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Start Ups and CEOsChief Executive Officer or Chief Evangelist Officer?

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Start Ups and CEOs

You’ve co-founded a start up - do you hire a

professional sales person?

Robert H. Lane believes it is the role of the CEO.

Jason Tham of Nulogy took his counsel and chronicles

the benefits of this approach:

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Clients’ Response

“Clients love dealing with the CEO” states Jason.

“They are more likely to open up and reveal their true

pain when they perceive they are dealing with the

person who can do something about it.”

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Improve our Offerings

“During those early days, I needed feedback to confirm

assumptions and learn more about where the

opportunities for improvements lie”

“This shaped our current offerings, making a

significant impact on how we developed the product”

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Build Relationships

“Despite people grumbling about loyalty in today’s

marketplace, business still requires solid long-term


“Relationships are developed and ‘earned’. The best

way to do that is helping solve your client’s problems -

preferably face-to-face.”

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1. The process of telling your story evolves with the input

and small details that can only be uncovered in

conversation and interactions. Get out of the office.

2. 'Sales' is not a dirty word

3. Your customers love dealing with the Founder - the

really big boss.

4. Relationships drive your business. Create them.