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Stephanie Cisneros Tessa Aldana

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Where are ethnicities distributed? • Distribution of Ethnicities in the United States • Differentiating Ethnicity and Race

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•  Hispanics/Latinos: 15% • African Americans: 13% • Asian American: 4 % • American Indian: 1%

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• Clustering of Ethnicities

• Hispanic/Latinos: Clustered in the Southwest • African Americans: Clustered in the Southeast • Asian Americans: Clustered in the West; mainly Hawaii and California • American Indians and Alaska natives: Clustered in the Southwest and Plains; Alaska

• African American Migration Patterns • Forced migration due to slavery in the 18th century • Immigration from the north to the south during 1st half of 20th century • Immigration from ghettos to urban areas of the city • Triangular Slave trade

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• Ethnicity – Identity with a group of people sharing physical and mental traits due to culture and traditions • Race – Identity with a group of people sharing a common ancestor

• Races in the U.S. : • White • Black, African American or Negro • American Indian or Alaska native • Asian Indian • Chinese

• Filipino • Japanese • Korean • Vietnamese • Other Asian • Native Hawaiian • Guamanian or Chamorro • Samoan • Other Pacific Islander • Other race

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• “Separate but Equal” Doctrine

• Plessy V. Ferguson • “White Flight”

• Whites left their homes in fear of having to live near blacks when segregation ended. • Blockbusting – Real estate agents would convince whites to move out and sell their homes because they feared blacks would soon move into their neighborhoods

• Division by Race in Africa • Apartheid – Separation of people by their race (either black, white, colored or Asian.)

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Why Have Ethnicities Been Transformed Into Nationalities? • Rise of Nationalities • Multinational States • Revival of Ethnic Identity

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• Nationality – Citizens of the U.S. (both born and made) • Ethnicity – Groups with same ancestry and tradition

• Nation-States • Country in which the same ethnicity is present in the majority of inhabitants • Ex. Denmark, Danes that speak Danish and live in Denmark • In Europe: Most countries are nation-states.

• Nationalism • Loyalty and devotion to one’s nationality. • An ex. of Centripetal Force; brings people together

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• Country with more than one ethnicity: some coexist fine, others try to dominate one another

• Ex. United Kingdom – Four main nationalities (English, Scottish, Wales, Northern Irish.)

•  Former Soviet Union: The Largest Multinational State • 15 republics, 15 ethnicities, now 15 countries

• Russia: Now the Largest Multinational State • 39 nationalities, some seek independence • Primarily clustered near neighboring states • 20% of the population is not Russian

• Turmoil in the Caucasus • Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgians

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• Ethnicity was thought to have been lost or forgotten by Europeans • Languages used to bring back nationalities

• Russian • Problems submerged

• For minorities in broken up states

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Why do Ethnicities Clash? • Ethnic Competition to Dominate Nationality • Dividing Ethnicities Among More One State

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• Ethnic competition is a common thing in Africa. •  It is especially concentrated in the Horn of Africa which includes: ·Djibouti ·Ethiopia ·Eritrea ·Somalia •  ·Sudan • As well as Lebanon

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• Division among ethnicities is very common in Asia • India and Pakistan is an example of it because the subcontinent India was divided into two different countries in 1947 when the British their colonial rule of India.

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What is Ethnic Cleansing? • Ethnic Cleansing in Europe • Ethnic Cleansing in Central Africa

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• A great example of ethnic cleansing would be World War II • World War II was the result of Adolf Hitler’s attempt world to rid the world of ethnicities that he thought were inferior .

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• Occurred when colonization by European countries began. • As well as when conflicts between the two ethnic groups , the Hutus and Tutsis started to result in a series of wars.