Download - Statement of Purpose for Hec


Statement of PurposeHEC Need Based ScholarshipFrom my early childhood until today, my most remarkable characteristics have been my curiosity to learn new topics. My keen interest for learning new ideas, when combined with my inner desire to reach a degree of excellence in every piece of work I perform, enabled me to acquire significant knowledge on various aspects of nature and technology, as well as leading me through a successful educational career.Given my inclination towards Science and Technology, I joined Earth and Evironmental Sciences department of Bahria University Islamabad, one of the premier institutions of Pakistan. But the life is not that simple. Hardships were on their way. As I entered my bachelors study my financial support from my family side was dropped and I was forced to arrange my own finances if I had to continue my studies. But the desire to become a Geoscientist evolved into a strong motivation force and I started to look for my own finances.There was no better option for my finances to support my education except loans. I started collecting loans from my friends in order to pursue my professional studies and to make my dream come true. So under this immense pressure of literally having no financial support from my family I still managed to complete my bachelors of Science in Geophysics from Bahria University Islamabad, Pakistan in September 2013.As I have joined Bahria University Islamabad for my MS studies and having no job to support my education so I want this scholarship to meet my educational expenses. I hope that you would give me a chance to pursue to my MS studies by considering me for this HEC need based scholarship.