Download - SThe Sunnyland cooP · 2/2/2019  · AmeriCorps Food Educator Common Threads Farm (360) 927-1590 ellingham, WA Sick and Injured Students If your child becomes sick or injured at school,

Page 1: SThe Sunnyland cooP · 2/2/2019  · AmeriCorps Food Educator Common Threads Farm (360) 927-1590 ellingham, WA Sick and Injured Students If your child becomes sick or injured at school,

Si desea esta información en español

llame al 676-6456


Main Office: 7:00 - 3:30

Attendance: 7:30 - 3:00


Main Office: 360-676-6446

ScooP The Sunnyland


A Note From the Principal

February 2019 Upcoming Dates

• Feb 11, lockdown

drill, 9:30.

• Feb 11, parent Mt

School Meeting

6:30pm in room 14.

• Feb 12, 3rd grades

museum field trip.


• Feb 15, 1st grades

to MBT, 11:45-12:25

• Feb 18, NO


• Feb 19, 3rd grade

Mrs. Larocque’s to

Wild Whatcom/

Cornwall Park. 8:30-

11:30 (walking).

• Feb 21, Science

Fair, 6-7.

• Feb 26, 3rd grade

Mrs. Horsfall to

Wild Whatcom/

Cornwall Park. 8:30-

11:30 (walking).

• Feb 28, Coffee and



Happy February!

You may have noticed some changes in our front office. Toni Ladner has accepted and started a position

at Sehome High School. We enjoyed having Toni here and wish her the best in her new position.

Recently hired to the position is Christina Ortiz. Christina has worked with Opportunity Council and

Whatcom Alliance for Health Advancement. She has a wealth of experience working with families and is

bilingual and biliterate in Spanish. We are excited to have her start with us on Monday, February 11th.

In the meantime, we have huge gratitude for Doneva Froberg who has expertly filled the void and will

continue to be with us until Christina begins.

Students are busy making hypotheses and conducting experiments in preparation for our Science Fair on

February 21st. If you have any questions about the Science Fair, please don’t hesitate to ask your stu-

dent’s teacher.

Please make plans to join us on Thursday, February 28th for Coffee and Conversations at 8:15 in Portable

E. Sunnyland recently received a grant from the Bellingham Schools Foundation to diversify our school

library. At Coffee and Conversations, we would love to hear from you! Please come and share any books

you know about showing diverse characters and written by diverse authors. If you don’t know any books

to suggest but would like to engage in talk with other parents about this important topic, we’d love to

have you join us. Woods Coffee has generously donated coffee for our time together. Author Grace Lin

talks about the importance of children seeing themselves in books in this Tedx Talk. This work fits with

our district’s revision of the Bellingham Promise to specifically name Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

as a part of our work.

If you are unable to attend Coffee and Conversations, but would like to give your input please click here to

fill out a Microsoft Form.

We appreciate your continued partnership working with us to provide your child with the best possible

experience at Sunnyland. Please don’t hesitate to share compliments, questions, or concerns with me or

your student’s teacher.

Principal Lynn

[email protected]

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Our lost and found is growing again.

Please come check in out!

A IMPORTANT message from Nurse Matt

Hi Sunnyland Parents,

With our recent measles outbreak in Southwest Washington, I

strongly encourage you to please check with your pediatrician

to ensure your child is up todate on their vaccinations.

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Sunnyland is a pilot school for a

Washington Traffic Safety Commission grant

What does that mean for Sunnyland?

A Bellingham Public Schools employee is:

1.Spending time thinking about, walking, and biking the routes

to and from Sunnyland within the 1-mile walk area

2. Working on programs to support walking and biking

3.Developing and supporting safe pedestrian and biking habit

practice for kids

What do you need to know?

1.Students will be practicing safe street crossing in the hallways.

You can practice with them too!

STOP at the edge of the curb

LOOK Left-Right-Left

LISTEN for traffic

WAIT for vehicles to stop

CROSS the street when clear

2.This spring at Sunnyland, we will be trying out a Walking

School Bus program – where volunteer Walk Leaders walk a

set route with students

3.Do you already walk/bike to and/or from school and have

questions or concerns? Are you interested in volunteering as

a Walk Leader? Do you want to know more? Contact

[email protected]

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Sunnyland es una escuela piloto para una beca de la Comisión

de Seguridad en el Tránsito de Washington

¿Qué significa esto para Sunnyland?

Un empleado de las Escuelas Públicas de Bellingham está:

1.Tomando tiempo para pensar, caminar, y utilizar las rutas de

biciceta hacia y desde Sunnyland dentro del área de una milla


2.Trabajando con programas que apoyan el caminar y el uso

de bicicletas.

3.Desarrollando y apoyando la práctica de hábitos seguros para

niños, para caminar y usar la bicicleta.

¿Qué necesita saber?

1.Los estudiantes van a practicar en los pasillos la manera segura

de cruzar la calle.

¡Puedes prácticar con ellos también!

PARAR en el borde de la acera

MIRAR hacia la izquierda-derecha-izquierda

ESCUCHAR por el tráfico

ESPERAR a que los vehículos se detengan

CRUZAR la calle cuando sea seguro


Esta primavera en Sunnyland, estaremos probando un programa

llamado El autobús camindando (Walking School Bus)- en que

voluntaries lideran la caminata y caminan una ruta pre-establecida

con los estudiantes.

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Sunnyland Elementary


Sunnyland PTA Officers for 2018-19

[email protected]

Co-President – Jen Warolin 360-927-4630 [email protected]

Co-President-Ann Boustead 214-564-5201 [email protected]

VP of Extracurricular Activities-Van Dartt 503-966-1267 [email protected]

Vice President-Megan Porter 801-319-3366 [email protected]

Treasurer-Pat Kelly 360-325-5296 [email protected]

Secretary-Sandy Brenton 360-485-8963 [email protected]


We are happy to welcome Christina Ortiz as

our new attendance secretary.

Who do you call to clear your child’s attendance?

Ms. Christina Ortiz at 360-676-6446, option 1 or

email, [email protected]

When do I call?

• The day or night before and leave a message.

• The day of your child’s absence or the next day

after receiving the auto call.

• Can send a note next day.

District Requirements?

Absences must be excused within 48 hours

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Thank you!!

Katy Ackerson and Nancy Clark

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Required Notification: Citizen’s Complaint Process:

It is a requirement that we inform families of the formal complaint process for resolving issues of violation of a Title I Federal

regulation. If you have a concern with Title I services and/or regulations we encourage you to contact your child's Title I teach-

ing team, your school's principal and/or the district's Title I office (676-6542). You can also access the Citizen's Complaint Pro-

cess through the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) in Olympia. Forms are available in the office and the

links below have all of the information for filing a complaint through OSPI.

Links for citizen’s complaints should be place on Title I documents for parents and community CitizenComplaintFederalPrograms.aspx

Cooking with Common Threads

Cooking with Common Threads

Classes in all grades are enjoying monthly cooking lessons through March 12th. This month, our student chefs will prepare and taste Three Sisters Stew, a traditional and

contemporary Native American dish made with squash, corn, beans and more. Keep a lookout for recipes coming

home and visit for more! As always, if you’re interested in getting involved, please contact me: [email protected]

Sara Bauer

AmeriCorps Food Educator Common Threads Farm (360) 927-1590

Bellingham, WA

Sick and Injured Students

If your child becomes sick or injured at school, we need to have an emergency contact on file who can pick them up. We do not have the facilities to house ill and injured students and these students should not be returned to class or sent home on the bus. This is for the safety of them and other students.

Check your emergency contacts and make sure one of them is available to pick up your child if needed.

Keep your child home if they have:

• Fever of 100 degrees or more-students need to be fever-free for 24 hours (without using fever reducing medication) before returning to school.

• Vomiting or Diarrhea-students need to stay home 24 hours after last vomiting/diarrhea.

• Strep Throat-Students need to stay home for 24 hours after the first antibiotic is begun.

• Vaccine Preventable Diseases (Whooping Cough, Chicken Pox (Varicella), Measles or Mumps)-See a healthcare provider and do not return to school until your healthcare provider says your child is no longer contagious.

Thank you for helping us keep all our students safe and healthy!

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Do you want to

Here is how to sign up!

Go to our under the Families Tab, then click on Volunteer



Go to Top of screen in dark grey click on Community, then Volunteer Programs.

Scroll half way down page to Application Process and Instructions, then click on the online application.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact Jennifer Gaer, Volunteer Coordinator at 360-676-6400 x6848 or email [email protected].

Non-English Speaking Families: For translation assistance, please contact Beck Vela at 360-676-6456 or email [email protected].

Thank you SO much for volunteering!!


Frozen Berries!

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