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  • 7/27/2019 Stars Over Samarkand


    Stars over Samarkand: Ulugh Beg and the astronomers of TransoxianaPosted: December 29, 2009 | Author: Theodor Pavlopoulos | Filed under: People | Tags: Astronomy,

    History, Mathematics, Popular Science |1 Comment

    A land extending beyond Geography

    Transoxiana, the land beyond the ancient river Oxus, still to this day remains largely a rather

    obscure, unknown spot on the map, a land extending far beyond geography, into legend and fairy

    tale. To most westerners it is better known as the birthplace of Amir Timur (1336 1405), or

    Tamerlane the bloodthirsty conqueror who marked the cities that resisted him with towers made of

    their inhabitants cemented skulls. During the centuries, Transoxiana has been invaded and

    influenced by the Greek armies of Alexander (356 323 BC), who built there his Alexandria Eschate

    (329 BC), the furthermost Alexandria, and left a cultural mark for centuries, and by the Mongol

    hordes of Genghis Khan (1162 1227), the forbearer of Tamerlane. The two most important cities,

    Samarkand and Bukhara, have at times been centers of the arts and literature, of Islamic philosophy,

    of the mystical Islam and Sufism and even of the occult. And for a brief period of time, owing it to

    the exceptionally inspired and gifted personality of Ulugh Beg, the Great Prince (1394 1449),

    Tamerlanes grandson, this obscure part of middle Asia became the astronomical capital of the world

    and a center of extraordinarily accurate and delicate mathematical computations.

    Love for knowledge, poetry and slaughter

    The first mention of Ulugh Beg in western literature appears in the chronicles (1403 1406) of Rui

    Gonzalez de Clavijo, the delegate of the Spanish throne to the court of Tamerlane. Clavijo bowed in

    respect to a ten years old Ulugh Beg, and described a fairy tale scene of the royal family, clad in silk

    and rubies, residing under tents in a purely nomadic fashion and entertained by trained elephants.

    Tamerlane himself is described as reclining on a silk rug and pillows next to a water fountain where

    red apples were being cooled. It would be hard to imagine that the little boy growing in Tamerlanes

    court and traveling around with the slaughtering army would become a great patron of science andknowledge, an important astronomer and mathematician himself, and that he would build in

    Samarkand the most important astronomical observatory of the era. It is true that Tamerlane

    himself displayed interest to the sciences, the arts and knowledge in general and, like a child that

    enjoys picture books, he often leafed through a collection of exquisite, illustrated books that he

    could not read. He also enjoyed a complicated version of chess played on a peculiar board with

    110+2 squares, its pieces including camels, elephants and giraffes, perhaps invented with his own

    contribution. Several members of his family, in-between massacres and the wiping out of whole

    cities, showed inclination towards the sciences, literature and poetry, in a sick manner proving that

    knowledge and poetry are not necessarily humane.

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    The Ulugh Beg Madrassah in Registan, Samarkand, under the extraordinarily blue sky of middle Asia

    Still in childhood, Ulugh Beg became the prince and governor of several towns of the empire until in

    1409, aged 15, he was appointed governor of Samarkand by his father. After Tamerlanes death in1405, his son Shah Rukh, Ulugh Begs father, led the so called Timurid empire to economic

    blossoming and paid particular attention to intellectual progress. It is in this framework that, at

    some point, Ulugh Begs life took an unexpected turn from war campaigns towards the study of

    sciences and in 1417 he put forward the plan of building a Madrassah in Samarkand, an Islamic

    university. Unlike others, that were religion oriented, the Ulugh Beg Madrassah was designed for the

    study of the sciences. The wonderful, blue and ocher tiled building of the Madrassah with its gigantic

    faade, adorned with star like patterns, still stands, restored by the Soviets, at the magnificent

    Registan square in Samarkand. In 1424 Ulugh Beg launched the project of building an observatory

    with the capability of making measurements of unprecedented accuracy. The observatory remained

    active for three decades before fanatics level it in 1449 and leave it to be forgotten, until the Russian

    archaeologist Vassily Lavrentyevich Vyatkin (1869 1932) unearthed its remains in 1908, on a low

    hill in the outskirts of Samarkand. Today, a small museum and a memorial stand on the site while

    Vyatkins grave is placed just nearby, following his own wish.

    A model of the Ulugh Beg observatory (from the Soviet guidebook "Samarkand" by Yuri Nikolayevich

    Aleskerov, Tashkent 1976)

    Al Kashi and Qadi Zada

    Ulugh Begs institutions attracted at least sixty or seventy top class scientists of the Islamic world:

    Ulugh Beg invited and appointed several of them as professors, including Jamshid Al Kashi (1380

    1429) and Qadi Zada (1364 1436), two exceptional scientists who made key contributions to

    Mathematics and Astronomy of the era.

    Al Kashi, a Persian, is often mentioned as being Ulugh Begs favorite student while at the same time

    his premature death is sometimes oddly attributed to murder, ordered by Ulugh Beg himself. It is

    certain that Al Kashi grew up in extreme poverty and worked on problems of Astronomy while

    moving from town to town and even working as a physician to support his income. He had been

    always grateful to Ulugh Beg for securing him a permanent occupation and livelihood as a scientist at

    his Madrassah. Al Kashis mathematical productivity was remarkable and included a calculation of ,

    the ratio of the length over the diameter of any circle, with an astounding accuracy of nine

    sexagesimal (i.e. base 60) digits and treatises on Arithmetic, Linear Algebra, Geometry and


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    Qadi Zadas full name Qadi Zada Al Rumi (meaning The son of the judge, the Roman) and city of

    birth (Prusa, in Asia Minor, a Byzantine city captured by the Ottomans only 40 years before Qadi

    Zadas birth) strongly suggest that Qadi Zada was a Greek convert to Islam, as the French

    mathematician Jean Ettiene Montucla (17251799) points out in his Histoire. The Turkish

    Professor Hamit Dilgan, in the Dictionary of Scientific Biography dismisses this possibility claiming

    that Al Rumi simply refers to Qadi Zadas city of birth, as Prusa was once part of the Roman

    empire. However, still to this day, modern Greeks often refer to themselves as Romans (),

    and to their nation as Romiosyne (), the Roman people, a remainder of the time when

    they formed the eastern part of the Roman Empire. Besides, osmosis of Greek Byzantine scientists

    towards the middle Asia was not uncommon, the example of Gregorios Chioniades (ca 1240 1320)

    being an obvious one. Qadi Zada left his hometown in Asia Minor in order to study the sciences in

    Transoxiana, where he gained a reputation and became the young prince Ulugh Begs teacher. It is

    probably after Qadi Zadas suggestion and encouragement that Ulugh Beg began his plans of

    founding a Madrassah in Samarkand.

    A catalogue of the stars

    The greatest achievement of Ulugh Begs institutions is certainly the Zij-i-Sultani, a catalogue of the

    positions of a thousand fixed stars, providing unprecedented accuracy. The measurements and

    calculations were carried out at the Ulugh Beg observatory, using a device of huge proportions,

    around which the observatory itself was built. The details of the mechanism remain unclear,

    however it apparently was a gigantic sextant (a so called Fakhri sextant, as a reference to thepatron of the first such instrument constructed in 994) aligned to the meridian, part of which was

    carved on the rock. Vyatkin unearthed a finely constructed 2m wide trench, part of a calibrated arc

    of the instrument, corresponding to a radius of more than 40m. Narrow staircases on either side of

    the arc provided access to the scientists who performed the measurements. The trench remains the

    star exhibit of the archaeological site, though, oddly, it is now covered with a roof, giving it the

    appearance of a tomb. Around it were the remains of a circular structure, the now destroyed

    cylindrical shaped, three storey building of the observatory. A fragment of what appears to be a

    large gnomon was also discovered, a simple instrument allowing the calculation of the height of the

    sun by measuring the shadow cast by the gnomon. The instruments giant size permitted

    measurements of remarkable accuracy. For example, the sextants supposed radius of 40m

    corresponds on the arc to a length of about 70cm for each degree, 1.16cm for each minute and

    0.2mm for each second, making thus fine measurements possible.

    Ulugh Beg observatory, Samarkand: the meridian arc

    Using that and other sophisticated equipment, such as an astrolabe and armillary spheres, the

    Samarkand group of astronomers, working under the patronage of Ulugh Beg, measured the length

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    of the sidereal year as 365 days, 6 hours, 10 minutes and 8 seconds, with a discrepancy of only +58

    seconds with respect to the exact value.

    The Samarkand table of sines

    Apart from the important results in Astronomy, the Samarkand scientists produced also some

    remarkable computational methods. An interesting byproduct of their pursuits in Astronomy, and

    necessary for achieving high accuracy in calculations, is the tables of trigonometric numbers, the

    kind of tables that used to occupy the last pages of any algebra textbook until about three decades

    ago. In the modern computers era, they became obsolete, as scientific pocket calculators became

    widely available. The calculation of sines and cosines, built-in the calculators, requires the use of

    mathematical series, i.e. the adding up of numbers (terms) produced by a certain rule; summing up

    more terms improves the accuracy of the calculation. In Ulugh Begs time such series were not

    available and the calculation of trigonometric numbers had to be done either by using elementary

    geometry and elementary trigonometric formulae or by ingenious approximative methods. As a

    matter of fact, the calculation of sines suffices as all other trigonometric numbers may be obtained

    from the sines alone. Moreover, the sines of negative angles or angles greater than 90 degrees are

    readily obtained using simple trigonometric formulae and therefore a table of sines for angles of

    only the first quadrant is sufficient. Though the sines of 0, 30, 36, 45, 60, 72 and 90 degrees are

    easily calculated (the calculation is standard in most elementary Trigonometry textbooks), in order

    to compile a table of sines with an increment of 1 degree, the calculation of sin1 proves to be

    fundamental. The Samarkand group solved the problem ingeniously.

    First, using the formula sin(a/2)=sqrt((1-cosa)/2) and the already known value of the cosine of 36

    degrees, the value of sin18 and therefore cos18 can be calculated. Repeating the same procedure,

    sin9 can be found. Then, using the formula sin(a-b)=sinacosb-sinbcosa for a=45, b=18, the value of

    sin27 is obtained. Using the same formula for a=30, b=27, we arrive at the value for sin3.

    At this point, the formula sin3=3sin1-4(sin1)^3 can yield the value for x=sin1, provided we can solvethe equation 4x^3-3x+q=0, where q=sin3. The methods of solving cubic equations however, such as

    the one considered here, were not available to 15th century mathematicians. The Samarkand

    scientists then proceeded by rewriting the equation in the form x=(q+4x^3)/3 and establishing a

    sequence with first term x1=q/3 and n-th term xn+1=(q+4(xn)^3)/3 which indeed converges to the

    solution (note that the first term of the algorithm was selected as a linear approximation of sin1).

    Thus the final step of the calculation involves the application of an algorithm and the approximation

    of the solution, a task referring to the modern Numerical Analysis.

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    The above described method, although ingenious, is nevertheless painstaking and laborious as it

    involves the handling of numbers with several decimal digits in order to achieve the desired

    accuracy. The amount of labor invested by the Samarkand group in compiling only the table of sines

    can be appreciated if we consider that their table had an increment of only 1 minute (1/60 of the

    degree) and therefore it consisted of 5401 entries, with an accuracy of 5 sexagesimal (base 60) digits

    (equivalent to 9 decimal places, which is the accuracy provided today by most pocket calculators).

    A martyr of knowledge

    One may easily construct for himself an idyllic image of the bright minded mathematicians and

    astronomers working peacefully in oasis like Samarkand, especially after visiting the town, the

    observatory and the as impressive as beautiful Ulugh Beg Madrassah with its quiet inner cells. The

    tumultuous history of Middle Asia allowed for the observatory to function for barely three decades.

    In 1447, upon the death of his father, Ulugh Beg became ruler of Transoxiana and after several

    defeats by neighboring rival kingdoms he was seized by his own son Abd al Latif and brought to trial

    in October 1449. The redeeming pilgrimage to Mecca imposed on him was interrupted just a few

    kilometers outside Samarkand, where Ulugh Beg was beheaded by a murderer, hired by Abd al Latif.

    His observatory was leveled to the ground, its library looted and the scientists driven away. The site

    was proclaimed by fundamentalists as the burial place of forty maidens and was turned into a

    center of pilgrimage. Few years after Ulugh Begs death, the Uzbeks, a people of Turkic origin, under

    Khan Abdulkhair took over the land of Transoxiana, sealing its fate. Centuries later, after the breakup

    of the Soviet Union, the greater part of the land between the rivers Oxus and Jaxartes formed thenewly established (1991) country of Uzbekistan, where Amir Timur is worshipped as a national hero

    and Ulugh Beg is revered as a wise Uzbek scholar.

    The tombs of Amir Timur and Ulugh Beg, together with those of several other members of the

    Timurid dynasty were discovered and opened in 1908 by the Soviet archaeologist and anthropologist

    Mikhail Mikhailovich Gerasimov (1907 1970) at the Gur Emir mausoleum, Samarkand. Ulugh Beg

    was found buried fully clothed as ought to be for people who are considered as martyrs according to

    sharia, the Islamic law. And where once stood his observatory, upon a hill in the outskirts of fairy

    tale Samarkand, the Ulugh Begs memorial created by the Soviets in 1970 carries a plaque with a few

    lines attributed to him:

    Religion disperses like a fog, kingdoms perish but the works of scholars remain for an eternity.