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Eleanor White

WORK IN PROGRESS - frequent updates, check the page number/date/tmestamp t! see f "!u ha#e the $atest #ers!n%

&& NO' (OP)RIG*'E+ &&

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Page numbers are n!t g#en here, as ths b!!k$et $$ be updated frequent$" hen nenf!rmat!n bec!mes a#a$ab$e and mantanng page numbers n the c!ntents s m!re !rkthan Im ab$e t! pr!#de%

Purp!se !f 'hs .!!k$et and (aut!nar" N!tes


4% 5u$anne 2cKnne"s Successfu$ 6-Rad! 0nt-78S (!untermeasure8% E$ean!r Whtes E2 She$dng E9perment :'!ta$ .ed Enc$!sure;<% 'he =2cKnne" Patch> (!unteracts E9treme ?atgue@% Sgna$ E#as!n E9permentsA% ?$e9b$e She$dng 2atera$ E9permentsB% ?arada" (age E9perments6% E$ectrca$$" (harged She$dng E9perments :Inc$udes R!ger '!$ces =E$ectr!statca$$"  (harged Egg> She$ded Enc$!sure success;C% 0ct#e +e#ce (!untermeasure E9permentsD% Water as She$dng E9perments4% Ge$ Packs as She$dng E9perments44% Rubber as She$dng E9perments48% Gr!undng E9perments4<% Sheet 2eta$ as She$dng E9perments4@% +sgused *ead She$dng4A% E$ean!r Whtes .ref 2agnetc Pu$se E9perment4B% 2agnets 0ganst the .!d" E9perments

DD% 2sce$$ane!us (!untermeasure E9perments


4% Sat!!th E? a#ef!rm !bser#ed b" E$ean!r Whte8% E$ean!r Whtes EEG and GSR E9perments<% G!$dfsh 0pparent$" Shunnng Restaurant Perpetrat!rsF@% E$ectr!magnetc +etect!r E9permentsA% S$eep Stud" E9permentsB% Specfc 'est Equpment E9perments6% E$d!n ."rds 7!ce t! Sku$$ +etect!n E9permentC% R!ger '!$ces Estmate !f Imp$anted 'argets

DD% 2sce$$ane!us +etect!n E9perments

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4% Rec!rdng EEG Wth 2atchng !g !f 'mes and Effects

 04% G$!ssar"

 08% S!urces

 0<% 'ps

4% +etermnng f )!ur (amera !r (amc!rder s Senst#e t! Infrared8% 1sng =+-submn> Pns f!r E9permenta$ Wrng<% +etectng 1$tras!und@% +etectng Infras!undA% Ine9pens#e Osc$$!sc!pesB% ?requenc" (!unters6% Spectrum 0na$"ersC% Ph!t!graphng 0n"thngD% Ph!t!graphng 0n!ma$!us umps !n )!ur .!d"

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Purpose of This Booklet and Cautionary Notes

'he purp!se !f ths b!!k$et s t! rec!rd the c!untermeasure and detect!n e9permentsperf!rmed b" targets !f !rganed sta$kng and e$ectr!nc harassment f!r use b" targets !f!rganed sta$kng and e$ectr!nc harassment :OS/E*%;

N!te (0RE?1)H 0t tme !f $ast update, e ha#e n! c!untermeasure !r detect!n meth!dhch s assured !f fu$$" st!ppng e$ectr!nc assau$ts, !r c!n#ncng$" detectng the e$ectr!ncassau$ts% ." =c!n#ncng$"> I mean a detected assau$t s accepted as pr!!f !f assau$t b"pub$c !ffca$s% 0s a resu$t, c!untermeasure and detect!n e9perments c!ntnue t! bespecu$at#e, and targets sh!u$d n!t n#est res!urces :m!ne", tme, strength !r h!pe; n an"e9perment here the target cann!t aff!rd t!ta$ $!ss !f res!urces%

'here s n! guarantee that f !ne target has success, !ther targets $$ e9perence the same$e#e$ !f success%

Rep!rts !f e9perments are e$c!me f!r addt!n here% P$ease tr" t! keep the rep!rt t! !ne !rt! pages% Ph!t!s are e$c!me%

 0$$ submss!ns must be (OP)RIG*' ?REE% (!p"rghtng, n ths unusua$ OS/E* crmeen#r!nment, hampers the free dstrbut!n !f nf!rmat!n%

Submss!ns ab!ut test equpment readngs sh!u$d nc$ude the make and m!de$ !f the tester,and #er" mp!rtant$", the S(0E SE''INGS used% If "!u d!nt ha#e that nf!rmat!n "!u ma"st$$ submt, but t s far m!re he$pfu$ hen the settngs "!u used are a#a$ab$e%

'hs e-b!!k$et tt$ed ='ech 'a$k> s rec!mmended f!r reference b" e9permenters h! ma" n!tha#e techn!$!g" educat!n and e9perenceH


N!te a$s! that s!me targets rep!rt e$ectr!nc assau$ts hch cann!t be d!ne usng as-taught-n-sch!!$ techn!$!ges% ($assfed :secret; techn!$!g" s be"!nd the sc!pe !f ths b!!k$et,h!e#er, these rep!rts !f ad#anced techn!$!g" make caut!n #er" mp!rtant n decdng h!t! spend !nes res!urces !n e9perments%

+! n!t assume, f!r e9amp$e, that because "!u spend th!usands !f d!$$ars !n a t!p qua$t"she$ded enc$!sure hch can st!p c!n#ent!na$ e$ectr!magnetc sgna$s that "!u $$ fndre$ef fr!m the e$ectr!nc attacks% +! n!t assume that because "!u bu" !r rent an e9pens#espectrum ana$"er, "!u are guaranteed t! fnd sgna$s hch !ffca$s $$ accept as pr!!f "!uare beng e$ectr!nca$$" assau$ted%

E9permentat!n, I be$e#e, s defnte$" !rth the e9pense and eff!rt, because hst!rca$$",man" scentfc dsc!#eres happened accdenta$$"% .ut the !dds are steep$" s$anted aganstthe OS/E* e9permenter, and a$$ h! d! e9perment sh!u$d keep that n mnd%

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#. $ulianne !%&inney's Su%%essful ()Radio Anti)*+S Counter,easure

When assau$ted b" c!nstant #!ce t! sku$$ transmss!ns, 5u$anne set up 6 rad!s, !ndfferent stat!ns, t! mask the !rd c!ntent !f the #!ce t! sku$$ transmss!ns% O#er tme, thshas caused her harassers t! reduce the am!unt !f such harassment, as hen a target s n!tf!rced t! f!$$! hat the #!ce t! sku$$ transmss!n s sa"ng, the mpact s far $ess%

Other targets ha#e rep!rted #ar"ng degrees !f success th $ess than 6 rad!s%

5u$annes pers!na$ meth!d s n!t t! use m9ed #!ces, but t! use se#era$ rad!s n her h!meat hgh #!$ume, e#en put ph"sca$$" aganst the a$$s t! the a$$s amp$f" the s!und e#enm!re% 'he m9ed #!ces adaptat!n as m" dea s! as t! make the technque p!rtab$e%

One c!u$d n!t use mu$tp$e rad!s b$astng n c!ntact th the a$$s n an apartment, !f c!urse%*ere are s!me aud! f$es c!ntanng umb$ed #!ces hch can be d!n$!aded t! "!ur P(,and p!ssb$" then up$!aded t! "!ur 2P< p$a"er s! "!u can carr" ths t"pe !f 78S maskng n"!ur tra#e$s and n s!me !rk stuat!nsH

httpH//%ra#en4%net/aud!/Brad!s-$!%mp<  B rad!s, <8 kbps, m!n!httpH//%ra#en4%net/aud!/Brad!s-h%mp<  B rad!s, B@ kbps, stere!httpH//%ra#en4%net/aud!/#!cesm9d!n8%mp<  2u$tp$e #!ces, n!t rad!

&& P$ease sa#e a (OP) t! "!ur hard dr#e f!r repeated p$a"ng%

+. Eleanor -hite's E! Shieldin E/peri,ent 0Total Bed En%losure1

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22 CATION 22

E/peri,ent reports fro, tarets %ontain 3oth des%riptions of the e/peri,ent4and so,eti,es their %on%lusions as to 5hat 5as dete%ted and6or 5hy theresults 5ere as noted. I re%o,,end treatin only the e/peri,ent des%riptionsas fa%t4 and any %on%lusions 3y the e/peri,enters as their personal opinion.0That in%ludes ,y o5n entries.1 If a %ounter,easure is reported to 5ork4 Ia%%ept the taret's 5ord for that.

22 CATION 22

E/peri,ent reports fro, tarets %ontain 3oth des%riptions of the e/peri,ent4and so,eti,es their %on%lusions as to 5hat 5as dete%ted and6or 5hy theresults 5ere as noted. I re%o,,end treatin only the e/peri,ent des%riptionsas fa%t4 and any %on%lusions 3y the e/peri,enters as their personal opinion.0That in%ludes ,y o5n entries.1 If a %ounter,easure is reported to 5ork4 Ia%%ept the taret's 5ord for that.

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In the $ate 4DDs, at a c!st !f ab!ut J<,, E$ean!r Whte bu$t an enc$!sure !f suffcentse t! c!mp$ete$" enc$!se her bed% In addt!n, E$ean!r dd a seres !f sgna$ measuremente9perments usng a frequenc" c!unter, an !sc$$!sc!pe, and c!mm!n rad! rece#ersc!#erng the 02 and ?2 br!adcast bands, and the *? :sh!rta#e; band%

 0n aud! !cta#e ana$"er as used n t! m!des, c!nnected t! t! dfferent pckup c!$s t!atch f!r str!ng E? sgna$s% 'he frst m!de as t! c!#er the n!rma$ range !f aud!, fr!m 8t! 8, *ert, and the sec!nd m!de, m!dfed f!r the $! end !f the E? band :bran a#ereg!n; fr!m %8 t! 8 *ert%

 0 7ct!reen 9ra" $ab/nuc$ear medcne pen-st"$e !nng radat!n d!smeter, !f the $!est:m!st senst#e; range a#a$ab$e at the tme, as used durng the she$dng e9perments ase$$%

'he enc$!sure had f!ur $a"ersH

Outsde, %<A> sheet stee$ :ab!ut the thckness !f an aut!m!b$e b!d"; 0 $a"er !f a$umnum f!$, th nterna$ c!rners f$$ed th c!mpressed f!$ 0 $a"er !f =hardare c$!th,> ga$#aned stee$ mesh, 4/@> !penngs 0 $a"er !f 4/C> <2 =7e$!stat> semc!nductng f!am

Seams ere b!$ted and seams and c!rners stuffed fu$$ !f c!mpressed a$umnum f!$%

.reathng ar as f!rced thr!ugh ab!ut a duct th ab!ut a f!!t !f rea$ c!pper sha#ngscrubbng pads, b" a p!erfu$ e$ectr!nc equpment =R!tr!n> fan% 0 sm$ar duct pr!#ded an

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the sat!!th 48/4C * a#ef!rm as present%

In !ther !rds, there as n! ndcat!n !f E? sgna$ appearng at the same tmes as then#!$untar" b!d" part m!#ement%

N! B * sgna$s ere measured nsde the enc$!sure%

 0t the !pp!ste end !f the sca$e, I !re the 7ct!reen !nng radat!n pen-st"$e d!smeterh$e at h!me, and h$e =s$eepng> nsde the enc$!sure% On$" a #er" sma$$ gradua$m!#ement !f the cr!sshar !ccurred, hch acc!rdng t! the nstruct!ns hch came th theunt, as the resu$t !f natura$ c!smc radat!n and p!ssb$" rad!act#e matera$ n the ar !rbu$dng structure%

I d! n!t c$am ths e9perment as a rg!r!us scentfc !ne% 0t the tme I as n a #er"dstressed state, ha#ng had the harassment ramped up c!nsderab$" and hea#" s$eepdepr#at!n, ma"be gettng an h!urs s$eep a nght% I as ust tr"ng t! get a qua$tat#e hand$e!n hat t as that as causng the attacks%

R!ugh$", n!t rg!r!us$", t appeared t! me that b" the E? measurements, c!mparng th the#!$ent n#!$untar" m!#ement !f m" b!d" parts and s$eep depr#at!n tmes, I sa n! E?act#t" hch c!rre$ated%

'he she$ded enc$!sure tse$f and se#era$ detect!n nstruments made t un$ke$" that an"str!ng nc!mng sgna$s n the rad! frequenc" range :t!p !f E? up t! !nng frequences;ere causng m" n#!$untar" b!d" m!#ements !r s$eep depr#at!n%

'he medca$ grade !nng radat!n d!smeter sh!ed !n$" n!rma$ backgr!und !nngradat!n, and made t un$ke$" !nng radat!n as resp!nsb$e f!r m" n#!$untar" b!d"m!#ements and s$eep depr#at!n% 0nd here, a decade $ater, I ha#e n! s"mpt!ms !f !nngradat!n damage%

& Interestng$", s!me members the ='a!s *um> pe!p$e, a gr!up hch has n! bec!me a=!r$d de *um> sufferers gr!up, e9perence p!erfu$$" #bratng beds at #ar!us tmesthr!ugh the nght% S!me members !f !ur !rganed sta$kng/e$ectr!nc harassment gr!up$kese e9perence that f!rm !f s$eep depr#at!n% 'here snt much n c!mm!n th the t!gr!ups e9cept that #bratng bed e9perence%

When I add m" hea#" harassment thn m" she$ded enc$!sure, and a$!ng th the absence!f sgna$s at frequences hch can penetrate a she$ded enc$!sure, E? and !nng, t! the#bratng bed e9perence, m" best pers!na$ guess s that ths she$dng e9perment p!nts t!techn!$!g" ad#anced be"!nd the sgna$ t"pes taught n sch!!$% It d!esnt c!n#nce skeptca$pub$c !ffca$s, but I be$e#e e are under assau$t b" m!re than c!n#ent!na$ sgna$s%

In effect, g!!d qua$t" she$dng s m!re than a c!untermeasure% If t d!esnt he$p, t a$s!=detects> that sgna$s causng the assau$ts h$e nsde ma" n!t be c!n#ent!na$%

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:. Sinal E;asion E/peri,ents

'arget 0 rtesH

When under hea#" attack n m" resdence I tr" t! get t! a $!cat!n here I am !ut !f the $ne!f fre% I ha#e sta"ed f!r sh!rt per!ds !f tmes n the basement !f frends h!mes, I ha#eg!ne t! h!te$s, I ha#e g!ne t! re$g!us retreat centers, I#e sta"ed at an nternat!na$!mans she$ter n an!ther c!untr" and I ha#e rented a sec!nd apartment% I thnk thsmeth!d !rked better < "ears ag! because the equpment the" used as bu$k", hea#" and Ic!u$d m!#e faster than the" c!u$d get setup% .ecause equpment s n! s! p!rtab$e tpr!bab$" !u$dnt !rk t! g! t! a h!te$ these da"s% .ut sta"ng n the basement !f a frend spr!bab$" g!ng t! he$p an"!ne m!st !f the tme%

<. Fle/i3le Shieldin !aterial E/peri,ents

'arget 0 rtesH

I made s!me garments and scar#es and b$ankets hch are en!rm!us$" he$pfu$ durngakng and s$eepng h!urs% 'hese are made !f s$#ered fabrcs and are #er" effect#e npr!tectng "!ur bran and !ther !rgans% )!u can check them !ut atH


I ear the headband and the ba$ac$a#a t!gether f!r s$eep% I $ke t! ear the s$#ered$eggngs and shrts !r I s!metmes I rap a bg scarf ar!und me under the arms and secure tb" r!$$ng t !#er at the t!p and nstead !f pnnng t, I secure b" p$acng a sma$$ str!ng magnet

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22 CATION 22

E/peri,ent reports fro, tarets %ontain 3oth des%riptions of the e/peri,ent4and so,eti,es their %on%lusions as to 5hat 5as dete%ted and6or 5hy theresults 5ere as noted. I re%o,,end treatin only the e/peri,ent des%riptionsas fa%t4 and any %on%lusions 3y the e/peri,enters as their personal opinion.0That in%ludes ,y o5n entries.1 If a %ounter,easure is reported to 5ork4 Ia%%ept the taret's 5ord for that.

22 CATION 22

E/peri,ent reports fro, tarets %ontain 3oth des%riptions of the e/peri,ent4

and so,eti,es their %on%lusions as to 5hat 5as dete%ted and6or 5hy theresults 5ere as noted. I re%o,,end treatin only the e/peri,ent des%riptionsas fa%t4 and any %on%lusions 3y the e/peri,enters as their personal opinion.0That in%ludes ,y o5n entries.1 If a %ounter,easure is reported to 5ork4 Ia%%ept the taret's 5ord for that.

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!n each sde%

)!u can make a g!!d s$eepng bag fr!m 2"$ar but t s a" t!! h!t t! s$eep n f!r an" $ength!f tme%

'arget . rtesH

I purchased pars !f c!pper sc!urng pads and a$umnum sc!urng pads, unr!$$ed them, andrapped the mesh ar!und m" head :c!#erng f!rehead and t!ps !f ears; $ke a M@ deseat band, frequent$" d!ub$ng them up nt! an MC seat band :c!#erng e"es and ears ande9tendng be"!nd f!rehead; :re tst tes ere used t! c!nfgure the mesh nt! a seatband;% 'he frst da" the" seemed 4 effect#e n e$mnatng the ann!"ng tng$ngsensat!ns n #ar!us areas !f m" b!d", p!ssb$" due t! an nab$t" !f the perps t! $!ck !nt!m" bran t! m!nt!r the effects !f the e$ectr!magnetc attacks% 0fter ab!ut three da"s,h!e#er, the perps seemed t! ha#e adapted, and n! :ab!ut three !r f!ur eeks snce Ibegan usng them; the tng$ng sensat!ns are perhaps < t! A as ntense as the" ereth!ut ths she$dng, thus an effect#eness !f A-6% It ma" be that t s m!re dffcu$t f!rthe perps t! mantan a bran $!ck and rece#e feedback !f hat Im e9perencng% +!ub$ngthe M@ de seat bands t! pr!duce an MC seat band seems t! pr!#de greatereffect#eness%

 0n!ther mpr!#ement thats hard t! descrbe s that the m!ment I p$ace ths she$dng !n m"head there s a quetng effect thn m" head, n!t n terms !f aud! n!se, but perhaps nterms !f s!me f!rm !f bran !r EEG n!se, p!ssb$" due t! an e$mnat!n !f e$ectr!magnetcenerg" beng sent t! the bran, !r s!me !ther sensat!n that s !n$" present hen the perpsare $!cked !nt! m" bran -- perhaps ts the e$mnat!n !f the '02I :th!ught amp$fer andmnd nterface; effect dscussed n R!bert +uncans b!!k 'he 2atr9 +ecphered hch Iassume t! manfest as a fee$ng that "!ur th!ughts are susceptb$e t! beng read hen "!urth!ughts are amp$fed%

I ddnt seem t! n!tce an" dfference beteen the c!pper and a$umnum pads, th!ugh m!ree9permentat!n s needed t! c!nfrm ths f!r sure% +ue t! skn c!ntact ssues I !u$drec!mmend the c!pper pads as b!th pr!duce !9de hen c!ntactng the f!rehead :b$ackshf!r the a$umnum and greensh f!r the c!pper; hch s pr!bab$" abs!rbed b" the skn, anda$umnum causes 0$hemers dsease% Im n!t aare !f $$ effects ass!cated th c!pperth!ugh I ha#ent researched t% 0 c$!th band under the meta$ mesh !u$d he$p a$$e#ate ths%

I a$s! tred rappng a$umnum f!$ c!mp$ete$" ar!und m" head th !penngs ar!und the e"esand m!uth and the resu$ts seemed t! be ab!ut the same as th!se f!r the meta$ sc!urngpads, th!ugh the f!$ as $ess c!mf!rtab$e, m!st$" due t! c!ndensat!n as a resu$t !fpersprat!n% !ng-term abs!rpt!n !f a$umnum thr!ugh the skn s agan an ssue% 0 thn skmask beteen the f!$ and skn !u$d he$pQ a $a"er !f p$astc rap beteen the c$!th maskand the f!$ !u$d further guard aganst abs!rpt!n%

 0n!ther 'I rep!rted sm$ar resu$ts th a c!pper sc!urng pad !#er the head%

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I str!ng$" rec!mmend ths t"pe !f she$dng t! a$$ 'Is h$e s$eepng and n the m!rnng bef!reg!ng !ut f!r the da"%

'hs she$dng s n!t effect#e aganst headaches, n!r s t effect#e n pre#entng the perpsfr!m sensng hen "!ure ab!ut t! drft !ff t! s$eep%

'arget ( rtesH

1sng ce$$!phane tape I taped $engths !f hea#" dut" a$umnum f!$ t!gether t! create a M6 9 Ab$anket hch I p$aced n bed !#er a sheet and under a regu$ar b$anket h$e s$eepng% 'heb$!ckage !f the energ" causng the ann!"ng tng$ng sensat!ns as mnma$, f e9stent ata$$, p!ssb$" !n$" A-4 effect#e% It ma" ha#e a$s! had the effect !f dffusng the f!cusp!nt !f the drected energ" beam s!mehat, reducng ther ab$t" s$ght$" t! target a specfcarea !f the b!d"% I !n$" tred ths f!r a fe nghts% I ddnt tr" addt!na$ $a"ers !f f!$, n!r dd Itr" a $a"er !f f!$ under the ftted sheet t! sandch m" b!d" n f!$, b!th !f hch ma" ha#empr!#ed effect#eness%

'he f!$ as cumbers!me as the regu$ar b$anket !u$d s!metmes s$de !ff the sm!!th f!$,"!u had t! be carefu$ h! "!u m!#ed ar!und n bed s! as n!t t! tear the f!$ and keep theb$anket fr!m s$dng !ff, and the f!$ !u$d tear ne#erthe$ess requrng frequent repars thce$$!phane tape% 'he edge !f the f!$ p!sed the rsk !f nurng the e"es f "!u erent carefu$hen pu$$ng the sheet/f!$/b$anket !#er the head% Seng the f!$ thn a b$anket !u$d ha#et! s!me degree a$$e#ated these pr!b$ems, but fabrc th meta$$c c!ntent !r meta$$ed 2"$ar!u$d pr!bab$" be m!re sutab$e f!r ths app$cat!n%

'arget + rtesH

One 'I rep!rted that an a$umnum screen enc$!sure ar!und a bed n hch the screenenc$!sure had n! !penngs here e$ectr!magnetc energ" c!u$d enter pr!#ded 4effect#eness%

'arget E rtesH

One 'I rep!rted c$!se t! 4 effect#eness th $ead apr!ns used n 9-ra" e9ams, rappedar!und the head, and presumab$" n !ther areas !f the b!d"%

'arget ? rtesH

Paraphrasng (!pper b!$s !#er the t!p !f the head ha#e pr!#ded s!me re$ef fr!m #!cet! sku$$ transmss!ns f!r t! targets%

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t! ch$dren fr!m nght$" panfu$ e$ectr!nc attacks% *e rep!rts that the ch$dren actua$$"suffered m!re hen the" attempted t! s$eep nsde the cages than th!ut the cages%

(. Ele%tri%ally Chared Shieldin E/peri,ents

I ha#e n! specfc d!cumentat!n at ths m!ment, but I ha#e heard :thrd part"; that !ne targethad s!me degree !f success s$eepng nsde a $tera$ =capact!r> made !f t! sheets !fa$umned m"$ar%

'he b!tt!m sheet, underneath the bed as gr!unded and c!nnected t! the gr!und c!nnect!r!f an !n generat!r% 'he !n generat!r s a c!mmerca$ hea$th pr!duct%

'he !#erhead sheet !f a$umned m"$ar as c!nnected t! the =h!t> $ead !f the !n generat!r,chargng the t!p sheet t! 4A, #!$ts ab!#e gr!und% Safet" f!r ths setup as pr!#ded b"the #er" hgh resstance n seres th the !n generat!rs =h!t> p$ate%

'arget 0, h! tred !ne charged a$umned m"$ar e9perment rtesH

'he kt supp$ers !rgna$ nstruct!ns :hch mght #ar" n!; ere t! hang sheets !f m"$arab!ut 4/8 apart, suspended fr!m the ce$ng, and c!nnected th a$$gat!r c$ps b!und n re:that p$ugged nt! a charger;, hch pr!#ded a sma$$ e$ectrca$ current that ran a$!ng thesurface%

2" bed as c!mp$ete$" surr!unded n m"$ar, sa#e t!p and b!tt!m% 'he effect as $ke a f!urp!ster bed% 1nf!rtuante$" the effect ended there% I as st$$ subect t! h!rrfc attacks nght$",nc$udng ha$$ucnat!ns, musc$e manpu$at!n, f!rced akefu$ness, and #!$ent dreams%

'he kt a$s! nc$uded a #er" hea#" pece !f unfnshed meta$, hch I bent nt! a 1-shape andp$aced ar!und m" head% N! $uck%

E$ean!r Whte ta$kngH I d!nt ha#e a c$ear pcture !f e9act$" h! the m"$ar as c!nnected t!the hgh #!$tage =charger> s!urce% 'arget 0 rep!rts that he c!u$d get =statc $ke sh!cks> !ffthe m"$ar, hch s c!nsstent th t beng charged t! a hgh #!$tage $e#e$% 'arget 0 returnedthe kt and s! n! $!nger has the d!cumentat!n%

Page 15 (Jun 12, 2011 14:26)

22 CATION 22

E/peri,ent reports fro, tarets %ontain 3oth des%riptions of the e/peri,ent4and so,eti,es their %on%lusions as to 5hat 5as dete%ted and6or 5hy theresults 5ere as noted. I re%o,,end treatin only the e/peri,ent des%riptionsas fa%t4 and any %on%lusions 3y the e/peri,enters as their personal opinion.0That in%ludes ,y o5n entries.1 If a %ounter,easure is reported to 5ork4 Ia%%ept the taret's 5ord for that.

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sh!ck haard f t s used t! s$!$" bu$d up a hgh #!$tage !n a #er" $arge capact!r !r !thercharge accumu$at!r% S! d!nt assume because "!u use a $! p!er s!urce t! charge "!urcapact!r, that the fu$$" charged de#ce $$ be safe t! t!uch%

It s E3'RE2E) mp!rtant that targets h! e9perment pr!#de adequate safet" de#ceshen e9permentng th hgh #!$tage% ($mbng n !r !ut !f a charged enc$!sure requres a

t!p qua$t" desgn f!r ensurng the enc$!sure s dscharged bef!re c$mbng n !r !ut%

 0 means !f readng the #!$tage $e#e$ !n the enc$!sure !u$d be essenta$ f!r safet" as e$$%

-hat this adds up to is that if you %an afford to e/peri,ent 3ut aren't thorouhlyfa,iliar 5ith ele%tri%al te%hnoloy and hih ;oltae safety4 you !ST hireso,eone 5ho is4 3efore you e/peri,ent>

What f!$$!s s pure$" m" :E$ean!r Whtes; guess% I d! n!t kn! the deta$s !f R!gerssuccessfu$ enc$!sures%

.ut hen I hear R!ger descrbe an =e$ectr!statca$$" charged egg,> m" mnd mmedate$"brngs up the c!mm!n 7an de Graff generat!r, !ften seen n sma$$ ses n sch!!$ ph"scs$abs% 2uch $arger 7an de Graff generat!rs appear n scence museums%

In the 7an de Graff generat!r, e$ectrc charge s fed nt! the nsde !f a m!re !r $ess sm!!th,h!$$! spherca$ charge accumu$at!r% Same p!$art" e$ectrc charges $$ repe$ each !ther,and f!rce themse$#es t! the !utsde surface !f the sphere% If the supp$" keeps chargng thesphere, arc streamers $$ radate !utard fr!m the sphere%

*ere s a $nk t! a h!bb" #ers!n !f a 7an de Graff generat!r, as !f 2arch 4, 84H


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2" guess s that R!ger s usng s!methng $ke a 7an de Graff generat!r sphere, $arge en!ught! enc$!se a targets mattress and beddng% 'hat h!bb" kt, ab!#e, c!u$d the!retca$$" chargeup a huge meta$ =egg> enc$!sure $arge en!ugh t! h!use a mattress f!r a s$eepng target%

 0 smp$e re c!nnect!n beteen the sphere ab!#e and the $arger sphere, !u$d cause the

charge t! transfer% Natura$$", ths apparatus !u$d requre c!nsderab$e care t! a#!dpr!9mt" t! an"thng gr!unded t! a#!d arcng%

 0 means !u$d be needed t! $mt the #!$tage t! here the e9permenter sees/hears #sb$e !raudb$e arcng% If the charge s a$$!ed t! accumu$ate t! here arcng !ccurs, "!u !u$dha#e ma!r pr!b$ems th rad! and '7 nterference n "!ur #cnt"%

I d!nt kn! e9act$" h! the #!$tage c!u$d be $mted s! t s hgh, but n!t arcng% Perhapsan!ther reader !f ths b!!k$et can $et us kn!% One p!ssb$t", and ths s !n$" m" guess atths tme, s t! use a #er" hgh resstance t! b$eed the charge as t accumu$ates%

 0n!ther p!ssb$t" s t! use a tmer t! stch the generat!r !n and !ff% 'he dut" c"c$e f!r that!u$d depend !n h! quck$" the e$ectr!statc enc$!sure $!ses ts charge%

Openngs f!r ar sh!u$d n!t cause a pr!b$em, as the charge c!ntnu!us$" $$ repe$ tse$far!und !penngs U n!tce that 7an de Graff generat!r accumu$at!r spheres are actua$$" !pen!n the b!tt!m%

I d!nt kn! f R!ger uses a meta$ d!!r !r n!t% It ma" be that the =e$ectr!statc egg> $$ !rkth an entr"/e9t p!rt !pen% '! a#!d sh!ck, Id rec!mmend at $east a d!!r made !f hea#"ga$#aned screenng s! the target d!esnt s$eepa$k !ut !f the unt and ap hm !r herse$f%

.!tt!m $ne, I !u$d sa" t s ?0R better t! hre R!ger and use hs ser#ces and pr!#ensuccessfu$ =e$ectr!statc egg> she$ded enc$!sure, but the fact that he has ab!ut A c$entsen!"ng successfu$ reduct!n !f assau$ts h$e s$eepng s mp!rtant en!ugh t! ment!n nths b!!k$et%

 0gan U S0?E') ?IRS' U d! n!t casua$$" e9perment th hgh #!$tage c!untermeasuresV

1P+0'E ?E.R10R) 4, 844H

 0 target dd hre R!ger '!$ces, h! set hm up th a setup the target descrbes as f!$$!sH

What I b!ught R!ger ca$$s the act#e she$dng unt%

It s basca$$" p#c ppng and emergenc" b$ankets p$ugged n and gr!unded and p$ugged n

'he p#c ppes surr!und the bed%%

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 0n emergenc" b$anket hangs fr!m each sde% 'here are c$ps $eads !n each b$anket hchsmp$" a meta$$ed m"$ar - the" se$$ f!r $ke J<-A each%

'here are $eads t! s!me b$ack c!ntr!$ b!9 that has n! settng and "!u p$ug t nt! the a$$%

'hs target rep!rts n! success hats!e#er th ths setup% 'he setup descrbed ab!#e

s!unds $ke the m"$ar b$ankets charged th an ar !ner, hch an!ther target dd ha#esuccess th% 'hat s ment!ned at the start !f ths sect!n% 0t tme !f rtng I d!nt kn! fths s the same =e$ectr!statc egg> ad#ertsed b" R!ger '!$ces, snce R!ger !nt re$easedeta$s%

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?. A%ti;e @e;i%e Counter,easure E/peri,ents

 0n =act#e de#ce> s a pece !f equpment that generates s!me s!rt !f sgna$, and !u$d actas a =ammer%>

'arget 0 rtesH

Summared b" E$ean!r Whte One target purchased a J@, =ammer> fr!m '!p Secret(!nsumertr!ncs, a sma$$ c!mpan" run b" 5!hn W$$ams, 2SEE% 'he ammer pr!#ded n!beneft hats!e#er, and e#entua$$" the target as ab$e t! get a refund%

'arget . rtesH

N!t sure hether ts the n!se, the e$ectr!magnetc effect !f the m!t!r, the #brat!n resu$tngfr!m $eanng t aganst the bed, !r perhaps ust p$aceb! effect, but I#e f!und that a b!9 fan atnght $eaned aganst the bed seems f!r hate#er reas!n t! make t easer t! s$eep%

'arget ( rtesH

One 'I rep!rted that the #brat!n fr!m a #brat!r reduced the ntenst" !f e$ectr!magnetcattacks%

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22 CATION 22

E/peri,ent reports fro, tarets %ontain 3oth des%riptions of the e/peri,ent4and so,eti,es their %on%lusions as to 5hat 5as dete%ted and6or 5hy the

results 5ere as noted. I re%o,,end treatin only the e/peri,ent des%riptionsas fa%t4 and any %on%lusions 3y the e/peri,enters as their personal opinion.0That in%ludes ,y o5n entries.1 If a %ounter,easure is reported to 5ork4 Ia%%ept the taret's 5ord for that.

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. -ater As Shieldin E/peri,ents

'arget 0 rtesH

'here ha#e been se#era$ rep!rts ths m!nth fr!m ca$$ers h! sad ther s"mpt!ms ere$essened b" the use !f ater% '! rep!rted usng ater n a p$!c bag, !ne had $!ng harhch as et fr!m the sh!er, and !ne used a et t!e$, and !ne !ther #ctm used a etashc$!th% 0$$ had rep!rted sufferng fr!m sh!cks, stngs, and #brat!ns%

One #ctm p$aced a p$!c bag !n the crana$ area, and the !ther p$aced t n the cr!tch area%Wet har as rep!rted b" an!ther #ctm t! make a dfference, h$e an!ther rep!rtedrappng a et t!e$ ar!und the head !rked f!r them%

St$$ an!ther #ctm rep!rted usng a et t!e$ !r ash c$!th as a $!n c$!th%

Our !n e9perments th ater f$$ed ba$$!!ns, p$!c bags, and et t!e$s are "e$dngc!nsstent resu$ts% S"mpt!ms !f #brat!ns are great$" attenuated and !ther s"mpt!ms are$essenedQ h!e#er, the perps f!$$! up th !ther a"s t! acc!mp$sh s$eep dsturbance%

 0 $!ca$ #ctm rep!rts re$ef h$e s$eepng% 'he bed s surr!unded b" chars that are drapedth the thckest et t!e$s a#a$ab$e% 'here must be n! breaks n ths% *ea#" p$astc sp$aced under the t!e$s t! catch the e9cess ater% 0gan, ths !n$" parta$$" b$!cks the#brat!n, ma$ase, stngng sensat!ns, etc%, but an" re$ef s e$c!meV 'he same #ctmrep!rted c!mp$ete b$!ckng !f a$$ s"mpt!ms h$e smmng under ater%

7ctm rep!rts use !f humdfer $essens effectsV 0fter readng ab!ut the she$dng effects !f ater, a #ctm t!!k the ntat#e t! nsta$$ ahumdfer at the head !f the bead at nght, turnng t !n bef!r s$eep% 'he #ctm be$e#es theharassment has been reduced%


'arget . rtesH

Inspred b" rep!rts that ge$ packs, humdfers and an"thng e$se n#!$#ng ater pr!#depr!tect!n, I s!aked a thck b$anket n ater s! that t as drppng et, sea$ed t thn a $argesheet !f panters p$astc, and used t as a b$anket n bed% I used t f!r ust a c!up$e !f nghts,and ts been a h$e and thus I cant remember f!r sure but Id guesstmate ts effect#eness

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22 CATION 22

E/peri,ent reports fro, tarets %ontain 3oth des%riptions of the e/peri,ent4and so,eti,es their %on%lusions as to 5hat 5as dete%ted and6or 5hy the

results 5ere as noted. I re%o,,end treatin only the e/peri,ent des%riptionsas fa%t4 and any %on%lusions 3y the e/peri,enters as their personal opinion.0That in%ludes ,y o5n entries.1 If a %ounter,easure is reported to 5ork4 Ia%%ept the taret's 5ord for that.

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at perhaps <-6% It had the effect !f c!mp$ete$" dffusng the f!cus p!nt !f the drectedenerg" beam, a$m!st e$mnatng the ab$t" t! target an" specfc area !f the b!d" th tng$ngsensat!ns%

 0$th!ugh ths arrangement asnt unc!mf!rtab$e at a$$ despte hat "!u !u$d ntut#e$"e9pect th a hea#" b$anket, t s unf!rtunate$" a cumbers!me arrangement -- the p$astc

!u$d pr!bab$" tear s!!ner !r $ater causng a $eak, and the ater n the b$anket !u$de#entua$$" de#e$!p a$gae !r m!$d% 'hus I !u$dnt rec!mmend ths specfc arrangement but tdd seem #er" pr!msng and thus !rth" !f further n#estgat!n% S!methng $ke an arra" !fge$ packs fastened t!gether n a matr9 the se !f a b$anket mght be a !rkab$earrangement% Its a$s! p!ssb$e that !ther hea#" matera$s, such as $ed apr!ns used n 9-ra"e9ams !r a rubber mat the se !f a b$anket mght be ust as effect#e%

I#e n!ted that I rare$" f e#er e9perence tng$ng sensat!ns, headaches !r an" !ther drectedenerg" s"mpt!ms h$e takng a sh!er%

'arget ( rtesH

One 'I rep!rted that a aterbed had the effect !f dramatca$$" reducng the ntenst" !f thedrected energ" attacks, sa"ng the aterbed seemed t! gr!und-!ut the e$ectr!magnetcenerg"%

#. el Pa%ks as Shieldin E/peri,ents

'arget 0 rtesH

)et an!ther #ctm rep!rted success th ge$ packs used f!r ath$etc nures%

'hese are a#a$ab$e n drugst!res% 'he packs ere !rn n the underear% 0$$ #ctmsrep!rted a $essenng !f s"mpt!ms usng these meth!ds%

'arget . rtesH

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22 CATION 22

E/peri,ent reports fro, tarets %ontain 3oth des%riptions of the e/peri,ent4and so,eti,es their %on%lusions as to 5hat 5as dete%ted and6or 5hy theresults 5ere as noted. I re%o,,end treatin only the e/peri,ent des%riptionsas fa%t4 and any %on%lusions 3y the e/peri,enters as their personal opinion.0That in%ludes ,y o5n entries.1 If a %ounter,easure is reported to 5ork4 Ia%%ept the taret's 5ord for that.

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She$dng that tends t! be p!pu$ar due t! ther c!n#enence and ec!n!m" are b$ue h!t/c!$dge$ packs a#a$ab$e at pharmaces used at r!!m temperature :se#era$ !f them taped t!gethernt! a b$anket ncreases effect#eness%;

'arget ( rtesH

I purchased three h!t L c!$d ge$ packs fr!m a pharmac" and p$aced them aganst areas bengattacked th tng$ng sensat!ns, and the" seemed perhaps B-DA effect#e at b$!ckngenerg" mmedate$" be$! that area, but I pers!na$$" f!und ts ut$t" qute mnma$ as theperps !u$d mere$" target an adacent area% 0 c!up$e !f !ther 'Is sad the" g!t re$ef usngge$ packs%

##. Ru33er as Shieldin E/peri,ents

'arget 0 rtesH

She$dng that tends t! be p!pu$ar due t! c!n#enence and ec!n!m" are rubber mats, the kndth suct!n cups f!r use n a bath tub, n!t t! be c!nfused th sm$ar $!!kng #n"$ !nes:Rubbermad brand ma" !rk better than !thers;%

E$ean!r Whte ta$kngH One e9permenter rapped a transst!r rad! tgh$", ends c$ampedshut, and the rubber dd n!t st!p the rad! p$a"ng% Rubber th!ut matera$s m9ed n t!make t c!nduct#e d!es n!t st!p c!n#ent!na$ e$ectr!magnetc sgna$s n the rad! :8 k* t!< G*%; Insu$atng aganst e$ectrc sh!ck s n!t at a$$ the same thng as she$dng aganstE2 sgna$s%

'arget . rtesH

I purchased a 8C94A rubber mat :the knd th suct!n cups f!r use n a bath tub, n!t t! bec!nfused th sm$ar #n"$ mats; and p$aced t !#er the t!p sheet n bed s! that t rested !#erhate#er area !f m" b!d" the perps ere targetng th ann!"ng tng$ng sensat!ns% 0s

Page 23 (Jun 12, 2011 14:26)

22 CATION 22

E/peri,ent reports fro, tarets %ontain 3oth des%riptions of the e/peri,ent4and so,eti,es their %on%lusions as to 5hat 5as dete%ted and6or 5hy theresults 5ere as noted. I re%o,,end treatin only the e/peri,ent des%riptionsas fa%t4 and any %on%lusions 3y the e/peri,enters as their personal opinion.0That in%ludes ,y o5n entries.1 If a %ounter,easure is reported to 5ork4 Ia%%ept the taret's 5ord for that.

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$!ng as t as snug$" rapped ar!und the area !f nterest t seemed t! b$!ck the drectedenerg" th perhaps 6-4 effect#eness% 0n!ther 'I rep!rted sm$ar resu$ts, usng t!rubber mats, !ne ab!#e and !ne be$! the b!d"% Idea$ ma" be a rubber mat the se !f ab$anket% +efnte$" !rth pursung further I2O%

#+. roundin E/peri,ents

Genera$ n!teH

 0 number !f targets ha#e rep!rted re$ef fr!m ether s$eepng !n t!p !f !r ha#ng ther b!desactua$$" c!ntactng gr!unded c!nduct#e matera$% S!me !f these e9permenters ha#e used!utd!!r gr!und r!ds th the gr!undng re br!ught nt! ther $#ng spaces%

#7. Sheet !etal as Shieldin E/peri,ents

'arget 0 rtesH

What I ant t! te$$ "!u s that I ha#e fna$$" f!und a defense that !rks% 0ctua$$", I had f!und t"ears ear$er but had aband!ned t f!r #ar!us reas!ns% *ere s the b!tt!m $neH Stee$% Inpartcu$ar, th!se h! are attacked th +E eap!ns are !ften attacked h$e the"s$eep, t! dsturb ther s$eepQ surr!und "!urse$f th a carefu$ arrangement !f stee$ and "!u $$be ab$e t! s$eep and ther attacks $$ be f!r the m!st part neffect#e%

2an" "ears ag! I had the rght aa" but dd t the r!ng a"% I ent !ut had cust!m,

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22 CATION 22

E/peri,ent reports fro, tarets %ontain 3oth des%riptions of the e/peri,ent4and so,eti,es their %on%lusions as to 5hat 5as dete%ted and6or 5hy theresults 5ere as noted. I re%o,,end treatin only the e/peri,ent des%riptionsas fa%t4 and any %on%lusions 3y the e/peri,enters as their personal opinion.0That in%ludes ,y o5n entries.1 If a %ounter,easure is reported to 5ork4 Ia%%ept the taret's 5ord for that.

22 CATION 22

E/peri,ent reports fro, tarets %ontain 3oth des%riptions of the e/peri,ent4and so,eti,es their %on%lusions as to 5hat 5as dete%ted and6or 5hy theresults 5ere as noted. I re%o,,end treatin only the e/peri,ent des%riptionsas fa%t4 and any %on%lusions 3y the e/peri,enters as their personal opinion.0That in%ludes ,y o5n entries.1 If a %ounter,easure is reported to 5ork4 Ia%%ept the taret's 5ord for that.

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ndustra$-grade stee$ manufactured f!r me% :4@ gauge c!$d-r!$$ed sheet stee$;% 'he pecesere a" t!! bg and hea#", and c!rners ere sharp and danger!us% I bu$t a makeshft stee$c!ffn !ut !f t and had abs!$ute peace but #er" near$" k$$ed m"se$f n the fe nghts that Is$ept n t% I c!nstructed the stee$ c!ffn th the $arge, hea#", sharp p$anks !f stee$ he$d up andrenf!rced th cnder b$!cks% 'hs as far fr!m dea$%

I rea$e n! that g!ng t! these knds !f $engths s unnecessar"% 0$m!st an" stee$ $$ d!%Recent$" I ha#e c!nstructed a sm$ar s!rt !f stee$ c!ffn !ut !f sma$$ f$e cabnets% I ha#e them$ad a$!ng the sdes !f a tunne$ th a c!up$e !f them !n t!p f!r supp!rt% 'he" are actua$$"qute $ght n eght% Whats mp!rtant s that "!u are &fu$$"& surr!unded b" the stee$Q I mean?1)% 'he" can see "!ur heat sgnature d!n t! m$$meters and t rea$$" s a game !fm$$meters% ea#e the s$ghtest !penng and the" $$ fnd t and punsh "!u th t% )!u needt! !#er$ap the stee$ and c!nsder an" eaknesses n "!ur stee$ c!ffn% )!u need n!t rem!#ethe stee$ fr!m the b!9es :I ddnt;, but make sure that nsde the b!9 the stee$ s rght upaganst the nner $nng :"!u ma" need t! rem!#e st"r!f!am f$$ers and such;%

 0 #aret" !f t"pes and ses !f stee$ !rk% 2ake sure "!u $ea#e n! cre#ces and then $e d!nn the tunne$ at nght% )!u $$ be much better !ff% If "!u d! ths rght, "!u sh!u$d be ab$e t!s$eep, and ther attacks sh!u$d be much, much $ess effect#e, f effect#e at a$$% )!u need t!be !n the &GRO1N+ ?OOR& s! that the" cann!t sh!!t upards at "!u% If "!u d!nt $#e !n agr!und f$!!r, I hgh$" ad#se "!u t! m!#e% *!e#er, "!u can a$s! $a" p$anks !f stee$underneath "!u t! s$eep !n :put s!methng s!ft !n t!p;%

'arget . rtesH

I !nce tred p$acng a sng$e 69@ sheet !f stee$ sheet meta$ a$ternate$" n #ar!us $!cat!nsre$at#e t! m"se$f h$e I as $a"ng !n a s!fa t! b$!ck the drected energ" fr!m an" $!cat!n tma" be c!mng fr!m -- n fr!nt !f the s!fa, behnd the s!fa, at each end !f the s!fa, !n t!p !fthe s!fa, and be$! the s!fa% It had the effect !f sgnfcant$" dffusng the f!cus p!nt !f thedrected energ" beam used t! nduce tng$ng sensat!ns% 'hs !ccurred n! matter here Ip$aced the sheet meta$, hch as c!unterntut#e th the assumpt!n that the drectedenerg" as c!mng fr!m a sng$e drect!n -- perhaps the drected energ" s c!mng fr!mse#era$ s!urces, !r perhaps the back scatter !f the drected energ", after passng thr!ugh theb!d", s ref$ected back at the b!d" fr!m the sheet meta$, creatng the sense !f an unf!cusedbeam% 0t an" rate t ddnt seem #er" effect#e as a c!untermeasure but the e9perment ma"be !rth repeatng%

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the magnetc fe$d !f the !ther, a s!-ca$$ed =*e$mh!$t> arrangement%

 0$th!ugh @ amps s e$$ thn the current carr"ng capact" !f unc!$ed 4@ c!pper re, If!und that due t! the c!$ng, the c!$s g!t unc!mf!rtab$" h!t f I ran the unt t!! $!ng% I $$descrbe a s!$ut!n t! ths pr!b$em be$!%

On the e#enng I tested t, I actua$$" dd get mmedate re$ef th the unt de$#erng A pu$sesper sec!nd% 'hen a puff !f sm!ke and the unt as rendered n!perat#e% .ut t dd pr!#den!tceab$e re$ef%

 0t that tme, m" pad !b n#!$#ed cust!d" !f c!nsderab$e c!mputer equpment% 'he perpshad been causng frequent burn!uts !r !ther fa$ures, s! ths appng !f m" magnetc pu$sec!untermeasure as n!t une9pected% Wth the hea#" fatgue and s$eep depr#at!n attacks,and n!t antng t! g! thr!ugh end$ess repeats !f ths appng, I ent n! further%

*!e#er, I d! be$e#e that ths t"pe !f c!untermeasure s !rth e9permentng th I? "!uha#e c!mf!rtab$e fundng%

&& '! s!$#e the c!$ed re heatng pr!b$emH

Instead !f c!$s aganst "!ur head, tr" t! fnd the $argest hea#" dut" f$e9b$e c!pper speakerre, and nd a c!$, sa", 8A t! A turns, n a D> 9 4C> RE('0NG10R pattern% Idrec!mmend @ c!pper !r $arger s! that t can be e9pected t! run c!!$% Speaker re can behad n ggantc ses, !ften n c$ear nsu$at!n, t! c!nduct!r =p c!rd%>

)!u can te b!th c!nduct!rs t!gether n para$$e$ t! effect#e$" d!ub$e the re se%

1se cab$e tes t! keep the c!$ n the rectangu$ar shape% P$ace t under "!ur PIOW%

'hs sh!u$d e$mnate the heatng pr!b$em%

#=. !anets Aainst the Body E/peri,ents

 0 number !f targets ha#e rep!rted #ar"ng degrees !f success p$acng permanent magnetsaganst the b!d"% =Ne!d"mum> magnets are a p!pu$ar ch!ce and are de$" a#a$ab$e and

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22 CATION 22

E/peri,ent reports fro, tarets %ontain 3oth des%riptions of the e/peri,ent4and so,eti,es their %on%lusions as to 5hat 5as dete%ted and6or 5hy theresults 5ere as noted. I re%o,,end treatin only the e/peri,ent des%riptionsas fa%t4 and any %on%lusions 3y the e/peri,enters as their personal opinion.0That in%ludes ,y o5n entries.1 If a %ounter,easure is reported to 5ork4 Ia%%ept the taret's 5ord for that.

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reas!nab$" prced !n the eb%

It s n!t kn!n f the matera$ the magnet s made !f p$a"s an" part n e9permenta$successes, but =ne!d"mum> s the m!st !ften tred% If the magnetc fe$d tse$f s hat scausng the successes, then t d!esnt matter hat the magnet s made !f%

'arget 0 rtesH

5ust an update fr!m me% I am the !ne h! be$e#es I ha#e been mp$anted th chps thatcause t!rtur!us pan and #brat!n% I ha#e n! taped a !ne nch ne!d"num magnet t! ustbe$! m" sterna$ n!tch !n m" chest and ha#e $eft t surgca$$" taped th mcr!p!re tape f!r Ada"s%

'hat ste seems t! a$a"s be stmu$ated hen m" t!rture starts% ! and beh!$d, m" panhas $essened and I can breathe fu$$" and eas$"% 'he pan that radates fr!m that ste t! m"breasts and sternum has been great$", great$" reduced% It s the m!st p!erfu$ trck I ha#eused "et t! c!mbat the t!rture%

It has pssed !ff m" perps% N! the" target the back !f m" head, causng panfu$ musc$espasms n m" sca$p and back !f head h$e I am dr#ng and !ut and ab!ut t!n d!ng m"

 !b% 2agnets agan ha#e reduced the pan a$m!st t! n!thng% N!t t! sa" that I ha#e st!ppedtakng "rca, but I fee$ I ha#e !n a $tt$e batt$e% In fact, I am n! takng m!re !f an nterest n$fe and am happer%

I ha#e t! be rea$$" n tune fr!m here the pan radates fr!m% It seems there are p!nts that!rgnate the pan% ?!r m" breasts, ts the c$a#c$e% If I p$ace magnets there f!r a fe mnutes,the pan n m" breasts s du$$ed%

'he sterna$ pan and rb cage pan n! !n$" s a sense !f musc$e tghtenng% 0nd s!metmesfee$s $ke a fnger s dggng nt! a musc$e rea$$" hard, but n!t panfu$%

Spng the magnet dd n!thng f!r me% Pr!$!nged c!ntact% +a"s !rth, e#en a eeks !rthc!ntn!us$" !rked f!r me%

'arget . rtesH

Perhaps I can he$p th the perps c!ntr!$$ng m" breathng and tr"ng t! squeee m" chest s!hard I c!u$d hard$" breathe% Of c!urse, m" perps anted me t! panc% I c!nquered ther nast"$tt$e trck b" tapng a ne!d"num magnet, One nch n se% 'aped t ust be$! the end !f m"sternum f!r a eek straght usng surgca$ mcr!-p!re tape% I be$e#e I ha#e an mp$ant therethat make m" daphragm and chest musc$es c!ntract%

'hat mp$ant bued, f$cked, burned and then t ust s$ght$" #brated after a eek% 0nd NOONGER c!u$d the" c!ntr!$ m" breathng% 0$$ I needed as a $tt$e sense !f c!ntr!$ back andt sn!ba$$ed nt! m!re effcent and effects !f the magnets%

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. !is%ellaneous Counter,easure E/peri,ents

'arget 0 rtesH

N!rth sde !f a str!ng magnet taped !#er an mp$ant f!r a fe da"s has seemed t! dsab$e t%E$ean!r Whte ta$kngH 'arget 0 s !ne !f a handfu$ h! has c!nfrmed mp$ants%

Puttng a crc$e !f cr"sta$s and magnets ar!und m" bed has seemed t! he$p%

I be$e#e t s mp!rtant t! keep "!ur mmune s"stem str!ng s! I take supp$ements nc$udngs$#er ater, herbs, #tamns and I ha#e a #er" nutrt!us det% E$ean!r Whte ta$kngH+!ct!rs h! rec!mmend s$#er as an ant-mcr!ba$ rec!mmend t f!r acute c!ndt!ns, andn!t f!r c!ntnu!us use%

'arget . rtesH

Other c!untermeasures are stee$ c!!ke sheets, hea#" peces !f stee$ such as barbe$$ p$ates,mu$tp$e $a"ers !f f!$, mu$tp$e $a"ers !f m"$ar b$ankets, et t!e$s, et b$ankets, $ead 9ra"apr!ns, f$$ed p$astc ater b!tt$es, hand $!t!n and !ther $!t!ns, e$s and creams app$ed t!the skn, meta$ neck$aces, meta$ rst and ank$e brace$ets, meta$ be$ts, meta$ mpregnatedc$!thng, meta$ mpregnated bed sheets, R? she$dng fabrc c!ndt!ner, e$ectrca$$" gr!undedgr!und p$anes, e$ectrca$$" gr!undng !ur b!des, ceramc t$e, unr!$$ed c!pper mesh sc!urersrapped ar!und the head, R? she$ded baseba$$ cap fr!m httpH//%$essemf%c!m,ne!d"mum !r !ther str!ng !r $arge magnets, b!9 fan $eaned aganst the bed t! pr!#de#brat!n, m!#ng ar!und durng the da" :!rkng ar!und the h!use, gardenng, hkng --makes targetng m!re dffcu$t;, p$a"ng !ne !r m!re rad!s tuned t! dfferent nes ta$kstat!ns !r tuned t! dfferent t"pes !f musc stat!ns such as c$assca$ and a, f!amearp$ugs%

She$dng c!untermeasures that !rk e$$ f!r me t! c!unteract s"nthetc #brat!na$sensat!ns are rubber mats, e$ectrca$$" gr!unded gr!und p$ane, e$ectrca$$" gr!undng m"se$f,R? she$dng fabrc c!ndt!ner, ceramc t$e, R? she$ded baseba$$ cap, the ant-tnntus(+/headph!ne, and $stenng t! ta$k rad!%

I ha#e an a$umnum screen :meta$ knd used f!r nd! screen and screened d!!rs; n bed

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22 CATION 22

E/peri,ent reports fro, tarets %ontain 3oth des%riptions of the e/peri,ent4and so,eti,es their %on%lusions as to 5hat 5as dete%ted and6or 5hy the

results 5ere as noted. I re%o,,end treatin only the e/peri,ent des%riptionsas fa%t4 and any %on%lusions 3y the e/peri,enters as their personal opinion.0That in%ludes ,y o5n entries.1 If a %ounter,easure is reported to 5ork4 Ia%%ept the taret's 5ord for that.

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under m" ftted sheet c!nnected t! earth gr!und :thrd pr!ng !f an e$ectrca$ !ut$et, !r c!$dater meta$ p$umbng supp$" $ne ppe under the snk, !r a meta$ r!d dr#en M8 nt! the gr!und!utsde;% 'hus Im s$eepng !n a gr!und p$ane that tends t! gr!und-!ut s!me !f the R?drected at me% *e$png further s an e$ectrca$$" gr!unded re t!uchng m" skn h$e n bed,a$s! he$png t! gr!und-!ut the R?% :Ne9t thng f!r me t! tr" s an R? fabrc sheet !n t!p, !r asheet ashed n R? she$dng fabrc c!ndt!ner%;

1nder m" a$umnum screen n bed s a $a"er !f 4B94B :m!re c!mm!n$" a#a$ab$e n the48948 se; ceramc f$!!rng t$e fr!m *!me +ep!t% )es, f!r hate#er reas!n, an" seceramc t$e !rks surprsng$" e$$ f!r man" 'Is acc!rdng t! s!me!ne !n the c!nferenceca$$s h! g!t the dea after researchng hat the m$tar" uses t! R? she$d ther securebunkers% If "!u#e ne#er tred t, d! s!V ?!r me t pr!bab$" !rks better than m!st f n!t a$$ !fthe c!untermeasures $sted here% In addt!n t! s$eepng !n a $a"er !f them f "!u ant "!ucan $ean !ne t$e aganst "!ur abd!men and an!ther aganst "!ur head%

 0$s! h$e s$eepng I $sten t! a (+ de#e$!ped b" a 'I named +a#d (ase !f (ase E$ectr!ncshch s supp!sed t! e$mnate the tnntus s!me 'Is e9perenceQ f!r me t he$ps me re$a9 andma" e$mnate s!me !f the e$ectr!nc bran $nkng/neura$ m!nt!rng fr!m the perps% 'he (+s free :$ast tme I checked; but "!u ha#e t! bu" hgh-frequenc" headph!nes that g! up t! at$east 8Ak*, such as KOSS 'S(6A and KOSS PRO<A/0 fr!m Rad! Shack :J8A-J@;%stenng t! the (+ !n c!n#ent!na$ speakers ddnt he$p% Snce usng ths (+ I n! $!ngerneed t! s$eep th head she$dng%

 0 fabrc c!ndt!ner ca$$ed 0egsGuard , a#a$ab$e fr!m httpH//%aegsguard%c!m, addedt! the fna$ rnse c"c$e !f the $aundr" h$e n the ashng machne, resu$ts n "!ur c$!thesbeng R? she$ded% I use t a$$ the tme and fee$ much m!re c!mf!rtab$e durng the da" as aresu$t% It c!sts ab!ut J@ per $aundr" $!ad% .ased !n m" e9perence t s hgh$" rec!mmendedf "!u can aff!rd tV

 0s e#er"!nes targetng s dfferent n! !ne c!untermeasure !rks f!r e#er"!ne s! e9permentt! see hch set !f c!untermeasures !rk best f!r "!u% 'r" !ne thng at a tme% E#en fs!methng d!esnt ha#e much effect at frst tr" t f!r a eek as the benefca$ effects ma" n!tbe apparent nta$$"% If thngs get e9treme$" bad then dsc!ntnue but be aare t takes ah$e t! adust and s!metmes stckng t !ut f!r a fe da"s pr!#es benefca$ n the $!ng run%

'r" ne9pens#e c!untermeasures frst bef!re spendng a $!t !f m!ne" !n !n e$ab!rate#ers!ns -- tr" J8 c!pper mesh bef!re spendng J< f!r a she$ded baseba$$ cap, tr" J4rubber mats bef!re spendng J4A f!r a b$anket-sed sheet !f rubber%

Once c!untermeasures are f!und that !rk, stchng-!ff beteen t! !r m!re !f them ma"ncrease ther !#era$$ effect#eness% ?!r e9amp$e ear a she$ded baseba$$ cap durng the da"and $sten t! a ammng (+ at nght% 'r" m!#ng she$dng c!mp!nents ar!und t! a dfferentsp!t each nght% Reser#e an especa$$" effect#e c!untermeasure f!r use !n$" n rarenstances !f unusua$$" hea#" attacks%

If "!u#e ne#er !r !n$" bref$" e9permented th she$dng I !u$d hgh$" rec!mmend d!ng

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s!% )!u ma" fee$ !n$" a $tt$e better at nght but then durng the da" ma" fee$ m!re p!st#eand ma" be ab$e t! get m!re acc!mp$shed% .ef!re emp$!"ng she$dng c!untermeasuresm" $fe had a #er" nghtmarsh, h!pe$ess fee$ t! t% N! m" !ut$!!k s much m!rep!st#e and I ha#e m!re energ" durng the da"V

2!re she$dng deas are atH


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#. Sa5tooth ELF 5a;efor, o3ser;ed 3y Eleanor -hite

'hs a#ef!rm as detected usng ether !f t! dfferent $arge ar c!re pckup c!$sH

8@> 9 8@>, 6A turns !n c!rrugated cardb!ard c!re8@> 9 68>, 4BA turns !n c!rrugated cardb!ard c!re

'he fundamenta$ frequenc" measured 48 * at tmes, and s!metmes 4C *%

Seen frequent$" at man" dfferent tmes !f da" and nght% 'akng the sc!pe and sma$$erpckup c!$ t! dfferent $!cat!ns ar!und the apartment bu$dng sh!ed that ths a#ef!rm ddn!t appear !utsde E$ean!rs apartment% 'h!ugh str!ng nsde the apartment, thn a fefeet !f the ha$$a" d!!r the sgna$ strength dr!pped t! er!%

One c!nsequence !f ths sgna$ as that an" attempts t! tape rec!rd the perpetrat!r aud!

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22 CATION 22

E/peri,ent reports fro, tarets %ontain 3oth des%riptions of the e/peri,ent4and so,eti,es their %on%lusions as to 5hat 5as dete%ted and6or 5hy theresults 5ere as noted. I re%o,,end treatin only the e/peri,ent des%riptionsas fa%t4 and any %on%lusions 3y the e/peri,enters as their personal opinion.0That in%ludes ,y o5n entries.1 If a %ounter,easure is reported to 5ork4 Ia%%ept the taret's 5ord for that.

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appr!ached the p$ants th a cgarette $ghter, !r hen certan pe!p$e #sted hs !ffce%

I :E$ean!r Whte; reas!ned that f techn!$!g" be"!nd hat s taught n sch!!$ s n use !n OS/E* targets, then perhaps the m!st re$ab$e detect!r !u$d be !ur b!des, and p!ssb$" e#enp$ants e care f!r%

'he GSR unts dr#e a #er" tn" am!unt !f e$ectrca$ current thr!ugh hat the" are c!nnectedt!% 'he m!re senst#e e$ectr!-encepha$!gram :EEG; unts smp$" measure #er" sma$$#!$tages acr!ss a human sca$p, and can a$s! measure sm$ar act#t" n p$ants% I acqured asng$e channe$ EEG machne, !f the t"pe used f!r b!feedback e9permentsH

'hs b!feedback-st"$e EEG unt d!es n!t ha#e the paper strp chart seen !n fu$$-b$!nmedca$ equpment% Instead t features t! t"pes !f !utputsH 2eter readng, and gegerc!unter st"$e c$cks fr!m ts speaker% 'he m!re c$cks, the hgher the meter readng%

'here s a f$ter range stch, hch sets a narr! band !f frequences !f nterest% 'he sca$esrun fr!m 8 * t! @8 *, c!#erng m!st bran act#t"% Each settng d!es n!t se$ect a sng$efrequenc", nstead, each settng c!#ers a sma$$ band !f frequences th the se$ected numbern the center%

'here s a$s! a #!$tage $e#e$ thresh!$d adustment, ca$brated fr!m be$! @ mcr!#!$ts, up t! ama9mum !f 6 mcr!#!$ts%

:?!r c!n#enence, I added a c!ntnu!us t!ne !pt!n here the ptch !f the t!ne #aresacc!rdng t! h! hgh the meter reads%;

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'he unt s a sng$e channe$, th a =h!t> $ead and a =gr!und> $ead% 'he !rgna$ pckupharness uses a gent$e c!nduct#e c$amp e$ectr!de !n each ear $!be f!r =gr!und,> and the=h!t> e$ectr!de g!es an"here !n "!ur sca$p%

When the f$ter range stch s set t! the $!er numbers, "!u $$ hear the m!st =gegerc!unter> c$ckng hen "!u are re$a9ed%

When the f$ter range s set t! the d!ub$e dgts, "!u $$ hear the m!st =geger c!unter> c$ckshen "!u are bus" and c!ncentratng !n s!methng%

'he machne ndcated m" menta$ state re$ab$"% *!e#er, t asnt c!mf!rtab$e t! ear thepckup harness n bed% 2!re mp!rtant$", I anted s!me readngs !ther than m" !n t!ndcate act#t" n s"nc th m" !n attacks%

S! I acqured a ph$!dendr!n p$ant, and usng +r% E$d!n ."rds suggest!n !f humane$"c!nnectng the t! e$ectr!des t! $ea#es usng =eak har c$amps,> I as ab$e t! hear thep$ants e$ectrca$ act#t"% I as ab$e t! dup$cate ($e#e .acksters hgh #!$tage and hghfrequenc" burst !f act#t" hen I appr!ached the p$ant th a cgarette $ghter and sad I asg!ng t! burn t% :I !n$" dd that a c!up$e !f tmes, because n! kn!ng that p$ants d! =fear>p!tenta$ harm, I fe$t t !u$d be crue$ t! d! a $!t !f e9permentng a$!ng that $ne%;

See the $$ustrat!n be$!% If I ere nt! ser!us p$ant e9permentat!n, and I anteds!methng better than the =eak har c$amp> e$ectr!de, I !u$d $!!k nt! #ar!us b!$!gca$e$ectr!des !n $ne f!r better deas% I#e seen, cant remember here, the use !f a seaeedpr!duct ca$$ed =agar> t! cement e$ectr!des t! p$ants% In an" e$ectr!de scheme, themechanca$ eght !f the rng and e$ectr!des sh!u$d be suspended fr!m e9terna$ structures! the $eaf d!esnt ha#e t! carr" the eght%

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I c!nnected the gr!und re fr!m the EEG machne t! a need$e dr#en nt! the stem !f the p$ant, and a$s! c!nnected the gr!und re t! a$umnum f!$ surr!undng the f$!er p!t%

When I began t! $e !n a bed !utsde the she$ded enc$!sure :hch I dscarded snce t dd n!g!!d; and attempted t! s$eep th the p$ant and the EEG unt ne9t t! the head !f m" bed, as

s!!n as Id fnshed a$$ m" bed tme busness and ab$ut!ns, and sett$ed d!n t! tr" t! s$eep,the p$ant e$ectrca$ act#t", at $east as ndcated b" the EEG unt, st!pped bef!re the pan,s$eep depr#at!n, !r b!d" m!#ement attacks started% =?$at $ned,> n !ther !rds%

'hat ma" !r ma" n!t be a t!ta$ fa$ure% ($e#e .ackster descrbed #sts b" a scentst t! hs!ffce h! dd regu$ar e9perments !n p$ant gr!th and metab!$sm% .ackster n!ted that!dd$", hs ph$!dendr!n f$at $ned f!r the durat!n !f e#er" #st b" ths pers!n% .ackster begant! ask hm ab!ut the deta$s !f hs !rk, and t turns !ut ths scentst regu$ar$" ncnerates hsp$ants at the end !f each e9perment t! !btan ther dr" eght% Wh$e ts n!t pr!!f !fan"thng, I d! fnd t nterestng that m" p$ant f$at $ned durng the ntense harassment%

.ut that !n$" $asted f!r a c!up$e !f da"s% On !r ab!ut the thrd nght, hen I ht the ha", theperps started b$astng the unts speaker th $!ud statc, and I had t! cease e9permentngth p$ants%

&& I st$$ fee$ that e9permentat!n th neer, p!rtab$e rec!rdng EEG unts, !rn b" targets,and run a$!ng th aud! !r #de! c!mments b" the target as t! tme, and hat assau$ts arebeng e9perenced at that tme, c!u$d pr!#de #a$uab$e data% E9pens#e, but p!tenta$$" hgh$"persuas#e hen presented t! !ffca$s%

I a$s! acqured a sma$$ GSR unt t! e9perment thH

'hat GSR unt as ad#ertsed as a =$e detect!r> thng% It s basca$$" an ac!ustc e$ectrca$

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resstance meter% 'he ptch !f the t!ne s !pp!ste hat s happenng th the resstance !fhate#er s c!nnected acr!ss the t! fnger-shaped e$ectr!des% Rsng t!ne ndcates $!erresstance% 'he t!ne s knd !f fant, th!ugh "!u can hear t n bed eas$"% *eadph!nes canbe used t!!%

When n!thng s c!nnected acr!ss the e$ectr!des, the unt shuts d!n% 'here s n! !n-!ff

stch as there s hard$" an" current dran unt$ there s s!methng acr!ss the e$ectr!des%(urrent dran !n the D-#!$t batter" s #er" $ght n an" case%

.ecause skn has #er" de$" #ar"ng resstance ranges :c!mpare dr" skn !n a crsp, c!$dda" t! et skn !n a h!t, mugg" summer da"; the unt has an adustment t! brng the t!nent! the audb$e range hen t gets t!! $! !r t!! hgh%

'hs unt, b" measurement, pushes ab!ut 4A mcr!amps thr!ugh m" fngers% 'hat s a #er"sma$$ current, but I tred s$eepng th e$ectr!des made !f 8A cent c!ns !n ether sde !f m"neck !#ernght, and the 4A mcr!amp current had ser!us$" and #sb$" rrtated m" skn b"m!rnng%

'hs unt d!es sh! s!me #arat!ns hen attached t! p$ants, h!e#er, the EEG machne sfar m!re senst#e% ?urtherm!re, as a matter !f a#!dng crue$t" t! $#ng thngs, I dd n!t antt! push a current thr!ugh a p$ant%

What I ha#e used ths unt f!r s c!nnectng t! a 4 turn ar c!re pckup c!$, ab!ut 4> b"4C> n a rectangu$ar shape, t! carr" ar!und n a backpack t! see f I c!u$d hear an" unusua$arb$ng !f the t!ne n the headph!nes hch matched an" e$ectr!nc assau$ts h$e aa"fr!m h!me%

'he resu$ts ere nc!nc$us#e% Each tme I carred the GSR unt and pckup c!$, theperpetrat!rs dd n!t ht me th e$ectr!nc assau$ts%

In spte !f ths resu$t, there s a great dea$ !f #aret" n the e$ectr!nc assau$ts am!ng targets,and I !u$d thnk a GSR unt th a backpack pckup c!$ and headph!nes mght turn ups!me nterestng resu$ts% :N! guarantee, !f c!urse%; I d!ubt !ffca$s !u$d accept thse9perment as pr!!f b" tse$f, but f !thers d! tr" ths e9perment, I $$ be g$ad t! dsp$a" "!urresu$ts n ths b!!k$et%

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7. oldfish Apparently Shunnin Restaurant Perpetrators

E$ean!r Whte ta$kngH 'hs s an!ther e9perment suggestng that !ther b!$!gca$ enttes,p$ant !r anma$, mght be ab$e t! c!nfrm the assau$ts e e9perence%'he dagram $$ustrates a sect!n !f a restaurant andas dran b" the e9permenter 

=One e#enng n 0pr$, 84, a frend and I decded t! eat at a chnese restaurant% 0s ea$ked n, I n!tced there ere !n$" t! !ther pe!p$e n the restaurant% I mmedate$"

dentfed these pers!ns as perps and f!r that reas!n, requested that e be seated !n the!ther sde !f the r!!m d#der% 'he r!!m d#der as actua$$" a #er" de !!den ra$ th a Af!!t $!ng aquarum m!unted !n t%

=We sat at the tab$e mmedate$" adacent t! the aquarum% We !rdered !ur mea$, ta$kng,eatng, and atchng the fsh sm am$ess$" ab!ut the aquarum% 'hen, I began t! fee$

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22 CATION 22

E/peri,ent reports fro, tarets %ontain 3oth des%riptions of the e/peri,ent4and so,eti,es their %on%lusions as to 5hat 5as dete%ted and6or 5hy the

results 5ere as noted. I re%o,,end treatin only the e/peri,ent des%riptionsas fa%t4 and any %on%lusions 3y the e/peri,enters as their personal opinion.0That in%ludes ,y o5n entries.1 If a %ounter,easure is reported to 5ork4 Ia%%ept the taret's 5ord for that.

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drected energ" eap!ns turned !n me% I sad n!thng s! as n!t t! a$arm m" frend, a$th!ughshe as aare !f such eap!ns% I n!tced that a$$ !f the fsh e9cept f!r t! appeared t! be#er" !$d g!$d fsh, the fanc" knd th e$ab!rate fns% One fsh e#en had a $arge hump !n tshead%

=+urng the c!urse !f the mea$, !ne b" !ne, the !$d !nes mgrated t! the #er" end !f the tank,

and sat suspended m!t!n$ess n the c!rner !f the tank farthest aa" fr!m the perps% 'he"fna$$" started t! stack !n t!p !f each !ther th ther n!ses stuck n the same c!rner% 'he"appeared t! be starng at m" frend and I !ked that she as ndeed gr!ng n p!pu$art" asthe fsh st!pped smmng and ust hung there, n!ses t!uchng the c!rner !f the aquarum%

='he" appeared t! be gang at her, !ne stacked !n t!p !f an!ther, th !n$" ther g$$s m!#ngn stead" rh"thmc breathng patterns% 'hen the $ast g!$dfsh hch appeared t! be "!unger,

 !ned them%

='hen !ne b" !ne, st$$ suspended n the c!rner, the @ !$der g!$dfsh appeared t! ha#e a sma$$seure, each $astng ab!ut @ sec!nds, as e#denced b" the gnashng !f teeth and qu#erng!f g$$s% 'here as n! f!!d !r an"thng the" c!u$d ha#e been after%

=It as then that I rea$ed the fsh ere a$s! beng ht b" the +EWV ($ear$", the +EW:+rected Energ" Weap!ns; had t! get thr!ugh the aquarum bef!re gettng t! me%

='he perps kept the +EW !n unt$ e $eft the restaurant and the fsh sta"ed n the c!rner !fthe aquarum farthest fr!m the sgna$ unt$ e $eft the restaurant% 'here as !ne fsh that ddn!t seem t! be affected% *e as a "!ung g$ass sucker, c!mm!n$" ca$$ed an a$gae eater%

=*e appeared t! n!t care at a$$ and sta"ed here he as the h!$e tme, stuck t! the g$ass !nthe sde c$!sest t! the perps%

='he quest!n sH Wh" asnt ths g$ass suckng a$gae eater affected b" the +EWF (!u$d tbe that ths fsh s re$ated t! skates, ee$s, !r ra"s that are capab$e !f generatng ther !ne$ectrc charge and thus ma" ha#e a speca$ e$ectrca$ fe$d ar!und them, pr!tectng them fr!mthe +EWF

'arget . rtesH

Inspred b" a target rep!rtng that h$e n a restaurant he tnessed fsh n a $arge aquarumgra#tatng t!ard a c!rner !f the aquarum drect$" !pp!ste fr!m the presumed s!urce !f adrected energ" eap!n, I purchased a g!$dfsh and p$aced t n a r!und bucket f$$ed th

ater, p$aced the bucket ne9t t! me h$e I sat !n the s!fa at h!me, and !bser#ed theg!$dfsh hen I e9perenced drected energ" attacks hch n m" case c!nsst !f s"nthetc#brat!na$ sensat!ns% 'he g!$dfsh ddnt gra#tate t! an" sde !f the bucket n!r e9hbt an"unusua$ beha#!r h$e I e9perenced the drected energ" attacks%

E$ean!r Whte speakngH ?a$ure s n!rma$ f!r OS/E* targets% E9perments !rk th !ne

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target and fa$ th an!ther% 'hs ma" be ntent!na$ !n the part !f the perpetrat!rs%Regard$ess !f the reas!n f!r nc!nsstent resu$ts, the nc!nsstenc" p!nts up that repeatngfa$ed technques, as $!ng as e9permenters can rea$$" aff!rd t! d! s!, ma" be !rth tr"ng%

:. Ele%tro,aneti% @ete%tor E/peri,ents

'arget 0 rtesH

E#er"!ne h! s c!ncerned ab!ut E2? rea$$" needs t! use a$arms s! the" can a#!d !rreduce the effects% 2" fa#!rte a$arm s the 2cr!0$ert%

I as amaed hen I started carr"ng t% *dden aud! and #de! sur#e$$ance s e#er"here% Idsc!#ered that t! $ades h! frequent$" ta$ked th me set t !ff the frst tme I had t !nhen ta$kng t! them% 'he" ne#er came back t! ta$k th me agan% I a$s! dsc!#er thathen I turned the $ghts !ff at !rk at the end !f the da" the a$arm ent !ff and hen I

entered m" !n h!me after !rk that a$arm ent !ff agan% Recent$" I hen I as targeted ata b" n#tat!n !n$" !rksh!p I had the a$arm n m" p!cket and a$th!ugh e#er"!ne had therce$$ ph!nes turned !ff, sudden$" n the mdd$e !f a presentat!n m" a$arm ent !ff% ?!r a fesec!nds e#er"!ne turned and $!!ked at me and the targetng st!pped% 0b!ut 8 mnues $atert started agan and I guess because e#er"!ne n!tced, t st!pped n a fe sec!nds and I g!tup and $eft the r!!m%

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22 CATION 22

E/peri,ent reports fro, tarets %ontain 3oth des%riptions of the e/peri,ent4and so,eti,es their %on%lusions as to 5hat 5as dete%ted and6or 5hy theresults 5ere as noted. I re%o,,end treatin only the e/peri,ent des%riptionsas fa%t4 and any %on%lusions 3y the e/peri,enters as their personal opinion.0That in%ludes ,y o5n entries.1 If a %ounter,easure is reported to 5ork4 Ia%%ept the taret's 5ord for that.

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'arget . rtesH

I b!rr!ed a re$at#e$" ne9pens#e trfe$d meter fr!m a fe$$! 'I, 0$phaab 'r?e$d.r!adband 2eter E9tended Senst#t" 7ers!n, p$aced t ne9t t! me and !bser#ed t hen I

e9perenced drected energ" attacks hch n m" case c!nsst !f s"nthetc #brat!na$sensat!ns% 'here as n! apparent c!rre$at!n beteen the drected energ" attacks andmeter readngs !n an" !f the f!ur sca$esH 2agnetc -4 m$$gauss, 2agnetc -< m$$gauss,E$ectrc -4 #!$ts/meter, !r R? Rad!/2cr!a#e 4k*-8%AG* -4 #!$ts/meter%

E$ean!r Whte speakngH 2" !n e9perments, back n the $ate 4DDs hen I as !rkngand c!u$d aff!rd t! e9perment, sh!ed a fe !dd sgna$s :descrbed here n !ther sect!ns;but rare$" sh!ed e#en r!ugh c!rre$at!n th m" attacks% 'hs s !ne !f the reas!ns h" Ibe$e#e techn!$!g" ad#anced be"!nd that taught n sch!!$, %e% c$assfed, s n use%

<. Sleep Study E/peri,ents

'arget 0 rtesH

2" $ast t! pr!fess!na$ s$eep $ab s$eep tests ere nterfered thH

:4; ast "ear I began t! ha#e such e9ecrab$e s$eep :depr#at!n !f deep s$eep #a mp!st!n!f ##d dreamng, etc%; that I had a s$eep test t! determne e9act$" hat as happenng% Inthe h!ur pr!r t! the test tse$f m" heart rate as acce$erated t! an abn!rma$$" hgh $e#e$ f!rn! !rganc reas!n hats!e#er :h$e n h!spta$;, hch as a$read" e9treme$" trng% 'henafter takng m" s$eep medcat!n I tred t! s$eep but c!u$d n!t d! s! f!r ab!ut an h!ur,h!e#er, I as then permtted seemng$" n!rma$ s$eep but th barre nghtmares that $eftme n!t e$$ rested%

I suspect that despte m" beng t!$d that n! !ne !u$d enter the r!!m durng m" s$eep,s!me!ne dd s!, because mmedate$" up!n beng aakened I sa that m" sh!es had beenm!#ed and a pen had been st!$en% 'he resu$tng p!$"s!mn!graph sh!ed n! apparentabn!rma$tes e9cept the frst h!ur !f s$eep$essness%

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22 CATION 22

E/peri,ent reports fro, tarets %ontain 3oth des%riptions of the e/peri,ent4and so,eti,es their %on%lusions as to 5hat 5as dete%ted and6or 5hy theresults 5ere as noted. I re%o,,end treatin only the e/peri,ent des%riptionsas fa%t4 and any %on%lusions 3y the e/peri,enters as their personal opinion.0That in%ludes ,y o5n entries.1 If a %ounter,easure is reported to 5ork4 Ia%%ept the taret's 5ord for that.

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:8; 0fter e#er ncreasng$" mserab$e s$eep durng the $ast "ear and a ha$f :equ#a$ent t! f!rcedda"dreams h$e m" e"es are shut;, I agan had a s$eep test $ast m!nth, ths tme n adfferent fac$t"% I as permtted s!me #er" p!!r s$eep, but I kn! that despte ha#ng m"e"es c$!sed f!r the $ast t! h!urs !r s!, I fa$ed c!mp$ete$" t! fa$$ as$eep at a$$% 'hs tme theresu$ts must abs!$ute$" ha#e been fa$sfed, because the p!$"s!mn!graph I as sh!nndcated that I reached a$$ $e#e$s !f s$eep f!r appr!9mate$" the a#erage durat!ns requred

th n! e9tended per!d !f beng aake at the end% *!e#er, I guess the fa$sfers ddntant t! appear t!ta$$" unrea$stc, s! the c$am as that I a!ke A@ tmes%

=. Spe%ifi% Test Euip,ent E/peri,ents

'arget 0 rtes ab!ut the =E2?-C8D> R? meterH

=It detects m!re than 4A atts/sq% meter%>

One supp$er, September 8D ad#ertses that meter f!r JB 1S%httpH//%pr!-measure%c!m

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22 CATION 22

E/peri,ent reports fro, tarets %ontain 3oth des%riptions of the e/peri,ent4and so,eti,es their %on%lusions as to 5hat 5as dete%ted and6or 5hy theresults 5ere as noted. I re%o,,end treatin only the e/peri,ent des%riptions

as fa%t4 and any %on%lusions 3y the e/peri,enters as their personal opinion.0That in%ludes ,y o5n entries.1 If a %ounter,easure is reported to 5ork4 Ia%%ept the taret's 5ord for that.

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E$ean!r Whte ta$kngH ?!r c!mpars!n purp!ses, 4A atts per square meter s %44 attsper square centmeter% 'hat pr!bab$" c!u$d ha#e hea$th mp$cat!ns f c!ntnu!us, h!e#er,s!me c!mpars!ns th nearb" p$aces !u$d need t! be made, at #ar!us tmes, bef!re t canbe nferred that such a readng s de$berate harassment% 5ust a number b" tse$f, un$ess thep!er $e#e$ s rea$$" e9treme, snt much use n c!n#ncng !ffca$s that a crme s happenng%

'arget . rtes ab!ut an!ther e9permenterH

39999 !ns a J44, b$ack-and-hte Infrared magng camera% 39999 tra#e$ed ar!und thec!untr" magng 'Is f!r mp$ants n the head :fr!nt !f the head and usua$$" ust hgh and t!the rght !r $eft !f the e"es;%

*e as qute successfu$ at magng s!methng unusua$ n hs !n head and n that !f !ther'Is% 'he de#ce maged !u$d heat up and as h!tter at tmes than the surr!undng tssue,then !u$d c!!$ !ff% It as as f the de#ce as beng turned !n rem!te$" f!r a per!d !f tme:heatng up; and then turned !ff :c!!$ng d!n;% Such a de#ce as f!und n m" !n headbut t asnt as eas" t! mage as s!me !f the !thers%

E$ean!r Whte ta$kngH Wh$e there s defnte$" s!me chance an actua$ de#ce ma" bemp$anted n these cases, m" e9perence th perp ad#anced techn!$!g" causes me t! n!t becertan an" actua$ de#ce s needed t! cause such h!t sp!ts !n a targets b!d"%

'arget ( rtesH

I b!rr!ed a re$at#e$" ne9pens#e trfe$d meter fr!m a fe$$! 'I, 0$phaab 'r?e$d.r!adband 2eter E9tended Senst#t" 7ers!n, p$aced t ne9t t! me and !bser#ed t hen Ie9perenced drected energ" attacks hch n m" case c!nsst !f s"nthetc #brat!na$sensat!ns% 'here as n! apparent c!rre$at!n beteen the drected energ" attacks andmeter readngs !n an" !f the f!ur sca$esH 2agnetc -4 m$$gauss, 2agnetc -< m$$gauss,E$ectrc -4 #!$ts/meter, !r R? Rad!/2cr!a#e 4k*-8%AG* -4 #!$ts/meter%

E$ean!r Whte speakngH 2" !n e9perments, back n the $ate 4DDs hen I as !rkngand c!u$d aff!rd t! e9perment, sh!ed a fe !dd sgna$s :descrbed here n !ther sect!ns;but rare$" sh!ed e#en r!ugh c!rre$at!n th m" attacks% 'hs s !ne !f the reas!ns h" Ibe$e#e techn!$!g" ad#anced be"!nd that taught n sch!!$, %e% c$assfed, s n use%

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+r% R!bert O% .ecker, n hs b!!k, The Body Electric, Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life4DCA, W$$am 2!rr! Pub% p% <4D, statesH

In the ear$" 4DBs ?re" f!und that hen mcr!a#es !f < t! <, 2egahert ere pu$sed atspecfc rates, humans :e#en deaf pe!p$e; c!u$d *ear them% 'he beam caused a b!!mng,hssng, c$ckng, !r bung, dependng !n the e9act frequenc" and pu$se rate, and the s!undseemed t! c!me fr!m ust behnd the head% 0t frst ?re" as rdcu$ed f!r ths ann!uncement, ust$ke man" radar techncans h!d been t!$d the" ere cra" f!r fearng certan radar beams% ate!rk has sh!n that the mcr!a#es are sensed s!mehere n the temp!ra$ reg!n ust ab!#e an

s$ght$" n fr!nt !f the ears% 'he phen!men!n apparent$" resu$ts fr!m pressure a#es set up nbran tssue, s!me !f hch act#ate the s!und recept!rs !f the nner ear #a b!ne c!nduct!n,h$e !thers drect$" stmu$ate ner#e ce$$s n the audt!r" patha"s% E9perments !n rats ha#esh!n that a str!ng sgna$ can generate a s!und pressure !f 48 decbe$s, !r appr!9mate$" the$e#e$ near a et engne at take!ff% Ob#!us$" such a beam c!u$d cause humans se#ere pan andpre#ent a$$ #!ce c!mmuncat!n% 'hat the same effect can be used m!re subt$" as dem!nstratedn 4D6< b" +r% 5!seph (% Sharp !f the Wa$ter Reed 0rm" Insttute !f Research% Sharp, ser#ng as test subect hmse$f, heard and underst!!d sp!ken !rds de$#ered t! hm n an ech!-free s!$at!chamber #a a pu$sed-mcr!a#e aud!gram :an ana$!g !f the !rds s!und #brat!ns;beamednt! hs bran% Such a de#ce has !b#!us app$cat!ns n c!#ert !perat!ns desgned t! dr#e atarget cra" th #!ces !r de$#er undetectab$e nstruct!ns t! a pr!grammed assassn%

+r% .ecker, n a te$eph!ne c!n#ersat!n n 2arch 88, ment!ned that he has been c!ntacted b"man" #ctms !f 2nd (!ntr!$ !#er the past se#era$ "ears% *e as adamant that the !n$" a" t!fnd !ut hat ma" be g!ng !n th them s t! c!nduct scentfc e9perments, such as ths !ne%

 0$s!,2a" 4A, 84Ne )!rk 'mes

 0n 0ud! Sp!t$ght (reates a Pers!na$ Wa$$ !f S!und

." 5ENNI?ER .% EE

 0 pers!n hears a #!ce n her ear, turns ar!und and sees n!b!d" there% N! !ne e$se has heard t%

Or she hears f!!tsteps n a r!!m, the pr!duct !f an n#sb$e presence% Is her mnd p$a"ng trcks !herF Or s t a !kester, ?% 5!seph P!mpeF 0 8C-"ear-!$d graduate student h! s part scentst anpart sh!man, 2r% P!mpe has n#ented a de#ce that pr!ects a dscrete beam !f s!und n muchthe same a" a sp!t$ght pr!ects a beam !f $ght%

'he aud! sp!t$ght, as 2r% P!mpe has dubbed t, emts a c!$umn !f s!und en#e$!ped b" s$ence,the a" the g$! !f a sp!t$ght s en#e$!ped b" darkness% S!me!ne standng nsde the beamemtted fr!m hs f$at b$ack dsk hears the s!und $!ud and c$ear% Outsde the beam !ne hearss$ence !r, f there are surfaces nearb", fant murmurs fr!m the ref$ected s!und a#es% 'he beamscan a$s! b!unce !ff a$$s t! create an mpress!n !f the s!urce !f the s!und% (!mpanes area$read" dreamng up c!mmerca$ app$cat!ns f!r the beam% Supermarkets and reta$ st!res ma"beam pr!duct entcements at cust!mers% 7endng machnes ma" s!!n ta$k as pe!p$e pass b"%+ance c$ubs c!u$d d#de up a sng$e r!!m nt! dfferent musc !nes% +am$er (hr"s$er s $!!kngnt! nsta$$ng s!und beams n a truck s! that passengers can $sten t! ther !n musc% 'he m$tarc!u$d use t t! c!nfuse enem" tr!!ps% 0mercan 'echn!$!g" (!rp!rat!n, a San +eg!-basedc!mpan" that makes a sm$ar pr!duct, has a$read" sent !ut e#a$uat!ns t! m$tar" c!ntract!rs,c!nsumer e$ectr!nc manufacturers and entertanment c!mpanes% It has sgned a dea$ th theshpbu$der .ath Ir!n W!rks t! nsta$$ the s!und beams !n the deck !f a ne 0egs-c$ass Na#"destr!"er as a !pt!na$ substtute f!r rad! !perat!rs headsets% 0s f!r c!nsumers, 'err" (!nrad,presdent !f 0'(, estmates the" $$ start beng ht b" s!und beams thn t! "ears%

N! s!und can be pers!na$ th!ut an" apparatus she$dng !ur ears% 2r% P!mpe gets $etters ande-ma$ messages fr!m ar!und the !r$d fr!m pe!p$e c!n#nced that hs aud! sp!t$ght s beng

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used !n them as a mnd c!ntr!$ de#ce% Pe!p$e ha#e rtten 2r% P!mpe askng f!r de#ces t!she$d them fr!m the aud! sp!t$ghts nsd!us mnd c!ntr!$ uses% 'he s!und, rep!rted$", seems$ke t s n the pers!ns head%

:See %h!$!s!ncs%c!m;

'here s amp$e e#dence fr!m the $terature that the m$tar" and !ther !rganat!ns andresearchers ha#e de#e$!ped and dem!nstrated techn!$!ges t! nduce #!ces n pe!p$es heads%'he e9stence !f such techn!$!ges pr!#des a rat!na$e f!r c!nductng scentfc e9perments suchas ths !ne%


'he h"p!thess that (0*R0 anted t! test as that the #!ces are pr!duced b" techn!$!gca$means, and are n!t the resu$t !f menta$ $$ness !n the part !f the #ctms% 'he e9perment as n!tdesgned t! test f!r menta$ $$ness% 'he res!urces a#a$ab$e dd n!t nc$ude the ab$t" t! detect radcarrer a#es that ma" ha#e been used t! target the #ctms% 'hs e9perment as restrcted t! !n$the rec!rdng !f ac!ustc audt!r" s!und a#es near the #ctms head%

Rec!rdng En#r!nment and Equpment

Inta$$", a ?arada" (age as t! be a#a$ab$eQ h!e#er, at the $ast mnute t as n!t, s! f!ur spaceere used n an !ffce bu$dng n San ?rancsc!% One space as a s!und pr!!fed r!!m, an!ther

as an !pen area, the thrd as an empt" !ffce sute, and the f!urth as a quet space :n! arc!ndt!nng ducts; n a st!rage area%

Equpment a#a$ab$e nc$uded the .$ue 2!use mcr!ph!ne, t! sma$$ $ape$ mcr!ph!nes that ereftted nt! the Stant!n hgh qua$t" earph!nes, t! mcr!ph!ne preamps, a hgh qua$t" dgta$ audtape rec!rder, an ana$!g tape rec!rder, the c!mmerca$$" a#a$ab$e 'r-fe$d 2eter, and a b!!m b!9f!r ana$!g p$a"back% Se#era$ tra$s n the s!und pr!!fed r!!m "e$ded n! resu$ts, s! that space aaband!ned%



.$ue 2!use 2cr!ph!ne :%b$uemc%c!m;

• t"peH pressure gradent card!d th B mcr!n m"$ar f$m daphragm sputtered th g!$d

• frequenc" resp!nseH 8-8K* Y/-4db

• S/NH C6db

• senst#t" at 4K* nt! 4K!hmH 84m#/Pa

• d"namc rangeH DBdb

• ma9mum SP f!r '*+ !f %AH 4<@db

• enhancementH parab!$c ref$ect!r th the .2 m!unted at the f!ca$ p!nt%

ape$ 2cr!ph!nes

• 1nkn!n specfcat!ns

2cr!ph!ne Pre-amps

E#ent E$ectr!ncs m!de$ E2P-4 :%e#ent4%c!m;

• t"peH ba$anced dfferenta$ th c!mm!n m!de reect!n f$ter

• frequenc" resp!nseH 8-8K* Y/-%4db :-<db at 488 K*;

• EINH -48Dd.7

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• settngsH nc$ude $! pass f$ter n/!ut, phase re#ersa$ stch, and gan c!ntr!$ fr!m t! Bd

+0' Rec!rder '0S(02 +0-@A*R

• t"peH 8@ bt

• frequenc" resp!nseH 8-8K* Y/-%Adb

• S/NH 448db

• d"namc rangeH 44<db

• '*+ at 4K*H Z%8

• channe$ separat!nH [DAdb at 4K*• tapeH S!n" R-48

Stant!n Earph!nes, b!!m b!9, and ana$!g tape rec!rder

• 1nkn!n specfcat!ns


Subect 0

Subect 0 s a <A "ear !$d ma$e fr!m Ph$ade$pha, P0% *e has a c!$$ege degree n Graphc +esgnand !rks f!r a pub$shng c!mpan"% Subect states that he frst started n!tcng pans n the back hs neck and n the reg!n !f hs heart n 0pr$ 4DD< h$e a student n !nd!n, Eng$and% 0fterreturnng t! the 1S, #!ce transmss!ns began ab!ut 0ugust 4DD<% Subect rep!rts that n addt!nt! the aud!, he e9perences #ar!us f!rms !f t!rture% Subect rep!rts tra#e$ng beteen the 1S an(hna and Russa% 'he #!ces f!$$! hm n! matter here he g!es%

Subect .

Subect . s a @B "ear !$d ma$e fr!m a m$tar" fam$"% Subect graduated hgh sch!!$ and attendedc!$$ege, but dd n!t matrcu$ate% Subect spent 4C "ears n c!nstruct!n, and s a m!t!rc"c$e

mechanc% *e as c!-!ner !f a +!berman breedng and tranng busness% Subect beganhearng #!ces ab!ut 4DD<%

Subect (

Subect ( s a fema$e and m!ther !f t!, resdng n the 2dest% Subect began hearng #!ces ashspers, sa"ng thngs $ke, She hears us% 'he #!ces seemed t! be c!mng fr!m ust behndand ab!#e her head%

Subect +

Subect + s a fema$e, appr!9mate$" @ "ears !$d th a c!$$ege degree n a% Subect rep!rtedshe started hearng #!ces n 4DCC%

Subect E

Subect E s a c!mmuncat!ns e9pert th a s!$d backgr!und n !rk th #ar!us agences% *estarted hearng #!ces ab!ut three "ears ag!% Subect has been $!cated n (0 snce bef!re the!nset !f the #!ces%

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Equpment c!nfgurat!ns f!r #ar!us rec!rdng setups are sh!n be$! as fgures 4 thr!ugh <% 0$s! Ph!t!s 4 thr!ugh A sh!s the equpment as set up t! rec!rd data n the #acant !ffce suteuse f!r m!st !f the runs% Ph!t! 4 sh!s the .$ue 2!use mcr!ph!ne m!unted at the f!ca$ p!nt !fa parab!$c ref$ect!r% Ph!t! 8 sh!s the headph!nes th ear mcr!ph!nes n p$ace% Ph!t! <sh!s the pre-amps, +0', and b!!m b!9% Ph!t! @ sh!s an !#er-a$$ #e !f the equpment setupPh!t! A sh!s the equpment setup th !ne !f the subects n the appr!9mate p!st!n used t!rec!rd m!st !f the data%

'he tape c!unter !n the +0' as used t! determne the $ength !f each run and t! pr!#de fduca$marks necessar" t! return t! the begnnng !f each run t! $sten t! the resu$ts%

!cat!n !f each set !f runs s as n!ted n the sect!n 'he 'ra$s% 'he equpment !perat!r, m"seand a Ph+ ps"ch!$!gst ere the !n$" pers!ns a$$!ed n the r!!ms hen rec!rdngs ere bengmade, e9cept f!r s!me rec!rdngs made n the !pen area $ate at nght, hen !ne !ther pers!n aa$$!ed t! atch% 'he purp!se !f the ps"ch!$!gst as t! be a tness and t! !ffer e9pertsuggest!ns% 0$s!, he as fam$ar th the equpment and had been present hen the !rgna$rec!rdngs !f the #!ces n the equpment !perat!rs head ere made% 'he equpment as !nt$"!ned b" the !perat!r and the ps"ch!$!gst%

Each subect presented a dfferent m!da$t" f!r ther e9perences th the #!ces, s! an abs!$ute$"

rgd set !f pr!t!c!$s c!#erng a$$ the subects n the e9act same a" as n!t p!ssb$eQ h!e#er,the rec!rdng technques #ared !n$" thn the estab$shed equpment c!nfgurat!ns as sh!n nthe fgures, and the p$acement !f the .$ue 2!use 2cr!ph!ne%

'*E 'RI0S

 0$$ runs f!r Subect 0 ere made n the #acant !ffce sute%

'he frst t! runs f!r Subect . ere made n the !ffce sute, the ne9t f!ur n the quet space, andthe ba$ance ere made n the !pen area% 'hese ere c!nducted $ate at nght and !n$" th!sen#!$#ed n the e9perment ere n the bu$dng%

 0$$ runs f!r Subect ( ere c!nducted n the !ffce sute%

'he frst t! runs f!r Subect + ere c!nducted n the !ffce sute% 'he fna$ s9 runs erec!nducted n the quet space%

'he frst f!ur runs f!r Subect E ere c!nducted n the quet space% 'he fna$ f#e runs erec!nducted n the !ffce sute%


'here as a $ape$ mcr!ph!ne n each ear !f the Stant!n headset% 'here ere !n$" t! channe$sa#a$ab$e !n the +0' rec!rder, e#en th!ugh each mcr!ph!ne pre-amp$fer had t! nputs and t!!utputs p!ssb$e% 'hus, ether b!th ear mcr!ph!nes !r !ne ear mcr!ph!ne and the .$ue 2!use !the .$ue 2!use n bnaura$ m!de c!u$d be rec!rded smu$tane!us$"% See fgures 4,8, and < f!r the#ar!us c!nfgurat!ns% 'he earph!nes ere se$ected because !f ther senst#t", de banddth,and the $arge earpeces that c!mp$ete$" c!#ered the ears th a $arge rubber rng% 'he cab$es f!rthe ear mcr!ph!nes ere secured t! the rubber rngs th e$ectrca$ tape, h$e the mcr!ph!nesthemse$#es dang$ed nt! the ear ca#t" !f the headset, ab!ut mda"%

'he pre-amp had a phase re#ersa$ stch and a 8@* r!$$-!ff f$ter stch% 1n$ess !therse n!tedn the sect!n !n the Sess!ns and Runs, the r!$$-!ff f$ter as n!t emp$!"ed, and the phase !f thenput sgna$ as n!t changed%

'he +0' rec!rder had the capab$t" !f tape markng n !rder t! return t! a partcu$ar sp!tQ h!e#e

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t as n!ted that the markng as appr!9mate, s! the marker numbers are n!t nc$uded here, e#eth!ugh the" $$ be used t! return t! specfc areas !f the tapes f!r further ana$"ses% 'he +0' hadb!th ba$anced :3R; and unba$anced :4/@; nputs% 3R c!nnect!rs ere used e9c$us#e$", e#enth!ugh the !utput fr!m the $ape$ mcr!ph!nes emp$!"ed a 4/@ t! 3R adapter% 'he +0' rec!rderc!u$d rec!rd n 4B !r 8@ bt f!rmat% 4B bt as used thr!ugh!ut the sess!ns, because 8@ btrec!rdng m!de reduced the rec!rdng tme per tape b" !ne ha$f, and there ere !therc!nsderat!ns ha#ng t! d! th the rec!rder ha#ng been set up :stches, butt!ns, etc%; t!successfu$$" rec!rd the #!ces n a pre#!us subects head%

 0 g!!d qua$t" b!!m b!9 as used t! $sten t! the rec!rdngs as the" ere made% 0ctua$$", a $esse9pens#e tape p$a"er as better n s!me respects, because t $mted the frequenc" banddth !fthe s!unds, e$mnatng s!me !f the #er" $! and #er" hgh ambent n!ses% *!e#er, the reas!nf!r usng the hgher qua$t" unt as that t had a A band equa$er bu$t nt! t% 2an" cheap p!rtab$ep$a"ers a$s! ha#e s!me equa$at!n% 0n a$ternat#e, e#en better arrangement !u$d be t! use themu$t-band equa$ers f!und n m!st c!mp!nent stere! s"stems% 'hs a$$!s f!r the f$terng !f#ar!us n!ses !n the rec!rdng and thus, brngng !ut the #!ces m!re c$ear$"%

N!te that the .$ue 2!use :?gures 4,8,and <; fed nt! the +0' rec!rder and as (O2.INE+ ththe ear mcr!ph!ne pck-up #a a feedback $!!p :.2 t! +0', +0' !utput t! headph!nes, earmcr!ph!nes t! +0', c!mbnat!n t! headph!nes;%

'he .$ue 2!use as m!unted at the f!ca$ p!nt !f a parab!$c ref$ect!r n !rder t! enhance tsc!$$ect!n !f subt$e s!unds%

One c!nfgurat!n that as n!t used as t! p$ace a mcr!ph!ne drect$" t!uchng the subectssku$$% It s p!ssb$e that the nduct!n !f #!ces nt! heads $$ res!nate the sku$$ and ths can bepcked up hen there s n! aud! n the r!!m !r n the subects ears that !u$d be pcked up b"the scheme emp$!"ed n ths e9perment%

N!teH a$$ mcr!ph!nes ha#e a preamp beteen them and the +0' and/!r ana$!g p$a"er/rec!rder%'he ana$!g p$a"back as used t! $sten t! each rec!rdng after t as put !nt! the +0'% It asnecessar" t! unp$ug the ana$!g p$a"er bef!re each +0' rec!rdng run, because aud! feedback!u$d be pr!duced due t! the feedback arrangement beteen the mcr!ph!nes and the

earph!nes%:I$$ustrat!ns !n f!$$!ng pages;

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Fiure #

 Fiure + 

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Fiure 7 

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Blue !ouse ,ounted at the fo%al point of the para3oli% refle%tor  

Deadphones 5ith the ear ,i%rophone in pla%e 

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Pre)a,ps4 @AT4 and 3oo, 3o/ 

O;er)all ;ie5 of the euip,ent setup 

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Euip,ent 5ith a su3e%t seated appro/i,ately the distan%e fro, the ,i%rophone 5e usedto ,ake the re%ordins 


 0$$ subects ere p$aced n a s!und-pr!!fed r!!m and asked f the #!ces ere $!uder, the same,!r muff$ed% 0$$ rep!rted that the #!ces ere the same, muff$ed, !r had #anshedQ theref!re a$$ runsere c!nducted n !ne !r m!re !f the three n!n-s!und pr!!fed spaces pr!#ded t! us%

 0$$ subects rep!rted that the #!ces ere act#e durng ther sess!n% 0 s!und check :c!ntr!$ run;as c!nducted pr!r t! the c!mmencement !f the sess!ns% 1n$ess !therse n!ted, the .$ue2!use :.2; as p!st!ned appr!9mate$" < feet fr!m the fr!nt !f the subects head% 'he !n$"enhancement !f the tapes p!ssb$e th the equpment e had as t! p$a" the +0' rec!rdngsthr!ugh the .!!m .!9 th ts equa$er set t! reduce ambent n!se, and b!!st the gan% 'he ne

ana$!g tape rec!rded !n the .!!m .!9 as $!uder th $ess n!se than the !rgna$% 'hs as h!?red Scher pr!cessed hs tapes%

Subect 0H

 0fter e#er" c!mmuncat!n fr!m the #!ces, the subect !u$d sa" st!p% 'he +0' as run back t!the begnnng !f the run and p$a"ed t! determne c!ntent% Subect rep!rted that the #!ces ere$!uder than the" had e#er been% Subect rep!rted n! unusua$ s!unds !ther than the n!rma$ambent s!unds n the r!!m, e9cept f!r an !ccas!na$, but nfrequent, p!ppng n!se% Subectrep!rted that s!metmes the #!ces !u$d take c!ntr!$ !f hs #!ca$ ch!rds and #brate them t!appr!9mate the !rds he as hearng% :N!teH !ther #ctms ha#e c$amed the same thng% 'hsma" be a rather c!mm!n !ccurrence f!r man" !f them;%

'heref!re, carefu$ #sua$ m!nt!rng !f subects thr!at and m!uth as c!nducted durng e#er" run+urng s!me runs, the subects th"r!d g$ands seemed t! be m!#ngQ h!e#er, subects 0dams

 0pp$e ne#er m!#ed and hs m!uth as a$a"s c$!sed% It s mp!ssb$e t! enuncate !rds th them!uth c$!sed% Subect rep!rted that the #!ces ere s!metmes n hs head and s!metmese9terna$% In genera$, he sad, there as n! dfference n qua$t" beteen nd!!rs and !utd!!rs%Subect stated that he had had 2RIs and EEGs-a$$ ere n!rma$% 'ent" !ne runs ere c!nductedurng Subect 0s sess!n% Subect rep!rted that there ere m!re than !ne nd#dua$ c!ntactnghm% +eta$s are appended%

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Subect .H

'e$#e runs ere c!nducted !n Subect .% 'he deta$s are appended% Subect rep!rted that the#!ces tended t! be e9terna$ t! hs head, m!st$" ab!#e and n bnaura$% Subect sad that !n !ther!ccas!ns, the #!ces !u$d s!metmes te$$ hm t! c!mmt sucde, !r that the" ere hs guardanange$s, !r that the" ere a$ens%

Subect (H

Subect ( rep!rted that the #!ces are s!metmes n the ar and c!u$d be heard b" !thers% She sadthat ths as c!nfrmed b" the fact that pe!p$e !u$d resp!nd t! them, a$th!ugh s!metmes pe!p$e!u$d thnk that she had uttered the !rds and !u$d resp!nd t! her%

One dffcu$t" n rec!rdng ths subect as that she had dffcu$t" breathng and the .2 pcked upthe s!unds hch tended t! mask an" subt$e s!unds that mght ha#e been present% 'he 44 runsc!nducted th Subect ( are appended n deta$%

Subect +H

'hs subect rep!rted that the #!ces c!mmuncated t! her m!st$" n hspers at the begnnng !fthe runs :but the #!ces g!t $!uder $ater !n;, and that !ccas!na$$" the" emt s!unds rather than!rds% 'he deta$s !f the C runs c!nducted th ths subect are appended%

Subect EH

In addt!n t! hearng #!ces, Subect E a$s! rep!rted seeng <+ h!$!graphc mages% *e #eedthe c!ntacts as a m9ture !f pan and p$easure% 'he D runs c!nducted !n Subect E are deta$ed the 0ppend9%


Subect 0H

Runs ere !f #ar"ng $ength, but se$d!m ran m!re than !ne mnute% 'he rep!rt fr!m the subectab!ut hat the #!ces ere te$$ng hm s n qu!tat!n marks% W!rd-$ke s!unds appeared !n the+0', un$ess !therse n!ted%

Run 4H +!nt sa" an"thng t! de$eted%

Run 8H Ok, n! e $$ ta$k ab!ut (ar!$ Ster$ngs murder%

Run <H We$$ ta$k ab!ut racsm n the pr!gram%

Run @H fuck "!u%

Run AH 'he .2 as turned !ff, and b!th $ape$ mcr!ph!nes !n$", ere used :n the earph!nes;%Wh" arent "!u tapng ths, stupd assF :'here as n! audb$e s!und !n the +0';%

Run BH Set-up the same as A% Ok, $ets ta$k ab!ut the murder e c!mmtted% :N!thng !n the+0';%

Run 6H Set-up the same as A and B% ?uck "!u, fuck "!u, ts n!t !rkng n!%

Run CH .2 !n$", n! ear mcr!ph!nes enab$ed% ?red Scher s an d!t and he s stupd%

Run DH .2 !n$"% 'hs s f!r freed!m, ths s f!r 1%S% Nat!na$ securt"%

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Run 4H .2 Y !ne ear mcr!ph!ne% 0h hahV, s!me !f these pe!p$e suck% We are fr!m 2ar"$and%:there as n! thr!at s!und n the r!!mQ h!e#er, s!unds appeared !n the +0';%

Run 44H .2 Y !ne ear mcr!ph!ne% ?red, "!ure an d!t%

Run 48H .2 !n$", n bnaura$ m!de% 'urn the mcr!ph!ne !ff, ts n!t !rkng%

Run 4<H .2 !n$", n bnaura$ m!de, and phase re#ersed !n the preamp% N!thng%

Run 4@H .2 p!nted aa" fr!m subect% N!thng%

Run 4AH Rec!rded th subect !ut !f the r!!m% N!thng%Run 4BH .2 p!nted t!ard the ce$ng% N!thng% Subect n r!!m%

Run 46H .2 ab!ut !ne nch fr!m subects rght ear% N!thng%

Run 4CH .2 ab!ut !ne nch fr!m subects $eft ear% 0rent "!uF 'hs rec!rded !n the +0' as as!und that c!u$d be nterpreted as arent "!u%

Run 4DH .2 ab!ut @ nches fr!m the back !f subects head% 'hs s the 1%S% +O+, e get !rdersfr!m the Pentag!n% ?ant !rds appeared !n the +0'%

Run 8H .2 p!nted t!ard the nd!% Subect d!rmant% N!thng but ambent s!unds !n the +0'

Run 84H .2 Y ear mcr!ph!ne% .2 ab!ut !ne f!!t fr!m subects head% N!thng%

Subect .H

Run 4H :e t!$d the subect ths as a s!und checkQ h!e#er, e ere n a rec!rd m!de, h!png t!trck the #!ces nt! beng $!uder;% .2 Y !ne ear mcr!ph!ne% N!thng%

Run 8H 'he" are t!rturng hm% N!thng !n the +0'%

Run <H ear mcr!ph!ne Y .2% N!thng

Run @H 'hs run and runs @ thr!ugh B ere c!nducted n an nter!r quet r!!m, but n!t s!und-pr!!fed% 'he .2, n bnaura$ m!de, as p$aced near the back !f subects head% 'here as n!

ambent n!se !n the +0'% 7er" fant s!unds, $ke a$m!st naudb$e hspers seemed t! be !n the+0'%

Run AH Rght ear mcr!ph!ne !n$"% N!thng%

Run BH .2 !n$" n bnaura$ m!de% N!thng sgnfcant%

Run 6H .2 Y !ne ear mcr!ph!ne% Subect rep!rted tnntus% 2a"be s!me s!und !n the +0', bute9treme$" $! $e#e$%

Run CH Rght ear mcr!ph!ne !n$"% Subect st$$ rep!rtng tnntus% N!thng !n the +0'%

Run DH .2 th phase re#ersed !n the pre-amp% 'hs run $asted ab!ut t! mnutes% N!thng%

Run 4H .2, same as C% 'hs run $asted ab!ut < mnutes% N!thng%

Run 44H .2 n bnaura$ m!de% Subect and researchers engaged n cht-chat and sudden$" turned!n the rec!rder and $et t run ab!ut @ mnutes% N!thng !n the +0'%

Run 48H .2 n bnaura$ m!de% Subect and researchers engaged n cht-chat and at s!me p!nt therec!rder as turned !n f!r ab!ut < mnutes% N!thng unusua$ !n the +0'%

Subect (H

'hs subect had dffcu$t" breathng, makng rec!rdng dffcu$t% *!e#er, she !re hearng ads nb!th ears, aff!rdng us the !pp!rtunt" t! rec!rd th and th!ut them n p$ace%

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Run 4H ths as t! check the s!und $e#e$ th the hearng ads n p$ace% 'he subects hea#"breathng as the !n$" e#dent s!und !n the +0'% 'he .2 Y ear mcr!ph!ne as used%

Run 8H ear mcr!ph!ne !n$", th hearng ads n p$ace% N!thng apparent !n the +0'%

Run <H ear mcr!ph!ne !n$", th!ut hearng ads n p$ace% S!methng $ke a hsper as rec!rded!n the +0'%

Run @H ear mcr!ph!ne !n$", th!ut hearng ads n p$ace% 7er" fant s!unds !n the +0'%

Run AH ear mcr!ph!ne !n$", th!ut hearng ads n p$ace% S!me d!$phn-$ke s!unds :squeaks,

hst$es; ere !n the +0'% It as n!t kn!n f these ere heees fr!m the subect !r n!t%

Run BH .2 Y ear mcr!ph!ne% Wth!ut hearng ads% 0 #er" strange s!und appeared !n the +0',but ts s!urce and c!ntent as unkn!n%

Run 6H .2 Y ear mcr!ph!ne% Wth!ut hearng ads% 0 tnntus-$ke t!ne appeared !n the +0'%

Run CH set up $ke 6% Wth!ut hearng ads% N!thng

Run DH .2 Y ear mcr!ph!ne th phase re#ersed !n the pre-amp% Wth hearng ads n p$ace%N!thng%

Run 4H .2 !n$"% Wth!ut hearng ads% N!thng%

Run 44H .2 !n$"% Wth!ut hearng ads% Phase re#ersed% N!thng%

Subect +H

Subect rep!rted that her #!ces c!mmuncated n hspers, but that the !rds ere c$ear t! her%'hs as unusua$, because the" n!rma$$" are $!ud% What subect rep!rts she heard s n qu!tat!ns

Run 4H ear mcr!ph!ne Y .2% 0 chrp appeared !n the +0' that as n!t heard n the r!!m%

Run 8H .2 Y earph!ne, th $! pass f$ter enab$ed !n pre-amp :r!$$!ff begnnng at 8@ *;,because an unusua$ am!unt !f $! frequenc" bu$dng n!se as beng rec!rded% *! c!me tshard t! hearF N!thng as apparent !n the +0', perhaps due t! the $arge am!unt !f rumb$e that

the f$ter fa$ed t! reduce%Run <H ear mcr!ph!ne !n$"% N!thng% 'hs run and a$$ remanng runs ere c!nducted n the quetspace%

Run @H .2 !n$"% N!thng%

Run AH .2 !n$"% 'he" arent d!ng t the same a"%

Run BH .2 Y ear mcr!ph!ne% .2 amed at back !f subects head% S!methng as rec!rded !n th+0' that s!unded $ke a fant rad! n the backgr!und%

Run 6H Same set up as B% N!thng%

Run CH ear mcr!ph!nes !n$"% N!thng e9cept a chrp that s!unded $ke tsk% Subect sad sherec!gned the s!und and !u$d $ke t enhanced and a tape g#en t! her !f the s!und% Researcheagreed%

Subect EH

'he frst @ runs ere made n the quet r!!m% 'he ba$ance ere made n the !rgna$ space herem!st !f the rec!rdngs t!!k p$ace% 7!ces rep!rted b" the subect are n qu!tat!ns%

Run 4H ear mcr!ph!nes !n$"% Phase re#ersed% +! "!u ant t! g! h!meF N!thng audb$eappeared !n the +0'%

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Run 8H ear mcr!ph!nes !n$"% Subect rep!rted that hen he reads, the #!ces are usua$$" $!uder%Subect read te9t durng the run% Wh" d!nt e st!p%%%%%F N!thng defnt#e !n the +0'%

Run <H ear mcr!ph!ne Y .2% N!thng%

Run @H same set up as <, but th .2 amed at the back !f subects head% Subect rep!rtedhearng s!methng, but c!u$d n!t make t !ut% N!thng !n the +0'%

Run AH .2 Y ear mcr!ph!ne% Subect turned a magnetc fe$d c!unteract!r !n% 'here as $!ts !fambent n!se durng ths run% Near the end, a strange s!und appeared !n the +0' that as n!t

apparent n the r!!m durng the run%Run BH .2 !n$"% (!unteract!r !n% 0 #!ce appeared !n the +0' that as n!t audb$e n the r!!mQh!e#er, t as #er" fant and c!u$d n!t be nterpreted%

Run 6H .2 !n$", th c!unteract!r !ff% Sgnfcant n!se fr!m an!ther r!!m !#erhe$med the subt$enf!rmat!n that ma" ha#e been present durng ths run%

Run CH .2 !n$", th c!unteract!r !ff% N!thng%

Run DH .2 Y ear mcr!ph!ne% ! frequenc" hum that had been present f!r m!st !f the runs asg!ne% I d!nt care% 0n"thng !n the +0' as at such a $! $e#e$ as t! be nc!nc$us#e%

CONCLSIONS'he h!pe as that n !ne da" and th f#e subects h! hear #!ces n ther heads, e !u$d geta sm$ar rec!rdng t! !ne h!se #!ces are c$ear en!ugh t! make !ut% *!e#er, that rec!rdngt!!k se#era$ m!nths t! !btan%

'hs e9perment, a$th!ugh unsuccessfu$ n !btanng a sm$ar rec!rdng, dd acc!mp$sh se#era$thngs, nc$udng the e9ercse !f the equpment n addt!na$ m!des, the use !f mu$tp$e subectsth #ar!us presentat!ns !f harassment, and data that s n!t c!nc$us#e :c!ncernng the testng !the h"p!thess; but that s #a$uab$e% 'he c!$$ected data has an!ma$!us c!ntentQ but n!t en!ugh t!arrant frm e#dence that a techn!$!g" as beng used% 'he sc!pe !f ths e9perment as $mtedb" funds and !ther c!nsderat!nsQ h!e#er, t $$ be used as a bass f!r further !rk :see

Rec!mmendat!ns;% ?urther enhancement !f the rec!rdngs ma" "e$d meanngfu$ resu$tsQh!e#er, ths has n!t been acc!mp$shed%

 0$th!ugh the data !btaned b" ths e9perment d!es n!t c!nc$us#e$" pr!#e the h"p!thess, t d!esn!t ru$e !ut a technca$ bass f!r the c$am that the subects are beng subected t! s!me s!rt !fmnd c!ntr!$ techn!$!g"% We ere faced th the d$emma !f ha#ng heard an!ma$!us s!unds nthe r!!m that dd n!t appear !n the tape th suffcent ntenst" f!r us t! defnte$" dentf" them as#!ces, e#en th!ugh the subects c!u$d understand hat the #!ces ere sa"ng% 0$$ e c!u$d d!as use a graphc equa$er t! decrease the am!unt !f repett#e ambent backgr!und n!se :fansetc%; and amp$f" the resu$ts% We dd n!t ha#e access t! e9pens#e racks !f equpment as used b"the ?.I and !ther g!#ernment agences that can pck a fant sgna$ !ut !f n!se and make sense !t%


.ased !n the resu$ts !btaned n ths e9perment, further research and testng s arranted%

7arat!ns !n ths e9perment :such as nc$udng equpment t! m!nt!r hgh frequenc" ande9treme$" $! frequenc" carrer sgna$s; can be th!ught !f b" an"!ne readng ths% +ata has beensent f!r c!mment t! an 2+ at the +etr!t Imagng Insttute% 0n mpr!#ed #ers!n !f ths e9permennc$udng drect sku$$ rec!rdngs, $$ be pr!p!sed as a (0*R0 Pr!p!sa$, n pr!cess% It $$ nc$udethe further enhancement !f the e9stng data n an attempt t! pr!#de a bass f!r further rec!rdng%

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?!r th!se shng t! rep$cate the e9perment, the $ape$ mcr!ph!nes can be purchased f!r ab!utJ8 each at Rad! Shack, and an" hgh qua$t" set !f headph!nes can be used PRO7I+E+ the"c!mp$ete$" c!#er the entre ear th a rubber rng :n !rder t! sea$ !ut e9trane!us ambent n!seand sea$ n an"thng the ear mcr!ph!nes ma" be pckng up fr!m the subects ears;%

'he pre-amp c!st ab!ut J8AQ h!e#er, g!!d qua$t" preamps can be !btaned f!r ab!ut J4

desgned f!r use n hgh-p!ered car stere!s% 'hs ma" be unhand", because the" are m!st$"p!ered b" the car batter"% 0n" hgh-gan, $! dst!rt!n pre-amp can be used, and sh!u$d c!star!und J48A f!r 44A# a$$ current p!er and n! fr$$s%

 0$$ +0' rec!rders are e9pens#e, and can be f!und man" p$aces fr!m #end!rs !n the Internet%Perhaps (rcut (t" carres them, a$s!% 'he !ne used n ths e9perment c!st J8AQ h!e#er, adecent !ne :ma"be used; ma" c!st J4 !r $ess% ?!r s!me!ne fam$ar th c!mputers, t sh!u$dbe p!ssb$e t! :th the appr!prate s!ftare; use t t! make dgta$ rec!rdngs drect$" !n (+RO2s% Otherse, e#en a g!!d ana$!g rec!rder c!u$d be used t! gather data% 'he beaut" !f a +0rec!rder s the c!mp$ete absence !f n!se% 'hs enab$es the rec!rdng t! be amp$fed after t smade th!ut ncreasng ana$!g tape hss%

'he .$ue 2!use c!sts ab!ut J8Q h!e#er, a reas!nab$" g!!d, but much $ess senst#edrect!na$ mcr!ph!ne can be !btaned f!r ab!ut J4 and up%

'he frame !rk t! h!$d the .$ue 2!use as hand made and n!t dffcu$t t! d!Q h!e#er, the e9actp$acement !f the ref$ect!r s crtca$ and sh!u$d be d!ne b" pr!fess!na$s% (!stH ab!ut JA f!r thedsh, and JA f!r set up% 0 fe d!$$ars f!r the matera$s t! make a stand% See ph!t!graph f!rdeta$s%

'he t!ta$ c!st t! assemb$e a $ess senst#e set !f rec!rdng equpment, but !ne that ma" besutab$e f!r capturng s!unds !u$d be ab!ut J@6A p$us a +0' rec!rder :hch pr!bab$" c!u$d berented f!r ab!ut J8A/da" !r $ess;% 0 g!!d qua$t" ana$!g rec!rder and a mu$t-band equa$er c!u$dbe used nstead !f the +0' rec!rderQ h!e#er, the qua$t" !f the rec!rdngs $$ be dmnshed%


E$d!n ."rd s a 2edca$ Engneer th an 2S fr!m 'he Ge!rge Washngt!n 1n#erst"% *e as aPO0RIS submarne e9pert f!r ndustr", and he$d #ar!us p!st!ns n the 1S G!#ernment,nc$udng Strategc S"stems 0na$"st, Operat!ns Research 0na$"st, (r"!genc Engneer, *ead !fthe +epartment !f +efense En#r!nmenta$ Pr!ects Offce, Pr!ect 2anager f!r the Na#"s 2eta$2atr9 (!mp!stes Pr!gram, and Pr!ect 2anager !f the 2arne (!rps N!n-etha$E$ectr!magnetc Weap!ns Pr!ect% *s c!ntract!rs f!r ths pr!ect nc$uded +rs% R!ss 0de",2chae$ Persnger, and R!bert .eck%

*e s c!nsdered t! be an e9pert n the b!$!gca$ effects !f e9treme$" $! frequenc" magnetc


*e as the technca$ c!nsu$tant f!r the b!!k 2ae, b" arr" (!$$ns, and as drect$" n#!$#ed nthe e#a$uat!n !f Ig!r Smrn!#s Ps"ch!dagn!ss and Ps"ch!c!rrect!n technque h$e Smrn!#as n the 1S%

Orgna$ sgned, E$d!n 0% ."rd 0ugust 8A, 88

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?. Roer Tol%es' Esti,ate of I,planted Tarets

R!ger '!$ces s an e$ectr!nc securt" c!nsu$tant based n (a$f!rna% *s eb ste s :5une 844;H


R!ger has !ffered hs ser#ces t! targets !f !rganed sta$kng and e$ectr!nc harassment :OS/E*f!r s!methng $ke a decade, at tme !f rtng% *e rep!rts #er" $tt$e ab!ut hs nteract!ns thc$ents, but has stated he has furnshed she$dng t! s!methng $ke A targets, at tme !f rtng%

*e has a$s! appeared repeated$" !n rad! sh!s, m!st n!tab$" (!ast t! (!ast 02 th h!stGe!rge N!!r", speakng ab!ut OS/E*%

'! date hs c$ents ha#e n!t updated members !f the OS/E* f!rums !n ther pers!na$ e9perencestakng ad#antage !f R!gers ser#ces, th !n$" a fe e9cept!ns% One such e9cept!n s a targett! h!m R!ger qu!ted hs :R!gers; estmate !f h! man" !f hs c$ents, !ut !f hs t!ta$ OS/E*target c$ents, are mp$anted, acc!rdng t! R!gers testng% *ere s the qu!te fr!m !ne !f R!gerstarget c$entsH

=*e sa"s D percent !f pe!p$e are n!t mp$anted%>*a#ng been an act#st and n c!ntact th a c!up$e !f th!usand !ther targets !#er the past 4A"ears, m" r!ugh guess s that perhaps 4 !f targets strenu!us$" nsst the" are mp$anted as afact% On$" a $tera$ handfu$ ha#e medca$ e#dence !f that% 0 ma!rt" !f targets fee$ str!ng$" the"ma" be mp$anted% 0gan U that s m" r!ugh guess U n!t pr!#en b" a rg!r!us sur#e"%

R!ger '!$ces p$aces targets n a rad! frequenc" anech!c chamber and attempts t! detect rad!sgna$ act#t" fr!m mp$ants n the targets b!d", and hs estmate !f 4 mp$anted s based !nthat crter!n%

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. !is%ellaneous @ete%tion E/peri,ents

'arget 0 rtesH

5!$ts !f energ" used t! ht m" h!use s!metmes turnng !n '7 and ster! !r !penng garage d!!r,turnng !n m!t!n senst#e $ghts etc% I made a c!pper c!$ fr!m tubng and p$aced t near m"bed% E#er" m!rnng ar!und @H4A the $ghts !u$d g! !n !utsde and the c!$ !u$d make a s!und%I thnk t dd he$p me b" abs!rbng the energ" that !u$d ha#e g!ne nt! m"b!d"%

I made a matress pad th sma$$ p!erfu$ magnets and that he$ped me s$eep thr!ugh the nght% Ia$s! a$$!ed me t! ha#e dreams that seemed t! authentca$$" be$!ng t! me%

22 CATION 22

E/peri,ent reports fro, tarets %ontain 3oth des%riptions of the e/peri,ent4and so,eti,es their %on%lusions as to 5hat 5as dete%ted and6or 5hy theresults 5ere as noted. I re%o,,end treatin only the e/peri,ent des%riptionsas fa%t4 and any %on%lusions 3y the e/peri,enters as their personal opinion.

0That in%ludes ,y o5n entries.1 If a %ounter,easure is reported to 5ork4 Ia%%ept the taret's 5ord for that.

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'hs sect!n $sts deas f!r e9perments hch ha#e n!t "et been perf!rmed%

#. Re%ordin EE -ith !at%hin Lo of Ti,es and Effe%ts

'he m9ed resu$ts f!r she$dng and detect!n e9perments str!ng$" suggest that c$assfed :secret;techn!$!g" s n use% S!me targets th decades !f e9perence n beng e$ectr!nca$$" assau$tedand h! ha#e techn!$!g" educat!n and e9perence ha#e c!me t! be$e#e that the !n$" entre$"re$ab$e detect!r !f e$ectr!nc assau$t s the b!d" tse$f%

I :E$ean!r Whte; suggest that a m!derate$" e9pens#e and reas!nab$" smp$e meth!d t! acqure=s!me> e#dence !f e$ectr!nc assau$t ma" be f!r a target t! d! t! thngs smu$tane!us$"H

4% Wear a rec!rdng EEG machne% 2edca$ grade !u$d be m!st c!n#ncng and m!st effect#e,h!e#er, the s!mehat $ess e9pens#e b!feedback grade sh!u$d !rk f!r a p$!t pr!ect%

'he earng !u$d $end tse$f best t! tme at h!me, partcu$ar$" n bed% Snce s!me !f the !rst !fthe e$ectr!nc assau$ts !ccur at h!me n bed, ths !u$d be an !ptmum tme t! e9perment%

.e S1RE the date and tme are set up n the rec!rdng EEG unt accurate$"%

8% 1se a camc!rder !r aud! rec!rder t! keep a #erba$ $!g :#sua$ and #erba$ e#en better; !f eachassau$t t"pe, th the date and tme !f each assau$t, f!r $ater matchng th the st!red EEG traces

Gettng ths d!ne th g!!d c$ear data mght be dffcu$t, as the perps are kn!n t! dsruptequpment% *!e#er, m" dea s t! ha#e dfferent targets tr" ths because the perpetrat!rs seem ttreat dfferent targets dfferent$", and a target ma" be f!und h! can pr!duce c$ean data%

E#en per!ds !f dsrupt!n can be s!mehat c!n#ncng f the" !ccur n a pattern here t s!b#!us the dsrupt!n s dffcu$t% Perpetrat!rs !ften d! perf!rm dsrupt!n n !b#!us patterns%

Wth g!!d dgta$ EEG a#ef!rm data, e#en f the a#ef!rms are n!t d!ne under medca$super#s!n, and the aud!/#de! $!g !f assau$t descrpt!ns at n!ted tmes, a rep!rt can then beassemb$ed n a !rd pr!cess!r, c!mparng durng-assau$t a#ef!rms th n!-assau$t =base$ne>a#ef!rms%

 0 quck $!!k at b!feedback qua$t" :4 !r 8 channe$; EEG machnes a#a$ab$e n September 8Dsh! de#ces that requre a P( as part !f the s"stem% S!me are red t! a 1S. p!rt :read$"a#a$ab$e !n P(s;, !thers ha#e a re$ess adapter% 'he prces run fr!m J4,8 1S t! J<, 1S September 8D%

Rea$stca$$", !ne !u$d ha#e t! add ma"be J@-JA t! that f!r ta9es, shppng and neededaccess!res%

*ere are a c!up$e !f these s"stemsH

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'hs s the J<, unt, and here s part !f the descrpt!nH

='he EEG Inf! 1S. Neur!0mp s a user-frend$", hgh-perf!rmance nterface beteen c$ent and

c$ncan c!mputer f!r EEG .!feedback :Neur!feedback; and/!r perphera$ .!feedback therap"%("gnet neur!feedback s!ftare s nc$uded th the purchase !f a Neur!0mp%>

*ere s the sca$p pckup capH

*eres an!ther untH

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 0$$ the e$ectr!ncs are n the cap% 'he September 8D base prce s J8, 1S%

*ere s an e9amp$e !f the t"pe !f graphc nf!rmat!n ths unt can put !n a screen, hch c!u$dthen be captured and nserted nt! a rep!rt ab!ut EEG e9permentsH

N!te that the $etterng s b$urred thr!ugh mu$tp$e 5PG resngs - the !rgna$ !u$d be muchc$earer% 0$s! n!te that f!rm !f !utput has t! be carefu$$" researched bef!re m!ne" s spentVV

&& ONE '0RGE' W*O 0''E2P'E+ 0 7ERSION O? '*IS E3PERI2EN'H

?r!mH +a#d+ate sentH Sun, B 2ar 844 4BH8CHA6 -C :PS';

Regardng EEG rec!rds !f hat I refer t! as ps"chc attacksH

I !u$d $ke t! ment!n that ab!ut C "ears ag! I g!t m" d!ct!r t! !rder a test f!r me th a h!meEEG rec!rdng kt% 'he kt had a$$ th!se EEG res that ha#e t! be attached t! "!ur sca$p% I ent t!an !ffce, the res ere attached t! m" sca$p and the rec!rdng de#ce, and I ent h!me% 'he frs

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tme the resu$ts ere sad t! be n!ne9stentH apparent$" the EEG kt rec!rded n!thng meanngfu$,p!ssb$" due t! t! an err!r n settng t up%

'he sec!nd tme, I ht the rec!rd stch s!me 8 tmes n a sng$e da", ab!ut e#er" tme I fe$t aps"chc attack% 'he EEGs sh!ed n!thng unusua$% I ha#e c!nc$uded that m" attacks, th!ugh the"frequent$" n#!$#e se9ua$ stmu$at!n, d! not cause abn!rma$ EEG readngs%


E$ean!r Whte resp!ndsH

'hanks f!r ths mp!rtant rep!rt, +a#d%

*!e#er, the rec!rder and ts data ere at the merc" !f the d!ct!r% *e c!u$d ha#e been c!-!ptedI st$$ thnk f e used !ur !n equpment and dd !ur !n ana$"ss, e mght get s!methngsgnfcant%

 0?'ER e get s!methng sgnfcant, f e ha#e a medca$ test th n!thng sgnfcant, t puts thesp!t$ght !n the d!ct!r !rderng the test and hs/her nterpretat!n !f the data%

I ust d!nt be$e#e an" d!ct!r that sa"s t makes n! dfference n the EEG beteen a se9ua$$"stmu$ated state and a n!t-stmu$ated state% 'hats n!nsense, n m" n!t-medca$$"-educated!pn!n%

 0n!ther c!mment s that ts mp!rtant t! ha#e .0SEINE data .E'WEEN harassment e#ents%'he dea !f httng the rec!rd butt!n after an e#ent starts s #er" $ke$" t! mask dfferences n EEGact#t", n m" !pn!n%

E$ean!r Whte

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 0(O1S'I( .1E'

 0n ac!ustc bu$$et s a tra#e$$ng sh!ck a#e, pr!ected n a a" that t sta"s n a c!mpactarea and can cause damage hen t mpacts s!methng n ts path% 0n ac!ustc bu$$etsact!n s sm$ar t! the spherca$ sh!ck a#e resu$tng fr!m a b!mb b$ast, but d!esnt spread!ut as a b!mb b$ast d!es% 0s th a b!mb b$ast sh!ck a#e, an ac!ustc bu$$et $$ be

c!n#erted t! mechanca$ m!t!n, then t! heat, hen t mpacts a a$$ and $$ n!t tra#e$thr!ugh a a$$ th the !rgna$ c!mpact se, shape and energ"% If the a$$ d!esnt break,hat gets transferred t! the nsde s daphragm-$ke m!t!n !f the a$$ th s!me f!$$! up$! frequenc" #brat!n%

 0 target !u$d be e$$ aare, as !u$d the neghb!urs, f an ac!ustc bu$$et ere t! mpactthe a$$ !f a targets h!me - the" are an"thng but s$ent%

 0(O1S'I( *E'ERO+)NING

 0c!ustc heter!d"nng s the transmss!n !f a par !f u$tras!nc sgna$s thr!ugh the ar,

hch, hen the" strke a s!$d surface, m9 and re$ease audb$e s!und hch has beenm!du$ated !n t! the t! u$tras!und sgna$s% '! c!mmerca$ #ers!ns are =*"perS!ncS!und> and the =0c!ustc Sp!t$ght%>

 0c!ustc heter!d"nng d!es n!t carr" thr!ugh a$$s% 0n" audb$e s!und s re$ased at the!utsde !f the a$$, as f a sma$$ $!udspeaker ere m!unted !n the !utsde !f the a$$%*!e#er, ths techn!$!g" s #!ce-t!-sku$$-$ke en!ugh t! make f!r nterestngdem!nstrat!ns th the pub$c%

 0(O1S'I( SPO'IG*'

=0c!ustc Sp!t$ght> s !ne !f the c!mmerca$ #ers!ns !f ac!ustc heter!d"nng techn!$!g"%'! u$tras!und sgna$s tra#e$ t!gether n a narr! c!$umn, and re$ease audb$e s!und at thp!nt !f mpact th a s!$d !bect% 0c!ustc Sp!t$ght techn!$!g" s the pr!duct !f*!$!s!ncs, Inc%

'he =0c!ustc Sp!t$ght> d!es n!t carr" thr!ugh a$$s% 0n" audb$e s!und s re$ased at the!utsde !f the a$$, as f a sma$$ $!udspeaker ere m!unted !n the !utsde !f the a$$%*!e#er, ths techn!$!g" s #!ce-t!-sku$$-$ke en!ugh t! make f!r nterestngdem!nstrat!ns th the pub$c%


'he unt !f e$ectrca$ current% E$ectrc current s the rate !f f$! !f e$ectr!ns hch arebr!ken free fr!m at!ms, n!rma$$" temp!rar$"% :2eta$ at!m e$ectr!ns are eas" t! ds$!dge,and that s h" meta$ c!nducts eas$"%; It takes 7O'0GE t! push e$ectr!ns n a c!nduct!rt! create a current%


Reduct!n, usua$$" a reduct!n n p!er%

 01+IO ?REX1EN()

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?requences beteen 8 and 8, *ert


E$ectrc current s the rate !f f$! !f e$ectr!ns, measured n amperes, hch are br!ken frefr!m at!ms, n!rma$$" temp!rar$"% :2eta$ at!m e$ectr!ns are eas" t! ds$!dge, and that sh" meta$ c!nducts eas$"%;


 0 c!mm!n a" t! e9press re$at#e p!er n techn!$!g" $terature% 0 sma$$ ncrease !rdecrease !n the decbe$ sca$e s a $arge ncrease !r decrease n actua$ p!er measured natts% ?!r m!st purp!ses, targets smp$" need t! be aare that hen the term =decbe$s>appears, t s p!er $e#e$ beng dscussed% =+ecbe$s> can app$" t! b!th s!und ande$ectr!magnetc sgna$s%

E$ectr!magnetc she$dng s rated n decbe$s, because f!r practca$ purp!ses, t s n!tp!ssb$e t! brng the $e#e$ !f e$ectr!magnetc sgna$ nsde t! abs!$ute er!% In m!st rea$!r$d cases, E2 she$dng can reduce sgna$ $e#e$s t! e$$ be$! here the tn" remanngsgna$s cause pr!b$ems%

Xuck e9amp$esH 0 B decbe$ reduct!n s a reduct!n t! !ne 2IION'* !f the sgna$!utsde the she$dng% 0 48 decbe$ reduct!n s !ne 'RIION'* !f the sgna$ !utsde theshe$dng% In !ther !rds, the actua$ p!er reduct!n s far hgher than the number !fdecbe$s%


'he smp$est t"pe !f rad! antenna% 0 straght re !r r!d cut t! ha$f !f the a#e$ength !f thsgna$ the antenna s desgned f!r% 'hs s a hgh-X :qua$t" fact!r; antenna%


=E$ectr!encepha$!gram/graph,> the rec!rdng !f the bran-nduced e$ectrca$ act#t" !f thesurface !f the sku$$ b" a" !f skn-c!ntact e$ectr!des% 'he EEG readngs are n!t the sameas the frng !f nd#dua$ neur!ns n the bran, but represent the e$ectrca$ a#erage !f theact#t" !f m$$!ns !f neur!ns% EEG frequences $e n the range !f appr!9mate$" - 4*ert, and a$$ brans emt c!nstant$" changng frequences thn ths narr! band%

'here s n! frequenc" n ths narr! band unque t! an nd#dua$% It s p!ssb$e that ac!mputer pr!gram hch ana$"es the pattern !f the man" e$ectr!des mght be ab$e t! nfer

the dentt" !f the test subect% *!e#er, d!ng ths at ne9t d!!r neghb!ur dstances has nbeen dem!nstrated at tme !f rtng, s! targets are urged t! n!t c$am ths s beng d!ne%

EE('RI( !r EE('ROS'0'I( ?IE+

 0n area n hch charged partc$es, such as e$ectr!ns, e9perence mechanca$ f!rce due t!the presence !f nearb" charged !bects% :2easured n unts $ke #!$ts per meter%; 'hefam$ar mechanca$ act!ns !f statc e$ectrct" sh! the presence !f an e$ectrc fe$d%

 0n e$ectrc fe$d can be statc, !r #ar"ng :e%g% !sc$$atng at a frequenc"%;

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 0n e$ectrc fe$d s n!t an e$ectrc current, but t can cause a f$! !f e$ectr!ns hch s ane$ectrc current%

EE('RO20GNE'I( SIGN0 !r ?IE+ :E2;

 0n e$ectr!magnetc sgna$ !r fe$d s a =chemca$ c!mp!und> !f an !sc$$atng e$ectrc fe$dand an !sc$$atng magnetc fe$d, nseparab$e unt$ t acts !n a c!nduct#e antenna% 0n E2sgna$ !r fe$d has pr!pertes dfferent fr!m ether a pure e$ectrc !r pure$" magnetc fe$d% 0E2 sgna$ can tra#e$ $!ng dstances, h$e b!th e$ectrc and magnetc fe$ds are #er" sh!rtrange $!ca$ed phen!mena n practca$ terms%


 0bbre#at!n f!r =e9treme$" $! frequenc"%> 'he E? frequenc" range e9tends fr!m ustab!#e er! *ert t! ether < * !r <, *, dependng !n h!se defnt!n !ne uses%When OS/E* targets use E?, the" are !ften ta$kng ab!ut the $! end !f the range, er! t!4 *, hch s here bran and neura$ act#t" takes p$ace%

E? frequences can n!t be used t! transmt #!ce t! sku$$, as the" are be$! the audb$efrequences% E? frequences are n!t =mcr!a#es> ether%

'he a#e$engths !f E? sgna$s are th!usands !f k$!meters $!ng and can n!t be f!cussed!n an"thng as sma$$ as an nd#dua$ pers!n% E? sgna$s spread !ut%

?0R0+0) (0GE

 0 meta$$c enc$!sure, c!mm!n$" th!ught !f as made !f screen, desgned t! reduce :!rp!ssb$" e$mnate; e$ectr!magnetc sgna$s nsde% ?!r best perf!rmance the entrec!nduct#e !uter surface must be e$ectrca$$" b!nded at a$$ p!nts !f c!ntact%


=*gh frequenc" 0ct#e 0ur!ra$ Research Pr!ect,> a seres !f hgh p!er rad! transmttngstat!ns th =phased arra"> antenna s"stems% 'hese phased arra" antenna s"stems canam a beam !f *? band :< t! < 2*; rad! sgna$ at the !n!sphere% 'hs causes heatng!f the !n!sphere, thnnng t% 'he sgna$ s a$s! refracted :bent; back d!n t! the Earth at dstant p!nt% *00RP can &&NO'&& target sng$e nd#dua$s - hen the sgna$ reaches Eartht has spread t! man" square m$es% *00RP s &&NO'&& =mcr!a#e%> :2cr!a#e sgna$sarent refracted b" the !n!sphere%;


=*"perS!nc S!und> s a brand name !f ac!ustc heter!d"nng techn!$!g", n hch a par !u$tras!nc s!und sgna$s tra#e$ t!gether n !pen ar, and m9 t! re$ease audb$e s!undc!ntent here the u$tras!und sgna$s mpact a s!$d surface% 'hs techn!$!g" s pr!ducedb" 0mercan 'echn!$!ges (!rp!rat!n :W!!d" N!rrs, n#ent!r%;

*"perS!nc S!und d!es n!t carr" thr!ugh a$$s% 0n" audb$e s!und s re$ased at the!utsde !f the a$$, as f a sma$$ $!udspeaker ere m!unted !n the !utsde !f the a$$%*!e#er, ths techn!$!g" s #!ce-t!-sku$$-$ke en!ugh t! make f!r nterestngdem!nstrat!ns th the pub$c%


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E$ectr!magnetc radat!n beteen < G* :the t!p !f the =rad!> frequenc" band; and@<, G* :the begnnng !f #sb$e $ght%; 'hs s a huge band here the t!p frequenc" 4,@<< tmes hgher than the b!tt!m% Infrared sgna$s beha#e $ke #sb$e $ght at the t!p !fths band, and beha#e m!re $ke mcr!a#e at the b!tt!m !f ths band% ='-a#es> aresgna$s n the terahert range, and are t"pca$$" sp!ken !f n re$at!n t! thr!ugh a$$ radar,hch uses the $!er end !f the nfrared band%


S!und at an" frequenc" be$! 8 *%


If "!u research technca$ $terature ab!ut radat!n, "!u ma" fnd the term =n#erse square$a> referenced% 'he n#erse square $a descrbes h! the p!er !f a sgna$ decreasesth dstance fr!m the s!urce%

If the s!urce s n!t a perfect$" c!$$mated beam, that s, a beam hch d!esnt spread at a$$,the sgna$ strength decreases n pr!p!rt!n t! the square !f the dstance% 'hat means that "!u d!ub$e the dstance fr!m the s!urce, the sgna$ s cut t! !ne f!urth !f the strength at thec$!ser p!st!n% In !ther !rds, dstance causes sgna$ $e#e$ t! dr!p rather quck$", n!t ust pr!p!rt!n t! the dstance%

aser beams are !ften th!ught !f as perfecte$" c!$$mated beams, and s!me $asers d! use$enses t! ache#e that% .ut !#er $arge dstances, e#en $aser beams spread t! s!me sma$$degree% 2cr!a#e dshes a$s! emt a beam hch spreads t! a degree%


=ght 0mp$fcat!n b" Stmu$ated Emss!n !f Radat!n%> 0 $aser s a de#ce hch takes!rdnar" $ght, n hch the $ghts a#ef!rms are umb$ed and rand!m, and c!n#erts therand!m =ph!t!ns> :unts !f $ght; nt! ph!t!ns a$$ !rented n the same drect!n and $ea#ngthe de#ce s! a$$ the a#ef!rms are n perfect $!ck step th !ne an!ther% 'hs pr!duces abeam hch can g! $!ng dstances th #er" $tt$e spreadng%

It a$s! means that the energ" put nt! the beam can be near$" 4 rec!#ered at thebeams mpact p!nt th an !bect%

'he term =$aser> s c!mm!n$" app$ed t! #sb$e $ght, nfrared, and u$tra#!$et radat!n%


ens a descrbes the act!n here% hen a sgna$ acts !n an area !f c!nduct#eshe$dng, crcu$atng currents n the she$dng $$ act s! as t! set up an !pp!sng sgna$, anthat !pp!sng sgna$ tra#e$s aa" fr!m the she$dng as a ref$ect!n !f the nc!mng sgna$%Ref$ected rad! sgna$s beha#e $ke ref$ected $ght, a$th!ugh the sgna$s are dffused m!rethan $ght :d!nt ref$ect n a sng$e sharp-edged beam%;


'he ha$f-centur"-!$d I+0 machne s a pu$sed, @ 2*, @ att rad! transmtter, th !thefeatures such as pu$sng $ght and heat% 'hs machne !rgnated n Russa and as

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ntended as an a$ternat#e t! sedat#e drugs% It !perates b" =entranng> :nf$uencng; thebrans e$ectrca$ rh"thms t! a frequenc" hch causes dr!sness% It s the rad! equ#a$en!f r!ckng a bab"s crad$e !r the m!t!n !f a tran h$e tr"ng t! s$eep, !r the h"pn!tstssngng atch% Its n!t the frequenc" !f the sgna$ that d!es the !rk, ts the rate at hcht s pu$sed%


=2cr!a#e 0mp$fcat!n b" Stmu$ated Emss!n !f Radat!n%> 0 de#ce hch generates amcr!a#e sgna$ n hch a$$ the energ" $ea#es the de#ce a$gned n a narr! beam, themcr!a#e c!unterpart !f a $aser%


=2agnet!encepha$!gram/graph,> the rec!rdng !f the bran-nduced magnetc act#t" at thesurface !f the sku$$ b" a" !f pckup c!$s !utsde the sku$$, at #er" sh!rt ranges% 'hsc!rre$ates t! nterna$ e$ectrca$ currents because currents create magnetc fe$ds% 'he 2EGreadngs are n!t the same as the frng !f nd#dua$ neur!ns n the bran, but represent themagnetc a#erage !f the act#t" !f m$$!ns !f neur!ns% 2EG frequences $e n the range !fappr!9mate$" - 4 *ert, and a$$ brans emt c!nstant$" changng frequences thn thsnarr! band%

'here s n! frequenc" n ths narr! band unque t! an nd#dua$% It s p!ssb$e that ac!mputer pr!gram hch ana$"es the pattern !f the man" pckup c!$s mght be ab$e t! nfethe dentt" !f the test subect% *!e#er, d!ng ths at ne9t d!!r neghb!ur dstances has nbeen dem!nstrated at tme !f rtng, s! targets are urged t! n!t c$am ths s beng d!ne%


 0n e$ectr!magnetc sgna$ startng at ether < 2* !r <, 2* :< G*;, up t! < G*:the t!p !f the =rad!> frequenc" band%; +fferent s!urces defne the $! end frequenc"dfferent$"%

2I(ROW07E 01+I'OR) E??E('

2cr!a#e audt!r" effect s n!t #!ce t! sku$$% 20E refers t! the ab$t" t! hear mcr!a#epu$ses hch mpnge !n the head% 0$s! ca$$ed =radar hearng%> 20E as f!rma$$"pub$shed b" e9permenters 0$$en ?re" and 5ames (% n, ha#ng been dsc!#ered b" radartechncans durng W!r$d War II%

?re"s and ns !rk $ed t! the succesfu$ dem!nstrat!n !f #!ce :and !ther s!unds; t! skub" e9permenter 5!seph Sharp n 4D6<%

'argets sh!u$d, hen nterest s e9pressed b" n!n-targets, :after frst c!ntact,; refer t! =#!ct! sku$$> nstead !f 20E, because the essenta$ thng the pub$c needs t! kn! ab!ut s theuse !f #!ce f!r harassment, n!t ust =c$cks and bues%>


2!du$at!n !ccurs hen a stead" stream !f sgna$ :c!nstant amp$tude, c!nstant frequenc"gets changed !r =shaped> b" an!ther sgna$, t"pca$$" a #!ce a#ef!rm n rad!, !r a pctura#ef!rm n '7, !r ch!pped nt! pu$ses as n radar !r 2!rse c!de transmss!ns%

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 0 t"pe !f ad#anced techn!$!g" hch has n!t been accepted b" !ffca$s as a =rea$>techn!$!g"% Snce acceptance b" !ffca$s s hat matters n the fght t! e9p!se OS/E*,targets are se t! a#!d brngng !rg!ne techn!$!g" nt! ser!us dscuss!ns ab!ut thscrme th n!n-targets%


 0n !bect !sc$$ates hen t e9hbts mechanca$ #brat!n :s!und,; !r, e$ectr!ns n !r !n the!bect m!#e back and f!rth :e$ectrca$ !sc$$at!n%;


=Organed sta$kng and e$ectr!nc harassment%>

P*0SE+ 0RR0)

When mu$tp$e antennas are spaced !ut n a grd pattern, and c!ntr!$$ed s! that thea#ef!rms arr#e !r depart each antenna at s$ght$" dfferent tmes, ths grd !f antennas caemt a steerab$e beam% :=Phase> means =tmng%>; 'he beam $$ be much narr!er andsharper at mcr!a#e frequences than, sa", *00RPs range !f < t! < 2*, d!n n the=sh!rt a#e> band%

S!me radar s"stems use phased arra" antennas hch are e$ectr!nca$$" m!re c!mp$e9, bumechanca$$" smp$er than a m!t!r dr#en dsh%


'he p!er $e#e$ !f a sgna$, ac!ustc !r e$ectr!magnetc, s !ften !#er$!!ked b" targets asthe" tr" t! understand h! a partcu$ar attack t"pe ma" be d!ne% 'argets sh!u$d $!!kthr!ugh cata$!gue descrpt!ns !f c!mm!n e$ectrca$ !r e$ectr!nc de#ces and make n!te !the p!er c!nsumpt!n, !r radat!n n rad! transmttng de#ces, t! get a fee$ f!r hat ag#en p!er $e#e$ can d! at hat dstance% N!te sh!u$d a$s! be made !f the ph"sca$ se !#ar!us fam$ar de#ces hch ha#e a p!er ratng%

P!er s measured n atts, m$$atts, !r mcr!atts% :P!er s s!metmes seen measuren =decbe$s,> a s"stem !f measurement based !n rat!s, and n!t drect measurement natts%;

Requred p!er $e#e$s set $mts !n h! sma$$ a de#ce can be t! hand$e a g#en $e#e$ !fp!er, and man" the!res fa$ hen de#ce se #ersus p!er hand$ng ab$t" are taken nt!


PS)(*O'RONI( :-I(S;

Ps"ch!tr!ncs has se#era$ meanngs t!da", makng t a p!!r ch!ce !f term t! use n the OSE* arena% Orgna$$", ps"ch!tr!ncs as the use !f e$ectr!nc c!mp!nents, bu$t nt! n!n-p!ered de#ces, a$!ng th =speca$ ab$tes> !f an !perat!r, f!r hea$ng% 'hese =speca$ab$tes> seem t! be !f the ps"chc #aret"% 'hs s a g!!d reas!n t! a#!d ths term n theser!us dscuss!n !f e$ectr!nc harassment techn!$!g" th n!n-targets%

terature ths rter has seen suggests that ad#anced rem!te nf$uencng techn!$!g", hch

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c!u$d be used f!r e$ectr!nc harassment, has been ca$$ed =ps"ch!tr!ncs> n Russan crc$esI suggest n!t usng the term th n!n-targets un$ess t bec!mes a p!pu$ar term specfca$$"referrng t! harassment, and n!t s!me =Ne 0ge> c!ncept%

X-?0('OR !r X10I') ?0('OR

'he qua$t" fact!r =X> !f an !bect s hghest hen e$ectr!ns n !r !n the !bect can m!#eback and f!rth free$", th mnmum energ" $!ss :c!n#ers!n t! heat%; 0 hgh-X !bect $$res!nate p!erfu$$", h$e a $!-X !bect $$ n!t res!nate p!erfu$$" and much !f thenc!mng e$ectr!magnetc sgna$ $$ be c!n#erted t! heat%

 0 re dp!$e antenna has a hgh X fact!r% 0 head has a $! X fact!r because !f theresstance !f the f$esh% 0 strand !f +N0 has a #er" $! X fact!r because t s n c!ntact t!ther semc!nduct#e matera$%


E$ectr!magnetc sgna$s !r fe$ds% E2 sgna$s up thr!ugh rad!, nfrared, #sb$e $ght andu$tra#!$et bands are =n!n-!nng%> E2 sgna$s hgher are =!nng,> meanng the" are s!energetc that the" can strp s!me !f the e$ectr!ns fr!m m!$ecu$es the" nteract th%


Rad! frequences start at ether < k* !r 4 k*, dependng !n a partcu$ar auth!rt"susage% 'he upper $mt s < G*, hch s a$s! the begnnng !f the nfrared frequenc"band, and s the area !f =m$$meter a#e> thr!ugh a$$ #eng techn!$!g"%


 0n ad#anced techn!$!g" hch, $ke =sca$ars,> =ps"ch!tr!ncs,> and =!rg!ne,> has n!t beenaccepted b" !ffca$s as =rea$%> 'heref!re, rad!ncs sh!u$d n!t f!rm part !f a ser!usdscuss!n !f the OS/E* crme arena th n!n-targets%


Rea$ !r$d matera$s ha#e #ar!us am!unts !f resstance t! the f$! !f e$ectrc current%2eta$s ha#e $! resstance c!mpared th nsu$at!rs hch ha#e #er" hgh resstance% 'heresstance !f an !bect affects h! p!erfu$$" t can e$ectrca$$" res!nate, becauseresstance c!n#erts the m!t!n !f e$ectr!ns n !r !n an !bect t! heat%

Resstance s measured n O*2s% )!ur a#erage h!useh!$d e9tens!n c!rd, C feet $!ng and4B c!pper re, !u$d be s!methng $ke %B@ !hms, #er" $!% It has t! be $! t! a#!d

!#erheatng under $!ad% .!d" parts ha#e resstances measured n hundreds !r th!usands!f !hms%


Rem!te neura$ m!nt!rng, that s, readng the state !f s!me!nes bran and ner#!us s"stemat a dstance, has n!t been dem!nstrated th the dem!nstrat!n pub$shed b" amanstream s!urce under ther name and $!g!, at ne9t d!!r neghb!ur dstances% 'hs terms appea$ng t! targets, but unf!rtunate$", unt$ t s dem!nstrated at dstances here t c!u$dbe used as part !f e$ectr!nc harassment, targets sh!u$d refran fr!m statng t asacc!mp$shed fact% .est t! speak !f such a c!ncept as !nes guess !r the!r", !r that

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targets e9perences are =0S I?> RN2 as !ccurrng%


?!r e$ectr!magnetc sgna$s, c!nduct#e !bects, nc$udng b!d" parts, can be made t!!sc$$ate :supp!rt a$ternatng e$ectrc currents n !r !n%; 'he m!st p!erfu$ currents, at aspecfc frequenc", depend !n se and shape% 'hs s $ke the frequenc" at hch a be$$ $rng hen struck% *! p!erfu$$" a g#en !bect $$ res!nate depends !n a #aret" !f thng$ke =qua$t" fact!r> !r =X%> :See a$s! entr" ab!#e tt$ed =X-?act!r>;


=Sca$ar:s;> s a term hch s specu$at!n at ths p!nt n tme% Sca$ar:s; s a p!pu$ar namef!r an ad#anced sgna$ t"pe hch can create m!re effects than as-taught-n-sch!!$c!n#ent!na$ sgna$ t"pes, and pr!bab$" d! s! thr!ugh she$dng and regard$ess !f dstanceI urge targets t! n!t use =sca$ars> n ser!us dscuss!ns !f harassment techn!$!g" th n!ntargets, un$ess e$$ qua$fed as specu$at!n% Im n!t sa"ng ad#anced sgna$s d!nt e9st,nstead Im sa"ng e d!nt kn! hat the" are ca$$ed !r h! the" !rk at ths tme%

In Russan $terature, sm$ar specu$at#e terms ha#e made t nt! p!pu$ar usage, such as=t!rs!n fe$ds> and =$ept!ncs%>


She$dng hch has sgnfcant resstance, un$ke meta$%

2eta$s ha#e m!re !r $ess er! resstance, s! an nc!mng sgna$s nduced current n themeta$ can cause the energ" t! be ref$ected n an !utg!ng sgna$% If a she$dng matera$ hassgnfcant resstance, the nc!mng sgna$ $$ attempt t! cause current t! f$! :see ensa,; but because the resstance $$ c!n#ert s!me !f the energ" t! heat, semc!nduct#eshe$dng $$ abs!rb, rather than ref$ect%

SPE('R12 0N0)\ER

 0 rad! rece#er n hch a range !f frequences s c!ntnua$$" checked f!r the presence !fsgna$s, and a graph !f sgna$ strength #ersus frequenc" s dsp$a"ed !n ts screen%


='rans-crana$ magnetc stmu$at!n%> '2S n#!$#es pu$sng e$ectrc current thr!ugh nduct!c!$s, causng magnetc fe$ds, he$d aganst the sku$$% 'hese magnetc pu$ses ha#e beendem!nstrated t! be str!ng en!ugh t! trgger the frng !f ner#es hen he$d aganst the hand

 0n a$ternat#e t! e$ectr!-sh!ck therap"%

?!r OS/E* targets, str!ng magnetc fe$ds act !n$" at #er" sh!rt range n practca$ terms% Iftarget dsc!#ers str!ng magnetc fe$ds n ther #cnt" and there are n! p!erfu$ nduct!nc!$s nearb", techn!$!g" far m!re ad#anced than '2S s at !rk%


='erahert> e$ectr!magnetc sgna$s n the #cnt" !f ust ab!#e < G*, the begnnng !fnfrared, a$s! ca$$ed the =m$$meter a#e> reg!n% ?!r thr!ugh a$$ #eng, frequences nt!

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the $!er end !f the nfrared band are used, th!ugh as "!u m!#e up n the nfrared band,E2 sgna$s beha#e m!re and m!re $ke #sb$e $ght and $ess $ke a$$-penetratng =m$$metea#es%>


S!und at an" frequenc" ab!#e 8, *ert%


E$ectr!magnetc sgna$s ust ab!#e #sb$e $ght% *gh energ" 17 $asers can !ne a paththr!ugh the ar hch can c!nduct e$ectrct" and ths s !ne f!rm !f taser%

7OI(E 'O SK1 :!r 78S !r 78K;

'he transmss!n !f s!und, nc$udng #!ce, nt! the sku$$ !f a target th!ut the assstance!f mp$ants !r an" !ther de#ce n !r !n the target% ?rst ann!unced as successfu$ at the1n#erst" !f 1tah n 4D6@, and the !urna$ =0mercan Ps"ch!$!gst> n 2arch 4D6A%

 0$th!ugh #!ce t! sku$$ can be smu$ated usng =ac!ustc sp!t$ght> techn!$!g", 78S usua$$"refers t! e$ectr!magnetc transmss!ns%

=78K> as an abbre#at!n c!ned b" the 1nted States 0rm" n ther !n $ne thesaurus f!rse#era$ "ears% 'he defnt!n as e#entua$$" rem!#ed%


'he unt !f e$ectrca$ pressure% When $!!se e$ectr!ns gather !n an !bect n m!re thannatura$ quanttes, that !bect p!ssesses #!$tage re$at#e t! !ther !bects% 7!$tage s hatcauses e$ectrc current t! f$! hen a c!nductng path s made a#a$ab$e% 0$s! ca$$ed=e$ectrca$ p!tenta$%>


Wa#es !f an" t"pe :ac!ustc, e$ectr!magnetc, !r ater a#es; are made up !f a$ternatng=up and d!n m!t!ns%> 'he a#e $ength s the ph"sca$ dstance c!#ered b" !ne c!mp$eteup and d!n m!t!n% *st!rca$$" !ne c!mp$ete up and d!n m!t!n s ca$$ed =!ne c"c$e%>

'he ph"sca$ dstances E2 sgna$s tra#e$ n !ne c"c$e are g#en ab!#e, n the chart sh!ngthe rad! and thr!ugh-a$$ radar spectrum%

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#. Shieldin !aterials4 Clothin4 and En%losures

httpH//%aegsguard%c!m 0egsW$d!!d, 2ss!ur 1S0

httpH//%b$!ckemf%c!m=.$!ck E2?>(ar$sbad, (a$f!rna 1S0

httpH//%$essemf%c!m =ess E2?>

 0$ban", Ne )!rk 1S0

httpsH//%magnet@$ess%c!m/ 0pp$ed 2agnetsP$an!, 'e9as 1S0

+. Test Euip,ent

httpH//%trfe$d%c!m 0$pha$ab E$ectr!magnetc InstrumentsSa$t ake (t", 1tah 1S0

httpH//%$essemf%c!m =ess E2?>

 0$ban", Ne )!rk 1S0



In ths sect!n are $sted s!urces f!r #ar!us t"pes !f matera$f!r e9perments, test equpment, and c!nsu$tants qua$fed nthe fe$d !f e$ectr!nc securt"%

IN NO W0) d!es the nc$us!n !f a #end!r here c!nsttutem" end!rsement !r guarantee that matera$s, test equpment,!r c!nsu$tng ser#ces $$ pr!#de the bu"er th success nreducng !r st!ppng !rganed sta$kng !r e$ectr!nc assau$t%

)!ur patr!nage !f these s!urces s 4 at "!ur !n rsk%

I urge spendng n! res!urces !n e9perments hch "!ucann!t aff!rd t! $!se%

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East Granb", (!nnectcut 1S0S!urce !f the =E2?-C8D> br!adband R? meter 

7. Consultin Ser;i%es

httpH//%bugseeps%c!m =0d#anced E$ectr!nc Securt" (!%>!s 0nge$es, (a$f!rna 1S0R!ger '!$cesR!ger s b!th a c!nsu$tant and supp$er !f she$dng

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#. @eter,inin if Gour Ca,era or Ca,%order is Sensiti;e to Infrared

 0m "!ur dgta$ camera !r camc!rder at a '7 rem!te, h$e s!me!ne s pressng butt!ns% If "!urdgta$ camera !r camc!rder s senst#e t! nfrared, "!u$$ see a b$nkng $ght%

If "!ur camera s !f the f$m t"pe, "!u !u$d ha#e t! take se#era$ ph!t!s as "!u cant be suree9act$" hen the '7 rem!tes nfrared $ght s !n% If "!ur f$m t"pe camera can accept shutterspeed settngs, set the shutter a $tt$e m!re s$!$" than n!rma$ f!r $ghtng c!ndt!ns% ?$m hch senst#e t! nfrared mght best be tested n $! !rdnar" $ght c!ndt!ns t! keep the shutter !pen$!nger%

+. sin 8@)su3,ini9 Pins for E/peri,ental -irin

7. @ete%tin ltrasound

S!me targets ha#e e9pressed nterest n detectng u$tras!und sgna$s n ther en#r!nment% 0pr!b$em th ths s t! kn! hat frequenc" t! $!!k f!r% 'he hghest tra#e$s-thr!ugh-ar frequenc"I#e seen s ab!ut 8 k* :ab!ut ten tmes hgher than human hearng%; 'hats the frequenc"used b" ac!ustc heter!d"nng, 0K0 =*"perS!nc S!und>, !r the =0c!ustc Sp!t$ght%>

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)!u get a p$!t !f sgna$ strength acr!ss a se$ected band !f frequences%

*ea#$" c!mputered de#ces can pr!duce rep!rts !n sgna$s, and a$$! "!u t! desgnate parts !fthe band se$ected f!r speca$ ana$"ss, !r a$$! "!u t! set detect!n a$arms, and !ther features%

.ut basca$$", "!u get sgna$ strength acr!ss a band, dsp$a"ed n rea$ tme%

'hese de#ces are qute e9pens#e c!mpared th !ther test equpment, partcu$ar$" hen "!uant t! c!#er a$$ p!ssb$e rad! frequences fr!m * t! < G* :the begnnng !f nfrared%;

*eres the pr!b$em targets must p!nder hen thnkng ab!ut bu"ng !r rentng spectrum ana$"ers*! are "!u g!ng t! take a screen mage $ke the !ne ab!#e, and pr!#e t! p!$ce that an" g#ensgna$ !n that mage s causng "!ur b!d$" effectsF

'here are huge, dense, !rd" d!cuments !ut$nng bands !f frequences and ther effects !n theb!d", but un$ess "!u fnd rea$$" str!ng sgna$s n a band !f frequences a $!t !f the tme "!u are!bser#ng "!ur spectrum ana$"er, hch match a b!d$" effect "!u c!nsder s e$ectr!ncharassment, and "!u fnd a $a enf!rcement !ffca$ $$ng t! read the d!cument and e9amne "!uscreen mages and rep!rts, and fnd them s! c!mpe$$ng he/she s $$ng t! accept a rep!rt !fharassment, the spectrum ana$"er ma" n!t be the cure-a$$ "!u had h!ped%

I s!und as f I am tr"ng t! dsc!urage e9permentat!n% N!, Im n!t% What I am d!ng s tr"ng t!make sure "!u ha#e c!nsdered the d!n sde !f h! e$$ e9permenta$ resu$ts are $ke$" t! !rk persuadng !ffca$s an e$ectr!nc thr!ugh-a$$ crme s g!ng !n%

?. Photoraphin Anythin

'he best qua$t" ph!t!s are genera$$" n!t th f$ash% I fnd the best ph!t!s are taken near a nd!n da"$ght but th!ut drect sun$ght n the pcture%

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. Photoraphin Ano,alous Lu,ps on Gour Body

 0#!d f$ash - f$ash ashes !ut deta$% Instead, take a ph!t! th a sng$e $amp !n n the r!!m, andha#e the $amp amed at a sha$$! ang$e t! pr!duce a shad! makng an" pr!tuberance stand !ute$$% 0 c!up$e !f dfferent ang$es !u$d be a g!!d dea%