Download - STD/TBS/Trade and Competitiveness Section Estimated patterns of trade in services flows between OECD countries and rest of the world Fabiana Cerasa OECD.

Page 1: STD/TBS/Trade and Competitiveness Section Estimated patterns of trade in services flows between OECD countries and rest of the world Fabiana Cerasa OECD.

STD/TBS/Trade and STD/TBS/Trade and Competitiveness SCompetitiveness Sectionection

Estimated patterns of trade in Estimated patterns of trade in services flows services flows

between OECD countries between OECD countries and and

rest of the worldrest of the world

Fabiana CerasaOECD Statistics Directorate

AgendaAgendaItem 5.iItem 5.i

3rd WPTGS meeting 4-6 October 2010, OECD3rd WPTGS meeting 4-6 October 2010, OECD

Page 2: STD/TBS/Trade and Competitiveness Section Estimated patterns of trade in services flows between OECD countries and rest of the world Fabiana Cerasa OECD.

STD/TBS/Trade and STD/TBS/Trade and Competitiveness SCompetitiveness Sectionection

Estimated patterns of TIS flowsEstimated patterns of TIS flows

23rd WPTGS meeting 4-6 October 2010, OECD3rd WPTGS meeting 4-6 October 2010, OECD

Page 3: STD/TBS/Trade and Competitiveness Section Estimated patterns of trade in services flows between OECD countries and rest of the world Fabiana Cerasa OECD.

STD/TBS/Trade and STD/TBS/Trade and Competitiveness SCompetitiveness Sectionection

Steps to fill the matrixSteps to fill the matrix

33rd WPTGS meeting 4-6 October 2010, OECD3rd WPTGS meeting 4-6 October 2010, OECD

Page 4: STD/TBS/Trade and Competitiveness Section Estimated patterns of trade in services flows between OECD countries and rest of the world Fabiana Cerasa OECD.

STD/TBS/Trade and STD/TBS/Trade and Competitiveness SCompetitiveness Sectionection

11stst and 2 and 2ndnd steps steps

43rd WPTGS meeting 4-6 October 2010, OECD3rd WPTGS meeting 4-6 October 2010, OECD

Page 5: STD/TBS/Trade and Competitiveness Section Estimated patterns of trade in services flows between OECD countries and rest of the world Fabiana Cerasa OECD.

STD/TBS/Trade and STD/TBS/Trade and Competitiveness SCompetitiveness Sectionection

33rdrd and 4 and 4thth steps steps

53rd WPTGS meeting 4-6 October 2010, OECD3rd WPTGS meeting 4-6 October 2010, OECD

Page 6: STD/TBS/Trade and Competitiveness Section Estimated patterns of trade in services flows between OECD countries and rest of the world Fabiana Cerasa OECD.

STD/TBS/Trade and STD/TBS/Trade and Competitiveness SCompetitiveness Sectionection


For example, after having exploited every potential information provided by mirror statistics:

half of the unallocated export from Africa have been allocated to Gulf Arabia with the other half going to Africa.

the unallocated Middle East exports have been equally divided between Africa and the Middle East

Taiwan’s estimated partner country distribution replicates the breakdown provided by Hong Kong

Thailand’s estimated partner country distribution replicates the breakdown provided by Singapore

in the 3rd and 4th steps OECD data have been used only for Hong Kong and Russian Federation


Page 7: STD/TBS/Trade and Competitiveness Section Estimated patterns of trade in services flows between OECD countries and rest of the world Fabiana Cerasa OECD.

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Final stepsFinal steps

• After completion, the line totals have been scaled up to: the total exports available in OECD International trade in

services by category of services (TIS dataset) for the top side of the matrix that corresponds to OECD exporting countries

the IMF BOP totals for the bottom side that corresponds to non-OECD exporting countries

• Finally, in the standard table presentation, the five continents shown (Africa, America, Asia and Oceania and Europe) have been created reallocating OECD and non-OECD country data


Page 8: STD/TBS/Trade and Competitiveness Section Estimated patterns of trade in services flows between OECD countries and rest of the world Fabiana Cerasa OECD.

STD/TBS/Trade and STD/TBS/Trade and Competitiveness SCompetitiveness Sectionection

Final resultFinal result

83rd WPTGS meeting 4-6 October 2010, OECD3rd WPTGS meeting 4-6 October 2010, OECD

OECD countries accounted for 71% of world service exports

intra-OECD exports accounted for 77% of total OECD exports …while an estimated 53% of OECD exports goes to OECD Europe countries

65.3% of OECD Europe’s exports destined for other OECD Europe countries

OECD Asia and Oceania trades mainly with Asia and Oceania (3.3%) and America (2.1%). 4.3% of world services exports exported by OECD Asia and Oceania to OECD countries, with the largest share (1.9%) to NAFTA

2.6% of world services exports to Africa, while 1.3% exported by Africa to Europe

Page 9: STD/TBS/Trade and Competitiveness Section Estimated patterns of trade in services flows between OECD countries and rest of the world Fabiana Cerasa OECD.

STD/TBS/Trade and STD/TBS/Trade and Competitiveness SCompetitiveness Sectionection

Coverage of data reported directly Coverage of data reported directly and supplementary mirror dataand supplementary mirror data

93rd WPTGS meeting 4-6 October 2010, OECD3rd WPTGS meeting 4-6 October 2010, OECD

Page 10: STD/TBS/Trade and Competitiveness Section Estimated patterns of trade in services flows between OECD countries and rest of the world Fabiana Cerasa OECD.

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Questions to WPTGS delegates:Questions to WPTGS delegates:

• Are you aware of any other existing trade in services world matrix?

• Are you aware of any other possible database from which bilateral data can be sourced?

• Any suggestions to improve the methodology?

103rd WPTGS meeting 4-6 October 2010, OECD3rd WPTGS meeting 4-6 October 2010, OECD