Download - StarNeT 1000 Security Monitoring & Control System

Page 1: StarNeT 1000 Security Monitoring & Control System

StarNeT 1000 Security Monitoring & Control System

Integrated alarm & device management

Powerful user-friendly ICON-based GUI with optional touchscreen control

Customizable screens & eventprocesses

High level interfaces to CCTV,access control and otherthird party systems

Scalable TCP/IP Architecturewith multiple stations

Supports Senstar-Stellar“Smart” Sensors

Supports Redundant Crossfirenetwork (copper or fiber optic)

Supports multiple languagemenus and ICONS

Compatible with TROS,Miniplex™ andSennet® Protocols

The Senstar-Stellar StarNeT™ 1000 is aWi n d o w s® based (NTor Win 98) securitymonitoring and control system. Unlike generalpurpose control systems based on buildingmanagement, CCTVor access control applica-tions, the StarNeTgraphic user interface (GUI)and its companion Crossfire network are opti-mized for perimeter and/or central securitycontrol room applications where speed, relia-b i l i t y, ease of use and integration are essentialrequirements. StarNeT’s system’s open archi-tecture, industry standard T C P / I P interface andmany hardware options provide a scalable anda ffordable security management solutionwithout compromising performance orf e a t u r e s .

The Senstar-Stellar StarNeT 1000 systemfully supports the remote maintenance anddiagnostic features of Senstar- S t e l l a r’sgrowing family of smart ‘Plug-n-Play’perimeter security sensors while providingintegrated control and annunciation of anycontact-closure-controlled outdoor/indoorsensor or device. The system was designed tofacilitate high level interfaces to CCTVswitchers, digital recorders, access controlsystems and third-party networks. StarNeTcan greatly increase the efficiency of anysecurity system by automating securityresponses and providing the security operatorwith a single point of control for time-criticaltasks in emergency alarm response situations.

S t a r N e T is the result of customer feedbackand the lessons learned from over 25 years ofsecurity GUI design and support. Senstar-Stellar displays have always set the standardwith uncluttered emergency response screensthat free the operator from unnecessary clutterand yet provide critical information andimmediate access to context sensitive helpand more sophisticated control options.

S t a r N e T takes this to an even higher levelwith event-specific audio prompts, automatedevent processing and high resolution site-specific graphics. All of these can also beeasily modified by end-user maintenance per-sonnel to meet local requirements andpreferences. Security operators do not requirecomputer experience and quickly adapt toS t a r N e T as it was designed with them inmind. Operator keyboard input is required foronly a few administrative functions and mostof their interaction is via an intuitive mouse,trackball and/or touch screen interface. T h i sgreatly increases the speed and accuracy ofoperator responses to emergency situationswhile simultaneously minimizing training costs.

S e n s t a r- S t e l l a r’s expertise in GUI design alsoextends to the supervisory and maintenancemodules, which provide powerful tools forpassword maintenance, diagnostics, reportingand system configuration.

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SIMPL™, the system configurationsoftware, provides a powerful but easy-to-use tool for system design. Extensiveuse of graphics and adherence toWindows human interface standards haveresulted in exceptional user-friendlinesswithout compromising features. Defaultdevice ICONs can be used to representsite alarm and control points thereby providing rapid “out-of-the-box” func-tionality or they can be fully customized with different graphics, func-tionality and associated “WAV” files (foraudio event prompts). SIMPL is alsoobject-oriented so that a change in oneICON will be inherited by all others in itsclass, a feature that minimizes setuperrors and greatly speeds up site creation.ICONs can also have associatedprocesses that use Boolean logic andmacro-like features to create powerfulautomated relationships between I/Opoints.

StarNeT software is available in large orsmall versions that can communicatewith up to 128 or 32 trans-ponders respectively. Either StarNeTversion can be bundled with hardware toform a complete workstation and up to64 workstations can be networkedtogether, each with the followingfeatures:

• Generic text-based site database forquick setup

• SIMPL Site Configuration Utility togenerate site-specific database, sitemaps and custom I/O screens, ICONSand event processing

• Default ICON library with automaticprocesses for standard door controlfunctions including interlock support,fire alarms, interior sensors, exterior

sensors, guard tour, CCTV call up,intercoms and nurse call. The iconsand processes are fully customizable

• Audio Annunciation Library withdefault “WAV” files that can be asso-ciated with alarm/operator events.Additional WAV files can be importedor created using standard audiorecording programs and a microphone(not included)

• Security Network Driver Library forCrossfire PLC, TROS, Miniplex andSennet. (Contact factory for customthird-party drivers)

• Serial Video Switcher Driver Library(contact factory for current list) and autility to write new drivers

• Password protected Operator,Supervisor & Maintenance moduleswith full support for Senstar- S t e l l a rsmart ‘Plug-n-Play’s e n s o r s

Two StarNeT software/hardwarebundles are available each withWindows 98SE and StarNeTsoftware preinstalled on a state-of-the-art commercial desktopcomputer. Upgrade options include:• 19 in. Rack Mounted IndustrialPC• Additional RAM to 256 MB• Graphic accelerator card

• Desktop SVGA Touch ScreenMonitors (14 in., 17 in., 19 in., and 21 in.)

• Rackmounted SVGATouch ScreenMonitors (15 in. and 17 in.)

• Ethernet Adapters and Hubs formulti-workstation systems (10BaseT,100BaseT or 100BaseT Fiber Optic)

• Windows NT 4 operating systemupgrade

The Senstar-Stellar StarNeT SecurityMonitoring and Control System isflexible enough to suit any site from asimple standalone system to a multipleworkstation, multiple site applicationwith full hardware redundancy, multiplelanguage menus and high level interfacesto CCTV, access control, communicationand digital recording subsystems. AStarNeT system can be expanded,upgraded or modified at any time and issupported by Senstar-Stellar Corporation,the world’s leading supplier of outdoorsecurity solutions.

StarNeT 1000 Security Monitoring & Control System

Perimeter Control Screen with Bitmap Site Photo

Door Control Screen

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A p p l i c a t i o n s

Private Estates Government Agenciesand Laboratories

Oil and GasUtilitiesCommunicationsSites

Airports Correctional Institutions


StarNeT 1000 N e t work Configura t i o n

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C R O S S F I R EHIGH SECURITY NETWO R KS e n s t a r- S t e l l a r’s Crossfire Network is apowerful complement to any StarNeTsystem. It features dual physical data paths(fiber optic or copper); redundant hardwarefor increased reliability; and bi-directionalcommunications for remote sensor diagnos-tics and secure tamper detection. StarNeTcan control multiple Crossfire networks,each with up to 128 devices. StarNeT’spowerful data protocol with peer- t o - p e e rT C P / I P global point Identification allowsmultiple workstations to monitor andcontrol any I/O point operating on anyCrossfire data path connected to the T C P / l Pnetwork. This redundancy ensures thatintrusions are always reported, and controlis always available. The system is scalableto meet virtually any requirement and addi-tional devices can be easily added.

PLC 410 Graphic Panel Controller The PLC-410 is a lamp and switch con-troller card designed specifically foroperating graphic control panels. The PLC-410 will operate 128 LED lamps andmonitor signals from 64 control switches.The StarNeTworkstation controls the oper-ation of the lamps and reacts to the status ofthe switches in accordance with the Simplcommands pre-programmed in the sitedatabase. The small size of the card permitsit to be mounted behind even the smallestgraphic panel, making the unit ideal forretrofit applications. Multiple PLC-410units can be daisy chained for larger panels.S e n s t a r-Stellar can also provide completePLC-410 controlled graphic panels usingcustomer supplied artwork.

PLC 420 I/O Module Contro l l e rThe PLC-420 supervises the PLC I/OModules and reports their status to theS t a r N e T workstation(s). Asingle PLC-420 can monitor a maximum of 64inputs and 64 outputs using any combinationof I/O modules, provided that its totalinput/output capacity is not exceeded. T h eI/O Modules are connected to the

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www.senstarstellar.comCopyright ©2001 All rights reserved. Features and specifications are subject to change without notice. Senstar-Stellar and the Senstar-Stellar logo are registered trademarks of Senstar-Stellar Corporation

J4MM0412-001 Printed in Canada

PLC-420 by a ten conductor ribbon cablewhich provides both synchronous data andp o w e r. Separate in and out ribbon connec-tors are provided on each I/O Module tosimplify equipment installation. Both thePLC-420 and its associated I/O Modules canbe mounted to a NEMApanel or in an EIA19 inch Senstar-Stellar PC card rack shelf.This design simplifies retrofit installations byallowing the use of existing electrical enclo-s u r e s .

I/O-101 Opto Isolated Input ModuleThe I/O-101 monitors 32 optically isolatedswitch inputs, reporting their status to thePLC-420 controller. Typically it is used tomonitor cell door position switches,intercom call buttons and door open requestbuttons. Optical isolation improves reliabil-ity by limiting the effects of electricalswitching transients.

I/O-102 High Security Input ModuleThe I/O-102 monitors 16 end-of-lineresistor supervised sensor inputs providingboth alarm and tamper supervision. T h estatus of both are reported to the PLC-420controller using 32 input points. The tamper

supervision is always activeand is designed to prevent

tampering with

critical signaling switches such as armoryd o o r, duress call buttons, emergency equip-ment shut-down controls and alarm sensors.

I/O-201 Open Collector OutputM o d u l eThe I/O-201 controls 32 open-collectoroutputs, reporting their status to the PLC-420 controller. Typically these outputs areused for triggering CCTV s w i t c h e r s ,intercom controllers, telephone interfaces,and relay coils where the I/O-201 can bewired to furnish 24 VDC to power the coils. Each output isprovided with an LED indicator to indicatethat the output is activated, providing asimple method of assessing output status ata glance.

I/O-202 Low Current Relay OutputM o d u l eThe I/O-202 module provides 16 lowcurrent dry contact relay outputs, reportingtheir status to the PLC-420 controller.Typically these outputs are used for trigger-ing low current door openers, alarm signals,C C T V switchers, intercom controllers, tele-phone interfaces and contactor coils. Goldplated contacts permit the switching of verylow current signals without pitting or resist-ance build-up.

PLC 430D/F Field Tra n s p o n d e r sThe PLC-430 is an advanced multiplextransponder designed for high securityapplications requiring alarm and tampermonitoring, hardware self-testing andremote control. It is controlled by anonboard microprocessor and can be used asan intelligent node in a distributed architec-ture monitoring system. Alarm, tamper,remote control and self-test processing areperformed by the PLC-430 and forwardedto the StarNeT workstation(s) over redun-

dant data paths. It is available in twomodels: the PLC-430/D with 8/4 relay

inputs/outputs and the PLC-430/F with8/8 relay inputs/outputs.

* Specifications subject to change without prior notice.

StarNeT 1000 Security Monitoring & Control System

PLC-420 I/O Module Contro l l e r

PLC-430 Field Tra n s p o n d e r