Download - Standards: SSWH 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21.

Page 1: Standards: SSWH 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21.


Standards: SSWH 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21

Page 2: Standards: SSWH 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21.

SSWH 9 Renaissance and Reformation

Used perspective to create optical illusions of realism. Humans looked more natural than in previous eras.

Michelangelo: sculptor, created David, painted the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican

DaVinci: scientist, painter, sketch artist, painted the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Drew the external and internal features of the human body and an early version of the tank.

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Renaissance: “rebirth of learning”. Started in 14th Century in Florence, Italy. Continued into Northern Europe.

Ancient Greek and Latin texts are revived Vernacular: Native Language starts to be used in

writings and translations. Renaissance Man: creative, know many subjects Renaissance Woman: must be rich charming and

inspire art. Humanism: idea that humans can be perfected and

even celebrated. Secular: Focus on worldly things rather than spiritual

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SSWH 9: Humanists

Petrarch: Father of Humanism, emphasis on creative potential of human beings, Italian poet

Dante: Poet, wrote The Divine Comedy, Father of the Italian Language, use of vernacular

Erasmus: Priest, Helped to translate the Bible, wrote The Praise of Folly that poked fun at hypocrisy. Thought that Christianity was in the heart not rules

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SSWH 9: Renaissance Politics

Machiavelli: wrote The Prince as a handbook for leaders in Italy. Believed that most people are selfish, fickle and corrupt. Leaders must be shrewd and ruthless in order to effectively rule. The end justifies the means.

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SSWH9: Reformation

Heavily influenced by the printing press developed by Gutenberg with moveable type. The Bible was written in the vernacular German (common language). Leads to rise in literacy.

Indulgences: payment for sins Martin Luther (10 November 1483 – 18 February 1546).

German priest. Couldn’t find many of the Catholic Church’s teachings in the Bible. Wrote the 95 Theses (1517). Hated the sale of indulgences. Father of the Protestant Reformation. Broke away from the Catholic Church after the Diet of Worms. Faith is most important belief in Christianity.

Simony: selling of church offices John Calvin: Started his teachings in Geneva. Calvinism

spread throughout Northern Europe, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. Started the idea of predestination that salvation is predetermined by God.

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SSWH 10 Exploration

The Renaissance helped to usher in an era of curiosity and need for raw materials.

3 G’s: GOD, GOLD and GLORY Christians, especially Catholics wanted to

convert nonbelievers (God). Europeans wanted to “cut to the chase” by

seeking new trade routes to the east. They wanted to make more money by leaving out the middle men between Europe and Asia (Gold).

Explorers wanted to gain notoriety for themselves and their country (Glory)

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SSWH 10: Exploration

Conquistadores: Spanish Explorers Hernando Cortez: conquered the Aztecs in modern

day Mexico Christopher Columbus: Italian, set sail west to find a

shorter trade route, lands in Hispaniola in the Caribbean.

Magellan: Spanish explorer whose expedition circumnavigated the globe

Treaty of Tordesillas (1494): line drawn by the Pope to solve problems between the Spanish and Portuguese regarding the settlement of Latin America

Zheng He: Chinese Admiral led seven voyages

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SSWH 10 Exploration

Vasco Da Gama: began exploring the east African coast. Reached the port of Calicut (SW India). Found spices, silk, and gems. Provided a direct sea route to India.

Prince Henry the Navigator: Started a school of navigation. Improved the astrolabe (navigation tool).

Other Innovations: carvel, sextant, and magnetic compass, better clocks

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SSHW 10 Exploration

Dutch East India Company: Explored in modern day Indonesia. Established a joint-stock company where shareholders purchased stock to invest in the company

De Champlain (1608): French explorer sailed up the St. Lawrence in modern Canada. French explorers wanted to establish colonies for fur trade. Colonies were disorganized

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SSWH 13: Scientific Revolution

Copernicus (early 1500’s): first proposed the heliocentric theory, did no publish his work because he didn’t want to go against the church.

Galileo (1609): used a telescope and observation to prove Copernicus’s theories. Went against the Catholic Church but later recanted. Later, proven true.

Kepler (1601): proved Copernicus’s ideas through mathematical calculations.

Newton (1687): used the Scientific Method to develop the Laws of Gravity and Motion.

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SSWH 13: Enlightenment

Thomas Hobbes (1651): wrote Leviathan. Explained the idea of the social contract—that people handed over their rights in exchange for law and order. Believed in absolute monarchy and had a negative view of man.

John Locke: English philosopher. Believed that people could learn from experience and improve themselves. Favored the idea of self-government. Believed in natural rights: life liberty and property.

Rousseau: French philosophe committed to individual freedoms. Advocated for a direct democracy and a social contract based on the consent of the governed. Wrote The Social Contract.

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SSWH 14: Latin American Revolution

Many of these revolutions were led by Bolivar 1807: Portuguese Monarchy Taken 1808: Spanish Monarchy Taken 1819: Independence of Columbia 1821: Independence of Venezuela and Mexico 1822: Independence of Ecuador, Brazil,

independent monarchy 1823: Monroe Doctrine 1824: Independence of Peru 1825: Independence of Bolivia (end of Spanish

Domination of South America)

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SSWH 14: Haiti

Led by Touissant L’Overture Only successful slave revolt for

independence 1799: Napoleon and France attack 1802: Touissant is captured 1804: Haiti becomes independent.

Second republic in the Western Hemisphere

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SSHW 14: England’s Glorious Revolution

English Bill of Rights (1689) outlines rights of English citizens (freedom of speech, freedom from royal taxation, right to fair trial).

The English monarch will never have absolute authority.

Religious protection for the Protestants Ends long standing struggle between

monarch and Parliament with Parliament winning control

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SSHW 14: American Revolution

Why did the American Revolution happen? The Enlightenment influenced important leaders

(Jefferson) The Seven Year’s War/French and Indian War

racked up HUGE debt for England. Colonists were expected to help pay back debt (no

taxation without representation) Colonists weren’t allowed to expand west of the

Appalachians. Colonial Industry Mercantilism not working: raw materials’ prices


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SSWH 14: Napoleon

The Directory: The Upper Middle class is in charge. War is raging in Europe. Napoleon is able to seize power and begin the French Empire

Battle of Trafalgar (1805): Lord Nelson and the British win supremacy over the seas

Napoleon attacks Russia in 1812 and gets stuck! Many casualties for France!

Despite French “wins” at Borodino (1812) and Austerlitz (1805), Napoleon is eventually defeated at Waterloo in (1815).

Napoleon is able to improve France in several positive ways: Schools improved, a uniform Napoleonic Code established, infrastructure was improved (roads, bridges, cities). Continental system was established—No English trade!

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SSWH 16: Causes of WW I

M is for Militarism: the buildup of militaries for a defensive alliance. The construction of the HMS Dreadnought (1906) led to the construction of new battleships by the major industrial powers of Europe.

A is for Alliance. These were DEFENSIVE in nature (“I’ve got your back). Europe divided into two groups the Triple Alliance (later Central Powers)and the Triple Entente (later Allied Powers)

I is for Imperialism: The nations of Europe see themselves as superior to the nations of Africa and Asia.

N is for Nationalism: The feeling that your country is superior to all other countries.

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SSWH 16: WW 1 Daily Life and Battles

The Schlieffen Plan isn’t followed as directed, so both sides dig in and begin trench warfare. Trenches were defended in “No Man’s land” by miles of barbed wire. Most battles were very lengthy and millions of lives were lost on all sides

The Battle of Verdun (1916) The First and Second Battles of the Marne

(1914, 1918) The Battle of the Somme (1916) Gallipoli (1915)

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SSWH 16: Treaty of Versailles

After an armistice was declared on November 11th, 1918, the Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919.

Germany was given full blame for the war and forced to pay reparations (war debt), greatly reduce the size of their military, lose Alsace and Lorraine and lose major lands in Africa and Poland—a direct cause of WW II.

The Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary collapse and are divided up into several smaller countries.

US did not support the Treaty because they felt it was too harsh. Africa and Asia didn’t like it because they didn’t get any of their territory back.

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SSWH 18: Rise of Hitler

Nazi Philosophy: formed the Third Reich wanted traditional German lands, believed in the Aryan Nation (superior race: blonde hair, tall, blue eyes “Master Race”). Jews were inferior and “scapegoats”. Buildup of military.

Eugenics: “good genes” practice of selective genetics to achieve the “Master Race”.

How does Hitler come to power? Runs for political office during the Weimar Republic as a member of the Nazi Party (right wing), very convincing public speaker. Weimer Republic was very weak and Hitler was able to move into leadership assumes chancellorship in 1933. Effectively used propaganda

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SSWH 18: Major Battles

Pearl Harbor : Japanese Invasion on 7 Dec 1941 Stalingrad (August 1942-February 1943) was the

long battle that finally pushed Hitler back to the west. Huge numbers of casualties on both sides.

D-Day: Operation Overlord The Allied needed to establish a second front. General Dwight Eisenhower launched an invasion of

Normandy on June 6, 1944. Guadalcanal: US Victory in the Pacific Theatre Philippines: last major battle before the US was

able to bomb Japan El-Alamein: North Africa. German leader


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FDR had funded the top-secret Manhattan Project to develop an atomic bomb

Dr. Robert Oppenheimer successfully tested in the summer of 1945.

August 6, 1945 – Enola Gay drops bomb on Hiroshima 140,000 dead; tens of thousands injured; radiation

sickness; 80% of buildings destroyed August 9, 1945 – Nagasaki

70,000 dead; 60,000 injured Emperor Hirohito surrenders on Aug. 14, 1945. (V-J

Day) Formal surrender signed on September 2 onboard the

battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay

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SSHW 18: Postwar Outcomes

The Big Three Great Britain (Winston Churchill) The U.S. (FDR) The Soviet Union (Joseph Stalin)

Germany divided between the three powers: US/UK join together, West Germany--democratically friendly government. USSR: East Germany Soviet friendly governments

Yalta Conference: USA (Roosevelt/Truman), USSR (Stalin), and UK (Churchill) meet to discuss Europe after the war. Results divide Germany into zones (US/UK: West Germany USSR: East Germany and E. Berlin)

Potsdam Conference: in suburban Berlin (July 1945)—Truman, Stalin, Churchill – Finalized plans on Germany. Germany would be demilitarized and would remain divided

United Nations: international peacekeeping org. supported by the Allies. Gen. Assembly to resolve conflicts.

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SSW 19: Cold War

The Iron Curtain: created as a result of USSR’s desire for buffer countries in Eastern Europe, split Europe into East (Communist) and West (Democratic). “Iron Curtain” speech, Churchill

Truman Doctrine: support countries against Communism. Containment: keep Communism at bay.

Marshall Plan: economic plan to help rebuild Western Europe

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): defensive alliance against Communism

Warsaw Pact: defensive alliance friendly to the USSR

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SSW 19: India and Ghana

Gandhi begins leading nonviolent protests against British control.

How? Salt March (to protest sea salt tax), hunger strikes, boycotts, and civil disobedience.

Why? WW I left India with the impression that the British were oppressive. Armristar Massacre gave the British bad press.

As a result…India was granted limited self rule (1947)

Kwame Nkrumah: leader who helped Ghana gain independence from Britain

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SSWH 19: China

Mao Zedong: leader of the Communist movement in China

Why did China “Go Red”? Weak government, foreign control over trade, nationalism, quest for modernization, end of WWI leads to Japanese control over territories.

What was different about Chinese Communism? It empowered the peasants

The Fourth of May: demonstration by workers, showed that China wanted to be a strong and modern country

By 1930: Chinese Civil War: Nationalists (Jiang) were middle class (bankers) who feared Communist peasants.

The Long March (1934-1935): 6,000 mile march by the Communists to keep ahead of the Nationalists

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SSWH 19: Israel Israel becomes a country in 1948 by UN mandate (Arabs didn’t like this) 1948-1949 War: Five Arab countries attack, take Jerusalem, Israelis

win it back, mass Palestinian exodus to refugee camps—causes a lot of problems later. Israel wins

1956 War: US/UK/France support Israelis, USSR supports Arabs. Suez Canal is claimed by Egypt. Lasts two weeks. Israel wins but doesn’t take Egypt

1967 War ( Six Days War): Palestinian guerillas bother Israelis, Israel attacks Arab countries and gain Jerusalem and other lands. Israel wins.

1973 (Yom Kippur) War: Egypt, Syrians and Iraqis attack Israel. Israel is caught off guard but Egyptians and Israelis sign ceasefire, minor Israeli victory.

1982 War: Palestinians attack Israel. PLO (Yasser Arafat) from Lebanon. Israel retaliates and Palestinians pull back.

Camp David Accords: Egypt, Israel, and US meet to discuss peace with President Carter in 1979, Egypt vows not to attack Israel and they give up Suez Canal. Egyptians not happy. Sadat killed.

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SSHW 19: Arms Buildup

1954: Hydrogen Bomb Developed, more powerful than the A-Bomb

1959: Castro becomes Cuban leader (Communist) and pushes the US out of the country trade embargo goes into effect.

Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961): failed US uprising/invasion led JFK of Cuba.

Cuban Missile Crisis (1962): thirteen day standoff where the USSR points missiles at the US from Cuba. Khruschev (Soviet leader) withdraws after negotiations.

ICBM: Intercontinental Ballistic Missile: military buildup between US/USSR

SALT: Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty: backing down of nuclear buildup of the US/USSR

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SSWH 20: Terrorist Organizations

Shining Path: Communist Party in Peru, used guerilla warfare in the 1980s

Red Brigade: Marxist-Leninist group in Italy

Hamas: Palestinian nationalist wing, often called a terrorist organization by the US

Al-Qaeda: corporate terrorist organization believed to be responsible for the 9/11 attacks

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SSWH 21: Global Economy

World Trade Organization: established in 1995, made up of 153 countries, provides a mechanism for handing disputes, negotiations, monitoring trade policies, and promote cooperation

OPEC: established in 1960, made up of 12 oil-rich countries, main goal is to establish oil prices and coordinate oil production policies

United Nations: international peacekeeping org. supported by the Allies. Gen. Assembly to resolve conflicts.

Multinational corporations: corporations (like McDonald’s, Apple, and Coca-Cola) that have global business

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SSWH 20: Bosnia and Rwanda

Rwanda: 1994 Hutus v. Tutsis mass genocide

Bosnia-Herzegovina: 1992-1995. War of Nationalism between the Serbs, Bosnians, and Croats