Download - Stellar Evolution What is the fate of the sun and other stars??

Page 1: Stellar Evolution What is the fate of the sun and other stars??

Stellar EvolutionWhat is the fate of the sun

and other stars??

Page 2: Stellar Evolution What is the fate of the sun and other stars??

Formation of Stars• Begins with interstellar gas and dust called

a nebula• Collapses on self as a result of gravity• Rotates and flattens with hot condensed

object at center called a protostar

Page 3: Stellar Evolution What is the fate of the sun and other stars??

• When temperature becomes hot enough for nuclear fusion to occur Hydrogen (H) and Helium (He) are the first reaction.

Page 4: Stellar Evolution What is the fate of the sun and other stars??

Lifecycle of a Medium Star

• 10 % of a stars innermost mass react in nuclear fusion

• When H in core is gone, some left in outer layers

• Outer layers expand and cool; star becomes a Red Giant

Page 5: Stellar Evolution What is the fate of the sun and other stars??

• Red giants have low surface gravity, outer layers are driven away

• Core becomes hot enough to produce Carbon (C)

• Star contracts to normal size when helium is used up

• Carbon core left over, White dwarf remains

Page 6: Stellar Evolution What is the fate of the sun and other stars??

Lifecycle of Massive Stars• Massive stars undergo many reactions and

produce many elements• Cannot support themselves and violently

collapse on themselves

Page 7: Stellar Evolution What is the fate of the sun and other stars??

• Neutron Star – Collapse dense core of a star that forms quickly while its outer layers are falling inward

• Supernova – Massive explosion that occurs when the outer layer of a star are blown off

Page 8: Stellar Evolution What is the fate of the sun and other stars??

• Black Hole – Small, extremely dense remnant of a star whose gravity is so immense that even light can not escape its gravity field