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  • 8/14/2019 STOP Jobhopping NOW!


    STOP Jobhopping



    This book is dedicated to all the members of the

    working force who are having a hard time looking for true

    happiness in their respective professional life. Im writing

    th is book in the hope of helping you f ind solut ions to your

    career issues.

    I salute you for taking time and courage to seek

    help by reading this now. I know how much you want to

    succeed, and I also acknowledge how disappointed you are

    in whatever exper iences you have had in the past.

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    Allow me to share with you my personal Keys To

    Career Pure Bliss. Read on and Stop Yourself from

    Jobhopping Now.

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    Do you understand yourself?

    I understand the t rouble you have had in the past

    months and years of your li fe. I was once like you and I m

    writ ing this because I bel ieve I can help you in

    understanding yourself better and help you find solutions

    to your problems.

    As we begin our efforts, allow me to give you a brief

    perspective of your current situation. I want you to

    evaluate yourself by simply marking each of the next

    situations I have managed to list. Mark each situation

    that you feel is relevant to your own personal experiences.

    I hope that you could take note of each situation with

    honesty because knowing where you are right now would

    make finding your solut ions easier.

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    (Mark each situation which you can relate to.)

    o You have just entered in to your new job but no

    matter how hard you t ry, you cant stop yourself

    from thinking of your upcoming resignation.

    o You wake up in the morn ing and feel no

    enthusiasm or excitement to go to work. You

    literally have to drag yourself to keep doing your


    o You constantly look at the wall clock or your watch

    to check the remain ing t ime you would need to stay

    in the off ice. For you, more time at work means less


    o Whenever you have t he chance, you take a

    leave, with or wi thout pay.

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    o You are never proud of the things you do at

    work and have the uneasy feeling when being

    associated with your company or posit ion.

    o You never run out of complaints about your

    job, your boss, your officemates and everything

    related to your work.

    o You always pity yourself for having to do your

    job and it almost always moves you into tears.

    o You feel indifferent when youre at work and

    dont feel l ike yourself at al l.


    Every morning, you hope and pray for

    strength so you could finish another hellish

    day at work.

    o You feel like being tortured when asked to

    finish your six months contract. The irony is you

    cant wait to stop doing what you agreed to do.

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    o If given the chance, youd happily accept a

    different job as soon as you receive an offer.

    Youl l take the offer wit hout second thoughts.

    o You constantly envy people who are happy

    wit h their job.

    o You regularly ask yourself, Whats wrong

    wi th me?

    o You are having a hard t ime appreciat ing your

    job even if i t pays you a huge salary.

    o You love holidays, knowing that you wont

    need to go to work. Most of the time, you wish

    youd have weeklong non-working hol idays.

    o You constant ly dream of having a month long



    You already had th ree jobs in less than th ree

    years and you still dont know what you really

    want to do wi th your l ife.

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    o You t ry to convince yourself to work for a

    company for at least a year. Each time you try,

    you simply fai l.

    o You regularly view job postings in the

    newspaper and in the internet hoping youll find

    the next big thing.

    o You think that you are an embarrassment to

    your family because you cant seem to find

    stability in your professional life.

    o You start to accept that your professional l ife

    is simply a big failure.

    o When people ask you details about your job,

    you simply dont have the in terest to answer


    Can you find yourself in similar situations above?

    How many of these situat ions ref lected yourself? One?

    Two? Three? or More?

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    Here's the catch.

    The lesser issues you can relate to, the smaller is

    your problem. The more issues you can relate to, the

    bigger is your problem.

    Another thing, I bet you didn't mark everything on

    the list. Then that would be good news for you! You surely

    have a smaller problem than what I've had before. I used

    to relate with every single situation on the list you know.

    Can you imagine that?

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    You are not a lone. I understand you.

    Nevertheless, I'm pretty sure that somewhere in

    your heart, there is pain. Yes, there is pain. You are

    suffering because of the fact that you are a JOB HOPPER.

    This may be the fi rst time youll hear this from

    anyone. I coined i t myself. I use JOB HOPPER to denote

    to people who are exactly like me a year ago.

    Yes. I had the same issues as you have r ight now. I

    am 101% JOB HOPPER from the year 2006 to 2008. I

    used to ask God why He wanted me to be one. I even

    doubted His intentions along the way, but as I was

    writing this book for you, I realized that He really meant

    everything to happen. He really wanted me to go through

    every single job that Ive had before and later on wr i te

    about my experiences to simply shed some l ight to your

    li fe r ight now.

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    I believe tha t you are destined to know what Ive

    been through. I believe that you are destined to know

    what I learned and how I learned them.

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    I am a Pure-blooded JOBHOPPER

    Allow me to share wi th you how I lived the early

    days of my life. As the youngest daughter in our family, I

    am almost always programmed to be the obedient kid in

    the house. I belonged to a family of five but as I was

    growing up, I only had my father and my mother wi th me

    because my sister and my brother, who are a lot older

    than me, have already star ted to l ive independently.

    Practically, Im lavished with the love and support

    of my parents all throughout my younger years. Because

    of th is, I was able to bloom into becoming a top ra ted

    student in our school, both in elementary and in high

    school. My parents were very happy to see me succeed in

    the academics and were even happier when I got to enter

    another top rated university in the count ry.

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    College life was equally satisfying and productive

    for this was the t ime when I got the chance to even grow

    my knowledge and my relationships with people of

    different k inds (as in different k inds). I was pretty good in

    doing both, that I almost graduated Cum Laude, if I have

    not been heartbroken during my senior year.

    We were al l very happy when I graduated college

    for I was the f irst in the family to receive that level of

    education. I fel t victor ious for having graduated wi th good

    scholastic records and good reputation too.

    However, th ings started to become very gloomy

    after these wonderful years.

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    Jobs 123

    I found my first job through t he internet. I was

    lucky to find a good job opportunity in a reputable real

    estate fi rm. I got h ired in a weeks t ime. I was so happy

    for having my fi rst job ever but I really didnt know what I

    was getting into unt il I started working.

    I didnt know that work life could feel so bad. I

    didnt really l ike my job. I had an unending lis t of issues

    with the office, people and responsibilities of my first job.

    Every single day, I felt li ke I could not breathe. I didnt

    want to face the customers nor the bosses. None of my

    expectations on my fi rst job was ever met. After th ree

    months of working, I decided to leave.

    I rested for sometime and looked for another job. I

    t r ied a job that a colleague has already gotten in to. I loved

    the people. I loved the compensation package. I loved the

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    freedom. One th ing I didnt li ke was the fact that i t was a

    sell ing job. I was never into sell ing. I felt shy and

    incompetent to sell our valued products. After eight

    months of painstakingly t rying to do the job, I left i t with

    an infected colon.

    I rested again and regained strength to find

    another job. This t ime, I managed to stay with the office

    for ten months. Most of my officemates were remarkable

    people. They made my short stay really memorable. The

    compensation package was t ru ly awesome. I could live

    wi th half of my salary. BUT, I didnt really li ke the nature

    of the job. I wasnt in love wi th what I was doing. I felt lost

    most of the t ime. I kept asking myself for reasons why I

    should be doing what I was being told to do. I cannot

    commit my heart to the off ices mission and objectives. I

    thought I could make it for a year but I just could not take

    i t anymore. I again resigned.

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    The Road to Clari ty

    After experiencing all these, I took the l iberty to

    find peace in committing myself to reflection, a form of

    self-initiated retreat. I felt that I really needed more time

    to talk to myself about my performance in my professional


    The road to clar i ty was never easy. I had to deal

    with my critical self who repeatedly highlighted the

    things that didnt work out. I was almost always

    depressed and felt guil ty of all my past actions.

    Yes, I am very much guilty of practically everything

    that happened to my professional life. The good thing is,

    after thinking things through, I f inally identif ied my

    mistakes and promised to do the exact opposite next t ime.

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    Goof-up #1:

    I never planned.

    Did you know that one of my basic ski lls is

    plann ing for events? Oh, well. Unfor tunately, I was great

    at organizing events but never my life. After graduating

    from college, I never paused to re flect on my dreams and

    put them into a serious plan.

    Upon graduating, hasty to find a job, I urgently

    searched for a job through the internet, applied for

    whatever vacancy there was and proceeded to work. I

    failed to think of ways and strategies on how I may be

    able to reach my dreams. I was sailing through life

    wi thout any destinat ion.

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    Goof-up #2:

    I choose jobs that pay the biggest salary.

    My top consideration in choosing a job was the

    amount of compensation they offer. I didnt really focus on

    what th ings are expected of me when I commit to the job.

    I never really commit ted myself to any of my jobs. I just

    want the huge salary but I was not really commit ted to

    getting the job done. I didnt even think if the job is what I

    really wanted to do. I took pride with how much money I

    was receiving but not with what I am able to do to help

    the company or off ice I was working for. Now, I know that

    money is never everything there is in a job.

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    Goof-up #3:

    I choose wha t other people choose for me.

    I always consider other peoples opinion, never my

    opinion. Whi le deciding on whether to get into my t hi rd

    job or not, my brother encouraged me to t ry i t out. He said

    that since its a once in a l ifet ime offer, he said i t would be

    best to have a feel of i t fi rst before lett ing it go. Thats

    exactly what I did, no matter how doubtful I was of my

    in terest in the responsibil i t ies of the job.

    I do what other people tel l me to do, without asking

    myself if Im happy with what they have chosen for me. I

    was acting l ike t he youngest child all the t ime. I was

    obedient and unhappy.

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    Goof-up #4:

    I forgot to consider my st rengths and weaknesses.

    Remember my sell ing job? I thought I could learn to

    love it when I start learn more about the products and

    start to receive my paycheck, but no! The t ru th is, I suck

    at selling. I dont even know how to handle a no.

    Because of this, I was suffering every single day I spent in

    my selling job.

    As usual, I got into the job because I was just

    looking at the huge salary and benefi ts they were offering

    me. I never really asked myself i f I would be in terested to

    claim the objectives of the company as my own before

    getting in it. I didnt care to evaluate my passion and

    competencys compatib il i ty wi th the job. I took comfort in

    knowing that a fr iend took the job and thought that Id be

    fi t for it too. I thought Id be happy if Id get to have what

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    other people a lso have. I saw their strengths but never


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    Goof-up #5:

    I was too impatient.

    I didnt want to do any waiting. I didnt want to

    analyze the futu re I would have if I work wi th the posit ion

    or company Im applying for. I wanted to get ahead of

    others. I thought li fe was a race. I always ask who got the

    job fi rst. How fast can I get th is job?

    If company A gives me an offer today, Id take i t

    r igh t away, even if Im very much interested with company

    B. I wanted to amaze people wi th how fast I could get a

    new job. I wanted to make it appear that finding a job is

    as easy as 1-2-3. I easily grab whats available for the

    moment even if thats not what I want.

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    Goof-up #6:

    I was afraid to explore the field t hat Im in terested in.

    My family never wanted to see me teach. They

    think that teaching is not a good profession because there

    is too li t t le money in it . So, whenever there is a teaching

    opportunity for me, I never considered it for myself

    because I know my family wont appreciate. I was always

    looking for t heir approval. I developed a distasteful feeling

    towards teaching even though I know how good I am at i t.

    I was too afraid to f ight for my dream. I was too afraid to

    be deviant from my fami lys standards.

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    Goof-up #7:

    I consult the wrong people.

    Im very good at asking for peoples opinions. I l ike

    asking a lot but the problem is that I used to ask people

    who are neither knowledgeable nor experienced in the

    issue that I in tend to solve.

    I ask f riends. I ask fami ly members. BUTI never

    asked the experts. I never asked the advice of those who

    have already proven themselves. I never asked those who

    have already been there and done that. I never asked the

    right people.

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    Goof-up #8:

    I never imagined the future.

    I never thought of how I wanted my future to

    become. I just went on from one day to another wi thout

    th inking of what th ings I need to do now so I may have a

    future that fits my dreams and aspirations in life. I never

    focused on my dreams. Instead, I focused on other peoples

    dreams for me.

    I wonder, if I had wr i t ten down my dreams before, I

    would have easily realized how distant my actions were in

    relations to my dreams. I should have realized right there

    and then how I was t rying to turn away from my real

    goals in life. I never imagined my dreams. I imagined

    what others dream of me to become.

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    Goof-up #9:

    I imitate other peoples decisions.

    I never really knew where I should go and what I

    should do, so I ask other people for their l ife choices and I

    consequently copy their decisions. There are times when

    it worked, but there are many other times when it didnt

    work. I t even aggravated my situat ion because I wasnt

    satisfying myself. I was try ing hard to fit myself into

    si tuations where my skil ls and interests were

    incompatib le, th inking that if others made i t good, maybe

    I could make it good too.

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    Goof-up #10:

    I was too insecure.

    I never tr usted my instincts. I never t rusted my

    competencies. When I get in to a job, I tend to forget my

    value and instead look down on my capabili ties. I forgot

    about how great a th inker I am. I forgot about awesome a

    communicator I am. I forgot about how sincere a wri ter I

    am. I forgot about how valuable and unique my skills are.

    I didnt let myself shine thinking that I was just a li tt le

    gir l who can do lit t le things.

    I forgot to love myself. I adored others but never


    Now, can you relate with any of the big mistakes I

    have had in t he past?

    This is a very good opportunity for you to evaluate

    your past too. Think about the things you did before that

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    didn't do you any good. List down every single mistake you

    made and commit to yourself to do the exact opposite of it

    all next t ime.

    Feel good about how well you tu rn your mistakes

    in to solut ions. Feel good about how well you solve each

    and every issue you've had before. Feel good about

    creating a new beginning, something you very much

    deserve to have.

    Keys to Career Pure Bliss

    Now, let me share wi th you some of my personal

    strategies in resolving past career issues. Here are three

    powerful ways you can use to STOP YOURSELF FROM


    Career Pure Bliss Key #1:

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    Know your hear t's desire.

    What people, things, activities, etc. can make you

    extremely happy? What is i t that you do best? What is i t

    that you dream yourself to become, ever since you were

    young? What can make your heart jump up and sing?

    Know your heart's desire. Un less you determine

    your heart's desire, you can never give yourself the chance

    to be t ruly happy.

    I am happiest when I am directly in touch with

    my family. Being t he youngest, I have t he gif t of being

    able to communicate w ith each of my family members

    about every family issue t hat we intend to solve. I am

    most alive when I help our fami ly deal wi th these issues

    and keep our family's close t ies. I mend broken family

    relationships. I revive relationships that are drifting


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    I cannot afford to be away from these imperfect but

    wonderful people in my life. I'm happiest when I'm of

    service to them.

    I also enjoy mentoring people. I love sharing my

    experiences to every single person that which I th ink are

    in need of my guidance. I believe that I am responsible to

    help nur ture and educate the younger generations by

    developing close bonds with them and appreciating them

    for what they are and what they could be. I love teaching

    my 6 year old nephew named Ren. I t makes me want to

    wake up early in the morning.

    I love teaching anyone interested to learn. I t excites

    me to see people learn from me. I t rejuvenates my soul to

    know that l ives are changed for the better wi th my help.

    Thanks to God, after all these years that I've been

    blinded, I now acknowledge my heart's desires. I now

    pursue my passion.

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    How about you? What are your dreams? What are

    your hear t's desires?

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    Career Pure Bliss Key #2:

    Focus on your dreams.

    Avoid being distracted by the t hings that come your

    way. Focus on what you want. Focus on what you enjoy.

    Focus on what makes you happy.

    If you love to wri te, then go find an opportunity

    (not necessari ly a job) that requires you to wri te.

    If you love to sing, then go find an opportuni ty that

    requires you to sing.

    If you love to building things, then go f ind an

    opportuni ty t hat requires you to build th ings.

    It's actually that simple. You just have to know

    what you want first, and then go find that opportunity

    that will give you the chance to do exactly what you want

    to do.

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    If you do th is, there is a greater possibil it y that you

    would be so much happier in your next money making

    opportuni ty. Yes, I say i t's a money making opportuni ty,

    not necessari ly a job.

    If by chance, you are again offered with a high-

    paying money making opportunity that is not congruent

    to your heart's desire or passion, then you now know what

    to do wi th them. You got to have the courage to say "no" to

    them and keep yourself focused on the things that make

    you really really satisfied.

    You got to fight for your heart's desire. Fighting for

    your passion is f ighti ng for your happiness.

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    Career Pure Bliss Key #3:

    Surround yourself w ith support ive people.

    No man is an island. Nobody can make him or

    herself happy alone. You've got to keep suppor tive, caring,

    loving, understanding, responsible, tr ustworthy and

    inspi r ing people always present in your li fe.

    You have to keep strong relat ionships wi th people

    that inspire you and help you become a better person in

    one way or another. You have to make sure that only those

    who are positive and productive people surround you.

    Why? Well, people in our lives inf luence us. I f we

    allow negative and unsupportive people get into our lives

    and influence us, the possibility of achieving our dreams

    would decrease.

    On the other hand, if we allow positive and

    supportive people to get into our lives and influence us,

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    the possibi li ty of achieving more and more successes wi ll


    For example, i f I keep on lis tening to people who

    say tha t teaching is never a good career option, then I

    would most probably move away from that dream and

    choose something else that is not in harmony with my

    heart's desire to teach. This would make finding my ideal

    career even more di ff icult in the end. That would mean

    more suffering and more failed jobs.

    List down the people who are closest to you. Are

    they positive or negative people? Do they add value to

    yourself or not? Are they the ones you need to help you

    make your dreams come true?

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    The Most Important Pa rt

    (you shouldnt miss)

    Lastly, my list of strategies can go on and on but as

    long as you don't DO any of these things, you are

    defini tely going nowhere but back to your old habi ts.

    The most important thing to DO is to TAKE


    You have to ACT the soonest t ime possible. You

    have to commit yourself to CHANGE. You have to commit

    to a BRIGHTER FUTURE. You have to commit to DO IT


    Wishing you the courage to f ight for your


    edeL ramiLo

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