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Page 1: Strategic and Financial Planning at St. Petersburg College A look at SPOL and the Process.

Strategic and Financial Planning at St. Petersburg College

A look at SPOL and the Process

Page 2: Strategic and Financial Planning at St. Petersburg College A look at SPOL and the Process.

Planning at St. Petersburg College

Strategic and Financial Planning Our Strategic Planning System


Page 3: Strategic and Financial Planning at St. Petersburg College A look at SPOL and the Process.

Institutional Effectiveness

Oversight Committees


Strategic Directions/Institutional Objectives

Unit Plans


Year-End Reports



Environmental Data


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Planning And Budgeting Calendar

1. Administer Enrolled Student


5. Oversight Group Reports Due

2. Share Prior Year Survey Results,

Educational Outcomes

Nov DecOct Jan Mar AprFeb May Jun Jul

3. General Education, End of Program Assessments,

Program Reviews

4. Unit Plan End of Year Reports

6. President Cabinet Review Key Information

Source Data

7. Update Strategic Directions/ Institutional


8. Board Approves Strategic Directions &


9. Cabinet Establishes Budget Guidelines; Units

begin Unit Plans & Budgets

10. Provosts Develop Faculty-Staffing Plans

11. Unit Plans completed; Submitted to Cabinet


12. Members submit ranked plans to “Unit Planning & Budget Committee”

13. Master Unit Plan brought to Cabinet; Cabinet Budget

Meetings Begin

14. Budget Completed; Approved by Cabinet; Submitted to Board

15. General Education, End of Program, Program Review

Reports Due

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Planning And Budgeting CalendarState of Florida

Nov DecOct Jan Mar AprFeb May Jun Jul Aug Sep

Commissioner of Education Appropriations

Budget Proposal

Governor’s Budget


Senate Budget(s)

House Budget(s)

Conference Committee


Final Appropriations


Community College Chancellor’s Appropriations

Budget Proposal

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Strategic Planning at the Unit Level

Develop/Review the Unit’s Purpose Statement

What the unit must accomplish to be successful. Articulated in a short paragraph.

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Steps in the process (Key stakeholders brainstorm)

What Information Sources Identify Success

Assessment Tools and Success Factors may need to be developed.

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Planning Issues to Considered

Students/customers satisfaction: Are students learning? Are customer pleased with service/product?

Internal satisfaction: Are we supporting our faculty/employees ?

Societal satisfaction: Are we meeting the community’s needs?

Financial performance: Are we being good stewards of our tax dollars?

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Developing Objectives – Outcomes Oriented

Recurring objectives - Dashboard type items

On your recurring objectives articulate what you have to do to be successfully every year to accomplish the purpose of your unit

Tactical Objectives

Short range

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Strategic Planning

Characteristics of Objectives Specific

Measurable (How do you know what you believe you know)

What assessment instrument (report, focus group, survey, State Directive…) made you believe that improvement such as an increases, decreases, expansion… in something was necessary or required.

Desired outcomes




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Strategic Planning

Example of recurring objectives and information sources /assessment tools

1. Graduation RatesFact book/State Reports

2. Success on State ExamsFact book/State Reports

3. Licensure RatesFact book/State Reports

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Strategic Planning

Example of tactical objectives/ new initiatives:

1. Increase remedial math students' performance in the 01M area on the exit test to an average correct score of 70% by the end of the 2006 academic year. Departmental Reports

2. Increase the number of students enrolled in MAT 201 by 5% over the previous year.

SPC Enrollment Reports

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Unit Plans based on data How do you know what you believe you know?


What has your unit done in the past?

What is your unit capable of doing?

What would be an “aggressive” objective if you optimize your process?

No hard fast line between recurring and tactical objectives.

Recurring objectives may have more of an maintenance orientation.

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More on Measurements

Productivity Number of W’s Class size

Student/customer satisfaction: Students: SSIs, Gen Ed assessments, surveys, grades, time

to enroll External Reviews

SACS: results of strategic planning & student learning, use of results for improving courses/core processes

FLDOE (done at the college level): disaggregated results (ethnic, gender), transfer success

Internal satisfaction: On-time, work completed, training, pay

Societal satisfaction: Meeting the needs of our community

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Strategic Planning

Task/Action Plans

Describes what actually needs to be done

Schedule coursesTeach coursesRegister studentsPay faculty

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New Planning Tool

SPOL - Strategic Planning On LineDeveloped by IRCC Integrated Web based planning systemBegan using in 2005-06 Planning Cycle

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Advantages of SPOL fromthe Planning Unit Perspective

Global view of strategic planning

Awareness of planning efforts of peers

Impact of plans on other departments

Share with and learn from others

Has given the department focus

Availability of web-based data

Understanding of institutional processes

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Assessment Planning

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Easy to navigate

Visually stimulating

Quality content

Intuitively understood

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Strategic Planning On-Line

SQL database


Integrated systems

Intensive study of user issues and habits

FIPSE Grant – Best Practices

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History of SPOL

Bottom up processes

Broad-based participation

Shift to paperless systems

Budget planning and strategic planning are integrated

Two systems were integrated

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Rationale for Integration Strategic & Budget Planning

Good practice to precede budget planning with sound educational planning

Both processes involve the same people

Occur at the same time of year

Processes shape and inform one another

Budget is part of the short-range plan

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Begin with entering your unit’s objectives. To do so, click on the “Objective” tab on the Main Menu.

Click on your Unit.

Click on the “New Objective” tab on the upper right hand corner of the screen

Put most important objectives first, ie: measurable, aggressive and time factor

In your Objectives description use words such as “Improve”; “Increase”, “Decrease”; and “Enhance”

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Click on “Objective Type” “More Info” button to select your objective type.

Next click on “Strategic Objectives” button “More Info” button to select your strategic objective that is relevant to your objective.

Once you enter the Objective, click “Save”

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Once you have entered the Objective, Click on the “Task” tab and enter the number of the order of preference. If you do not enter a number for the order of preference, the system will automatically enter your Objectives in the order that you entered them into SPOL.

Click “New”

Date Field: (If you click outside the screen – check bottom of screen to find another screen) Date field is not necessary to complete.

Managers can add multiple “Tasks”, by just clicking “New”. Enter your Task Click Save

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Assessment Measures

Click “New” and enter data and click “Save”

Managers can add multiple “Assessment Measures”, by just clicking “New”.

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Units Impacted

Enter data and click “Save”

Managers can add multiple “Units Impacted”, by just clicking “New”

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Unit Purpose

The “Unit Purpose” can be reviewed and changed if necessary

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SPOL Mid-Year ReportsUsually completed after Christmas Break

Go to SPC Home Page

Click on the “Employee” tab on the right hand side of the page

Enter your “password” and “username”

This will bring you to “Staff Central”

Scroll down mid way on the page to the middle column and click on “Unit Plans & Budget”

Click on “Login to SPOL”

Enter “password” and “username”

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SPOL Mid-Year Reports

Go under 2007-2008 fiscal year tab

Click on “Objectives”

Click on “Status Report” tab. Click “New” button. Enter a statement as to the success/failure of this Objective. For example: Success Rate

Unit Purpose – Just be aware of Purpose. This can be done at the Main Menu – Objectives

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SPOL End-of-Year Reports

Usually completed after July and before Christmas

Go under 2006-2007 fiscal year tab

Click on “Objectives”

Two tabs to be completed

Click on “Results” tab. Enter a statement as to the success/failure of this Objective.

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SPOL End-of-Year Reports

Click on “Use of Results” tab

Enter a statement as to what happened over the year that improved your program focus on Student learning and success

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New SPOL version likely with the next planning cycle

Look of the system will change

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Strategic and Financial Planning at St. Petersburg College

A look at SPOL and the Process