Download - St. Martin's Episcopal Church Messages Newsletter - November 2012

  • 7/31/2019 St. Martin's Episcopal Church Messages Newsletter - November 2012


    Inside this issue:

    November 11 is the day we celebrate the feast day of St. Martin of Tours, our

    parishs patron saint. We will mark the day by blessing our stewardship pledges and

    enjoying time together sampling recipes from our new parish cookbook.

    Stewardship: Taking a RiskStewardship: Taking a RiskStewardship: Taking a RiskStewardship: Taking a Risk

    By Jeff Klieve, Stewardship Co-chair

    I hope you have been able

    to read and consider each

    of the Blessed to be aBlessed to be aBlessed to be aBlessed to be aBlessingBlessingBlessingBlessing reflections that

    have been inserted into the

    service leaflet and e-mailed

    to you each week of this

    years fall stewardship

    campaign. For me, they

    have generally reinforced

    what I have been taught

    over the years about

    Christian stewardship, but

    there have been a few

    interesting new insights as

    well. Ive thought about one

    of them in particular:

    Generosity always requires

    risk but it is our call to

    take that risk, remembering

    C E L E B R A T I N G S T . M A R T I N O F T O U R S

    A B E A C O N O F C H R I S T S L O V E ,

    S P I R I T - F E D , S E R V I N G O T H E R S

    N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2

    M E S S A G E SF R O M S T . M A R T I N S E P I S C O P A L C H U R C H

    ECW Recipe Tasting PartyECW Recipe Tasting PartyECW Recipe Tasting PartyECW Recipe Tasting Party

    By Michelle Trieschmann

    All are invited to celebrate

    the Feast of St. Martin with

    a Cookbook Recipe TastingParty on Sunday, Nov. 11 at

    11:30 a.m. The long-

    anticipated cookbooks will

    be distributed and well

    sample some of the

    delicious recipes created by

    our church members. If you

    didnt pre-order a cook-

    book, well have a limited

    supply of additional copies

    available for sale for $15


    We do need your help toWe do need your help toWe do need your help toWe do need your help to

    make this a tasty successmake this a tasty successmake this a tasty successmake this a tasty success

    for those of you who

    submitted recipes to

    Continued on page 2

    St. Martin of ToursSt. Martin of ToursSt. Martin of ToursSt. Martin of Tours

    (compiled from various reports)

    Martin was born in 316 in

    (what is now) Hungary. He

    reluctantly became a soldierat an early age and served

    in the Roman army. One

    cold day he met a scantily

    clad man along the side of

    the road. He instinctively cut

    his coat in half and shared it

    with the beggar. That night,

    he dreamed of Jesus wear-

    ing the cloak he had given

    away. Martin was later jailed

    for refusing to fight and was

    eventually discharged from

    the army. He went on to be

    baptized at the age of 18

    and in 371, he became

    Bishop of Tours. He died in

    (what is now) Central France

    in 397. Continued on page 2

    P. 2 Stewardship, cont.

    Tasting party, cont.

    Flower fund

    P. 3 Fr. Jon:

    All Saints Day

    Christmas dinner

    P. 4 UTO

    Cancer Awareness

    Meal Ministry

    P. 5 Rev. Emily:

    Flutes at the 5:05

    St. Francis Day pics

    P. 6 Vestry Nominations

    Greeter Ministry

    Thanksgiving Food


    P. 7 New Staff:

    Pastoral Asst.

    Sunday Sexton

    P. 8 Mary & Martha

    Book Club

    Advent Quiet


    Cookie Exchange

    P. 9 Clay: Music Notes

    P. 10 World Food Day

    Nov. youth events

    Job opening:

    Youth Director

    P. 11 Sunday school news

    Sunday adult classes

    Womens Bible Study

    P. 12 St. Martins

    Scholarship winner

    P. 13 Nov. birthdays


    staff schedules

    P. 14 Nov. lay ministry


    P. 15 Nov. calendar

    P. 16 Diocesan Convention

  • 7/31/2019 St. Martin's Episcopal Church Messages Newsletter - November 2012


    Page 2M E S S A G E S

    include in the cookbook, we would like for you to cook

    one or two and bring them to the party. As this is a Cook-

    book Tasting Party, we hope to have many cookbook

    recipes available for sampling. If you forgot which of your

    amazing recipes you submitted, please contact Michelle

    Trieschmann ([email protected] or 636-821-

    3140) and she will be able to get you the information.

    To facilitate the planning process, please

    let Michelle know which dish you plan to


    Mark this event on your calendar and plan

    to come taste your way through the cookbook, pick one

    up (or two or three ), and enjoy fellowship with your

    church family to celebrate the Feast of St. Martin!

    R E C I P E T A S T I N G P A R T Y , C O N T I N U E D F R O M P A G E 1

    S T E W A R D S H I P , C O N T I N U E D F R O M P A G E 1

    that we are provided more than enough

    to accomplish our vocation of being

    blessings to each other in Gods image

    and name.

    While I consider myself to be a generous

    person, I dont necessarily think of

    myself as a risk taker. After all, Im a

    hope for the best but plan for the

    worst kind of guy and I generally dont

    take risks where I dont have a Plan B.

    The writer suggests that I change this

    when it comes to generosity. After all,

    God has our backside we are

    provided more than enough..., so how

    much risk are we really being asked to


    The writer also suggests that our

    vocation is to be a blessing to each

    other. I certainly sense these blessings

    at St. Martins through the presence of

    outstanding clergy and staff, and you,

    my fellow parishioners. And I think I am

    being called to be a blessing to you,

    certainly through my relationships, but

    also through my giving of time, talent,

    and treasure to sustain and enhance

    the ministries of St. Martins.

    Pledge materials have been mailed to

    you and you are being asked to make a

    commitment of financial support for

    St. Martins in 2013. Please join me in

    giving prayerful consideration to your

    financial pledge for 2013, complete

    your pledge card, and bring it to church

    for the in-gathering on November 11.

    As you consider your 2013 Pledge, I

    invite you to give generously out of

    gratitude for the abundance of

    blessings from God. I also invite you to

    take a risk and help carry out your

    vocation to bless others by helping to

    sustain and further the ministries of St.


    Nov. 4:Nov. 4:Nov. 4:Nov. 4:

    Stewardship ForumStewardship ForumStewardship ForumStewardship Forum

    9 a.m.9 a.m.9 a.m.9 a.m. ---- Park HallPark HallPark HallPark Hall

    The Impossible Self as

    Steward video from noted

    theologian & author

    Walter Brueggemann, followed

    by small-group discussion

    Nov. 4:Nov. 4:Nov. 4:Nov. 4:

    Vestry MembersVestry MembersVestry MembersVestry Members

    Present Their Pledge CardsPresent Their Pledge CardsPresent Their Pledge CardsPresent Their Pledge Cards

    at both services

    Nov. 11:Nov. 11:Nov. 11:Nov. 11:

    AllAllAllAll----parish Pledge Cardparish Pledge Cardparish Pledge Cardparish Pledge Card


    at both services

    S A Y I T W I T H F L O W E R S

    By Janet Theiss, Parish Administrator

    The Flower Fund provides flowers on the altar through-

    out the year. By making a donation to this fund, you have

    an opportunity to honor or remember loved ones.

    There is a new Flower Chart for 2013 on the wall next to

    the tract rack in the narthex. Sign up for the week(s) you

    want to sponsor and well send you a reminder letter the

    month before your selected date. Fill out the form in

    that letter and return it with your tax-deductible

    donation of $30 to the church office or drop it into the

    collection plate. If you sign up in the same month as the

    date you choose, you will not receive a letter and should

    submit your payment and dedication as soon as


  • 7/31/2019 St. Martin's Episcopal Church Messages Newsletter - November 2012


  • 7/31/2019 St. Martin's Episcopal Church Messages Newsletter - November 2012


    Page 4M E S S A G E S

    By Laurie Ann Flory

    Thank you Saint Martins for your fall

    United Thank Offering contribution of


    The United Thank Offering, or UTO, isa year-round contribution effort with

    two in-gatherings, or collections, per

    year. These monetary gifts are used

    to help others. Every coin dropped in

    a Blue Box is used to support

    grants for missions and ministry of

    both domestic and international


    November is the month of

    Thanksgiving. When I think of the

    importance of the holiday, one

    particular Thanksgiving comes to

    mind. My 9-year-old cousin had

    made a small loaf of bread to share

    at Thanksgiving dinner as an assign-

    ment with her school. We were each

    to take a tiny piece of that small loaf

    and say out loud something for

    which we were thankful. How power-

    ful those words of thanksgiving

    were! Those words reminded me of

    the greater gifts

    that had been given

    to me. That small

    loaf of bread is not

    unlike a Blue Box.

    Although the next UTO in-gathering

    is in the Spring, please take home

    another Blue Box this month of

    Thanksgiving. Use the opportunity to

    express your thanks and to be a part

    of the mission and ministry of the


    B E I N G T H A N K F U L W I T H U T O

    T A K E T H E M A M E A L

    By Leanne Lyle

    Can you relate to the following


    You're involved, have an active, busy

    life when something changes your

    ability to do your normal daily

    activities. Something like.... provide a

    meal for yourself or your family due

    to an expected (or unexpected) event

    happening in your life. This could

    include a birth, an operation, illness,

    accident, even a death.

    It's during those times that we find

    we need to depend on family and

    friends. The Pastoral Team, which

    coordinates service requests, and

    some members of your St. Martin's

    family are meal-prep volunteers who

    use a web-based program available

    to assist you - on demand. It's called

    TAKE THEM A MEAL and all you

    need to do to get help is to ask.

    Currently you can relay your needs

    to the office staff, clergy or the

    Pastoral Team.We currently have 40 meal-prep

    volunteers participating in planning,

    preparing and delivering meals for

    folks who need them, but we NEED

    more. We have been doing this

    in-reach ministry for about a year,

    and it has been VERY well received

    by several members of our

    St. Martin's family. If YOU would like

    to be part of this wonderful service

    just contact Leanne Lyle at

    [email protected]@[email protected] or call (636)

    532-0794 and we'll add your name

    to the list of meal-service

    volunteers. You only sign up for

    meals-prep when you are available

    and can to do it, so obviously the

    more people we have, the more we

    can distribute the workload without

    imposing too much on each

    member. Volunteers get as much

    satisfaction from their gifts of time

    and talent as those who receive

    these gifts.

    S U P P O R T I N G C A N C E R A W A R E N E S S

    By Beverly Kinkade

    Long-time St. Martins choir member and soprano

    soloist Beverly Kinkade has completed a CD entitled

    Beverly Sings Songs We Love which includes some of

    St. Martins favorite songs. Proceeds from the CD are

    being donated to St. Louis Ovarian Cancer Awareness.

    To learn more about the project

    or purchase a copy of the CD,

    contact Beverly at

    [email protected]@[email protected] or

    St. Louis Ovarian Cancer

    Awareness at

  • 7/31/2019 St. Martin's Episcopal Church Messages Newsletter - November 2012


    By the Rev. Emily Hillquist Davis, Assisting Priest

    Fewer words. More music. Sound good? Im

    working with a friend, meditation musicianLura Koch, to offer worship that integrates

    special music and a taste of prayer from

    different cultures connected with the music.

    Every couple months the 5:05 Saturday

    evening Alternative Worship and Holy

    Eucharist will feature meditation music from

    very different instruments. (Lura plays these

    flutes, Tibetan prayer bowls, recorders,

    harps, the Indian Shruti box, and who knows

    what else!)

    The 5o5 will continue to be gospel-focused, and we will

    use the perspective of the musical culture to let the

    Gospel illumine us in new ways. Feeling weary?

    Burdened? Come as you are and soak it in. Christ will

    give you rest.

    Our first collaboration will incorporate Luras music

    selections on hand-made Native American flutes and

    prayers used in Native American ministries in theEpiscopal Church.

    Here is a beautiful tribute to Lura found on

    the website of Fallen Branch, the people

    that make her flutes: Our wonderful friend

    Lura Koch has released two magical CDs.

    We are very proud cause she uses only

    branch flutes made by us, and to tell you the

    truth, we've never thought our flutes could

    sound this good before her... We are proud

    flute makers, for sure, trying to get the best

    sound possible from each branch we are

    working on, but Lura blows us away, always

    finding the perfect sound, giving its full life tothe flute, changing us in perfect flute makers

    for a moment... Her music is clear as a mountain

    stream, pure as the evening wind. Listen to a sample of

    her music at

    If YOU are of Native American heritage or have a favoriteIf YOU are of Native American heritage or have a favoriteIf YOU are of Native American heritage or have a favoriteIf YOU are of Native American heritage or have a favorite

    Native American prayer or poem or story or other inspira-Native American prayer or poem or story or other inspira-Native American prayer or poem or story or other inspira-Native American prayer or poem or story or other inspira-

    tion, please share with metion, please share with metion, please share with metion, please share with me ([email protected]@[email protected]

    or 314-560-6731). I love to collaborate!

    Yours looking forward in Christ,


    N A T I V E A M E R I C A N F L U T E S F E A T U R E D O N N O V E M B E R 1 0

    Page 5N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2

    Rev. Emily leads the 5:05

    alternative worship service

    each Saturday evening.

    Contact Emily at

    [email protected].

    New flavors for the 5:05 Come, soak in the music

    C E L E B R A T I N G S T . F R A N C I S D A Y

    St. Francis is remembered for his kindness and caring for all of

    Gods creation. On Sunday, Oct. 7, St. Martins honored St. Francis

    with our annual Blessing of the Animals during the 10:15 a.m.

    worship service. Although chilly temperatures kept us inside, all

    creatures great and small enjoyed the event! (See more pictures

    from the day on our website:

  • 7/31/2019 St. Martin's Episcopal Church Messages Newsletter - November 2012


    T H A N K S G I V I N G F O O D D R I V E H E L P S O U R N E I G H B O R S I N N E E D

    By Alice McLaughlin

    Circle of Concern needs our help collecting foodfor Thanksgiving. Holiday food items are always

    welcome. Please see the recommended holiday

    shopping list. All food should be returned toAll food should be returned toAll food should be returned toAll food should be returned to

    St. Martin's by November 11St. Martin's by November 11St. Martin's by November 11St. Martin's by November 11 so there will be time to

    distribute it before Thanksgiving. And monetary donations

    are always welcome to buy perishable food. Please make

    sure that the memo line says "Circle of Concern

    Thanksgiving Collection." Thanks for your generosity.

    By Steve Young, Senior WardenThe search is on for members who would like to help

    guide the affairs of our church for the next three years.

    The vestry nominating committee is now accepting

    applications for elections at our January 27 AnnualMeeting.

    The Vestry is a ministry that exercises leadership by

    example and participates in both the business life andandandand

    the spiritual life of the parish. Vestry members help

    discern, establish, implement and evaluate policies and

    procedures for our parish that support our mission as a

    beacon of Christs love, sprit fed, serving others. We

    welcome and thrive on diversity in background, skills and

    experience and many different qualifications may makea person an excellent candidate.

    The vestry meets once each month and each member

    is assigned liaison responsibilities for various ministries

    within our parish. There are 12 members on the vestry

    and they each serve three-year terms. Members are

    elected on a rotating basis providing for four open

    positions open this year.

    The vestry nominating committee relies on the

    congregation to nominate members for these positions.

    To serve as a vestry member you must be confirmed or

    received in the Episcopal Church, attend worship

    regularly, be an active participant in the life of our

    church and be 18 years old. If you or someone you

    know would like to be considered for a vestry position,

    please contact Steve Young at [email protected]@[email protected]

    N O M I N A T I N G N E W V E S T R Y M E M B E R S

    Holiday Shopping for Circle of ConcernHoliday Shopping for Circle of ConcernHoliday Shopping for Circle of ConcernHoliday Shopping for Circle of Concern

    box of stuffing mix muffin mix canned yams can of pumpkin

    pie fillings evaporated milk non-refrigerated pie shells

    canned cranberry sauce can of turkey gravy flour sugar

    chocolate chips spices canned fruit

    cake mixes and frosting disposable cooking pans

    Page 6M E S S A G E S

    By Lee Iselin

    "Welcome one another, therefore,

    just as Christ has welcomed you,

    for the glory of God."

    (Romans 15:7)

    The friendly smiles at the doors of

    St. Martins are the Greeters. We

    are a group of devoted members

    who graciously come to church 20

    minutes early and remain after the

    service to greet our parishioners

    and visitors.

    We will have a one-hour training and

    refresher session for all current

    Greeters, new Greeters and any who

    might be interested in the Greeting

    Ministry on Sunday, Nov. 18Sunday, Nov. 18Sunday, Nov. 18Sunday, Nov. 18 follow-

    ing the 10:15 worship service.

    The Greeter Ministry is a proactive

    program designed to warmly

    welcome our guests and visitors,

    respond to their needs, and assist

    them in their journey. We hope to

    identify and make initial contact with

    guests and visitors to create a

    welcoming first impression.

    G R E E T E R M I N I S T R Y W E L C O M E S N E W C O M E R S T O S T . M A R T I N S

    Rich Luebcke, Adele Niblack and Lee Iselin

    greeted visitors at this falls Ministry Fair.

  • 7/31/2019 St. Martin's Episcopal Church Messages Newsletter - November 2012


    Ohio before taking on

    the responsibility of

    an interim rector in

    Ohio and RhodeIsland prior to


    My spouse Nancy and

    I have two grown sons.

    One of them is married and lives

    here. We are now grandparents.

    Nancy is a volunteer at the Missouri

    Botanical Gardens, a retired CPA,

    and has been an active member ofthe St. Martins Book Club. I

    continue to serve as a trustee of

    Bexley Hall Seminary and volunteer

    in the library for the archivist at the

    Museum of Transport.

    Some of my anticipated responsibili-

    ties for assisting your rector will, I

    suspect, evolve as Jon and I work

    together in the area of pastoral care,

    offering study groups or learning

    opportunities, sharing in worship

    leadership and perhaps other areas.

    Every member of St. Martins, of

    By the Rev. Stephen Bergmann

    Father Jon Hall has asked me to say

    a word or two about myself. I am

    Stephen Bergmann and your Rector

    has invited me to serve as a

    Pastoral Assistant at St. Martins

    beginning November 1.

    I have been working in this same

    capacity at St. Peters Episcopal

    Church in Ladue since returning to

    the St. Louis area six years ago

    when I retired from full time parish


    I am a native of St. Louis growing up

    in Webster Groves and West County.

    I graduated from Drury University in

    Springfield. Next followed three

    years of theological education at

    Bexley Hall at Kenyon College in

    Gambier, Ohio. I was ordained in

    1968 by the then Bishop of Missouri

    George Cadigan. First I served as an

    assistant in Columbus, Ohio, before

    returning to Missouri where I was

    rector of Christ Church in Cape

    Girardeau. After this I was a rector in

    Indianapolis, West Missouri and

    M E E T O U R N E W P A S T O R A L A S S I S T A N T

    course, is called to a min-

    istry because of his or her

    baptism. Opportunities for

    ministry and service occurwherever and whenever

    we have the opportunity to

    embody something of

    Jesus Christ in our daily life

    and work. Ministry is our affirmative

    response to be a channel of Gods

    reconciling love as members of

    Christs Body. And ministry, lest we

    forget, is neither yours, nor mine but

    belongs to Jesus Christ for whom we

    serve as stewards.

    I have met some of you on those

    occasions when I have substituted

    on Sundays at St. Martins though I

    anticipate it will take a good length

    of time for me to put names with

    faces. Please feel comfortable in

    calling me Stephen though if there

    is some occasion calling for

    formality then Father Bergmann or

    Father Stephen is just fine.

    Page 7N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2

    Contact the Rev. Stephen

    Bergmann at

    [email protected]

    M E E T O U R N E W S U N D A Y S E X T O N

    Patrick Nelson is our new go-to guy

    on Sunday mornings. He will be

    working from 7 a.m. till 1 p.m. eachweek. His responsibilities include

    preparing and cleaning up our parish

    hall for coffee hour and special

    classes and events.

    Patrick grew up in Los Angeles,

    where his parents were both police

    officers. His family moved to the

    St. Louis area in 1992.

    Patrick is married to Chen Nelson,

    who works in our nursery each

    Sunday morning. The couple has a

    15-year old son, Ming, who attends

    Lafayette High School.

    Youll usually find Patrick around the

    kitchen area on Sunday mornings

    be sure to stop by and introduce

    yourself to our newest employee!

  • 7/31/2019 St. Martin's Episcopal Church Messages Newsletter - November 2012


    Page 8M E S S A G E S

    by Phyllis Duff

    Mary and Martha Guild extends an invitation to

    the congregation to be a part of a special

    program by Bill Roth. Bill spent several months

    in China as a Missionary Assistant and will

    share stories and pictures with us. All are welcome to

    join us at 10 a.m. on November 14 in Park Hall. Bring a

    sack lunch. Dessert and beverages will be

    provided. Call Phyllis Duff (532-5931) with questions orto RSVP.

    Obtain a copy of the book and come join the discussion

    for newcomers are always welcome. Please note the

    change of date to the first Tuesday in December.

    Plan to join the group with one of these monthly


    January 22, 2013January 22, 2013January 22, 2013January 22, 2013 - Take This Bread: A Radical ConversionTake This Bread: A Radical ConversionTake This Bread: A Radical ConversionTake This Bread: A Radical Conversionby Sara Miles

    February 26February 26February 26February 26 - Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, MedicineDestiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, MedicineDestiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, MedicineDestiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine

    and the Murder of a Presidentand the Murder of a Presidentand the Murder of a Presidentand the Murder of a President by Candice Millard

    March 26March 26March 26March 26 - State of Wonder: A NovelState of Wonder: A NovelState of Wonder: A NovelState of Wonder: A Novel by Ann Patchett

    April 23April 23April 23April 23 - Defending Jacob: A NovelDefending Jacob: A NovelDefending Jacob: A NovelDefending Jacob: A Novel by William Landay

    By Ruby Downs

    Book Club meets on Tuesday, Dec. 4Tuesday, Dec. 4Tuesday, Dec. 4Tuesday, Dec. 4 from

    7 till 8:30 p.m. in Packwood Library to

    discuss Saving CeeCee Honeycutt: ASaving CeeCee Honeycutt: ASaving CeeCee Honeycutt: ASaving CeeCee Honeycutt: A

    NovelNovelNovelNovel by Beth Hoffman. The story is about

    12-year CeeCee and her eccentric great-aunt

    who comes to take care of her after

    CeeCees psychotic mother dies. Critics call the book

    laugh-out-loud funny and deeply touching. Kristin

    Hannah says the book is, "packed full of Southern

    charm, strong women, wacky humor, and good old-

    fashioned heart."

    M A R Y & M A R T H A G U I L D E X P L O R E S C H I N A

    S O U T H E R N C H A R M F E A T U R E D I N N O V E M B E R B O O K C L U B

    A D V E N T Q U I E T M O R N I N G O F F E R S R E F L E C T I O N O N T H E M A G N I F I C A T

    By the Rev. Emily Hillquist Davis, Assisting Priest

    St. Martins is teaming up with

    Confluence: A Center for Spirituality andSt. Matthews Episcopal Church to offer an

    opportunity to help you stay spiritually

    grounded during the hectic season leading

    up to Christmas.

    Our Advent Quiet Morning will be Saturday, Dec. 1 fromSaturday, Dec. 1 fromSaturday, Dec. 1 fromSaturday, Dec. 1 from

    9 a.m. till 1 p.m. at St. Matthews Episcopal Church9 a.m. till 1 p.m. at St. Matthews Episcopal Church9 a.m. till 1 p.m. at St. Matthews Episcopal Church9 a.m. till 1 p.m. at St. Matthews Episcopal Church in

    St. Louis. The Rev. Susan Skinner, musician Lura Koch

    and I will provide soul-stirring music, encouragement,

    self-examination, centering, worship and Holy

    Communion. Well reflect on the Magnificat, Marys

    Song in the Gospel of Luke celebrating the

    transformative power of Gods blessing.

    The cost of the event is $25 per person, which

    includes live music, continental breakfast and snacks.

    Please register with Rev. Emily at

    [email protected]@[email protected] and send your check to

    St. Martins Episcopal Church (memo: Advent Retreat).

    This retreat is open to all.

    E C W C H R I S T M A S C O O K I E E X C H A N G EE C W C H R I S T M A S C O O K I E E X C H A N G EE C W C H R I S T M A S C O O K I E E X C H A N G EE C W C H R I S T M A S C O O K I E E X C H A N G E

    exchange, also bring a wrapped gift valued at $10 or

    less. All women of the church and their friends and

    family are welcome, but please RSVP to Stephanie

    Wiles. Join us for a delicious evening!

    ECW Calendar Notes:ECW Calendar Notes:ECW Calendar Notes:ECW Calendar Notes: Nov. 11 Cookbook distribution

    No ECW Meeting in November(come to the Cookie Party, instead!)

    By Ann Kidd

    Please join the Episcopal Church Women for

    our annual cookie exchange on Thursday,

    Dec. 13. This year Stephanie Wiles will host the

    event at her house starting at 7 p.m.

    Please bring three dozen cookies to share plus a

    container to take cookies home for yourself. If you would

    like to participate in a "Rob Your Neighbor" gift

  • 7/31/2019 St. Martin's Episcopal Church Messages Newsletter - November 2012


    Page 9N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2

    By Clay McKinney, Music Director

    Why do I perform music? More importantly, why do I

    worship with music? I believe mostly it is because I am

    thankful. Music is such a great thing. I love music. I

    know I am not supposed to say it quite so secularly, so

    humanistic like. But I cant help it. Music is great. I love

    it. I guess this is why I belong in church, to remind me

    from where it comes.

    So what next? Is there really any need to do or say more

    besides that? Music is great. I love it. And yet, there is a

    subtle gnawing at the end of the day. Its like that itch

    at the tip of your nose, or that dessert you are waiting

    on with a full stomach that you kind of want, or being

    just a little bit thirsty. Things so subtle and ignorablethat it is a curiosity why you ever came to want to do

    something about them. And then your senses are

    quenched in a wave of enumerable pleasure and you

    realize you were missing something altogether

    inexplicable. You were missing something great and you

    didnt even know you were missing it.

    And so you go back. You go back and you keep goingback to claim your place at the table that inexplicably

    quenches that thirst. Whether for ourselves or others,

    we claim things in all sorts of ways by helping things

    grow, placing our stake in the world around us, voting,

    buying, vocation, the list goes on and on. Sometimes

    you are lucky and go to claim with a thankful heart, with

    a heart of deep gratitude. I consider myself lucky, that

    among many ways, music is one way I am allowed to

    claim my place in Gods kingdom.

    After all, Christ was first and

    claimed me in this way, I am really

    just responding. I am really just

    giving back something that was

    already there to begin with, just

    helping line up a few pieces.

    Maybe music does it for you, too.

    If so, great we would love to

    have you. Or perhaps there is

    something else, some other

    somethingthat is calling you to

    help make your claim as a

    stakeholder in this thing we call church.

    I know for me its not just the playing, its all the things

    that go with it. Its the being with people, the rehears-

    ing, the planning of worship and the picking out of

    music. On All Saints Sunday (Nov. 4) the youth will be

    giving a musical offering to go with the liturgy that day.

    They have a few special selections that are going to be

    sincere and meaningful, picking that out with them has

    been great. Also on All Saints we will hear the

    traditional folk melody Poor Wayfaring Stranger that

    speaks of crossing over into that land of Jordan, into

    that bright world to roam no more, a fitting text for All

    Saints Sunday. On St. Martins Sunday (Nov. 11) we will

    hear the anthem, To Be A Servant. Part of the text is

    For I have come not to be served but to serve., it is

    inspired by the Gospel reading from October 21. I read

    somewhere that St. Martin once refused to be served

    by a servant. I love these connections and I especially

    love making them with music. For the rest of Novemberwe will just have to see. This is a wonderful adventure

    that I love and am proud to be a part of it.

    However it is that you claim your place in the church, I

    hope that it blossoms in this coming season and that

    you find in it great joy.

    Peace +


    C L A I M I N G 0 U R P L A C E I N G O D S K I N G D O M

    Contact Music Director

    Clay McKinney at


    Clay plays the guitar while choir members (l-r) Mary Edmonson,

    Robin Ragsdale, Doug Edmonson and Kurt Greenbaum sing during

    our St. Francis Day worship service on Oct. 7.

  • 7/31/2019 St. Martin's Episcopal Church Messages Newsletter - November 2012


    Information compiled from Page Anderson,

    St. Peters Youth Minister Greg Knight and

    the St. Louis World Food Day organization

    Five youth members from

    St. Martins were part of a West

    County Episcopal Youth Group to

    participate in St. Louis World Food

    Day on October 12.

    Kyle Andersen, Abby Trieschmann,

    Walker Trieschmann, Joseph Gioia

    and Hope Cupini joined 14 other

    students from St. Timothys,

    St. Peters and Good Shepherd to

    pack bags of dried vegetables, soy

    protein and rice. The packages were

    then boxed and eventually shipped

    to places of need. The event was

    held at John Burroughs High School

    in Ladue.

    World Food Day is a global day of

    awareness to commemorate

    the anniversary of the

    founding United Nations Food and

    Agriculture Organization. St. Louis

    World Food Day is dedicated

    to increasing awareness and under-

    standing of the challenge of global

    malnutrition and by taking immedi-

    ate action to provide immediate

    hunger relief for a community

    in Tanzania facing critical food


    We are happy to let you know that

    we not only met our packaging goal

    of 200,000 meals, we blew right

    past it! reported event organizers

    Mary Beth, Allen & Donald Soffer. A

    grand total of 249,912 meals was

    assembled thanks to the hard work

    of over 1,500 volunteers of all ages,

    from all walks of life, who came

    together to work side-by-side at this

    local event with a huge international


    After working the last shift of the

    evening, our West County Youth

    Group headed to St. Peters for a

    haunted lock-in. The kids had a

    candlelight compline service, played

    games, decorated pumpkins and

    played a variation of Grog with

    werewolves. They also found time to

    watch the Cardinals beat theWashington Nationals for the division


    Page 10M E S S A G E S

    S T . M A R T I N S Y O U T H H E L P M A K E W O R L D F O O D D A Y A S U C C E S S

    N O V E M B E R Y O U T H E V E N T S

    All students in 6th through 12th grade are invited to

    participate in our youth group events. Heres a look at

    whats scheduled for November:

    Saturday, Nov. 3, 12Saturday, Nov. 3, 12Saturday, Nov. 3, 12Saturday, Nov. 3, 12 ---- 3 p.m.3 p.m.3 p.m.3 p.m.

    Service Project at the Fountains Senior HomeService Project at the Fountains Senior HomeService Project at the Fountains Senior HomeService Project at the Fountains Senior Home

    Sunday, Nov. 11, 5:30Sunday, Nov. 11, 5:30Sunday, Nov. 11, 5:30Sunday, Nov. 11, 5:30 ---- 7:30 p.m.7:30 p.m.7:30 p.m.7:30 p.m.

    The Rock youth gathering at St. MartinsThe Rock youth gathering at St. MartinsThe Rock youth gathering at St. MartinsThe Rock youth gathering at St. Martins

    Saturday, Nov. 17, 7Saturday, Nov. 17, 7Saturday, Nov. 17, 7Saturday, Nov. 17, 7 ---- 10 p.m.10 p.m.10 p.m.10 p.m.

    Adrenaline Zone / West County Episcopal Youth GroupAdrenaline Zone / West County Episcopal Youth GroupAdrenaline Zone / West County Episcopal Youth GroupAdrenaline Zone / West County Episcopal Youth Group

    If you would like to help with any of these youth events,

    please contact Fr. Jon Hall ([email protected]@[email protected]

    Photos courtesy of St. Peters Episcopal Church

    E M P L O Y M E N T O P P O R T U N I T Y :

    D I R E C T O R O F Y O U T H M I N I S T R Y

    St. Martins Episcopal Church is currently

    searching for a Director of Youth Ministry. This

    part-time position will organize events for Jr.

    and Sr. High youth including fellowship gatherings,

    service projects, Christian formation (Sunday School

    and Confirmation) and worship opportunities. Read thecomplete job description, including hours, salary and

    benefits, on our website at

    Please help us spread the word about this wonderful

    opportunity to work with our great kids at St. Martins. If

    you or anyone you know is interested in applying for this

    position, please contact the Rev. Jon Hall

    ([email protected]@[email protected]

  • 7/31/2019 St. Martin's Episcopal Church Messages Newsletter - November 2012


    Page 11N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2

    S U N D A Y M O R N I N G A D U L T C L A S S E S

    Stewardship ForumStewardship ForumStewardship ForumStewardship Forum

    Sunday, Nov. 4 / 9Sunday, Nov. 4 / 9Sunday, Nov. 4 / 9Sunday, Nov. 4 / 9 10 a.m. in Park Hall10 a.m. in Park Hall10 a.m. in Park Hall10 a.m. in Park Hall

    By Janis Greenbaum

    Are you tired of the constantly talking about money

    during stewardship season? Come and hear what

    noted theologian Walter Brueggemann has to say about

    stewardship it may change your thoughts and actions.

    Well watch a video and engage in small group

    discussion as you prayerfully consider your stewardship

    for 2013.

    KISSKISSKISSKISS Keeping Scripture SimpleKeeping Scripture SimpleKeeping Scripture SimpleKeeping Scripture Simple

    Sunday, Nov. 11, 18, 25 / 9Sunday, Nov. 11, 18, 25 / 9Sunday, Nov. 11, 18, 25 / 9Sunday, Nov. 11, 18, 25 / 9 10 a.m.10 a.m.10 a.m.10 a.m.Packwood LibraryPackwood LibraryPackwood LibraryPackwood Library

    By Carole Clary

    November marks the last weeks of Ordinary Time in

    Lectionary Cycle B, the Gospel of Mark. Keeping

    Scripture Simple (KISS) meets on Sunday mornings

    between services to discuss and digest the weeks

    Gospel readings. All are invited to be a part of our

    faithful discussions.

    Getting to know Rev. EmilyGetting to know Rev. EmilyGetting to know Rev. EmilyGetting to know Rev. Emily

    Sunday, Nov. 25 / 9Sunday, Nov. 25 / 9Sunday, Nov. 25 / 9Sunday, Nov. 25 / 9 10 a.m. in Park Hall10 a.m. in Park Hall10 a.m. in Park Hall10 a.m. in Park Hall

    By the Rev. Emily Hillquist Davis

    November 25 is Christ the King Sunday, New Year's Eve

    of the church year, as Advent begins the following

    Sunday. Father Jon will be away, and I'll be celebrating

    Eucharist and preaching at both Sunday services. Also, I

    get to share with you during Adult Forum on that day. I

    will tell you a bit about alternative worship, who I am and

    how I came to be here and at St. Thomas Deaf Church,

    my passion for Magdalene St. Louis to help women get

    off drugs and off the streets and whatever you may want

    to know.

    Can't wait! ~emily+

    S U N D A Y S C H O O L N E W S

    by Kay Fletcher

    Sunday mornings are buzzing in St. Martins Sunday

    school classrooms. Children participate in drama, Godly

    Play and music lessons. They learn about Bible stories

    and sacraments like the Holy Eucharist and Baptism.

    They meet new friends, create fabulous works of art

    and share in the life of our parish. All children are

    welcome to be a part of the faithful fun each Sunday

    from 9 till 10 a.m.

    Our next Music Sunday will be November 4 the kids

    will learn a song in their classes and sing for the

    congregation during the 10:15 service. Please note:

    there will be no Sunday school classes on November 25.

    D O Y O U K N O W . . . ?

    By Virginia Noel

    . . . that Jesus knew the books that are included in our

    Apocrypha? Do you know that the Bible of the writers

    of the New Testament also included these same books?

    Do you know that the books in the Apocrypha were

    included in the Christian Bible up until the 16th century

    when Martin Luther took them out and put them in an


    The Womens Bible Study is enjoying

    reading these interesting books. Come

    join us on Tuesday mornings at 10 a.m.

    in Packwood Library as we continue to

    read the books in the Apocrypha. New learners and

    newcomers are always welcomed. (Note: We will not

    meetonNovember 20.)

    Sunday school kids sang The Butterfly Song during our St. Francis

    Day service on Oct. 7.

  • 7/31/2019 St. Martin's Episcopal Church Messages Newsletter - November 2012


    C A T C H I N G U P W I T H S T . M A R T I N S S C H O L A R S H I P W I N N E R

    Page 12M E S S A G E S

    By Carole Clary

    I have had a great first couple of months of school, and I

    look forward to continuing my studies and getting my

    degree. I would also like the St. Martins congregation to

    know how thankful I am for my scholarship. I really could

    not have attended such a fine university like TU without

    it. Noah Edwin Omie Roberts, 2012

    St. Martins 2012 college scholarship winner Noah

    Roberts is on an academic mission to prepare himself to

    become a Petroleum Landman. He is a freshman at the

    University of Tulsa, majoring in Energy Management. He

    is excited about getting a future job in a unique field

    where responsibilities will include negotiating for

    acquisition or investiture of mineral rights and providing

    for exploration and development of minerals, managing

    obligations derived from ownership of interests and

    maintaining and negotiating oil resources. Noah feels he

    will have excellent job opportunities available to him

    when he gets his degree not only in the petroleum

    industry but also in fields of telecommunications,

    mining, power and transportation.

    He chose to attend TU because of its location in the

    heart of oil country and its high academic reputation.

    The University of Tulsa is a good fit according to Noah.

    He especially likes the opportunity he has as an

    incoming freshman to be paired with a junior in Energy

    Management who coaches him on preparing his resume

    to submit for a summer internship in the oil industry.

    Noah graduated from Westminster Christian Academy in

    Town and County. In high school he was elected as both

    freshman and sophomore class president and during his

    junior and senior years served as a mentor for middle

    school boys. He graduated with a 3.8 GPA and received

    a 33 on the ACT.

    He has joined Kappa Alpha Order social fraternity and is

    a member of the Reformed University Fellowship, the

    campus ministry organization of the Presbyterian

    Church. This semester he has found time to do volunteer

    work rehabbing houses in Joplin. When not studying, he

    enjoys working with computers and exploring innovations

    in technology. He frequently plays pick-up basketball at

    the gym on campus and loves to play golf and listen to

    music. His favorite musical groups areAvett Brothers, a

    North Carolina rock band, and Mumford and Sons, aBritish folk rock group.

    Noah comes from a West County family with strong

    Christian values. He is the youngest of four children.

    His father, John, is assistant pastor at Covenant

    Presbyterian Church and is the Head Master at

    Covenant Christian School. His mother, Julie, is a

    para-teacher at Westminster working in the Learning

    Center with students who need special attention. His

    oldest sister, Johanna, teaches 5th

    and 6th

    grades atCentral Christian School. His brother Sam is a CPA. His

    sister Marta is a junior at the University of Missouri in

    Columbia studying social work.

    About the scholarship programAbout the scholarship programAbout the scholarship programAbout the scholarship program

    St. Martins, in partnership with Circle of Concern, has

    been awarding a college scholarship to a deserving

    West County student for eleven years. Although many

    area churches contribute monies for Circle of Concern

    academic scholarships, St. Martins has the onlynamed scholarship.

    To be eligible for a Circle of Concern/St. Martins

    scholarship a student must live or attend school in

    western St. Louis County. Competition is open to

    graduating high school seniors from low and moderate

    income families. Dana Griggs, St. Martins Outreach

    chairperson says that while need is a high priority, it is

    not required that an applicant be a member of a family

    eligible for Circle of Concern services. Dana says thatgenerally the selection committee looks for candidates

    who want to excel and just need an extra boost.

    Grants range from $500 to several thousand dollars.

    St. Martins awarded Noah Roberts $3,000. Circle of

    Concern expects to award $50,000 in scholarships this

    year. The grants can be used for trade schools,

    community colleges or four-year colleges and

    universities. Students in both public and religious

    schools are eligible.

  • 7/31/2019 St. Martin's Episcopal Church Messages Newsletter - November 2012


    St. Martins Messages Newsletter is published monthly. If you have news or

    information to be included in our church communications, please submit it to

    [email protected]@[email protected]

    Nov. 1 June Edwards, Bennett Carron

    Nov. 2 Margaret Eidson, Sally Warren

    Nov. 4 Brenda Finch, Natalie Pfremmer

    Nov. 5 Carl Nethers, Chuck Laney,Randy Baumann

    Nov. 6 Ralph Trieschmann

    Nov. 7 Scott Underwood, Susan Merchak

    Nov. 9 John Bennett

    Nov. 11 Yvette Bellingan-Wilbur

    Nov. 12 Dee Robinson

    Nov. 13 Bob Bennett, Jr., Ryane Little,

    Kent Montgomery

    Nov. 14 Hedy Frankenfield, Drew Ford,

    Billy Clince, Chase Bellem

    Nov. 15 Philip Ludbrook, Jeremy Brown

    Nov. 16 John Matthews, Jane Dulle,

    Ashley Aylsworth

    Nov. 17 Delos Wilbur

    Nov. 18 Steve Gillies

    Nov. 19 Ken King

    Nov. 20 Susan Schmoker

    Nov. 22 Lana Biondo, Andy Esser,

    Sam GlazerNov. 23 Sherrie Algren

    Nov. 25 Sarah Greenbaum

    Nov. 26 Chuck Batch, Bill Gamlin

    Nov. 27 Abigail Wilson

    Nov. 28 Pam Bellem, Susanne Kress

    Nov. 29 Mary Jane McElroy, Joan Voit

    Collin Willis

    Nov. 30 Steve Lyle

    N O V E M B E R B I R T H D A Y S

    The following death was reported in

    the St. Martins family in the past


    Helen Dewey, Sept. 30Helen Dewey, Sept. 30Helen Dewey, Sept. 30Helen Dewey, Sept. 30

    St. Martins Member and mother/mother-in-law

    of Bob & Mary Pomeroy.

    Page 13N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2

    W I T H S Y M P A T H Y . . .

    S T A F F H O U R S

    St. Martins office is open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. till5:30 p.m. Most of our staff members have flexible and/or part-time hours.You can always reach us through e-mail or by phone. Heres a quick look

    at how and when you can find staff members:

    Staff:Staff:Staff:Staff:The Rev. Jon Hall, RectorThe Rev. Jon Hall, RectorThe Rev. Jon Hall, RectorThe Rev. Jon Hall, Rector

    [email protected] / 636-227-1484, ext. 11

    The Rev. Emily Hillquist Davis, Assisting PriestThe Rev. Emily Hillquist Davis, Assisting PriestThe Rev. Emily Hillquist Davis, Assisting PriestThe Rev. Emily Hillquist Davis, Assisting Priest

    [email protected] / 636-227-1484, ext. 22

    The Rev. Stephen Bergmann, Pastoral AssistantThe Rev. Stephen Bergmann, Pastoral AssistantThe Rev. Stephen Bergmann, Pastoral AssistantThe Rev. Stephen Bergmann, Pastoral Assistant

    [email protected] / 636-227-1484

    Clay McKinney, Music DirectorClay McKinney, Music DirectorClay McKinney, Music DirectorClay McKinney, Music Director

    [email protected] / 636-227-1484, ext. 16

    Janet Theiss, Parish Administrator:Janet Theiss, Parish Administrator:Janet Theiss, Parish Administrator:Janet Theiss, Parish Administrator:

    [email protected] / 636-227-1484, ext. 10

    Michelle Magee, Administrative Assistant to the Clergy:Michelle Magee, Administrative Assistant to the Clergy:Michelle Magee, Administrative Assistant to the Clergy:Michelle Magee, Administrative Assistant to the Clergy:

    [email protected] / 636-227-1484, ext. 23

    Janis Greenbaum, Communications Coordinator:Janis Greenbaum, Communications Coordinator:Janis Greenbaum, Communications Coordinator:Janis Greenbaum, Communications Coordinator:

    [email protected] / 636-227-1484, ext. 18

    Tom Warrington, Sexton:Tom Warrington, Sexton:Tom Warrington, Sexton:Tom Warrington, Sexton:

    [email protected] / 636-227-1484

    Patrick Nelson, Sunday SextonPatrick Nelson, Sunday SextonPatrick Nelson, Sunday SextonPatrick Nelson, Sunday Sexton636-227-1484

    Chris Kiepper, organistChris Kiepper, organistChris Kiepper, organistChris Kiepper, organist


    Schedules:Schedules:Schedules:Schedules:Sundays:Sundays:Sundays:Sundays:Patrick 7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.Fr. Jon 8:00 a.m. - Noon

    Fr. Stephen 8:00 a.m. - Noon

    Clay 9:00 a.m. - Noon

    Chris 9:00 a.m. - Noon


    Janet 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

    Michelle 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

    Janis 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

    Rev. Emily 10:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

    Clay (flexible)

    Tom (flexible)

    Fr. Jon (flexible)

    Tuesdays:Tuesdays:Tuesdays:Tuesdays:Janet 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.Michelle 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.Janis 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

    Wednesdays:Wednesdays:Wednesdays:Wednesdays:Janet 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.Clay (flexible)

    Fr. Jon (flexible)

    Thursdays:Thursdays:Thursdays:Thursdays:Janet 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.Michelle 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.Janis 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

    Tom (flexible)Clay (flexible)

    Fr. Jon (flexible)

    Fridays:Fridays:Fridays:Fridays:Office Closed


    Rev. Emily 4:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

  • 7/31/2019 St. Martin's Episcopal Church Messages Newsletter - November 2012


    N O V E M B E R L A Y M I N I S T R Y S C H E D U L E

    Page 14M E S S A G E S

    Sunday, October 4

    Altar Guild: Mary Nell Brooke, DArcy Elsperman, Helen Murphy

    8:00 a.m.8:00 a.m.8:00 a.m.8:00 a.m.

    Greeter: Elin Cogan-Adewunmi

    Lessons & Prayers: Jeanne King

    Chalice: Rebecca Barger, Loretta Go

    Crucifer: Tom Soule

    Ushers: Maggi & Steve Brunkhorst

    10:15 a.m.10:15 a.m.10:15 a.m.10:15 a.m.

    Greeters: Nancy & Steve Young

    OT Lesson: Theresa Luebcke

    NT Lesson: John Lange

    Prayer Leader: Rich Luebcke

    Chalice: John Lange, Rich Luebcke

    Ushers: Larry Cornelius, Bob Pomeroy, Lana & Joe Biondo

    Healing Ministers: Mary Pomeroy, Bev Weaver

    Acolytes: Evan Fencl, Walker Trieschmann, Abby Trieschmann

    Childrens Worship: Julie & Jack Clark

    Eucharistic Visitors: Bev Weaver, Ray Harbert

    Sunday, October 11

    Altar Guild: Mary Nell Brooke, Sherrie Algren, Vikki Nordeen

    8:00 a.m.8:00 a.m.8:00 a.m.8:00 a.m.

    Lessons & Prayers: Bob Elsperman

    Chalice: DArcy Elsperman, Daryl NormanCrucifer: Tom Soule

    Ushers: Ginny & Bob Marchetto

    10:15 a.m.10:15 a.m.10:15 a.m.10:15 a.m.

    Greeters: Mopsi & Jack Hanley

    OT Lesson: Rina Chittooran

    NT Lesson: Jane Klieve

    Prayer Leader: Jeff Klieve

    Chalice: Jane & Jeff Klieve

    Ushers: Mary Jane Drake, Sarah Aleman, Rich Brown, Bob McElroy

    Healing Ministers: Barb McCann, Diana Hauser

    Acolytes: Lindsey Peters, Ellie Ecker, Mackenzie MorrisonChildrens Worship: Kathy Willis & Hope Cupini

    Eucharistic Visitors: Jennifer Neckermann, Leslie Pattengill

    Sunday, October 18

    Altar Guild: Ruth Minster, Diane Metzger

    8:00 a.m.8:00 a.m.8:00 a.m.8:00 a.m.

    Greeter: Elin Cogan-Adewunmi

    Lessons & Prayers: Heidi Gioia

    Chalice: Heidi Gioia, Rebecca Barger

    Crucifer: Tom Soule

    Ushers: Jan & Bob Waters

    Eucharistic Visitors: Rebecca Barger, Mary Richardson

    10:30 a.m.10:30 a.m.10:30 a.m.10:30 a.m.

    Greeters: Renee & Tim Jerry

    OT Lesson: Doug Edmonson

    NT Lesson: Tom Allen

    Prayer Leader: Mary Edmonson

    Chalice: Mary Edmonson, Tom Allen

    Ushers: Mark Edwards, Sherrie Algren, Rich Eidson, Jeff Nordeen

    Healing Ministers: Leanne Lyle, Judi Batch

    Acolytes: Abby Trieschmann, Clare Wilkins, Grace Gerretsen

    Childrens Worship: Terri Garbo & Kiki Cogan

    Sunday, October 25

    Altar Guild: Sarah Aleman, Bette Crabtree, Nancy Young

    8:00 a.m.8:00 a.m.8:00 a.m.8:00 a.m.

    Lessons & Prayers: Loretta Go

    Chalice: Loretta Go, Jim CrabtreeCrucifer: Tom Soule

    Ushers: Honor & Rich Hebenstreit

    10:15 a.m.10:15 a.m.10:15 a.m.10:15 a.m.

    Greeter: Theresa & Rich Luebcke

    OT Lesson: Maxine Heller

    NT Lesson: Judi Batch

    Prayer Leader: Chuck Batch

    Chalice: Judi & Chuck Batch

    Ushers: Steve, Gillies, Tom Baranowski, Renee & Tim Jerry

    Healing Ministers: Open

    Acolytes: Ellie Ecker, Shannon Gould, Lindsey PetersChildrens Worship: (no CW today)

    Eucharistic Visitors: Open

    If you cannot serve on an assigned date, please get a substitute and notify the church of the change. If you have any special scheduling needs, please contact:

    Readers, Chalice Bearers, Ushers, Acolytes: Bob Ecker Childrens Worship:Julie Clark

    Greeters: Rebecca Barger 636-230-7302 / [email protected] 636-458-2584 / [email protected]

    636-778-0799 / [email protected]

  • 7/31/2019 St. Martin's Episcopal Church Messages Newsletter - November 2012


    Page 15N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2

























    5 10:30am-B






    6 10am-WomensBibleStudy

    7 Noon-HolyEucharist

    8 6:30am-MensBibleStudy















    12 10:30am-B




    13 10am-WomensBibleStudy


    14 10am-Mary&MarthaGuild
























    19 10:30am-B





    21 Noon-HolyEucharist






    25 8am-HolyEucharist



    26 10:30am-B





    27 10am-WomensBibleStudy


    28 Noon-HolyEucharist

    29 6:30am-MensBibleStudy








  • 7/31/2019 St. Martin's Episcopal Church Messages Newsletter - November 2012


    15764 Clayton Road

    Ellisville, Mo., 63011-2330


    Phone: 636-227-1484

    E-mail: [email protected]

    S T . M A R T I N S

    E P I S C O P A L C H U R C H

    Visit us on the web

    Worship with us:Worship with us:Worship with us:Worship with us:

    SundaysSundaysSundaysSundays at 8 a.m. & 10:15 a.m.

    Christian Formation for all ages at 9 a.m.

    WednesdaysWednesdaysWednesdaysWednesdays at Noon

    SaturdaysSaturdaysSaturdaysSaturdays at 5:05 p.m.





    PERMIT NO. 57

    D I O C E S A N C O N V E N T I O N C O N V E N E S N O V . 1 6 & 1 7

    Reports from

    The annual meeting of the Convention of the EpiscopalDiocese of Missouri will convene Friday and Saturday,

    November 16 and 17, in Columbia, Missouri. The

    business of convention will be held at Holiday Inn

    Executive Center and worship on Friday night will be at

    Calvary Episcopal Church, 123 Ninth Street, in Columbia.

    The Diocesan Convention is made up of active clergy

    canonically resident in the Diocese and lay delegates

    elected by the congregations. The Diocesan Convention

    meets annually (or more often in special circumstances)to:

    approve the Program Budget

    hear reports on the activities of the Diocese

    vote on resolutions that set the tone and direction of

    the Diocese

    elect at-large members of the Standing Committee and

    Diocesan Council and every three years lay and clergy

    deputies to the General Convention

    of the Episcopal Church

    elect a bishop when necessary

    The Diocese of Missouri is made up

    of 44 congregations, including

    St. Martins Episcopal Church.

    According to 2012 Parochial

    Reports, there are 12,603 active members in the

    diocese. The 25 congregations in the metropolitan

    St. Louis area have approximately 78 percent of the


    The Rev. Jon Hall and the Rev. Emily Hillquist Davis will

    both be attending Convention, along with St. Martins

    lay delegates Larry Cornelius, Wayne Peters, Lincoln

    Drake, Dana Griggs and alternate Carolann Sternberg.

    Watch for reports from convention in next months

    Messages newsletter.