Download - Strahlenfolter Stalking - TI - Adventofdeception - Totalitarian Mind Control - Totalitarian Belief Causes Disbelief

  • 8/12/2019 Strahlenfolter Stalking - TI - Adventofdeception - Totalitarian Mind Control - Totalitarian Belief Causes Disbelief


    The Mind Control of Totalitarian Belief

    that Generates Disbelief

    Disbelief of the masses

    is a cancer among

    humanitythrough the

    teaching of totalitarian

    dogma from religion, the

    education system, cultural

    dynamics and the media.

    Disbelief is a totalitarianmind control technique

    that began centuries ago

    with organized religion.

    The world religions

    tailored its mind control

    technique through the

    core programming of children from an early age. By programming the core with a single belief,

    the individual in adulthood will automatically disbelieve all subjects that oppose the core belief

    structure, thus the totalitarian programed belief produces disbelief concerning reality.

    Post Pictured Captured in Egypt. The Illuminati Pyramid of Totalitarian Mind Control.

    The Education System:The Education System:

    Non-profit foundations dominate the education system; foundations contemplated as credible

    within the publics eye are fraudulent. The Rockefeller fraud foundation controls the education

    system. The core ideology of the education system strengthens the childhood belief structure

    upon the presentation of any subject opposed to its programing.

    When the person is presented with information that the world generally dismisses, the

    programmed brain automatically refuses the subject. Hence, the totalitarian belief structures

    causes disbelief. The result is a dominated society that allows the manipulators of the New

    World Orderto present manipulated problem situations, and society in turn conjectures and

    reinforces the path of the preplanned solution.

    The Presentation of Truth:The Presentation of Truth:

    Because of this, upon presentation of the truth such as 911, ET alien involvement, undergroundcities, a plan to depopulate the earth, the manipulation of natural disasters by using HAARP,

    such as powerful earthquakesthe common individual will totally disbelieve resulting from

    programed totalitarian mind control. The formation of culturesover time creates an entrainment

    of the atmosphere and powerful attractor fields that causes domination behind a common



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    Totalitarian Mind Control | Totalitarian Belief Causes Disbelief 29.04.2014 1 / 4
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    911 proves this observation

    of a programed belief

    structure that gene rates


    The Catholic Church pursued this technique of

    totalitarian programing and many Christian cultures

    remain programed; many cultures cause an

    entrainment of the atmosphere from their strong

    cultural and ardent beliefs. This type of entrainment

    formed the agreeable outlook of the American

    government. American citizens patriotically believed

    in the goodness of their leaders. The media can reinforce the belief structure that causes

    disbelief when presented with secretive information. Thus, the formations of truthful subjects

    are viewed as conjecture and considered conspiracy theories and deprecated by individuals

    that refuse to analyze the flip-side of the subject.

    Post Picture Captured in Egypt. The Illuminati Pyramid of Totalitarian Mind Control.

    Religious Mind control:Religious Mind control:

    The Catholic Church and all Christian Offshoots


    Jehovah Witnesses

    Mainstream Christianity



    All Eastern Religions

    US Government Mind Control Projects:US Government Mind Control Projects:

    Montauk Project



    Project Mannequin

    Media ReinforcementMedia Reinforcement



    Soap Operas

    The Morning/Evening News

    Talk Shows

    Subliminal Commercials

    TV Shows, Music Videos.

    In 2002-2003 about 10% of the population of Ame ricans

    comprehended the truth of 911, 90% couldnt allow their brain to

    troubleshoot the situation, automatically they believed what they

    were told.

    The Deception:The Deception:

    As our Era progresses to the powerful deception of the Man of Lawlessness, the truth is

    surfacing; however, the controllers of the New World Orderare allowing the facts within certain

    subjects to the surface. A two fold goal i s the aimdisposing the awareness among humanity

    and enslaving the ignorant. The truth that is surfacing causes anger, fear, and hopelessness

    among the watcher that will likely cause an uprising in the future. It is the perfect formula of the

    illuminati as a deception for the ignorant. The totalitarian beliefs structure corners the ego in its

    specialness and creates a disbelief compartment within the personality. The presentations of

    controversial subjects opposed to the teaching of the media, the individual will contemplate theidea as a conspiracy and label the person teaching the truth as crazy.

    As conspiracies are revealed, the emotional and psychic ramifications are severe on the

    individual of the weak mind. For several decades the populace considered everything contrary

    to the governments actions as a conspiracy theory a phrase that Hollywoodimplanted into the

    minds of the public. The populace trusted their government and relied on their guidance. The

    powers of the darkness are using fraudulent deception that plays into their egocentric goal that

    solidifies totalitarian belief structures that cause disbelief when truth is presented.

    The powers of the darknesswill also use the disbelief to cause a reality of belief based on

    wonderment, fantasy, and hope. The case scenario of the presentation of aliens would create a

    belief, even though the mass majority disbelieved prior, but the aim is to emotional shock the

    individual to cause impairment upon the problem solving abilities of the brain.

    Considering the possibilities of an staged Alien War, the Antichrist, and the Sinister agenda of

    the New World Order will break down any totalitarian tendencies to disbelief and prevent a

    detrimental emotional trauma.

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    Additional Reading...Additional Reading...

    The Devious Illuminati Controlled Patriot Movement.

    Dumbing Down through Chemtrails, HD TV, and Food

    The Occults Control of the Music Industry

    Mind Control Patents of Invention.

    Introspection of Violent Superbowl Commercials.


    Wow this is a great resource.. Im enjoying it.. good article


    found your site on today and really liked it.. i bookmarked it and will be back to

    check it out some more later


    It is time for the masses to wake up! To understand that they have been programmed to arrive

    at a predetermined conclusion. To recognize the Hegelian Dialectic. The contrived problem,

    reaction, solution paradigm. Through the use of psychopathic perception management, covert

    agents and pseudo independent advocates cognitively infiltrate the artificially contived &

    managed problem. They carefully manage and provide disportionate media coverage of the

    publics reaction to the problem. Finally, they address this artificial problem by providing the

    prepared solution which is a welcome relief, given the frenzied, emotionally charged reaction

    that the problem first incited.

    It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority. Thomas Paine


    good info to digest.. thinking means the mind must excercise, i f you dont use it you lose it

    syndrome..many people seem to aquire a headache when presented with revealed

    concepts.. though i must admit on occasion that applies to me also.. theres something in the

    air thats for sure..


    Your website is excellent, Keep it up. I have always known something was up with the world,

    Was a li ttle on the alien side though but since turning off my television around 2 years ago I

    have gone from being a brainwashed sheep to someone who uses there own mind, I look

    around at the masses and they believe everything that is put in front of them, Any issue that

    comes up is on television then when they want us to worry about something else they just

    change the headline, and boom everyone follows The people I have mentioned this too

    virtually say its a load of shit, but thats what they want. They want the masses to follow.

    There is so much going on all around us yet its completley hidden .. Or is it :)


    Thanks for the comments.

    It is good you can see that the majorities are totally deluded in the world.

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