Download - Stafford Sixth Form Partnership · PDF file08.12.2016 · Stafford Sixth Form Partnership administration is based at the Chetwynd Centre, Newport Road, Stafford ST16 2HE Telephone:


Stafford Sixth Form Partnership Your route to academic success

September 2017 entry

Stafford Sixth Form Partnership administration

is based at the Chetwynd Centre,

Newport Road, Stafford ST16 2HE

Telephone: 01785 785270

e-mail: [email protected]





Blessed William Howard Catholic High School Rowley Avenue, Stafford ST17 9AB 01785 244236

King Edward VI High School West Way, Stafford ST17 9YJ 01785 258546

Stafford Manor High School Wolverhampton Road, Stafford ST17 9DJ 01785 258383

Sir Graham Balfour School North Avenue, Stafford ST16 1NR 01785 223490

The Weston Road Academy Blackheath Road, Stafford ST18 0YG 01785 356700








Bridging the gap between school and university or employment

Stafford Sixth Form Partnership

2016 A-level Pass-rate 98%

During the next few weeks you will make important decisions

affecting the rest of your life. Some of you may be ready to

consider employment, training or an apprenticeship, but many of

you will continue at school, moving into the sixth form.

To achieve the best results from your time in the sixth form, it is

crucial that you choose carefully the most appropriate courses for

your ability, interest and future pathway, whether that is on to

higher education or into a career. We aim to provide all the

necessary information and advice to help you make intelligent

decisions as you move through the admissions process.

As a student currently in one of our partner schools, you have

access to a common curriculum programme. Your can choose

from over 50

level-3 courses. Most of our post-16 students already attend

Blessed William Howard Catholic High School, King Edward VI High

School, Sir Graham Balfour School, Stafford Manor High School

and The Weston Road Academy, but we extend a warm

welcome to students from other areas.

There are many good reasons for continuing your education into

the sixth form. The Stafford Sixth Form Partnership is a successful

and supportive collaboration which encourages the best from all

our students. The partner schools and academies in Stafford have

been working successfully together for several years. Our goal is

to maximise your opportunities by ensuring you have access to

the broadest possible curriculum, whether this a purely academic

route or a mix of vocational and academic subjects.

A unique feature of the sixth form is that whilst each partner

retains its unique identity and ethos, co-operation takes place

where it is clear students will benefit. Students gain from the

advantage of belonging to an institution which will support them

through the sixth form and give them all necessary pastoral care

and tutorial support. Alongside this, a student can take full

advantage of choosing a programme of study from all partners.

To keep travelling to a minimum, where a subject is available at

your own school it is normal practice to study there, but if you find

there is a clash, or the subject you wish to study is not offered by

your school, then you can follow courses on offer in all partner

institutions. This will involve travelling between schools, and to

allow this to happen all partners operate a broadly common


We look forward to welcoming you to the Sixth Form in 2017.

Welcome to the Sixth Form


‘Leadership of the Sixth outstanding.

Students’ progress is carefully

tracked so that students

know where they are and

what they need to do to

improve ’

Ofsted 2014

‘Students are positive about

the quality of careers

information and guidance

they receive. The vast

majority who complete their

courses go on to study at

university, some opting to

take up apprenticeships.’

Ofsted 2014

'Sixth formers provide

excellent role models for

younger students. They

demonstrate positive

attitudes to their learning.’

Ofsted 2014

‘Teaching makes a strong

contribution to students’

good learning and

achievement, growth in

knowledge, understanding

and skills, and positive

attitudes to learning.’

Ofsted 2014

Five Reasons to choose the Sixth Form







Success is paramount to everyone who works in the sixth form. Last

year the overall pass rate at A-level was 98% which is equal to the

national average. Teaching has been rated as good and outstanding

in recent Ofsted reports, which have also commented on the

outstanding curriculum programme available in the partnership.


The partnership means that you are able to take advantage of one of

the widest curriculum offers available to any group of students at any

sixth form. The broadly common timetable and transport

arrangements, allow you to benefit from over 40 courses at both A-

level and level-3 BTEC, the only offer of its kind in Stafford.


You will be excellently supported in the sixth form. You will be guided

through the transition from GCSE to A-level and level-3 BTEC study, and

will have an assigned tutor, responsible for overseeing your progress,

monitoring your academic targets, and supporting you with

applications to university, apprenticeships, college or the workplace.


You will have personalised target grades based on your previous

academic performance. Progress against these targets is monitored

on a regular basis. This ensures that you remain focused and well

motivated, and retain a sense of realism about their academic

performance. If you start to slip you will receive supportive intervention.


You are offered an extensive range of enrichment activities in addition

to your academic studies. These may include Extended Project or

further recreational and academic options, and even the planning

and funding of visits abroad, all of which give you the opportunity to

develop existing interests or try out new ones.



Within the Stafford Sixth Form Partnership there are different combinations of courses available,

and a clear set of entry criteria for each programme.

A Level Programme

The standard entry criteria to study in the sixth form is an A*-C in at least five different

subjects, including English and mathematics which would usually be at grade 5 or above

(equivalent to grade C in previous years).

To study mathematics, you will be required to achieve a grade 6 at GCSE.

To study further mathematics, you will be required to achieve a 7/8/9 grade in

mathematics at GCSE.

To study modern foreign languages or music, you will be required to achieve at least a B

grade in that subject at GCSE.

To study science subjects at A-level (biology, chemistry, physics or psychology), you will

be required to achieve at least a B grade in additional science or have achieved B or

above in the individual subject area if taken as a separate science.

For some A-levels with a high mathematical content (particularly computing, chemistry

and physics) GCSE at grade 6 in mathematics would be advantageous.

To study other subjects already taken at GCSE you must achieve at least a grade 5 or C

grade or above in that subject.

Technical and Applied General Programme

To study the Technical and Applied General Programme, you should have achieved an A*-C

in at least five different subjects with a grade 4 or above in English Language and


You will be able to select a combination of an applied and an A’ Level course.

Whichever pathway you would like to take you will need to discuss this with your Head of Sixth

Form who will advise you on your choices.

What if you don’t meet these criteria?

For students who do not meet these criteria, don’t panic! Discuss this with your Head of Sixth

Form who will look at the options available.

Admissions Panel

Also, students can be referred to the Admissions Panel where an applicant:

offers alternative qualifications;

has not met entry criteria but there are known mitigating circumstances;

wishes to repeat a year of a course.

The panel comprises representatives of heads from partner schools and the Partnership

Manager. It meets during the first week of the Autumn Term. The panel reserves the right not to

offer a place on a course to students who, it believes, would not benefit from it.

Entry Criteria



4 4



1. BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate.

2. Further Maths in block A must be taken with Maths at KE in block E;

3. Sports Leadership can be taken in block B as a BTEC Extended Certificate or blocks B and E as a BTEC Diploma.

4. Business BTEC Level 3 Diploma must be taken in both option blocks D and E.

5. BTEC Health and Social Care can be taken in Block D as a Extended Certificate or in D and E as a BTEC Diploma.

Stafford Sixth Form Partnership reserves the right to cancel courses if demand is not sufficient.

If courses are not viable, students will be asked to reselect.



Applied Science 1 BTEC SM

Biology A BWH

Creative Media Produc-

tion 1 BTEC SM

Economics A BWH

French A SGB

Further Maths 2 A KE

Geography A WR



Psychology A KE

Sociology A SM

Art A WR

Biology A KE

English Language A KE

Geography A BWH

History A BWH

Mathematics A SGB WR

Music A BWH

Psychology A SGB SM

Sociology A WR

Sports Leadership 3 BTEC SM


Biology A SGB WR

Business Studies A SGB

English Literature A SGB

History A KE


Mathematics A BWH

Physics A KE

Psychology A WR


5 5

BWH Blessed William Howard Catholic High


KE King Edward VI High School

SGB Sir Graham Balfour School

SM Stafford Manor High School

WR The Weston Road Academy




Business 4 BTEC KE

Business Studies A WR

Chemistry A KE

English Literature A KE WR

Geography A SGB

Health & Social Care 6 BTEC SM

Law A or


Philosophy & Ethics A BWH

Physics A



Business 4 BTEC KE

Chemistry A BWH SGB


Computing A SGB

Criminology BTEC SM

English Literature A BWH

Government & Politics A SM

Health & Social Care 6 BTEC SM

History A SGB WR

Mathematics 2 A KE

Sports Leadership 3 BTEC SM

How to Apply for Sixth Form

Stafford Sixth Form Partnership uses UCAS Progress for its applications. Your school

will guide you through the process and may require you to complete your

application during personal meetings with tutors.

Step 1: After reading through this booklet, look at the courses available. Start to

discuss your options and look at details of the subjects on the UCAS Progress site.

Step 2: On the internet, go to and from the homepage

login with the username and password provided by school. You will be prompted to

change your password.

Step 3: Complete My Profile and check your personal details. You must add an e-

mail address at this stage so that we can contact you during the application


Step 4: You will be guided by school as to when to complete the Personal

Statement, Qualifications and Work History.

Step 5: To search for the courses offered in the Sixth Form, click on Home and use

the following filters:

Enter Stafford

Choose This Area Only

Choose Post 16

Enter The Stafford Partnership

Courses are listed by establishment. You can choose the courses you are interested

in and add them to Favourites.

Remember you cannot choose more than one subject from each Block and double

check BTECs as they may need to be chosen across two blocks.

Step 6: After you have discussed your proposed programme of study:

Click on Applications...Start a New Application

Click on Stafford Partnership

Tick your chosen courses

Save Application

Click Submit Application

Tick Permissions box



This is an exciting and busy time if you are in Y11, but it is vital

that you research your future programme of study very

carefully. You should think about your possible post-18

options and, in doing so, you may wish to look at university

prospectuses or websites to view their entry criteria. You

should also consider your own strengths, see where you are

succeeding, but also consider subjects which may be new

to you: psychology, sociology, etc. Take time to read

carefully the individual course specification information

given on the UCAS Progress website before making your


By using this guide you can work out your timetable when

discussing your preferred programme of study and see what

travel implications it may involve. Do not be put off by this.

As a sixth form student you will gain a good experience of

what life beyond school, such as university or the workplace,

may be like.

The application process usually begins after your mock

GCSE examinations. Each school hosts a Post-16 Evening.

Some students may not know what A-levels are or the

difference between BTEC level-3 Extended Diplomas or

Diplomas. Take as much advice as you can from school,

home, advisors and, of course, Staffordshire Careers and

Participation Services.

Entry Process

‘The Stafford Sixth Form

provides good

teaching and a wide

range of courses that

means that we can

study exactly what we

want to.” Student

‘You’re given more

independence but

need to take

responsibility for your

work and manage it



‘All the people are

really friendly across all

of the sites. There is

also a really good level

of extra support.’



Key Dates for Post-16 Evenings

8 December 2016 King Edward VI High School

3 January 2017 The Weston Road Academy

10 January 2017 Stafford Manor High School

17 January 2017 Sir Graham Balfour School

5 January 2017 Blessed William Howard Catholic High School

28 February 2017 UCAS Progress application process closes

Year 12 (Y13 Timetable in brackets)

Sixth Form Timetable

Day 1 2 Break 3 4 Break 5 6 Break 7 8

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4






Block A



Block A



Block A



Block D



Block D



Block D



Block D




Block E



Block E



Block C



Block C



Wed Block B



Block B



Block B



Block B



Block A



Block A




Block D



Block D



Block E



Block E



Block E



Block E



Fri Block C



Block C



Block C



Block C



Block B



Block B



Lesson Start Times

Centre Session 1 Session 2 Lunch Session 3 Session 4

BWH 9.00 11.20 1.20 2.15 3.35

SGB 8.50 9.50 1.30 2.20 3.30

KE 9.00 11.00 12.40 1.30 3.35

SM 9.00 11.20 1.20 2.00 3.35

WR 9.00 11.05 12.45 1.25 3.15


As members of the Stafford Sixth Form Partnership all students have rights and



To be treated with respect, courtesy and consideration.

To be provided with high quality lessons following structured programmes of study.

To have regular assessments set which will be returned within two weeks with

constructive feedback explaining how to make further progress.

To be provided with one annual report and a review of progress for parents.

To be provided with a safe, stimulating and appropriate environment in which to


To have opportunities to feed back any concerns about any aspect of their


To be offered information, advice and guidance through a tutorial programme to

support them with transition to the next stage of education or employment.


To treat others and their property with respect and consideration.

To dress appropriately, avoiding clothing with may be deemed offensive or

inappropriate in a learning environment.

To ensure punctual attendance to all lessons* and report any legitimate absence to

the appropriate people.

To show commitment and enthusiasm, working to full potential and meeting all

deadlines set for work.

To use Private Study time to develop work started in lessons and not to undertake

employment during timetabled time.

To abide by all relevant policies on use of Internet, Mobile Phones, Smoking, and

Student Discipline that are relevant to each partner institution.

*Holidays should not be taken in term-time; overall attendance of less than 92% on a

course may lead to non-entry in that subject.

Learner Agreement

‘The teaching standard is really good. There is greater freedom in the

relationship with the teacher; you need to use that freedom by taking more

responsibility for your own learning ’ (Holly, Student)