Download - Sterling CYCLES^ ™« I 21/Buffalo NY Courier/Buffalo Ny... · Sperrow, D. D., pastor. Preaching by fie pastor at 11 a. m. ana 7:30 p. oi. Sun-__..„ip»w £Hampshire Street M.

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    Kensington M. E. C h u r c h - T h e Re*, a . Sperrow, D. D. , pastor. Preaching by

    f i e pastor at 11 a. m. ana 7:30 p. oi. Sun-__..„ip»w

    £Hampshire Street M. B. Church-The Rev. T l T n i U , pastor. Preaching at 10:80 a. I, sad at 7:90 p. m. by the pastor. Class

    meeting at 9:30 a, in. Sunday school at 12 at. Class meet tog snd Kp worth League

    f t'tOfe p. m. Subject for evening: "Closing _> of the Conference Year." Ontario Methodist Episcopal Church—Tbe

    Ber, B. L. Puck wall, pastor. Services at 10:80 a. m. and 7:45 p in. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8.

    Asbury M. E. Church—The Rev. Frank S. Rowland, pastor. At 10:30 a. m. the Rev. D. H. Muller. D. P. . a former pastor, will preach; 7:45 p. m. the pastor. Last sermon ©eftere conference. At 9:8© a. m. ciass meeting. 1_ m. Sunday school; 8:80 p. m. Boworth League.

    Seneca Street M. B. Church—The Rev. W. V. B. Pattyson, pastor. Sermons at

    ;45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. by the pastor. laming subject: "The Big Fight." Evening

    nubjeet: -'The Closing of the Day." Class meeting at 11:45 a. in., Sunday school at 12 m.

    Plymouth Methodist Episcopal Church— The Rev. Jinnies D. Phelps, pastor. Preach-ing at 10:30 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. by the pastor Morning subject: "•'Crucified with fJbrlst.*' Evening subject.: "Plain Facta About Church Going/"

    rDelaware Avenue M. E. Church—O. O. ertaon will preach at 10:30 a. m. Dr. 8. Merrill will occupy the pulpit in the •rening.

    Sentinel M. E. Church—The Rev. Joseph Dennis, pastor. Morning subject: "A Fin-ished Course." Sunday school missions rv eeneert In the evening.

    Riverside M. E. Church-The Rev. F. H. Ceoaan. pastor. Prayer meeting at 0:30 a. m. Preaching by tne pastor at 10:30 a. as. and 7:30 p. m. Subject for evening ser-mon: "The Peerless Christ." gGraee M. B. Church— The Rev. Hyron H.

    tauffer. pastor. At 10:30 a. m.: **In the reatng." a sermon for the Old." At 7:30

    R, a_, "The Dance of Death." St. Marks M. E. Church-The Rev.

    George W. Peck, pastor. Communion and

    trenching at 7:80 p. m. by the pastor. ©ye feast at 6:30 p. m. Evening subject: **Bapov Thoughts; a Year of Deeds; Clos-ing w o r d s "

    t i n wood Avenue M. E. Cbnreh-^The Rev. « . C. Wood, pastor. Services at 10:30 and 7:80. Holy Communion at morning hour.

    Ripley Memorial M. E. Church—The Rev. I*. A. Stevens, pastor. Preaching by the

    Kitor at 10:30 a. m, and 7: 30 p. m. The rd*s Supper st morning service. Sunday •eeool at 12 in. JuniorXearue at 3:80 p. m. Bpworth League at 8:30 p. m.

    Richmond Avenue M. E. Church—The Rev. S. T. Westhafer. pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a. mi. and 7:30 p. m. by the pas-tor. Morning: "The Struggles and Tri-umphs of the Christian l i f e ." Evening: "The Creed of Christianity."

    Kenmore M. E. Church—The Rev. Phlneaa T. Lynn, pastor. Farewell sermon 10:45 lav , Herbert R. Burgess, paator. Services s t 10:46 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Sunday school 12 m garth Presbyterian Church—The Rev. Bd-i | H. Dickinson, 0 . D.. %astor 8er-

    %,. vlees at 10:43 s. m. and 7:46 p. m Sundsy ^aeSen l at 12:I0 p r o

    Bethlehem Presbyterisn Church-The Rer. Frank B. Cerlton, paster. Morning wor-ship at 10:80 a. m. Sundsy school at 11:45 a. a». Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Evening worship at 7:46 p. m.

    First Presbytenan—On the Circle. The Rev. 8. 8- Mitchell, D, » . , pastor. Public wo rani p at 11 s. m. snd 4 p. m. Sermons by the paator, Sundav school at 3:15 p. m.

    ChS.rch f>t the Covenant—Corner of Ferry and iMIcblgsn streets. The Rev. A. W Allen pastor. ServIce^ s t 10:45 s. m. snd 7:45 n. m.. with preaching by the pastor. Bundsy school at 12 m. and 2:46 p. m. Junior Y. P. 8. C. 1 i t 4 p. a , Y. P.

    a cF-1 E. st 7 p. m. Westminster Presbyterisn Church—The

    Rev. .Samuel Van Vranken Holmes, pastor: the WW Isaac Woodbridge Riley, psstor's asalstsnt. Morning service at 10:45. with sermon by the pastor. Evening service st % with sermon by the pastor. Sunday schood and Bible elasses at 12:15 p. m. Mld-araeat: meeting on Wednesday evening st 8 o'clock.

    Bethany Presbyterian Church-Fifteenth •treat, between Rhode Island and Vermont atreef*. The Rev. Charles F. Hubbard, iMutor Divine worship at 10:46 a. m. and fsift P. m., with sermons by the pastor. Sunday school st 12:10 p. m. Y. P. 8. C. « . prayer meeting at 8:30.

    Flrat United Presbyterian Chnrch—The Rev. S. M. Bailey, pastor. Public wor-st* I p at !£i80 s. m. snd 7:80 p. nx Morning topic: **The Lord's Supper s Thsnksgiv-Ing." Evening topic: 'Tne Faith that Savca." Sabbath school at 12 m. Juniors at 4 #> m. O, Y. P. C, 17. at 6:80 p. m.

    Sooth Presbyterian Chnrch—Seneca Jaxileta Street. The Rev. Joseph K. Q

    Staebler, P.E.. will preach »t both senices Second CLurch—Krettner Street. O*

    Sehloerb. pastor. German services at 10 30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m *w.«w

    Second Church of Christ. Scientist—Snn-fV, a t i ° i . 1 5 f- H ! i . a t Twent ieth Century Club Subject: "The Doctrine of Atone-

    Experlence meeting Wednesdar merit y at 8 p. m. s t No. 428 Mooney Brisbane Buiid-I ng. _ F I r s t Church. Evsngel ics l A s s o c i a t i o n -W.J[. Merla.JPaatar. Qermsn servlees a t 10.30 a. m. English services s t 7:30 p m. German Sunday school at 8 a. m. English Sunday school s t 2:15 p. m. K , n


    - J < J P M * . f t , j y » Messlsh ^rniverssllat)-A^JLS&J-Jt **nnon by the Rev. A. E. Wright of Brooklyn, N. Y. Sundav &5SL a t r l 2 i 1 5 P- **. Young Peopled Christian Union s t 6:45 p. m.

    Assembly Hall-No. I l l Elmwood Avenue. Preaching Lord's Day at 7:45 p. m bv Evangelist J. W Ashbv. Subject" "Open-d ^n 8 - i °»,Kb t StoJ7 °L* Rotable Convert • '^V, mSSL r e a d ( n K Tuesdsy and praver meeting Friday, at 7:45 p m.

    German Department Y. M. C. A.-Gen-esee and Davis streets A lecture on "Christian Cltisenshlp" will be held st the rooms of the association tomorrow after-noon at 4 o'clock, by tbe Rev. H. Orom-mlsch.

    Spirit sal Temple-Jersey snd Prospect S T ^ A ^ J ? ^ Moses Hull, pastor. Sub J / c t 8 L A t l«:aO «- •»-. 'The Way that Few Can Travel'; 7:80 p. m.. "How Joan, the & £ 2 £ l ^ ' ^ t v

    ? „ 8 , e « o f Orleans and Crowned Charles VII Ring of France" L m n m at 12 m. First American Reformed Church—The

    Rev J. Perry Beaver pastor: Service in

    s t lprlO s. m. snd 7:46 o. m. Toole In evening: "The Elder Son." P C m

    . ^ r 1 " ! 1 * ^ ^ " S l Miasionary Ajlliaace—In old St. Luke's Church. Niagara Street be a ^ S T . ^ T ^ * ' a n d =w»»on streeta. a t F^dsr'.t7??^ p^^ °° TUe#d*y • ?

    Buffalo Spiritual Society—Eagle Street near .Cedsr. sfternoon snd evening s t 2:80 and 7:30 p. m. Lecture by Miss Taylor followed bv tes t s by F. Corden White '

    «*»•*- >*isia Rlchardsoa^snd others wil l take part a t 3 snd 7:80 p. rn. In the Church on Wheels , Wes t Avenue and Mary

    St. Vincent's Aayiunv-Tbe Ohlldren of Msry of St. Vincent's . No. 1813 Main Street, are requested to attend a special J5Set l l>s' a t t h * asylum, Sunday. October vth, at 7 p. m.

    Universal Brotherhood—Room No. 17 S r l f " ^ * 8 t n i t i O D College building. No. 05* West Genesee Street, at 8 n. m. Subiect: **T^ranaltlon a Law of Nature , , , by Mrs Msr C. Grifflth. The Lotus Circle, an un-see ta i i sn Sunday school, will meet at 1 0 4 5 s . m. In the same room.

    rtW. Maxson Estee Co., 301 P. 8.

    $450 BT'YS LARGE EAST SIDE ROOM-ing house, finely furnished and bringing present owner $112 per month. House hest-ed throughout and a rare chance.

    IF YOl 7 WANT TO I B U Y A ~BU"STNi_S8 Moore will sell you what you want. IF YOU WANT TO SELL A B F S I N E S S Moore can dispose of It quicker than any other business broker.

    MOORE. 007 MOONBY-BRI8BANS BUILP-ing. Buffalo.


    •WANTED SEWING GIRLS TO LEARN rutting and fitting; also dressmaking; good jpages. 540 Niagara Street^ __ 7t9 W A N f - D — _ 6 WOMEN AND GIRLS FOR ten weeks to core apples In canneries near Buffalo; wages good; Increased one quarter Recently. Enquire 941 West Ferry Street. Buffalo. N. Y. 7t9

    {LADIES TO WORK FOR US AT THEIR omes the year around; no canvassing: city _r country; particulars by mall. Hill'Mfg. Co., 61 Park Place, New York.

    SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE. POSITION VV A N T E D BY A YOUNG lady stenographer; has best of reference. Address D. L.. this office. 13tf.

    1 FOB SALS. r fdTTSALE-GOOD DRAFT HORSE; CA-nadlan stock. Apply 119 Chicago Street, tf.


    ONE OF THB MOST DESIRABLE RESI-dences on LInwood Avenue, near Bryant; lot 78 feet front 200 feet deep; house well

    pipped; two larae parlors, dining room, pantries on ground floor; seven rfe a'eeping rooms; for aala cheap. In

    quire W. J. I , , this office. t t

    866.00 PER FOOT WILL BUY THE PE-•irsble corner en northwest corner Albany and Plymouth Avenne. Gurney A Over-tu f t 18 Waat Swan Btreet s * •{,

    « N Y AMOUNT ON CITY IMPROVED; law rates. A. H. Howe, 310 Morgsn Build-jPg _ _____ 811) MONEY' LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions with respon-

    s e concerns upon their own names, wlth-nt security; easy payments. Tolman, 488 [lllcott Square Oct,5tNov,5 HTlE COUNTY LOAN CO. (INCORPARr-led), loans money on household goods, lanos, horses, wagons, without removal; _o on pledges of watches and diamonds, 'gal rates; confidential. 444 Elllcott [uare, Washington Street elevator. 2t31

    ANY AMOUNT ON REAL ESTsTE fbarKes reasonable. Brodhead, 402 Moriran Building 1*31 T H E "PEOPLE'S LO_^T~A^S1^TAT'1W incorporated, loans on furniture or anv other personal property without removal-'""fal rates and confidential mall correspond-

    ce promptly tended to; open evenings Mm 8, Mooney-Brlsbane Building. tf ONEY TO LOAN ON R E A L ESTATEfOR »od securit ies; c h a r m s reasonable D axson Estee Co., 301 D . 8. Morgan Bulld-

    •TONEY LOADED ON WATCl_E87~]__i -monds, Jewelry, e t c George L. Pratt Recused pawnbroker, 363 Main Street, over

    DR. VAN MARTER. Bladder. K I D N E Y constitutional , medical and surgical ail-ments ; private consultat ion free; drains discharges, nervous complaints ; cures guar-anteed. 351 Main. _;;_ 6 t l l

    ARE YOU D I 8 0 O U R A G B D V - A L L B U N down, ean't s leep, nervous, feel mean, gas on stomach, night losses, headache weak eyes , n i p p l e s , piles? Consult Dr. McClel-Ian. IT Court Street itio STRICTURE AND VARICOCELE CURED painlessly In eight days; guaranteed. Rowe Medical Co., 195 Franklin Street. 29tOct.l8 MEN ONLY-HEWLIN MEDICAL"cO~ 485 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y., specialists «n private, nervous, chronic, blood snd skin diseases; weakness of mind and body per-manently cured or money refunded. t t FREE TREATMENT-WASTING7CHRON-Ic. special diseases, both sexes, discharges weakness. Irregularities, blood poison skin diseases, stricture; success guaranteed-medicines _nmll charge; 30 rears' exoer-lence; confidential. Dr. Turver. Bellevue Graduate. 327 Washington Street. " * " e v u e

    I Sept.ietf. WOMEN ONLY-DR. STEVENS 485 Main Street. Buffalo K. Y.. female disorders positively cured or money refunded- all operatwis saJUfully * perfornasd. tf. DR. SPIN rNEY~A CO.. B P B C I A L f S T S ; 35 years experience In the treatment of neV-vous. chronic snd special diseases of men and women; cures guaranteed. Offle- -nd Dispense ry. 11 West Eagle Street . O^t lo t f


    !_? ___EI_£5_̂ L!i_N?: m mwxv* ing. ssu Devlne; easy terms. Hedge, 577 Main. 8tl0

    CASE UPRIGHT PI $150 MAHOGANY ano; great bargain. Hedge, 577 "Main

    . 8t 10 PARTY WISHING TO LEAVE " T O W N ^nln-S1 *TilV,_fU,tP,_?0 *} a n* Prt»- 5 « evenings. 1415 Main S t r e e t Sent.S-rf

    >ld Dollar. tf

    MISCELLANEOUS. POOL AND BILLIABD TABLES BOUGHT aa_d sold at 1482 Jefferson Street. «?ii

    ?£mCAHKEt. 2PR B^EAKFAST7MA5E _ _ _ 5 - t K b e _ B - ?X?n* - B a k , ? r y S*.f-Ri8ing Buckwheat and Pancake Flour. You'll _*>t

    i f early for breakfaat then. All grocers!



    $2,500 BUYS INTEREST IN MANUFAC-turlng business where sale of product is unlimited; profits over 100 per cent.; inves-tigate this. D. Maxson Eatee Co., 301 D. 8. Morgan Building.

    $2,500 SECURES BUFFALO'S BEST PAY-lng restaurant; total cost of fixtures, im-provements, etc., over $8,000; central loca-tion: large business. P. Maxson Estee C o . 3 0 1 J O T Morgsn Building, $4,500 SECl'RES LARGE WOVEN WIRE mattress plant, doing s large business; large number of orders now on hand. P . Maxson Estee Co., 801 P. S. Morgan Build-ing.-$4,500 BUYS FUBNITUBE ANP CARPET business in city of 20,000; fine trsde; busi-ness well established; Investigate I) Max* son Estee Co., 801 P. S. Morgan Budding. $5,000 GETS 40 PER CENT. OF STOCK In company for sale of best computing In-struments on the market; 60 per cent, profit. D. Maxson Estee Co. 801 D. S. Mor-gan Building $8,000 OR 80c ON THE DOLLAR 8_£ cures finest boot and shoe business in ettf of 20,000; will bear closest Investigation. D. Maxson Estee Co., 801 D. 8. Morgsn Build-ing

    $13,460 SECURES HALF INTEREST IN corset mauufscturing business; profits large. D. Maxson Estee Co., 301 D. S. Morgan Building. • $25,000 SECURES INTEREST IN FOUN"-dry and stove manufacturing business; lo-_?£__ . n t h i s SK*5 t h e &Hat w l » inventory $50,000; everything complete; now employ-ing 30 men; will bear the most thorough Investigation. D Maxson Estee Co., 301 D. 8. Morgan Building.

    DO~YOU WISH Tb~BTJY~pR SELL A business? Do you desire to form s atook company? Do yon wsnt to obtain a psrt-ner? Have you a good patent to place on the market? If ao; call on Buffalo's oldest _ £ , l £ e 8 5 Promoters, D. Msxson Estee Co.. 301 p. 8. Morgan Building.



    FOR SALE-SEVERAL FARMS quire at Buffalo Savings Ranf IN-


    I N S T R U C T I O N

    PROF. ROGERS. 51 M A R J N W STREET near Allen, primary and academic studies' including stenography, individual lessons. '

    8t9 MANFOLIN, GUITAR, BANJO THOR-oughly taught, according to best methods. Boehm, 144 Cottsge Street. ^ ^ 8t9 JULIUS SINGER INSTRUCTS J O T VIO-lin, progress guaranteed; special attention to bowing; terms moderate. 244 Wllllum s t _________ VIOLIN, PIANO, MANPOLINiTGUITAR banjo Instruments, new and used in_ti_-_-e^ t8 %&k< Koikeubecfc, Allss^sppISte Wadswertb Street - ^ t « ^ w

    BICYCLE REPAIRING PROMPTLY EX. ecuted; all work guaranteed and prices very moderate. Bicycle Hospital. 203 Pearl 8 t Htt AuslSt.


    wiNf_n_ YOUR"-TORSES BSNNY BROTH! Farm, J e w e t t v l l i e ; s s v e money; b**st ca__* Howard Bros. , 457 Washington Street

    ___?_______jr__|t:Zt| STUDEBAKEK BUSINESS W A G O N S . open and top, for grocery, meat, laundry. milk, etc.; express snd fsney parcel do! livery wagons, trucks, drcya. coal wagons, etc.; fair prices, cssh or credit. Bosche Bros., General Agents 918 920 Msln Street


    WEAL ESTATE FOR EXCH *Na_7~ FOR EXCHANGE FOR~~SOUTH—irlF falo or North Buffalo vacant, equity In good comfortable bouse, 5 bed rooms; large « £ ! ner lot, on (Connecticut Street; well renbad. Owner. 623 _____ Avenue " * FOR EXCHANGE^OR~lgrTT~IMT5_^^ ?,r f*tm' hotel in East Buffalo, near i A S r h Valley shops doing good businessi no X -cumbrance. Brodhead, 402 Morgan Build-jag- ^ » OWNER OF~FINE m^lLTJIN^~L10_rir1fEll and clear; would exchange same fkr flrst 5__r t g___ o n B u f r - 1 0 re-1 estate, v_i_e $1-250. Address Lot, this office. 5&


    S T r V E S r NO RANGES.

    ano SECorp-HANP ueHrf^cTMfSWm


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