Download - St Michael's The Defender Dec-29

  • 7/22/2019 St Michael's The Defender Dec-29


    Our Mission:



    The Defender

    Sunday, December 29, 2013 ~ Feast of the Holy FamilySunday, January 5, 2014 ~ The Epiphany of the Lord

    Peace and loveFr. Dan

    The parish office will be open on December 30

    and will be closed again for December 31 and January 1.Scheduled weekday Masses will continue.

    Feast of the Holy Family

    December 28/29, 2013

    5:30 PM / 7:45, 9:15, 11:15 AM and 5:30 PM

    Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

    January 1, 2014


    Feast of the Epiphany

    January 4/5, 2014

    5:30 PM / 7:45, 9:15, 11:15 AM and 5:30 PM

  • 7/22/2019 St Michael's The Defender Dec-29



    fl fi fl

    Twelve Days of Christmas

    For even more parish information,

    visit the parish website by scanning

    this QR code.

  • 7/22/2019 St Michael's The Defender Dec-29



    I always had a dream that when I am asked to give an accounting of my life to ahigh court, it will go like this: " So empty your pockets. What have you got left of

    your life? Any dreams that were unfulfilled? Any unused talent that we gave youwhen you were born that you still have left? Any unsaid compliments or bits of

    love that you haven't spread around?" And I will answer, "I have nothing toreturn. I spent everything you gave me. I'm as naked as the day I was born."

    - Juanita Walker

    Initiation Ministries

    Our November pilgrimage had the great pleasure ofseeing our beautiful new clinic building and visitingwith the children of St. Jean-Baptiste School and St. Mark school. Wedelivered the lovely dresses you made, and Father Elizier is distributing

    them to the girls at St. Mark, who have so little. He has asked for shortsand shirts for the boys, as well, so look for more info on our plans forthat.To see photos of the clinic and learn more about our ministry, please visitour Facebook page at St. Michaels Glen Allen Haiti Ministry. Pleasecontinue to donate, using the red envelopes, or by simply marking yourdonation to HAITI MINISTRY.Questions? Want to get involved? Email us at [email protected] is a Formation Meeting for Haiti Pilgrims on Jan. 15 at 6:30 PM.

    FOOD DRIVEBags will be handed out the weekend of

    January 4 & 5 for our monthly

    food drive collection.

    Please return the bags filled

    with non-perishable food on

    the weekend of January 11 &12.

    We are continuously overwhelmed

    with the generosity of the

    St. Michael community.

  • 7/22/2019 St Michael's The Defender Dec-29



    Thank you for your support

    of the building fund by usingSCRIP in 2013.The SCRIP team wisheseveryone a joyous Christmas

    season and blessed New Year!






    ' .

    , .

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    JAM (the Jobs Assistance Ministry)

    will take a break during

    the Christmas holiday season.

    Meetings will resume on January 8

    Parishioner Freddy C is hosting

    A New Years Partyat the Columbian Center located at2324 Pump Rd., Richmond, VA 23233

    from 8 PM to 1AM.The price is $20 per ticket or $35 per couple.

    Admission includes heavy hors d' oeuvres andsoft drinks and $2 beer/wine.

    Musical entertainment will be provided byFreddy C

    and the Happy Days Band.For information and reservations,

    please contact Jim Feliciano at 270-1518 orSteve McGann at 747-8790.

    Youth Ministry

    Elementary Faith Formation

    All Elementary Faith Formation classes are on Christmas Break. Wehope your family enjoyed a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    Sunday sessions of Preschool/Kindergarten and Elementary faith

    formation will resume on Sunday, January 26.

    Wednesday sessions of Elementary Faith Formation will resume on

    Wednesday, February 5.

    Thursday sessions of Elementary Faith Formation will resume on

    Thursday, February 6.

    Children currently enrolled for First Reconciliation preparation wil

    be receiving detailed information about the class schedule via emai

  • 7/22/2019 St Michael's The Defender Dec-29



    The Gospel for the weekend of Jan. 5, the Feast of the Epiphany, is Matthew 2:1-12(the visit of the Magi). As you read the Scriptures for Epiphany, you may want toponder the following:Adults: What insights about your own faith have you gained from learning aboutother faith traditions?Children: What could you do to be like a star and lead someone to know about Jesus?

    The Gospel for the weekend of Jan. 12, the Baptism of the Lord, is Matthew 3:13-17.

    As you read the Scriptures for that weekend, you may want to consider the followingquestions:Adults: What evidence can you offer that you are a faithful servant of the Lord?Children: What has the Holy Spirit helped you treat someone fairly?

    From Heritage of Faith, by Jo Rotunno

    New Year's Eve can be a rousing time -

    if you're single. Less so, if you're

    Married; and even more

    Complicated, if you have young chil-dren. Why not use this day to take

    stock of what you liked best about lastyear. Share it in a quiet moment

    with your honeyThe Epiphany -"Go and search diligently

    for the child." (Mt. 2:8)

    The wise still seek him. What wisdom

    can you learn from a child today?Perhaps your own child will teach you

    patience. Perhaps a neighbor child willgive you an opportunity to serve a child

    in need as a team. Seek.

    "And Mary kept all these things, re-

    flecting on them in her heart." (Lk2:19) Christmas Day is over, but the

    Christmas season has just begun - at

    least for Christians, if not the secularculture. Take a moment today to

    ponder the awesome miracle of your

    child's birth. Tell him or her the story

    of their birth and a hope you have for

    them.It's resolution time, but long range

    resolutions are hard to keep.How about resolving to play with

    your child this weekend.If your child is far away,

    play virtually or remember fond

    childhood memories together.

    The catechist of the week is Jennifer Walsh.Jennifer is a 4thgrade catechist in our elementary

    program, and she has 3 years of experience as a catechist. Married with 3 children, Jennifersays that the people who most influenced her faith in her early years were my mom andgrandmother. When asked what she likes best about being Catholic, Jennifer answered, Ienjoy the traditional and constant structure of the Mass. I also enjoy the sense ofcommunity among Catholics. In answer to the question what is the most important thing

    you would like your class to remember about faith from their year with you? Jenniferanswered, the most important thing I hope to impart on my students is to learn how topray and share themselves with God. Advice she would give to an inexperienced catechist

    is it will all work out. God will guide you through. Jennifer has always loved theserenity prayer but is growing an affinity to saying the rosary, and she says Mary ismy favorite saint, of course! May God bless you with many happy moments with yourfamily during the coming Christmas season, Jennifer! Thank you for your ministry!

    Want to learn Creole? Fr. Dan will be teaching a 30-minute class three Thursdays at6:30 PM in January. (January 16, 23, and 30) If interested, please call Karen Bowens in theparish office at 527-1037 ext.15.

    VBS date for next summer has been set! Mark yourcalendars for July 14-18, 2014. We need a coordinating team(its more fun to work on the planning together with your friendsor soon-to-be friends!) and lots of adults and teens to make ourweek a success! For more information contact Faith Formation

    Director, Pat Mundy at [email protected].

    By BaptismCatholic families are holy families an

    are the seed beds fothe vocations of their children

    Pray generously as a famil

    for vocations to the priesthooand consecrated lif

    from among your childreShould God be callin

    one among youcall Father Michael G. Boehlin

    at (804) 359-5661 or [email protected]

  • 7/22/2019 St Michael's The Defender Dec-29



    Upcoming at St. Michae

    Heads Up!

    527-1037 ext. 21for more information.



    We Are FamilySt. Michael Church's ministry to gays, lesbians, their friends, andfamily. ALL ARE WELCOME!!In January we will move our regular gathering to theFIRST TUESDAY of each month, starting January 7.If you have any questions, please contact Jeff Trollinger, 402-2980or [email protected]

    Women of Worship

    Young at Heart will be meetingthe 1st and 3rd Tuesdays

    of every month at 9:30 AM.Next meeting will be Jan. 7.

  • 7/22/2019 St Michael's The Defender Dec-29



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    From St. Michael/Joseph P. SolariCouncil #11172

    The Knights meet on the second Monday of each month for adinner social and meeting. All Catholic men are invited to thedinner social, without cost or obligation, to get acquainted

    with our members. Come discover the many ways ourmembers strive to contribute to charity, unity, and fraternitywithin St. Michael, as well as our greater Parish community!Come make new friends and enjoy the camaraderie! Pleasejoin us in supporting St. Michael and the Catholic Church!

    All Masses - January 4 & 5

    Hand out Food Drive bags

    All Masses - January 11 & 12Collect Food Drive bags

    Sunday, January 12, All morning Masses

    Coffee & Donuts

    Monday, January 13, 6:15 PMDinner and meeting in Parish Hall

    Saturday, January 184:30 PM - Kitchen work begins

    6:00 PM - Bingo!

    Sunday, January 19, All morning Masses

    Coffee & Donuts

    Monday, January 20, All morning Masses1st Degree Ceremony at Pump Road Facility

    Knights of Columbus



    NightSaturday, January 18

    Mark Your Calendars!

  • 7/22/2019 St Michael's The Defender Dec-29



    Margarite Arrighi Frank & Carolina Arrighi

    Eileen Allin Member of the Ryan Family, Linn

    Family, Meade Family, AllinFamily & King Family

    Roy & Jeanie Ambler Pete & Nannie Welsh

    Jason & Tiffany Baham Clifford R. Baham

    Timothy J. KolbNatalie Basso James Basso

    Mr. & Mrs. Carmel Casciano-Basso

    Mr. & Mrs. JeremiahKraftician-Neuman

    Mr. & Mrs. John Kraftician-Ford

    Teddy Bayer Charles L. Bayer FamilyFinley J. Calhoun

    The Beyer Family Rev. Mr. Arthur O. Beyer

    Ronald Arthur Davis

    Ed, Trisha & Emma Blair Andrew T. Blair

    John A. Blair

    Deceased Members of theBlair Family

    Deceased Members if the

    Nebe FamilyBunny Booth Denny Booth

    Karen Bowens Martin & Mildred Bowens

    Phil & Joan Branagan Florence BranaganPhil Branagan III

    Catherine BranaganRuth McIntosh & Charlie Brandt Robert McIntosh

    Audrey McIntosh

    Phyllis Brandt

    Glen Payment

    Brown Family (Doug, Kris, Mary Brown

    Matthew, Ellie & Katie)Zelda Burke Burke, Compton, Dauchy

    & Rodill Families

    Keith, Chris, Andy Irene Gronet& Carolyn Burns Fred Burns

    Tom & Catherine Burr Deceased Members of Burr Family,

    Havens Family & McLarenFamily

    Dan & Sally Caldwell Andrew & Isabelle Caldwell

    & Family Richard & Lillian ChambersHenry & Iva Smith

    Byrd & Elna Caldwell

    The Compton Family Richard MonroeBill & Lil Compton

    Walter & Susan Samson

    Barbara Cosby Mary Frances & Kessler B. KirtleyJames A. Cuddy Mary C. Cuddy

    Kathleen M. Cuddy

    Jim Cunningham Louise & Al CunninghamVincent J. Zarrello

    Michael & Josephine Zarrello

    Ted & Marianne ZarrelloCathy Danner George & Julie Nani

    Poinsettias. . .

    The Poinsettia Fund was established to provide decorations for the Christmas season. Contributions to the fund

    allows donors to honor the memory of a deceased loved one or to pay tribute to someone living. Live poinsettiashave been placed throughout the church as well as among our beautiful Nativity scene in the Chapel.

    Donated by . . . In Memory of . . . Donated by . . . In Memory of . . .William DeBender Regina LaRue

    James DeBender

    Grace DiLiberto Ben DiLibertoAndy & Claire Donnelly Raymond & Marion Clarke

    Bart & Virginia Donnelly

    Robert Donnelly

    Thomas SnowHerb Stiefel

    Tom & Donna Dougherty Emma & John Dougherty

    Nicolina & Nicola Galli

    Mary & Ignatio Laudani

    Ann Mathias

    Salvatore & Lee GalliAnthony Laudani

    Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Dunton Deceased Members of the

    Majcher-Dunton FamiliesRobert & Gigi Dyer Robert J. & Dorothy Dyer

    John A. Grygo, Jr.

    Bill & Chris Englehart Nicole EnglehartDanny Marino

    Dorothy Wade

    Clyde, Vilma & Natasha Vally FernandesFernandes Rufus Soares

    Odella Fernandes

    Susanne Ferris Robert John Ferris

    Roberto & Nancy Fonseca Luz A. Ramirez

    Jesus Maria RamirezKristi Hall

    Axel Laureano

    Rafael & Felicita FonsecaCarmen Fonseca

    Bishop Walter Sullivan

    Joan Geoghegan Alfred GeogheganDeceased members of

    the Greeley Family

    The Golden Family Mario & Catherine SabatinoThe Gonsalves Family Philip Gonsalves

    John & Barbara Grygo III Frank Raia

    John Grygo Jr.Hansen Family Patrick Brennan

    Gary & Tamara Harless Mr. & Mrs. Zannie Harless

    Mr. & Mrs. John HoffmanMr. & Mrs. Steve Keres

    Mr. & Mrs. James Trump

    The Haynes Family John & Clara HaynesRalph & Caryl Breakell

    Hulihan Family Robert Arensmeyer

    Bill & Evelyn HulihanDave & Jan Kuzara Irene Kawski

    Harry Kuzara

    Anthony & Jennie Laudani Nicolina & Nicola GalliMary & Ignatio Laudani

    Antoinette Mathias

    Anthony LaudaniMark Law Susan S. Law

    Lois B. Law

    Denny BoothLynsie & Mike Levay Jean Sharnick

    Stephen Sharnick

    The Lowenhagen Family Lil & Lou BaldwinEarl, Bea, Jim & Chuck


    Jana & Hans Strapec

    Maraget Mulrooney

    Doris Collins

    Fitzhugh SamuelJames Manning Mary Ann Manning

  • 7/22/2019 St Michael's The Defender Dec-29



    Donated by . . . In Memory of . . .Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mazur Suzanne Saunders

    Alois Saunders

    Edward Mazur

    Jacqui McShane Pete McShane

    Charlie & Jack NoonanAnne Meacham Dorothy Roberts

    Nancy OlexyDenny Booth

    Jay & Kathy Moore & Sons Mark Edmund Moore

    Mary Helen Mootz John (Jack) Warden MootzRose Marie Myers

    Toni BeelesTom & Pat Mundy Dorothy & Del Tully

    Fran & Everett Mundy

    Christopher Vicente

    Nora Newell Richard Paynter NewellBruce & Marion Newell

    Eleanor Pawlowski Chet Pawlowski

    John & Dianna Peschio John & Elsa Terzano

    Anthony & Anna Peschio

    Veronica PeschioDennis & Gloria Ritenour Joseph Michael ScazzeroStella Sargent William Sargent

    Stella B. Sargent Walter Sargent

    Mary KinserJack Somol

    Stephen Royal Scanlon Sr. Cathleen Michelle Scanlon

    Raymond W. Schaffranek Susan M. Schaffranek

    Mr. & Mrs. Michael Serpico Mr. & Mrs. Lester Pierce

    Mr. & Mrs. Louis SerpicoDonna Lyon

    Albert Lyon Jr.

    The Shalaski Family Maryanne HallMike Hall

    Joseph & Rosemary Silva Apolonia Silva

    Joseph SilvaJoseph Core

    Charles & Laura Sims Pat SimsEarl SimsBob Creighton

    Mary, Jim & Kate Singleton Bob Singleton

    The Stansberry Family Lowell Stansberry

    Eula Bell

    Eva Wright

    Mark RichardsonLarry & Shelley Stepp Beatrice Stepp

    Douglas & Toni Belson

    Richard & Barbara Taylor Gladys & Frank CostelloWilliam & Kathryn Taylor

    Bob & Debbie Temple Art & Connie Temple

    & Family Ed & Betty LampkeGlenn Lampke

    Julie Tran Paul Tran

    Ngui NguyenMary K. Traut Charles E. Traut

    Richard F. Murphy

    Nancy Trubee Paul & Natalie Ricchetti

    Mike & Juanita Walker David Alkazin

    Mary Lohr

    Thomas C. Wingreen John & Margaret E. WingreenJames & Mary Demko

    Arthur & Nora Beattie

    Christy & Joanna CookeThe Marshall Winn Family Lcdr. Robert J. Simonic

    JoAnn M. SimonicMichael D. Simonic

    Russell M. Winn

    Karen Wynne Lillian Snyder

    Poinsettias . . .

    Donated by . . . In Honor of . . .Eileen Allin Nancy Munson

    Mary Ann Ryan

    George King

    Beverly LeeJim Meade

    Peggy Sozny

    Nancy Linn

    Mary Lisa LachesJulie Henner

    Eli LineadoRoy & Jeanie Ambler Christopher Young

    Dane & Carolyn Young & Family

    Tricia, Pat, Kelley & JoeTeddy Bayer Thomas Bayer

    Phil & Joan Branagan Dorothy Bremer

    Keith, Chris, Andy Zygmunt Gronet& Carolyn Burns Ann Burns

    Tom & Catherine Burr Beth, Drew & Alicia

    Dan & Sally Caldwell Andrew & Helen Caldwell& Family Emily Daniel

    Joe & Linda Daniel

    Barbara Cosby Special IntentionJim Cunningham Lenore Parker

    Mary Cunningham

    Brian WeberAndy & Claire Donnelly Virginia Stiefel

    Margaret SnowRaymond & Beverly Clarke

    Tom & Donna Dougherty Jennie & Anthony Laudani

    Kevin, Josephine & Sienna DoughertyTommy, Becci, Anthony & Emily


    Jeff & Laurie AppelMr. & Mrs. Ralph Dunton Members of the Majcher-Dunton Families

    Susanne Ferris Joyce Ferris

    Rob & M.T. Phillips FamilyDerran & Anne Smith Family

    Bob & Meghan Ferris Family

    Roberto & Nancy Fonseca Roberto Rafael Fonseca & FamilyRoberto Fonseca

    Joan Geoghegan The Geoghegan GrandchildrenHulihan Family Regina ArensmeyerAnthony & Jennie Laudani Tom & Donna Dougherty

    Kevin & Sienna Dougherty

    Anthony & Emily DoughertyJeff & Laurie Appel

    Mark Law Maurice C. Law

    Gay HowellThe Lowenhagen Family Dave, Veronica, Justin, Katie &

    Jonathan Lowenhagen

    Anne Meacham Dave Robert & Lisa StormsFran Olexy & Family

    Bunny, Bradley & Ryan Booth

    Stella Sargent Pamela SargentMarc Sargent

    Stella B. Sargent Paul Sargent Family

    Jon & Katherine Barr Family

    Stephen Royal Scanlon Lt. Col. D. L. HowardMr. & Mrs. Michael Serpico John Pierce

    Gina SerpicoMike & Juanita Walker The Community of St. Michael

    Thomas C. Wingreen Helen Butch

    The Marshall Winn Family Diane & Herb MartinThe Louis J. Simonic Family

    The R. Craige Winn Family

    The Wallace G. Sprouse FamilyConstance C. Winn

    Karen Wynne Kenneth Snyder

  • 7/22/2019 St Michael's The Defender Dec-29




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