Download - Storybook Mittens final version - Frabjous Fibers...Storybook Mittens by Stephanie Shiman These mittens feature a lace cuff and crochet flowers for whimsical appeal. Pattern: ... Pull

Page 1: Storybook Mittens final version - Frabjous Fibers...Storybook Mittens by Stephanie Shiman These mittens feature a lace cuff and crochet flowers for whimsical appeal. Pattern: ... Pull

“pigments of imagination”

Yarn: Wonderland Yarns “March Hare” worsted weight, 184 yards/4 oz skein; 100% superwash merino: 1 skein (sample shown knit with “Caterpillar”) optional: small amount of contrasting color in similar weight for flower Needles & Notions: US size 6 and 7 double-pointed needles or size necessary to get gauge, size F crochet hook (hook size is not crucial, anything similar will work), darning needle, 3 stitch markers—one unique Gauge: 20 sts & 28 rows = 4 inches, in stockinette stitch Sizing: one size fits most adults Instructions and abbreviations: CO - Cast on; k2tog - Knit 2 sts together; M1L - Bring the tip of the left hand needle under the strand between stitches, from front to back. Knit through the back of the loop; M1R - Bring the tip of the left hand needle under the strand between stitches, from back to front. Knit through the front loop; PM / RM / SM - Place marker / Remove marker / Slip marker; sl2kp - Slip 2 sts together, k1, pass 2 slipped sts over knit st; ssk - Slip the first stitch as if to knit, slip the second stitch as if to knit, then slide the left-hand needle into the front part of both stitches and knit them together; St / sts – Stitch / Stitches; yo - Yarn over. Long Tail Thumb Cast on: Wrap the working yarn counter clockwise around your left thumb and pass thumb loop over the right hand needle tip (1 st cast on).

Kitchener Stitch: Hold both needles parallel in left hand with wrong sides together. *With your threaded tapestry needle, go into the first st on the front needle as if to knit and pull stitch off the needle. Next put your tapestry needle into the sec-ond stitch as if to purl and leave st on the knitting needle. Pull yarn through both stitches and move to back knitting needle. Go through the first st on the back knitting needle as if to purl and pull st off the knitting needle. Next put your tapestry needle through the second st as if to knit and leave it on the needle, again pull yarn through both stitches. Repeat from from * until 1 stitch remains on each needle. Go through the last st on front needle as if to knit and through the last st on the back needle as if to purl. All sts have been grafted together. Weave in ends.

Copyright © frabjous fibers, LLC 2014 ~ Version 1 This pattern is not to be sold. May be reproduced for distribution with Wonderland Yarns products.

Items made from this pattern may not be sold without written permission from author.

Storybook Mittens by Stephanie Shiman These mittens feature a lace cuff and crochet flowers for whimsical appeal.

Page 2: Storybook Mittens final version - Frabjous Fibers...Storybook Mittens by Stephanie Shiman These mittens feature a lace cuff and crochet flowers for whimsical appeal. Pattern: ... Pull

Pattern: Lace cuff: With larger needles CO 36 sts. Divide sts evenly between needles. Join in the round with care not to twist. PM for beginning of round. Slip this marker throughout your work. Round 1: Knit. Round 2: *K1, yo, k1, sl2kp, k1, yo, repeat from * to end of round. Rounds 3 - 26: Repeat rounds 1 - 2 (13 rounds of eyelets worked). Round 27: Knit. Rounds 28 - 30: Purl. Change to smaller needles. Rounds 31 - 37: Knit. For right hand mitten work thumb gusset as follows: Round 38: K3, PM, M1R, k1, M1L, PM, knit to end of round. (2 sts increased - 38 sts) Round 39: Knit. Round 40: K3, SM, M1R, knit to next marker, M1L, SM, knit to end of round. - 40 sts Round 41: Knit. Rounds 42 – 51: Repeat rounds 40 - 41. You will have 15 sts between thumb gusset marker and a total of 50 sts. Round 52: K3, RM, place 15 sts on waste yarn, RM, CO 1 (using Long Tail Thumb Cast On), knit to end. - 36 sts Knit until mitten measures 11.5” (or desired length) from lace points (cast on edge) to needle and proceed to Begin de-creases. (Note: Depending on your fit, you may want to stop sooner or add a little more. Try on your mitten and adjust if necessary. Keeping in mind that decreasing and grafting sts together will add approx. 1” from the point you start your de-creases.) On your last round before working the decreases place an additional marker as follows, k18, PM, knit to end.

For left hand mitten work thumb gusset as follows: Round 38: K32, PM, M1R, k1, M1L, PM, knit to end of round. (2 sts increased - 38 sts) Round 39: Knit. Round 40: K32, SM, M1R, knit to next marker, M1L, SM, knit to end of round. - 40 sts Round 41: Knit. Rounds 42 – 51: Repeat rounds 40 - 41. You will have 15 sts between thumb gusset marker and a total of 50 sts. Round 52: K32, RM, place 15 sts on waste yarn, RM, CO 1 (using Long Tail Thumb Cast On), knit to end. - 36 sts Continue knitting until you reached the same length as for right hand mitten, proceed to working the decreases. Decrease and thumb instructions apply to both mittens. Begin decreases: Round 1: SSK, knit to two sts before marker, k2tog, SM, SSK, knit to last two sts before beginning of round marker, k2tog. - 32 sts Rounds 2, 3, 5, 6: Knit. Round 4: Repeat round 1. - 28 sts Round 7: Repeat round 1. - 24 sts Cut yarn leaving a 16” tail to Kitchener Stitch remaining stitches together. Divide remaining stitches evenly onto two knitting needles (12 sts each needle) and Kitchener Stitch (graft) stitches to-gether. Weave in ends. Add thumb: With smaller needles recover 15 sts from waste yarn and pick up 3 sts from thumb gap, PM for beginning of round. - 18 sts Rounds 1 - 4: Knit. Round 5: Knit to 2 sts before marker, k2tog. Round 6: Knit. Round 7: Repeat round 5. - 16 sts Rounds 8 - 14: Knit. Rounds 15 - 16: K2tog around. - 4 sts Cut yarn and weave in all ends. Flower: With size F (or similar) crochet hook and contrasting color yarn, CH 11. SC into the 1 st of the chain to create a loop. CH 10 and SC into first stitch again to create second loop. Continue until you have 5 loops total. Cut yarn leaving 18” tail. Pull yarn through to bind off final stitch. Use extra length to wrap the yarn around the center of the flower—first over one petal, and then under the next. Continue in this way, keeping the yarn tight until you have wrapped the center 3 times. Secure yarn and weave in ends. Work the second flower with your MC starting with a 9 st loop, then chaining 8 st loop in the same way as for the first flower. Secure yarn in flower center and use the leftover yarn tail to sew this flower on top of your CC flower, and onto the purl rows at the cuff of your mitten. Add your flowers on the side opposite the thumb for the right and left hands.