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Dear Sheri,

Our team here at Torch would like to take this time to thank you. Thank you for the

opportunity to help those who are so dedicated to doing just that: helping. We had an

incredible time spending this semester learning about the Stillwater Area United Way. We

loved using those findings to figure out how we make a difference. It truly was a privilege to

work with you. To learn how you donate so much time to the Stillwater Area United Way is

inspiring. Thank you for dedicating your heart to the Stillwater Area United Way. In the words

of Mohandas Gandhi, “The best way to find yourself is in the service of others.” The

Stillwater Area United Way truly has embodied that.


The Torch Team

Alicia Tilson, Account Executive Laura Hadaway. Strategist

Zach Cole, Copy Editor Paris Robinson, Graphic Designer


Public Relations Agency

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26, Male 5/5/14 10:04 PM

Q: Have you ever heard of UW A: Yes I have heard of the united way. Q: Can you tell me what you know about the UW A: It's my understanding that it's a nonprofit similar to the Salvation Army. Q: You’ve been a Stillwater resident since 2005, did you know Payne County has it’s own chapter of the UW A: I was not aware that Payne County has it's own chapter of the United Way. Q: How do you feel about local nonprofits? A: I generally prefer local non-profit organizations for two reasons. I am directly benefiting the community that I live in and there is less bureaucracy to mismanage/misappropriate funds/hours. It just makes more sense to me. Q: Do you consider giving locally? A: I consider and do give locally. I prefer to give locally if not locally then at least to aid that stays within the US. Q: Do you volunteer your time or money anywhere? (also responses from follow-up questions) A: I volunteer my time and money to the local animal shelter. I volunteer because sometimes it's the only chance for those shelter dogs to get out and stretch their legs. I volunteer my time and money to the local animal shelter. I volunteer a few times a month for a few hours at a time.

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20, Female 5/5/14 10:04 PM

Q: Have you ever heard of UW? A: Most definitely Q: Can you tell me what you know about the UW A: I know it’s a charitable organization, that’s involved in a lot of stuff. Most particularly the NFL, that’s what I’ve heard the most about. That’s probably all I could tell you about it Q: Did you know Payne County has it’s own chapter of the UW A: I did not know that. I primarily get my information off of Reddit and social media, though. Q: How do you feel about local nonprofits? A: Well, um, I’ve been a patron of the Humane Society. That’s all I really know about local non-profits. Is Goodwill a non-profit? I feel like they don’t have much of a presence. Or maybe I’m just an asshole. Q: Do you consider giving locally? Or your hometown? A: Uh, you know I would probably consider donating to where I live currently as it would benefit the community I’m currently a part of. There are more opportunities here. It’s like opportunities of circumstance. I’m sure I could donate back home, but it’s easier here. And I might actually see the good being done. Q: do you volunteer your time or money anywhere --why? Where? How often/how much? A: Uh, I do not. I mean I’ve probably donated twice to the humane society this past year. Because they asked me at a register. And once at a children’s hospital. Like St. Judes or something. You know how they ask you if you want to add a dollar or whatever to your total at like Walgreens or something?

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16, Female 5/5/14 10:04 PM

Q- Have you ever heard of United Way? A- No, I don’t know what it is. It sounds like an airplane name. Q- What do you think they should do to get your generations attention? A- Well go to the schools and speak about that organization. I think the schools will allow that because they want kids to help others. Q- Can you tell me what you know about United Way? A- Paris, I just told you. I thought it was an airplane, is that right? Me- No, not at all. United Way needs to be known. Q- Did you know Payne County has a United Way? A- No. Q- How do you feel about local nonprofits? A- I just know that my mom makes me go volunteer at that homeless place and I like it because helping is fun. Q- Do you give locally? A- Money? No. I don’t have money like that but I volunteer, if that counts. Q- Do you volunteer your time or money anywhere? Yes, I volunteer my time. Q- Why do you volunteer? A- My mom has always made me. She wants to show us how fortunate we are. I understand it but also I like to volunteer. Q- Where is it? A It’s at the local church; we serve the homeless and give them gifts. Q- How often? A-We do it twice a year, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Explains United Way, A- That’s cool. I like it. Q- Would you volunteer or give to United Way? Yes I think… What they do is really cool but then again some people may just want to give their money to one organization. Sounds greedy but just explaining it in a different way.

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19, Male 5/5/14 10:04 PM

Q- Have you ever heard of United Way? A- Yes, I think I heard of them once, where? I have no idea. It was a long time ago. Q- Can you tell me what you know about United Way? A- I know they support nonprofits. I don’t know how they get the money to help the nonprofits. Q- Did you know Payne County has a United Way? A- No, I did not. Q- How do you feel about local nonprofits? A- I mean I don’t really have a feeling towards them. What they do is great and awesome. I could never do anything like create a nonprofit I have to make money. Q- Do you consider giving locally? A- I like my money too much. I know my mom and dad give locally. I have to volunteer but that’s about it. I don’t think I would give my money but I give my time. Q- Do you prefer to give to your hometown? A- I mean… I don’t give but in my opinion I think people would rather give to their hometown. I would think people would rather help their hometown unless they have lived in a town for more than two years and they consider it their hometown now. Q- Why do you volunteer? A- I volunteer because my mom makes me. We go as a family down to the church every Christmas and Thanksgiving. We cook, give gifts and play games with the homeless. Explained United Way. A- Yeah, see I was right. Q- Would you give now? A- No, I like my money. I wouldn’t give to my hometown, why would I give to them when I wouldn’t give to my hometown? I don’t think anybody my age would donate money… Maybe they would give their time?

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N/A 5/5/14 10:04 PM

Q. Have you ever heard of United Way? A. Yes, but I’m not sure what it does exactly. Q. Can you tell me what you do know about United Way? A. I think its some sort of charity or something. Q. How do you feel about local non-profits? A. Good I guess, I don’t have a lot of experience with them in Stillwater. Q. Do you consider giving locally? A. No, not really. I don’t have enough money! (laughter) Q. Do you prefer to donate in your hometown? A. I would prefer that, yes. Q. Do you volunteer your time anywhere? A. Yes, I volunteer at the Stillwater Humane Society. Q. Why do you do that? A. I have loved dogs ever since my dad gave me a puppy for my birthday when I was seven. Q. How often do you volunteer for the Humane Society? A. About three hours a week. Q. Now that you know a little more about Stillwater Area United Way, would you consider donating your time or money? A. I would consider it, yes. Q. Are you interested in volunteering? A. I think what they do is great, but I guess I don’t really see what I could do to help. I enjoy giving my time to help the Humane Society. Q. Is there anything that would motivate or interest you more in volunteering or donating to United Way?

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A. If they helped the Humane Society! (laughter) I guess I just don’t feel like there is anything there for me.

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Male, 22 5/5/14 10:04 PM

Q. Have you ever heard of the United Way? A. Yes Q. Can you tell me what you know about the United Way? A. It’s a nationwide nonprofit organization that funds for local area charities and outreach programs Q. Did you know Payne County had a United Way? A. Yes. Q. How do you feel about local nonprofits? A. I love them! Q. Would you consider donating if you knew someone who was being helped? A. Absolutely Q. Do you consider giving locally or to your hometown? A. I don’t see the difference Q. Do you volunteer your time? A. I used to in high school, but not so much anymore. Q. Why do you volunteer? A. I enjoy helping others and seeing the joy it brings them on their faces. I love hearing their stories and reaching to them. Q. Where have you volunteered? A. I worked with the Kiwanis Organizations. I’ve also volunteered for local food banks and hospitals

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Male, 21 5/5/14 10:04 PM

Q. Have you ever heard of the United Way? A. Yes Q. Can you tell me what you know about the United Way? A. They do work with other charities and offer financial help to them along with other public services. Q. Did you know Payne County had a United Way? A. No Q. How do you feel about local nonprofits? A. I think they’re good for people who need their help. Q. Would you consider donating if you were knew someone who was being helped? A. Probably. Q. Do you consider giving locally or to your hometown? A. I don’t have a job, so I don’t donate money to anyone. My parents are charitable donors in my hometown. Q. Do you volunteer your time? A. I used to volunteer a lot when I was in high school, but not as much anymore. I feel like I don’t have as much time as I used to and it seems more difficult to find ways to volunteer than it was in high school. Q. Where have you volunteered? A. I don’t remember right off the bat.

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We)need)your)help!!!))Each)and)every)contribution)to)the)Stillwater)Area)United)Way) is)so)very) important)to)providing)the)safety)net)for)our)community.))))Contributions)will)benefit)the)25)agencies)we)support)through)the)United)Way.))You)can)be)assured)that)many)people)will)benefit.))For)instance,)each)day,)there)are)30)adults)at)the) LIFE) Adult) Day) Center) talking) about) current) events,) getting) occupational) and)physical)therapy,)and)sharing)a)hot)meal;)last)night)60)people)slept)in)a)warm)bed)at)the)Mission)of)Hope)Shelter;)75)homebound)elderly)received)not)only)a)hot)meal)at)noon)today,) but) also) a) friendly) visit) from) a) volunteer) delivering) that)meal.) ) Tonight,) scout)troops)will)meet)and)kids)will)play)a)variety)of)sports)at)the)YMCA.)))Your)family,)friends,)neighbors)and)coRworkers)from)the)area)are)being)helped)everyday)by)the)25)agencies)your)contribution)will)help)support.)))Please)give)everyone)in)your)office)the)opportunity)to)participate)with)a)donor)card)and)flier.))An)AWESOME)video)is)available)if)you)would)like)for)your)office)to)watch)it!))You)may)call)the)United)Way)office,)377R2161,)to)receive)more)information)or)to)have)your)packet)of)contributions)picked)up.))))))More)FACTS)on)the)reverse)side!))

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FACTS)ABOUT)THE)STILLWATER)AREA)UNITED)WAY))Campaign)2013R2014)is)Stillwater’s)Annual)Fundraiser)for)the)United)Way))The)Campaign)2014)Goal)is)$875,000)Last)year’s)campaign)goal)was)$850,000))The)2014)campaign)will)begin)September)19,)2013)and)ends)November)27,)2013.))A) local) video) is) available) to)be) shown) to)employee)groups,) student)organizations)and)civic)groups.))Of#the#total#money#received:#Less)than)1%)is)used)for)campaign)expenses)99%)of)the)money)raised)remains)in)Stillwater)1%)is)sent)to)United)Way)of)America))Donations)may)be)made)by)credit)card)at)our)secure)website:),)377R2161.))Annual)audit)by)local,)independent)CPA)firm))Local)volunteers)determine)allocations)to)the)agencies)

)A)Board)of)33)volunteer)directors)are) responsible) for) setting)United)Way)policies)and)raising)the)funds)annually.)))


)Stillwater)Area)United)Way))109)E.)9th)Ave.)Stillwater,)OK)74074)Phone:)377R2161)) Fax:)372R6122)

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Stillwater United Way Secondary Research Data

Cole, Hadaway, Robinson & Tilson

4 Mar. 2013

SC 4493

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I. Target Market

a. Demographics of Payne County

The target markets are students 16 to 26. The median age for Stillwater is 23.9.

Forty-eight percent of residents 25 and over have a bachelor’s degree or higher. Payne

County currently has an unemployment rate of 4.8 percent.1 The target market made up a

majority of Stillwater residents in 2012; 23,722 students were enrolled at Oklahoma State

University-Stillwater in 2012.2 There were 46,560 residents in the city of Stillwater in


b. Volunteer Data

The rate of volunteerism for Oklahoma is slightly lower than average for the

nation in 2012 at 27.7 percent. Of the 739,510 volunteers in 2012, approximately 19

percent were between 16 and 24 years of age. Most of the volunteers in Oklahoma, 45.8

percent, volunteer for religious organizations. Only 12.6 percent of Oklahomans

volunteer their time in social service. Since 2009 the rate of volunteerism in Oklahoma

has declined by 3 percentage points across age groups, this is consistent with the national


II. Context

a. Demographics

The current population of Payne County is 78,399 people, making it the seventh most

populated county in the state of Oklahoma. In 2010, the median household income of

Payne County residents was $34,752 and 23.4 percent of Payne County residents live in


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poverty. The largest Payne County racial group is white at 79.7 percent. The median age

for Payne County residents is 27 years old. 5

b. Economy (As of Dec. 2013)

The unemployment rate for the state of Oklahoma is 5.4 percent. Construction and

manufacturing industries showed the most growth. Eighty-eight percent of households in

America give to charity. Oklahoma claimed charitable contributions totaling 5.6 percent

of its discretionary income. The majority of charitable donations were received from

residents in Oklahoma City.6

c. Socio-cultural trends

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of Jan. 16, 2014, the inflation rate

for the United States is 1.6 percent. Eighty-three percent of Americans want brands that

support a cause. Since 2010, online donations have been growing at a steady rate. The

average annual household contribution to charity (as of 2011) is $2,213 billion. 7Churches and other religious venues received the largest percentage of charitable

donations. Groups that support a public welfare received only seven percent of donations.

The amount of federal grants received by that state of Oklahoma has grown 5,000 times

since 1998. 8

d. Technology

As of 2008, 89 percent of charitable organizations nationwide have outpaced for-

profit businesses in social-media usage. Since 2008, more nonprofit executives have

started using social networking and video blogging instead of traditional blogging.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!5!Oklahoma demographics by cubit. (n.d.). Retrieved from!6!Oklahoma nonprofit sector report. In (2010). 2010 Yearly report of the Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits. Tulsa: Retrieved from Report Revised Complete.pdf!7!Sharing the wealth: how states stack up on generosity. (2012, August 19). Retrieved from!8!United states bureau of labor statistics. (2014, January 31). Retrieved from!

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9Twenty-six percent of nonprofits that use blogs prefer using Wordpress as their

platform. In 2007, only 66 percent of nonprofits monitored conversations, shares, buzz

posts, etc. The number increased to 79 percent in 2008 and is steadily increasing every


III. Company

a. About

i. United Way Worldwide

United Way Worldwide is the leadership and support organization for the network

of nearly 1,800 community-based United Ways in 45 countries and territories. We

envision a world where all individuals and families achieve their human potential through

education, income stability and healthy lives. Community-based United Ways are

volunteer-led, nonprofit organizations located in geographic communities that seek and

address the root causes of key issues, are accountable for stewardship of resources, and

are accountable for short-term and long-term results.11

ii. Stillwater Area United Way

The Stillwater United Way is focused on the building blocks for a good life.

These include a quality education that leads to a stable job, enough income to support a

family through retirement, and good health. 12 The Stillwater United Way provides

accreditation to 25 local nonprofits that support the Payne County community. This

accreditation offers these agencies a safety net; in other words, the Stillwater United Way

ensures that their 25 partner agencies are receiving the necessary resources to effectively

benefit the community. The majority of funding comes from private individual donations

collected through various events and fundraisers. More than 95 percent of the donations

they collect are allocated among their partner agencies.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!9!Barnes, N. (2008). Still setting the pace in social media: the first longitudinal study of usage by the largest us charities. In Retrieved from!10!Warnock, B. (2013, September 18). Social media for good. Retrieved from

11!United Way National. (2014) About United Way Worldwide. Retrieved from 12!United Way Stillwater Area. Marketing Campaign Director. (2010). Retrieved From:

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b. Image

According to Forbes, United Way Worldwide is the nation's largest charity by

donations received. United Way is a network of 1,300 local affiliates. Much of the

fundraising, on the international level, comes from payroll deductions. United Way

supports a wide range of public-welfare charities.13 United Way Worldwide received a

score of 65.8 out of 70 on The score is based off of the group’s

financial practices as well as accountability and transparency.14 The product line of

United Way offers a wide variety of merchandise. Merchandise ranges from pens, t-

shirts, bags and other small gifts. The product line has been shown to be an effective

aspect of the organization:

“LIVE UNITED Shirt, It's a credo. A mission. A goal. It is a constant reminder

that when we reach out a hand to one, we influence the condition of all. We build the

strength of our neighborhoods. We bolster the health of our communities. And we change

the lives of those who walk by us every day.” 15

c. Technology & experience

The Stillwater United Way has recently created a Facebook Page, a YouTube

account and a Twitter account. All of the social media pages were established in 2012.

The organization also has a fully operating website that includes videos, a calendar of

events and volunteer opportunities. The website also includes a safe and easy online

donation page. Donors can visit the website and make a donation through the Internet.16

The Oklahoma State University website includes a page specifically for the United Way.

The page includes links to all of the Stillwater United Way’s social media, a list of

upcoming events and ways that small business can help promote the United Way.17

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!13!Forbes. (2013) United Way. Retrieved from: 14!Charity navigator rating. (2013). Retrieved from 15!United Way Products. Show the world you lived United. (2014). Retrieved from: 16!Stillwater Area United Way. (2014) Give. Retrieved from: 17!Promote the united way. (2012). Retrieved from

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d. Culture

The volunteers and employees of the Stillwater United Way are passionate about

the fundraising they do for the agencies they support and the impact they have on the

community. The staff of the Stillwater Area United Way is made up of primarily

volunteers. The Stillwater United Way works closely with Oklahoma State University to

help raise awareness and get the students involved with some of their partner

organizations. Several Greek communities on-campus support the agencies that the

Stillwater United Way accredits, so the organization will sometimes connect with the

university’s Greek community for the purposes of fundraising and acquiring philanthropy


e. Goals

i. Worldwide

United Way organizations across the world are working on local projects every

day of the year. In 2008, United Way initiated a 10-year program designed to achieve the

following goals by 2018:

• Improve education, and cut the number of high school dropouts, 1.2 million

students, every year, in half.

• Help people achieve financial stability and get 1.9 million working families, half

the number of lower-income families who are financially unstable, on the road to

economic independence.

• Promote healthy lives, and increase by one-third the number of youth and adults

who are healthy and avoid risky behaviors.18

• United Way improves lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities

around the world to advance the common good.19

• Local the goal is to find a place for a person that will make them a long-term

volunteer. 20

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!18!Annual Report. (2012) Advancing. The common Good Around the World. (2012). Retrieved from: 19!United Way. Visions Mission and Goals. (2014). Retrieved from:

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ii. Stillwater United Way

The Stillwater United Way sets its yearly donations goal at $875,000 for 2014. So

far, the organization has reached approximately 90 percent of its goal and is continuing

their campaign. The organization also hopes to expand their reach on other social media

platforms such as Pinterest and Instagram. The Board of Directors are currently

brainstorming new and exciting fundraising ideas to create incentive for OSU students to

donate or volunteer their time. 21

IV. Collaborators

a. United Way Accreditation

The Stillwater United Way works closely with 25 local nonprofits it offers

accreditation to. When an organization is approved to receive funding from United Way

they receive a “good housekeeping” stamp of approval. In order to receive accreditation

from the United Way, each agency has to go through a strenuous application process

every year, this includes the disclosure of all financial statements. The affiliation with the

Stillwater United Way helps boosts an agency’s credibility and also provides ample

promotional opportunities. It also provides good publicity for United Way and helps the

public gain a better understanding of how the Stillwater United Way benefits the


b. United Way & The NFL

In 1973, United Way and the National Football League came together to discuss

the possibility of using the NFL’s network contract airtime to promote United Way

during game telecasts. More recently the partnership has been focusing on improving the

life of America’s youth, especially in decreasing the obesity rate. One example is the

“Hometown Huddle.” During the annual Hometown Huddle, NFL teams participate in a

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!20!Wilson. Stillwater Volunteer Center matches up local agencies and volunteers. ( 2010, August, 10). Retrieved From: 21!Carter, S. (2014, February 10). Interview by A Tilson. Client meeting.


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variety of youth fitness projects in different NFL cities across the country on the same

day. 22

c. Corporate Partnerships

United Way works with corporations to encourage employee giving. One of the

most popular methods of donating comes in the form of payroll deduction. This means

that employees of a company will voluntarily allow the company to deduct a fixed

number from their paycheck and donate that amount directly to the United Way. The

United Way creates the incentive for corporations to donate by making sure they know

that charitable contributions are tax deductible.23 Direct donations to the local United

Way are also encouraged. The United Way has also partnered with global philanthropy

icon, TRUiST 24, to create a workplace campaign for large businesses. The campaign

offers a wide array of paid volunteer opportunities for employees.25

V. Competition

a. Oklahoma State University Programs

The Stillwater United Way competes heavily with Oklahoma State University

programs; specifically the OSU Foundation and OSU Athletics. The OSU Foundation is

similar to the United Way in that it also helps provide a safety net for the Stillwater

community by giving resources to other local nonprofit organizations. The main

distinction between the Stillwater United Way and all of the OSU programs is that the

OSU programs are almost always exclusive to the Stillwater area. Despite its name, the

Stillwater United Way also serves the Payne County area. What the OSU Foundation has

that the Stillwater United Way lacks is Alumni donations. This is significant because

alumni donations are the product of strong brand loyalty, if you will. Alumni are

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!22 About the NFL & United Way partnership. (n.d.). Retrieved from 23 Guide to charitable giving. (n.d.). Retrieved from 24!Volunteer solutions. (2013). Retrieved from 25!Workplace campaign. (n.d.). Retrieved from !

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naturally more inclined to give charitable donations to their alma mater as opposed to a

third party nonprofit.26

b. Religious Organizations

Historically, religious groups have shown to have the highest share of charitable

contributions across the country. In fact, in 2011, 32 percent of all charitable

contributions were collected through a religious organization. Religious organizations are

not limited exclusively to local churches, synagogues, etc. Religious organizations could

also include various religious media and broadcasting channels. 27

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!26!Branding success priorities. (2013). Retrieved from 27!Giving, U. (2013). Annual report on philanthropy. Retrieved from !

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I. Target Market

• City-Data. Stillwater. Retrieved from:


• Oklahoma State University. News and Communications. Retrieved from:

• U.S. Census Bureau. U.S. Census. Retrieved from:

• The Corporation for National and Community Service. Volunteering and Civic

Life in America. Retrieved from:

II. Context

• Oklahoma demographics by cubit. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.oklahoma-

• Oklahoma nonprofit sector report. In (2010). 2010 Yearly report of the Oklahoma

Center for Nonprofits. Tulsa: Retrieved from Report

Revised Complete.pdf

• Sharing the wealth: how states stack up on generosity. (2012, August 19).

Retrieved from


• United states bureau of labor statistics. (2014, January 31). Retrieved from

• Barnes, N. (2008). Still setting the pace in social media: the first longitudinal

study of usage by the largest us charities. In Retrieved from


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• Warnock, B. (2013, September 18). Social media for good. Retrieved from


III. Company

• United Way National. (2014) About United Way Worldwide. Retrieved from

• United Way Stillwater Area. Marketing Campaign Director. (2010). Retrieved


• Forbes. (2013) United Way. Retrieved from:

• United Way Products. Show the world you lived United. (2014). Retrieved from:

• Stillwater Area United Way. (2014) Give. Retrieved from:

• Promote the united way. (2012). Retrieved from:

• United Way. Visions Mission and Goals. (2014). Retrieved from:

• Wilson. Stillwater Volunteer Center matches up local agencies and volunteers. (

2010, August, 10). Retrieved From:


• Carter, S. (2014, February 10). Interview by A Tilson. Client meeting.

IV. Collaborators

• About the NFL & United Way partnership. (n.d.). Retrieved from

• Guide to charitable giving. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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• Workplace campaign. (n.d.). Retrieved from


• Volunteer solutions. (2013). Retrieved from

V. Competition

• Giving, U. (2013). Annual report on philanthropy. Retrieved from

• Branding success priorities. (2013). Retrieved from

• Charity navigator rating. (2013). Retrieved from:

• Annual Report. (2012) Advancing. The common Good Around the World. (2012).

Retrieved from:





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