Download - St. Martin's Episcopal Church January 2012 Messages

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I N S I D E T H I SI S S U E :

Events:New Year’s EveCreche-festEpiphany serviceAnnual reports

Sunday forumsPrayer requests


Fr. Jon:Reflections fromconvention


SnapshotsECW news


Stewardship update

Stewardship spotlight5

Lenten Faith GroupsSunday School news


Peace MealConfirmation, cont’dYouth events


Preparing for

end-of-life issuesVestry nominations


Milestones: Birthdays

Book Club


Lay MinistrySchedule





Blood drive 12

A B E A C O N O FC H R I S T ’ S L O V E ,

S P I R I T - F E D ,


S T . M A R T I N ’ S E P I S C O PA L C H U R C HMessages

J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2S T M A R T I N S C H U R C H . O R G

My Faith, My Life: Youth ConfirmBy Heidi Gioia,Director of Youth Ministries

As The Book of Common Prayer

states, “Confirmation is the rite

in which we express a mature

commitment to Christ, and re-

ceive strength from the HolySpirit through prayer and the

laying on of hands by a bishop.”

More than a rite of passage, it’s

a powerful time of spiritual

development, as we claim our

faith and voice in the commu-


on Sunday afternoon

there will be opportu

ties for intergeneratio

discussion. The youth

program will begin J

ary 15 . Fr. Jon will

begin a class for adu


The youth will be using a bo

titled My Faith, My Life: A T

Guide to the Episcopal Churc

Continued on p

Our confirmation

program will begin this

month. As has been

our tradition, we will

celebrate confirmation

at Christ Church

Cathedral with the

Bishop and other

churches in our diocese on

Saturday, May 19.

This year, we will run separate

programs for youth and adult

inquirers. Both classes will meet

Planning for the New

All members are encouraged to attend

St. Martin’s annual meeting on Sunday,

Jan. 29 . The meeting gives us a chance to

review the year that has passed and make

plans for the new year.

The Rev. Jon Hall addresses the congregatioministry leaders present reports, the vestry

presents the 2012 budget and we vote for

new vestry members and diocesan delegates

We will have one combined worship service

at 9 a.m., followed by a short coffee break.

The meeting will begin in the sanctuary at

10:30. Teen-supervised child care will be


St. Martin’s Annual M

Bishop of Lui visits St. Martin’s

Bishop Stephen Dokolo visited St. Martin’s Dec. 3 aspart of his whirlwind tour of the Diocese of Missouri.

Bishop Stephen helped us officially kick-off our new

Saturday evening worship service, The 5:05.

The Diocese of Missouri and the Diocese of Lui are in

a companion relationship. St. Martin’s has raised more

than $20,000 to help build clean wells in the Diocese of

Lui in Southern Sudan, Africa. Read more about the

Bishop’s visit and see more pictures on our website at

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Announcements and Events


Staying up late onNew Year’s?

Worship early!

By The Rev. Emily

Hillquist DavisCatch the 5:05, the new, mel-

low Saturday evening service

at St. Martin’s.

Enter the New Year grounded

in prayer and self-examination

and strengthened in


Join us Saturday, Dec. 31 at

5:05 p.m. for 42 minutes tocount blessings, clarify

priorities, and align yourself

with God’s call.

Sharing memories at“Creche-fest”

Celebrate the season of

Christmas by displaying your

favorite crèche on Sunday,

Jan. 1 from 9 till 10 a.m.

“Creche-fest” will be a

show-and-tell: bring in

your personal nativity

scene and set it up on the

tables in Park Hall. You’re

encouraged to write a

little story to present

with your creche, toshare the history or special

memories of your scene.

Everyone is invited to come

and share in this holiday fel-

lowship event.

Celebrate Epiphany atTwelfth Night service

By Earl Naylor,Music Director

The twelve days of Christmaswill end on the day of

Epiphany, Friday, Jan. 6 . We

will celebrate that event with a

Eucharist at 6:30 p.m., com-

plete with the procession of

the three kings, followed by a

ceremonial burning of the

greens. This is an old custom

which comes to us from the

Celtic church tradition. We

will burn Christmas tree

branches and other greens for

a bonfire (contained within a

fire pit) celebrating the Light of

Christ coming into the world

on one of the darkest (and

often one of the coldest)

nights of the year. Plan to

attend this event, and bring abranch or two from your

Christmas greenery to add to

the blaze.

Reports due for annual meeting

By Janet Theiss,Parish Administrator

All clergy and lay ministryleaders should submit a year-

end report for this year’s

annual meeting. Please e-mail

your report to Parish Adminis-

trator Janet Theiss at

[email protected]

no later than Jan. 23 so they

can be included in the annual

report booklet.

Stay informed withSunday Adult Forums

Join us from 9 till 10 a.m. on

Sunday mornings in January for

information, discussion and

fellowship in Park Hall.

Jan. 8: Rector’s Forum

Fr. Jon Hall discusses his

vision for ministry in the new


Jan. 15 & 22: Budget Forum

St. Martin’s Vestry and Finance

Committee present the details

of the 2012 budget and open

the floor to questions and


Pray for those sufferingfrom chronic pain andillness

By The Rev. Virginia Noel

We are starting a

new prayer list

especially for

those suffering

from chronic pain or a chronic

illness. You can be a part of this

ministry by praying once a

week for parishioners on this

list. Other members of

St. Martin’s will be praying also,

but you will not be meeting asa group. You can pray while

driving to work, walking the

dog, or doing dishes. You pick

when and how you want to

pray. If you are interested,

please contact Virginia at

[email protected].

Join us forHoly Eucharistat St. Martin’s

Sundays at 8 & 10:15 a.m. Wednesdays

at NoonSaturdays

at 5:05 p.m.

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P A G E 3S T M A R T I N S C H U R C H . O R G

Reflections from the Diocesan ConventionBy The Rev. Jon Hall

The 172nd Diocesan Convention was

held Nov. 18 and 19 at Christ Church

Cathedral, which served as a wonderful

gathering for our 47 congregations.

Our Presiding Bishop, The Most Rev.

Katharine Jefferts Schori (pictured

above) met with the clergy in the nave

of the church and asked us to consider

what it means to be called God’s be-

loved. Her question helped set the tone

for the whole convention, which wasone of the best I have ever attended.

Her sermon at the Saturday morning

Eucharist was about appreciating how

God not only created us but continues

to love and form us. Therefore the

work we do as Christians comes from

God’s purpose to redeem the world

through mission work. We respond to

God’s goodness with our lives.

The Rt. Rev. George Wayne Smith, our

diocesan bishop, gave his address during

the business session on Saturday. He

primarily discussed the opportunity to

be in mission in The Diocese of Lui in

Southern Sudan as well as in our own

diocese. He pointed to the possibility

for a new mission in Old North

St. Louis and asked that a special com-

mittee be formed in 2012 to examine

this ministry.The business session of the convention

included passing the proposed balanced

budget and voting on several proposed

resolutions, including the following:

- Resolution A-172: passed.

This resolution deals with the imple-

mentation of a health plan for church lay

employees who work 1,500 hours or

more annually. This topic has been dis-cussed in at least the last two General

Conventions with representation from

the entire Episcopal Church. The plan

will go into effect Jan. 1, 2013.

- Resolution B-172: passed.

This resolution renews our companion

diocese relationship with Lui for an-

other 5 years. It was an added bonus

that The Rt. Rev. Stephen Dokolo,Bishop of Lui, and his wife Lillian were

present at the convention for that vote.

- Resolution C-172: passed.

This resolution suggested that

congregations have an HIV/AIDS

awareness Sunday.

- Resolution D-172: passed.

This resolution brought up the need for

congregations to have a letter of agree-

ment with deacons and non-stipendiarypriests who serve them.

- Resolution F-172: submitted for consid-

eration at General Convention.

This is part of a conversation that is hap-

pening within the whole Episcopal Church

to restructure staff and ministries. More

discussion will occur this summer at the

next General Convention, which meets

every 3 years.

I want to thank our three delegates

Wayne Peters, Lincoln Drake and Phyllis

Duff for exercising their voice and vote on

behalf of St. Martin’s. I also thank Larry

Cornelius for his participation and for

Rebecca Barger who served as our


Our diocesan bishop’s address and results

of the committee elections and resolu-

tions can be found at and

on our website at

Peace, Jon

Presiding Bishop Katharine shows off her

Cardinals World Champions cap, a giftfrom Trinity, St. Charles.

The Rev. Virginia Noel greets Bishop Wayne

Smith and Presiding Bishop Katharine JeffertsSchori.

See more pictures from the

Diocesan Convention

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for more pictures andour complete parish

calendar, the latest newsand schedules fromSt. Martin’s Church. Sunday, Nov. 27:

Carole Clary (AdultChristian Formation)

and Kay Fletcher (Sunday

School) kicked off theAdvent Season with a

special Grand Coffe Hour.

Saturday, Dec. 3: Deacon Susan Naylor enjoys areception with special guest Lillian Dokolo fromthe Diocese of Lui, Southern Sudan.

Sunday, Nov. 27: Michael and Andrew

share a brotherly chat on the first Sundayof Advent.

ECW newsECW announces new leadership

By Susan Gillies

St. Martin’s Episcopal Church Women

announces the following board members for

2012: Stephanie Wiles, President; Michelle

Trieschmann, Vice-President; Sandy

Baranowksi, Recording Secretary; Jennifer

Neckermann, Treasurer; Ann Kidd, Publicity;

Susan Gillies, Past President Mentor. We are

still in need of a UTO Coordinator. If

you would be able to take on this very impor-

tant service position which requires minimal

time, please contact Stephanie Wiles.

ECW meetings and dues

By Susan Gillies

The first ECW meeting of 2012 will be

Thursday, Jan.19 at 7 p.m . We generally

meet every month on the third Thursday at 7

p.m. All women are welcome to join us to

share ideas and find out what we are planning!

In addition, we welcome dues from all women

of the church to help maintain our missions

and projects throughout the year. Dues areonly $10 a year and support events such as

the Easter egg hunt, Rally Day ice cream so-

cial and carnival, Trunk or Treat, Woman of

the Year and any outreach projects we elect

during the year. Dues may be given to any

ECW board member or placed in the enve-

lope on our bulletin board.

St. Martin’s snapshots

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P A G E 5S T M A R T I N S C H U R C H . O R G

Stewardship spotlight

By Jeff Klieve,Stewardship Co-Chairman

The year-round stewardship program

of 2011 was capped by a fall campaign

centered on the “Feasting on

Gratitude” theme which invited us to

explore giving generously out of

gratitude for the abundance that God

has given to us. Our pledges of time,

talent and treasure for 2012 were

received at an in-gathering on

Nov. 13. As of December 13, 146

pledges totaling $391,191 have been

Feasting on Gratitude

By Beverly W. Kinkade

The Hospitality committee was estab-

lished in 2003 and in its eight years of

existence, has coordinated, supported

and delivered special dinners, recep-tions and a myriad of other events.

The women of this committee spend

countless hours overseeing the

resources of our kitchen as well as

selflessly volunteering their time on

our annual Trivia Night which allows

us to purchase new equipment for the

church. The enthusiasm that comes

from within this committee is spirit-

fed, and the dedication to special

events is driven by their generosity

and sense of stewardship towards the

abundant community of St. Martin’s.

One of their most heartfelt efforts is

providing refreshments for life-

changing events. Often, it is necessary

to drop everything to ensure that

these events are treated with the

dignity and care they deserve. I asked

parishioners Judy Harbaugh for her

thoughts on the Hospitality Commit-

tee’s efforts on behalf of her and her

family in their recent bereavement.

“I find it hard to express my feelings

when I think of the morning last fall

when I found my husband Don passed

away in bed. It was such a shock,” said

Judy. “But my church family was there

for me. Everyone was so caring and

kind. Leanne Lyle, chair of the hospi-tality committee, immediately called to

offer her condolences and to offer the

services of the Hospitality Committee

in providing refreshments following

the funeral. I had no idea what to tell

her or how many people we would

have, but the committee immediately

pitched in and served a lunch for way

over what we anticipated. There was

never any question about being able

to do it, and Don would have been so

proud. I am truly blessed with my

church family. This, plus my faith and

friends, has helped me through this

tragedy of the unexpected loss of my

dear husband of almost fifty years.”

Many of the women on this commit-

tee have served since its inception,

and their sense of fellowship is truly a


As we begin a new year, it is timely

and appropriate to offer praise and

give thanks to these dedicated

women who are truly, “Stewards of

God’s Bounty.”

received. Importantly, 19 new pledges

are included in that total. As a point

of reference, 145 pledges totaling

$385,076 were made for 2011.Pledges of time and talent were also

made for 2012 and they are currently

being compiled. Results will be shared

in the February newsletter.

The Stewardship Committee would

like to thank you for your offering of

praise and thanks-giving to God

through your 2012 pledge commit-

ment. If you are in a position to make

a pledge for 2012 but have not done

so, it’s not too late!

We look forward to a 2012 wherethe ministries of St. Martin’s are

carried out at an even higher level

thanks to your generous commitment

of time, talent and treasure.

Christian stewardship is the grateful and responsible use of God's gifts in the light of God's purpose as revealed in Jesus Christ.

Christian stewards, empowered by the Holy Spirit, commit themselves to conscious, purposeful decisions.

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Faith Groups begin in LentBy Bev Weaver

We are continually developing new and

different ministries at St. Martin’s. This spring,

you are invited to explore, re-discover and

expand your faith journey with ournew Lenten Faith Groups.

Bringing the people of our Church

together is the main focus of the

Faith Group concept. The groups

will study from a chosen book

along with a scripture passages and

discuss Christian values. We will

discover that talking with others

who are also trying to find God intheir daily lives helps us in our life journey.

The sharing of our faith in order to grow

more aware of God's presence and action in

our lives is essential in living as Christians in

today’s world.

Faith Groups are a practical approach to

enhance the faith and genuine love we already

experience by helping us to be who we are –

only better. The goal of these groups is tofoster a sense of belonging, listening to

others, paying attention to our own experi-

ence and priorities, and learning to pray alone

and together.

The sharing of ideas and feelings gives the par-

ticipants a stronger sense of be-

longing to the Faith Group and our

church. Hearing other experiences

in the group opens a person in new

ways that enrich our Christian be-

lief system as we attend our church

service. The scriptures begin to

strike a chord within us because

they speak to our experiences.

We will begin this Faith Group Min-

istry during the season of Lent. We have cho-

sen an excellent book and study guide to help

us introduce this new program. We will learn

how Christian hospitality begins when we

sense God's presence in the midst of very

ordinary activities. Over and over again we will

see how God works in our lives and in the

lives of others. As we become more accepting,

we are more available to life, hope and God'sgrace.

Lenten Faith Groups

Join us each Wednesdayevening during Lent for a

pot luck dinner andfaithful discussion.

Wed., Feb. 29 Wed., March 7

Wed., March 14 Wed., March 21 Wed., March 28

Come for one or

all five evenings.

A special Youth Faith Groupwill also be meetingduring these times.

Sunday school news January 1: Sunday School classes will meet

in Park Hall and share in the Crèche Festival.

Bring your favorite Nativity Set and share

your story.

January 8: Our Toddler Sunday SchoolClass begins. These classes will meet the

second and fourth Sundays of the month in

the nursery from 9:30 till 10 a.m. This is

open to all 2- and 3-year olds.

January 29: There will be no Sunday School

because of the Annual Parish Meeting. Kids

are welcome to join the teens in the youth

room for supervised fellowship.

By Kay Fletcher,Sunday School Coordinator

St. Martin’s Sunday School meets every

Sunday from 9 to 10 a.m. Faithful and fun

classes are available for children of all ages.

Please be sure to fill out a

registration form for every child so

we are informed about allergies and

emergency contact information.

Download a form from our website

under “Parish News / Schedules-


Here’s a quick look at some special

events coming up this month:

Earl Naylor directs Olivia,Abbey, Lilly, Claire, Sofie andCarson at The 5:05 Servicefor Bishop Stephen on Dec. 3.

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Youth confirmation

Continued from page 1

This curriculum balances activities in the five

attributes of a healthy Christian community:

study, fellowship, worship, prayer and service.

While giving teens a space for exploration, it’s

grounded in our Episcopal traditions. Our pro-

gram is an invitation to consider “Where is my

ministry? What does it look like? What gifts do

I have to share?” Through our classes, over-

night retreat and time spent with a mentor,each teen will discover answers to these

questions. The program is recommended for

students 8th grade and older.

For full details on the program, please visit our

website and look under the “Youth Ministries”

tab. If you would like your teen to be part of

the 2012 class, please contact Heidi by

January 8.

By Heidi Gioia,Director of Youth Ministries

A group of high school students and

adults traveled to St. John’s Episcopal

Church in Tower Grove on Dec. 3 toprepare and serve a free meal to the


We had a good time creatively

turning the pantry supplies in to a

Resolve to get involved: be a part of Peace Meal in 201delicious dinner for about 60 people.

Before serving, we gathered in prayer

to ask God to help us be “the hands

and feet of Christ.” The time spent in

service to others brought us closer

together and gave us a chance to

meet parishioners from St. John’s. The

kids reflected

on the diversity

of the people

who came in

for a hot meal

and a little con-

versation:young men,

families with

children, people

with disabilities, elderly couples and

neighbors gathered together.

Upcoming YouthEvents:

January 8, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.Sunday Evening Gathering

January 22. Noon - 3 p.m.Ice Skating at SteinbergOutdoor Rink in Forest Park

February 5, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.Sunday Evening Gathering

For more details on these eventsand all youth group news, pleasevisit our youthministries page onour website

Planning for summer

Camp Phoenix: July 29 - Aug. 4

Youth ages 8 to 15 are invited to a week of

traditional summer camp fun with an Episcopal

flare. Camp Phoenix is located on 240 wooded

acres near Nashville, IL. Campers swim, ride

horses, hike, canoe, and participate in crafts,

archery, and an outdoor adventure course. Each

day includes a joyful spiritual connection to our

Episcopal faith. Learn more at

Mini-Mission Trip: June 29 - July 1

St. Martin’s Youth Group will be traveling to

Shannondale Community Center for a weekend

immersion in what it means to be missional.

This will be our second year working with the

retreat center in southern Missouri.

Resolve to be a part of this weekly

food ministry in 2012!

St. Martin’s will cook and serve the

Peace Meal on the following dates:February 11

April 21

July 7

September 1

December 1

If you’d like to join a work group at

St. John’s, please contact coordinator

Wayne Peters.

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Preparing for end-of-life issuesBy Beverly Kinkade

“I had no idea there would be so much to do!”

“I thought we were really prepared, but we weren’t!” “I know we need to do this, but keep putting it off.”

“I’m too young to worry about this.”

These were some of the comments that surfaced

at the Legacy Committee booth during the Minis-

try Fair this summer. We also heard from

St. Martin’s member Jane Oliver, whose husband

Ken recently passed away. Jane is committed to

helping others prepare for end-of-life issues. Rec-

ognizing the need in our parish, we are planning a

series of workshops entitled:

Stewardship of Our Legacy:

A Practical Guide toPlanning and Preparing for

End-of-Life Issues .

Through a series of interactive sessions, financial

planner, attorney and Master of Divinity Chris

Durr will help us address some of the key aspects

of proper planning to ensure that we adequately

address end-of-life decisions. A failure to plan

risks the very real possibility that our wishes will

not be honored. Further unnec-

essary pain and strain could be

placed on those we hold dear.

The Legacy Committee, along

with Chris as facilitator, seeks to

glorify God and act as responsi-

ble stewards in these matters.

We recognize that this is a sig-

nificant commitment of time, but

parishioners and friends should

come away empowered with the tools to com-

plete the necessary tasks to leave a less stressful

and more enriched final legacy.

A sign-up sheet will be provided in Park Hall thismonth for those planning to attend. Child care

will be provided if needed. Please make every

effort to place these dates on your calenders!

For more information on Chris Durr and the

session details, please visit

“May the God of peace… make you complete ineverything good so that you may do his will.”

Hebrews 20:21

Stewardship of

our Legacy:A Practical Guide to

Planning andPreparing for

End of Life Issues

Sunday, Feb. 5:9 - 10 a.m.

Sunday, Feb. 12:6 - 7:15 p.m.

Sunday, Feb. 26:6 - 7:15 p.m.

Sunday, March 4:6 - 7:15 p.m.

Financial Planner Chris Durr willlead a legacyplanning program

at St. Martin’s

Serving St. Martin’s as a vestry memSt. Martin’s would like to thank members

Sherrie Algren, Debbie Marx, Mary

Drastal and Carrie Morrison for three

years of faithful service as Vestry members

in our parish.

And now it’s time for new leadership to step

forward. We will elect four new members to

be a part of our 12-person vestry at our

Annual Meeting Jan. 29.

Vestry members help discern, establish,

implement and evaluate policies and proce-

dures for St. Martin’s. The Vestry meets

once each month and each member is assigned

responsibilities for various ministries within

our parish. Members serve three-year terms

and are elected on a rotating basis.

To serve on the vestry you must be confirmed

or received in the Episcopal Church, attend

worship regularly and be an active participant

in the life of our parish.

If you or someone you know would like to be

considered for a vestry position, please contact

Sherrie Algren at [email protected].

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Milestones at St. Martin’s January Birthdays

Jan. 1 - Vic Phillips, Jr.- Sandy Baranowski

Jan. 2 - Kaine Cogan

Jan. 4 - Linda Huheey- Letty Cash- Danny Garbo

Jan. 6 - Grace Gerretsen Jan. 7 - Ann Gamlin

- Debbie Marx Jan. 9 - Kurt Greenbaum

- Laura Meyer- James Valere

Jan. 10 - Ann Harbert- Lori Newcomer

Did we miss

your birthday?

Send importantdates andannouncements to

[email protected]

By Ruby Downs

Book Club is having a "Hemingway

and Friends" winter featuring the fol-

lowing selections:

January 24 - The Paris Wife: A

Novel by Paula McLain

February 28 - A Moveable Feast by

Ernest Hemingway

March 27 - The Autobiography of

Alice B. Toklas by Gertrude Stein

April 24 - The Sun Also Rises by

Ernest Hemingway.

Plan on attending the January 24 dis-

cussion of The Paris Wife: A

Novel from 7 till 8:30 p.m. in

Packwood Library. Newcomers are

always welcome.

January 24 - The Paris Wife: A

Novel by Paula McLain

(Review from Booklist)

History is sadly neglect-

ful of the supporting

players in the lives of

great artists. Fortu-nately, fiction provides

ample opportunity to

bring these often fasci-

nating personalities out

into the limelight. Paula

McLain brings Hadley

Richardson Hemingway

out from the formidable shadow cast

by her famous husband. Though

doomed, the Hemingway marriage had

its giddy high points, including a whirl-

wind courtship and a few fast and furi-

ous years of the expatriate lifestyle in

1920s Paris. Hadley and Ernest traveled

in heady company during this gin-

soaked and jazz-infused time, and read-

ers are treated to intimate glimpses of

Book Club features “Hemingway and Friends”

Jan. 11 - Kathleen Beardsell- Sarah Clince- Olivia Clark

Jan. 12 - The Rev. Jon Hall- Janet Peters

- Andrew Gillies Jan. 13 - Steven Lockhart Jan. 14 - Diandra Maguire

- Paige Wilkins Jan. 15 - Mary Marx

- Mary Jane Drake- Ellen Calhoun- Carter Frerichs

Jan. 16 - Mary Pomeroy- Cody Frerichs

Jan. 17 - Kathy Erhardt

Jan. 18 - Janis Greenbaum- Kevin Quinn

Jan. 19 - Ruby Downs Jan. 20 - Nancy Young

- Chris Vogt

- Anna Willis Jan. 21 - Jack Hanley Jan. 22 - Hazel Blindauer

- Jack Hauser- Rachel Hiatt

Jan. 23 - Steve Biederman- Terri Garbo- Sarah Underwood

Jan. 24 - Devon Buchman Jan. 25 - Etta Peters

- Linda Biederman

many of the literary giants of the era,

including Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound,

James Joyce, and F. Scott

Fitzgerald. But the real

star of the story is Had-

ley, as this time around,

Ernest is firmly relegated

to the background as he

almost never was during

their years together.

Though eventually a

woman scorned, Hadley

is able to acknowledge

without rancor or bitter-

ness that "Hem had helped me to see

what I really was and what I could

do." Much more than a woman-behind-the-man homage, this beauti-

fully crafted tale is an unsentimental

tribute to a woman who acted with

grace and strength as her marriage


--Margaret Flanagan

- Jeff Nordeen- Heather Bostic- Parker Dieck

Jan. 27 - Gigi Esser- Kathryn Johnson

Jan. 28 - Judi Batch Jan. 29 - Alice McLaughlin

- David Bettlach- Rich Naber

Jan. 30 - Tyann Bettlach- Larry Cornelius- Paul Johnson- Ashley DuPont

Jan. 31 - George Rauh

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Lay Ministries Schedule for January JANUARY 1

8 a.m.Greeter: Elin Cogan-AdewunmiLessons & Prayer: Bob ElspermanChalice Bearer: Darcy Elsperman

Ushers : Bette & Jim Crabtree10:15 a.m.Greeters: Nancy & Steve Young 1st Lesson : Rina Chittooran2nd Lesson : Janis GreenbaumPrayer Leader : Kurt GreenbaumChalice Bearers : Janis & Kurt Greenbaum Ushers : Mark Edwards, Lana & Joe Biondo,

Bob PomeroyAcolytes: Matthew GreenbaumChildren’s Worship Leader : (no class today)Nursery : Jody Mena, Chen Nelson


8 a.m.Lessons, Prayer & Chalice Bearer: Daryl NormanUshers : Honor & Rich Hebenstreit

10:15 a.m.Greeters : Carole Gerretsen 1st Lesson : Doug Edmonson2nd Lesson : Ray HarbertPrayer Leader : Mary Edmonson

Chalice Bearers : Mary Edmonson & Ray Harbert Ushers : Linda & Bob Huheey, Barbara Bartelsmeyer,Tom Baranowski

Healing Ministers : Leanne Lyle, Judi BatchEucharistic Visitors: Rebecca Barger, Diana HauserAcolytes : Evan Fencl, Grace Gerretsen, Lindsey PetersChildren’s Worship Leader : Julie Clark Nursery : Jody Mena, Chen Nelson


8 a.m.

Greeter: Elin Cogan-AdewunmiLessons & Prayer: Jeanne King Chalice Bearer: Lou Voit, Sr.Ushers: Ginny & Bob Marchetto

10:15 a.m.Greeters: Tim & Renee Jerry1st Lesson: John Lange2nd Lesson: Jack HauserPrayer Leader: Ralph TrieschmannChalice Bearers: John Lange, Jack Hauser

Jan. 15, continued

Ushers: Jean DuPont, Steve Young, Rich Brown,Bob McElroy

Healing Ministers: Mary Pomeroy, Diana HauserEucharistic Visitors: Nancy Young, Beverly DuPont

Acolytes: Mackenzie Morrison, Walker Trieschmann,Abby TrieschmannChildren’s Worship Leader: Kathy WillisNursery: Jody Mena, Chen Nelson


8 a.m. Lesson & Prayer and Chalice: Jim Crabtree Ushers: Jan & Bob Waters

10:15 a.m.

Greeters: Mopsi & Jack Hanley

1st Lesson : Maxine Heller2nd Lesson : Jane KlievePrayer Leader : Jeff KlieveChalice Bearers : Jane & Jeff Klieve Ushers : Mary Jane Drake, Steve Gillies, Sarah Aleman,

Rich EidsonHealing Ministers: Barbara McCann, Leanne LyleEucharistic Visitors: Ray Harbert,

Jennifer NeckermannAcolytes: Lindsey Peters, Shannon Gould, Ellie EckerChildren’s Worship Leader : Terri Garbo

Nursery : Jody Mena, Chen Nelson JANUARY 29

8 a.m.Greeter: Elin Cogan-AdewunmiLessons & Prayer and Chalice: Loretta Go Ushers : Bette & Jim Crabtree

10:15 a.m.Greeters: Ashleigh & Mike Kellogg 1st Lesson : Theresa Luebcke2nd Lesson : Rich Luebcke

Prayer Leader : Tom AllenChalice Bearers : Rich Luebcke, Tom Allen Ushers : Larry Cornelius, Jeff Nordeen, Wayne Peters,

Chuck BatchHealing Ministers: Judi Batch, Mary PomeroyAcolytes: Abby Trieschman, Ellie Ecker,

Grace GerretsenChildren’s Worship Leader : Terri GarboNursery : Jody Mena, Chen Nelson

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S T M A R T I N S C H U R C H . O R G P A G E 1 1

S u n


o n

T u e

W e d

T h u

F r i

S a t

1 8 a m - H o l y E u c h a r i s t

1 0 : 1 5 a m - H o l y E u c h a r i s t

2 O f f i c e C l o s e d

1 0 : 3 0 a m - B i b l e S t u d y

7 p m - O u t r e a c h C o m m i t t e e


4 N o o n - H o l y E u c h a r i s t

1 : 3 0 p m - S t a f f M e e t i n g

5 6 : 3 0 a m - M e n ’ s B i b l e S t u d y

9 : 3 0 a m - T h u r s d a y s w i t h E C W

1 0 a m - B e g i n n e r s ’ B

i b l e S t u d y

6 O f f i c e C l o s e d

E p i p h a n y

6 : 3 0 p m - 1 2 t h N i g h t

W o r s h i p S e r v i c e

7 5 : 0 5 p m - T h e 5 : 0 5 W o r s h i p

S e r v i c e

8 F o o d

P a n t r y

S u n

d a y

8 a m - H o l y E u c h a r i s t

9 a m - C h r i s t i a n F o r m a t i o n

1 0 : 1 5 a m - H o l y E u c h a r i s t

1 1 : 3 0 a m - U s h e r T r a i n i n g

5 : 3 0 p m - Y o u t h G r o u p

9 1 0 : 3 0 a m - B i b l e S t u d y

1 : 1 5 p m - S t a f f M e e t i n g

1 0

7 : 1 5 p m - L e g a c y C m t e .

1 1

1 0 : 3 0 a m - M a r y & M a r t h a

N o o n - H o l y E u c h a r i s t

6 : 3 0 p m - H a n d b e l l C h o i r

7 p m - S t e w a r d s h i p C m t e .

1 2

6 : 3 0 a m - M e n ’ s

B i b l e S t u d y

9 : 3 0 a m - T h u r s d a y s w i t h E C W

1 0 a m - B e g i n n e r s ’ B i b l e S t u d y

3 p m - R e d C r o s s B l o o d D r i v e

7 p m - C h o i r

1 3

O f f i c e C l o s e d


4 9 a m - M e n ’ s G r o u p

B r e a k f a s t

5 : 0 5 p m - T h e 5 : 0 5 W o r s h i p

S e r v i c e

1 5

P D F S u n

d a y

8 a m - H o l y E u c h a r i s t

9 a m - C h r i s t i a n F o r m a t i o n

1 0 : 1 5 a m - H o l y E u c h a r i s t

1 1 : 3 0 a m - R e a d e r s

& C h a l i c e

B e a r e r s T r a i n i n g

4 p m - Y o u t h C o n f i r m a t i o n

1 6

1 0 : 3 0 a m - B i b l e S t u d y

1 : 1 5 p m - S

t a f f M e e t i n g

1 7

1 0 a m - W o m e n ’ s B i b l e

S t u d y

7 p m - H o s p i t a l i t y C m t e .

1 8

N o o n - H o l y E u c h a r i s t

1 9

6 : 3 0 a m - M e n ’ s B i b l e

9 : 3 0 a m - T h u r s d a y s w i t h E C W

1 0 a m - B e g i n n e r s ’ B i b l e S t u d y

5 p m - E x e c u t i v e C o m m i t t e e

6 p m - E v a n g e l i s m C o m m i t t e e

7 p m - C h o i r

7 p m - E C W M e e t i n g

7 p m - F a c i l i t i e s M e e t i n g

2 0

O f f i c e C l o s e d


1 1 0 a m - C o m m i s s i o n o n

M i n i s t r y

5 : 0 5 p m - T h e 5 : 0 5 W o r s h i p

S e r v i c e

2 2

8 a m - H o l y E u c h a r i s t

9 a m - C h r i s t i a n F o r m a t i o n

1 0 : 1 5 a m - H o l y E u c h a r i s t

1 1 : 3 0 a m - W o r s h i p C m t e .

N o o n - F a m i l y S k a t i n g

2 3

1 0 : 3 0 a m - B i b l e S t u d y

1 : 1 5 p m - S t a f f M e e t i n g

6 p m - V e s t r y M e e t i n g

2 4

1 0 a m - W o m e n ’ s B i b l e

S t u d y

7 p m - B o o k C l u b

7 p m - E C W B u n c o N i g h t

2 5

N o o n - H o l y E u c h a r i s t

6 : 3 0 p m - H a n d b e l l C h o i r

2 6

6 : 3 0 a m - M e n ’ s B i b l e S t u d y

9 : 3 0 a m - T h u r s d a y s w i t h E C W

1 0 a m - B e g i n n e r s ’ B i b l e S t u d y

1 1 : 3 0 a m - L u n c h

B u n c h

7 p m - C h o i r

2 7

O f f i c e C l o s e d


8 5 : 0 5 p m - T h e 5 : 0 5 W o r s h i p

S e r v i c e

2 9

9 a m - H o l y

E u c h a r i s t

1 0 : 3 0 a m - A n n u a l M e e t i n g

4 p m - Y o u t h

C o n f i r m a t i o n

3 0

1 0 : 3 0 a m - B i b l e S t u d y

1 : 1 5 p m - S

t a f f M e e t i n g

3 1

1 0 a m - W o m e n ’ s B

i b l e

S t u d y

7 : 1 5 p m - L e g a c y

C m

t e .

F e b .

N e w s l e

t t e r

D e a

d l i n e :

S u n

d a y ,

J a n .

1 5

S e n d a l l a n n o u n c e m e n t s ,

a r t i c l e s a n d p i c t u r e s t o

j g r e e n b a u m


s t m a r t i n s c h u r c h . o r g

J a n u

a r y

2 0 1 2

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15764 Clayton RoadEllisville, MO 63011-2330RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

Phone: 636-227-1484E-mail: [email protected]

St. Martin’s Episcopal Church



8 a.m. - Holy Eucharist I

9 a.m. - Christian Formation

10:15 a.m. - Holy Eucharist II


Noon - Holy Eucharist II


5:05 p.m. - Holy Eucharist





By D’Arcy Elsperman

St. Martin’s will be hosting a blood drive

Thursday, Jan. 12 from 3 till 7 p.m.Please consider donating blood to give the

“Gift of Life” to those who need it.

Volunteers to assist the American Red

Cross are also needed.

For this to be a suc-

cessful drive we need

many donors. Please

share this information

with friends and family

members. St. Martin’s

would like to share the gift of life with as

many people as possible.

How to sign-up:

1. Online: Go to the Red Cross web site: and use the sponsor

code “stmartins.”

2. In Park Hall: Find the sign-up sheet in

our parish hall the next time you’re at the


3. Contact D’Arcy Elsperman: e-mail

D’Arcy at [email protected] or call her at


Donation times are at 15 minute intervals

beginning at 3 p.m. and ending at 6:45 p.m.

Tips / rules for donating:

1. Anyone 17 and older can donate.

2. Medications do not prevent people

from donating.

3. One-year cancer survivors as well as

diabetics and people with high blood pres-

sure are eligible.

4. Discontinue drinking tea 3 or 4 days

ahead of donating as the tannins in it can

block absorption of iron.

Share the gift of life: blood drive Jan. 125. Drink lots of water.

6. Be sure to eat at regular meal time and

drink plenty of fluids before donating.

Blood facts:

1. On any given day, an average of 38,000

units of red blood cells are needed for

hospital patients in the United States.

2. One in 10 people entering a hospital

needs blood.

3. In the United States, someone needs a

blood transfusion about every twoseconds.

4. There is no substitute for human blood.

It cannot be manufactured.

For more information:

Contact D’Arcy Elsperman at

[email protected] or 314-878-9248.