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  • 7/31/2019 Standup for Freedom Flyer



    JUNE 8, 201212:00PM - 1:00PM

    Time is running out, and our valuable ministries and fundamental rights hang in the balanceCardinal Timothy Dolan, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

    What grave threat could there be to the mission of faithful Christians in America; to their fundamentalrights and the rights of all God fearing Americans to merit such a statement?

    t is nothing other than the unprecedented assault on our religious liberty by a Department of Health &

    Human Services mandate requiring Christian institutions to offer health insurance plans that cover ontraception, sterilization and abortion inducing drugs a violation of our First Amendment rights as

    Americans; but more importantly, an action that would force us to reject our Christian faith and our respeor the sanctity of human life.

    Should this mandate go unchallenged, hospitals, service agencies, schools, universities and employers of very Christian denomination will be forced to shut down or to violate their consciences and strongly heleligious beliefs by becoming a party to abortion, contraception, sterilization and the Culture of Death.

    Should this mandate go unchallenged, the stamp of Christian service and industry will be all but wiped ohe landscape of American public life. The time has come for us to Stand Up For Religious Freedom.

    On June 8th, join Christians from all over Wisconsin will meet at the Kastenmeier Federal Courthouse120 North Henry Street) in Madison, from 12pm to 1pm to peacefully protest the HHS mandate at a

    Stand Up For Religious Freedom Rally .

    The battle of our time is before us and time is running out will you Stand Up For Religious Freedom

    Please visit for details on the Madison Rally on June 8th; visit to learn of initiatives already underway to halt the assault on religious

    reedom; visit for details on Madison area events for Christians to live their

    aith in
















  • 7/31/2019 Standup for Freedom Flyer


    What is the HHS Mandate and how does it violate religious freedom?

    n January, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a mandate under the

    Affordable Care Act that requires all employer health plans to provide free contraceptives, sterilizations abortion inducing drugs, regardless of any moral or religious objections.

    The ministries of institutions like Catholic schools, hospitals and charitieseducating the young, caring fhe sick, feeding the hungryare not considered sufficiently religious to qualify for the Mandates narrowreligious exemption.

    Not only will such institutions be forced to provide services that directly contradict the teachings of theiraith, butmore alarminglythe federal government is claiming the right to decide for religious

    nstitutions what constitutes their ministry.

    snt this really all about providing access to contraception?

    No: contraceptives are already widely available. Access to something does not mean having it paid for

    omeone elseespecially against their moral convictions.

    But the HHS Mandate doesnt stop with free contraceptives: it also requires employer health plans to provide free sterilizations and abortion inducing drugs.

    Didnt President Obama work out these religious objections?

    n February, President Obama offered an accommodation whereby insurance providers, rather than mployers, would pay for the services to which religious employers have moral objections. But this does olve the problem.

    At the end of the day, the HHS Mandate still forces all employers to provide health plans with free

    ontraceptives, sterilizations and abortion inducing drugsor face crippling fines.

    Moreover, the assault on our cherished freedom of religionwith the federal government now defining fll of us what constitutes authentic religious ministrycontinues.

    What can I do to help stop the HHS Mandate? Heres what you can do:

    oin our Post Rally Strategy Session on June 11th from 78:30 pm to aid the formation of a united Christianoalition, Stand Up For Religious Freedom Wisconsin at St Pauls University Catholic Center, 723 State Stree

    downstairs in Newman Hall. This will serve as a brainstorming session to plan for the upcoming Fortnighof Freedom events in June/July in Madison and to plan other events to raise public awareness of the HHSssault on religious freedom. Details at .

    Call the Capitol Switchboard at 2022243121 and ask your Congressman and both U.S. Senators to supporegislation overturning the HHS Mandate.

    Vote for candidates who respect freedom of religion and freedom of conscience in the primary and generalections this year.

    Go to and for additional esources and information on the statewide and national effort to stop the HHS mandate; inform your

    riends, family members and coworkers of these sites.