Download - Story Guideline

Page 1: Story Guideline

This is the general outline for a story. Stories do not always follow this form, nor do theyhave to, but they often do.

For David Sedarisʼ story, complete the following:

1. His Exposition was:

2. His Rising Action included the following events (at least 2):

3. His Climax was:

4. His Falling Action included the following events (at least 2):

5. His Denouement was:

1. Exposition (Introduction)

2. Rising Action

3. Climax

4. Falling Action

5. Denouement (Conclusion)

Sedarisʼ Main Conflict was a Character versus (circle one):-Himself/Herself-Another Character-Nature-Society-Technology-The Supernatural

Moral lessons of Sedarisʼ story included:

Main Characters:

Minor Characters: