- Normal

Infrastructure and services are the weakest point ofcommune. As follows, there will be given their

description, but we can say that services are totallymissing or they are services of poor quality that havebeen offered to community. This happens for certain

reasons; because the area is hinterland, there is notinvested monetary found in this direction, good projectsand suitable programs have missed, terrain is verytough and villages are located far away from each-other. These are some of the considerations

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BBBBB..... DISAD DISAD DISAD DISAD DISADVVVVVANTANTANTANTANTAAAAAGESGESGESGESGESPoor road infrastructure.Lack of drinking water.Lack of power and other basic services forcommunity.Bad quality of medical and education service.Lack of effective plans and strategies.Weak local structures, insufficient local capacitiesfor modern and effective management of naturalresources and territory.Lack of investments in Xiber from government andpowerful donors.Huge demographic movementsLack of plans and concrete measures for Xiberdevelopment.Lack of irrigation systems.Erosion in some areas and villages.

A .A .A .A .A . ADADADADADVVVVVANTANTANTANTANTAAAAAGESGESGESGESGESConstructing Arber Road will shorten the distanceof Xiber to Tirane, Diber, and FYROM (Macedonia).The investments and the prices of real estateswill increase.Great natural resources of water and forests.Picturesque landscape.Hydro richness for small power plants.Strong and hardworking character of Xiberinhabitants.Private sector development.Emigration in large numbers brings in financialincomes.Bio products from agriculture and livestock.Governmental favorable policies for unfavorableterritories.Regional and rural development in focus of thedonors.Programs from Region.


Structure of Commune

Since 1991, with the new administrative division,Xiber belongs to the first level governance, i.e. it

has the status of a commune. The administration ofthe commune is hired by the mayor of the commune.The mayor him/herself is elected through direct votingby the electorate of the commune, whilst the decisionmaking structure of the commune is the CommuneCouncil that is composed of representatives ofpolitical parties; the level of representation of variouspolitical parties in CC depends on the percentagesof votes that political subjects get in the local election.

Every village has its village elder who is electedby representatives of the neighborhoods.

Some associations have recently created andthey are dealing with different issues such as forests,potable or irrigation water. There are differentcommissions dealing with conflict resolutions,property issues etc.

Commune has got its own administration thatconsists of 16 employers, Mayor of Commune,Services Office, Finance Office, Agriculture Office,Duty-taxing Office, Social service Office, Archive -Management Office and Communal Police.

Commune Council consists of 13 councilors(advisers)

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VISION:VISION:VISION:VISION:VISION:Xiber Commune in 2014 is going to be:

An area with repaired and asphalted roads,with bridges, water supplies, electrical power.Supplied with schools and medical servicesthat fulfill the needs of the inhabitants of Xiber.With an effective local administration.A region where people may be proud of, forits beauty, history, tradition and where theycan breathe fresh air. Incomes will hail fromanimal farming, agriculture, and goodmanagement of natural mineral recoursesand tourism.


1. Ensure the local economic developmentthrough animal farming and agriculturedevelopment, good management ofnatural mineral resources, hydro andtouristy sources.

2. Improve and build a suitable, functionalinfrastructure for Xiber community.

3. Ensure satisfactory social development,with better conditions for education,health care, and culture.

4. Strengthen the local governance inorder to become capable in respondingto developments and communityrequirements with quality,professionalism, and transparence.

OBJECTIVE 1:OBJECTIVE 1:OBJECTIVE 1:OBJECTIVE 1:OBJECTIVE 1:Enhancement and rehabilitation of publicServices and road infrastructure for Xibercommune and establishment of optimalconditions for tourism development.

Actions:Preparation of technical projects accordingto required standards.Rehabilitation of the main road that connectsthe commune to Tirane. Improvement of roadinfrastructure that connects the villages withthe main road.Increase and ensure the investment fordrinking water supply.Projects and investments to systematizesewage systems for the largest villages of thecommune.Improvement of provision with electric powerfor population, by investing in cabins, inexisting electrical grid and other hydrosources.Increase the fund in annual budget forinfrastructure maintenance. INFRASTRUCTURE ANDINFRASTRUCTURE ANDINFRASTRUCTURE ANDINFRASTRUCTURE ANDINFRASTRUCTURE ANDPUBLIC SERVICESPUBLIC SERVICESPUBLIC SERVICESPUBLIC SERVICESPUBLIC SERVICES


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OBJECTIVE 2.1:OBJECTIVE 2.1:OBJECTIVE 2.1:OBJECTIVE 2.1:OBJECTIVE 2.1:Increase the quantity of BIO production upto 20%, in agriculture and in animalhusbandry in Xiber Commune.

Actions:Increase productivity of milk and meatproduction by means of improving the breedof cattle and livestock.Increase and register all the heads of livestockin commune.Increase the surface of viniculture.Rehabilitate agricultural infrastructure withirrigation system, mechanics, seeds, andother supporting means.Offer technical assistance to the farmers incommune.Encourage the farmers' specialization andinstitutional support from commune in orderto benefit from subvention scheme and otherprojects from Ministry of Agriculture anddifferent donors.Encourage milk and fruit processing incommune, support them to trade in marketwith their own trademark, and build up a dairy.Increase lobbying and promotion forprotection of local production as BIOproductions.

OBJECTIVE 2.2:OBJECTIVE 2.2:OBJECTIVE 2.2:OBJECTIVE 2.2:OBJECTIVE 2.2:Increase incomes by means of effectivemanagement of natural resources.

Actions:Change-over to the commune's propertyforests and pasture that are within thecommune territory.Support the Association of CommunalForests and Pastures for implementing themanagement planEncourage the community to collect andaccumulate other forest productions such asmedicinal herbs etc.Register the real estate and properties thatare transferred to Commune's property.Increase the investments in the areas thathave been damaged from erosion.


Local Economic Development is considered in 3main aspects:

Agriculture and animal husbandrydevelopment.Tourism developmentGood management of natural resources.

OBJECTIVE 2.3:OBJECTIVE 2.3:OBJECTIVE 2.3:OBJECTIVE 2.3:OBJECTIVE 2.3:Intensification of institutional efforts fortourism development in Commune

Actions:Draw up tourism development plan.Increase efforts for tourism promotion in Xiber.Increase capacities and realization of theinhabitants of Xiber, and businessmen thatwill be involved in Tourism. Insert Tourism as a priority of the demands,the commune's administration work, and ofother supporting actors as well.Increase collaboration with the agencies andorganizations that get engaged in tourismdevelopment and tourism business.Create and invest in pilot models that developtourismMake out rules and policies that favor tourism,by commune decision -making organ.

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OBJECTIVE:OBJECTIVE:OBJECTIVE:OBJECTIVE:OBJECTIVE:Increase the quality of education servicefor Xiber Community

Actions:Increase investments for education facilitiessuch as buildings, equipment, etc.Increase efforts for teacher's trainings.Good collaboration with Education Directoratein order to apply as well as possible theeducation approaches in commune.Stimulate the community to contribute inenhancing education quality.


OBJECTIVE:OBJECTIVE:OBJECTIVE:OBJECTIVE:OBJECTIVE:Improve the quality of health careservice.

How to be achieved:Increase investments for the facilities andinfrastructure of health centers.Offer a better and prompt health service foreach village of the communeIncrease financial funds and commune's caretoward services in commune's health center.Improve nursing toward mother and childrenBuild up Primary Health Care-s in the villageswhere there isn't one yet.Good cooperation with public health serviceleaders in commune and in the region. GOOD LOCAL GO GOOD LOCAL GO GOOD LOCAL GO GOOD LOCAL GO GOOD LOCAL GOVERNVERNVERNVERNVERNANCEANCEANCEANCEANCE

OBJECTIVE:OBJECTIVE:OBJECTIVE:OBJECTIVE:OBJECTIVE:Increase professional services towardcitizens through managing effectivelyand transparently public funds.

Actions:Establishment of suitable conditions withfacilities and supplies for Commune staff.Increase the capabilities of the commune staffand decision makers by means of trainingsfrom Training Unit in the Region Council andother NGO-s.Increase participation of the community indecision making.Increase collaboration with all governmentsupporting actors in commune.Increase the collaboration with structures ofDibra Regional Council.

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The Working Groups that were set up during thestrategic planning process identified critical

issues related to local development. Members of theCore Group have actively participated in the activitiesof the Working Groups and defined 24 projects, outof which 10 were selected as prior.

The prior projects were selected based on sevencriteria:

1. Impact on operational and strategic goals2. Feasibility3. Timeframe


4. Impact on investments, development, andestablishment of new jobs

5. Participation of private sector6. Competitiveness with other goals projects7. Special significance of the project based

on the assessment of Working Group

For the criteria1- 6, the selection was made byscores in the scale 1-4. The Working Groupintroduced an additional criterion (1-3 points) for theproject that would contribute the most in achievingthe goal for the concrete critical issue.

List of Prior projects and activities by Fields

No Project Area Implementer Cost Ranking

1 Construction of CommuneCenter-Tirana road

Infastructure Commune with ADFand CG

N/A 20

2 Asphalting Qaf Shkoze-QafUjk road.

Infastructure Commune with ADFand CG

40 000 000 20

3 Water supply in Guri i Bardhe Service Commune with ADFand CG

15 000 000 19

4 Water supply in Shkallevillage

Service Commune with ADFand CG

13 000 000 19

5 Water supply in Xiber-Murrize village

Service Komuna me Communewith ADF and CG

13 000 000 18

6 Water supply in Xiber-Hanevillage

Service Commune with ADFand CG, RC

14 000 000 18

7 Water supply in Kete Village Service Commune with ADFand CG

13 000 000 18

8 Irrigation Canals in:· GuriBardhe · Xiber-Murrize·Xiber-hane · Kete

Agriculture Commune withMinistry of Agricultureand WB

40 000 000 17

9 Build up Kindergartens ineach village.

Education Commune withMinistry ofEducation

12 000 000 17

10 Reconstruction of Guri i Bardhe9-grade school building.

Education Commune withMinistry ofEducation


11 Reconstruction of Kete 9-grade school

Education Commune withMinistry ofEducation


12 Reconstruction of Xiber -Murrize elementary school

Education Commune withMinistry ofEducation

9 600 000 15

13 Build up Health Centers inthe villages that are missing.

Haelth Commune withMinistry of Health

2 000 0002 000 0002 000 000


14 Construct 2 hydro powerplants.

Economy Bisnesi N/A 14

5 000 000

11 000 000

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P.S. Arberi road is the main priority of the commune, because the Tirana metropolis will be 30 minutesfar from the commune.

Nr Projektet Fusha Përgjegjësit Kostoja Vlerësimi

16 Build up a dairy Agroproduction Bisnesi N/A 12

17 Reconstruction of commune’soffices

Governance Commune 3 000 000 12

18 Build up an informative officefor the community.

Governance Commune and RC 1 500 000 11

19 Computerize the offices. Governance Komune withdonors

1 000 000 11

20 Open an ethnographicmuseum

Culture Commune with Ministryof Culture, tourism,sport and youth

3 000 000 11

21 Design a plan for tourismdevelopment

Tourism Commune with SNV N/A 10

22 Touristy guidebook for thearea

Tourism Commune with SNV N/A 10

23 Staff Trainings. Governance Commune withTraining Unit

N/A 10

24 Compile a manual of ethicsand rules for the commune’sadministration

Governance Commune with NGO N/A 9

Total 200 000 000

15 Set up an enterprise forpotable water production forthe market

Economy Bisnesi N/A 13

Foto: Faruk Kaba

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This plan is feasible since it is designed accordingto the demands of the community, real objectives,

and the real existing state. The opinions of potentiallocal actors are the bases of the plan. Good modelswill also be taken in consideration as well as theMillennium Development Goal and NationalDevelopment strategy.Plani synon të realizojë çështjet kritike që lidhen me:

The plan has critical issues like:• Solving out urgent problems, by

increasing the investments and efforts ininfrastructure and basic services.

• Local economic development, byenhancing and supporting the farmers in orderto increase the BIO production and to startthe Tourism Development.

• Human resorce development , byincreasing the efforts for improving theconditions in Education, Health,andGovernance in order to achive a good socialdevelopment

Projects: Through 24 projects in Infrastructure,Education, Health, Economic development, Tourism,Agriculture,and through an effective Governance thevisions and goals of the strategic plan will be achieved.Ten of these projects are the most prior ones, and willbe implemented during the first and second year bythe commune.

Funds: the total budget for implementing theseprojects is approximately 200 100 000 leke. In orderto implement the 10 prior projects, the necessarybudget is about 165 000 000 leke. This budget will beprovided by the local incomes, governmental grants,and different investment by the donors and cetralgovernment.

Implementing actors: the mayor of the communeand his administration, are the main responsiblestructures for implementating the strategic plan. Theywill professionally design and display the projects and

will present the annual budget plan for approval to thecommune council. After the approval of the annual planthey will follow up the implementation of the plan everyyear. They will manage their funds and seek for otheradditional funds from central governement, donors,grants etc. The commune council will be the decisionmaker, supporter and monitor of the iplementation ofthe strategic plan according to the community demandsand legal frame.

Other actors (partners and donors):CentralGovernment, with its ministries like Internal, Education,Health, Public Trasport and Telecommunication, Finance,Agriculture,and Environmental in partership with theRegional Departments will be the main supportersthrough their programs, investments and grants.

Regional Council (RC), will support throughtechnical assistance,as a facilitator of theintercommunal cooperation, promoter of thecrossborder cooperation and fund provider.

Donors: ADF (Albanian Develoment Fund) mainfocus investing in infastructure, WB (World Bank)the main investment in different programmes forAgriculture, Forest, Natural Resource Management,Tourism etc. SNV provide the tecnical assistance inagriculture, forests and tourism. WorldVision the maininvestments in Education and Governance, EU

Through their Embassies, with programmes indifferent fields of economy, environment, socialaspects etc. They are the main donors that work inDibra region.

Local actors: local NGO like ALPIN in regional andrural development, Forest User Federation focus inenvironmental field, Agritra-Vizion that works with ruralwomen and rural development, are the most solidorganizations that contribute and support the communeto implement the strategic plan in professional ways.

Farmers, local businessmen will contribute asinvestors and will be the main beneficiaries of thestrategic plan.

Foto: Faruk Kaba