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Part 3: Carry Your CrossMatthew 16:13-28

by Samuel E. WardPastor, Covenant Baptist Church



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Matthew begins his record of Jesus’ public ministry in Matthew 4:12-17.

Within a short time Jesus was drawing crowds through his teaching and healing, Mat 4:23-25.

His popularity continues with growing opposition from the Pharisees, but the first mention of their desire to find a way to kill Jesus appears in Matthew 12:14.

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Matthew’s gospel begins to focus increasingly on the polarization of views concerning Jesus’ identity, which leads us to Matthew 16:13-28.

The core of Jesus’ message when He began His public ministry was to repent and become His disciple, Mat 4:13-17.

The conduct of Jesus’ disciples was to be governed by obedience to His teaching, Mat 28:19-20.

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In our series, “Stand Firm, Carry Your Cross,” we now come to observe the level of commitment demanded of a disciple of Christ. He does not ask us to commit to Him without knowing three important facts.

I. Who Jesus Is, Mat 16:13-19II. Why Jesus Came, Mat 16:20-23III. What Is Necessary to Be Jesus’

Disciple, Mat 16:24-28

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I. Who Jesus Is, Mat 16:13-19

(Mat 16:13 NIV) When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do people say the Son of Man is?"

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A. The Opinion of Some Jews, Mat 16:14

1. John the Baptist – Herod Antipas, who executed John the Baptist

2. Elijah – Mal 4:5-63. Jeremiah – Due to the similarities in

ministry between Jeremiah and Jesus4. One of the other prophets

Note: None of the discipilbes said that the people were saying that Jesus was the Messiah

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B. The Belief of the Disciples Expressed by Peter, Mat 16:15-16.

C. The Affirmation of Peter’s Confession of Jesus’ Identity, Mat 16:17-191. Peter’s belief in Jesus as the Son of

the Living God was the Father’s revelation to him. He hadn’t comprehended this on his own.

2. Peter, as the first confessor of Christ as the Son of the Living God, would be the foundation, with others, upon whom the church would be built.

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Let us say, with the support of Scripture, that Peter was never considered infallible, never appointed supreme representative of the church by God, and was even open to being challenged by other church leaders such as Paul.

See Galatians 2:11-13.Note what Revelation 21:14 says

about the foundation of the Heavenly New Jerusalem which will one day come down from heaven.

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3. The power of this confession will never be overwhelmed by even death itself.

4. The keys of the kingdom of heaven to bind and loose on earth and to have it ratified in heaven is best to be taken as temporary to Peter in a general way until the fullness of God’s Word became the final authority for the church.

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II. Why Jesus Came, Mat 16:20-23

A. Simply, He Came to Suffer, Be Killed, and to Be Raised on the Third Day, Mat 16:20-21.

B. Incredibly, Peter’s Knowledge of Jesus’ Messiahship Was Not Compatible with Suffering and Dying, Mat 16:22.

C. Amazingly, Jesus Saw Peter Turn in an Instant from God’s Confessor to Satan’s Cohort, Mat 16:23.

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Entering the Kingdom would not come without a cost. Being Christ’s disciple does not mean to make a profession and wait for the reward. It means, rather, to make a commitment and live for Jesus for a while in enemy territory. The words of Paul in Ephesian 6:10-13 are clear.

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(Eph 6:10-13 NIV) Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. {11} Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. {12} For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. {13} Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

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III. What Is Necessary to Be Christ’s Disciple, Mat 16:24-28

The commitment of Jesus’ disciple must be absolute. The disciple of Christ must be willing to suffer as His disciple even to the point of death.

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A. What Must a True Disciple Do?, Mat 16:24

B. What Is at Stake?, Mat 16:25-27

1. What is there to lose or win?, Mat 16:26-27

2. What could possibly be worth more than a person’s soul, Mat 16:26-27?

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A Promised View to a Privileged Few, Mat 16:28-17:8

Six days later . . .

The Transfiguration

Matt 17:1-8