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  • 7/29/2019 State of Transparency in California in 2013


    The State o Transparency

    in Caliornia: 2013

  • 7/29/2019 State of Transparency in California in 2013


    EXECUTIVE SUMMARYDespite the massacre o acts that typically occur in presidential election years, somehow the

    theme o public transparency survived and thrived in 2012. Voters experienced the rst

    dividends o citizen-drawn legislative districts, and robust new tools were launched to track

    compensation o public employees. At the other end o the spectrum, the scandal at the

    Caliornia Department o Parks and Recreation brought the entire state nancial reporting

    structure under scrutiny. A resh round o scandals hit local governments in Los AngelesCounty, and state reimbursements to local governments public notice were requirements

    were a victim o budget cuts.

    Last year also saw some emerging champions or transparency. State Controller John Chiang

    armed that one o his top priorities is to publish data that is otherwise reported to his oce

    and led away. His eort to reveal the scal workings o

    governments included Public Paya website that

    inorms Caliornians about how much their state andlocal representatives are being paid.

    Senator Leland Yee was successul in bolstering the

    states transparency laws in key ways and assessing

    lobbyists to und new reporting inrastructure. But his

    proposals to broaden online oerings and public access

    to additional agencies both ailed in the Capitol.

    Yees proposals speak to the crux o Caliornias problem:

    an outmoded system.

    IN THIS UPDATEWhat are the core issues shaping public access and engagement in state and local decision making in Caliornia? This

    update is oered as a high level overview o recent developments and longstanding questions. Intended as aconversation starter on this critical issue in Caliornia, we also oer our perspective on vital next steps to

    ostering a renewed system o governance that enables elected ocials and public agenciesto orge the best possible solutions and provide the highest quality o services.

  • 7/29/2019 State of Transparency in California in 2013


    The cornerstone o the States open government structure, The Ralph M.Brown Act, was passed beore the invention o the Xerox machine.Caliornias Public Records Act and many o the laws governing publicmeetings and communication with and among elected ocials predatethe internet by more than 20 years.

    Caliornia leads the world in

    innovation o inormation and

    communication technology. It is an

    incubator o development hardwired

    to venture capital unding, maturing

    best o breed hardware and sotware


    On the other end o the spectrum,

    the States inrastructure or

    communicating with citizens and

    among governments is based on

    outmoded legacy systems. Critical

    to improving Caliornias system o

    governance that is, how decisions

    get made is a contemporary

    inormation inrastructure and

    matching requirements or that

    inormation to be easily available to

    everyone. To modernize one,

    Caliornia must modernize the other.

    This all raises a critical question: what

    is transparency, and why is it

    important today? Transparency

    means many things to many people.

    At its most basic level, Caliornia

    Forward asserts that Transparent

    Government is one that makes critical

    inormation easily available so that itcan inorm decisions by voters as

    well as their elected representatives.

    At its most basic level, and or the

    purposes o this update, a Transparent

    Government is one that advertises

    pending decisions (making key actors

    broadly available beore meetings)

    provides ways or the public to ask

    questions and express preerences

    beore and during the decision,

    encourages elected ocials to

    publicly discuss options and explain

    the reasons or their individual and

    collective decisions, broadly

    communicates those decisions,

    and publically tracks and reports


    This transparency ramework requires

    a layered approach to communication

    and cooperation with the public at alllevels o government. Enhanced online

    resources, public engagement

    strategies and improved reporting are

    all aspects o badly needed

    modernization o the States

    governmental culture.

    What is truly important is what

    Caliornians believe transparency

    ought to mean in their state.

    This document should serve as a

    starting point or that conversation.

    One place the discussion can continue


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    Welldocumented problems with thelegislative and budget processeslinger.

    The harried nature with which state budgets and indeed many

    laws are passed in the Legislature is more or less a punch line

    in Sacramento. But it is a pox on our democracy.

    Last minute and oten major revisions to legislative proposals,

    known as Gut and Amends are a longstanding, common and

    controversial practice in the Capitol. One prominent example

    rom 2012 was SB 901, which or most o the legislative session

    was a bill on air pollution, and in the nal week o session was

    amended to be the Caliornia Opportunity and Prosperity Act,

    an immigration proposal. Whatever the merits o either

    proposal, the practice obscures the publics view into


    A provision o last years ailed Proposition 31 (advocated byCaliornia Forward) would have required all legislative proposals

    be publicly available or 72 hours beore an ocial vote, three

    days in print in Capitol vernacular. The current requirement is

    that a measure must only be in print, and even that rule is

    routinely suspended.

    Gut and Amends are not the only process issue that erodes

    public condence, but they are emblematic o the culture thaterodes public trust.


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    A lack of valid data is preventing policymakers and the public alikefrom making informed choices.While there is much to praise in state

    and local transparency eorts, there is

    still an enormous decit in the quality o

    available scal data: data on revenue,

    expenditures and outcomes by agencies

    so the public knows i they are getting

    their moneys worth; and, data on

    campaign contributions that can

    infuence decision-making. Little i any

    actionable data is available on pension

    and debt obligations. Caliornians are

    only now coming to understand what

    public workers earn on an annual basis.

    At a high level, complex unding

    mechanisms or K-12 education,

    property tax distribution and other stateunctions limit true comprehension o

    the States nances to a handul o

    Capitol insiders and watchdogs. Perhaps

    the worst example o lack o inormation

    is related to property tax. Depending on

    the number o local governments that

    provide services, a homeowners tax

    payment may be split among a dozen ormore entities, including the county, the

    city, school districts and a basket o

    special purpose districts. From the

    property taxpayers perspective, it is

    dicult i not impossible to nd out

    which o the many local governments

    that provide services get the money.

    Caliornians should care about this since

    property tax is still the single largest tax

    nancing local services.

    More oundational, the only centralized

    source or inormation on local

    government spending and revenues, the

    State Controllers Annual Reports, are

    based on sel-reported and unaudited

    data rom the very entities being

    monitored. State-level inormation onpensions and even basic expenditures is

    scarce and oten outdated once

    available. The rash o local government

    scandals, along with the state parks

    controversy, is strong evidence that

    enhanced reporting and oversight is

    needed and that oversight in part can

    be done by the public i the rightinormation is available to everyone.

    Facing these shortcomings is but the

    rst step in bringing Caliornians closer

    to their government and our elected

    leaders closer to meaningul debate on

    core issues.

    Whether limited byoutmoded reportingsystems or

    intentionally withheldor obscured, as in the

    State Parks

    Department or theCity o Bell, nancial

    data on state and localgovernment can be

    dicult to obtain,interpret and evaluate.

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    Innovations abound, but adoption rates are slow.

    Home to Silicon Valley and several o

    the worlds most orward-looking

    corporations, Caliornia has a

    commendable history o

    incorporating technology and other

    best practices into its public

    engagement strategies. Some notable

    eorts aside, this trend is in decline

    and many cost-eective, smart

    solutions are being overlooked orignored.

    The State o Caliornias online

    resources have been positively

    reviewed in reports issued by the

    Sunshine Review and Center or Public

    Integrity, and cities such as San

    Francisco have implemented tools atthe vanguard o open data resources.

    The state has nonetheless let certain

    tools languish, and eliminated others.

    The State shut down its central

    transparency website in 2011

    (asserting the inormation was

    available elsewhere). The Stateslobbying and campaign nance

    disclosure website (Cal-Access) relies


    on 13 dierent programming

    languages, some o which dates to

    original launch in 1999. It has beenplagued by outages and is in dire

    need o modernization. This system is

    ortunately set to receive new

    unding. However, online resources

    and critical data on major initiatives,

    such as criminal justice realignment,

    are severely lacking.

    Looking beyond the States

    reporting, the campaign nance tools

    that are the norm at the state and

    ederal level are almost entirely

    absent rom the municipal and school

    district venues. Only a raction o

    Caliornia cities make local campaignnance inormation available online.

    And while cities o varying size have

    implemented a range o transparency

    tools online, local government on the

    whole does not adequately or

    uniormly communicate key budget


    Technology is not a cure or the

    accountability issues in Caliornia, but it is

    the most expedient vehicle or engagingthe public and encouraging honest

    evaluation o its perormance. From top to

    bottom, Caliornias public sector is lagging

    in the adoption o tools that were invented

    by the private sector right in its backyard.

    With the internationally renownedecosystem of web developers and

    technology entrepreneurs in

    California, the lag on implementing

    modern tools and providing good

    quality data is perhaps the states

    biggest missed opportunity.

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    Key Consideration:Performance Data is Useless without Proper Context.In the 2007 book Full Disclosure: The Perils and Promise o Transparency,

    Harvard Kennedy School aculty Archon Fung, Mary Graham and David Weil

    explore the burgeoning transparency movement in the public and private sectors

    and how increased availability o data and rising public demand or accountability

    are reshaping public discourse. Among the core issues are the pitalls o disclosure

    without denition.

    The authors caution that Whether and how new inormation is used to urther

    public objectives depends upon its incorporation into complex chains o

    comprehension, action, and response.

    To this point, it is insucient or a government agency to merely post byzantine

    budgetary documents or inscrutable data les that ail to inorm even the mostengaged o constituents. Analogous to this would be the annual reports o major

    corporations. Under ederal securities laws, publicly traded companies must

    disclose inormation on an ongoing basis to the Securities and Exchange

    Commission, including annual ling o the Form 10-K, providing a comprehensive

    overview o the company's business and nancial condition. Just one example,

    the 2011 10-K report or the Coca-Cola Company is 238 pages long, single-spaced.

    The company also, however, issues a shareholder-ocused Annual Review that isjust 38 pages long and is rich with photos, easy-to-comprehend graphs, and

    proles o company leadership and the corporations strength in the marketplace.

    The distinction o the two documents is one o context and audience. Private

    sector entities understand they must be accountable not only to their bond

    holders, regulators and lawmakers, but also to shareholders and customers who

    are predominantly laymen. As such, both o these documents are easily ound on

    the corporation website at and listed, side by side, on

    the rms Investor Reports page. 1


    What data is most important to share?Owing to layered legal and nancial regulations,and because o the unique nature o publicservices, public budgets tend to be morecomplex than those o small or large businesses.As such, many community members may notpossess the tools to understand nished budgetdocuments, or discern the critical steps in thedecision making process.

    Certainly, as each city and school district isunique, so too are its budget practices. The keyquestions to ask, then, when considering a city,county or school district budget:

    Availability:Is the jurisdictions Budget document online?Is it easy to nd and organized in a straight-orward, logical way?

    Accessibility:Is there an explanation o the local agencysdecision-making process and how to partici-pate in it? Is there a clear timeline laid out tocity residents regarding the budget process?Is there a clear Budget Policy Statement, acentral document that lays out thejurisdictions policies on balanced budgeting,operating reserves, debt and other key issues?

    What opportunities are there or public inputon budget priorities? How are theseopportunities promoted, and to whom?

    Accountability:Does the budget document meet the criteriaestablished by the Government FinanceOcers Association (GFOA), which provides aset o best practices on budgeting to guidesolid nancial management?

    While there are jurisdictions that excel in one ormore o these categories in nearly every cornero the state, on balance local government hassignicant ground to cover in these regards.

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    Caliornia Forward believes that Transparency in Caliornia must mean more than access to publicdocuments. State and local government agencies, and the highly trained proessionals that managethem, must strive to provide context to these documents and gures they contain. With a ocus onCaliornia cities, counties, municipalities, school and special districts, Caliornia Forward launched a

    Transparency Portal in 2012 to identiy and promote best practices in the communication ogovernment activity in Caliornia to support transparency and accountability and encouragecontinuous improvement in governance models.

    The Transparency Portal integrates public data on budgeting and key governmental outcomes,oers engaging and contextual portrayals o these data points, as well as identies and highlightsbest practices in these eorts across Caliornia. Ultimately, the project is designed to promote bestpractices and raise the bar or transparency in government budgeting and decision making.

    While supporting a movement to redene transparency toward a more active enterprise, beyond

    the passive acts o merely publishing meeting and budgetary documents, Caliornia Forward isstriving to ll the contextual void let by an abundance o raw data and a dearth o perspective oncore issues including local nance, educational achievement, public saety and other core issues.

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    WHAT ARE THE NEXT STEPS?Given the high stakes decisions beore ocials, rom runaway pension obligations to billion-dollar inrastructure

    investments, the need and demand or expanded transparency has never been higher. While Caliornia maystill lead by example, in 2012 the commitment to inorm the public did not match the imperative. Here are a ew

    areas where Caliornia Forward is engaging:

    EXPANDING ACCESS TO RELIABLE DATA ON PUBLIC SPENDING, PLANNING AND OUTCOMES.One o the root causes o Caliornias underperormance is a highly complex system that makes it hard or public

    ocials to deliver and even harder or voters to know whether they did or not. The public and the ocials incharge must know where the money is going and what is being accomplished, in classrooms and courtrooms, in

    public works and prisons. Whether it is city budgets or the arrest rates o re-oenders, this inormation should beavailable in ormats that allow the public and policymakers to understand the real deal. State transparency laws

    should be updated to refect the contemporary world and enable greater citizen engagement, and improveeciency at the state and local level.

    ENDING CLOSED DECISION-MAKING PROCEDURESPutting an end to the Gut and Amend process would be a substantial step orward or the Caliornia

    Legislature. Allowing a bill to travel through committee approval in one orm, only to see radical changes madein the 11th hour is unacceptable and common sense reorms are needed.

    Ending the practice is a good rst step in the long road to a process that oten excludes even insiders and

    public interest advocates let alone the general public.

    Multiple legislative proposals are already making their way through Sacramento this year as a result o theoutcry over the $11 million in dark money unneled rom Arizona into two Caliornia ballot measure elections

    in November 2012.

    At the local level, less than 10 percent o Caliornia cities make campaign nance and candidate lingsavailable online. Now the standard or state and ederal government, at minimum making the scanned pds

    accessible should be the norm in cities with adequate resources.


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    Local Campaign Finance

    Less than 10 percent o Caliornia cities make campaign

    nance and candidate lings available online. Now the

    standard or state and ederal government, at minimum

    making the scanned pds accessible should be the norm in

    cities with adequate resources.

    The City of West Hollywood has a robust systemdisplaying Campaign Finance Statements or all candidates,

    incumbents and political committees regarding expenditures

    and contributions.

    Many o the states large cities as well as medium size cities

    such as Berkeley and Huntington Beach utilize third party

    tools to allow or both candidate ling as well as a public

    access portal or inormation on candidates, contributions and


    Cost is regularly cities as a barrier to this kind o transparency,but examples exist o low impact means or communicating

    basic inormation. The City of Irvine or example has createda campaign nance page that includes a PDF list o open

    campaign committees, a listing o the citys campaign

    contribution limits over the course o the last several years as

    well as a list o resources or candidates, including a ling

    calendar, campaign nance orms and the FPPCs campaign

    disclosure manual. The City of Santa Maria is anotherstrong example o a straightorward portal or this


    Lets Keep TalkingThe following pages outline individual

    success stories in transparency from localgovernment, in both the public and privatesector. Public engagement strategies across

    the state are as diverse as its communities.While certainly not a comprehensive list,these are just a few stories California

    Forward has been following the past year.

    Have more great examples?Want to Share yout thoughts on

    Transparency in California?

    Get engaged at:

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    Public Engagement

    Long Beach Launches Open Up Long BeachIn January o 2012 Councilwoman Gerrie Schipske o the City o Long Beach took public education and

    transparency eorts one step urther. Her initiative Open Up Long Beach provides residents with

    increased access to the citys every day aairs and includes opportunities to learn about what individual

    council members are working on, what committees they sit on and what projects they spearhead. The

    project combines an online resource with Open Up Long Beach community meetings.

    Vallejo Trailblazes on Participatory BudgetingVallejo implemented one o the most aggressive participatory budgeting programs in the country in the

    wake o its bankruptcy. Vallejo is the rst city in America to have its council adopt participatory budgetingcity-wide with unds rom a general sales tax measure rather than in just one district using discretionary

    unds. Setting a new rst gave Vallejo the opportunity to move on rom a period o nancial turmoil, and it

    appears the community was eager or such an opening to get involved and restore aith.

    Anaheim Incorporates Spanish Translation at Council MeetingsAnaheim announced in January 2013 that it would provide Spanish translators at its council meetings. At

    least 10 cities in Orange County provide some level o translation, and the demand or bilingual meetings

    and materials is growing across the state.

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    Online Tools and Data SharingSan Francisco Launches App for Police Department

    Last summer, the City o San Francisco announced the launch o a newmobile application to a list o already implemented technologies that havechanged the way many o the citys departments conduct business. The

    application allows police ocers to report remotely rom the eld, savingtime and speeding communication.

    Rancho Cucamonga Launches RC2GOIn 2012 Rancho Cucamonga joined the ranks o cities that have launchedsmartphone apps, rom Beverly Hills to Livermore. Launched in February,

    RC2GO allows residents to report grati, potholes or other issues to thecity. The City also provides inormation on recycling, electric vehicle

    charging and other items via the App.

    Oakland Advances Open DataIn April, the Oakland City Council passed an open data policy initiative put

    orth by city councilmember Libby Scha. This has led to the creation, launched in February 2013 and allowing users to

    access, visualize and download City data. In addition, programmers willappreciate the sites Application Programming Interace (API), which

    enables direct access to tap into City data to build sotware applications.

    Walnut Creek Launches Open Town HallWalnut Creek launched Open Town Hall, an online orum or civic

    engagement. Run by Peak Democracy, the tool oers new ways to engagewith the city on key decisions.

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    The ollowing rms are just some o those operating in

    Caliornia and leading in public engagement and

    government transparency. They are listed alphabetically

    and are not oered as a comprehensive list or endorsement

    o any product or service.


    Los Angeles based CitySourced is a real time mobile civic

    engagement platorm. CitySourced provides a simple and

    intuitive platorm empowering residents to identiy civic

    issues (public saety, quality o lie, environmental issues, etc.)

    and report them to city hall or quick resolution; an

    opportunity or government to use technology to save timeand money plus improve accountability to those they govern.



    Founded by Stanord technologists and backed by

    prominent Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and investors, Delphi

    is developing user-riendly, intelligent sotware to improve

    government transparency, eciency, and perormance.

    Delphis platorm streamlines the management o municipal

    nancial data, promotes transparency, and improves policy

    decisions by oering unprecedented municipal

    benchmarking o perormance outcomes, visualizations to

    communicate complex data, robust analytics, and intuitive

    user experiences.See:

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    Mariposa, Calionira-based NetFile, established in 1998, was the rst company to e-le a campaign

    nance disclosure statement in Caliornia. Today, NetFile accounts or more than hal o all

    electronic lings o political disclosure documents and lobbyist statements in the State o


    In 2003, NetFile launched a new product built using its expertise in electronic ling that enables

    local city and county governments to cost eectively set up their own Campaign E-ling and

    Administration systems. NetFiles Campaign system clients include several cities (including 3 o the

    largest in the state) and counties (including 5 o the 7 largest in the state).

    See it in action:

    Peak Democracy

    Berkeley-based Peak Democracy, Inc. develops internet sotware that augments and diversies

    online civic engagement in ways that can increase public trust in government. The company hastwo fagship products.

    Open Town Hall / Comments is an online orum or dialogue on specic issues. It emulates the

    order and decorum o public hearings making the orums insightul and civil yet compliant with

    ree speech and other legal requirements.

    Open Town Hall / Ideas 3.0 is an online orum or ideation on general topics. It's modeled ater the

    best practices o brainstorming workshops proessionally acilitated to optimize or collaboration(not arguments), consensus (not polarization), and broad public interest (not narrow special




    SouthTech Systems is an eGoverment and eBusiness sotware development company with oces

    in Riverside, Caliornia. The companys stated ocus is to equip government oces with cost-

    eective and scalable solutions that utilize robust databases, digitized document technology and

    electronic workfows.
